
樋口 孝之

ヒグチ タカユキ  (Takayuki Higuchi)


千葉大学 デザイン・リサーチ・インスティテュート 教授
博士(学術)(2004年3月 千葉大学)





  • YANG Jinrong, HIGUCHI Takayuki
    Journal of the Science of Design 3(1) 1_1-1_10 2019年  
    In order to assist designers and managers in improving the aesthetic experience of cultural packaging, this study investigated the cultural Chinese liquor packaging (CCLP) from the perspective of cultural spatial levels. Using a questionnaire survey, it firstly investigated whether customer's aesthetic experience varied with outer and inner levels of cultural elements within CCLP. Additionally, it explored the interactions between cultural elements, design elements, and aesthetic experience within CCLP when it is equipped with two levels of cultural elements. The results showed that: (1) there was no significant difference between different levels of cultural elements in generating aesthetic experiences in CCLP, which indicated a certain spatial level of cultural elements do not have an inherent superiority in staging aesthetic experiences. And (2) according to the correspondence of design element's performance and evoked aesthetic experience, this study classified CCLP's design elements based on Kano's model. This classification can provide important reference for designers, as it implies multiple design elements' different priorities when staging aesthetic experience and guides designer's efforts, facilitates design work efficiency, and encourages effectiveness.
  • YANG Jinrong, HIGUCHI Takayuki
    Journal of the Science of Design 1(2) 51‐60 2017年11月30日  
  • INNELLA Giovanni, RODGERS Paul A, HIGUCHI Takayuki, MUXEL Andreas, PASKEVICIUS Algirdas
    デザイン学研究 (238) 21‐28 2016年11月30日  
  • INNELLA Giovanni, A. RODGERS Paul, HIGUCHI Takayuki, Muxel Andreas, PASKEVICIUS Algirdas
    デザイン学研究 63(4) 4_21-4_28 2016年  
    This paper chronicles and reflects upon the experiences gathered from a design workshop conducted at Chiba University, with students from Chiba University, Köln International School of Design and with the support of Fujitsu. During the workshop, participants were invited to continuously build and prototype their ideas, rather than following the conventional design process of idea generation, visualization and, only at a later stage, prototyping. Such a hands-on approach proved beneficial in the communication among participants as well as in simplifying the design process. In fact, by working on quick and approximate prototypes, participants could more easily express their ideas overcoming language barriers and visual representation skills. Furthermore, physical prototypes helped participants to identify the key aspects of their proposals and focus on those. Finally, those prototypes also served as useful props to enact the experience of using the proposed artefacts and services.
  • 樋口 孝之
    デザイン学研究 62(6) 6_69-6_78 2016年  


  • 尚 万里, 樋口 孝之
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 64 2017年  
  • HIGUCHI Takayuki
    on-line journal in Import/Export:Postwar Design and Industry in East Asia・M+Matters 2014年  招待有り
  • Silvia Ferraris, Sara Colombo, Sara Bergamaschi, Takayuki Higuchi, Kei Tomioka
    Proceedings of 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 1564-1572 2014年  査読有り
  • 畠山 真紀, アントニオ ロドリゲス, 樋口 孝之, 渡邉 誠
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 61 2014年  
    千葉大学では海外の大学とデザインに関するワークショップを行っている。本稿ではポルトガルのInstitute of Art, Design and Enterprise - Universityのロドリゲス教授指導の下行ったスケッチのワークショップの取組みについて記した。ワークショップではスケッチをしながら発想・展開するという方法を用いて行った。また、アイデアを考える際に様々な切り口から問題に取り組むということに重きをおいていた。この手法は各2時間の8フェーズに分けられており、フェーズごとにキーワードが与えられ、それに沿ってスケッチでアイデア展開を行った。この際、次のフェーズのキーワードは次のフェーズが始まるまで知らされない。ワークショップはこの手法に従って行われた。スケッチ対象はガーデンライトで、素材はラタンと鉄が指定された。日本人学生6人とポルトガル人学生12人で各国の学生が混ざるよう5グループに分け、五日間かけて行われた。基本的に作業は個人で行い、グループの中では意見交換を行った。<br>
  • GUO Quansheng, 植田憲, 宮崎清, 樋口孝之
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 55th(55) 244-245 2008年6月20日  
    Tang Tri-color is tri-colored glazed pottery which has been inherited as the traditional handicrafts in Luoyang. Through a field survey on the traditional Tang Tri-color industries, literature investigation and interview to the tradesmen and the handicraftsmen, the following points come to light in this study: 1) It is an undoubted fact that Luoyang is the birthplace of Tang Tri-color industry; 2) The actual conditions of Tang Tri-color industry is that both the modern technological processes and the traditional craft are being in use and adbanced at present; 3) To develop Tang Tri-color industry for daily life of the common as life culture is the the orientation of Tang Tri-color's future development.
  • 王 海冬, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清, 樋口 孝之
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 55 126-126 2008年6月20日  
  • 羅 彩雲, 楊 静, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清, 樋口 孝之
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 55 75-75 2008年6月20日  
  • 肖 穎麗, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清, 樋口 孝之
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 55 97-97 2008年6月20日  
  • 肖 穎麗, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清, 樋口 孝之
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (55) 192-193 2008年6月20日  
    As a result of this study, three points related to the issues for the institution-building of intellectual property come to light: (1) The craftsmen don't possess any concept of intellectual property right; (2) Besides, to plagiarize the works of other craftsman was tabooed. Namely, the theft of other craftsman's design has originally never happened in the world of craftsman, which is the craftsman's culture; (3) Though the consciousness of design rights is not strong enough among the craftsman, protection for design rights has been formed as traditional mores in the sincere work of making things. In sum total, not only the economic value of making things is being pursued, but also the potential value of culture is being thoroughly reconfirmed and understood in a new light in today's China.
  • 王 海冬, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清, 樋口 孝之
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (55) 240-241 2008年6月20日  
    Oropen peoples create lots of uses and forms with Birch-bark products, and express their spirits by Birch-bark products decoration patterns. According to collection, investigation, classification and discussion with samples of household Birch-bark products used in Da/Xiao Xing An Ling area for a long period, it shows religion, aesthetic taste, and life concept are three main factors to form Birch-bark products decoration patterns. These three factors have strong relationships with each other, and Birch-bark products decoration patterns are formed by these composite relationships. This article reveals some characteristics of Birch-bark products'design, based on the concepts given above.
  • 郭 全生, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清, 樋口 孝之
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (55) 244-245 2008年6月20日  
    Tang Tri-color is tri-colored glazed pottery which has been inherited as the traditional handicrafts in Luoyang. Through a field survey on the traditional Tang Tri-color industries, literature investigation and interview to the tradesmen and the handicraftsmen, the following points come to light in this study: 1) It is an undoubted fact that Luoyang is the birthplace of Tang Tri-color industry; 2) The actual conditions of Tang Tri-color industry is that both the modern technological processes and the traditional craft are being in use and adbanced at present; 3) To develop Tang Tri-color industry for daily life of the common as life culture is the the orientation of Tang Tri-color's future development.
  • 樋口 孝之
    Proceedings of 6th International Conference of Design history and Design Studies 48-51 2008年  査読有り
  • 羅 彩雲, 楊 静, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清, 樋口 孝之
    デザイン学研究、第55回研究発表大会概要集, 2008 55 150-151 2008年  
    This research is based primarily on an interview with a craftsmen and users of traditional "red-painted wooden bed" special to central Taiwan. Furthermore, this research utilizes other historical documentation along with craftsman and user's interview to add to the historical data of traditional furniture. The completed research is as follows. (1) The craftsmen's idiom of red-painted wooden is correlated directly to the respective craftsmen's region. (2) The craftsmen's idiom of red-painted wooden is influenced by user's institute. (3) The idiom of red-painted wooden bed was influence by function and style.
  • 郭 全生, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清, 樋口 孝之
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 55 128-128 2008年  
  • 菊池利彦, 樋口孝之, 植田憲, 宮崎清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 54th(54) 146-147 2007年6月20日  
    In a traditional village, people's life was very much close to the soil and nature, and people designed their environment in a village harmonious with the soil. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between space and people in a traditional village with following questions, (1) how did people in a traditional village imagine space around them? (2) how did people in a traditional village design the environment of a village? These days environment is experiencing many critical situation, taking this situation into account, it is important to reveal the characteristics of traditional village environment that had natural harmony.
  • 大鋸 智, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 54 D10-D10 2007年6月20日  
    今日、地球資源の有限性や環境保全の重要性に関する認識が深まり、「資源循環型社会」の創生が切望されている。本研究は日本各地で行われてきた資源循環型生活の知恵を集積し、データベース化するとともに、それらの知恵に基づき21世紀に求められる資源循環型社会の構築に関する指針を導出したものである。 文献調査および新潟県山北町と福島県三島町における踏査より、資源循環型生活の知恵を集積し、内発的発展論の視座から考察を行った。 その結果、現代社会における事象は主に行政や企業が中心に行う「外発的な資源循環」であるのに対し、伝統的な事象は主に地域や生活者で行う「内発的な資源循環」であるとわかった。そして、各事象を伝統的な資源循環型生活に表出する内発性を内包した言葉で分類し、データベース化した。 また、福島県三島町の内発的活動である「やまぶどう細工」の材料採集に関連し、「近年始められた資源循環型生活への取り組みが踏査により5項目収集された。このことは新たな資源循環型生活が内発的な地域生活から発生する可能性を示唆している。 総じて、現在行われている企業や行政中心の「外発的な資源循環型生活」の構築は必要最小限のものであり、それに加え地域や生活者による「内発的な資源循環型生活」の実践が21世紀に求められる資源循環型社会を構築する指針であると提言した。
  • 植田 憲, 樋口 孝之, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 54 P06-P06 2007年6月20日  
  • 大鋸 智, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (54) 144-145 2007年6月20日  
    This paper aims to introduce characteristics of resource recycling, life in traditional culture. Specially this paper intoroduces resource recycling intelligences in traditional fishing, methods of using ashes, making of Shinahu, life and faith in mountain. The survey was based on interviews and literature in Sanpoku-cho, Niigata prefecture and Mishimacho, Hukushima prefecture. There are lots of occasions and nature-friendly intelligences. These are divided into 7classes using 7key words found in traditional culture, Itadaku, Mudawonakusu, Yakudateru, Tukaitukusu, Itawaru, Kaesu, and Itukushimu. These words are important characteristics to make resouce recycling life independently.
  • 菊池 利彦, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (54) 146-147 2007年6月20日  
    In a traditional village, people's life was very much close to the soil and nature, and people designed their environment in a village harmonious with the soil. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between space and people in a traditional village with following questions, (1) how did people in a traditional village imagine space around them? (2) how did people in a traditional village design the environment of a village? These days environment is experiencing many critical situation, taking this situation into account, it is important to reveal the characteristics of traditional village environment that had natural harmony.
  • 植田 憲, 樋口 孝之, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (54) 304-305 2007年6月20日  
    In this paper, the authors discuss measures against disinterest in the Technology and the Science of the younger generation through "making oject (Mono-dukuri), " through practice of "design workshop" for elementary school and junior high school students by the staff of the Department of Industrial Design and Architecture of Chiba University. Through an investigation and a questionnaire survey, following assertion can be made : (1) elementary schoolchildren and junior high school students have great interet in "making object (mono-dukuri), " (2) elementary schoolchildren and junior high school students learn by experience the fact that there is a science in the background of "making object (mono-dukuri)" through the workshop, and so on. In the end, the authors presentate the teaching materials such as quicktime movie, etc..
  • 菊池 利彦, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 54 D11-D11 2007年  
  • IQBAL Mohammad Masum, HIGUCHI Takayuki, UEDA Akira, MIYAZAKI Kiyoshi
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 53rd(53) 202-203 2006年6月20日  
    This study examines the transformation of house plans in Old Dhaka city from the early to late 20th century over the periods of British, Pakistan, and Bangladesh in relation with family structure represented by household composition and womenstatus. The transformation of interior-exterior relation through these periods has also been studied. The study is based on a synthesis of relevant literature review, previous research, actual field survey, interviews, and data analysis. House and apartment plans are analyzed through space syntax methods. The comparison of the house plans of different periods of 20th century revealed that the transformations in house types and spatial organizations were parallel to the changes in the household types (complex family to nuclear family), and the improvement of women's status; and the interior-exterior relation of Old Dhaka's houses has gradually become less integrated.
  • 大鋸 智, 渡邊 広範, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (53) 200-201 2006年6月20日  
    This paper aims to introduce a mountain village coexisting with nature and traditional intelligences of using the regional plant resources. Specially the paper introduced Soumokutou, Dietary culture, and Taue, God of mountain and paddy. The survey was based on interviews and literature on Nakatugawa area, Iide-cho, Yamagata prefecture of Japan. This area is a mountain village having heavy snowfall. There are lots of occasions and nature-friendly intelligences using regional plant resources. The regional plant resources are collected, processed, used, repaired, reused, and returned to nature. And the occasions reveal people of the area greatly appreciating nature and the regional plant resources.
  • イクバル モハマド マスム, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (53) 202-203 2006年6月20日  
    This study examines the transformation of house plans in Old Dhaka city from the early to late 20th century over the periods of British, Pakistan, and Bangladesh in relation with family structure represented by household composition and womenstatus. The transformation of interior-exterior relation through these periods has also been studied. The study is based on a synthesis of relevant literature review, previous research, actual field survey, interviews, and data analysis. House and apartment plans are analyzed through space syntax methods. The comparison of the house plans of different periods of 20th century revealed that the transformations in house types and spatial organizations were parallel to the changes in the household types (complex family to nuclear family), and the improvement of women's status; and the interior-exterior relation of Old Dhaka's houses has gradually become less integrated.
  • 正来 亮介, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (53) 376-377 2006年6月20日  
    In this study the authors tried to find out definite different use of traditional paint kakishibu, by re-recognizing the use of it. Nowadays in Japan, amount of used paper cuttings is increasing day by day because of spreading office automation apparatus, but reuse of this garbage seems little. In this study the authors focuses on making sitting tools by using used paper cuttings and kakishibu. In the study, it has been found that using kakishibu on paper makes it hard and enough strong. This study revealed that a good compatibility in combining of traditional paints kakishibu with used paper cuttings.
  • 正来 亮介, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 53 189-189 2006年  
    本研究は、長らく日本の民衆生活を支えてきた生活用具である「紙」と天然塗料・接着剤として活用されてきた「柿渋」の特性を再認識し、柿渋塗布紙の立体利用の方策を探究することを目的とする。なかでも、OA 機器の普及に伴って大量に排出されるシュレッダーごみに着目し、その有効活用を目指し、生活のなかで利用可能な立体物の制作を行った。 本研究においては、紙を平面として活用するだけではなく、「柿渋」との併用に基づき、立体としての活用の可能性を確かめるとともに、具体的に示唆を行うことができた。他用途への転用により、素材としてのあらたな可能性を模索することは、今日の紙工芸文化の保全育成はもとより、環境先進国として日本が率先してなすべき重要な取り組みのひとつといえよう。
  • 大鋸 智, 渡邊 広範, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 53 100-100 2006年  
  • 寺内 文雄, 渡辺 誠, 岩永 光一, 小原 康裕, 八馬 智, 樋口 孝之
    工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集 17 628-629 2005年9月9日  
  • 菊池 利彦, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (52) 22-23 2005年5月30日  
    The purpose of this study is to answer following two questions : (1) How did people in a traditional village imagine space around them? There is no object in space, but space has meaning and worth which is imagined by people. This study aims to reveal what meanings are imagined in traditional villages. (2) How did people in a traditional village design environment of the village? In a traditional village, people's life was very much close to the soil and earth, and people designed the environment of villages harmonious with the soil. Today, natural environment is in a critical situation, taking this situation into consideration, it is important for us to reveal characteristics of traditional village environment that had natural harmony.
  • 大鋸 智, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (52) 28-29 2005年5月30日  
    This paper aims to propose daily necessities using by-products of Amehatashinseki ink stone in Hayakawa-cho for succession and practical use of Amehatashinseki as the local identity and the regional resources. The study was based on Kenshouan, the ink stone museum in Hayakawa-cho. It reveals that people of the area don't understand the importance of Amehatashinseki as the local identity and the regional resource. And it reveals there are a lot of useless by-products of Amehatashinseki ink stone. Products are proposed as examples that people of the area can make and use easily, for example, pen stand, CD stand, card stand, string tie, flower vase, plate and so on.
  • 深澤 琴絵, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (52) 262-263 2005年5月30日  
    The Tsutsumi has been used to preserve, transport and protect articles of daily life. This study takes up the "culture of Tsutsumi" as the basis of Japanese living culture, to elucidate the original meaning through the concept of Tsutsumi in the Manyoshu. (1) Tsutsumi of Goods : It also implied ritual spirits, prayers and respects to others. One characteristic of wrapping of goods in the Manyo era is that it gives special meanings to wrapping materials and wrapped goods. (2) Tsutsumi of Space : Wrapping was also the sign of existence of self. Shimeno, or confined field, means the field surrounded by straw ropes as the symbol to separate the space. (3) The word "tsutsushimu, " which means suppressing or hiding one's feelings, instead of express them candidly, makes up a part of characteristics of Japanese, including how to express emotions, and is an important element of Japanese culture, and it suggests that it originates from wrapping.
  • Tomoya Deguchi, Hiroto Moriyuki, Mari Iida, Shinichi Yanagida, Nobuo Joroku, Kohei Takeshita, Junko Yano, Koichi Iwanaga, Kiminobu Sato, Takayuki Higuchi, Satoshi Hachima
    International Design Congress – IASDR2005 2005年  査読有り
  • Atsushi Kohno, Yosuke Fuseya, Kozaburo Mizobuchi, Yoji Shiraki, Kazuki Masuda, Akira Fukikoshi, Koki Sato, Mamoru Muramatsu, Koichi Iwanaga, Kiminobu Sato, Takayuki Higuchi, Satoshi Hachima
    International Design Congress – IASDR2005 2005年  査読有り
  • 寺内 文雄, 渡辺 誠, 岩永 光一, 小原 康裕, 八馬 智, 樋口 孝之
    工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集 2005 628-629 2005年  
  • 深澤 琴絵, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52 167-167 2005年  
  • 肖 穎麗, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52 147-147 2005年  
  • 菊池 利彦, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52 119-119 2005年  
    空間という言葉の第一義は「ものがなくあいているところ」(三省堂「新字林」)であるが、われわれが空間を表象するとき、そこは決して「ものがなく」空虚な場ではない。たとえば、古来より日本において、北東が恐ろしい方位(鬼門)として捉えられたように、表象される空間は、意味や価値観が満ちた場であるといえる。<br> 村落における人々はどのように空間を表象してきたのであろうか。また、その空間に対していかなる働きかけをおこなってきたのであろうか。本研究は、伝統空間観念・伝統的空間演出の特質を導出し、これらについて考察を行うことを目的とする。<br> 前近代、村落は村人にとって生存基盤かつ精神的拠所であり、人々は村落の土地と密接に結びつきながら、秩序や調和を内包した村落環境を築きあげてきた。今日、さまざまな局面で自然環境や社会環境における調和の欠如が問題化している。調和を備えた村落環境に関する考察が導出する今日的知見は決して少なくないように思われる。
  • 大鋸 智, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52 113-113 2005年  
    山梨県早川町雨畑地区には今日まで硯製作の伝統が継承されている。700年もの長きにわたって継承されてきた早川町雨畑地区の硯製作の伝統は、当該地域を特徴付ける文化として後世に伝えていくべきものである。しかし、当該地域における硯の生産は筆記用具の多様化などを要因として縮小を余儀なくされ、明治期には約90名もの職人を擁していたものの現在は高齢の職人が2名残るのみである。<br> そこで、筆者らは、新たな硯石活用の文化を展開することを目指し、硯製作の過程において廃棄されている副産物について、資源としての積極的な活用方法を考察した。<br> 本研究は一物全体活用の観点より、硯製作における副産物を利活用し、地産地消を促すことのできる生活日用品を提案することを目的とする。調査対象地域として山梨県早川町雨畑地区を選定し、地域資源のひとつである硯製作に対する地域の人びとの関心を高め、地域の人びと自らがその伝統・技術を伝承していく契機づくりとして提案を行う。<br> 地域の方々が用意に制作・使用できる生活日用品の一例として、ペンスタンド、CDスタンド、花瓶、ポーラータイ、大皿、カードスタンド等を制作した。
  • 肖穎麗, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究、第52回研究発表大会概要集、2005 210-211 2005年  
    This research investigates the problems regarding the operation realities of the present legal system of design in China to construct an effective design system. It is based on two investigations that are, "Features of the present design legislation degree of China and its operation realities・E and "Attitude survey of a Chinese enterprise to the present design method・E Results are as follows, (1) the patent law, the design law in China, and the utility model laws are not as an independent legal system, and this factor creates difficulties in operation, (2) in China the system for the design approval is only done by examining of written information, (3) the design patent registration is not done with validity in China providing the first announcement to public, though it is well-known system in the foreign countries.


  • 藤田, 治彦, Guth, Christine (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Solution and Service design in Japan)
    Bloomsbury Visual Arts 2020年 (ISBN: 9781350036475)
  • 日本デザイン学会 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:エスノグラフィー)
    丸善出版 2019年10月 (ISBN: 9784621303771)
  • 樋口 孝之 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:デザインと多様性科学,社会の科学)
    朝倉書店 2003年10月



