
真下 陽一

マシモ ヨウイチ  (Yoichi Mashimo)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院公衆衛生学 技術専門職員





  • Haruhiko Nakamura, Atsuo Kikuchi, Hideyuki Sakai, Miki Kamimura, Yohei Watanabe, Ryoichi Onuma, Jun Takayama, Gen Tamiya, Yoichi Mashimo, Ryota Ebata, Hiromichi Hamada, Tomohiro Suenaga, Yoshihiro Onouchi, Satoru Kumaki
    Frontiers in pediatrics 12 1340263-1340263 2024年  
    BACKGROUND: Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and cervical adenitis (PFAPA syndrome), and Kawasaki disease (KD) are both considered to be disorders of the innate immune system, and the potential role of inflammasome activation in the immunopathogenesis of both diseases has been previously described. CASE PRESENTATION: Herein, we report the clinical courses of three patients who presented a rare combination of PFAPA syndrome and KD. Two patients who presented KD later developed the PFAPA syndrome, of whom one developed recurrent KD 2 years after the initial diagnosis. The third patient developed KD one year after the onset of PFAPA syndrome. The presence of both of these conditions within individual patients, combined with the knowledge that inflammasome activation is involved in both PFAPA syndrome and KD, suggests a shared background of inflammatory dysregulation. To elucidate the mechanism underlying shared inflammatory dysregulation, we investigated the roles of Nod-like receptors (NLRs) and their downstream inflammasome-related genes. All the patients had a frameshift variant in CARD8 (CARD8-FS). A previous study demonstrated a higher frequency of CARD8-FS, whose product loses CARD8 activity and activates the NLRP3 inflammasome, in patients with the PFAPA syndrome. Additionally, the NLRP3 inflammasome is known to be activated in patients with KD. Together, these results suggest that the CARD8-FS variant may also be essential in KD pathogenesis. As such, we analyzed the CARD8 variants among patients with KD. However, we found no difference in the variant frequency between patients with KD and the general Japanese population. CONCLUSIONS: We report the clinical courses of three patients with a rare combination of PFAPA syndrome and KD. All the patients had the CARD8-FS variant. However, we could not find a difference in the variant frequency between patients with KD and the general Japanese population. As the frequency of KD is much higher than that of PFAPA among Japanese patients, and the cause of KD is multifactorial, it is possible that only a small portion of patients with KD harbor CARD8-FS as a causative gene.
  • Ryosuke Nakamura, Noriaki Arakawa, Yoichi Tanaka, Nahoko Uchiyama, Akihiro Sekine, Yoichi Mashimo, Keiji Tsuji, Tatehiro Kagawa, Ken Sato, Masaaki Watanabe, Mitsuhiko Aiso, Yoichi Hiasa, Yoshiyuki Takei, Hiromasa Ohira, Minoru Ayada, Eri Tsukagoshi, Keiko Maekawa, Masahiro Tohkin, Yoshiro Saito, Hajime Takikawa
    Hepatology Research 53(5) 440-449 2022年12月30日  
    Abstract Aim Drug‐induced liver injury (DILI) is a severe and life‐threatening immune‐mediated adverse effect, occurring rarely among treated patients. We examined genomic biomarkers in the Japanese population that predict the onset of DILI after using a certain class of drugs, such as Kampo products (Japanese traditional medicines). Methods A total of 287 patients diagnosed as DILI by hepatology specialists were recruited after written informed consent was obtained. A genome‐wide association analysis and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing in four digits were performed. Results We found a significant association (p = 9.41 × 10−10) of rs146644517 (G > A) with Kampo product–related DILI. As this polymorphism is located in the HLA region, we evaluated the association of HLA types and found that 12 (63.2%) of 19 Kampo‐DILI patients contained HLA‐B*35:01, whereas only 15.2% were positive for this HLA among healthy volunteers. The odds ratio was 9.56 (95% confidence interval 3.75–24.46; p = 2.98 × 10−6, corrected p = 4.17 × 10−5), and it increased to 13.55 compared with the DILI patients not exposed to Kampo products. The individual crude drug components in the Kampo products, including Scutellaria root (ougon in Japanese), rhubarb (daiou), Gardenia fruit (sanshishi), and Glycyrrhiza (kanzou), were significantly associated with HLA‐B*35:01. Conclusions HLA‐B*35:01 is a genetic risk factor and a potential predictive biomarker for Kampo‐induced DILI in the Japanese population.
  • Yoichi Mashimo, Keiko Yamazaki, Takahiro Kageyama, Shigeru Tanaka, Toshibumi Taniguchi, Kazuyuki Matsushita, Hidetoshi Igari, Hideki Hanaoka, Koutaro Yokote, Hiroshi Nakajima, Yoshihiro Onouchi
    The Journal of infection 85(6) 702-769 2022年11月2日  
  • Chang-Keun Kim, Dong Yoon Kang, Zak Callaway, Kyoung Soo Kim, Eun Mi Kwon, Fumiya Yamaide, Taiji Nakano, Yoichi Suzuki, Yoichi Mashimo, Akira Hata, Yoshitaka Okamoto, Naoki Shimojo
    Asia Pacific allergy 12(3) e25 2022年7月  
    Background: Eosinophils are major effector cells of allergic disease and excellent markers of eosinophilic inflammation. Accurate and reliable biomarkers are helpful in the diagnosis, treatment, and control of allergic disease. Objective: This study aimed to investigate an alternate marker of eosinophilic inflammation, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), in a number of allergic diseases. Methods: Three hundred ninety-six elementary school-age children with various allergic conditions were recruited for this study. Subgroups included food allergies (FAs), atopic dermatitis (AD), bronchial asthma (BA), and allergic rhinitis (AR). EDN levels in these groups were compared to those in 93 healthy controls (HC). Results: All subjects with allergic disease had elevated levels of serum EDN (median [interquartile range]: FA, 124.2 ng/mL [59.13-160.5 ng/mL]; AD, 110.8 ng/mL [57.52-167.9 ng/mL]; BA, 131.5 ng/mL [60.60-171.0 ng/mL]; AR, 91.32 ng/mL [46.16-145.0 ng/mL]) compared to HC (38.38 ng/mL [32.40-55.62 ng/mL]) (p < 0.0001). These elevated levels were consistent throughout the age range (6-12 years) of the healthy study subjects (p = 0.0679). EDN levels also correlated well with total immunoglobulin E (Rs = 0.5599, p < 0.0001). Looking at all individuals with an allergic disease, the area under the curve was 0.790. Conclusions: Direct measures of eosinophilic inflammation are needed for accurate diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of allergic diseases. EDN may be a worthy biomarker of eosinophil activity and a useful screening tool for allergic diseases including FA, AD, BA, and AR.
  • Hiroyuki Kondo, Takahiro Kageyama, Shigeru Tanaka, Kunihiro Otsuka, Shin-Ichi Tsukumo, Yoichi Mashimo, Yoshihiro Onouchi, Hiroshi Nakajima, Koji Yasutomo
    Frontiers in immunology 13 836923-836923 2022年  
    BNT162b2, a nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein (S), provides approximately 95% efficacy for preventing COVID-19. However, it remains unclear how effectively memory CD8+ T cells are generated and which genetic and environmental factors affect the generation and function of memory CD8+ T cells elicited by this vaccine. Here, we investigated the frequency and functions of memory CD8+ T cells 3 weeks after the second vaccination in the Japanese population. Using a peptide-MHC pentamer, we detected an increased number of memory CD8+ T cells together with increased serum anti-S protein antibody in females compared with that in males, but the frequency of pentamer-positive cells was not positively correlated with antibody titers. Memory precursor effector cells (KLRG1-CD127+) among both CD8+ cells and pentamer+ cells and effector cells (CD38-HLA-DR+) among pentamer+ cells were more abundant in females than in males. Upon S protein-mediated stimulation of T cells, the intensity of CD107a and granzyme B expression was increased in females compared with that in males, indicating stronger memory CD8+ T cell responses in females than in males. Our studies showed that the BNT162b2 vaccine elicits increased memory CD8+ T cell proliferation and secondary CTL responses in females compared with those in males in the Japanese population. These findings provide an important basis for the distinct sex difference in cellular immune responses to mRNA vaccination and suggest that memory precursor effector cells can be one of markers to evaluate and boost cellular immunity induced by BNT162b2.


  • 清水規宏, 尾内善広, 真下陽一, 横内裕敬, 馬場隆之
    日本眼科学会雑誌 127 2023年  
  • 中村亮介, 荒川憲昭, 田中庸一, 内山奈穂子, 関根章博, 真下陽一, 辻恵二, 加川建弘, 佐藤賢, 渡邊真彰, 相磯光彦, 日浅陽一, 竹井謙之, 大平弘正, 綾田穣, 塚越絵里, 前川京子, 頭金正博, 斎藤嘉朗, 滝川一
    アレルギー 72(6/7) 2023年  
  • 尾内善広, 真下陽一, 濱田洋通
    日本川崎病学会学術集会抄録集 40th 2020年  
  • 真下陽一, 竹村亮, 石和田稔彦, 竹内典子, 羽田明, 関根章博
    日本小児科学会雑誌 122(2) 223-223 2018年  
  • 関根章博, 光永敏哉, 真下陽一
    医学のあゆみ 266(4) 298-303 2018年  
    サンガ法はポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(PCR)とdye terminator反応を組み合わせた、ゲノムや遺伝子の部分塩基配列を決定する技術で、多くの研究者に利用されている。一方、遺伝子診断は保険診療内では確定診断のみに活用でき、その中心技術は現在では次世代シーケンサー(NGS)になったが、重要なvariantの再現や精度管理にサンガ法が利用される。多くの研究者が周知・熟知している技術であるが、医療現場でまれに生じる誤りに気づかない場面に出くわすことがあり、執筆に至った。サンガ法は原則を守るかぎりシーケンスエラーを起こす可能性はきわめて低い安定した技術である。誤りを生じさせる問題はおもに3つで、第1はプライマー上のvariant、第2が相同性領域の存在、第3はDNAの品質、他に、構造多型や新規配列の影響をまれに受けることがある。ヒトゲノムは2対からなるdiploidであるが、variantの問題はヘテロ接合性消失に関わり、相同領域の存在は2領域以上の増幅の原因で、いずれも一見するとdye terminator反応後に塩基配列決定ができたようにみえるため、確認が不十分だと判定ミスを招く。ほとんどのexon領域は研究の豊富さからvariant情報も充実し、比較的配列はユニークで、構造多型上に存在する可能性も低いため、注意すべき一部のexonを除き、シーケンスエラーは生じにくい。ただ、今後展開される可能性として、exon上の原因座位から同遺伝子全域へのvariant検索の拡大、研究の進捗に伴いexon外に及ぶ場合、投薬前診断、家系集積性のある未発症の子孫の発症前診断(確定診断のような病状(表現型)での判定を参考にできない)などではその精度維持はとても重要になる。また、サンガ法でエラーを生じさせる可能性のある領域はNGSでも類似した過ちを生じさせるので、注意したい。本稿は、熟知される研究者には不要であるが、ご存知ない方は周知してほしい。(著者抄録)



