
久保 光徳

クボ ミツノリ  (Mitsunori Kubo)


千葉大学 デザイン・リサーチ・インスティテュート 名誉教授
工学博士(1989年3月 東京大学)
工学修士(1986年3月 東京大学)





  • 寺内文雄, 當麻 由佳, 久保 光徳, 青木 弘行
    第53回研究発表大会概要集, 2006 406-407 2006年  
    The purpose of this study is to propose an environmentally-friendly detergent container without painful process such as refill. In addition, it also aimed to minimize the volume of container when it discarded. Laminated film was used for the container to reduce the effects on the environment. At first, it was investigated the way of deformation by axial compression force. Subsequently, the bottom shape of the container was discussed. As the results, it was clarified that the desirable deformation are performed using accordion wall with rectangular bottom shape. Moreover, the effects of number of tiers of wall on stability and usability of the container were discussed. Finally, we proposed a container which achieves the aims.
  • 久保 光徳, 寺内 文雄, 青木 弘行, 中村 隆行
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (52) 64-65 2005年5月30日  
    A simple mechanism of steering function was proposed in order to simplify steering structures and to reduce the weight of the structures. The simple steering mechanism consists of two elastic front arms instead of the usual complex system that includes many rigid parts. A tricycle with the elastic front arms, which was composed by two front wheels and one rear wheel, was investigated to explore the possibility of the elastic steering mechanism. To examine the dynamic behavior of the tricycle, a small radio-controlled model and an actual tricycle that should be able to be controlled by a rider on the real tricycle were constructed. The traveling examinations into both the models showed that the elastic steering mechanism could have some practical characteristics.
  • 寺内 文雄, 久保 光徳, 青木 弘行, 羽鳥 淳子
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (52) 66-67 2005年5月30日  
    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the suitable combination of fabric materials for different body regions. Fifteen kinds of woven fabrics as samples were made with cotton thread and jute yarn. The subjects evaluated tactile impression of the samples using their body regions ; palm, medial side of the forearm, back of the thigh and planta pedis. Obtained results show a strong correlation between the evaluations for comfort by medial side of the forearm and those by back of the thigh. Moreover, it was clarified the physical properties affected on tactile impression of fabrics.
  • 寺内 文雄, 久保 光徳, 青木 弘行, 北川 舞
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (52) 330-331 2005年5月30日  
    This paper aimed to propose playthings focused on those sound qualities of materials. At first, it was carried out the survey on plays of kindergarten students and their interest to sound. Subsequently, it was investigated that what the guardians of them desire their children's play. As the results, it was found that the guardians desired for their children to encourage their creativity and/or acquire cooperativeness through playing with a plaything. Consequently, two kinds of playthings were proposed to satisfy demands of both the students and their gurdians. Finally, the effectiveness of those was confirmed by experiments with kindergarten students.
  • 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行, 北川舞
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52nd 156-156 2005年  
  • 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行, 羽鳥淳子
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52nd 157-157 2005年  
  • 久保光徳, 寺内文雄, 青木弘行, 中村隆行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52nd 158-158 2005年  
  • 久保光徳
    デザイン学研究特集号 13(2) 30-31 2005年  
  • 石川孝夫, 船戸隆文, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 51st 2004年  
  • 高坂真, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 51st(51) A07-A07 2004年  
  • 土屋人詩, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 51st(51) A34-A34 2004年  
  • 石川 孝夫, 船戸 隆文, 寺内 文雄, 久保 光徳, 青木 弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 51(51) A35-A35 2004年  
  • 寺方将之, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 51st(51) A36-A36 2004年  
  • 山本浩, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 51st(51) A37-A37 2004年  
    FRP(Fiber Reinforced Plastic)は、マトリクスと強化材の組み合わせにより、特性を操作することができる材料である。そこで、一般的には用いられることの少ない強化材とマトリクスの組み合わせを用いることにより、今までにない新しい特性をもつ材料が得られ、その特性を左右する要素を把握し意図的に操作することができれば、デザインの幅を広げるような材料設計が可能になると考えた。そこで本研究では、強化材に編構造繊維を、マトリクスに超軟質の樹脂を用いることにより、変形した後に強化されるFRPを開発することを試みた。編構造繊維によるFRP、一方向繊維によるFRP、樹脂のみの三種類の実験サンプルを作成し三点曲げ試験を行った結果、編構造繊維によるFRPのみに、変形後強化されるという特性がみられた。また、編構造繊維にあらかじめテンションを強くかけてFRPを作成すると、引張試験において、少ない変形で強化機能が現れることを示唆することができた。最後に、編構造繊維によるFRPの特性を生かした、足首の捻挫予防用サポータを提案することにより、編構造繊維によるFRPの有用性を示すことを試みた。
  • 久保 光徳, 寺内 文雄, 青木 弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 50 81-81 2003年  
  • 久保光徳, 寺内文雄, 青木弘行
    デザイン学研究 (50) 154-155 2003年  
    People sitting in wheelchairs or car seats are exposed to periodic vibration environments, which can lead to an uncomfortable ride. In this study, human body vibration experiments were carried out by varying seating conditions under different excitation environments with the objective of elucidating the human sense of comfort. Six different experimental conditions were used to explore the relationship between vibration characteristics and people's physical, psychological, and physiological interpretations of comfort. Through the use of diverse experimental conditions, general trends in both the commonality and differences in the interpretations of comfort were clarified for car seats in a dynamic environment.
  • LIM Thiam Chiew, KUBO Mitsunori, TERAUCHI Fumio, AOKI Hiroyuki, YAMADA Sachiko, TAKATA Nobuaki, KURIKI Nobuharu
    Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design Vol.48 , No.6(6) 115-124 2002年  
    Relationship between vibration discomfort and inter-subject variability of human seated in car seat was investigated. Subjects of 7 male and 3 female from 5 countries with diverse weight distribution participated in the experiment. Transmissibility to head, chest, abdomen, thigh and shank were measured for each subject at different discrete frequencies and the corresponding ride comfort evaluation was conducted. Total of 14 discrete frequencies of sinusoidal waveform in 2 to 15 Hz range were studied. The results, for subject of lightweight, ride comfort was found affected by mainly transmissibility in fore-and-aft direction. Investigation on the effect of phase lag found that lightweight subjects were more sensitive to head-related phase lag while heavyweight subjects were comparatively sensitive to chestrelated phase lag. Despite the various variabilities in each individual, it had been ascertained that transmissibility to chest in up-and-down direction displayed a significant indifference between subjects in the experiment. The main features of this study were the examination on the inter-subjects variabilities with regards to ride comfort, and the finding that similarities can be observed within individual variabilities.
  • Proceedings of 37th UK Group Conference on Human Response to Vibration, 426-435 2002年  
  • 塚本千尋, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 49th(49) 238-239 2002年  
    The purpose of this research was to solve the problems in the use of the baby stroller. The approach was conducted by thinking about the material and the frame shape. The first stage of the research was to carry out a questionnaire to identify the problems in the use of the baby stroller. Then, a baby storoller designed as a sling using three dimensional knitting and a stroller flame was produced. Finally, a road test with the baby stoller was carried out. The following results were obtained : (1)The baby's body was sufficiently supported by the knitting; (2)The baby's body vibration was greatly reduced with the new design of the baby stoller.
  • 成田陽一, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 49th(49) 240-241 2002年  
    This research discussed about the effect of patterns and materials on the perception of tactile tiles for guiding visual impaired people. Tactile tiles with different textures and number of protrusions were prepared for samples. The samples were made of four kinds of materials such as plastic, rubber, metal and wood. Subsequently, nine persons without visual problems and eleven visually handicapped, evaluated the possibility of information transfer using the tactile tiles. As a result, it was suggested that the combination of material and pattern could transmit the information such as "danger", "goal", "for men" and "for women"
  • Proceedings of the 5th Asian Design Conference 窶・International Symposium on Design Science D-21(CD-ROM) 2001年  
  • Proceedings of the 5th Asian Design Conference 窶・International Symposium on Design Science G-21(CD-ROM) 2001年  
  • Proceedings of 36th UK Group Conference on Human Response to Vibration pp.297-306 2001年  
    Proceedings of 36th UK Group Conference on Human Response to Vibration pp.97-105 97-105 2001年  
    Proceedings of 36th UK Group Conference on Human Response to Vibration pp.67-74 67-74 2001年  
  • MEDEIROS AnaCristinaBarbosa, TERAUCHI Fumio, KUBO Mitsunori, AOKI Hiroyuki
    Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design Vol.48 , No.2 , pp.33-42(2) 33-42 2001年  
    For children under age four, the options among prosthetic knees are less than ideal as all of the knees are made of metals being too heavy and/or large for toddlers. This study aimed at verifying the applicability of fine ceramics in pediatric prosthetic knee joint. A basic design was constructed and modified by CAD application to obtain a polycentric configuration. Four different combinations of materials-alumina/UHMW-HDPE, alumina/PCTFE, zirconia/UHMW-HDPE, and zirconia/PCTFE-were tested using FEM analysis. Results showed points of stress concentration. Therefore, a shock-absorption part made of elastomer, filled with CMC solution, and with discreet particles of PCTFE on its outside for low friction was introduced in the design and tested using the alumina/PCTFE combination. Models without particles and without shock-absorption part were also tested for comparison. Results demonstrated that the design using alumina/PCTFE plus the elastomer part with particles was the most successful, having the lowest rate of variation of stress, average and maximum stress.
  • 久保光徳, 寺内文雄, 青木弘行, 山田幸子, 栗城信晴, 松岡由幸
    日本機械学会設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集 11th 239-240 2001年  
    This study aims to investigate a possibility of a 3-D human model constructed by using FEM to simulate the dynamic behaviour of human body seated in such as a car seat. The configuration of the FEM model and the properties of the finite elements composing the human model were empirically defined through trial-and-error method. Firstly, the dynamical behaviours of the FEM model under periodic vibrations were simulated with harmonic analysis to compare with the actual behaviours experimentally measured under the same vibration conditions. Next, the same FEM model also was applied to transient response analysis to compare the simulated results with the actual behaviours measured in the actual running test of a car. As a result, it was clarified that the dynamical behaviour of the upper parts of the human model were almost consistent with the actual behaviour, while the behaviour of the lower parts were quite different to the actual lower parts behaviour.
  • 成田陽一, 寺内文雄, 黒野浩司, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 48th 224-225 2001年  
    Users often use descriptions and illustrations as clues to obtain information in visual information-based operations. However, at places where illumination is dim or groping is necessary, supplemental information by sense organs other than visual become important, especially to visually impaired persons who are unable to handle visual information-based machines. Under such situations, accidents, operational errors, stresses due are thought can be prevented through tactile information-based operations. In this study, the objectives were to examine the possibility of exploiting intuition ability on shapes and material texture through tactile cognition in operating machines by both visually impaired and normal persons, and also to clarify the factors that affect the cognition.
  • 橋本英治, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 48th 226-227 2001年  
    In this paper, by studying various sensory elements of industrial products and causal relationships due to the occurrence of affections toward products, the primary factors for the occurrence of affections and the tendencies toward the products were investigated with the model indicating users' tendencies to the products and the corresponding relationship was found. A questionnaire had been carried out and as a result from the survey, four groups of tendencies were obtained. For each group, SEM(Structural Equation Modeling) was used to construct the model for causal relationships of the occurrence of affection. Subsequently, the differences for causal relationships due to various tendencies toward products were clarified.
  • 青木 弘行, 久保 光徳, 磯辺 雅博, 大久保 和彦[他]
    千葉大学共同研究推進センター共同研究成果報告書 1 11-16 2000年9月20日  
  • 木村若飛, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 47th 244-245 2000年  
    The purpose of this study was to generate various fabric illustrations from one of the visual impressions of fabrics by using a multi-layer neural network model that employed the deviation values of the impressions as input units. Firstly, sensory evaluation was carried out to investigate the visual impressions of fabrics illustrations. Secondly, the relations among the visual impressions, the deviation values and the parameters generating the fabric illustrations were formulated using a multi-layer neural network model. Then more fabric illustrations to one of the visual impressions were predicted through the neural network model considering the deviation of the visual impressions of fabrics. As a resul it was suggested that the deviation of visual impressions could be reflected in the predicted fabric illustrations through the neural network model.
  • 高嶋涼子, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 47th 246-247 2000年  
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate various methods which reduce the emission of formaldehyde from wood-based materials. The various methods of reducing formaldehyde emission were chemical treatments with Urea, Phenol, Catechin. Tannin, and Ammonia respectivily. Firstly, the variations of formaldehyde concentration in several days were measured to find out the level of reduction by each chemical treatment. Then, to determine the sensory effects of formaldehyde emission such as odor and its preference on humans, sensory evaluation was carried out. From the results, it was found that the emission of formaldehyde from the plywood was reduced by Urea and Ammonia treatment, and that odor from Catechin-treated plywood gave a comfortable impression.
  • 為村亮, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 47th 248-249 2000年  
    The correlation between comfort of human sitting in car seats and the physical properties of polyurethane foams, which were material of the seat, was investigated in consideration of the differences among individual evaluations. The experiments to investigate sitting and riding comfort were carried out under static and dynamic environments, respectively. As a result, it was suggested that the evaluations of sitting and riding comfort could be divided into 3 types, and the relationships between the physical properties of the foams and each type of the evaluations were identified. In particular, the riding comfort would be affected by the dynamic behaviour of the human body sitting in the seats as well as the physical properties of the foams.
  • 成田陽一, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 47th 250-251 2000年  
    The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between the surfaces properties of guardrails and the dynamic speed perception as a measure to prevent traffic accidents. In the experiment, various 3-dimensional and animated guardrails were constructed through the computer by changing the shapes, the colors and the surface patterns. After a through analysis on each pattern, the results suggested that wider surface area reflects higher intensity of lightness provides faster perceived speed. It was also found that surfaces which showed a peak at 100-150Hz of power spectral were perceived as " in faster speed"; and surfaces of regular pattern were percerved as " in slower speed ".
  • 荒木琢也, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 47th 370-371 2000年  
    The purpose of this study was to construct flying airplane model according to the flapping wings and veins structures by reproducing the representative flying system of living beings. At first, we investigated the flying patterns and wings structure of living beings. With reference to the results of the investigation into the flying system, some models were made, and the propulsion forces of those models was experimentaly measured. Secondly the experiment of gliding and flapping were also carried out. From the result of measurement, the wing outline was found important in addition to the structure of wing. The design should take the shape of the bird Through this study, the construction of a flying airplane model based on living beings' flapping wings and veins structure was made possible.
  • 大谷洋, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 46th 152-153 1999年  
    A pair of crutches could aid him to move with his own both legs.The crutches play an important part of rehabilitation. But the current crutches have some problems such as a load on arms. The purpose of this study is to propose the crutches that have both functions of absorbing shock and supporting the user's weight with elastic materials.At first, we confirmed the problem extracted through the investigation into the literatures.Moreover, we proposed some forms of the crutches.On the basis of these shapes, finite element models were determined, then the deformatin behavior of the models were analyzed.Finally, we chose the most suitable shape as the crutches and made a functional model of GFRP.
  • 笠井嘉, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 46th 154-155 1999年  
    In this study, the effective methods of making user consider for environmental impacts who would select products were examined. First, through the case of television, the words concerned with product selection were sorted out by KJ method. Then using the third theory of quantification and the cluster analysis method, various televisions were classified into four groups in view of user's requirement. From a result, we suggested a plan which would urge the user to consider about the environment to each of the groups classified by the above-mentioned methods. By this means, we showed capabilities to deepen user's consideration for environment without contradiction to their requirements.
  • 黒野浩司, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 46th 156-157 1999年  
    This study aims to make clear a relation between tactile stimulus and words, which inform users about function of products. Subjects touched 33 tactile stimuli without viewing them. They selected an adjective matching each tactile stimulus from 30 pairs of adjectives. The adjectives represent the functions of an interface, with tactual perception of materials. As a result of the experiment, we found several relations between the tactile stimuli and the adjectives : smoothness and quickness, coarseness and loudness, softness and slowness and so on.Thus we could suggest that the tactile stimulus are effective to inform users of the function and operation on the interface. Moreover, we could show the capability to apply the tactile stimulus to an interface design.
  • 有泉智晴, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 46th 158-159 1999年  
    Spoke wheels need to make spokes overhung to secure the stiffness of wheel. However the overhunged spokes would cause the air resistance. Therefore, in this study we suggested a racing bicycle wheel which have no overhunged spokes without reducing the stiffness of wheel. Concretely, we performed an optimum design of the racing bicycle wheel with the section radius of each spoke as design variable parameters and gross weight of the wheel as an objective function. Consequently, it was estimated that the optimized model on the section radius 2.3mm showed less deformed than existing racing bicycle spoke wheels. Finally, we maked a full-size model with the result of the optimum design.
  • 清水早苗, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 46th 294-295 1999年  
    Although it is difficult to turn a sledge well for a rider who rides in it, general beginners will be able to ride in the sledge which is different from a pair of skis requiring a great deal of technical skill in their operations. In this study, a snow sledge that is possible to turn freely was proposed. At first, we applied the principle of Alpine ski robot to sliding of the sledge, and suggested a simple form as a snow sledge made of GFRP. Moreover, the base shape of the sledge was decided according to the experiments with 1/6 plastics models of the sledge. As a result, we made it clear that the relations between the edge shapes of the base and the movements of the center of gravity. Finally, we proposed a snow sledge made of GFRP, and carried out the real sliding test.
  • 中村和俊, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 46th 296-297 1999年  
    The purpose of this investigation was to propose an automobile that decreases the impact of collision on pedestrians in traffic accidents. It was found that many pedestrians involved in the accidents were hit their head with the front part of cars and died of impact on the head area. Therefore we aimed to reduce the impact by improvement of the front shape. To grope for on optimal shape of the front shape, the experiment on collision was practiced with 1/8 scale models. As a result of this, we found that the optimal shape should not only absorb the impact but also hold a pedestrian on the hood of a car. Finally, we proposed the front shape of car and made a clay model according to the necessary requirements.
  • 西川裕司, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 46th 298-299 1999年  
    This study aims to adapt properties of pulp mold to a stool. In the consideration of waste paper surplus problem, we focussed to use waste milk carton. Firstly, bending and compress test was performed on the pulp pieces made from milk cartons by universal testing machines. As a result of test, it was found that required thickness of the pulp pieces to tolerate 100kg weight was 15mm at least. Secondly, a 1/5-model stool was produced. Stress analysis was carried out using finite element analysis. Finally an exact size stool model was produced with the peculiarity of pulp according to result. It was suggested that it is possible for us to mold three-dimensional forms out of pulp from milk cartons.
  • 山口直樹, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 46th 300-301 1999年  
    There is a possibility that visual images affected by a feeling of materials when we acknowledge materials visually. A purpose of this study is to clear up a correlation between materials and the visual images on a feeling of materials, and to make the picture book using the correlation. Concretely, we performed a sensory assessment with SD method on a yardstick which is related to sense modality but visual perception. As a result, we recognized significant differences in most of samples on each yardstick. Finally we maked the picture and poem book with the correlation between materials and visual images.
  • KUBO Mitsunori, TERAUCHI Fumio, AOKI Hiroyuki, SUZUKI Tsutomu
    Forma 13(3) 247-253 1998年  
  • Bulletin of Japanese Society for Science of Design 44(5) 51-58 1998年  
  • Bulletin of Japanese Society for Science of Design 44(5) 43-50 1998年  
  • 形の科学会誌 13 247-253 1998年  


  • 王 健, 久保 光徳
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 2019年 一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
  • 久保光徳
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集(CD-ROM) 2018年 一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
  • YANG Peng, 久保光徳, 植田憲, 田内隆利
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集(CD-ROM) 2018年 一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
    浄真寺(東京都世田谷区)の九品印相の造型に対する形態分析と印象評価を実施し,九品印相から受ける印象とその形態との関係,さらには宗教的意味との関係性を解明することを目的とした。九品印相(上品上生,上品中生,上品下生,中品上生,中品中生,中品下生,下品上生,下品中生,下品下生)のうち,修理中の印相(中品上生)を除き,八体の印相の3D データを取得するとともに,その形態に対する印象評価を目的とした印相CADデータの再現を試みていた。また同時に,この印相CADデータに対する曲率分布解析,特徴線の抽出,重力下での応力構造解析も実施し,テクスチャや印相形態以外の情報を外すことで単純化された印相モデルに対する印象評価を実施した。印象評価から,数量化三類で構成する三つの要因としては「安定性」,「活動性」,「力量性」で定義できることが明らかとなり,印相それぞれが持つ本来の宗教的意味である「安定」,「説法」,「救済(力)」と合致することを考察した。また,構造解析より求められた重心位置と応力分布及び印相形態(手指の配置)との比較検討より,重心位置が「安定性」および「安定」に対して影響を与えていることを考察した。
  • 久保光徳, 植田憲
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集(CD-ROM) 2017年 日本デザイン学会
  • 久保光徳, 植田憲
    形の科学シンポジウム講演予稿集(Web) 2017年



