
岩永 光一

イワナガ コウイチ  (Koichi Iwanaga)


千葉大学 デザイン・リサーチ・インスティテュート 教授 (博士(理学))





  • Chuntai Yu, Keita Ishibashi, Koichi Iwanaga
    Journal of Physiological Anthropology 42(1) 2023年5月29日  
    Abstract Background There are many conflicting findings on the gaze cueing effect (GCE) of emotional facial expressions. This study aimed to investigate whether an averted gaze, accompanied by a fearful expression of different durations, could enhance attentional orientation, as measured by a participant’s eye movements. Methods Twelve participants (3 females) completed the gaze cue task, reacting to a target location after observing changes in the gaze and expression of a face illustrated on a computer screen. Meanwhile, participants’ eye movements were monitored by electrooculography. The GCE was calculated by reaction time as an indicator of attention shift. Results The analysis of the overall data did not find a significant effect of fearful facial expressions on the GCE. However, analysis of trial data that excluded a participant’s eye movement data showed that brief (0, 100 ms) presentation of the fearful facial expression enhanced the GCE compared to that during a neutral facial expression, although when the presentation time of the fearful expression was increased to 200 or 400 ms, the GCE of the fearful expression was at the same level as when model showed a neutral expression. Conclusions The results suggest that the attention-enhancing effect of gaze cues induced by rapidly presented fearful expressions occurs only when the effect of eye movement trials is excluded. This effect may be mediated by reflexively neural circuits in the amygdala that process threatening stimuli. However, as the expression duration increased, the fearful expression’s attention-enhancing effect decreased. We suggest that future studies on the emotion modulation of GCE should consider the negative effects of participants’ saccades and blinks on the experimental results.
    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics 56(5) 208-211 2020年10月15日  
  • Yoshihiro Shimomura, Takeaki Ohsawa, Megumi Shimura, Yali Xia, Koichi Iwanaga, Tetsuo Katsuura
    Journal of physiological anthropology 39(1) 13-13 2020年5月4日  
    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to clarify the influence of manipulation mode of chopsticks on the learning process, using assessment of task performance and electromyography, and to understand the significance of the traditional manipulation mode from the viewpoint of physiological anthropology. Previous studies have described two modes of manipulating chopsticks, the traditional pincers-pinching mode and the scissors-pinching mode. METHODS: We conducted experiments with two conditions of holding chopsticks: scissors mode and pincers mode. Eight subjects participated and were assigned to these modes, and they learned handling tasks in their assigned mode for 5 days with the non-dominant hand. We measured task execution times and conducted electromyography of the following muscles: first dorsalis interosseus, flexor pollicis brevis, flexor digiti minimi brevis, flexor digitorum superficialis, and extensor digitorum. RESULTS: The training effects were found in each mode. The pincers mode showed significantly shorter task performance times than did scissors mode. On electromyography, significant increases in activity of flexor digiti minimi brevis and tended an increase in flexor digitorum superficialis and a decrease in extensor digitorum occurred in pincers mode but not in scissors mode. CONCLUSIONS: The traditional mode of holding chopsticks was associated with not only high task performance but also an advantage in terms of learning motor control.
  • 赤間章英, 石橋圭太, 岩永光一
    日本生理人類学会誌 24(4) 159-172 2019年11月  査読有り
  • 赤間章英, 石橋圭太, 岩永光一
    日本生理人類学会誌 24(3) 95-105 2019年8月  査読有り


  • 吉野 智佳子, 下村 義弘, 岩永 光一
    日本作業療法研究学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of occupational therapy research 17(1) 1-6 2014年  
  • Minhyeok Kim, Keita Ishibashi, Koichi Iwanaga
    I-PERCEPTION 5(4) 378-378 2014年  
  • Ishibashi Keita, Maeda Takafumi, Higuchi Shigekazu, Iwanaga Koichi, Yasukouchi Akira
    人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集 2011 72-72 2011年10月3日  
  • 李 花子, 勝浦 哲夫, 岩永 光一, 下村 義弘, 東 洋邦, 一條 隆
    人間と生活環境 15(1) 21-27 2008年5月  
    光は,ヒトの急性な生理的反応や覚醒反応を引き起こす。最近,夜間の光反応に対する波長の依存性が報告されたがこれらの研究は,ほとんどメラトニン抑制や位相変位に関するものである。ヒトの昼間の覚醒水準に及ぼす影響を明確に示した研究はまだ少ない。本研究では,脳波と瞳孔径を測定して昼間の覚醒水準と瞳孔の反応に関する波長の効果を検討した。実験は,男子大学生10名について行なった(23±2.9歳)。単波長光条件は,420,458, 500, 550, 610, 670 nmにピークをもつ6つの干渉フィルタを使用して設定した。AAC(α波減衰係数)は, 240, 550, 610, 670nmより458nmの単波長光においてのAAC変化量が高いことが示された。このことから,昼間の458nmの単波長光暴露時の覚醒水準が高いことが示唆される。瞳孔径は,波長と時間経過の有意な交互作用(p=0.0014)が認められた。そこで,時間経過の区間毎に瞳孔径の変化を比較した結果,単波長光条件暴露16分後に,670nm単波長光暴露時の瞳孔径は458, 500, 550, 610nmのより大きくなることが示された。
  • SHIMOMURA Yoshihiro, OSAWA Takeaki, IWANAGA Koichi, KATSUURA Tetsuo
    Journal of physiological anthropology 27(4) 217-218 2008年  

