
松下 一之

マツシタ カズユキ  (Kazuyuki Matsushita)


千葉大学 医学部附属病院 検査部長 (診療教授)
(兼任)千葉大学病院がんゲノムセンター 診療教授
医学博士(1980年3月 千葉大学)




  • Kazuki Yoshida, Haruka Sasaki, Hiroyuki Takaoka, Yusei Nishikawa, Shuhei Aoki, Katsuya Suzuki, Satomi Yashima, Noriko Suzuki-Eguchi, Makiko Kinoshita, Tomonori Kanaeda, Keisuke Matsusaka, Hiroki Kohno, Kazuyuki Matsushita, Yoshio Kobayashi
    Circulation reports 6(6) 230-231 2024年6月10日  
  • 松原 未来, 宮部 安規子, 齊藤 知子, 瀬川 俊介, 鈴木 眞, 山下 晃司, 藤川 樹, 村田 正太, 石和田 稔彦, 矢口 貴志, 伊藤 純子, 奥主 朋子, 日野 もえ子, 川崎 健治, 松下 一之
    日本臨床微生物学会雑誌 34(3) 209-213 2024年6月  
  • Shin Suzuki, Yuji Morita, Shota Ishige, Kiyohiro Kai, Kenji Kawasaki, Kazuyuki Matsushita, Kohei Ogura, Tohru Miyoshi-Akiyama, Takeshi Shimizu
    Microbiology (Reading, England) 170(6) 2024年6月  
    Long-term administration of certain macrolides is efficacious in patients with persistent pulmonary Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, despite how limited the clinically achievable concentrations are, being far below their MICs. An increase in the sub-MIC of macrolide exposure-dependent sensitivity to nitrosative stress is a typical characteristic of P. aeruginosa. However, a few P. aeruginosa clinical isolates do not respond to sub-MIC of macrolide treatment. Therefore, we examined the effects of sub-MIC of erythromycin (EM) on the sensitivity to nitrosative stress together with an efflux pump inhibitor (EPI) phenylalanine arginyl β-naphthylamide (PAβN). The sensitivity to nitrosative stress increased, suggesting that the efflux pump was involved in inhibiting the sub-MIC of macrolide effect. Analysis using efflux pump-mutant P. aeruginosa revealed that MexAB-OprM, MexXY-OprM, and MexCD-OprJ are factors in reducing the sub-MIC of macrolide effect. Since macrolides interfere with quorum sensing (QS), we demonstrated that the QS-interfering agent furanone C-30 (C-30) producing greater sensitivity to nitric oxide (NO) stress than EM. The effect of C-30 was decreased by overproduction of MexAB-OprM. To investigate whether the increase in the QS-interfering agent exposure-dependent sensitivity to nitrosative stress is characteristic of P. aeruginosa clinical isolates, we examined the viability of P. aeruginosa treated with NO. Although treatment with EM could reduce cell viability, a high variability in EM effects was observed. Conversely, C-30 was highly effective at reducing cell viability. Treatment with both C-30 and PAβN was sufficiently effective against the remaining isolates. Therefore, the combination of a QS-interfering agent and an EPI could be effective in treating P. aeruginosa infections.
  • Akiyuki Uzawa, Masahiro Mori, Hiroki Masuda, Mayumi Muto, Ryohei Ohtani, Shinji Aoyama, Kazuyuki Matsushita, Satoshi Kuwabara
    Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) 13524585241254731-13524585241254731 2024年5月23日  
    BACKGROUND: Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease (MOGAD) is a rare neuroinflammatory disorder characterized by acute episodes of central nervous system (CNS) demyelination. Previous studies have reported elevated interleukin (IL)-6 in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of MOGAD patients. OBJECTIVE: We examined if CSF IL-6 level increase is associated with clinical parameters in MOGAD. METHODS: IL-6 levels were measured using 44 CSF samples during the acute phase and 6 samples during recovery from 34 MOGAD patients, as well as 65 CSF samples from 45 aquaporin-4 antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (AQP4Ab + NMOSD), 107 samples from 76 multiple sclerosis patients, and 45 samples from neurodegenerative disease patients. Associations between IL-6 levels and clinical parameters in MOGAD were also evaluated. RESULTS: CSF IL-6 levels were significantly comparably elevated during acute-phase in MOGAD and AQP4Ab + NMOSD, but declined following the acute phase. Among MOGAD patients, CSF IL-6 level was significantly correlated with CSF cell count, greater in patients with brain lesions than spinal cord lesions, and higher in CSF than serum, suggesting that excessive IL-6 is produced predominantly in CNS. Neurological recovery was tended to be poorer in MOGAD patients with higher CSF IL-6 level. CONCLUSION: CSF IL-6 may play important roles in the pathogenesis of MOGAD, especially in CNS inflammation.
  • Hidetoshi Igari, Seiichiro Sakao, Takayuki Ishige, Kengo Saito, Shota Murata, Misuzu Yahaba, Toshibumi Taniguchi, Akiko Suganami, Kazuyuki Matsushita, Yutaka Tamura, Takuji Suzuki, Eiji Ido
    Nature Communications 15(1) 2024年4月29日  
    Abstract Numerous SARS-CoV-2 variant strains with altered characteristics have emerged since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Remdesivir (RDV), a ribonucleotide analogue inhibitor of viral RNA polymerase, has become a valuable therapeutic agent. However, immunosuppressed hosts may respond inadequately to RDV and develop chronic persistent infections. A patient with respiratory failure caused by interstitial pneumonia, who had undergone transplantation of the left lung, developed COVID-19 caused by Omicron BA.5 strain with persistent chronic viral shedding, showing viral fusogenicity. Genome-wide sequencing analyses revealed the occurrence of several viral mutations after RDV treatment, followed by dynamic changes in the viral populations. The C799F mutation in nsp12 was found to play a pivotal role in conferring RDV resistance, preventing RDV-triphosphate from entering the active site of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The occurrence of diverse mutations is a characteristic of SARS-CoV-2, which mutates frequently. Herein, we describe the clinical case of an immunosuppressed host in whom inadequate treatment resulted in highly diverse SARS-CoV-2 mutations that threatened the patient’s health due to the development of drug-resistant variants.


  • 栃木 透, 松下 一之, 丸山 通広, 大平 学, 遠藤 悟史, 今西 俊介, 丸山 哲郎, 天海 博之, 松原 久裕
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 124回 SF-3 2024年4月  
  • 與子田 一輝, 佐々木 晴香, 高岡 浩之, 野口 靖允, 青木 秀平, 鈴木 克也, 八島 聡美, 木下 真己子, 鈴木 紀子, 鎌田 知子, 川崎 健治, 高梨 秀一郎, 松宮 護郎, 小林 欣夫, 松下 一之
    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集 88回 CP29-4 2024年3月  
  • 松下 一之
    JSBMS Letters 49(1) 3-11 2024年3月  
    質量分析技術を用いたtherapeutic drug monitoring(TDM)や微生物同定検査などは広く臨床現場で使用されている.一方,生化学検査の分野ではいまだイムノアッセイが主流であり質量分析技術を用いた検査は一般的ではない.実際,令和6年(2024年)の診療報酬改定でも保険収載された質量分析を用いた検査はほとんどない状況である.わが国では国民皆保険制度に基づき,保険収載されている検体検査はIn vitro diagnostics(IVD・体外診断用医薬品)として「医薬品,医療機器等の品質,有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律」で薬事承認されていることが原則である.すなわち国内ではIVD以外の検査は事実上保険収載されない(難病法で指定されている疾患の遺伝学的検査は例外).本稿では,質量分析技術やNext generation DNA sequencer(NGS)によるゲノム関連検査などの高度なイノベーション技術を円滑かつタイムリーに患者・国民に届けるための課題を検討した.薬事未承認の「自施設で開発し,自施設で完結して行う診療に供する検査」はいわゆる「laboratory developed tests(LDTs)」と呼ばれることがある.米国では臨床検査室改善法CLIA(Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments)のもとにLDTsが定義され実施されている.LDTs検査を医療実装するにはproficiency testing(PT)/external quality assessment(EQA)を国内で実施するための精度管理に関する法整備や規制の必要性も議論が必要である.令和7(2025)年には全ゲノム解析等実行計画の事業化(医療実装)が国家プロジェクトとして計画されており,先行するゲノム領域分野のLDTsは急速に多様化することが想定されており質量分析技術も早晩同様の状況になると思われる.本稿では国内における質量分析の医療実装やその後の保険収載への考え方を,先行するNGS解析をモデルに検討した.日進月歩の技術革新(イノベーション)を推進するLDTsの概念の確立,その精度管理のための法整備を含む規制,臨床現場で運用可能なPT/EQAの実施方法が必要なことを議論した.(著者抄録)
  • 堀田 多恵子, 清水 一範, 山田 修, 内山田 健次, 宮下 弘信, 片岡 浩巳, 内海 健, 松下 一之
    日本臨床検査医学会誌 72(3) 179-179 2024年3月  












  • 千葉県 精度管理委員 千葉市 精度管理委員 船橋市 精度管理委員