
森 恵美

Emi Mori


千葉大学 大学院看護学研究院 千葉大学大学院教授
master of nursing science
doctor of medical science(Yamagata University School of Medicine)





  • Kunie Maehara, Hiroko Iwata, Kayoko Kimura, Emi Mori
    JBI evidence synthesis 2021年8月18日  査読有り最終著者
    OBJECTIVE: This systematic review aimed to identify and synthesize available qualitative evidence regarding the experiences of the transition to motherhood among pregnant women following assisted reproductive technology. INTRODUCTION: Pregnant women following assisted reproductive technology experience unique challenges to their identity when transitioning to motherhood. It is important that health care professionals understand the context and complexity of emotional adaptation to pregnancy following assisted reproductive technology. INCLUSION CRITERIA: Any qualitative data from empirical studies that described experiences of the transition to motherhood during pregnancy among women who conceived through assisted reproductive technology were considered for inclusion. METHODS: Several databases were searched for published and unpublished studies in English or Japanese from 1992 to 2019, including MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, ProQuest Health and Medical Collection, Google Scholar, and Open Access Theses and Dissertations (in English); and Ichushi-Web, CiNii, and the Institutional Repositories Database (in Japanese). All included studies were assessed by two independent reviewers. Any disagreements were resolved through discussion. We used the recommended JBI approach to critical appraisal, data extraction, and data synthesis. RESULTS: This review included seven studies that considered pregnant women's (n = 110) experiences of transition to motherhood following assisted reproductive technology, and were assessed as moderate to high quality (scores 7-10) based on the JBI critical appraisal checklist for qualitative research. All studies used qualitative methodologies or methods including phenomenology, narrative approach, qualitative description, and qualitative content analysis. There were two studies from Japan, one from Brazil, one from Iran, one from Israel, one from the UK, and one from the USA. In total, 51 supported findings were aggregated into 14 categories, and five synthesized findings: i) Pregnant women following assisted reproductive technology require support to decrease anxiety and improve their belief in pregnancy to internalize a maternal identity; ii) Pregnant women following assisted reproductive technology need reassurance of their lifestyles to ensure a safe passage through pregnancy because of ambivalent feelings about becoming a mother; iii) Pregnant women following assisted reproductive technology develop a maternal identity with affection for the fetus if they switch their mindset from infertility to pregnancy; iv) Pregnant women following assisted reproductive technology need to review their self-image of being infertile and prepare for childbirth or motherhood; v) Pregnancy following assisted reproductive technology contributes to the emergence of positive feelings and changing the women's sense of self and other personal relationships. Based on the ConQual approach, the confidence in the synthesized findings was rated as moderate to low. CONCLUSIONS: The synthesized findings highlight the importance of understanding the uncertainty and ambivalent feelings women have about their pregnancy, delayed development of attachment to their fetus and formation of a maternal identity, alteration in their relationships, and the social context of pregnancy via assisted reproductive technology among pregnant women following assisted reproductive technology. Health care professionals need to be aware of the specific care needs relating to the unique pathway in the identity transition to motherhood following assisted reproductive technology for these women. More research on development and implementation of specific intervention programs for expectant mothers following assisted reproductive technology is needed. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION NUMBER: PROSPERO CRD42019138200.
  • Hiroko Iwata, Emi Mori, Kunie Maehara, Nami Harada, Asuka Saito
    JBI evidence synthesis 19(3) 523-555 2020年10月16日  査読有り
    OBJECTIVE: This review evaluated the effectiveness of antenatal parenting education versus usual care for maternal confidence, maternal depressive symptoms, and parenting stress among expectant primiparous women in Asia. INTRODUCTION: Previous reviews on parenting education have mostly examined practices in non-Asian countries and found that no single parenting education program met the needs of all parents. Given that there may be some common characteristics in Asian cultures, such as grandparents' involvement with child care, this review focused on specific interventions in determining the effects of practices on particular outcomes in these populations, so that providers of antenatal education can tailor interventions that are more culturally appropriate for Asian women. INCLUSION CRITERIA: Studies published in English or Japanese that included expectant primiparous women and couples in Asia who received antenatal parenting education were considered. The outcomes were maternal confidence, maternal depressive symptoms, and parenting stress. METHODS: The authors searched for English-language articles up to February 2019 using MEDLINE, CINAHL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and PsycINFO. They also searched Ichushi-Web for Japanese articles. A gray literature search was conducted using Google Scholar and ProQuest. Two independent reviewers selected studies and a critical appraisal was undertaken using appropriate JBI tools. Data were presented in narrative form owing to the heterogeneity of the included studies. RESULTS: Four studies involving 652 pregnant women were included: three were randomized controlled trials, and one was a quasi-experimental study. The studies were conducted in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and included the following antenatal parenting education interventions: interpersonal, psychotherapy-oriented childbirth education; childbirth psychoeducation based on the concept of learned resourcefulness; and Internet newborn-care education based on self-efficacy theory. Overall, the methodological quality of the included studies was moderate. Meta-analysis was not possible owing to the heterogeneity, including small sample sizes and differences in intervention content, populations, and follow-up times. A subsequent narrative synthesis was undertaken for each outcome. Of three studies with maternal confidence as an outcome (n = 496), two showed significantly higher maternal confidence at six weeks' (P = 0.000, Cohen's d = 1.41) and three months' postpartum (P = 0.016, Cohen's d = 0.35); however, one study showed no significant group differences. Of three studies with maternal depressive symptoms as an outcome (n = 534), two found significantly fewer depressive symptoms at three months' (P = 0.018, Cohen's d = -0.34) and six months' postpartum (P = 0.005, Cohen's d = -0.42); however, one study revealed no significant group differences. Parenting stress was examined in one study (n = 156); it showed significantly lower parenting stress (P = 0.017, Cohen's d = 0.38) immediately after the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: There is insufficient evidence to support the effectiveness of a specific type of antenatal parenting education for maternal confidence, maternal depressive symptoms, and parenting stress for expectant primiparous women in Asia. However, the findings suggest that specific theory-oriented antenatal parenting education is potentially effective for those women. Further high-quality studies are needed for antenatal parenting education among expectant primiparous women, especially in Asia.
  • Mori E, Iwata H, Maehara K, Sakajo A, Ina K, Harada N
    JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports 17(6) 1034-1042 2019年6月  査読有り


  • 三隅 順子, 森 恵美, 遠藤 恵子
    母性衛生 40(1) 160-167 1999年3月  
  • 森 恵美, 折口 恵子, 遠藤 恵子, 三隅 順子
    母性衛生 40(1) 168-175 1999年3月  
  • 森 恵美
    千葉看護学会会誌 4(2) 49-56 1998年12月30日  
  • 岩田 裕子, 森 恵美, 前原 澄子
    日本看護科学会誌 18(3) 21-36 1998年12月7日  
    本研究の目的は, 父親役割への適応における父親のストレスとその関連要因を明らかにすることである.2~5ヶ月児の父親183名を対象として質問紙調査を行い、以下の結果を得た. 1) 児出生後2~5ヶ月において, 父親役割に関連して経験するストレスは決して高いとは言えず, 父親であることに喜びを感じている. 2) 父親になったという事実について肯定的に捉えている者はストレスが低く, 社会的支持に対する満足度が高い者ほどストレスが低い. また対処については, 前向きに努力していたり肯定的に考えていたりする者はストレスが低く, 父親役割遂行に対して消極的な態度をとっている者はストレスが高い傾向にある. 3) 子ども1人の父親では, 夫婦関係が良く, 出産体験についての満足度が高く, 妻が就業しておらず, 出産準備クラスへ参加した者の方が, よりストレスが低い. 子ども2人以上の父親では, 夫婦関係が良く, 育児の手伝いがいない者の方が, よりストレスが低い.<BR>以上の結果より, 父親役割への適応を促すためには, まず父親が子どもの誕生や父親役割をどのように捉えているか, 必要な社会的支持があるのか, 生活や役割の変化に対してどのように対処しているのか, これら3点をアセスメントすることが重要なことが明らかとなり, いくつかの看護援助の有効性が示唆された.
  • 南 裕子, 勝田 仁美, 安藤 広子, 森 恵美, 太田 喜久子, 岡谷 恵子, 片田 範子, 川村 佐和子, 高谷 嘉枝, 土居 洋子, 中西 睦子, 堀井 理司
    日本看護科学会誌 18(1) 60-70 1998年4月25日  
  • 岩田 裕子, 森 恵美, 前原 澄子
    日本看護科学会誌 17(3) 456-457 1997年12月5日  
  • 石井 邦子, 森 恵美, 前原 澄子
    日本看護科学会誌 17(4) 37-45 1997年12月1日  
    本研究の目的は妊娠期の母親役割獲得プロセスと共感性の関連を明らかにすることであった. 67名の妊婦の共感性を多次元共感測定尺度を用いて測定し, 抽出された高共感性群13名と低共感性群9名を対象に, 妊娠12週から30週にわたり, Rubinの概念に沿った内容の半構成的面接を行なった. 得られた結果から以下のことが明らかになった.(1)"取り込み-投影-拒絶"まで進んだものが高共感性群は13名中8名, 低共感性群は9名中2名であった.(2) 高共感性群は低共感性群に比べ,"模倣"をより多く行い,"ロールプレイ"のパートナーが身近に存在し,"空想"を早くから開始し,"悲嘆作業"によって新しい自己を思い描いている傾向があった.(3) 高共感性群は低共感性群に比べ, 妊娠前の母親役割のレディネスが高く, 妊娠中に役割モデルと接触するチャンスが多く, より早い時期により強い"ビンディングイン"を形成していた.
  • 森 恵美
    母性衛生 = Japanese Lournal of Maternal Health 38(3) 115-116 1997年9月  
  • 山本 智子, 前原 澄子, 森 恵美
    母性衛生 = Japanese Lournal of Maternal Health 38(1) 118-125 1997年3月  
  • 石井 邦子, 森 恵美, 前原 澄子
    日本看護科学会誌 16(2) 178-179 1996年12月6日  
  • 遠藤 恵子, 森 恵美, 工藤 美子, 前原 澄子
    日本看護科学会誌 16(2) 180-181 1996年12月6日  
  • 三橋 邦江, 森 恵美, 前原 澄子
    日本看護科学会誌 16(2) 442-443 1996年12月6日  
  • 遠藤 恵子, 森 恵美, 前原 澄子, 斎藤 英和
    母性衛生 = Maternal health 37(4) 473-480 1996年12月  
  • 三隅 順子, 前原 澄子, 森 恵美
    千葉看護学会会誌 2(1) 16-22 1996年6月28日  
    本研究では,夫付き添い分娩において産婦の不安の軽減に効果のある夫の関わり方を明らかにすることを目的とした。対象は,研究協力の得られた25組の夫婦であり,医学的に問題のない18歳から35歳までの初産婦とその夫であった。産婦の不安を測定するために分娩中に主観的な不安と痛み,そして生理的指標として血圧・脈拍について測定し,また夫の関わり方については,極期において約90分の観察とコード記録を行った。その結果,夫の「手を握る」関わりの割合と産婦の状態不安の変化には相関(r=-0.66, p<0.05)があり,夫が産婦と共に過ごし「手を握る」ことは産婦の不安の軽減に役立っていたことがわかった。また,産婦の不安には産婦の性格や夫との関係が影響していることが考えられた。
  • 森 恵美, 前原 澄子, 森岡 由起子, 井上 勝夫, 斉藤 英和, 広井 正彦
    母性衛生 = Maternal health 37(2) 323-329 1996年6月  
  • 森 恵美
    母性衛生 = Japanese Lournal of Maternal Health 36(3) 107-107 1995年9月  
  • 渡辺 裕子, 鈴木 和子, 前原 澄子, 森 恵美, 江守 陽子, 茅島 江子, 工藤 美子
    千葉大学看護学部紀要 17 1-12 1995年3月  
  • 中川 幸子, 森 恵美
    日本赤十字看護大学紀要 7 44-53 1993年  
  • 森 恵美
    日本赤十字看護大学紀要 6 20-29 1992年  







