
眞鍋 一郎

マナベ イチロウ  (Ichiro Manabe)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院 教授






  • Yinglan Cheng, Ichiro Manabe, Sumio Hayakawa, Yusuke Endo, Yumiko Oishi
    Frontiers in Immunology 14 2023年1月27日  査読有り責任著者
    Sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs) are key transcription factors that control fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism. As the major SREBP isoform in macrophages, SREBP1a is also required for inflammatory and phagocytotic functions. However, it is insufficiently understood how SREBP1a is activated by the innate immune response in macrophages. Here, we show that mouse caspase-11 is a novel inflammatory activator of SREBP1a in macrophages. Upon LPS treatment, caspase-11 was found to promote the processing of site-1 protease (S1P), an enzyme that mediates the cleavage and activation of SREBP1. We also determined that caspase-11 directly associates with S1P and cleaves it at a specific site. Furthermore, deletion of the Casp4 gene, which encodes caspase-11, impaired the activation of S1P and SREBP1 as well as altered the expression of genes regulated by SREBP1 in macrophages. These results demonstrate that the caspase-11/S1P pathway activates SREBP1 in response to LPS, thus regulating subsequent macrophage activation.
  • Masanori Fujimoto, Masataka Yokoyama, Masahiro Kiuchi, Hiroyuki Hosokawa, Akitoshi Nakayama, Naoko Hashimoto, Ikki Sakuma, Hidekazu Nagano, Kazuyuki Yamagata, Fujimi Kudo, Ichiro Manabe, Eunyoung Lee, Ryo Hatano, Atsushi Onodera, Kiyoshi Hirahara, Koutaro Yokote, Takashi Miki, Toshinori Nakayama, Tomoaki Tanaka
    Nature communications 13(1) 5408-5408 2022年9月15日  
    The liver stores glycogen and releases glucose into the blood upon increased energy demand. Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) in adipose and pancreatic tissues are known for their involvement in glucose homeostasis, but the metabolic contribution of liver ILC2s has not been studied in detail. Here we show that liver ILC2s are directly involved in the regulation of blood glucose levels. Mechanistically, interleukin (IL)-33 treatment induces IL-13 production in liver ILC2s, while directly suppressing gluconeogenesis in a specific Hnf4a/G6pc-high primary hepatocyte cluster via Stat3. These hepatocytes significantly interact with liver ILC2s via IL-13/IL-13 receptor signaling. The results of transcriptional complex analysis and GATA3-ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, and scRNA-seq trajectory analyses establish a positive regulatory role for the transcription factor GATA3 in IL-13 production by liver ILC2s, while AP-1 family members are shown to suppress IL-13 release. Thus, we identify a regulatory role and molecular mechanism by which liver ILC2s contribute to glucose homeostasis.
  • Lena Sasaki, Yuki Hamada, Daisuke Yarimizu, Tomo Suzuki, Hiroki Nakamura, Aya Shimada, Khanh Tien Nguyen Pham, Xinyan Shao, Koki Yamamura, Tsutomu Inatomi, Hironobu Morinaga, Emi K. Nishimura, Fujimi Kudo, Ichiro Manabe, Shogo Haraguchi, Yuki Sugiura, Makoto Suematsu, Shigeru Kinoshita, Mamiko Machida, Takeshi Nakajima, Hiroshi Kiyonari, Hitoshi Okamura, Yoshiaki Yamaguchi, Takahito Miyake, Masao Doi
    Nature Aging 2(2) 105-114 2022年2月  
    Abstract Canonically, hormones are produced in the endocrine organs and delivered to target tissues. However, for steroids, the concept of tissue intracrinology, whereby hormones are produced in the tissues where they exert their effect without release into circulation, has been proposed, but its role in physiology/disease remains unclear. The meibomian glands in the eyelids produce oil to prevent tear evaporation, which reduces with aging. Here, we demonstrate that (re)activation of local intracrine activity through nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)-dependent circadian 3β-hydroxyl-steroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) activity ameliorates age-associated meibomian gland dysfunction and accompanying evaporative dry eye disease. Genetic ablation of 3β-HSD nullified local steroidogenesis and led to atrophy of the meibomian gland. Conversely, reactivation of 3β-HSD activity by boosting its coenzyme NAD+ availability improved glandular cell proliferation and alleviated the dry eye disease phenotype. Both women and men express 3β-HSD in the meibomian gland. Enhancing local steroidogenesis may help combat age-associated meibomian gland dysfunction.
  • Lin Liu, Hiroyuki Koike, Takehito Ono, Shinichiro Hayashi, Fujimi Kudo, Atsushi Kaneda, Hiroyuki Kagechika, Ichiro Manabe, Tomoki Nakashima, Yumiko Oishi
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(35) e2102895118-e2102895118 2021年8月31日  
    Skeletal muscle atrophy is caused by various conditions, including aging, disuse related to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity, and cachexia. Our insufficient understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying muscle atrophy limits the targets for the development of effective pharmacologic treatments and preventions. Here, we identified Krüppel-like factor 5 (KLF5), a zinc-finger transcription factor, as a key mediator of the early muscle atrophy program. KLF5 was up-regulated in atrophying myotubes as an early response to dexamethasone or simulated microgravity in vitro. Skeletal muscle–selective deletion of <italic>Klf5</italic> significantly attenuated muscle atrophy induced by mechanical unloading in mice. Transcriptome- and genome-wide chromatin accessibility analyses revealed that KLF5 regulates atrophy-related programs, including metabolic changes and E3-ubiquitin ligase-mediated proteolysis, in coordination with Foxo1. The synthetic retinoic acid receptor agonist Am80, a KLF5 inhibitor, suppressed both dexamethasone- and microgravity-induced muscle atrophy in vitro and oral Am80 ameliorated disuse– and dexamethasone-induced atrophy in mice. Moreover, in three independent sets of transcriptomic data from human skeletal muscle, <italic>KLF5</italic> expression significantly increased with age and the presence of sarcopenia and correlated positively with the expression of the atrophy-related ubiquitin ligase genes <italic>FBXO32</italic> and <italic>TRIM63</italic>. These findings demonstrate that KLF5 is a key transcriptional regulator mediating muscle atrophy and that pharmacological intervention with Am80 is a potentially preventive treatment.
  • Katsuhito Fujiu, Ichiro Manabe
    International immunology 34(2) 81-95 2021年6月26日  査読有り責任著者
    The heart is highly innervated by autonomic neurons, and dynamic autonomic regulation of the heart and blood vessels is essential for animals to carry out the normal activities of life. Cardiovascular diseases, including heart failure and myocardial infarction, are often characterized in part by an imbalance in autonomic nervous system activation, with excess sympathetic and diminished parasympathetic activation. Notably, however, this is often accompanied by chronic inflammation within the cardiovascular tissues, which suggests there are interactions between autonomic dysregulation and inflammation. Recent studies have been unraveling the mechanistic links between autonomic nerves and immune cells within cardiovascular disease. The autonomic nervous system and immune system also act in concert to coordinate the actions of multiple organs that not only maintain homeostasis but also likely play key roles in disease-disease interactions, such as cardiorenal syndrome and multimorbidity. In this review, we summarize the physiological and pathological interactions between autonomic nerves and macrophages in the context of cardiovascular disease.
  • Junichi Sugita, Katsuhito Fujiu, Yukiteru Nakayama, Takumi Matsubara, Jun Matsuda, Tsukasa Oshima, Yuxiang Liu, Yujin Maru, Eriko Hasumi, Toshiya Kojima, Hiroshi Seno, Keisuke Asano, Ayumu Ishijima, Naoki Tomii, Masatoshi Yamazaki, Fujimi Kudo, Ichiro Sakuma, Ryozo Nagai, Ichiro Manabe, Issei Komuro
    Nature communications 12(1) 1910-1910 2021年3月26日  査読有り責任著者
    Cardiac arrhythmias are a primary contributor to sudden cardiac death, a major unmet medical need. Because right ventricular (RV) dysfunction increases the risk for sudden cardiac death, we examined responses to RV stress in mice. Among immune cells accumulated in the RV after pressure overload-induced by pulmonary artery banding, interfering with macrophages caused sudden death from severe arrhythmias. We show that cardiac macrophages crucially maintain cardiac impulse conduction by facilitating myocardial intercellular communication through gap junctions. Amphiregulin (AREG) produced by cardiac macrophages is a key mediator that controls connexin 43 phosphorylation and translocation in cardiomyocytes. Deletion of Areg from macrophages led to disorganization of gap junctions and, in turn, lethal arrhythmias during acute stresses, including RV pressure overload and β-adrenergic receptor stimulation. These results suggest that AREG from cardiac resident macrophages is a critical regulator of cardiac impulse conduction and may be a useful therapeutic target for the prevention of sudden death.
  • Toshihiro Yamaguchi, Tomokazu S. Sumida, Seitaro Nomura, Masahiro Satoh, Tomoaki Higo, Masamichi Ito, Toshiyuki Ko, Kanna Fujita, Mary E. Sweet, Atsushi Sanbe, Kenji Yoshimi, Ichiro Manabe, Toshikuni Sasaoka, Matthew R. G. Taylor, Haruhiro Toko, Eiki Takimoto, Atsuhiko T. Naito, Issei Komuro
    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11(1) 2020年8月  
    Pathophysiological roles of cardiac dopamine system remain unknown. Here, we show the role of dopamine D1 receptor (D1R)-expressing cardiomyocytes (CMs) in triggering heart failure-associated ventricular arrhythmia. Comprehensive single-cell resolution analysis identifies the presence of D1R-expressing CMs in both heart failure model mice and in heart failure patients with sustained ventricular tachycardia. Overexpression of D1R in CMs disturbs normal calcium handling while CM-specific deletion of D1R ameliorates heart failure-associated ventricular arrhythmia. Thus, cardiac D1R has the potential to become a therapeutic target for preventing heart failure-associated ventricular arrhythmia. The pathophysiological role of dopamine D1 receptor (D1R) in chronic heart failure remains elusive. Here the authors show that D1R-expressing cardiomyocytes appear in chronic heart failure and play a pivotal role in triggering lethal ventricular arrhythmias.
  • Yukiteru Nakayama, Katsuhito Fujiu, Ryuzaburo Yuki, Yumiko Oishi, Masaki Suimye Morioka, Takayuki Isagawa, Jun Matsuda, Tsukasa Oshima, Takumi Matsubara, Junichi Sugita, Fujimi Kudo, Atsushi Kaneda, Yusuke Endo, Toshinori Nakayama, Ryozo Nagai, Issei Komuro, Ichiro Manabe
    Proper resolution of inflammation is vital for repair and restora- tion of homeostasis after tissue damage, and its dysregulation underlies various noncommunicable diseases, such as cardiovas- cular and metabolic diseases. Macrophages play diverse roles throughout initial inflammation, its resolution, and tissue repair. Differential metabolic reprogramming is reportedly required for induction and support of the various macrophage activation states. Here we show that a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), lncFAO , con- tributes to inflammation resolution and tissue repair in mice by pro- moting fatty acid oxidation (FAO) in macrophages. lncFAO is induced late after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation of cultured macro- phages and in Ly6C hi monocyte-derived macrophages in damaged tissue during the resolution and reparative phases. We found that lncFAO directly interacts with the HADHB subunit of mitochondrial trifunctional protein and activates FAO. lncFAO deletion impairs res- olution of inflammation related to endotoxic shock and delays reso- lution of inflammation and tissue repair in a skin wound. These results demonstrate that by tuning mitochondrial metabolism, lncFAO acts as a node of immunometabolic control in macrophages during the resolution and repair phases of inflammation.
  • Yumiko Oishi, Ichiro Manabe
    The close association among cardiovascular, metabolic, and kidney diseases suggests a common pathological basis and significant interaction among these diseases. Metabolic syndrome and cardiorenal syndrome are two examples that exemplify the interlinked development of disease or dysfunction in two or more organs. Recent studies have been sorting out the mechanisms responsible for the crosstalk among the organs comprising the cardiovascular, metabolic, and renal systems, including heart-kidney and adipose-liver signaling, among many others. However, it is also becoming clear that this crosstalk is not limited to just pairs of organs, and in addition to organ-organ crosstalk, there are also organ-system and organ-body interactions. For instance, heart failure broadly impacts various organs and systems, including the kidney, liver, lung, and nervous system. Conversely, systemic dysregulation of metabolism, immunity, and nervous system activity greatly affects heart failure development and prognosis. This is particularly noteworthy, as more and more patients present with two or more coexisting chronic diseases or conditions (multimorbidity) due in part to the aging of society. Advances in treatment also contribute to the increase in multimorbidity, as exemplified by cardiovascular disease in cancer survivors. To understand the mechanisms underlying the increasing burden of multimorbidity, it is vital to elucidate the multilevel crosstalk and communication within the body at the levels of organ systems, tissues, and cells. In this article, we focus on chronic inflammation as a key common pathological basis of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, and discuss emerging mechanisms that drive chronic inflammation in the context of multimorbidity.
  • Yumiko Oishi, Ichiro Manabe
    INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOLOGY 30(11) 511-528 2018年11月  査読有り責任著者
    Tissue injury triggers a complex series of cellular responses, starting from inflammation activated by tissue and cell damage and proceeding to healing. By clearing cell debris, activating and resolving inflammation and promoting fibrosis, macrophages play key roles in most, if not all, phases of the response to injury. Recent studies of the mechanisms underlying the initial inflammation and later tissue regeneration and repair revealed that macrophages bridge these processes in part by supporting and activating stem/progenitor cells, clearing damaged tissue, remodeling extracellular matrix to prepare scaffolding for regeneration and promoting angiogenesis. However, macrophages also have a central role in the development of pathology induced by failed resolution (e.g. chronic inflammation) and excessive scarring. In this review, we summarize the activities of macrophages in inflammation and healing in response to acute injury in tissues with differing regenerative capacities. While macrophages lead similar processes in response to tissue injury in these tissues, their priorities and the consequences of their activities differ among tissues. Moreover, the magnitude, nature and duration of injury also greatly affect cellular responses and healing processes. In particular, continuous injury and/or failed resolution of inflammation leads to chronic ailments in which macrophage activities may become detrimental.
  • Yumiko Oishi, Shinichiro Hayashi, Takayuki Isagawa, Motohiko Oshima, Atsushi Iwama, Shigeki Shimba, Hitoshi Okamura, Ichiro Manabe
    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 2017年8月  査読有り責任著者
    Bmal1 (encoded by Arntl gene) is a core circadian clock gene that regulates various genes involved in circadian rhythm. Although Bmal1 is expressed rhythmically in macrophages, the role of Bmal1 in the regulation of their cellular function remains insufficiently understood. Here, we report that Bmal1 regulates time-dependent inflammatory responses following Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) activation by modulating enhancer activity. Global transcriptome analysis indicated that deletion of Arntl perturbed the time-dependent inflammatory responses elicited by TLR4 activation by Kdo2-lipid A (KLA). Although the recruitment of NF-kappa B p65 was unaffected, the acetylation status of lysine 27 of histone 3, which correlates positively with enhancer activity, was globally increased at PU. 1-containing enhancers in Arntl(-/-) macrophages as compared to wild-type cells. Expression of Nr1d1 and Nr1d2, encoding RevErb transcription factors, which repress enhancer RNA expression, was significantly decreased in Arntl(-/-) macrophages. Moreover, the level of H3K27 acetylation was increased by Arntl deletion at RevErb-dependent eRNA-expressing enhancers. These results suggest that Bmal1 controls KLA-responsive enhancers, in part by regulating RevErb-directed eRNA transcription. Taken together, the results of this study show that the clock transcription factor network containing Bmal1 controls the inflammatory responses of macrophages by regulating the epigenetic states of enhancers.
  • Katsuhito Fujiu, Munehiko Shibata, Yukiteru Nakayama, Fusa Ogata, Sahohime Matsumoto, Koji Noshita, Shingo Iwami, Susumu Nakae, Issei Komuro, Ryozo Nagai, Ichiro Manabe
    NATURE MEDICINE 23(5) 611-+ 2017年5月  
    Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome characterized by insufficient cardiac function. In addition to abnormalities intrinsic to the heart, dysfunction of other organs and dysregulation of systemic factors greatly affect the development and consequences of heart failure. Here we show that the heart and kidneys function cooperatively in generating an adaptive response to cardiac pressure overload. In mice subjected to pressure overload in the heart, sympathetic nerve activation led to activation of renal collecting-duct (CD) epithelial cells. Cell-cell interactions among activated CD cells, tissue macrophages and endothelial cells within the kidney led to secretion of the cytokine CSF2, which in turn stimulated cardiac-resident Ly6C(lo) macrophages, which are essential for the myocardial adaptive response to pressure overload. The renal response to cardiac pressure overload was disrupted by renal sympathetic denervation, adrenergic beta 2-receptor blockade or CD-cell-specific deficiency of the transcription factor KLF5. Moreover, we identified amphiregulin as an essential cardioprotective mediator produced by cardiac Ly6C(lo) macrophages. Our results demonstrate a dynamic interplay between the heart, brain and kidneys that is necessary for adaptation to cardiac stress, and they highlight the homeostatic functions of tissue macrophages and the sympathetic nervous system.
  • Shinichiro Hayashi, Ichiro Manabe, Yumi Suzuki, Frederic Relaix, Yumiko Oishi
    ELIFE 5 2016年10月  
    Kruppel-like factor 5 (Klf5) is a zinc-finger transcription factor that controls various biological processes, including cell proliferation and differentiation. We show that Klf5 is also an essential mediator of skeletal muscle regeneration and myogenic differentiation. During muscle regeneration after injury (cardiotoxin injection), Klf5 was induced in the nuclei of differentiating myoblasts and newly formed myofibers expressing myogenin in vivo. Satellite cell-specific Klf5 deletion severely impaired muscle regeneration, and myotube formation was suppressed in Klf5-deleted cultured C2C12 myoblasts and satellite cells. Klf5 knockdown suppressed induction of muscle differentiation-related genes, including myogenin. Klf5 ChIP-seq revealed that Klf5 binding overlaps that of MyoD and Mef2, and Klf5 physically associates with both MyoD and Mef2. In addition, MyoD recruitment was greatly reduced in the absence of Klf5. These results indicate that Klf5 is an essential regulator of skeletal muscle differentiation, acting in concert with myogenic transcription factors such as MyoD and Mef2.
  • Fusa Ogata, Katsuhito Fujiu, Sahohime Matsumoto, Yukiteru Nakayama, Munehiko Shibata, Yuichi Oike, Isao Koshima, Tetsuro Watabe, Ryozo Nagai, Ichiro Manabe
    Lymphedema is a debilitating progressive condition that severely restricts quality of life and is frequently observed after cancer surgery. The mechanism underlying lymphedema development remains poorly understood, and no effective pharmacological means to prevent or alleviate the ailment is currently available. Using a mouse model of lymphedema, we show here that excessive generation of immature lymphatic vessels is essential for initial edema development and that this early process is also important for later development of lymphedema pathology. We found that CD4(+) T cells interact with macrophages to promote lymphangiogenesis, and that both lymphangiogenesis and edema were greatly reduced in macrophage-depleted mice, lymphocyte-deficient Rag2(-/-) mice or CD4(+) T-cell-deficient mice. Mechanistically, T helper type 1 and T helper type 17 cells activate lesional macrophages to produce vascular endothelial growth factor-C, which promotes lymphangiogenesis, and inhibition of this mechanism suppressed not only early lymphangiogenesis, but also later development of lymphedema. Finally, we show that atorvastatin suppresses excessive lymphangiogenesis and lymphedema by inhibiting T helper type 1 and T helper type 17 cell activation. These results demonstrate that the interaction between CD4(+) T cells and macrophages is a potential therapeutic target for prevention of lymphedema after surgery.
  • Jack H. Wang, Kosei Eguchi, Sahohime Matsumoto, Katsuhito Fujiu, Issei Komuro, Ryozo Nagai, Ichiro Manabe
    PLOS ONE 9(5) 2014年5月  
    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a prevalent vascular disease that can progressively enlarge and rupture with a high rate of mortality. Inflammation and active remodeling of the aortic wall have been suggested to be critical in its pathogenesis. Meanwhile, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are known to reduce cardiovascular events, but its role in AAA management remains unclear. Here, we show that EPA can attenuate murine CaCl2-induced AAA formation. Aortas from BALB/c mice fed an EPA-diet appeared less inflamed, were significantly smaller in diameter compared to those from control-diet-fed mice, and had relative preservation of aortic elastic lamina. Interestingly, CT imaging also revealed markedly reduced calcification of the aortas after EPA treatment. Mechanistically, MMP2, MMP9, and TNFSF11 levels in the aortas were reduced after EPA treatment. Consistent with this finding, RAW264.7 macrophages treated with EPA showed attenuated Mmp9 levels after TNF-alpha simulation. These results demonstrate a novel role of EPA in attenuating AAA formation via the suppression of critical remodeling pathways in the pathogenesis of AAAs, and raise the possibility of using EPA for AAA prevention in the clinical setting.
  • Satoshi Nishimura, Ichiro Manabe, Satoshi Takaki, Mika Nagasaki, Makoto Otsu, Hiroshi Yamashita, Junichi Sugita, Kotaro Yoshimura, Koji Eto, Issei Komuro, Takashi Kadowaki, Ryozo Nagai
    CELL METABOLISM 18(5) 759-766 2013年11月  
    Distinct B cell populations, designated regulatory B (B-reg) cells, are known to restrain immune responses associated with autoimmune diseases. Additionally, obesity is known to induce local inflammation within adipose tissue that contributes to systemic metabolic abnormalities, but the underlying mechanisms that modulate adipose inflammation remain poorly understood. We identified B-reg cells that produce interleukin-10 constitutively within adipose tissue. B cell-specific Il10 deletion enhanced adipose inflammation and insulin resistance in diet-induced obese mice, whereas adoptive transfer of adipose tissue B-reg cells ameliorated those effects. Adipose environmental factors, including CXCL12 and free fatty acids, support B-reg cell function, and B-reg cell fraction and function were reduced in adipose tissue from obese mice and humans. Our findings indicate that adipose tissue B-reg cells are a naturally occurring regulatory B cell subset that maintains homeostasis within adipose tissue and that B-reg cell dysfunction contributes pivotally to the progression of adipose tissue inflammation in obesity.
  • Hua Shen, Kosei Eguchi, Nozomu Kono, Katsuhito Fujiu, Sahohime Matsumoto, Munehiko Shibata, Yumiko Oishi-Tanaka, Issei Komuro, Hiroyuki Arai, Ryozo Nagai, Ichiro Manabe
    Objective Obesity is a major risk factor of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Circulating free fatty acid levels are known to be elevated in obese individuals and, along with dietary saturated fatty acids, are known to associate with cardiovascular events. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms by which free fatty acids are linked to cardiovascular disease.Approach and Results We found that administration of palmitate, a major saturated free fatty acid, to mice markedly aggravated neointima formation induced by carotid artery ligation and that the neointima primarily consisted of phenotypically modulated smooth muscle cells (SMCs). In cultured SMCs, palmitate-induced phenotypic modulation was characterized by downregulation of SMC differentiation markers, such as SM -actin and SM-myosin heavy chain, and upregulation of mediators involved in inflammation and remodeling of the vessel wall, such as platelet-derived growth factor B and matrix metalloproteinases. We also found that palmitate induced the expression of proinflammatory genes via a novel toll-like receptor 4/myeloid differentiation primary response 88/nuclear factor-B/NADPH oxidase 1/reactive oxygen species signaling pathway: nuclear factor-B was activated by palmitate via toll-like receptor 4 and its adapter, MyD88, and once active, it transactivated Nox1, encoding NADPH oxidase 1, a major reactive oxygen species generator in SMCs. Pharmacological inhibition and small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of the components of this signaling pathway mitigated the palmitate-induced upregulation of proinflammatory genes. More importantly, Myd88 knockout mice were resistant to palmitate-induced exacerbation of neointima formation.Conclusions Palmitate seems to promote neointima formation by inducing inflammatory phenotypes in SMCs.
  • Kosei Eguchi, Ichiro Manabe, Yumiko Oishi-Tanaka, Mitsuru Ohsugi, Nozomu Kono, Fusa Ogata, Nobuhiro Yagi, Umeharu Ohto, Masao Kimoto, Kensuke Miyake, Kazuyuki Tobe, Hiroyuki Arai, Takashi Kadowaki, Ryozo Nagai
    CELL METABOLISM 15(4) 518-533 2012年4月  
    Consumption of foods high in saturated fatty acids (FAs) as well as elevated levels of circulating free FAs are known to be associated with T2D. Though previous studies showed inflammation is crucially involved in the development of insulin resistance, how inflammation contributes to beta cell dysfunction has remained unclear. We report here the saturated FA palmitate induces beta cell dysfunction in vivo by activating inflammatory processes within islets. Through a combination of in vivo and in vitro studies, we show beta cells respond to palmitate via the TLR4/MyD88 pathway and produce chemokines that recruit CD11b(+)Ly-6C(+) M1-type proinflammatory monocytes/macrophages to the islets. Depletion of M1-type cells protected mice from palmitate-induced beta cell dysfunction. Islet inflammation also plays an essential role in beta cell dysfunction in T2D mouse models. Collectively, these results demonstrate a clear mechanistic link between beta cell dysfunction and inflammation mediated at least in part via the FFA-TLR4/MyD88 pathway.
  • Ichiro Manabe
    CIRCULATION JOURNAL 75(12) 2739-2748 2011年12月  
    Chronic inflammation appears to underlie most, if not all, the chronic diseases of today, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease, Alzheimer's disease and cancer. We have demonstrated that obesity induces chronic local inflammation in adipose tissue. We also found that chronic inflammation is crucially involved in the development of heart failure and chronic kidney disease. In this article, I review recent findings reported by my group and others regarding the mechanisms underlying the chronic inflammatory processes commonly observed in adipose tissue, heart and kidney. I then discuss the key features of the chronic inflammation seen in chronic diseases. (Circ J 2011; 75: 2739-2748)
  • Katsuhito Fujiu, Ichiro Manabe, Ryozo Nagai
    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 121(9) 3425-3441 2011年9月  
    Renal tubulointerstitial damage is the final common pathway leading from chronic kidney disease to end-stage renal disease. Inflammation is clearly involved in tubulointerstitial injury, but it remains unclear how the inflammatory processes are initiated and regulated. Here, we have shown that in the mouse kidney, the transcription factor Kruppel-like factor-5 (KLF5) is mainly expressed in collecting duct epithelial cells and that Klf5 haploinsufficient mice (Klf5(+/-) mice) exhibit ameliorated renal injury in the unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) model of tubulointerstitial disease. Additionally, Klf5 haploinsufficiency reduced accumulation of CD11b(+)F4/80(lo) cells, which expressed proinflammatory cytokines and induced apoptosis among renal epithelial cells, phenotypes indicative of M1-type macrophages. By contrast, it increased accumulation of CD11b(+)F4/80(hi) macrophages, which expressed CD206 and CD301 and contributed to fibrosis, in part via TGF-beta production - phenotypes indicative of M2-type macrophages. Interestingly, KLF5, in concert with C/EBP alpha, was found to induce expression of the chemotactic proteins S100A8 and S100A9, which recruited inflammatory monocytes to the kidneys and promoted their activation into M1-type macrophages. Finally, assessing the effects of bone marrow-specific Klf5 haploinsufficiency or collecting duct- or myeloid cell-specific Klf5 deletion confirmed that collecting duct expression of Klf5 is essential for inflammatory responses to UUO. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the renal collecting duct plays a pivotal role in the initiation and progression of tubulointerstitial inflammation.
  • Hiroshi Iwata, Ichiro Manabe, Katsuhito Fujiu, Tetsufumi Yamamoto, Norifumi Takeda, Kosei Eguchi, Akiko Furuya, Makoto Kuro-o, Masataka Sata, Ryozo Nagai
    CIRCULATION 122(20) 2048-U147 2010年11月  
    Background-It has been proposed that bone marrow-derived cells infiltrate the neointima, where they differentiate into smooth muscle (SM) cells; however, technical limitations have hindered clear identification of the lineages of bone marrow-derived "SM cell-like" cells.Methods and Results-Using a specific antibody against the definitive SM cell lineage marker SM myosin heavy chain (SM-MHC) and mouse lines in which reporter genes were driven by regulatory programs for either SM-MHC or SM alpha-actin, we demonstrated that although some bone marrow-derived cells express SM alpha-actin in the wire injury-induced neointima, those cells did not express SM-MHC, even 30 weeks after injury. Likewise, no SM-MHC+ bone marrow-derived cells were found in vascular lesions in apolipoprotein E-/- mice or in a heart transplantation vasculopathy model. Instead, the majority of bone marrow-derived SM alpha-actin(+) cells were also CD115(+)CD11b(+)F4/80(+)Ly-6C(+), which is the surface phenotype of inflammatory monocytes. Moreover, adoptively transferred CD11b(+)Ly-6C(+) bone marrow cells expressed SM alpha-actin in the injured artery. Expression of inflammation-related genes was significantly higher in neointimal subregions rich in bone marrow-derived SM alpha-actin(+) cells than in other regions.Conclusions-It appears that bone marrow-derived SM alpha-actin(+) cells are of monocyte/macrophage lineage and are involved in vascular remodeling. It is very unlikely that these cells acquire the definitive SM cell lineage. (Circulation. 2010; 122: 2048-2057.)
  • Norifumi Takeda, Ichiro Manabe, Yuichi Uchino, Kosei Eguchi, Sahohime Matsumoto, Satoshi Nishimura, Takayuki Shindo, Motoaki Sano, Kinya Otsu, Paige Snider, Simon J. Conway, Ryozo Nagai
    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 120(1) 254-265 2010年1月  
    Fibroblasts, which are the most numerous cell type in the heart, interact with cardiomyocytes in vitro and affect their function; however, they are considered to play a secondary role in cardiac hypertrophy and failure. Here we have shown that cardiac fibroblasts are essential for the protective and hypertrophic myocardial responses to pressure overload in vivo in mice. Haploinsufficiency of the transcription factor-encoding gene Kruppel-like factor 5 (Klf5) suppressed cardiac fibrosis and hypertrophy elicited by moderate-intensity pressure overload, whereas cardiomyocyte-specific Klf5 deletion did not alter the hypertrophic responses. By contrast, cardiac fibroblast-specific Klf5 deletion ameliorated cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis, indicating that KLF5 in fibroblasts is important for the response to pressure overload and that cardiac fibroblasts are required for cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. High-intensity pressure overload caused severe heart failure and early death in mice with Klf5-null fibroblasts. KLF5 transactivated Igf1 in cardiac fibroblasts, and IGF-1 subsequently acted in a paracrine fashion to induce hypertrophic responses in cardiomyocytes. Igf1 induction was essential for cardioprotective responses, as administration of a peptide inhibitor of IGF-1 severely exacerbated heart failure induced by high-intensity pressure overload. Thus, cardiac fibroblasts play a pivotal role in the myocardial adaptive response to pressure overload, and this role is partly controlled by KLF5. Modulation of cardiac fibroblast function may provide a novel strategy for treating heart failure, with KLF5 serving as an attractive target.
  • Satoshi Nishimura, Ichiro Manabe, Mika Nagasaki, Koji Eto, Hiroshi Yamashita, Mitsuru Ohsugi, Makoto Otsu, Kazuo Hara, Kohjiro Ueki, Seiryo Sugiura, Kotaro Yoshimura, Takashi Kadowaki, Ryozo Nagai
    NATURE MEDICINE 15(8) 914-U116 2009年8月  
    Inflammation is increasingly regarded as a key process underlying metabolic diseases in obese individuals. In particular, obese adipose tissue shows features characteristic of active local inflammation. At present, however, little is known about the sequence of events that comprises the inflammatory cascade or the mechanism by which inflammation develops. We found that large numbers of CD8(+) effector T cells infiltrated obese epididymal adipose tissue in mice fed a high-fat diet, whereas the numbers of CD4(+) helper and regulatory T cells were diminished. The infiltration by CD8(+) T cells preceded the accumulation of macrophages, and immunological and genetic depletion of CD8(+) T cells lowered macrophage infiltration and adipose tissue inflammation and ameliorated systemic insulin resistance. Conversely, adoptive transfer of CD8(+) T cells to CD8-deficient mice aggravated adipose inflammation. Coculture and other in vitro experiments revealed a vicious cycle of interactions between CD8(+) T cells, macrophages and adipose tissue. Our findings suggest that obese adipose tissue activates CD8(+) T cells, which, in turn, promote the recruitment and activation of macrophages in this tissue. These results support the notion that CD8(+) T cells have an essential role in the initiation and propagation of adipose inflammation.
  • Nobuhiro Yagi, Ichiro Manabe, Tsuneaki Tottori, Atsushi Ishihara, Fusa Ogata, Jong Heon Kim, Satoshi Nishimura, Katsuhito Fujiu, Yumiko Oishi, Keiji Itaka, Yasuki Kato, Masahiro Yamauchi, Ryozo Nagai
    CANCER RESEARCH 69(16) 6531-6538 2009年8月  
    Use of short interfering RNA (siRNA) is a promising new approach thought to have a strong potential to lead to rapid development of gene-oriented therapies. Here, we describe a newly developed, systemically injectable siRNA vehicle, the "wrapsome" (WS), which contains siRNA and a cationic lipofection complex in a core that is fully enveloped by a neutral lipid bilayer and hydrophilic polymers. WS protected siRNA from enzymatic digestion, providing a long half-life in the systemic circulation. Moreover, siRNA/WS leaked from blood vessels within tumors into the tumor tissue, where it accumulated and was subsequently transfected into the tumor cells. Because the transcription factor KLF5 is known to play a role in tumor angiogenesis, we designed KLF5-siRNA to test the antitumor activity of siRNA/WS. KLF5-siRNA/WS exhibited significant antitumor activity, although neither WS containing control scrambled-siRNA nor saline containing KLF5-siRNA affected tumor growth. KLF5-siRNA/WS inhibited Klf5 expression within tumors at both mRNA and protein levels, significantly reducing angiogenesis, and we detected no significant acute or long-term toxicity. Our findings support the idea that siRNA/WS can be used to knock down specific genes within tumors and thereby exert therapeutic effects against cancers. [Cancer Res 2009;69(16):6531-8]
  • Yumiko Oishi, Ichiro Manabe, Kazuyuki Tobe, Mitsuru Ohsugi, Tetsuya Kubota, Katsuhito Fujiu, Koji Maemura, Naoto Kubota, Takashi Kadowaki, Ryozo Nagai
    NATURE MEDICINE 14(6) 656-666 2008年6月  
    Obesity and metabolic syndrome are increasingly recognized as major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Herein we show that Kruppel-like transcription factor 5 (KLF5) is a crucial regulator of energy metabolism. Klf5(+/-) mice were resistant to high fat-induced obesity, hypercholesterolemia and glucose intolerance, despite consuming more food than wild-type mice. This may in part reflect their enhanced energy expenditure. Expression of the genes involved in lipid oxidation and energy uncoupling, including those encoding carnitine-palmitoyl transferase-1b (Cpt1b) and uncoupling proteins 2 and 3 (Ucp2 and Ucp3), was upregulated in the soleus muscles of Klf5(+/-) m ice. Under basal conditions, KLF5 modified with small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) proteins was associated with transcriptionally repressive regulatory complexes containing unliganded peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-delta (PPAR-delta) and co-repressors and thus inhibited Cpt1b, Ucp2 and Ucp3 expression. Upon agonist stimulation of PPAR-delta, KLF5 was deSUMOylated, and became associated with transcriptional activation complexes containing both the liganded PPAR-delta and CREB binding protein (CBP). This activation complex increased the expression of Cpt1b, Ucp2 and Ucp3. Thus, SUMOylation seems to be a molecular switch affecting function of KLF5 and the transcriptional regulatory programs governing lipid metabolism.
  • Satoshi Nishimura, Ichiro Manabe, Mika Nagasaki, Kinya Seo, Hiroshi Yamashita, Yumiko Hosoya, Mitsuru Ohsugi, Kazuyuki Tobe, Takashi Kadowaki, Ryozo Nagai, Seiryo Sugiura
    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 118(2) 710-721 2008年2月  
    To assess physiological and pathophysiological events that involve dynamic interplay between multiple cell types, real-time, in vivo analysis is necessary. We developed a technique based on confocal laser microscopy that enabled us to analyze and compare the 3-dimensional structures, cellular dynamics, and vascular function within mouse lean and obese adipose tissue in vivo with high spatiotemporal resolution. We found increased leukocyte-EC-platelet interaction in the microcirculation of obese visceral adipose tissue in ob/ob and high-fat diet-induced obese mice. These changes were indicative of activation of the leukocyte adhesion cascade, a hallmark of inflammation. Local platelet activation in obese adipose tissue was indicated by increased P-selectin expression and formation of monocyte-platelet conjugates. We observed upregulated expression of adhesion molecules on macrophages and ECs in obese visceral adipose tissue, suggesting that interactions between these cells contribute to local activation of inflammatory processes. Furthermore, administration of anti-ICAM-1 antibody normalized the cell dynamics seen in obese visceral fat. This imaging technique to analyze the complex cellular interplay within obese adipose tissue allowed us to show that visceral adipose tissue obesity is an inflammatory disease. In addition, this technique may prove to be a valuable tool to evaluate potential therapeutic interventions.
  • Go Nishimura, Ichiro Manabe, Kensuke Tsushima, Katsuhito Fujiu, Yumiko Oishi, Yasushi Imai, Koji Maemura, Makoto Miyagishi, Yujiro Higashi, Hisato Kondoh, Ryozo Nagai
    DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 11(1) 93-104 2006年7月  
    Alteration in the differentiated state of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) is known to be integral to vascular development and the pathogenesis of vascular disease. However, it is still largely unknown how environmental cues translate into transcriptional control of SMC genes. We found that delta EF1 is upregulated during SMC differentiation and selectively transactivates the promoters of SMC differentiation marker genes, SM alpha-actin and SM myosin heavy chain (SM-MHC). delta EF1 physically interacts with SRF and Smad3, resulting in a synergistic activation of SM a-actin promoter. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays and knockdown experiments showed that delta EF1 is involved in the control of the SMC differentiation programs induced by TGF-beta signaling. Overexpression of delta EF1 inhibited neointima formation and promoted SMC differentiation, whereas heterozygous dEF1 knockout mice exhibited exaggerated neointima formation. It thus appears delta EF1 mediates SMC differentiation via interaction with SRF and Smad3 during development and in vascular disease.


  • 真鍋 一郎
    医学のあゆみ 277(13) 1109-1113 2021年6月  
  • 真鍋 一郎
    日本血栓止血学会誌 32(2) 167-167 2021年5月  
  • 真鍋 一郎
    日本内分泌学会雑誌 97(1) 201-201 2021年4月  
  • 真鍋 一郎
    HORMONE FRONTIER IN GYNECOLOGY 28(1) 19-23 2021年3月  
  • 真鍋 一郎
    Cardiac Practice 31(2) 99-102 2021年3月  


  • 小室一成, 候 聡志, 渡辺 昌文, 眞鍋 一郎, 波多野 将 (担当:共編者(共編著者))
    中山書店 2015年9月26日 (ISBN: 4521742661)



