
日出間 純

ヒデマ ジュン  (Jun Hidema)


千葉大学 大学院園芸学研究院付属宇宙園芸研究センター 教授 (特任教授)




  • J Hidema, T Kumagai, JC Sutherland, BM Sutherland
    PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 113(1) 39-44 1997年1月  査読有り
    Repair of cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) in DNA is essential in most organisms to prevent biological damage by ultraviolet (UV) light. In higher plants tested thus far, UV-sensitive strains had higher initial damage levels or deficient repair of nondimer DNA lesions but normal CPD repair. This suggested that CPDs might not be important for biological lesions. The photosynthetic apparatus has also been proposed as a critical target. We have analyzed CPD induction and repair in the UV-sensitive rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Norin 1 and its close relative UV-resistant Sasanishiki using alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis. Norin 1 is deficient in cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer photoreactivation and excision; thus, UV sensitivity correlates with deficient dimer repair.
  • 日出間純
    IGEシリーズ21臨界環境における植物の生活 21 21-32 1996年6月  
  • Jun Hidema, Hye-Sook Kang, Tadashi Kumagai
    Plant and Cell Physiology 37(6) 742-747 1996年  査読有り
    The effects of UVB radiation on the growth of two cultivars of Japanese lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.), Sasanishiki and Norin 1, were examined in a phytotron. Supplementation of visible radiation with UVB radiation reduced plant length, tiller number, the fresh and dry weights of the aboveground parts of plants, and the amounts of total leaf nitrogen, chlorophyll, soluble protein and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) in the eighth leaf, the youngest fully expanded leaf. By contrast, UVB radiation significantly increased the accumulation of UV-absorbing compounds. There was a difference between the two cultivars in the resistance to the effects of UVB radiation. The reduction in the amounts of Rubisco was smaller in Sasanishiki, while the increase in the accumulation of UV-absorbing compounds was greater in Sasanishiki. Parameters of plant growth, with the exception of the amount of Rubisco, decreased in direct proportion to decreases in total leaf nitrogen in plants grown under lower or higher doses of UVB radiation. However, the decrease in the Rubisco content of Norin 1 grown under a high dose of UVB radiation was exceptionally marked, and was not observed similarly in Sasanishiki. These results suggest that the remarkable reduction in Rubisco content in Norin 1 might have been due to the specific effects of UVB radiation. It is also suggested that the difference between cultivars in the resistance to UVB radiation might be due to the differences in the levels of Rubisco and in UV-absorbing compounds that are induced by UVB radiation.
  • Mae T, Tomas H, Gay AP, Makino A, Hidema J
    Plant and Cell Physiology 34(3) 391-399 1993年5月  査読有り
    Changes in carbon fixation rate and the levels of photosynthetic proteins were measured in fourth leaves of Lolium temulentum grown until full expansion at 360 μmol quanta m^<-2> s^<-1> and subsequently at the same irradiance or shaded to 90 pmol m^<-2> s^<-1>. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein of photosystem II (LHCII), 65 kDa protein of photosystem I (PSI), cytochrome f (Cyif) and coupling factor 1 (CF_1) declined steadily in amount throughout senescence in unshaded leaves. In shaded leaves, however, the decrease in LHCII and the 65 kDa protein was delayed until later in'senescence whereas the amount of Cytf protein decreased rapidly following transfer to shade and was lower than that of unshaded leaves at the early and middle stages of senescence. Decreases in the Rubisco and CF_1 of shaded leaves occurred at slightly reduced rates compared with unshaded leaves. These results indicate that chloroplast proteins in fully-expanded leaves are controlled individually, in a direction appropriate to acclimate photosynthesis to a given irradiance during senescence.
  • 前 忠彦, Thomas H., Gay Alon P, 牧野 周, 日出間 純
    日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集 39 91-91 1993年  
  • 牧野 周, 坂下 普志, 日出間 純, 前 忠彦, 小島 邦彦
    日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集 39 91-91 1993年  
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 33(8) 1209-1214 1992年12月  査読有り
    Effects of irradiance on changes in the amounts of chlorophyll (Chl) and light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein of PS II (LHCII) were examined in senescing leaves of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Results of treatments at two irradiances (100% and 20% natural sunlight) were examined after the full expansion of the 13th leaf throughout the course of senescence. With 20% sunlight, the Chl content decreased only a little during leaf senescence, while with 100% sunlight it decreased appreciably. Similarly, the amount of LHCII protein during treatment with 20% sunlight remained almost constant. However, the ratio of Chl a/b during the shade treatment decreased significantly and the rate of decrease was greater than during the full-sunlight treatment. The ratio of Chl a/b for Chl a and b bound to LHCII was about 1.2, irrespective of leaf age or irradiance treatment. When the amounts of Chl bound to LHCII were calculated from the total leaf content of Chl and the ratio of Chl a/b, assuming a ratio of Chl a/b bound to LHCII of 1.2, they were well correlated with the amounts of LHCII protein. Changes in the amounts of LHCII synthesized during the two irradiance treatments were examined using an N-15 tracer. Incorporation of N-15 into LHCII declined dramatically during both treatments from full expansion through senescence, suggesting that there was little synthesis of LHCII protein during that time. In addition, the amount of LHCII synthesized during senescence was lower during the shade treatment than during the 100% sunlight treatment. These results indicate that the absence of an apparent change in levels of LHCII with shade treatment during senescence was caused by the very low rate of turnover of LHCII protein.
  • Hidema J, Makino A, Mae T, Ojima K
    Research in Photosynthesis 4 377-380 1992年6月  査読有り
  • Makino A, Sakashita H, Hidema J, Mae T, Ojima K
    Research in Photosynthesis 4 655-658 1992年6月  査読有り
  • 日出間 純, 栗田 靖子, 牧野 周, 前 忠彦, 小島 邦彦
    日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集 38 105-105 1992年  
  • Amane Makino, Hiroshi Sakashita, Jun Hidema, Tadahiko Mae, Kunihiko Ojima, Barry Osmond
    Plant Physiology 100(4) 1737-1743 1992年  査読有り
    The amounts of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), total chlorophyll (Chl), and total leaf nitrogen were measured in fully expanded, young leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and pea (Pisum sativum L). In addition, the activities of whole-chain electron transport and carbonic anhydrase were measured. All plants were grown hydroponically at different nitrogen concentrations. Although a greater than proportional increase in Rubisco content relative to leaf nitrogen content and Chl was found with increasing nitrogen supply for rice, spinach, bean, and pea, the ratio of Rubisco to total leaf nitrogen or ChI in wheat was essentially independent of nitrogen treatment. In addition, the ratio of Rubisco to electron transport activities remained constant only in wheat. Nevertheless, gas-exchange analysis showed that the in vivo balance between the capacities of Rubisco and electron transport in wheat, rice, and spinach remained almost constant, irrespective of nitrogen treatment. The in vitro carbonic anhydrase activity in wheat was very low and strongly responsive to increasing nitrogen content. Such a response was not found for the other C3 plants examined, which had 10- to 30-fold higher carbonic anhydrase activity than wheat at any leaf-nitrogen content. These distinctive responses of carbonic anhydrase activity in wheat were discussed in relation to CO2-transfer resistance and the in vivo balance between the capacities of Rubisco and electron transport.
    PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 97(4) 1287-1293 1991年12月  査読有り
    Effects of irradiance on photosynthetic characteristics were examined in senescent leaves of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Two irradiance treatments (100 and 20% natural sunlight) were imposed after the full expansion of the 13th leaf through senescence. The photosynthetic rate was measured as a function of intercellular CO2 pressure with a gas-exchange system. The amounts of cytochrome f, coupling factor 1, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), and chlorophyll were determined. The coupling factor 1 and cytochrome f contents decreased rapidly during senescence, and their rates of decrease were much faster from the 20% sunlight treatment than from the full sunlight treatment. These changes were well correlated with those in the photosynthetic rate at CO2 pressure = 600 microbars, but not with those under the ambient air condition (350 microbars CO2) and 200 microbars CO2. This suggested that the amounts of coupling factor 1 and cytochrome f from the full sunlight treatment cannot be limiting factors for the photosynthetic rate at ambient air conditions. The Rubisco content also decreased during senescence, but its decrease from the 20% sunlight treatment was appreciably retarded. However, this difference was not reflected in the photosynthetic rates at the ambient and 200 microbars CO2. This implied that in vivo Rubisco activity may be regulated in the senescent leaves from the 20% sunlight treatment. The chlorophyll content decreased most slowly. In the 20% sunlight treatment, it remained apparently constant with a decline in chlorophyll a/b ratio. These photosynthetic characteristics of the senescent rice leaves under low irradiance were discussed in relation to acclimation of shade plants.
  • 牧野 周, 坂下 普志, 日出間 純, 前 忠彦, 小島 邦彦
    日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集 37 104-104 1991年  
  • 牧野 周, 日出間 純, 前 忠彦, 小島 邦彦, 大平 幸次
    日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集 35 257-257 1989年  
  • 牧野 周, 日出間 純, 前 忠彦, 小島 邦彦
    日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集 35 100-100 1989年  


  • 日出間, 純, 愿山(岡本), 郁, 笠羽, 康正, 桒原, 聡文, 久米, 篤, 永井, 大樹, 橋本, 博文, 稲富, 裕光, HIDEMA, Jun, YOSHIYAMA, Kaoru, KASABA, Yasumasa, KUWAHARA, Yoshinori, KUME, Atsushi, NAGAI, Hiroki, HASHIMOTO, Hirofumi, INATOMI, Yuko
    宇宙環境利用シンポジウム 第35回: 令和二年度 = Space Utilization Research, Vol. 35 2020: Proceedings of The Thirty-fifth Space Utilization Symposium 35 2021年1月  
    第35回宇宙環境利用シンポジウム(2021年1月19日-20日. オンライン開催) Space Utilization Research (January 19-20, 2021. Online Meeting) 資料番号: SA6000156006 レポート番号: F-05
  • Satoshi Furukawa, Aiko Nagamatsu, Mitsuru Nenoi, Akira Fujimori, Shizuko Kakinuma, Takanori Katsube, Bing Wang, Chizuru Tsuruoka, Toshiyuki Shirai, Asako J. Nakamura, Asako Sakaue-Sawano, Atsushi Miyawaki, Hiroshi Harada, Minoru Kobayashi, Junya Kobayashi, Takekazu Kunieda, Tomoo Funayama, Michiyo Suzuki, Tatsuo Miyamoto, Jun Hidema, Yukari Yoshida, Akihisa Takahashi
    BioMed Research International 2020 4703286-4703286 2020年  査読有り
  • 日出間 純, 髙橋 昭久, 稲富 裕光, Hidema Jun, Takahashi Akihisa, Inatomi Yuko
    宇宙環境利用シンポジウム 第33回: 平成30年度 = Space Utilization Research, Vol. 33 2018: Proceedings of The Thirty-third Space Utilization Symposium (33) 2019年1月  
    第33回宇宙環境利用シンポジウム (2019年1月24日-25日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000132018レポート番号: E-01
  • 日出間 純, 北宅 善昭, 髙橋 昭久, 稲富 裕光, Hidema Jun, Kitaya Yoshiaki, Takahashi Akihisa, Inatomi Yuko
    宇宙環境利用シンポジウム 第32回: 平成29年度 = Space Utilization Research, Vol. 32 2017: Proceedings of The Thirty-second Space Utilization Symposium (32) 2018年1月  
    第32回宇宙環境利用シンポジウム (2018年1月15日-16日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000117004レポート番号: M-03
  • 北宅 善昭, 遠藤 良輔, 高梁 昭久, 日出間 純, 橋本 博文, 稲富 裕光, Kitaya Yoshiaki, Endo Ryosuke, Takahashi Akihisa, Hidema Jun, Hashimoto Hirofumi, Inatomi Yuko
    宇宙環境利用シンポジウム 第32回: 平成29年度 = Space Utilization Research, Vol. 32 2017: Proceedings of The Thirty-second Space Utilization Symposium (32) 2018年1月  
    第32回宇宙環境利用シンポジウム (2018年1月15日-16日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000117005レポート番号: M-04












  • 2016年10月 - 2016年10月
  • 2015年8月 - 2015年8月
    今や国際宇宙ステーションでの長期滞在が可能となり、船外活動の機会も増している。宇宙空間は、磁場や大気で守られている地上とは異なり、宇宙放射線が絶え間なく降り注いでいる。宇宙放射線は、不可逆的ダメージを引き起こすため、「宇宙で生きる」ための有人ミッションにおいて、克服すべき最優先課題の一つである。宇宙での放射線被ばく環境の特徴は主に三つ有り、①様々な線質~光子線(電子線・X 線・γ 線・紫外線)や、粒子線(陽子線・中性子線・重粒子線)が降り注ぐ~、②様々な線量率~太陽紫外線は高線量・高線量率、その他の放射線は低線量・低線量率であるが一度宇宙に旅立ったら長期滞在となるために線量限度を超える可能性がある~、③微小重力との複合環境、があげられます。人類が安全に宇宙に進出し、活動するためには、宇宙放射線の影響を正しく評価して、放射線障害から免れる防護方法を開発することは喫緊の課題である。 本研究では(1)様々な宇宙放射線の線質・線量率の違いによる急性影響および次世代への遺伝的影響、(2)宇宙放射線に対して宇宙特有の微小重力環境がどのような影響を及ぼすのかについて、分子、細胞、個体レベルで探究する。
  • 2012年4月 - 2012年4月
  • 2010年4月 - 2010年4月
  • 2009年8月 - 2009年8月