
井上 玲

Rei Inoue


千葉大学 大学院理学研究院 数学・情報数理学研究部門 確率・統計講座
博士(理学)(2001年3月 東京大学)





  • Rei Inoue, Takao Yamazaki
    Algebras and Representation Theory 26(6) 3167-3183 2023年  査読有り
  • Rei Inoue
    Lett. Math. Phys. 111(1) 2021年  査読有り
  • Rei Inoue, Tsukasa Ishibashi, Hironori Oya
    Selecta Mathematica 27(37) 2021年  査読有り
  • Max Glick, Rei Inoue, Pavlo Pylyavskyy
    Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare D 2 249-302 2020年  査読有り
    We consider a family of cellular automata $\Phi(n,k)$ associated with<br /> infinite reduced elements on the affine symmetric group $\hat S_n$, which is a<br /> tropicalization of the rational maps introduced by two of the authors. We study<br /> the soliton solutions for $\Phi(n,k)$ and explore a `duality&#039; with the<br /> $\mathfrak{sl}_n$-box-ball system.
  • Rei Inoue, Thomas Lam, Pavlo Pylyavskyy
    Publ. RIMS 55 25-78 2019年  査読有り
    We define cluster $R$-matrices as sequences of mutations in triangular grid<br /> quivers on a cylinder, and show that the affine geometric $R$-matrix of<br /> symmetric power representations for the quantum affine algebra<br /> $U_q^\prime(\hat{\mathfrak{sl } }_n)$ can be obtained from our cluster<br /> $R$-matrix. A quantization of the affine geometric $R$-matrix is defined,<br /> compatible with the cluster structure. We construct invariants of the quantum<br /> affine geometric $R$-matrix as quantum loop symmetric functions.
  • Rei Inoue, Thomas Lam, Pavlo Pylyayskyy
    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 347(3) 799-855 2016年11月  査読有り
    We use the combinatorics of toric networks and the double affine geometric R-matrix to define a three-parameter family of generalizations of the discrete Toda lattice. We construct the integrals of motion and a spectral map for this system. The family of commuting time evolutions arising from the action of the R-matrix is explicitly linearized on the Jacobian of the spectral curve. The solution to the initial value problem is constructed using Riemann theta functions.
  • Kazuhiro Hikami, Rei Inoue
    ALGEBRAIC AND GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY 15(4) 2175-2194 2015年  査読有り
    We try to give a cluster-algebraic interpretation of the complex volume of knots. We construct the R-operator from cluster mutations, and show that it can be regarded as a hyperbolic octahedron. The cluster variables are interpreted as the edge parameters used by Zickert for computing complex volume.
  • Rei Inoue, Pol Vanhaecke, Takao Yamazaki
    JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS 87 198-216 2015年1月  査読有り
    We apply a reduction to the Beauville systems to obtain a family of new algebraic completely integrable systems, related to curves with a cyclic automorphism. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Andrew N, W. Hone, Rei Inoue
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47(47) 474007 2014年11月  査読有り
    We consider T-systems and Y-systems arising from cluster mutations applied to<br /> quivers that have the property of being periodic under a sequence of mutations.<br /> The corresponding nonlinear recurrences for cluster variables (coefficient-free<br /> T-systems) were described in the work of Fordy and Marsh, who completely<br /> classified all such quivers in the case of period 1, and characterized them in<br /> terms of the skew-symmetric exchange matrix B that defines the quiver. A<br /> broader notion of periodicity in general cluster algebras was introduced by<br /> Nakanishi, who also described the corresponding Y-systems, and T-systems with<br /> coefficients.<br /> A result of Fomin and Zelevinsky says that the coefficient-free T-system<br /> provides a solution of the Y-system. In this paper, we show that in general<br /> there is a discrepancy between these two systems, in the sense that the<br /> solution of the former does not correspond to the general solution of the<br /> latter. This discrepancy is removed by introducing additional non-autonomous<br /> coefficients into the T-system. In particular, we focus on the period 1 case<br /> and show that, when the exchange matrix B is degenerate, discrete Painlev\&#039;e<br /> equations can arise from this construction.
  • Kazuhiro Hikami, Rei Inoue
    We propose a method to compute complex volume of 2-bridge link complements. Our construction sheds light on a relationship between cluster variables with coefficients and canonical decompositions of link complements.
  • Rei Inoue, Osamu Iyama, Bernhard Keller, Atsuo Kuniba, Tomoki Nakanishi
    We prove the periodicities of the restricted T-systems and Y-systems associated with the quantum affine algebra of type B-r at any level. We also prove the dilogarithm identities for the Y-systems of type B-r at any level. Our proof is based on the tropical Y-systems and the categorification of the cluster algebra associated with any skew-symmetric matrix by Plamondon. Using this new method, we also give an alternative and simplified proof of the periodicities of the T-systems and Y-systems associated with pairs of simply laced Dynkin diagrams.
  • Rei Inoue, Osamu Iyama, Bernhard Keller, Atsuo Kuniba, Tomoki Nakanishi
    We prove the periodicities of the restricted T-systems and Y-systems associated with the quantum affine algebra of type C-r, F-4, and G(2) at any level. We also prove the dilogarithm identities for these Y-systems at any level. Our proof is based on the tropical Y-systems and the categorification of the cluster algebra associated with any skew-symmetric matrix by Plamondon.
  • Rei Inoue, Atsuo Kuniba, Taichiro Takagi
    The box-ball system is an integrable cellular automaton on a one-dimensional lattice. It arises from either quantum or classical integrable systems by procedures called crystallization and ultradiscretization, respectively. The double origin of the integrability has endowed the box-ball system with a variety of aspects related to Yang-Baxter integrable models in statistical mechanics, crystal base theory in quantum groups, combinatorial Bethe ansatz, geometric crystals, classical theory of solitons, tau functions, inverse scattering method, action-angle variables and invariant tori in completely integrable systems, spectral curves, tropical geometry and so forth. In this review, we demonstrate these integrable structures of the box-ball system and its generalizations based on the developments in the last two decades.
  • Rei Inoue, Shinsuke Iwao
    We present applications of tropical geometry to some integrable piecewise-linear maps, based on the lecture given by one of the authors (R. I.) at the workshop "Tropical Geometry and Integrable Systems" (University of Glasgow, July 2011), and on some new results obtained afterward. After a brief review on tropical curve theory, we study the spectral curves and the isolevel sets of the tropical periodic Toda lattice and the periodic Box-ball system.
  • Rei Inoue, Shinsuke Iwao
    We study the generalized ultradiscrete periodic Toda lattice J(M, N) which has tropical spectral curve. We introduce a tropical analogue of Fay's trisecant identity, and apply it to construct a general solution to J(M, N).
  • Rei Inoue, Tomoki Nakanishi
    We introduce the cluster algebraic formulation of the integrable difference equations, the discrete Lotka-Volterra equation and the discrete Liouville equation, from the view point of the general T-system and Y-system. We also study the Poisson structure for the cluster algebra, and give the associated Poisson bracket for the two difference equations.
  • Rei Inoue, Pol Vanhaecke, Takao Yamazaki
    We study the singular isolevel manifold M-g (0) of the genus g Mumford system associated to the spectral curve y(2) = x(2g+1). We show that M-g (0) is stratified by g + 1 open subvarieties of additive algebraic groups of dimension 0, 1, .... , g, and we give an explicit description of M-g(0) in terms of the compactification of the generalized Jacobian. As a consequence, we obtain an effective algorithm to compute rational solutions to the genus g Mumford system, which is closely related to rational solutions of the KdV hierarchy. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Rei Inoue, Osamu Iyama, Atsuo Kuniba, Tomoki Nakanishi, Junji Suzuki
    NAGOYA MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 197 59-174 2010年3月  査読有り
    The unrestricted T-system is a family of relations in the Grothendieck ring of the category of the finite-dimensional modules of Yangian or quantum affine algebra, associated with a complex simple Lie algebra. The unrestricted T-system admits a. reduction called the restricted T-system. In this paper we formulate the periodicity conjecture for the restricted T-systems. which is the counterpart of the known and partially proved periodicity conjecture for the restricted Y-systems, Then, we partially prove the conjecture by various methods: the cluster algebra and cluster category method for the simply laced case, the determinant method for types A and C, and the direct method for types A, D and B (level 2).
  • Rei Inoue, Tomoyuki Takenawa
    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 289(3) 995-1021 2009年8月  査読有り
    We introduce a tropical analogue of Fay's trisecant identity for a special family of hyperelliptic tropical curves. We apply it to obtain the general solution of the ultra-discrete Toda lattice with periodic boundary conditions in terms of the tropical Riemann's theta function.
  • Rei Inoue, Tomoyuki Takenawa
    RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, B13, 175 - 190 13 175-190 2009年  査読有り
    We prove that the general isolevel set of the ultra-discrete periodic Toda<br /> lattice is isomorphic to the tropical Jacobian associated with the tropical<br /> spectral curve. This result implies that the theta function solution obtained<br /> in the authors&#039; previous paper is the complete solution. We also propose a<br /> method to solve the initial value problem.
  • Rei Inoue, Tomoyuki Takenawa
    We propose a method to study the integrable cellular automata with periodic boundary conditions, via the tropical spectral curve and its Jacobian. We introduce the tropical version of eigenvector map from the isolevel set to a divisor class on the tropical hyperelliptic curve. We also provide some conjectures related to the divisor class and the Jacobian. Finally, we apply our method to the periodic box and ball system and clarify the algebro-geometrical meaning of the real torus introduced for its initial value problem.
  • Rei Inoue, Yukiko Konishi, Takao Yamazaki
    JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS 57(3) 815-831 2007年2月  査読有り
    Beauville [A. Beauville, Jacobiennes des courbes spectrales et systemes hamiltoniens completement integrables, Acta. Math. 164 (1990) 211-235] introduced an integrable Hamiltonian system whose general level set is isomorphic to the complement of the theta divisor in the Jacobian of the spectral curve. This can be regarded as a generalization of the Mumford system [D. Mumford, Tata Lectures on Theta II, Birkhauser, 1984]. In this article, we construct a variant of Beauville's system whose general level set is isomorphic to the complement of the intersection of the translations of the theta divisor in the Jacobian. A suitable subsystem of our system can be regarded as a generalization of the even Mumford system introduced by Vanhaecke [P. Vanhaecke, Linearising two-dimensional integrable systems and the construction of action-angle variables, Math. Z. 211 (1992) 265-313; P. Vanhaecke, Integrable systems in the realm of algebraic geometry, in: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1638, 2001]. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Rei Inoue, Yukiko Konishi
    We study Beauville's completely integrable system and its variant from a viewpoint of multi-Hamiltonian structures. We also relate our result to the previously known Poisson structures on the Mumford system and the even Mumford system.
  • R Inoue, T Yamazaki
    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 265(3) 699-719 2006年8月  査読有り
    The purpose of this paper is twofold. The first is to apply the method introduced in the works of Nakayashiki and Smirnov [11, 12] on the Mumford system to its variants. The other is to establish a relation between the Mumford system and the isospectral limit Q(g)((I)) and Q((II)) of the Noumi-Yamada system [15]. As a consequence, we prove the algebraically completely integrability of the systems Q(g)((I)) and Q(g)((II)), and get explicit descriptions of their solutions.
  • R. Inoue, A. Kuniba, M. Okado
    Reviews in Mathematical Physics 16(10) 1227-1258 2004年11月  査読有り
    An L operator is presented related to an infinite dimensional limit of the fusion R matrices for Uq(An-1 (1)) and U q(Dn (1)). It is factorized into the local propagation operators which quantize the deterministic dynamics of particles and antiparticles in the soliton cellular automata known as the box-ball systems and their generalizations. Some properties of the dynamical amplitudes are also investigated.
  • R Inoue
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL 37(4) 1277-1298 2004年1月  査読有り
    We study completely integrable Hamiltonian systems whose monodromy matrices are related to the representatives for the set of gauge equivalence classes M-F of polynomial matrices. Let X be the algebraic curve given by the common characteristic equation for M-F. We construct the isomorphism from the set of representatives to an affine part of the Jacobi variety of X. This variety corresponds to the invariant manifold of the system, where the Hamiltonian flow is linearized. As an application, we discuss the algebraic complete integrability of the extended Lotka-Volterra lattice with a periodic boundary condition.
  • R Inoue
    JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 44(1) 338-351 2003年1月  査読有り
    Based on the work by Smirnov and Zeitlin, we study a simple realization of the matrix construction of the affine Jacobi varieties. We find that the realization is given by a classical integrable model, the extended Lotka-Volterra lattice. We investigate the integrable structure of the representative for the gauge equivalence class of matrices, which is isomorphic to the affine Jacobi variety, and make use of it to discuss the solvability of the model. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
  • R Inoue
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL 35(4) 1013-1024 2002年2月  査読有り
    The lattice Toda field theory for finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras is studied. We show that the Poisson structure for the lattice Toda fields is closely related to that for the q-deformed W algebra. By making use of this relationship, we construct the lattice W algebra. We discuss the cases of B-2 and C-2 in detail, and associate them with the continuous theory.
  • Rei Inoue
    Contemp. Math., 309, 115-128 2002年  査読有り
  • Kazuhiro Hikami, Rei Inoue
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34(11) 2467-2476 2001年3月23日  査読有り
    We study an integrable cellular automaton which is called the box-ball system (BBS). The BBS can be derived directly from the integrable differential-difference equation by either ultradiscretization or crystallization. We clarify the integrable structure and the hidden symmetry of the BBS.
  • G. Hatayama, K. Hikami, R. Inoue, A. Kuniba, T. Takagi, T. Tokihiro
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 42(1) 274-308 2001年1月  査読有り
    A soliton cellular automaton associated with crystals of symmetric tensor representations of the quantum affine algebra U′q(A(1)M) is introduced. It is a crystal theoretic formulation of the generalized box-ball system in which capacities of boxes and carriers are arbitrary and inhomogeneous. Scattering matrices of two solitons coincide with the combinatorial R matrices of U′q(A(1)M-1). A piecewise linear evolution equation of the automaton is identified with an ultradiscrete limit of the nonautonomous discrete Kadomtsev-Petviashivili equation. A class of N soliton solutions is obtained through the ultradiscretization of soliton solutions of the latter. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.
  • R Inoue, K Hikami
    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 581(3) 761-775 2000年8月  査読有り
    The discretization of the Toda field theory for any finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras is studied. We define the Poisson relation among Toda fields on the lattice, and clarify the Hamiltonian structure of the lattice Toda field equation. We transform the Toda field equation into the functional equation of the tau-function, and discuss the correspondence with the T-system. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Kazuhiro Hikami, Rei Inoue
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33(22) 4081-4094 2000年6月9日  査読有り
    We introduce the supersymmetric extension of the box-ball system. By use of the isomorphism of the crystal base for the super Lie algebra, we define the time evolution operator, and give the evolution equation explicitly. We also construct the soliton solutions.
  • R Inoue, K Hikami
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL 32(39) 6853-6868 1999年10月  査読有り
    We study the soliton cellular automaton (SCA) in (2+1)-dimensions from the viewpoint of the integrable vertex model. As in our previous paper, we relate the SCA, the so-called box-ball system, to an integrable vertex model associated with the Bogoyavlensky lattice. We extend this framework and introduce the (2 + 1)-dimensional SCA, which can be interpreted as the ultradiscretization of the 2D Toda equation. We also construct the N-soliton solutions for this system.
  • Kazuhiro Hikami, Rei Inoue, Yasushi Komori
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 68(7) 2234-2240 1999年7月  査読有り
    We introduce a vertex model in two-dimension, which is associated with the Bogoyavlensky lattice. We show that in a crystallized limit (q → 0) we have a unique configuration, and that it coincides with an evolution of the soliton cellular automata which is a generalization of the system introduced by Takahashi and Satsuma.
  • R Inoue, K Hikami
    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 68(6) 1843-1846 1999年6月  査読有り
    We construct the quantum integrable dynamical system on a (2 + 1)-dimensional lattice. We consider the q-commuting operators on 2-D lattice as a discretization of the current algebra, and two evolution operators are explicitly defined in terms of the quantum dilogarithm function.
  • Kazuhiro Hikami, Rei Inoue
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 68(3) 776-783 1999年3月  査読有り
    We study the Hamiltonian structure of the Bogoyavlensky lattice, which is an integrable differential-difference equation and is a generalization of the Volterra model. We construct the lattice W algebras by use of the dynamical variables of the Bogoyavlensky lattice, and also show the bi-Hamiltonian structure thereof. The quantization of the lattice W algebras is briefly discussed.
  • R Inoue, K Hikami
    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 68(2) 386-390 1999年2月  査読有り
    Studied are the integrable difference-difference equations for the lattice W currents. which can be regarded as the full-discretized (reduced) KP equations. We find explicit forms of the time-discretization for the lowest equations of the hierarchy by making use of the relation with the Bogoyavlensky lattice.
  • K Hikami, R Inoue
    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 68(2) 380-385 1999年2月  査読有り
    We investigate the integrable structure of the quantum Volterra model, which is a discretization of the Korteweg-de Vries equation. Based on Sklyanin's method we derive the Baxter equation, and then clarify a role of the "fundamental transfer matrix". We show that the fundamental transfer matrix also generates the integrals of motion for a lattice analogue of the sine-Gordon system.
  • R Inoue, K Hikami
    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 67(11) 3729-3733 1998年11月  査読有り
    The Bogoyavlensky lattice with discrete time is studied. We introduce an integrable integrodifference equation, which is obtained by taking an interaction range to infinity in the Bogoyavlensky lattice. Its integrability is shown by constructing the Lax form. Also studied is a relationship with the fully discrete W currents.
  • R Inoue, K Hikami
    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 67(4) 1163-1174 1998年4月  査読有り
    We study the dynamical system on the space-time lattice based on solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. We construct the quantum integrable difference-difference equations associated with the lattice W-N algebra. The classical lattice system and its time continuous limit are also discussed.
  • R Inoue, K Hikami
    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 67(1) 87-92 1998年1月  査読有り
    An extension of the Lotka-Volterra model, which we call the hungry-Volterra model or the Bogoyavlensky lattice, is studied. We show that the model is integrable in both classical and quantum levels by use of the local Lax matrix. The relationship between the Lotka-Volterra model and some integrable systems is briefly discussed.
  • K Hikami, K Sogo, R Inoue
    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 66(12) 3756-3763 1997年12月  査読有り
    We reveal the hidden algebraic symmetry of the Bogoyavlensky lattice (the extended Volterra model). Shown is the correspondence between the lattice W algebra and the Bogoyavlensky lattice. Soliton solutions are also constructed in terms of the vertex operators.
  • Kazuhiro Hikami, Rei Inoue
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30(19) 6911-6924 1997年10月7日  査読有り
    Several aspects of the lattice WN algebra are studied. Motivated by the fact that the Lotka-Volterra model can be written in terms of a current of the lattice Virasoro algebra (the Faddeev-Takhtajan-Volkov algebra), integrable dynamical models on the lattice have been formulated as a model associated with the lattice W3 algebra.
  • R Inoue, K Hikami
    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 66(10) 3013-3020 1997年10月  査読有り
    Studied is the discrete analogue of the classical W-N algebra. We derive a new representation of the exchange algebra. We discuss in detail a construction of the currents of the lattice W-3 algebra.
  • Rei Inoue, Miki Wadati
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 66(5) 1291-1293 1997年  査読有り
    A new hierarchy of integrable nonlinear differential-difference equations is reported. Through an extension of the Miura transformation, such a series of discrete models are obtained from the hungry Volterra model. In addition, the relation to the lattice W-algebra is discussed.







