
荻山 正浩

オギヤマ マサヒロ  (Masahiro Ogiyama)


千葉大学 大学院社会科学研究院(法政経学部) 教授



  • 荻山正浩
    佐藤健太郎・荻山正浩編著『公正の遍歴―近代日本の地域と国家』吉田書店 515-554 2022年8月  
  • 荻山 正浩
    Okuda, N. and Takai, T. eds., Gender and Family in Japan, Monograph Series of Socio-Economic History Society, Japan, vol. 6 (Singapore: Springer) 2019年12月  査読有り
  • 荻山 正浩
    佐藤健太郎・荻山正浩・山口道弘編著『公正から問う近代日本史』吉田書店 57-100 2019年3月  
  • 荻山 正浩
    社会経済史学 77(4) 549-571 2012年  査読有り
  • 荻山 正浩
    社会経済史学 75(4) 389-411 2009年  査読有り
  • Masahiro Ogiyama
    International Journal of Asian Studies 4(02) 173 2007年6月  査読有り
  • 荻山 正浩
    社会経済史学 66(2) 149-170,248 2000年  査読有り
    In the late nineteenth century, Japanese agricultural laborers had normally borrowed so much from their employers that they were entirely dependent on them. Despite this, the employers were unable to use the services of such laborers whenever they wanted. Evidence of why this was so can be found through examining the case of the Tsukamoto family, a rich farming family of Hatta village in Sennan, Osaka. Many Hatta inhabitants were debtors of the Tsukamoto, and such people were hired by them as daily agricultural laborers. But villagers indebted to the family, including agricultural laborers, would often band together to demand debt reduction. This makes it clear that if the family had tried to hire day laborers whenever it suited them by using threats about debt payment, they would have been considered hostile by the inhabitants. However, since the head of the family was also the headman of the village, the Tsukamoto also had the responsibility of preserving order. They were therefore unable to use the services of day labourers whenever it suited them for fear that village inhabitants would disrupt the peace.
  • 荻山 正浩
    土地制度史学 41(4) 38-53 1999年  査読有り
    Domestic service has been frequently looked upon as an outlet for surplus labor. If this were true, domestic service would have been deprived of workers as the labor demand of industries increased. Domestic service, however, remained a large occupational group after the beginning of the industrialization of Japan. The purpose of this article is to investigate why domestic servants did not disappear although the labor demand of industries expanded during the economic boom of the First World War. This study is based on the manuscripts of the Hiroumi family, a manure and rice merchant family living in the Sennan District of the Osaka Prefecture. The Hiroumi family always employed three to four resident servants. Most were girls under the control of their parents who ultimately received their daughters' wages. Using personal connections, the employer hired workers from the lower classes living in the neighboring areas. Although the terms of work varied, most retired after a little more than a few years. Parents of the girls had another long-standing alternative of sending their daughters to work as domestic servants. There were many weaving factories throughout the Sennan District which required a large number of female workers. On the eve of the First World War, it was more profitable for parents to send their daughters to the weaving factories than to engage them in domestic service. In fact, the Hiroumi family was faced with a severe labor shortage when the labor demand of the weaving factories rapidly increased in the economic boom of the First World War. The problem, however, was soon resolved as the Hiroumi family immediately took such measures as drastically raising wages. As a result, it was profitable for parents to send their daughters to work as domestic servants. Compared to other regional wage levels, similar changes in domestic service were likely to have occurred elsewhere in Japan. During the economic boom of the First World War, many women remained working as domestic servants because their employers had made great efforts to retain them.
  • 荻山 正浩
    社会経済史学 64(5) 615-643,776 1999年  査読有り
    In the early stages of Japan's industrialization, the increased demand for labor in industry caused a labor shortage in domestic service. Nevertheless, domestic servants remained a large occupational group. The aim of this paper is to show how families were able to continue to employ domestic servants through a case study of the Hiroumi family, merchants specializing in fertilizers and rice in the Sennan district of Osaka Prefecture. The Hiroumi family normally employed three to four live-in servants. Most were girls not yet independent from their parents, who were the ultimate recipients of their wages. They were recruited from the poorer families of the neighboring areas. On the eve of industrialization in the 1880s, the cotton-weaving industry had already developed as a cottage industry throughout the Sennan district. Parents were able to put their daughters to work as weavers at home instead of sending them away to domestic service. However, the latter was more profitable for them, and therefore it was easy for employers to hire domestic help. But the situation changed after industrialization began in the 1890s. A cotton-spinning mill built in the Sennan district was willing to employ large numbers of local girls at high wages. In addition, the weaving industry began to flourish owing to a sharp rise in the demand for cotton cloth. It was clearly more advantageous for parents to send daughters to the spinning mill to work, or keep them at home weaving, rather than put them into domestic service. The Hiroumi family was faced with a labor shortage. Employers of domestic servants immediately took countermeasures, such as raising wages, or offering improved payment systems. Although it was not as easy to hire and retain workers as in the past, the Hiroumi family was still able to employ as many domestic servants as it needed.




  • 佐藤, 健太郎, 荻山, 正浩, 中西, 啓太, 加藤, 祐介, 冨江, 直子, 青木, 健, 尾原, 宏之, 今野, 裕子, 井上, 直子, 池田, 真歩, 出口, 雄大 (担当:共編者(共編著者))
    吉田書店 2022年8月 (ISBN: 9784910590059)
  • 社会経済史学会 (担当:分担執筆)
    丸善出版 2021年6月 (ISBN: 9784621306024)
  • 奥田, 伸子, 高井, 哲彦 (担当:分担執筆)
    Springer 2019年 (ISBN: 9789811399084)
  • 佐藤 健太郎, 荻山 正浩, 山口 道弘, 青木 健 (担当:共編者(共編著者))
    吉田書店 2019年 (ISBN: 9784905497745)
  • 石井, 寛治, 原, 朗, 武田, 晴人 (担当:分担執筆)
    東京大学出版会 2000年12月 (ISBN: 4130440721)



