
島津 省吾

シマヅ ショウゴ  (Shogo Shimazu)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 教授
PhD(Chemistry)(Texas A&M University)
(BLANK)(Osaka University)






  • Yamanaka Nobutaka, Hara Takayoshi, Ichikuni Nobuyuki, Shimazu Shogo
    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 47(8) 971-974 2018年8月  査読有り
  • Leo Saputra, Takashi Kojima, Takayoshi Hara, Nobuyuki Ichikuni, Shogo Shimazu
    Molecular Catalysis 453 132-138 2018年7月1日  査読有り
    We successfully prepared Pd-containing perovskite strontium titanate (Pd-STO) by a relatively low-temperature hydrothermal method (i.e., 373 K) without posterior calcination. The particle size and porosity of the STO perovskite could be tuned by changing the molar ratio of H2O/NH3 (e.g., 5.0, 12.5 and 25.0) during the preparation of the amorphous titania sources. The mesoporous contained Pd-STO(12.5) showed superior catalytic performance compared to that of the other Pd-STO(x) (x = H2O/NH3) perovskites for alcohol oxidation with molecular oxygen. Both the refluxing of the non-polar solvents and addition of molecular sieves enhanced the reaction yield significantly. The Pd-incorporated perovskite (Pd-STO) showed better recyclability compared with that of the impregnated perovskite (imp-Pd/STO).
  • Takuro Sasaki, Nobuyuki Ichikuni, Takayoshi Hara, Shogo Shimazu
    Catalysis Today 307 29-34 2018年6月1日  査読有り
    Supported NiO catalysts were prepared by different precursor, support and temperature of the calcination in air. XAFS measurements revealed that Ni-O-Si complex structure formed with NiO nanocluster on catalysts prepared by using [Ni(NH3)6]2+ and SiO2 as a precursor and support, respectively. Coexistence of Ni-O-Si complex structure with NiO nanocluster resulted in the higher activity for 1-phenylethanol oxidation compared to NiO nanocluster only, which indicated that Ni-O-Si complex structure had the promoting effect for this reaction.
  • Rodiansono, Maria Dewi Astuti, Dwi Rasy Mujiyanti, Uripto Trisno Santoso, Shogo Shimazu
    Molecular Catalysis 445 52-60 2018年2月1日  査読有り
    A novel preparation method for bimetallic nickel-indium alloy catalysts supported on amorphous alumina (Ni-In(x)/AA x = Ni/In molar ratio) catalysts has been developed and evaluated for the highly selective hydrogenation of biomass-derived furfural. Ni-In(x)/AA catalysts were obtained via the hydrothermal treatment of Raney® nickel supported on aluminium hydroxide (R-Ni/AlOH) and an InCl2·H2O solution in an ethanol/H2O mixture at 423 K for 2 h, followed by reduction with H2 at 573–873 K for 1.5 h. The formation of Ni-In alloy phases such as Ni3In2, Ni3In, Ni2In, and NiIn in Ni-In(2.0)/AA was clearly observed after reduction with H2 at 873 K for 1.5 h. Ni-In(2.0)/AA contained a Ni2In alloy as the major phase, which exhibited the best catalytic performance for the selective hydrogenation of furfural into furfuryl alcohol and was stable for at least five consecutive reaction runs.
  • Husni Wahyu Wijaya, Takayoshi Hara, Nobuyuki Ichikuni, Shogo Shimazu
    Chemistry Letters 47(1) 103-106 2018年  査読有り
    A Ni-Y2O3 catalyst containing ruthenium (Ru/Ni-Y2O3) was synthesized and applied to the hydrogenolysis of tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (THFA) to produce 1,5-pentanediol (1,5-PeD), which showed superior catalytic performance over that of the Ni-Y2O3 catalyst itself. The optimized ruthenium-containing catalyst, which was prepared by impregnation of 1.0 wt% ruthenium in Ni-Y2O3, showed high catalytic activity for producing 1,5-PeD, giving an 86.5% yield at 93.4% conversion of THFA under 2.0 MPa of H2 at 423K after 40 h. The formation of Ru-Ni0-Y2O3 boundaries was proposed to accelerate the C-O bond scission of the tetrahydrofuran ring to give 1,5-PeD.


  • AJ O'Connor, A Hokura, JM Kisler, S Shimazu, GW Stevens, Y Komatsu
    Mesoporous molecular sieves are promising as adsorbents for purification of biological molecules, such as arm no acids, due to their tuneable mesopore sizes and high surface area. In this study, the adsorption of the basic amino acid, lysine, onto MCM-41, a siliceous mesoporous molecular sieve, has been investigated Under a range of solution conditions. It was found to adsorb according to a Langmuir-type isotherm with a maximum capacity at pH 6 of 0.21 mmol/g. The extent of adsorption depends strongly on the pH and ionic strength of the adsorbate solution, due to a combination of ion exchange and electrostatic interactions governing the adsorption process. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Y Permana, S Shimazu, N Ichikuni, T Uematsu
    CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS 6(6) 426-430 2005年6月  
    Two series of zirconium beta-diketonates: tris(benzoylacetonato)zirconium (IV) perchlorate (3b) and tris(dibenzoylmethanato)zirconium (IV) perchlorate (3c) were synthesized. The complexes were synthesized by a reaction of zirconium tetrachloride with corresponding ligands in a 1:3 molar ratio, followed by a reaction with silver perchlorate. Characterization was by elemental analyses, UV-Vis, FTIR and H-1 NMR spectroscopies. The complexes were prospective to serve as Lewis acid catalysts for ring opening reactions of oxiranes with alcohols for synthesizing primary alkoxyalcohols. Previously reported tris(acetylacetonato)zirconium (IV) chloride (2a) was used as comparison. The effect of phenyl ring on ligand frame towards enhancement of Lewis acidity of zirconium is focused. Other factors, such as nucleophile strength of alcohols and alkyl substituent of oxiranes are also discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Shin-Ichi Nagamatsu, Nobuyuki Ichikuni, Shogo Shimazu, Takashi Fujikawa, Kenzo Fukuda, Takayoshi Uematsu
    Physica Scripta T T115 756-758 2005年  
    Alumina supported gold catalyst prepared by spray reaction method (spr) provides gold particles with about 20nm diameter. The gold particle size is larger than for conventional gold catalysts. However, the spr catalyst shows catalytic activity for NO-CO reaction. In the present paper, we discuss the local structures of spr-Au/Al2O3 catalyst by using Au L3-edge XANES spectra. In order to investigate the local structures of Au-sites, multiple scattering approach to XANES analysis was applied. Calculated Au L3-edge XANES spectrum for fcc-Au and Au 2O3 were in good agreement with the observed spectra. XANES spectra for spr-Au/Al2O3 were characterized by 4 types of Au sites (bulk, interface, surface and peripheral). In this case, almost all gold sites (&gt 90%) are bulk sites. Less than 10% of the gold particles are in interface sites. However, the experimental result for spr-Au/Al2O3 requires about 30% of gold oxide or hydroxide. Bulk of Al2O3 contains a certain number of gold nano-particles, which was incorporated in the Al2O3 support. In the interface area, gold oxide forms a few layers. This result was also supported by DV-Xα electronic structure calculations. © Physica Scripta 2005.
  • N. Ichikuni, H. Hachiya, K. K. Bando, S. Shimazu, T. Uematsu
    Physica Scripta T T115 807-809 2005年  
    Mesoporous silica supported Nb catalyst (imp Nb/SBA-3) was prepared by impregnation of NbCl5 to the SBA-3 support. The mesoporous silicate-wall incorporated Nb catalyst (inc Nb-SBA-3) was synthesized by introducing NbCl5 into an SBA-3 precursor solution. Both catalysts were carburized by a temperature programmed reaction (TPR) method under CH 4/H2 gas stream. Nb K-edge in-situ XAFS analysis revealed that Nb2O5 was reduced to NbO2 in the first stage of TPR and converted into NbC in the second stage. The silica-wall incorporated Nb species were highly dispersed and hardly reduced nor fully carburized. The difference in the carburization process between imp Nb/SBA-3 and inc Nb-SBA-3 was clarified. © Physica Scripta 2005.
  • H. Murayama, N. Ichikuni, K. K. Bando, S. Shimazu, T. Uematsu
    Physica Scripta T T115 825-827 2005年  
    Silica supported molybdenum oxide catalysts were prepared from Mo dimer complex (Mo2(CH3CO2)4) by using photochemical anchoring (PCA) method. The local environments of Mo atoms on both attached and oxidized catalysts were investigated by Mo K-edge EXAFS, XANES, Raman spectroscopy and thermal gravimetric analysis. The bond distance between dimeric Mo atoms could be changed depending on the energy of UV irradiation. By using the lower irradiation energy (λ &gt 350 nm), the attached structure was close to the original Mo dimer complex. After oxidation of the catalyst, dimeric structure was formed with bridging oxygen and the Mo-(O)-Mo bond distance was 0.316 nm. On the other hand, in the case of higher irradiation energy (λ &gt 250 nm), the Raman spectrum of the attached catalyst had bands due to acetate ligands except a band at 405 cm-1 due to Mo-Mo skeleton bond. It means that Mo2(CH3CO2) 4 is decomposed by UV irradiation. The oxidized form of the higher energy irradiated catalyst showed monomer-pair structure. © Physica Scripta 2005.
  • Journal of Ion Exchange 16(1), 60-64 2005年  
  • Y Permana, S Shimazu, N Ichikuni, T Uematsu
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 221(1-2) 141-144 2004年11月  
    2-Methoxy-1-propanol has been selectively synthesized using clay supported tris(2,4-pentanedionato)zirconium(IV), prepared by facile ion-exchange process. The tris(2,4-pentanedionato)zirconium(IV) cation was synthesized by refluxing zirconium chloride with acetylacetone in chloroform. The heterogenized complex showed an increase in conversion rate and selectivity compared to the homogeneous one. Selectivity of 58% towards primary methoxypropanol was achieved under mild reaction condition. The clays selected as supporting materials were synthetic taeniolite and natural bentonite. It was observed that natural bentonite showed similar activity to synthetic taeniolite as a catalyst support. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • N Yamaguchi, S Shimazu, N Ichikuni, T Uematsu
    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 33(3) 208-209 2004年3月  
    Novel nano-structured clays were synthesized from cation exchange reaction by the intercalation of rhodium complexes with ligand spacers into clay. Expansion of interlayer space of the modified clays depends on the spacers. A unique conformation of pillar complexes was detected by cross polarization magic angle spinning (CP MAS) NMR.
  • L Fan, N Ichikuni, S Shimazu, T Uematsu
    APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL 246(1) 87-95 2003年6月  
    Gold catalysts supported on titanium dioxide were prepared by the suspension spray reaction (SSP) method that was developed as a modification of the previous solution spray reaction (SPR) method. The effects of suspension spray reaction temperature on the surface structure and the characteristic properties were investigated by means of XRD, TEM, XPS and CO chemisorption measurements. The particle sizes of gold prepared at higher spray temperatures turned out to be smaller and the surface distribution of gold increased. These effects are interpreted in terms of the strong interaction between gold and TiO2 which prevents the coagulation and crystal growth of gold nanoparticles during the spray reaction. The deconvolution of XPS spectra for as-sprayed SSP-Au/TiO2 Suggests that An species existed in three different states: i.e. metallic gold (Au-0), non-metallic gold (Audelta+), and Au2O3 species. Further, the metallic Au-0 was exposed more. effectively over the surface of the catalysts prepared by higher temperature spraying. The amount of CO chemisorption over SSP-Au/TiO2 1073 prepared at 1073 K was about five times larger than that over SSP-Au/Ti02673; this difference is consistent with the above result for XPS. The catalytic activity for CO oxidation expressed by the initial rate and TOF increased with the spray reaction temperature. The high catalytic activity of SSP-Au/TiO2 1073 is attributed to the highly dispersed gold particles being modified by a strong interaction with TiO2 that induced a synergy effect in the catalysis. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • N Ichikuni, T Eguchi, H Murayama, KK Bando, S Shimazu, T Uematsu
    Mo catalysts anchored on MCM-41 and incorporated into SBA-3 framework were prepared. XRD and TEM analysis revealed that both catalysts maintained their mesoporous structure. However, Mo/MCM-41 catalyst prepared by conventional impregnation lost the ordered mesoporous structure. Structural differences were analyzed by in-situ XAFS measurement under propene photometathesis condition. Structure and the catalysis were also discussed based on the differences between irradiated and unirradiated structures.
  • スメクタイト 13(1) 25-30 2003年  
  • Shimazu Shogo, Suzuki Masayuki, Ichikuni Nobuyuki
    日本イオン交換学会誌 14(Supplement) 397-400 2003年  
  • Indonesian Journal on Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology 1, 19-23 2002年  
  • N Ichikuni, F Sato, S Shimazu, T Uematsu
    TOPICS IN CATALYSIS 18(1-2) 101-104 2002年  
    SiO2-supported NbC catalysts were prepared by using temperature-programmed reactions (TPR). XAFS analysis confirmed that Nb2O5 was reduced to NbO2 in the first TPR stage and converted into NbC in the second TPR stage. Nb particles grew only in the second TPR stage. Formation of highly dispersed NbC particles on SiO2 surfaces was achieved.
  • Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 132 793-796 2001年  
  • Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 130D, 3765-3770 2000年  
  • Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 130D 3765-3770 2000年  
  • Photon Factory Activity Report 16B 80 1999年  
  • Photon Factory Activity Report 16B 52 1999年  
  • N Ichikuni, D Murata, K Terauchi, S Shimazu, T Uematsu
    Spray reaction (spr) method was applied to prepare Co/Al2O3 catalysts and Ni/Al2O3 catalysts and clarified synergetic effects between metal and mixed-oxide, and between metal oxide and mixed-oxide playing important roles for catalysis; NO-CO reaction on spr Co/Al2O3 and CO hydrogenation on spr Ni/Al2O3. The various applicability of the catalyst design by using spr was discussed.
  • N Ichikuni, K Ohtsuka, S Shimazu, T Uematsu
    Doped TiO2 photocatalysts were prepared by spray reaction method. The photocatalytic isomerization of cis-2-butene to 1-butene at 323 K has been employed to study a photocatalytic properties. The applicability of spray reaction method to the preparation of TiO2 and doped-TiO2 photocatalysts were proposed.
  • 平成8年度科学研究費補助金(一般研究(c))研究成課報告書 1-60 1997年  
  • 庄司 宏, 小田島 貴之, 島津 省吾, 上松 敬禧
    日本イオン交換学会誌 6(1) 16-22 1995年  
    Fe3+, Al3+, Zr4+カチオンで交換したリチウムテニオライトが, アルコールの脱水反応において固体酸触媒として触媒活性があり, なかでもFe3+カチオンで交換したFe交換テニオライトが最も高活性であることを見いだした。この触媒活性が反応温度と前処理温度に依存することは層間隔の温度依存性から説明することができ, 反応は層間で進行していることが示唆された。いずれの固体酸触媒についても, アルコールの分子間脱水と分子内脱水に対する特異的な形状選択性は認められなかった。ホスト化合物をモンモリロナイト, リチウムヘクトライトとした場合には, アルコールの脱水活性は非常に低くなった。ホスト化合物の違いによる反応活性の相違は, ホスト化合物層間のFeの存在状態がテニオライトと異なること, 即ちFe交換テニオライト中のα-ゲーサイトが活性点であると考えることにより説明できた。ピリジン-TPD法から求められる酸量と触媒活性との間によい相関関係が認あられ, ピリジン-TPD法がカチオン交換した層状化合物の酸量の評価法として優れていることがわかった。
  • Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Ion Exchange 275-280 1995年  
  • Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Ion Exchange 23-28 1995年  
  • 庄司 宏, 小田島 貴之, 島津 省吾, 上松 敬禧
    日本イオン交換学会誌 6(1) 16-22 1995年  
    Fe3+, Al3+, Zr4+カチオンで交換したリチウムテニオライトが, アルコールの脱水反応において固体酸触媒として触媒活性があり, なかでもFe3+カチオンで交換したFe交換テニオライトが最も高活性であることを見いだした。この触媒活性が反応温度と前処理温度に依存することは層間隔の温度依存性から説明することができ, 反応は層間で進行していることが示唆された。いずれの固体酸触媒についても, アルコールの分子間脱水と分子内脱水に対する特異的な形状選択性は認められなかった。ホスト化合物をモンモリロナイト, リチウムヘクトライトとした場合には, アルコールの脱水活性は非常に低くなった。ホスト化合物の違いによる反応活性の相違は, ホスト化合物層間のFeの存在状態がテニオライトと異なること, 即ちFe交換テニオライト中のα-ゲーサイトが活性点であると考えることにより説明できた。ピリジン-TPD法から求められる酸量と触媒活性との間によい相関関係が認あられ, ピリジン-TPD法がカチオン交換した層状化合物の酸量の評価法として優れていることがわかった。
  • Journal of Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University 46(1) 1-11 1994年  
  • 島津 省吾, 寺本 若木, 上松 敬禧
    日本イオン交換学会誌 4(2) 123-129 1993年  
    粘土層間担持パラジウム (II) 錯体を合成し, IR, XRD, XPSにより構造分析を行った。ホスト化合物としてリチウムヘクトライト (LHT) , ゲスト化合物として [Pd (NH3) 4] 2+と [Pd (PDT) 3] 2+を用いた。 [PD (NH3) 4] 2+/LHT (PdAm/LHT) と [Pd (PDT) 3] 2+/LHT (PdPDT/LHT) の底面間隔 (d001) はそれぞれ1.30nmと2.21nmに変化した。これらの錯体担持ヘクトライトをDMSO溶媒に膨潤させると底面間隔はさらに拡大し, PdAm/LHTとPdPDT/LHTはそれぞれ, 1.45と2.94nmに拡大したが層構造を保持していた。これらの層間担持錯体を用いて種々の形状を持つアルキンの水素化反応を行った。層間担持触媒の活性は, その層間隔と基質の分子サイズに大きく依存した。小さい層間隔を持つPdAm/LHTでは, 分子サイズの大きいフェニル, t-ブチルアセチレンの水素化にほとんど活性を示さなかった。しかし, 大きい層間隔を持つPdPDT/LHTではフェニルアセチレンを容易に水素化したが, t-ブチルアセチレンに対しては低活性であった。さらに, これら層間担持触媒は, アルキンからアルケンへの高い部分水素化選択性を示した。
  • 佐藤 浩太, 内山 昭彦, 大出 泰, 島津 省吾, 上松 敬禧, 小嶋 邦晴, 平野 恒夫, 鯉沼 秀臣
    日本化学会誌 1990(5) 531-535 1990年  
    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 8(12) 1368-1370 1989年12月  
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS 55(1-3) 353-360 1989年11月  
    Aminated lithium hectorites, HT-A1 (-OSiMe2CH2OCH2CH2NH2) and HT-A2 (-OCH2CH2NH2), were prepared by chemical modification of the OH group in lithium hectorite (LHT). Interlayer-supported PdIIcomplexes on LHT, Pd/HT-A1 and Pd/HT-A2 were synthesized by the reaction of [Pd(OAc)2]3with HT-Al and HT-A2, respectively. XRD studies showed that the basal spacings (d001) of LHT and Pd/HT-A1 swollen with solvents varied with the dipole moment of the solvent. Catalytic activities and selectivities of Pd/HT-A1 for the hydrogenation of mono-olefins and dienes were investigated in the liquid-solid heterogeneous system. The hydrogenation rate decreased in the order 1-pentene > 2-methyl-1-butene > cyclo-octene. The selectivity for partial hydrogenation depended on the type of diene: conjugated dienes > unconjugated dienes. The selectivity for the partial hydrogenation of isoprene by Pd/HT-A1 was independent of the solvent, while that of the homogeneous catalyst [Pd(OAc)2]3increased with increasing dipole moment of the solvent. © 1989.
  • Shogo Shimazu, Wakagi Teramoto, Toshiaki Iba, Masatoshi Miura, Takayoshi Uematsu
    Catalysis Today 6(1-2) 141-146 1989年  
    Hectorite(LHT)-intercalated Pd[II] complex catalysts, [Pd(NH3)4]2+/LHT and [Pd(PDT)3]2+/LHT, were prepared and characterized by XRD and IR measurements. The basal spacings(d001) of [Pd(NH3)4]2+/LHT and [Pd(PDT)3]2+/LHT were 1.30 nm and 2.21 nm in air, respectively. When the intercalated catalysts were swelled with the DMSO solvent, d001 became 1.45 nm for [Pd(NH3)4]2+/LHT and 2.94 nm for [Pd(PDT)3]2+/LHT. These two types of the intercalated Pd[II] complex catalysts were used for hydrogenation of alkynes in DMSO to study the effect of the clearance spacings(= d001 - 0.96 (nm) for LHT) on their catalytic activities. © 1989.
    Catalytic properties of metal cations on sulfonic resin have been studied in ester hydrolysis. The catalytic activities were related to the electronegativity of the metal cation, while the activation energies were close to that for H-form resin and not affected by the cation concentration, suggesting the variation of entropy factors in catalysis. © 1988 Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • Modern Physics Letters B 2 1988年  
  • Junji Sunada, Kunito Okamoto, Kazuo Oishi, Shogo Shimazu
    Applied Surface Science 33-34(C) 434-442 1988年  
    In relation to photoconduction, the photo-oxidation of Te films was investigated as a function of photon irradiation energy by both photo-stimulated current and XPS measurements. Two modes of photo-oxidation were observed. These modes may be explained as follows. (1) The absorption edge of TeO2 is 4.1 eV and optical absorption increases rapidly at this energy. The photon energy absorbed is exhausted to oxidize the Te film. (2) The other mode is connected with the formation of ozone which occurs above 4.9 eV and rapid oxidation arises with activated oxygen. By XPS measurement, the UV photo-oxidation process was also investigated as a function of irradiation time. The oxygen of minus one valence was found to increase in the oxidation process by UV light, which may play an important role in the oxidation process. Moreover, photolysis is verified to be a cause of photoconduction on photo-oxidized Te film by investigating the UV illumination effect on the XPS spectrum. © 1988.



