Noritaka Kawasegi, Noritaka Kawasegi, Noboru Morita, Noboru Morita, Shigeru Yamada, Shigeru Yamada, Shigeru Yamada, Noboru Takano, Noboru Takano, Noboru Takano, Tatsuo Oyama, Tatsuo Oyama, Kiwamu Ashida, Kiwamu Ashida, Kiwamu Ashida, Jun Taniguchi, Jun Taniguchi, Jun Taniguchi, Iwao Miyamoto, Iwao Miyamoto, Iwao Miyamoto, Sadao Momota, Sadao Momota
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 2006年7月14日
The etching resistance characteristics of a Focused Ion Beam (FIB) irradiated silicon surface against KOH are investigated in this study. An FIB irradiated silicon surface can withstand etching in KOH solution, whereas the non-irradiated area is etched and consequently, a protruding nanostructure can be fabricated on the irradiated area. Height dependence of the nanostructure on the FIB irradiating conditions is investigated in order to control the shape of the nanostructure for application to three-dimensional nanofabrication. As a consequence, it was found that the height of the nanostructure can be controlled by FIB irradiating conditions such as dose and acceleration voltage. The mechanism is investigated by a selective etching method using HF solution. The results of a simulation indicate that the amorphous layer induced by ion irradiation is strongly related to this phenomenon. In addition, surface roughness and line width dependence was investigated, and these results indicate the potential use of this method as a novel three-dimensional nanofabrication process. Copyright ? 2006 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.