
楯 真一

タテ シンイチ  (Shinichi Tate)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院発生・再建医学研究部門発生医学講座生殖機能病態学 講師



  • Mitsuhashi A, Uno T, Usui H, Tate S, Hirashiki K, Kato K, Kiyohara H, Kato S, Ito H, Shozu M
    Anticancer Res 30(6) 2341-2346 2010年6月  査読有り
  • Akira Mitsuhashi, Takashi Uno, Hirokazu Usui, Shinichi Tate, Kouichiro Hirashiki, Kazuyoshi Kato, Hiroki Kiyohara, Shinngo Kato, Hisao Ito, Makio Shozu
    Anticancer research 30(6) 2341-6 2010年6月  査読有り
    AIM: To determine the effectiveness of postoperative concurrent daily low-dose cisplatin-based chemoradiation (CCRT) in patients with high-risk cervical cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with stage IB, IIA, or IIB cervical cancer who were initially treated with radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy, and were proven to have pelvic lymph node metastasis (pN1) or microscopic involvement of the parametrium (pT2b), participated in this study. Thirty-one patients received adjuvant CCRT with daily low-dose (6-8.5 mg/m(2)) cisplatin (daily CCRT group). A non-randomised control group of 44 patients received adjuvant radiotherapy alone (RT group). RESULTS: Overall survival (OS) at 4 years was 61% in the RT group and 91% in the daily CCRT group (p=0.004). Hazard ratio for poorer recurrence-free survival (RFS) in the RT group vs. the CCRT group was 7.9 (p=0.006). In the daily CCRT group, daily cisplatin chemotherapy was successfully completed in 27 out of 31 patients, although toxicity of grade >or=3 was found in 29% for neutropenia and 17% for gastrointestinal tract toxicity. CONCLUSION: Postoperative adjuvant CCRT with daily low-dose cisplatin improved RFS and OS of pT2b or pN1 patients, with acceptable compliance.
  • Kyoko Nishikimi, Nobuya Habuka, Yuko Okazima, Shinichi Tate, Yuichiro Nagai, Masayuki Nakano, Reiko Okawa, Makio Shozu
    Acta Cytologica 54(1) 85-88 2010年  査読有り
    Background: To report the cytologic characteristics of low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma with sex cord-like differtiation. Case: A 49 year-old woman presented with hypermenorrhea, menorrhalgia and anemia. With a diagnosis of degenerated leiomyoma of the uterus, simple total hysterectomy was conducted. Histologic examination revealed cells with ovoid to short, spindle-shaped nuclei resembling endometrial stromal cells proliferating in a space-occupying manner and compressing and partially infiltrating the myometrium. Some tumor cells were arranged in sex cord-like form, and hyalinization was observed in the center of the cord. Low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma with sex cord-like differentiation was diagnosed. Touch imprint cytologic examination of the tumor showed cells containing scanty cytoplasm and ovoid to spindle-shaped nuclei with little atypia they were scattered individually, aggregated in clusters, or arranged in cord glandular form. Hyaline-like substance was present in abundance. The histologic characteristics of the endometrial stromal sarcoma with sex cord-like differentiation were confirme by touch imprint cytology of the tumor. Conclusion: In this case of low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma with sex cord-like differentiation, cytologic examination revealed hyaline substance and tumor cells aligned in cord or glandular form. © The International Academy of Cytology.
  • Hideo Matsui, Maki Kihara, Hirokazu Usui, Shinichi Tate, Akira Mitsuhashi, Makio Shozu
    The Journal of reproductive medicine 54(10) 631-5 2009年10月  査読有り
    OBJECTIVE: To compare serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) titers using 2 commercially available hCG immunoassays in patients with gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). STUDY DESIGN: A total of 213 serum samples from 39 patients with uneventful moles and 697 serum samples from 17 patients with low-risk and high-risk GTN were obtained and subsequently measured with both the hCG C-terminal (hCG-CTP) and DPC Immulite 2000 tests. RESULTS: In patients with uneventful moles and GTN, serum hCG levels recorded using the hCG-CTP and DPC Immulite 2000 tests correlated well (r2 = 0.936 and r2 = 0.958). However, the serum hCG titers measured using the DPC Immulite 2000 assay were approximately 2.5- and 2.7-fold higher than those measured with the hCG-CTP test (p < 0.0001) when lower titers of hCG (< 40 mIU/mL) were tested. In addition, 3 and 1 patient, respectivelyl, with uneventful mole and GTN obtained positive results with the DPC Immulite 2000 test (3.0-4.2 mIU/mL) after demonstrating undetectable hCG levels with the hCG-CTP test (< 1.0 mIU/mL). CONCLUSION: At the lower levels of hCG, a few discrepancies between hCG titers measured using the 2 commercial immunoassays arose and may be attributed to the existence of hCG-related molecules. However, these hCG metabolites disappeared rapidly, the clinical importance of which remains unclear.
  • Mitsuhashi A, Matsui H, Usui H, Nagai Y, Tate S, Unno Y, Hirashiki K, Seki K, Shozu M
    Ann Oncol 20(1) 71-77 2009年1月  査読有り
  • 三橋 暁, 楯 真一, 平井 真紀子, 碓井 宏和, 海野 洋一, 平敷 好一郎, 松井 英雄, 生水 真紀夫
    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 59(2) 392-392 2007年2月  査読有り
  • 三橋 暁, 田中 尚武, 鈴鹿 清美, 楯 真一, 山澤 功二, 松井 英雄, 宇野 隆, 伊東 久夫, 関谷 宗英
    日本癌治療学会誌 38(2) 692-692 2003年9月  査読有り
  • Y Hirai, N Takeshima, S Tate, F Akiyama, R Furuta, K Hasumi
    Objective To investigate the potential for nodal spread or recurrence in patients with early invasive cervical adenocarcinoma. The possible application of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) classification (1994) to this variant was also examined. Design Retrospective observational study. Setting Gynaecological oncology division of Cancer Institute Hospital, Japan. Population 302 patients with FIGO Stage 0-IIB cervical adenocarcinoma treated surgically at the Cancer Institute Hospital. Methods Clinicopathological analysis was performed on 47 patients with early invasive cervical adenocarcinoma in whom the depth of stromal invasion was 5 turn or less. All patients underwent radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy. Results In 30 patients with a depth of tumour invasion of 3 mm or less, no lymph node metastasis was found, while two patients developed recurrence; one had a depth of invasion of 3 mm and a horizontal tumour spread of 3 rum, and the other had horizontal spread of more than 7 mm. In 17 patients with a depth of invasion from 3 to 5 mm, there was also no lymph node metastasis, but two patients developed recurrence; one had horizontal tumour spread of 7 mm or less, and the other had horizontal spread of more than 7 mm. Conclusion Early invasive cervical adenocarcinoma with a depth of invasion of 3 mm or less and a horizontal spread of 7 turn or less has little potential for nodal metastasis or recurrence. It seems possible that the FIGO definition (1994) of early cervical cancer may be applicable in its present form to early cervical adenocarcinoma.


  • 小林達也, 錦見恭子, 三橋暁, 三橋暁, 松岡歩, 大塚聡代, 楯真一, 生水真紀夫, 碓井宏和, 甲賀かをり
    日本遺伝子診療学会大会プログラム・抄録集 30th 2023年  
  • 伊藤 孝輔, 松岡 歩, 大塚 聡代, 羽生 裕二, 錦見 恭子, 楯 真一, 碓井 宏和, 三橋 暁, 椎名 愛優, 岸本 充, 池田 純一郎, 生水 真紀夫
    日本婦人科腫瘍学会学術講演会プログラム・抄録集 63回 318-318 2021年7月  
  • 楯 真一, 錦見 恭子, 松岡 歩, 生水 真紀夫
    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌 39(1) 307-307 2021年1月  
  • 竹原直希, 羽生裕二, 三橋暁, 太田昌幸, 池田純一郎, 松岡歩, 錦見恭子, 楯真一, 碓井宏和, 生水真紀夫
    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌 39(1) 352-352 2021年  
  • 大渕 朝日, 楯 真一, 松岡 歩, 錦見 恭子, 羽生 裕二, 碓井 宏和, 三橋 暁, 生水 真紀夫
    関東連合産科婦人科学会誌 57(4) 615-621 2020年11月  
    原発性卵巣腫瘍と転移性卵巣腫瘍では治療法や予後が異なるため鑑別が重要であるが,術前診断に苦慮する.今回,多房性嚢胞性腫瘍を呈した転移性卵巣腫瘍を2例経験した.症例1:81歳女性.X年6月に肝内胆管癌(高分化腺癌,Stage II)の手術を受けた.術後化学療法中のX+1年4月下腹部膨隆感があり,両側卵巣に多房性嚢胞性腫瘍を指摘され,当科紹介となった.MRI検査で粘液性腺腫が疑われ,腹腔鏡補助下両側付属器切除術を施行した.術後病理診断は肝内胆管癌の卵巣転移であった.症例2:37歳女性.Y年3月に肝内胆管癌(中〜高分化型腺癌,Stage IV)の手術を受けた.術後化学療法後,経過観察されていた.Y+1年6月に下腹部痛のため近医を受診し,卵巣嚢腫を指摘され当科紹介となった.超音波検査で両側卵巣に多房性嚢胞性腫瘤を認め粘液性腺腫を疑った.子宮頸部細胞診でAGCを検出したため,頸部と内膜組織診を施行し高分化型腺癌を検出した.肝内胆管癌の転移を疑い,子宮全摘+両側付属器切除術を施行した.術後病理診断は肝内胆管癌の卵巣・子宮転移であった.今回の2例のように,肝内胆管癌の卵巣転移は多房性嚢胞性腫瘍を呈する可能性があるため,肝内胆管癌既往の多房性卵巣腫瘍症例では,再発や転移の可能性を念頭におく必要があると考えられた.(著者抄録)

