
伊藤 素行

ITOH MOTOYUKI  (Motoyuki Itoh)


千葉大学 大学院薬学研究院 生化学研究室 教授
Ph.D(Osaka University)






  • Kota Fujiki, K Tanabe, S Suzuki, A Mochizuki, M Mochizuki-Kashio, T Sugaya, T Mizoguchi, M Itoh, A Nakamura-Ishizu, H Inamura, M Matsuoka
    Scientific reports 14(1) 14552-14552 2024年6月24日  査読有り
    We have reported that an environmental pollutant, cadmium, promotes cell death in the human renal tubular cells (RTCs) through hyperactivation of a serine/threonine kinase Akt. However, the molecular mechanisms downstream of Akt in this process have not been elucidated. Cadmium has a potential to accumulate misfolded proteins, and proteotoxicity is involved in cadmium toxicity. To clear the roles of Akt in cadmium exposure-induced RTCs death, we investigated the possibility that Akt could regulate proteotoxicity through autophagy in cadmium chloride (CdCl2)-exposed HK-2 human renal proximal tubular cells. CdCl2 exposure promoted the accumulation of misfolded or damaged proteins, the formation of aggresomes (pericentriolar cytoplasmic inclusions), and aggrephagy (selective autophagy to degrade aggresome). Pharmacological inhibition of Akt using MK2206 or Akti-1/2 enhanced aggrephagy by promoting dephosphorylation and nuclear translocation of transcription factor EB (TFEB)/transcription factor E3 (TFE3), lysosomal transcription factors. TFEB or TFE3 knockdown by siRNAs attenuated the protective effects of MK2206 against cadmium toxicity. These results suggested that aberrant activation of Akt attenuates aggrephagy via TFEB or TFE3 to facilitate CdCl2-induced cell death. Furthermore, these roles of Akt/TFEB/TFE3 were conserved in CdCl2-exposed primary human RTCs. The present study shows the molecular mechanisms underlying Akt activation that promotes cadmium-induced RTCs death.
  • Tohgo Kanoh, Takamasa Mizoguchi, Ayako Tonoki, Motoyuki Itoh
    Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 16 2024年5月3日  査読有り責任著者
    Many age-related neurological diseases still lack effective treatments, making their understanding a critical and urgent issue in the globally aging society. To overcome this challenge, an animal model that accurately mimics these diseases is essential. To date, many mouse models have been developed to induce age-related neurological diseases through genetic manipulation or drug administration. These models help in understanding disease mechanisms and finding potential therapeutic targets. However, some age-related neurological diseases cannot be fully replicated in human pathology due to the different aspects between humans and mice. Although zebrafish has recently come into focus as a promising model for studying aging, there are few genetic zebrafish models of the age-related neurological disease. This review compares the aging phenotypes of humans, mice, and zebrafish, and provides an overview of age-related neurological diseases that can be mimicked in mouse models and those that cannot. We presented the possibility that reproducing human cerebral small vessel diseases during aging might be difficult in mice, and zebrafish has potential to be another animal model of such diseases due to their similarity of aging phenotype to humans.
  • Takamasa Mizoguchi, Mayu Okita, Yuina Minami, Misa Fukunaga, Ayumi Maki, Motoyuki Itoh
    Experimental gerontology 178 112206-112206 2023年7月  査読有り責任著者
    The brain is an essential organ that controls various biological activities via the nervous system. The cerebral blood vessels supply oxygen and nutrients to neuronal cells and carry away waste products, which is essential in maintaining brain functions. Aging affects cerebral vascular function and decreases brain function. However, the physiological process of age-dependent cerebral vascular dysfunction is not fully understood. In this study, we examined aging effects on cerebral vascular patterning, vascular function, and learning ability in adult zebrafish. We found that the tortuosity of the blood vessels was increased, and the blood flow rate was reduced with aging in the zebrafish dorsal telencephalon. Moreover, we found cerebral blood flow positively correlated with learning ability in middle-old-aged zebrafish, as in aged humans. In addition, we also found that the elastin fiber decreased in the middle-old-aged fish brain vessel, suggesting a possible molecular mechanism underlying vessel dysfunction. Therefore, adult zebrafish may serve as a useful model for studying the aging-dependent decline in vascular function and human diseases such as vascular dementia.
  • Sizhe Lyu, Noritaka Terao, Hirofumi Nakashima, Motoyuki Itoh, Ayako Tonoki
    Neuroscience research 192 11-25 2023年7月  査読有り
    Memory formation and sleep regulation are critical for brain functions in animals from invertebrates to humans. Neuropeptides play a pivotal role in regulating physiological behaviors, including memory formation and sleep. However, the detailed mechanisms by which neuropeptides regulate these physiological behaviors remains unclear. Herein, we report that neuropeptide diuretic hormone 31 (DH31) positively regulates memory formation and sleep in Drosophila melanogaster. The expression of DH31 in the dorsal and ventral fan-shaped body (dFB and vFB) neurons of the central complex and ventral lateral clock neurons (LNvs) in the brain was responsive to sleep regulation. In addition, the expression of membrane-tethered DH31 in dFB neurons rescued sleep defects in Dh31 mutants, suggesting that DH31 secreted from dFB, vFB, and LNvs acts on the DH31 receptor in the dFB to regulate sleep partly in an autoregulatory feedback loop. Moreover, the expression of DH31 in octopaminergic neurons, but not in the dFB neurons, is involved in forming intermediate-term memory. Our results suggest that DH31 regulates memory formation and sleep through distinct neural pathways.
  • Xue Hou, Reina Hayashi, Motoyuki Itoh, Ayako Tonoki
    Sleep 46(5) 2023年5月10日  査読有り
    As a normal physiological phenomenon, aging has a significant impact on sleep. Aging leads to sleep impairment, including sleep loss, fragmented sleep, and a lower arousal threshold, leading to various diseases. Because sleep regulates memory consolidation, age-dependent sleep impairment also affects memory. However, the mechanisms underlying age-related sleep dysregulation and its impact on memory remain unclear. Using male and female Drosophila as a model, which possesses sleep characteristics similar to those of mammals and exhibits age-dependent sleep impairment, we performed small-molecule screening to identify novel regulators of age-dependent decline in sleep. The screening identified 3,3'-difluorobenzaldazine (DFB), a positive allosteric modulator of the metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) 5, as a novel sleep-promoting compound in aged flies. We found that mutant flies of mGluR, a single mGluR gene in Drosophila, and decreased mGluR expression had significant impairment in sleep and memory due to olfactory conditioning. The decreased sleep phenotype in the mGluR mutants was not promoted by DFB, suggesting that the effects of DFB on age-dependent sleep impairment are dependent on mGluR. Although aging decreases the expression of mGluR and the binding scaffold proteins Homer and Shank, the transient overexpression of mGluR in neurons improves sleep in both young and aged flies. Overall, these findings indicate that age-dependent decreased expression or function of mGluR impairs sleep and memory in flies, which could lead to age-related sleep and memory impairment.


  • 鈴木 翔大, 松本 岳海, 日浦 智史, 伊藤 素行
    日本薬学会年会要旨集 140年会 26F-pm19S 2020年3月  
  • 桑原 周平, 八巻 実里, 兪 慧晴, 伊藤 素行
    日本薬学会年会要旨集 140年会 28L-am04S 2020年3月  
  • 味岡 果澄, 岡崎 寛貴, 三上 翔平, 矢藤 まり, 近藤 優衣, 伊藤 素行, 天野 名都子[合田], 天野 剛志, 廣明 秀一
    日本薬学会年会要旨集 137年会(2) 253-253 2017年3月  
  • 田辺 憲人, 伊藤 素行, 殿城 亜矢子
    日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集 88回・38回 [1T18p-08(1P1284)] 2015年12月  
  • 岡野 誠, 松尾 宏美, 西村 侑也, 劉 楽笛, 穂積 勝人, 吉岡 佐保, 殿城 亜矢子, 伊藤 素行
    日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集 88回・38回 [2W13-3] 2015年12月  
  • 吉岡 佐保, 伊藤 素行, 殿城 亜矢子
    日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集 88回・38回 [2P1348]-[2P1348] 2015年12月  
  • 三上 翔平, 矢藤 まり, 野田 翔太, 廣明 秀一, 伊藤 素行
    日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集 88回・38回 [3P0878]-[3P0878] 2015年12月  
  • 溝口 貴正, 広瀬 和也, 池田 祥子, 渡邉 沙織, 楊 薩薩, 伊藤 素行
    日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集 88回・38回 [3P0956]-[3P0956] 2015年12月  
  • 溝口 貴正, 伊藤 素行
    生体の科学 66(5) 440-441 2015年10月  
  • 大石健介, 當銘一文, 荒井緑, 溝口貴正, 伊藤素行, SADHU Samir K, AHMED Firoj, 小谷野喬, KOWITHAYAKORN Thaworn, 石橋正己
    天然薬物の開発と応用シンポジウム講演要旨集 20th 69-71 2014年11月1日  
  • 大石健介, 當銘一文, 荒井緑, 溝口貴正, 伊藤素行, SAMIR K Sadhu, FIROJ Ahmed, 小谷野喬, THAWORN Kowithayakorn, 石橋正己
    日本薬学会年会要旨集(CD-ROM) 134th ROMBUNNO.28L-AM06 2014年  
  • 伊藤 素行
    The Journal of Toxicological Sciences 38(Suppl.) S109-S109 2013年6月  
  • 石谷 太, 平尾 智子, 鈴木 真帆, 磯田 美帆, 石谷 閑, 北川 元生, 松本 邦弘, 伊藤 素行
    神経化学 49(2-3) 502-502 2010年8月  
  • Yutaka Kikuchi, Akio Yoshizawa, Yoshinari Nakahara, Toshiaki Izawa, Tohru Ishitani, Makiko Tsutsumi, Atsushi Kuroiwa, Motoyuki Itoh
    DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 344(1) 497-498 2010年8月  
  • 石谷 太, 石谷 閑, 平尾 智子, 鈴木 真帆, 磯田 美帆, 北川 元生, 松本 邦弘, 伊藤 素行
    日本細胞生物学会大会講演要旨集 62回 109-109 2010年5月  
  • 石谷 太, 松本 邦弘, 伊藤 素行
    実験医学 28(9) 1417-20 2010年  
  • Tohru Ishitani, Shizuka Ishitani, Kunihiro Matsumoto, Motoyuki Itoh
    Journal of Neurochemistry 111(5) 1104-1118 2009年12月  
    Nerve growth factor (NGF) promotes neurite outgrowth through regulating cytoskeletal organization and cell adhesion. These activities are modulated by protein phosphorylation. Nemo-like kinase (NLK) is an evolutionarily conserved MAP kinase-like kinase that phosphorylates several transcription factors. Although NLK is known to be expressed at relatively high levels in the nervous system, its function is not well understood. We found that NGF promotes the translocation of NLK to PC12 cells' leading edges, and triggers NLK kinase activity in them. Activated NLK directly phosphorylates microtubule-associated protein-1B (MAP1B) and the focal adhesion adaptor protein, paxillin. Knockdown of NLK attenuates the phosphorylation of both paxillin and MAP1B and inhibits both the NGF-induced re-distribution of F-actin and neurite outgrowth. We also discovered that NLK is a LiCl-sensitive kinase. LiCl is known to block NGF-induced neurite outgrowth and the phosphorylation of MAP1B and paxillin in PC12 cells. Therefore, the effects of LiCl are mediated in part by blocking NLK activity. These results suggest that NLK controls the dynamics of the cytoskeleton downstream of NGF signaling. © 2009 International Society for Neurochemistry.
  • ISHITANI Tohru, ISHITANI Tohru, ISHITANI Shizuka, MATSUMOTO Kunihiro, MATSUMOTO Kunihiro, ITOH Motoyuki
    J. Neurochem. 111(5) 1104-1118 2009年  
  • 石谷 太, 平尾 智子, 鈴木 真帆, 磯田 美帆, 北川 元生, 松本 邦弘, 伊藤 素行
    日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集 81回・31回 3T14-5 2008年11月  
  • 伊藤 素行
    上原記念生命科学財団研究報告集 21 285-286 2007年12月  
    Notchシグナル伝達経路の標的遺伝子であるNrarp(Notch-regulated ankyrin repeat protein)蛋白質の生体内での機能と作用機序について解析した。Wntシグナル伝達経路ではWntが受容体へ結合し細胞内でLEF1がβ-cateninと結合して標的遺伝子の転写を活性化することから、NrarpがLEF1に作用しWntシグナルに働くかどうかを検討した。その結果、β-cateninと結合する領域をVP16転写活性化ドメインに置換したVP16-LEF1はWntレポーターを活性化してNrarpの量依存的に増強した。このことからNrarpはβ-cateninと複合体を作って活性化される状態のLEF1に作用してWntシグナルを調節すると考えられた。NrarpとLEF1蛋白質の結合の検討では、NrarpはLEF1蛋白質がNrarpの存在下で安定化することが明らかとなった。次にNrarpをLEF1と共に発現させてLEF1のユビキチン化に対する効果の検討では、Nrarpが共発現する場合にはLEF1のユビキチン化が減少することが分かった。このことからNrarpはLEF1がユビキチン化されプロテアソーム経路によって分解を防ぐ機能を持つことが示唆された。そこでゼブラフィッシュ発生においてNrarpがNotchシグナルの制御因子として働くか検討したところ、Nrarpは生体内でNotchシグナルに負に作用することが示唆された。またNotchとWntシグナルのクロストークの検討では各々が独立して起こっていることが判明した。
  • Kinneret Rand, Motoyuki Itoh, Greg Palardy, Miho Matsuda, Sang-Yeob Yeo, Moloy Goswami, Chitnis
    DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 306(1) 301-301 2007年6月  
  • 石谷 太, 平尾 智子, 鈴木 真帆, 磯田 美帆, 松本 邦弘, 伊藤 素行
    日本発生生物学会・日本細胞生物学会合同大会要旨集 40回・59回 54-54 2007年5月  
  • Makiko Tsutsumi, Motoyuki Itoh
    Gene Expression Patterns 7(3) 227-232 2007年1月2日  
    The Notch signaling pathway plays important roles in the regulation of diverse developmental processes. Although many Notch-signal target genes with different specificities have been identified, their regulation and functions are not fully understood. Here, we conducted a microarray screen to search for novel downstream target genes of the Notch pathway in zebrafish. From the screen, we isolated nort (Notch-regulated transcript) as a transcript whose expression was reduced by the inhibition of Notch signaling. The expression level of nort increased when Notch signaling was activated. nort was expressed in hypoblast cells and the developing nervous system. We found its expression pattern to be similar to that of her4, but it showed some differences, at least in the anterior and posterior neural plate at the 3-somite stage. The nort transcript did not contain any long open-reading frame (ORF) of more than 300 nt, and its ORF-encoded sequence showed no significant homology with the proteins in databases. However, nort has one SPS (suppressor of hairless paired binding site) in its 5′-flanking region. These data suggest that nort is a putative noncoding RNA regulated by Notch signaling. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Makiko Tsutsumi, Motoyuki Itoh
    GENE EXPRESSION PATTERNS 7(3) 227-232 2007年1月  
    The Notch signaling pathway plays important roles in the regulation of diverse developmental processes. Although many Notch-signal target genes with different specificities have been identified, their regulation and functions are not fully understood. Here, we conducted a microarray screen to search for novel downstream target genes of the Notch pathway in zebrafish. From the screen, we isolated nort (Notch-regulated transcript) as a transcript whose expression was reduced by the inhibition of Notch signaling. The expression level of nort increased when Notch signaling was activated. nort was expressed in hypoblast cells and the developing nervous system. We found its expression pattern to be similar to that of her4, but it showed some differences, at least in the anterior and posterior neural plate at the 3-somite stage. The nort transcript did not contain any long open-reading frame (ORE) of more than 300 nt, and its ORF-encoded sequence showed no significant homology with the proteins in databases. However, nort has one SPS (suppressor of hairless paired binding site) in its 5'-flanking region. These data suggest that nort is a putative noncoding RNA regulated by Notch signaling. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T Ishitani, K Matsumoto, AB Chitnis, M Itoh
    NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 7(11) 1106-1112 2005年11月  
    Nrarp (Notch-regulated ankyrin repeat protein) is a small protein that has two ankyrin repeats(1-5). Although Nrarp is known to be an inhibitory component of the Notch signalling pathway that operates in different developmental processes(1,2,4,5), the in vivo roles of Nrarp have not been fully characterized. Here, we show that Nrarp is a positive regulator in the Wnt signalling pathway. In zebrafish, knockdown of Nrarp-a expression by an antisense morpholino oligonucleotide (MO) results in altered Wnt-signalling-dependent neural-crest-cell development. Nrarp stabilizes LEF1 protein, a pivotal transcription factor in the Wnt signalling cascade, by blocking LEF1 ubiquitination. In accordance with this, the knockdown phenotype of lef1 is similar to that of nrarp-a, at least in part, in its effect on the development of multiple tissues in zebrafish. Furthermore, activation of LEF1 does not affect Notch activity or vice versa. These findings reveal that Nrarp independently regulates canonical Wnt and Notch signalling by modulating LEF1 and Notch protein turnover, respectively.
  • Tohru Ishitani, Kunihiro Matsumoto, Ajay B. Chitnis, Motoyuki Itoh
    Nature Cell Biology 7(11) 1106-1112 2005年11月  
    Nrarp (Notch-regulated ankyrin repeat protein) is a small protein that has two ankyrin repeats1-5. Although Nrarp is known to be an inhibitory component of the Notch signalling pathway that operates in different developmental processes1,2,4,5, the in vivo roles of Nrarp have not been fully characterized. Here, we show that Nrarp is a positive regulator in the Wnt signalling pathway. In zebrafish, knockdown of Nrarp-a expression by an antisense morpholino oligonucleotide (MO) results in altered Wnt-signalling-dependent neural-crest-cell development. Nrarp stabilizes LEF1 protein, a pivotal transcription factor in the Wnt signalling cascade, by blocking LEF1 ubiquitination. In accordance with this, the knockdown phenotype of lef1 is similar to that of nrarp-a, at least in part, in its effect on the development of multiple tissues in zebrafish. Furthermore, activation of LEF1 does not affect Notch activity or vice versa. These findings reveal that Nrarp independently regulates canonical Wnt and Notch signalling by modulating LEF1 and Notch protein turnover, respectively. © 2005 Nature Publishing Group.
  • M Itoh, T Ishitani, K Matsumoto, AB Chitnis
    DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 283(2) 601-601 2005年7月  
  • AB Chitnis, M Itoh
    The StarLogo and NetLogo programming environments allow developmental biologists to build computer models of cell-cell interactions in an epithelium and visualize emergent properties of hypothetical genetic regulatory networks operating in the cells. These environments were used to explore alternative models that show how a posteriorizing morphogen gradient might define gene-expression domains along the rostral-caudal axis in the zebrafish neurectoderm. The models illustrate how a hypothetical genetic network based on auto-activation and cross-repression could lead to establishment of discrete non-overlapping gene-expression domains.
  • AB Chitnis, M Itoh
    The StarLogo and NetLogo programming environments allow developmental biologists to build computer models of cell-cell interactions in an epithelium and visualize emergent properties of hypothetical genetic regulatory networks operating in the cells. These environments were used to explore alternative models that show how a posteriorizing morphogen gradient might define gene-expression domains along the rostral-caudal axis in the zebrafish neurectoderm. The models illustrate how a hypothetical genetic network based on auto-activation and cross-repression could lead to establishment of discrete non-overlapping gene-expression domains.
  • 伊藤 素行
    神経研究の進歩 48(1) 125-131 2004年2月  
  • M Itoh, CH Kim, G Palardy, T Oda, YJ Jiang, D Maust, SY Yeo, K Lorick, GJ Wright, L Ariza-McNaughton, AM Weissman, J Lewis, SC Chandrasekharappa, AB Chitnis
    DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 4(1) 67-82 2003年1月  
    Lateral inhibition, mediated by Notch signaling, leads to the selection of cells that are permitted to become neurons within domains defined by proneural gene expression. Reduced lateral inhibition in zebrafish mib mutant embryos permits too many neural progenitors to differentiate as neurons. Positional cloning of mib revealed that it is a gene in the Notch pathway that encodes a RING ubiquitin ligase. Mib interacts with the intracellular domain of Delta to promote its ubiquitylation and internalization. Cell transplantation studies suggest that mib function is essential in the signaling cell for efficient activation of Notch in neighboring cells. These observations support a model for Notch activation where the Delta-Notch interaction is followed by endocytosis of Delta and transendocytosis of the Notch extracellular domain by the signaling cell. This facilitates intramembranous cleavage of the remaining Notch receptor, release of the Notch intracellular fragment, and activation of target genes in neighboring cells.
  • M Itoh, T Kudoh, M Dedekian, CH Kim, AB Chitnis
    DEVELOPMENT 129(10) 2317-2327 2002年5月  
    We have identified a novel Iroquois (Iro) gene, iro7, in zebrafish. iro7 is expressed during gastrulation along with iro1 in a compartment of the dorsal ectoderm that includes the prospective midbrain-hindbrain domain, the adjacent neural crest and the trigeminal placodes in the epidermis. The iro1 and iro7 expression domain is expanded in headless and masterblind mutants, which are characterized by exaggerated Wnt signaling. Early expansion of iro1 and iro7 expression in these mutants correlates with expansion of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB) domain, the neural crest and trigeminal neurons, raising the possibility that iro1 and iro7 have a role in determination of these ectodermal derivatives. A knockdown of iro7 function revealed that iro7 is essential for the determination of neurons in the trigeminal placode. In addition, a knockdown of both iro1 and iro7 genes uncovered their essential roles in neural crest development and establishment of the isthmic organizer at the MHB. These results suggest a new role for Iro genes in establishment of an ectodermal compartment after Wnt signaling in vertebrate development. Furthermore, analysis of activator or repressor forms of iro7 suggests that iro1 and iro7 are likely to function as repressors in establishment of the isthmic organizer and neural crest, and Iro genes may have dual functions as repressors and activators in neurogenesis.
  • M Itoh, T Kudoh, M Dedekian, CH Kim, AB Chitnis
    DEVELOPMENT 129(10) 2317-2327 2002年5月  
    We have identified a novel Iroquois (Iro) gene, iro7, in zebrafish. iro7 is expressed during gastrulation along with iro1 in a compartment of the dorsal ectoderm that includes the prospective midbrain-hindbrain domain, the adjacent neural crest and the trigeminal placodes in the epidermis. The iro1 and iro7 expression domain is expanded in headless and masterblind mutants, which are characterized by exaggerated Wnt signaling. Early expansion of iro1 and iro7 expression in these mutants correlates with expansion of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB) domain, the neural crest and trigeminal neurons, raising the possibility that iro1 and iro7 have a role in determination of these ectodermal derivatives. A knockdown of iro7 function revealed that iro7 is essential for the determination of neurons in the trigeminal placode. In addition, a knockdown of both iro1 and iro7 genes uncovered their essential roles in neural crest development and establishment of the isthmic organizer at the MHB. These results suggest a new role for Iro genes in establishment of an ectodermal compartment after Wnt signaling in vertebrate development. Furthermore, analysis of activator or repressor forms of iro7 suggests that iro1 and iro7 are likely to function as repressors in establishment of the isthmic organizer and neural crest, and Iro genes may have dual functions as repressors and activators in neurogenesis.
  • M Itoh, AB Chitnis
    MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT 102(1-2) 263-266 2001年4月  
    Expression of a mouse atonal homologue, math1, defines: cells with the potential to become sensory hair cells in the mouse inner ear (Science 284 (1999) 1837) and Notch signaling limits the number of cells that are permitted to adopt this fate (Nat. Genet. 21 (1999) 289; J. Neurocytol. 28 (1999) 809). Failure of lateral inhibition mediated by Notch signaling is associated with an overproduction of ear hair cells in the zebrafish mind bomb (mib) and deltaA mutants (Development 125 (1998a) 4637; Development 126 (1999) 5669), suggesting a similar role for these genes in limiting the number of hair cells in the zebrafish ear. This study extends the analysis of proneural and neurogenic gene expression to the lateral line system, which detects movement via clusters of related sensory hair cells in specialized structures called neuromasts. We have compared the expression of a zebrafish atonal homologue, zath1, and neurogenic genes, deltaA, deltaB and notch3, in neuromasts and the posterior lateral line primordium (PLLP) of wild-type and mib mutant embryos. We describe progressive restriction of proneural and neurogenic gene expression in the migrating PLLP that appears to correlate with selection of hair cell fate in maturing neuromasts. In mib mutants there is a failure to restrict expression of zath1 and Delta homologues in the neuromasts revealing similarities with the phenotype previously described in the ear. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • M Itoh, AB Chitnis
    MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT 102(1-2) 263-266 2001年4月  
    Expression of a mouse atonal homologue, math1, defines: cells with the potential to become sensory hair cells in the mouse inner ear (Science 284 (1999) 1837) and Notch signaling limits the number of cells that are permitted to adopt this fate (Nat. Genet. 21 (1999) 289; J. Neurocytol. 28 (1999) 809). Failure of lateral inhibition mediated by Notch signaling is associated with an overproduction of ear hair cells in the zebrafish mind bomb (mib) and deltaA mutants (Development 125 (1998a) 4637; Development 126 (1999) 5669), suggesting a similar role for these genes in limiting the number of hair cells in the zebrafish ear. This study extends the analysis of proneural and neurogenic gene expression to the lateral line system, which detects movement via clusters of related sensory hair cells in specialized structures called neuromasts. We have compared the expression of a zebrafish atonal homologue, zath1, and neurogenic genes, deltaA, deltaB and notch3, in neuromasts and the posterior lateral line primordium (PLLP) of wild-type and mib mutant embryos. We describe progressive restriction of proneural and neurogenic gene expression in the migrating PLLP that appears to correlate with selection of hair cell fate in maturing neuromasts. In mib mutants there is a failure to restrict expression of zath1 and Delta homologues in the neuromasts revealing similarities with the phenotype previously described in the ear. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • M Itoh, Y Yoshida, K Nishida, M Narimatsu, M Hibi, T Hirano
    MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 20(10) 3695-3704 2000年5月  
    Gab1 is a member of the Gab/DOS (Daughter of Sevenless) family of adapter molecules, which contain a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain and potential binding sites for SH2 and SH3 domains. Gab1 is tyrosine phosphorylated upon stimulation of various cytokines, growth factors, and antigen receptors in cell lines and interacts with signaling molecules, such as SHP-2 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, although its biological roles have not yet been established. To reveal the functions of Gab1 in vivo, we generated mice lacking Gab1 by gene targeting. Gab1-deficient embryos died in utero and displayed developmental defects in the heart, placenta, and skin, which were similar to phenotypes observed in mice lacking signals of the hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and epidermal growth factor pathways, Consistent with these observations, extracellular signal-regulated kinase mitogen-activated protein (ERK MAP) kinases were activated at much lower levels in cells from Gab1-deficient embryos in response to these growth factors or to stimulation of the cytokine receptor gp130. These results indicate that Gab1 is a common player in a broad range of growth factor and cytokine signaling pathways linking ERK MAP kinase activation.
  • M Itoh, Y Yoshida, K Nishida, M Narimatsu, M Hibi, T Hirano
    MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 20(10) 3695-3704 2000年5月  
    Gab1 is a member of the Gab/DOS (Daughter of Sevenless) family of adapter molecules, which contain a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain and potential binding sites for SH2 and SH3 domains. Gab1 is tyrosine phosphorylated upon stimulation of various cytokines, growth factors, and antigen receptors in cell lines and interacts with signaling molecules, such as SHP-2 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, although its biological roles have not yet been established. To reveal the functions of Gab1 in vivo, we generated mice lacking Gab1 by gene targeting. Gab1-deficient embryos died in utero and displayed developmental defects in the heart, placenta, and skin, which were similar to phenotypes observed in mice lacking signals of the hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and epidermal growth factor pathways, Consistent with these observations, extracellular signal-regulated kinase mitogen-activated protein (ERK MAP) kinases were activated at much lower levels in cells from Gab1-deficient embryos in response to these growth factors or to stimulation of the cytokine receptor gp130. These results indicate that Gab1 is a common player in a broad range of growth factor and cytokine signaling pathways linking ERK MAP kinase activation.
  • K Ishihara, T Ohtani, T Atsumi, S Itoh, H Maeda, D Fu, M Itoh
    FASEB JOURNAL 14(6) A1082-A1082 2000年4月  
  • 橋本 寿史, 伊藤 素行, 山中 庸次郎, 山下 晋, 日比 正彦, 平野 俊夫
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集 21 622-622 1998年12月1日  
  • M Itoh, K Ishihara, T Hiroi, BO Lee, H Maeda, M Yanagita, H Kiyono, T Hirano
    FASEB JOURNAL 12(5) A884-A884 1998年3月  
  • K Ishihara, Y Okuyama, BOK Lee, M Itoh, S Yajima, K Nishikawa, T Hirano
    TISSUE ANTIGENS 48(4-II) MC404-MC404 1996年10月  
  • 奥山 美樹, 石原 克彦, 伊藤 素行, 李 秉玉, 小舩 淑子, 村岡 修, 平野 俊夫
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集 19 341-341 1996年8月1日  
  • 伊藤 素行, 李 秉玉, 奥山 美樹, 小舩 淑子, 石原 克彦, 平野 俊夫
    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集 19 341-341 1996年8月1日  







