研究者検索結果一覧 菅野 憲司 菅野 憲司カンノ ケンジ (Kenji Kanno) ダウンロードする帳票の形式を下記より選択して下さい 「教育研究等環境」形式 「文科省帳票様式第4号 ①履歴書」形式 「文科省帳票様式第4号 ②教育研究業績書」形式 基本情報 所属千葉大学 大学院人文科学研究院 文学部 日本文化学科 文学部日本文化学科 教授J-GLOBAL ID200901041431888510researchmap会員ID1000010308 MISC 62 Between LIE and IRINY/METAPHOR: similarities and differences Remarks on the Liar Paradox Performative analysis revisited Functional explanations of double-nominative phenomena Function assignment A classification of accusative languages: from the viewpoint of syntactic status of logical direct objects Towards a universal classification of simple sentences Why can we never say,‘The book was bought the girl’? Remarks on double-object constructions in English: with special reference to object-fronting behavior Some constraint on object fronting in English double-object constructions Between language and mathematics: in the case of inclusive OR On one of the typical argumentations in linguistics «12
菅野 憲司カンノ ケンジ (Kenji Kanno) ダウンロードする帳票の形式を下記より選択して下さい 「教育研究等環境」形式 「文科省帳票様式第4号 ①履歴書」形式 「文科省帳票様式第4号 ②教育研究業績書」形式 基本情報 所属千葉大学 大学院人文科学研究院 文学部 日本文化学科 文学部日本文化学科 教授J-GLOBAL ID200901041431888510researchmap会員ID1000010308 MISC 62 Between LIE and IRINY/METAPHOR: similarities and differences Remarks on the Liar Paradox Performative analysis revisited Functional explanations of double-nominative phenomena Function assignment A classification of accusative languages: from the viewpoint of syntactic status of logical direct objects Towards a universal classification of simple sentences Why can we never say,‘The book was bought the girl’? Remarks on double-object constructions in English: with special reference to object-fronting behavior Some constraint on object fronting in English double-object constructions Between language and mathematics: in the case of inclusive OR On one of the typical argumentations in linguistics «12