
石井 克枝

イシイ カツエ  (Katsue Ishii)


千葉大学 教育学部 教育学部家庭科教育 千葉大学



  • 千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 53 381-387 2006年  
  • 武田 紀久子, 川嶋 かほる, 河村 美穂, 武藤 八恵子, 石井 克枝
    日本家庭科教育学会誌 48(3) 198-205 2005年  
    In this second paper, the authors examined the questionnaire results in detail and proposed that teachers adopt new information about foods in home economics classes to make students think about nutrition and foods, because there is a huge difference between what is taught in school and the reality of students' everyday lives. We selected foods based on a variety of information, but in reality students focus on only one specific nutritional aspect. They need to look at the total nutritional picture when selecting food. The proposed points for home economics classes are as follows. (1) Make students understand the relationships between foods and their various roles. (2) Teach high school students to understand about their own health and encourage them to have an awareness about food and their health. (3) Have students become knowledgeable about selecting foods and correcting their misunderstandings about foods information gained from the media.
  • 石井 克枝, 川嶋 かほる, 河村 美穂, 武田 紀久子, 武藤 八恵子
    日本家庭科教育学会誌 48(3) 191-197 2005年  
    Recently, there have been many problems concerning children's health and food. Home economics education has had a lot of classes about health and food issues but now more effective classes are required. The aim of this study is to clasify high school students' way of thinking about food and health; in terms of good classes about food and nutrition. In this study, the authors examined the results of a questionnaire about "good" or "bad" foods. The questionnaire was given to 512 senior high school students from November 2002 to July 2003. In this first paper, the authors reviewed the results. They are as follows : 1) High school students mentioned vegetables are better than animal products. 2) They recognized good animal foods in this order : fish, milk and dairy products meat, eggs. 3) They recognized good vegetable foods in this order : vegetables, fruits, beans, grains, seaweed, potatoes. 4) They recognized bad foods in this order : confectionery, grains, multiple foods, beverages, meats. 5) The reasons why foods are considered good are vitamins, calcium, and iron. 6) The reasons why foods are considered bad are lipids, calories, and cholesterol. Other reasons are salt, sugar, and food additives.
  • 全国調理師養成協会 2004年