
那須 亮

Ryo Nasu


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院 実験免疫学 講師
博士 (農学)(2001年3月 東京大学)




  • Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Motoko Y. Kimura, Masahiro Kiuchi, Ami Aoki, Yangsong Wang, Yukiyoshi Mita, Ichita Hasegawa, Yukihiro Endo, Atsushi Onodera, Kiyoshi Hirahara, Shinichiro Motohashi, Toshinori Nakayama
    Cancer Immunology Research 11(8) 1085-1099 2023年5月22日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Abstract Tumor-specific CD8+ T cells play a pivotal role in antitumor immunity and are a key target of immunotherapeutic approaches. Intratumoral CD8+ T cells are heterogeneous; Tcf1+ stemlike CD8+ T cells give rise to their cytotoxic progeny—Tim-3+ terminally differentiated CD8+ T cells. However, where and how this differentiation process occurs has not been elucidated. We herein show that terminally differentiated CD8+ T cells can be generated within tumor-draining lymph nodes (TDLN) and that CD69 expression on tumor-specific CD8+ T cells controls its differentiation process through regulating the expression of the transcription factor TOX. In TDLNs, CD69 deficiency diminished TOX expression in tumor-specific CD8+ T cells, and consequently promoted generation of functional terminally differentiated CD8+ T cells. Anti-CD69 administration promoted the generation of terminally differentiated CD8+ T cells, and the combined use of anti-CD69 and anti–programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) showed an efficient antitumor effect. Thus, CD69 is an attractive target for cancer immunotherapy that synergizes with immune checkpoint blockade.
  • Asuka Shibamiya, Yurie Miyamoto-Nagai, Shuhei Koide, Motohiko Oshima, Ola Rizq, Kazumasa Aoyama, Yaeko Nakajima-Takagi, Rei Kato, Kensuke Kayamori, Yusuke Isshiki, Nagisa Oshima-Hasegawa, Tomoya Muto, Shokichi Tsukamoto, Yusuke Takeda, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Tetsuhiro Chiba, Hiroaki Honda, Koutaro Yokote, Atsushi Iwama, Emiko Sakaida, Naoya Mimura
    Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 72(8) 2635-2648 2023年4月17日  査読有り
  • Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Yangsong Wang, Ichita Hasegawa, Yukihiro Endo, Toshinori Nakayama, Motoko Y Kimura
    International Immunology 34(11) 555-561 2022年6月11日  招待有り筆頭著者
    Abstract Cancer immunotherapy utilizes our immune system to attack cancer cells and is an extremely promising strategy for cancer treatment. Although immune-checkpoint blockade, such as anti-PD-1 (programmed cell death 1) antibody, has demonstrated significant enhancement of anti-tumor immunity and has induced notable clinical outcomes, its response rates remain low, and adverse effects are always a matter of concern; therefore, new targets for cancer immunotherapy are always desired. In this situation, new concepts are needed to fuel the investigation of new target molecules for cancer immunotherapy. We propose that CD69 is one such target molecule. CD69 is known to be an activation marker of leukocytes and is also considered a crucial regulator of various immune responses through its interacting proteins. CD69 promotes T-cell retention in lymphoid tissues via sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1P1) internalization and also plays roles in the pathogenesis of inflammatory disorders through interacting with its functional ligands Myl9/12 (myosin light chains 9, 12a and 12b). In anti-tumor immunity, CD69 is known to be expressed on T cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME) and tumor-draining lymph nodes (TDLNs). We revealed that CD69 negatively regulates the effector function of intratumoral T cells and importantly controls the ‘exhaustion’ of CD8 T cells. In addition, we and others showed that either CD69 deficiency or the administration of anti-CD69 monoclonal antibody enhances anti-tumor immunity. Thus, CD69 is an attractive target for cancer immunotherapy.
  • Murshed H. Sarkar, Ryoji Yagi, Yukihiro Endo, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Yangsong Wang, Ichita Hasegawa, Toshihiro Ito, Ilkka S. Junttila, Jinfang Zhu, Motoko Y. Kimura, Toshinori Nakayama
    PLOS ONE 16(11) e0260204-e0260204 2021年11月22日  査読有り
    While IFNγ is a well-known cytokine that actively promotes the type I immune response, it is also known to suppress the type II response by inhibiting the differentiation and proliferation of Th2 cells. However, the mechanism by which IFNγ suppresses Th2 cell proliferation is still not fully understood. We found that IFNγ decreases the expression of growth factor independent-1 transcriptional repressor (GFI1) in Th2 cells, resulting in the inhibition of Th2 cell proliferation. The deletion of theGfi1gene in Th2 cells results in the failure of their proliferation, accompanied by an impaired cell cycle progression. In contrast, the enforced expression of GFI1 restores the defective Th2 cell proliferation, even in the presence of IFNγ. These results demonstrate that GFI1 is a key molecule in the IFNγ-mediated inhibition of Th2 cell proliferation.
  • Ayaka Hara, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Mariko Takami, Takahide Toyoda, Takahiro Aoki, Fumie Ihara, Masayoshi Kobayashi, Seiichiro Hirono, Tomoo Matsutani, Toshinori Nakayama, Yasuo Iwadate, Shinichiro Motohashi
    Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 70(5) 1239-1254 2020年10月31日  査読有り
    Abstract Glioblastoma is the most common and aggressive type of brain tumor with high recurrence and fatality rates. Although various therapeutic strategies have been explored, there is currently no effective treatment for glioblastoma. Recently, the number of immunotherapeutic strategies has been tested for malignant brain tumors. Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells play an important role in anti-tumor immunity. To address if iNKT cells can target glioblastoma to exert anti-tumor activity, we assessed the expression of CD1d, an antigen-presenting molecule for iNKT cells, on glioblastoma cells. Glioblastoma cells from 10 of 15 patients expressed CD1d, and CD1d-positive glioblastoma cells pulsed with glycolipid ligand induced iNKT cell-mediated cytotoxicity in vitro. Although CD1d expression was low on glioblastoma stem-like cells, retinoic acid, which is the most common differentiating agent, upregulated CD1d expression in these cells and induced iNKT cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Moreover, intracranial administration of human iNKT cells induced tumor regression of CD1d-positive glioblastoma in orthotopic xenografts in NOD/Shi-scid IL-2RγKO (NOG) mice. Thus, CD1d expression represents a novel target for NKT cell-based immunotherapy for glioblastoma patients.
  • Ryutaro Kotaki, Masaharu Kawashima, Asuka Yamaguchi, Naoto Suzuki, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Daisuke Ogiya, Kazuki Okuyama, Yuichiro Yamamoto, Masako Takamatsu, Natsumi Kurosaki, Kiyoshi Ando, Akihiko Murata, Masato Ohtsuka, So Nakagawa, Koko Katagiri, Ai Kotani
    Scientific reports 10(1) 13554-13554 2020年8月11日  査読有り
    MicroRNAs (miRNAs), one of small non-coding RNAs, regulate many cell functions through their post-transcriptionally downregulation of target genes. Accumulated studies have revealed that miRNAs are involved in hematopoiesis. In the present study, we investigated effects of miR-669m overexpression on hematopoiesis in mouse in vivo, and found that erythroid differentiation was inhibited by the overexpression. Our bioinformatic analyses showed that candidate targets of miR-669m which are involved in the erythropoiesis inhibition are A-kinase anchoring protein 7 (Akap7) and X-linked Kx blood group (Xk) genes. These two genes were predicted as targets of miR-669m by two different in silico methods and were upregulated in late erythroblasts in a public RNA-seq data, which was confirmed with qPCR. Further, miR-669m suppressed luciferase reporters for 3' untranslated regions of Akap7 and Xk genes, which supports these genes are direct targets of miR-669m. Physiologically, miR-669m was not expressed in the erythroblast. In conclusion, using miR-669m, we found Akap7 and Xk, which may be involved in erythroid differentiation, implying that manipulating these genes could be a therapeutic way for diseases associated with erythropoiesis dysfunction.
  • Akane S. Suzuki, Ryoji Yagi, Motoko Y. Kimura, Chiaki Iwamura, Kenta Shinoda, Atsushi Onodera, Kiyoshi Hirahara, Damon J. Tumes, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Siiri E. Iismaa, Robert M. Graham, Shinichiro Motohashi, Toshinori Nakayama
    Frontiers in Immunology 11 2020年7月21日  査読有り
  • Takahiro Aoki, Mariko Takami, Tomozumi Takatani, Kiwamu Motoyoshi, Ayana Ishii, Ayaka Hara, Takahide Toyoda, Reona Okada, Moeko Hino, Ryo Koyama‐Nasu, Masahiro Kiuchi, Kiyoshi Hirahara, Motoko Y. Kimura, Toshinori Nakayama, Naoki Shimojo, Shinichiro Motohashi
    Cancer Science 111(7) 2223-2233 2020年6月19日  査読有り
  • Takahiro Aoki, Mariko Takami, Tomozumi Takatani, Kiwamu Motoyoshi, Ayana Ishii, Ayaka Hara, Takahide Toyoda, Reona Okada, Moeko Hino, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Masahiro Kiuchi, Kiyoshi Hirahara, Toshinori Nakayama, Naoki Shimojo, Shinichiro Motohashi
    Blood 134(Supplement_1) 3225-3225 2019年11月13日  
    Background: Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells are known as CD1d-restricted T cells that express the invariant T-cell receptors (TCR) Vα24 and Vβ11 in humans and specifically recognize glycolipid antigens such as α-galactosylceramide (αGalCer) presented by CD1d. iNKT cells show direct cytotoxicity toward CD1d-positive tumor cells presenting glycolipid antigens and indirect cytotoxicity by activating other cytotoxic immune cells or regulating CD1d-positive immunosuppressive cells in the tumor microenvironment. Although we previously reported that αGalCer-activated NKT cells exert a potent perforin-dependent cytotoxic activity against a wide variety of human tumor cell lines, the direct recognition of CD1d-negative tumors is controversial and the mechanism is unknown. Here we clarify whether iNKT cells recognize and exhibit cytotoxicity toward leukemia cells in a CD1d-independent manner and identify the molecule that recognizes CD1d-negative leukemia cells. Methods: Purified iNKT cells were generated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of healthy adult volunteer donors. PBMCs were cultured in complete RPMI 1640 medium for 9-14 days in the presence of 100 U/mL of recombinant human IL-2 and 200 ng/mL of αGalCer. The iNKT cells were then isolated with an autoMACS Pro separator using FITC-labeled anti-Vα24 antibody (clone, C15) and anti-FITC microbeads. We evaluated the cytotoxic activity of iNKT cells toward CD1d-negative leukemia cells within four days after isolation using a CD107a assay for degranulation, cytometric bead array for cytokine production, and cytotoxicity assay in vitro and in vivo. For in vivo cytotoxicity assays, NOG mice were inoculated with 1 × 106 K562-luc cells on day 0 and with 4 × 106 human iNKT cells on day 1. Gene knock-out (KO) was performed using a CRISPR/Cas9 system. T-cell or NK receptor-KO iNKT cells were used for experiments three or four days after electroporation of the Cas9 protein and guide RNA CRISPR ribonucleoprotein complex. Patient-derived leukemia cells were obtained from PBMCs or bone marrow mononuclear cells of pre-treatment pediatric patients. All studies were approved by the institutional review board and the Animal Care and Use Committee of Chiba University. Results: We observed that iNKT cells degranulated and released Th1 cytokines when co-cultured with CD1d-negative leukemia cells (K562, HL-60, REH, and CD1d-KO U937) as well as αGalCer-loaded CD1d-positive leukemia cells (Jurkat), and showed in vitro cytotoxicity toward these CD1d-negative leukemia cells. This CD1d-independent degranulation decreased over time after isolation and was not restored with re-stimulation by αGalCer. The cytotoxicity of iNKT cells toward K562 cells was confirmed in vivo by comparsion with survival curves of K562-inoculated NOG mice given iNKT cells or PBS alone (log-rank, p= 0.016). To identify the receptors contributing to the CD1d-independent recognition and cytotoxicity against CD1d-negative leukemia cells, we first focused on costimulatory receptors, which are also known as activating NK receptors and are expressed on iNKT cells such as NKG2D, DNAM-1, 2B4, LFA-1, and CD2, and analyzed cytotoxicity after blocking these receptors with antibodies. We found that all costimulatory receptors that we assessed contributed to cytotoxicity toward CD1d-negative leukemia cells. Next, we analyzed cytotoxicity of TCR-KO iNKT cells toward CD1d-negative leukemia cells to confirm the contribution of TCR to CD1d-independent recognition. Notably, TCR-KO iNKT cells showed decreased degranulation, Th1 cytokine release, and cytotoxicity toward K562 cells more so than iNKT cells with KO of NK receptors such as LFA-1(CD11a) or CD2. To assess the clinical application potential of adoptive iNKT cell immunotherapy for leukemia treatment, we analyzed degranulation of iNKT cells using patient-derived leukemia cells. We found iNKT cells degranulation using cells from four out of five myeloid leukemia cases, but only one out of eight BCP-ALL cases (p = 0.032). Conclusion: Primary iNKT cells activated by αGalCer can recognize and show anti-tumor effects toward leukemia cells in an unrestricted manner via CD1d. The TCR also has an important role in recognizing CD1d-negative leukemia cells and multiple NK receptors assist in cytotoxicity. Adoptive iNKT cell immunotherapy may be effective in treating myeloid leukemia. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
  • Motoko Y. Kimura, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Ryoji Yagi, Toshinori Nakayama
    Seminars in Immunopathology 41(3) 349-358 2019年4月5日  査読有り
  • Yusuke Endo, Atsushi Onodera, Kazushige Obata-Ninomiya, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Hikari K. Asou, Toshihiro Ito, Takeshi Yamamoto, Toshio Kanno, Takahiro Nakajima, Kenji Ishiwata, Hirotaka Kanuka, Damon J. Tumes, Toshinori Nakayama
    Nature Metabolism 1(2) 261-275 2019年1月14日  査読有り
  • Kosuke Funato, Tomoatsu Hayashi, Kanae Echizen, Lumi Negishi, Naomi Shimizu, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Yukiko Nasu-Nishimura, Yasuyuki Morishita, Viviane Tabar, Tomoki Todo, Yasushi Ino, Akitake Mukasa, Nobuhito Saito, Tetsu Akiyama
    EMBO reports 19(11) e45587 2018年11月  査読有り
    Glioblastoma is one of the most aggressive forms of cancers and has a poor prognosis. Genomewide analyses have revealed that a set of core signaling pathways, the p53, RB, and RTK pathways, are commonly deregulated in glioblastomas. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the tumorigenicity of glioblastoma are not fully understood. Here, we show that the lysine deacetylase SIRT2 is required for the proliferation and tumorigenicity of glioblastoma cells, including glioblastoma stem cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that SIRT2 regulates p73 transcriptional activity by deacetylation of its C-terminal lysine residues. Our results suggest that SIRT2-mediated inactivation of p73 is critical for the proliferation and tumorigenicity of glioblastoma cells and that SIRT2 may be a promising molecular target for the therapy of glioblastoma.
  • Yukiyoshi Mita, Motoko Y Kimura, Koji Hayashizaki, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Toshihiro Ito, Shinichiro Motohashi, Yoshitaka Okamoto, Toshinori Nakayama
    International Immunology 30(12) 559-567 2018年8月6日  査読有り
  • Ryutaro Kotaki, Hiroshi Higuchi, Daisuke Ogiya, Yasuhiro Katahira, Natsumi Kurosaki, Naoko Yukihira, Jun Ogata, Haruna Yamamoto, Syakira Mohamad Alba, Azran Azhim, Tatsuo Kitajima, Shigeaki Inoue, Kazuhiro Morishita, Koh Ono, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Ai Kotani
    International Journal of Hematology 106(6) 811-819 2017年8月22日  査読有り責任著者
  • Ryutaro Kotaki, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Natsuko Yamakawa, Ai Kotani
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18(7) 1495-1495 2017年7月11日  査読有り
  • Toshihiro Ito, Kiyoshi Hirahara, Atsushi Onodera, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Ikuya Yano, Toshinori Nakayama
    International Immunology 29(9) 411-421 2017年  査読有り
    Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) has been shown to possess potent anti-tumor activity particularly in various animal models, while the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying its activity are not well understood. We found that lipomannan (BCG-LM), a lipophilic component of the mycobacterial cell envelope, specifically inhibits tumor growth and induces the infiltration of eosinophils at local tumor invasion sites. In contrast, neither lipoarabinomannan (BCG-LAM) nor the cell wall of Mycobacterium bovis BCG (BCG-CW) exerted anti-tumor immunity. BCG-LM enhances cytotoxic activity of eosinophils via the increased production of superoxide. Global transcriptomic analyses of BCG-LM-pulsed dendritic cells identified C-C motif ligand (CCL) 5 as a crucial chemokine for the anti-tumor immunity induced by BCG-LM, indicating that CCL5 plays an important role for the accumulation of eosinophils in the tumor microenvironment. Furthermore, BCG-LM and memory Th2 cells exerted a synergetic effect on tumor progression by cooperatively enhancing the eosinophil function. Thus, this study revealed an un-identified BCG-LM-mediated anti-tumor mechanism via superoxide produced by infiltrated eosinophils in the tumor microenvironment. Since BCG-LM activates this unique pathway, it may have potent therapeutic potential as immune cell therapy for cancer patients.
  • Yuta Narushima, Hiroko Kozuka-Hata, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Kouhei Tsumoto, Jun-ichiro Inoue, Tetsu Akiyama, Masaaki Oyama
    Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 15(3) 1017-1031 2016年3月  査読有り
  • Koji Hiraoka, Tomoatsu Hayashi, Ryusuke Kaneko, Yukiko Nasu-Nishimura, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Yoshihiro Kawasaki, Tetsu Akiyama
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 460(2) 216-221 2015年5月  査読有り
  • Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Tomoatsu Hayashi, Yukiko Nasu-Nishimura, Tetsu Akiyama, Ryuya Yamanaka
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 459(3) 411-415 2015年4月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Hiroki Takai, Koji Masuda, Tomohiro Sato, Yuriko Sakaguchi, Takeo Suzuki, Tsutomu Suzuki, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Yukiko Nasu-Nishimura, Yuki Katou, Haruo Ogawa, Yasuyuki Morishita, Hiroko Kozuka-Hata, Masaaki Oyama, Tomoki Todo, Yasushi Ino, Akitake Mukasa, Nobuhito Saito, Chikashi Toyoshima, Katsuhiko Shirahige, Tetsu Akiyama
    Cell Reports 9(1) 48-60 2014年10月  査読有り
  • Kanae Echizen, Mitsutoshi Nakada, Tomoatsu Hayashi, Hemragul Sabit, Takuya Furuta, Miyuki Nakai, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Yukiko Nishimura, Kenzui Taniue, Yasuyuki Morishita, Shinji Hirano, Kenta Terai, Tomoki Todo, Yasushi Ino, Akitake Mukasa, Shunsaku Takayanagi, Ryohei Ohtani, Nobuhito Saito, Tetsu Akiyama
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 444(1) 13-18 2014年1月  査読有り
  • R Koyama-Nasu, R Haruta, Y Nasu-Nishimura, K Taniue, Y Katou, K Shirahige, T Todo, Y Ino, A Mukasa, N Saito, M Matsui, R Takahashi, A Hoshino-Okubo, H Sugano, E Manabe, K Funato, T Akiyama
    Oncogene 33(17) 2236-2244 2013年5月20日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Rina Takahashi, Satoshi Yanagida, Yukiko Nasu-Nishimura, Masaaki Oyama, Hiroko Kozuka-Hata, Ryo Haruta, Emi Manabe, Akemi Hoshino-Okubo, Hiroko Omi, Nozomu Yanaihara, Aikou Okamoto, Tadao Tanaka, Tetsu Akiyama
    PLoS ONE 8(1) e53710-e53710 2013年1月10日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • R Koyama-Nasu, Y Nasu-Nishimura, T Todo, Y Ino, N Saito, H Aburatani, K Funato, K Echizen, H Sugano, R Haruta, M Matsui, R Takahashi, E Manabe, T Oda, T Akiyama
    Oncogene 32(33) 3840-3845 2012年9月10日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Hiroko Kozuka-Hata, Yukiko Nasu-Nishimura, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Hiroko Ao-Kondo, Kouhei Tsumoto, Tetsu Akiyama, Masaaki Oyama
    PLoS ONE 7(8) e43398-e43398 2012年8月17日  査読有り
  • Kozuka-Hata H, Nasu-Nishimura Y, Koyama-Nasu R, Ao-Kondo H, Tsumoto K, Akiyama T, Oyama M
    Current Topics in Peptide and Protein Research 13 1-47 2012年  査読有り
  • David Frescas, Daniele Guardavaccaro, Florian Bassermann, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Michele Pagano
    Nature 450(7167) 309-313 2007年11月  査読有り
  • Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Gregory David, Naoko Tanese
    Nature Cell Biology 9(9) 1074-1080 2007年8月19日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Yasusei Kudo, Daniele Guardavaccaro, Patricia G. Santamaria, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Esther Latres, Roderick Bronson, Lili Yamasaki, Michele Pagano
    Molecular and Cellular Biology 24(18) 8184-8194 2004年9月1日  査読有り
  • T Jimbo, Y Kawasaki, R Koyama, R Sato, S Takada, K Haraguchi, T Akiyama
    Nature Cell Biology 4(4) 323-327 2002年4月  査読有り
    The tumour suppressor gene adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is mutated in sporadic and familial colorectal tumours(1-3). APC is involved in the proteasome-mediated degradation of beta-catenin, through its interaction with beta-catenin, GSK-3beta and Axin(4,5). APC also interacts with the microtubule cytoskeleton(6-8) and has been localized to clusters near the distal ends of microtubules at the edges of migrating epithelial cells'. Moreover, in Xenopus laevis epithelial cells, APC has been shown to move along microtubules and accumulate at their growing plus ends(10). However, the mechanism of APC accumulation and the nature of these APC clusters remain unknown. We show here that APC interacts with the kinesin superfamily (KIF) 3A-KIF3B proteins, microtubule plus-end-directed motor proteins, through an association with the kinesin superfamily-associated protein 3 (KAP3). The interaction of APC with KAP3 was required for its accumulation in clusters, and mutant APCs derived from cancer cells were unable to accumulate efficiently in clusters. These results suggest that APC and beta-catenin are transported along microtubules by KAP3-KIF3A-KIF3B, accumulate in the tips of membrane protrusions, and may thus regulate cell migration.
  • Yoshihiro Kawasaki, Takao Senda, Takao Ishidate, Ryo Koyama, Tsuyoshi Morishita, Yoriko Iwayama, Osamu Higuchi, Tetsu Akiyama
    Science 289(5482) 1194-1197 2000年8月18日  査読有り
    The adenomatous polyposis coli gene ( APC ) is mutated in familial adenomatous polyposis and in sporadic colorectal tumors. Here the APC gene product is shown to bind through its armadillo repeat domain to a Rac-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), termed Asef. Endogenous APC colocalized with Asef in mouse colon epithelial cells and neuronal cells. Furthermore, APC enhanced the GEF activity of Asef and stimulated Asef-mediated cell flattening, membrane ruffling, and lamellipodia formation in MDCK cells. These results suggest that the APC-Asef complex may regulate the actin cytoskeletal network, cell morphology and migration, and neuronal function.











