
小宮山 伴与志

コミヤマ トモヨシ  (Tomoyoshi Komiyama)


千葉大学 教育学部 教授



  • Shinya Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Shun Irie, Ryohei Ariyasu, Hiroyuki Ohtsuka, Tomoyoshi Komiyama, Yukari Ohki
    Cerebral Cortex 32(2) 380-396 2021年7月7日  査読有り
    <title>Abstract</title> In animal experiments, the indirect corticospinal tract (CST) system via cervical interneurons has been shown to mediate motor commands for online adjustment of visuomotor behaviors, such as target-reaching. However, it is still unclear whether the similar CST system functions to perform similar motor behaviors in humans. To clarify this, we investigated changes in motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) in the elbow muscles following transcranial magnetic stimulation, transcranial electrical stimulation, or cervicomedullary stimulation while participants executed target-reaching and switching movements. We found that the MEP, whether elicited cortically or subcortically, was modulated depending on the direction of the switching movements. MEP facilitation began around the onset of the switching activities in an agonist muscle. Furthermore, ulnar nerve-induced MEP facilitation, which could be mediated by presumed cervical interneuronal systems, also increased at the onset of MEP facilitation. In a patient with cortical hemianopsia who showed switching movements in the scotoma, the MEPs were facilitated just before the switching activities. Our findings suggested that CST excitation was flexibly tuned with the switching movement initiation, which could partly take place in the subcortical networks, including the presumed cervical interneuronal systems.
  • Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Hiroyuki Ohtsuka, Shun Irie, Shinya Suzuki, Ryohei Ariyasu, Tomoyoshi Komiyama, Yukari Ohki
    Journal of neurophysiology 125(3) 828-842 2021年1月27日  査読有り
    Modulatory actions of inputs from the visual system to cervical interneurons (IN) for arm muscle control are poorly understood in humans. In the present study, we examined whether visual stimulation modulates the excitation of cervical IN systems mediating corticospinal tract (CST) inputs to biceps brachii (BB). Twenty-eight healthy volunteers were seated and electromyogram recordings from the BB were performed across six experiments, each with discrete objectives. A flash stimulator for visual stimulation (50-μs duration) was placed 60 cm from the participant's eye. The CST was stimulated with transcranial magnetic/electrical stimulation (TMS/TES, respectively) contralateral to the recording site. Visual stimulation with TMS/TES was randomly delivered during weak tonic BB contractions. Single TMS/TES-induced motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) were markedly enhanced from 60-100 ms after visual stimulation compared with the control condition. The MEPs were significantly increased by combining the electrical stimulation of the ulnar nerve at the wrist [7.5-12 ms of nerve stimulation (NERVE)/TMS interval] with and without visual stimulation compared to the algebraic summation of responses obtained with either TMS or NERVE. Interestingly, the combined stimulation -induced MEP facilitation was significantly increased after visual stimulation compared with the control. Single motor unit (MU) recording also revealed the further enhancement of combined stimulation effects on the firing probabilities of MU during visual stimulation, which was observed in the peaks of the peri-stimulus time histogram, 1-2 ms later than the onset latency. The present findings suggest that visual stimulation facilitates the oligosynaptic CST excitation of arm motoneurons mediated by the cervical IN system.
  • Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Shinya Suzuki, E Paul Zehr, Tomoyoshi Komiyama
    Journal of neurophysiology 2020年12月16日  査読有り最終著者
    We examined whether repetitive electrical stimulation to discrete foot sole regions that is phase-locked to the step cycle modulates activity patterns of ankle muscles and induces neuronal adaptation during human walking. Non-noxious repetitive foot sole stimulation (STIM; 67 pulses @333 Hz) was given to the medial forefoot (f-M) or heel (HL) regions at (1) the stance-to-swing transition, (2) swing-to-stance transition, or (3) mid-stance, during every step cycle for 10 min. Stance, but not swing, durations were prolonged f-M STIM delivered at stance-to-swing transition, and these changes remained for up to 20-30 min after the intervention. Electromyographic (EMG) burst durations and amplitudes in the ankle extensors were also prolonged and persisted for 20 min after the intervention. Interestingly, STIM to HL was ineffective at inducing modulation, suggesting stimulation location-specific adaptation. In contrast, STIM to HL (but not f-M), at the swing-to-stance phase transition, shortened the step cycle by premature termination of swing. Furthermore, the onset of EMG bursts in the ankle extensors appeared earlier than in the control condition. STIM delivered during the mid-stance phase was ineffective at modulating the step cycle, highlighting phase-dependent adaptation. These effects were absent when STIM was applied while mimicking static postures for each walking phase during standing. Our findings suggest that the combination of walking-related neuronal activity with repetitive sensory inputs from the foot can generate short-term adaptation that is phase-dependent and localized to the site of STIM.
  • Syusaku Sasada, Toshiki Tazoe, Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Shigeki Omori, Genki Futatsubashi, Tomoyoshi Komiyama
    Journal of neurophysiology 2020年11月4日  査読有り最終著者
    Low-intensity electrical stimulation of the common peroneal nerve (CPN) evokes a short latency reflex in the heteronymous knee extensor muscles (referred to as CPN-reflex). The CPN-reflex is facilitated at a heel strike during walking, contributing to body weight support. However, the origin of the CPN-reflex increase during walking remains unclear. We speculate that this increase originates from multiple sources due to a body of evidence suggesting the presence of neural coupling between the arms and legs. Therefore, we investigated the extent to which the CPN-reflex is modulated during rhythmic arm cycling. Twenty-eight subjects sat in an armchair and were asked to perform arm cycling at a moderate cadence using a stationary ergometer while performing isometric contraction of the knee extensors, such that the CPN-reflex was evoked. CPN-reflex was evoked by stimulating the CPN (0.9-2.0 × the motor threshold [MT] in the tibialis anterior muscle) at the level of the neck of the fibula. The CPN-reflex amplitude was measured from the vastus lateralis (VL). The biphasic reflex response in the VL was evoked within 27-45 ms following CPN stimulation. The amplitude of the CPN-reflex increased during arm cycling compared with that before cycling. The modulation of the CPN-reflex during arm cycling was detected only for CPN stimulation intensity around 1.2 × MT. Furthermore, CPN-reflex modulation was not observed during the isometric contraction of the arm or passive arm cycling. Our results suggest the presence of neural coupling between the CPN-reflex pathways and neural systems generating locomotive arm movement.



