
金子 凌

カネコ リョウ  (Ryo Kaneko)


千葉大学 環境リモートセンシング研究センター 特任研究員
東京大学 生産技術研究所 協力研究員
博士(工学)(2021年3月 東京理科大学)






  • 金子 凌, 芳村 圭
    土木学会論文集 80(16) n/a 2024年  査読有り
  • Gaohong Yin, Takao Yoshikane, Ryo Kaneko, Kei Yoshimura
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128(17) 2023年9月16日  査読有り
    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Subseasonal to seasonal (S2s) precipitation forecasts provide great potential for hydrological forecasting at an extended range. The study proposed a support vector machine (SVM) regression‐based method to improve S2s precipitation forecasts from the European Center for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) across the globe (60°N to 60°S). Results suggested that the SVM‐based method significantly improved ECMWF daily precipitation forecasts in representing the spatiotemporal variation of precipitation with higher consistency and reduced errors when compared against observations. Furthermore, the SVM‐based method enhanced the probabilistic skill of ECMWF forecasts, providing improved ranked probability skill score (RPSS) for real‐time forecasts in 2020 (e.g., RPSS<jats:sub>ECMWF</jats:sub> = −0.03 and RPSS<jats:sub>rg3</jats:sub> = 0.08 for lead week 1). The most substantial improvement from the SVM‐based method is witnessed in regions with complex terrains where ECMWF yielded the worst skill, such as the Andes mountain range, Congo River Basin, and the Tibet Plateau. However, the SVM‐based post‐processing method did not alter the characteristics of precipitation forecasts regarding climate zone and lead time. Both ECMWF and post‐processed forecasts showed higher skill in the temperate and continental climate zones when the lead time is shorter than 2 weeks. In comparison, low‐latitude regions exhibited higher predictability when the lead time is longer than 5 weeks, which is attributed to the slow variation of boundary conditions such as the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO).</jats:p>
  • Tsuyoshi Thomas Sekiyama, Syugo Hayashi, Ryo Kaneko, Ken-ichi Fukui
    Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems 2(3) 1-35 2023年6月6日  査読有り
    Abstract Surrogate modeling is one of the most promising applications of deep learning techniques in meteorology. The purpose of this study was to downscale surface wind fields in a gridded format at a much lower computational load. We employed a super-resolution convolutional neural network (SRCNN) as a surrogate model and created a 20-member ensemble by training the same SRCNN model with different random seeds. The downscaling accuracy of the ensemble mean remained stable throughout a year and was consistently better than that of the input wind fields. It was confirmed that (1) the ensemble spread was efficiently created, and (2) the ensemble mean was superior to individual ensemble members and (3) robust to the presence of outlier members. Training, validation, and test data for 10 years were computed via our nested mesoscale weather forecast models not derived from public analysis datasets or real observations. The predictands were 1-km gridded surface zonal and meridional winds, of which the domain was defined as a 180 km × 180 km area around Tokyo, Japan. The predictors included 5-km gridded surface zonal and meridional winds, temperature, humidity, vertical gradient of the potential temperature, elevation, and land/water ratio as well as 1-km gridded elevation and land/water ratio. Although a perfect surrogate of the weather forecast model could not be achieved, the SRCNN downscaling accuracy could likely enable us to apply this approach in high-resolution advection simulations considering its overwhelmingly high prediction speed.
  • 山崎 大, 北 祐樹, 木野 佳音, 坂内 匠, 野村 周平, 神戸 育人, 庄司 悟, 金子 凌, 芳村 圭
    水文・水資源学会誌 35(3) 202-232 2022年5月5日  査読有り
    国際社会はパリ協定で気温上昇を産業革命前比2 ℃未満に抑えると合意し,近年は脱炭素をキーワードとした目標が次々発表されている.脱炭素の実現は京都議定書に基づいたこれまでの気候変動対策に比べ遥かに野心的で社会構造の大転換が求められるが,企業が組織する経済団体からも反発ではなく脱炭素に協働するという発表が相次いでいる.本研究は,気候科学の知見・各国の経済政策・企業と投資家の取り組み・NGO等の活動に着目してこれまでの動向を調査し,どうして世界は脱炭素に向けて動き始めたのか?という背景を俯瞰的視点から明らかにする.文献調査の結果,気候科学の発展が国際合意に影響したことに加えて,企業に気候リスク情報の開示を求めるTCFD といった新たな気候変動対策ツールの整備が脱炭素の動きを後押していることが確認できた.また,民間企業でも気候リスク低減と経済的利益がTCFD等を通して結びつき,「気候変動対策はもはや社会貢献ではなく自己の存続のために必要」という当事者意識のパラダイムシフトが起きていることが示唆された.これらの気候変動対策をサポートする社会情勢の変化を背景として,世界は脱炭素に向けて舵を切ったと考えられる.
  • 渡邉 悠太, 仲吉 信人, 小野村 史穂, 浅見 真由, 井戸 滉昇, 大山 純佳, 金子 凌, 髙根 雄也, 中野 満寿男
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学) 78(2) I_733-I_738 2022年  査読有り





