
上原 浩一

ウエハラ コウイチ  (Koichi Uehara)


千葉大学 大学院国際学術研究院 教授



  • Watanabe Yoichi, Ichiro Tamaki, Sang‐Hun Oh, Atsushi J. Nagano, Koichi Uehara, Nobuhiro Tomaru, Harue Abe
    American Journal of Botany 2023年4月19日  
  • Grégoire Noël, Arnaud Mestrez, Philippe Lejeune, Frédéric Francis, Junko Kawai, Masayuki Miwa, Koichi Uehara, Ayako Nagase
    Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 79 127794-127794 2023年1月  
  • Yoichi W, Takahashi M, Nagano AJ, Uehara K, Abe H
    Heredity 126(5) 859-868 2021年  査読有り
    Geographic and environmental isolations of islands and the mainland offer excellent opportunity to investigate colonization and survival dynamics of island populations. We inferred and compared evolutionary processes and the demographic history of Rhododendron tsusiophyllum, in the Izu Islands and the much larger island Honshu, treated here as the mainland, using thousands of nuclear SNPs obtained by ddRAD-seq from eight populations of R. tsusiophyllum and three populations of R. tschonoskii as an outgroup. Phylogenetic relationships and their habitats suggest that R. tsusiophyllum had evolved and migrated from cold north to warm south regions. We detected clear genetic divergence among populations in three regions of Honshu and the Izu Islands, suggesting restricted migration between them due to isolated habitats on mountains even in the mainland. The three regions have different changes in effective population size, especially, genetic diversity and population size of the Izu Islands are small compared to the others. Further, habitats of populations in the Izu Islands are warmer than those in Honshu, suggesting that they have undergone adaptive evolution. Our study provides evidences of montane rather than insular isolation on genetic divergence, survival of populations and significance of adaptive evolution for island populations with small population size and low genetic diversity, despite close proximity to mainland populations.
  • Yoichi W, Ono E, Tsunamoto Y, Matsuo A, Suyama Y, Uehara K
    Tree Genetics & Genomes 17(3) 2021年  査読有り最終著者
    Plants growing in similar climates with extensively overlapping distributions may exhibit similar phylogeographic patterns, due to similarities in range shifts during past climatic oscillations. We tested and exploited this expectation in a comparison of the evolutionary and demographic histories of two related and co-distributed species endemic to Japan-Rhododendron pentaphyllum and R. quinquefolium. Genetic variation in sequences of noncoding chloroplast DNA regions and hundreds of nuclear single nucleotide polymorphisms were used to investigate 191 individuals from 13 populations of R. pentaphyllum and 142 individuals from 10 populations of R. quinquefolium. We found that the two species were not each other's closest relative, and we found different times to the most recent common ancestor of extant populations based on both chloroplast DNA and nuclear SNPs. Rhododendron pentaphyllum exhibited higher genetic variation between populations than R. quinquefolium, while the two species had similar patterns of genetic divergence between regions with slightly different divergence times. These lines of evidence suggest that the similar ranges of the two species are the result of repeated range shifts since speciation during climatic oscillations.
  • 片倉慶子, 河上友宏, 渡辺洋一, 藤井英二郎, 上原浩一
    日本緑化工学会会誌 44(4) 606-612 2019年  査読有り最終著者責任著者


  • 渡辺洋一, 高橋美波, 永野惇, 上原浩一, 阿部晴恵
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web) 67th 2020年  
  • 片倉慶子, 河上友宏, 渡辺洋一, 藤井英二郎, 上原浩一
    日本森林学会大会学術講演集 129th 2018年  
  • 渡辺洋一, 永野惇, 上原浩一, 阿部晴恵
    日本植物分類学会大会研究発表要旨集 16th 2017年  
  • 渡辺洋一, JIN Xiao-Feng, 手塚あゆみ, 永野惇, 永野惇, 伊藤元己, 上原浩一, 戸丸信弘
    日本森林学会大会学術講演集 127th 763-763 2016年  
  • M Watanabe, D Setoguchi, K Uehara, W Ohtsuka, Y Watanabe
    NEW PHYTOLOGIST 156(3) 417-426 2002年12月  
    The cleavage of nuclear DNA into oligonucleosomal fragments that is the hallmark of apoptosis in animal cells occurs during the culture of Brassica napus leaf protoplasts. The changes in nuclei of cultured Brassica napus leaf protoplasts were studied by propidium iodide (PI) and 4', 6-diamino-2-phenylindole, dihydrochloride (DAPI) staining, transmission electron microscopy, flow cytometry analysis, and DNA laddering staining with ethidium bromide and Southern hybridization. Free 3'-OH termini of nuclear DNA fragments were labelled with DIG-dUTP, catalyzed by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), and used as probes for Southern hybridization. This method (TUNEL on membrane) allowed visualization of DNA fragments with 3'-OH termini on a nylon membrane. These results suggest that loss of viability of protoplast with culture time is accompanied by apoptosis-like cell death. However, the forms or processes undergoing to apoptotic cell death in B. napus leaf protoplasts appears to be different in some details to those in animal cells.
  • (財)昭和シェル石油環境研究助成財団 第6回(2000年度)環境助成研究成果報告書 56-57 2002年  
  • (財)双葉電子記念財団年報 7:173-178 2001年  
  • 筑波実験植物園研報 20:1-9 2001年  
  • 新潟市佐潟学術研究奨励補助金研究成果報告書 37-52 2000年  
  • 千葉大学園芸学部学術報告 54 13-18 2000年  
  • 千葉大学園芸学部学術報告 54 13-18 2000年  
  • K Uehara, N Sahashi
    GRANA 39(6) 267-274 2000年  
    Pollen wall development in Cryptomeria japonica was observed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The pollen of C japonica is characterized by a non-saccate, projecting papilla. The exine of C. japonica consists of the outer granular ectexine and the inner lamellated endexine. At the tetrad stage, the initial granular layer of the pro-ectexine first forms on the microspore plasma membrane. The tripartite lamellae of the pro-endexine form under the pro-ectexine. The prosporopollenin material is deposited on the pro-ectexine and pro-endexine at the free spore stage. The ectexine granule increases its volume and the endexine lamellae thicken. The papilla protrudes during the tetrad stage. The tip of the papilla bends laterally where the exine is thinner, Exine construction in C. japonica is similar to that of Cunninghamia; however, the amount and size of the granular ectexine and lamellated endexine differ. The conspicuous papilla protrudes and bends during the tetrad period.
  • The Technical Bulletin of Faculty of Horticulture Chiba University 54 13-18 2000年  
  • 千葉大学園芸学部学術報告 53 19-28 1999年  
  • 上原 浩一
    植物研究雑誌 74(6) 344-352 1999年  
  • The Technical Bulletin of Faculty of Horticulture Chiba University 53 19-28 1999年  
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 82(1) 75-80 1995年1月  
    The arrangement of cortical microtubules (MTs) during spore formation in Equisetum arvense was examined by immunofluorescence microscopy. The arrangement of MTs was observed to change during sporoderm formation. During exospore formation, the cortical MTs of the tapetum appeared along the tapetal plasma membrane that enclosed each developing spore cell. After exospore formation, the arrangement of the cortical MTs changed into one of separate bands of MTs arranged spirally (spiral bands of MTs). The spiral bands of MTs were superimposed on the developing elaters. This new pattern corresponded to the pattern of cellulose microfibrils deposited in the inner layer of the elater, suggesting that these spiral bands are involved in the deposition of the cellulose microfibrils in the elater. We conclude that the spiral bands of MTs are functionally equivalent to cortical MTs in secondary wall formation.
    PROTOPLASMA 172(2-4) 145-153 1993年  
    The arrangement of cortical microtubules during the development of the secondary wall and bordered pits in the tracheids of Taxus was examined by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. The cambial region of radial longitudinal sections of developing young shoots (2-3 years old) contains cells at various stages of differentiation from cambial cells to tracheids. At the early stage of formation of bordered pits, circular bands of microtubules were seen to be associated with the inner edge of the border of the developing pit. In other regions than the pit secondary wall of uniform thickness was laid down, and obliquely oriented cortical microtubules ran parallel to one another. These cortical microtubules also covered the surface of the border of the developing pit on the side facing the center of the cell. As the border of the pit developed, a circular band of MTs remained associated with the inner edge of border, suggesting that the MTs were involved in the formation of the rim of the bordered pit, extending the initial border thickening, which consisted of concentrically oriented cellulose microfibrils. After completion of the formation of the bordered pit, helical thickenings became apparent. The obliquely oriented microtubules were organized in bands parallel to one another, being superimposed on the helical thickenings. The involvement of MTs in the formation of bordered pits and helical thickening is discussed.
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 78(9) 1182-1190 1991年9月  
    Spore wall morphogenesis of the microspore of Isoetes japonica was studied by transmission electron microscopy. The microspore wall consists of four layers: the perispore, outer exospore, inner exospore, and endospore. The perispore consists of electron-dense materials. The exospore is divided into outer and inner sections, with a large gap between the two. The outer exospore appears as a undulating plate consisting of tripartite lamellae with homogeneous sporopollenin. The inner exospore consists of an accumulation of tripartite lamellae on the microspore cell membrane. Immediately after meiosis, the tripartite lamellae of the outer exospore forms around the microspore. The lamellated inner exospore forms next, which adheres to the cell membrane of the microscpore. The deposition of homogeneous sporopollenin material on the tripartite lamellae causes the plates of the outer exospore to thicken. Some homogeneous material may also be deposited on the inner exospore. Lastly, the electron-dense perispore is deposited on the outer exospore, and the electron-lucent endospore forms beneath the inner exospore. We conclude that the lamellae of the outer exospore, inner exospore, and endospore are formed and derived, in that order, from the gametophytic microspore cytoplasm. The homogeneous sporopollenin material of the outer exospore and perispore may be derived from the sporophytic tapetal cytoplasm.
    GRANA 30(3-4) 597-600 1991年  
    Pollen morphology of Andruris japonica (Triuridaceae) was investigated by light and electron microscopy. The pollen is monosulcate and has a size of 22-25-mu-m x 25-28-mu-m in polar view. In the non-apertural region the exine has gemmate to nearly verrucate protrusions of 0.4-0.5-mu-m in diameter and 0.3-0.5-mu-m in height, and a foot layer of 0.4-0.5-mu-m in thickness. The sporoderm of the apertural region has large gemmae of 0.7-0.8-mu-m in diameter and 0.6-0.7-mu-m in height, with a thin foot layer of 0.1-mu-m thickness.
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 78(1) 24-36 1991年1月  
    Spore wall morphogenesis of Lycopodium clavatum was observed by transmission electron microscopy. The spore plasma membrane indicates the reticulate spore sculpture shortly after meiosis. The mature spore wall of this species consists of two layers, inner endospore and outer exospore. There is no perispore in the sporoderm of this species. The exospore formation begins during the tetrad stage; and this layer is divided into two distinct sublayers, an outer lamellar layer and an inner granular layer. The lamellar layer is formed on the sculptured spore plasma membrane. Additional lamellae attach to this layer in a centripetal direction. For that reason, this layer may be derived from spore cytoplasm. The granular layer is formed only in the proximal region following lamellar layer formation, and it also may be derived from spore cytoplasm. The endospore is formed lastly and seems to be derived from spore cytoplasm as well. Accordingly, the spore sculpture of this species may be under the genetic control of the spore nucleus.
  • 日本シダ学会会報 64:10-12 1990年  
    BOTANICAL MAGAZINE-TOKYO 102(1067) 413-427 1989年9月  
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 76(7) 939-951 1989年7月  
  • 上原 浩一, 中村 重正
    東京農大農学集報 33(2) p127-138 1988年  
  • Journal of Agricultural Science, Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku 33 1988年  
  • (財)進化生物学研究所研究報告 3 1986年  



