吉本照子, 青山美紀子, 川西恭子, 小坂直子, 辻村真由子, 伊藤隆子, 石橋みゆき, 緒方泰子
千葉看護学会会誌 16(2) 85-93 2011年1月 査読有り
In this study, we reported the details of individual support and assessment provided in a re-education program(comprised of 14 subjects, 360 program hours) for nurses aiming to work in home care. The 10 participants were all female, with 7 people in their thirties or below and 3 people in their forties or above. They all had nursing experience of 5 years or longer prior to entering the program, and 6 of them started working as home care providers within 4 months after completing the program. The individual learning support consisted of: [communicating with the participants to clarify their learning goals and how to achieve them], [encouraging the participants to assess themselves more accurately and realize their strong points], [considering and adjusting to the learning needs and personal lives of the participants to promote the effectiveness of the program], and [providing practical information on how to select a place of employment]. The participants responded that they learned to achieve the following: [understand the basics of home care through re-studying the basics of nursing], [learn how to obtain the knowledge required for home care], [gain self-confidence to acquire the knowledge, skills, and practices required for home care], [improve motivation to start a new job through clarifying the home care service to be provided], and [clarify future tasks based on the assessment of achieved goals]. The participants were also aware of the support officers'" assistance for learning how to achieve goals through clarifying strong and weak points". The results suggest that individual learning support was effective for promoting self-determined learning for the participants to set their learning goals based on more accurate self-assessment, review their studies, and obtain results and self-confidence.訪問看護をめざす看護師を対象とした系統的・個別的な学び直しプログラム(14科目360時間)における個別的学習支援の内容と評価について報告する。受講者は10人,全員が女性で,30歳代以下7人,40歳代以上3人であった。看護経験合計年数は全員が5年以上で,修了後4ヵ月までに6人が訪問看護師として再就職した。個別的学習支援の内容は,【受講者自身による学習目標設定の考え方と具体的な方法の明示】,【より的確な自己評価および自己の強みの意識化に関する促し】,【受講者の学習ニーズおよび個人生活に即して受講の効果を高めるための環境調整,促しおよび評価的支援】および【就職先の選択に関わる考え方と具体的な情報提供】であった。受講者は,【看護の基本・基礎の再確認による訪問看護の基本の理解】,【訪問看護に必要な知識を得るための学習方法の習得】,【訪問看護に必要な知識・技術および実践方法の習得による自信の獲得】,【自分がめざす訪問看護の明確化による再就職への意欲の高まり】および【目標達成評価にもとづく今後の課題の明確化】を達成したと評価し,個別的学習支援担当者による「自分の強み・弱みの明確化による学習目標の設定および達成方法の習得への支援」等を認識していた。今回の個別的学習支援は,受講者が的確な自己評価をもとに自ら学習目標を設定し,学習の技能および必要な知識を習得して,根拠にもとづいた自信を得るという,成人学習者の自己決定的な学習を促したと考える。