
中田 裕之

ナカタ ヒロユキ  (Hiroyuki Nakata)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院基幹工学専攻 准教授
博士(理学)(2000年3月 京都大学)




  • H. Ohya, T. Suzuki, F. Tsuchiya, H. Nakata, K. Shiokawa
    Radio Science 59(3) 2024年2月26日  
    Abstract Several studies have examined ionospheric variation associated with meteorites, meteoroids, or meteors based on Global Satellite Navigation System total electron content observations. However, there have been few quantitative studies of the D‐region of the ionosphere (60–90 km), which is associated with meteoroids. We investigated variation in the D‐region during the passage of a meteoroid over northeastern Hokkaido, Japan, at 11:55:55 UT on 18 October 2018, using very low‐frequency (VLF, 3–30 kHz) and low‐frequency (LF, 30–300 kHz) signals observed by three transmitters [JJY (40 kHz), JJY (60 kHz), and JJI (22.2 kHz)], at Rikubetsu, Japan. Periodic variation of 100–200 s was observed in the VLF and LF amplitudes upon arrival of the acoustic wave. The vertical seismic velocity of Hi‐net and F‐net data also showed acoustic waves. Although the main period of the acoustic wave was 0.1–0.5 s in the seismic data, a longer period component (100–200 s) remained during propagation up to the D‐region ionosphere. The estimated velocity of the acoustic waves was ∼340 m/s on the ground according to the Hi‐net seismic data. The acoustic wave originated near the endpoint (25 km altitude) of the meteoroid trajectory. Based on the observed propagation time of the acoustic waves and ray tracing results, the acoustic waves propagated obliquely from near the endpoint of the meteoroid trajectory up to a D‐region height (about ∼90 km altitude), south of the Rikubetsu receiver.
  • Hiroyuki Nakata, Keisuke Hosokawa, Susumu Saito, Yuichi Otsuka, Ichoro Tomizawa
    Earth, Planets and Space 75(1) 2023年10月10日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Abstract The explosive eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano on 15 January 2022 generated atmospheric waves traveling around the Earth, which caused ionospheric disturbances on various spatio-temporal scales. A HF Doppler sounding system in Japan detected characteristic ionospheric disturbances showing periodic oscillations in the Doppler frequency with a period of ~ 4 min. In this study, such periodic oscillations were examined by comparing Doppler frequency data with Total Electron Content data obtained by Global Navigation Satellite System. The observed periodic oscillations in the Doppler frequency were characterized by a sawtooth or S-letter shaped variation, implying the passage of the traveling ionospheric disturbances through the reflection points of the HF Doppler sounding system. It was also found that the periodic oscillations occurred prior to the arrival of the tropospheric Lamb wave excited by the Tonga eruption. From the total electron content data, the traveling ionospheric disturbances causing the periodic oscillations were excited by the tropospheric Lamb waves at the conjugate point in the southern hemisphere, namely, the electric field perturbations due to the Lamb waves in the southern hemisphere mapped onto the sensing area of the HF Doppler sounding system in the northern hemisphere along the magnetic field lines. The periodic oscillations were observed only in the path between Chofu transmitter and Sarobetsu receiver, whose the radio propagation path is almost aligned in the north–south direction. This suggests that the traveling ionospheric disturbance has a structure elongating in the meridional direction. The variation in the Doppler frequency was reproduced by using a simple model of the propagation of the traveling ionospheric disturbances and the resultant motion of the reflection point. As a result, the vertical motion of the reflection point associated with the periodic oscillations was estimated to be about 1 km. It is known that 4-min period variations are sometimes observed in association with earthquakes, which is due to resonances of acoustic mode waves propagating between the ground and the lower ionosphere. Therefore, a similar resonance structure in the southern hemisphere is a plausible source of the traveling ionospheric disturbances detected in the northern hemisphere. Graphical Abstract
  • Hiromi Sejima, Keisuke Hosokawa, Hiroyuki Nakata, Jaroslav Chum, Chien-Hung Lin, Jia-Ting Lin
    Earth, Planets and Space 75(1) 2023年10月10日  査読有り
    Abstract High-Frequency Doppler (HFD) sounders at low-latitudes often detect characteristic oblique spreading Doppler traces in the spectrogram, known as Oblique Spread Structure (OSS). OSS has been expected to be generated by the dispersion of radio wave reflection due to equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs). However, it has not yet been confirmed whether OSS is surely a manifestation of EPB by conducting simultaneous observations of EPB and OSS with different observational techniques. Additionally, it remains unclear what kinds of properties of EPB are reflected in the fine structure of OSS. In this study, we investigated three cases of OSSs and EPBs simultaneously observed by a HFD sounding system and an all-sky airglow imager in Taiwan. For the three cases presented here, the timing of OSS occurrence in the HFD data well coincided with that of the EPB appearance in the airglow data. The frequency shift of OSS is quantitatively explained assuming a radio wave reflection at 250–300 km altitudes. These results strongly indicate that OSS is formed by electron density variations at F-region altitudes accompanying EPB; thus, OSS is a manifestation of EPB in the HFD observations. Furthermore, it was suggested that the fine structure of OSS reflected the branching structure of EPB when the multiple branches of EPB reached the intermediate reflection point of the HFD observation. The detection of EPB occurrence and its fine structure using HFD observation enables monitoring of EPB regardless of weather conditions, which will contribute to monitoring the space weather impact of EPBs, for example, on GNSS navigation, in a wide area. Graphical Abstract
  • Keisuke Hosokawa, Susumu Saito, Hiroyuki Nakata, Chien-Hung Lin, Jia-Ting Lin, Pornchai Supnithi, Ichiro Tomizawa, Jun Sakai, Toru Takahashi, Takuya Tsugawa, Michi Nishioka, Mamoru Ishii
    Earth, Planets and Space 75(1) 2023年10月3日  査読有り招待有り
    Abstract It has long been known that field-aligned irregularities within equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) can cause long-range propagation of radio waves in the VHF frequencies such as those used for TV broadcasting through the so-called forward scattering process. However, no attempt has been made to use such anomalous propagations of VHF radio waves for wide-area monitoring of EPBs. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of monitoring of EPBs using VHF radio waves used for aeronautical navigation systems such as VHF Omnidirectional radio Range (VOR). There are 370 VOR stations in the Eastern and Southeastern Asian region that can be potentially used as Tx stations for the observations of anomalous propagation. We have examined the forward scattering conditions of VHF waves using the magnetic field model and confirmed that it is possible to observe the EPB-related anomalous propagation if we set up Rx stations in Okinawa (Japan), Taiwan, and Thailand. During test observations conducted in Okinawa since 2021, no signal has been received that was clearly caused by anomalous propagation due to EPBs. This is simply because EPBs have not developed to high latitudes during the observation period due to the low solar activity. In March 2023, however, possible indications of EPB-related scattering were detected in Okinawa which implies the feasibility of observing EPBs with the current observation system. We plan to conduct pilot observations in Taiwan and Thailand in future to further evaluate the feasibility of this monitoring technique. Graphical Abstract
  • Kentaro Tanaka, Hiroyo Ohya, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Kenro Nozaki, Mariko Teramoto, Kazuo Shiokawa, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Martin Connors, Hiroyuki Nakata
    URSI Radio Science Letters 4 2023年  査読有り







