
伊藤 公一

イトウ コウイチ  (Koichi Ito)


千葉大学 フロンティア医工学センター 名誉教授
Dr. Engineering(東京工業大学)




  • Nozomi Haga, Kazuyuki Saito, Masaharu Takahashi, Koichi Ito
    Antennas and the propagation characteristics for body-area networks have become an active area of research. In this paper, a cavity slot antenna is proposed for onbody communications at 2.45 GHz. First, the antenna characteristics (input impedance, radiation pattern, and efficiency) are calculated by the finite-difference time-domain method. The results show that the proposed antenna has a relatively high efficiency of more than 50% even in the vicinity of the human body. Next, the onbody radio wave-propagation characteristics are investigated through numerical simulation and experimental measurements of the electric-field distributions around a phantom with a simplified shape of a human arm. Both sets of results are then compared and discussed. Finally, good agreement between the measured and the calculated results is confirmed.
  • Wei Xia, Kazuyuki Saito, Masaharu Takahashi, Koichi Ito
    Implantable devices have been investigated with great interest as communication tools. These implantable devices are embedded into the human or pet body. The vital information (such as temperature, blood pressure, cardiac beat, etc.) can be transmitted from implantable devices to the external equipment by use of a wireless communication link. Therefore, the research on the antenna for implantable devices (implanted antennas) is very important. This paper proposes an implanted H-shaped cavity slot antenna for short-range wireless communications. This type of antenna, which is designed to operate at the industrial-scientific-medical band (2.45 GHz), is investigated by using finite-difference time-domain calculation. We analyzed the performances of the proposed antenna which is embedded into the human body between the shoulder and the elbow. However, since the proposed antenna is too small to fabricate, a scale model is adopted for antenna measurements. Some characteristics of the scale model of the antenna are also calculated and measured by using the 2/3 muscle-equivalent phantom. The results show that the proposed antenna has promise for use in an implant.
  • Shimpei Akimoto, Satoru Kikuchi, Kazuyuki Saito, Masaharu Takahashi, Koichi Ito
    IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS 6(8) 477-482 2009年4月  
    The portable radio terminal for business is usually hold in the vicinity of a human body, it is needed an attention for the specific absorption rate (SAR) in an abdomen. Therefore, in order to evaluate the SAR in the human body when wearing the portable radio terminals for business, the normal-mode helical antenna (NHA) with metallic case, which simulates the portable radio terminals for business at 150 MHz, was modeled. In addition, the calculations of SAR distributions employing an NHA with metallic case in the vicinity of the tissue-equivalent phantom were compared with the measurements. As a result, the SAR distributions of calculated result agree well with those of measured result.
  • Satoru Kikuchi, Kazuyuki Saito, Masaharu Takahashi, Koichi Ito, Hiroo Ikehira
    This paper presents the computational electromagnetic dosimetry inside an anatomically based pregnant woman models exposed to electromagnetic wave during magnetic resonance imaging. The two types of pregnant woman models corresponding to early gestation and 26 weeks gestation were used for this study. The specific absorption rate (SAR) in and around a fetus were calculated by radiated electromagnetic wave from highpass and lowpass birdcage coil. Numerical calculation results showed that high SAR region is observed at the body in the vicinity of gaps of the coil, and is related to concentrated electric field in the gaps of human body such as armpit and thigh. Moreover, it has confirmed that the SAR in the fetus is less than International Electrotechnical Commission limit of 10 W/kg, when whole-body average SARs are 2 W/kg and 4 W/kg, which are the normal operating mode and first level controlled operating mode, respectively.