
中川 誠司

Nakagawa Seiji  (Seiji NAKAGAWA)


千葉大学 フロンティア医工学センター 教授
(兼任)大学院 工学研究院 教授
(兼任)大学院 融合理工学府 基幹工学専攻 医工学コース 教授,コース長
(兼任)工学部 総合工学科 医工学コース 教授,コース長
(兼任)医学部附属病院 教授
国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 客員研究員
東京大学 大学院医学系研究科 客員研究員
Univ. of Washington Visiting Scholar
国立研究開発法人 量子科学技術研究開発機構 客員研究員
博士(工学)(1999年3月 東京大学)





  • Irwansyah, Sho Otsuka, Seiji Nakagawa
    Acoustical Science and Technology 2024年  
  • Irwansyah, Sho Otsuka, Seiji Nakagawa
    MethodsX 11 102394-102394 2023年12月  
    Bone conduction hearing aids (BCHAs) offer an alternative solution for individuals with outer or middle ear issues who cannot benefit from traditional air conduction hearing aids. However, the phenomenon of "crosstalk," where sound intended for one ear is mistakenly transmitted to the other ear through bone conduction, presents a challenge. This unintended transmission may limit the benefits of binaural hearing that can be achieved using two BCHAs, such as accurately detecting a sound source's direction. In this article, we present a method to suppress "crosstalk" within the human head using an adaptive algorithm to control two audiometric bone transducers. •Our method involves positioning an error sensor at a location considered close to the cochlea, such as the ear canal or the mastoid, and utilizing an adaptive algorithm to estimate the crosstalk compensation filter. This filter generates an anti-signal, which is then transmitted to one of the two transducers, effectively cancelling the crosstalk.•To verify whether the crosstalk cancellation reaches the cochlea in the inner ear, we provide a procedure for measuring hearing thresholds with and without crosstalk cancellation. This acts as a subjective measure of the efficacy of our crosstalk cancellation method. By leveraging an adaptive algorithm, this approach provides personalized cancellation and has the potential to enhance the performance of binaural BCHAs.
    INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 268(4) 4866-4873 2023年11月30日  
    This study aimed to address the issue of "crosstalk" in bone conduction hearing aids, where sound meant for one ear is mistakenly perceived by the other ear via bone conduction. We explored a potential solution by canceling the crosstalk sound at the cochlea. To achieve this, an accelerometer was placed on the mastoid to monitor the crosstalk sound produced by an audiometric bone transducer on the opposite side of the head, while a second transducer on the same side as the accelerometer was used to cancel it out. The filtered-x least mean square (FxLMS) algorithm was used to optimize the crosstalk compensation (CTC) filter for cancellation at the mastoid. Then, the subjects manually adjusted the filter coefficients through a lateralization task to achieve crosstalk cancellation at the cochlea. This task involved modifying phase and level differences between pure-tone sounds from the two transducers, making the sound seem to originate from the leftmost or rightmost side of the head. Our results indicated successful cancellation of crosstalk sound at the cochlea, as subjects' hearing thresholds under noise masking were lower with crosstalk cancellation.
  • Irwansyah Irwansyah, Sho Otsuka, Seiji Nakagawa
    超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演論文集 44 68 2023年11月13日  
  • Hajime Yano, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Seiji Nakagawa
    NeuroReport 35(1) 1-8 2023年10月30日  
    The impressions of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) sounds are important for the comfort people experience in their living spaces. Revealing neural substrates of the impressions induced by HVAC sounds can help to develop neurophysiological indices of the comfort of HVAC sounds. There have been numerous studies on the brain activities associated with the pleasantness of sounds, but few on the brain activities associated with the thermal impressions of HVAC sounds. Seven time-varying HVAC sounds were synthesized as stimuli using amplitude modulation. Six participants took part in subjective evaluation tests and MEG measurements. Subjective coolness of the HVAC sounds was measured using the paired comparison method. Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) measurements were carried out while participants listened to and compared the time-varying HVAC sounds. Time-frequency analysis and cluster-based analysis were performed on the MEG data. The subjective evaluation tests showed that the subjective coolness of the amplitude-modulated HVAC sounds was affected by the modulation frequency, and that there was individual difference in subjective coolness. A cluster-based analysis of the MEG data revealed that the brain activities of two participants significantly differed when they listened to cooler or less cool HVAC sounds. The frontal low-theta (4–5 Hz) and the temporal alpha (8–13 Hz) activities were observed. The frontal low-theta and the temporal alpha activities may be associated with the coolness of HVAC sound. This result suggests that the comfort level of HVAC sound can be evaluated and individually designed using neurophysiological measurements.


  • 保手浜拓也, 伊藤一仁, 稲垣智裕, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料 44(2) 103-108 2014年2月27日  
  • 平良 隆行, 守田 誠司, 青木 弘道, 中川 儀英, 猪口 貞樹
    日本外傷学会雑誌 28(1) 6-9 2014年  
    中心静脈カテーテル(以下CVC)挿入時に心膜横隔膜動脈を損傷し,縦隔血腫,出血性ショックをきたした症例に対して,経カテーテル動脈塞栓術(以下TAE)を行い救命し得た.症例は64歳,女性.他院でCVC 施行後に血圧低下をきたし,胸部単純X 線で右縦隔拡大,造影CT で縦隔血腫を認めたため,精査加療目的に当院へ救急搬送となった.当院来院後,緊急血管造影にて内胸動脈の分枝である右心膜横隔膜動脈より造影剤血管外漏出像を認めたため,TAE により止血した.その後の経過良好で第2病日前医へ転院となった.CVC 挿入に伴う合併症での右心膜横隔膜動脈損傷は今まで報告がないが,TAE の適応と考えられた.
  • 中川 誠司
    日本の学童ほいく 465 39-40 2014年  
  • 中川 誠司
    Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem - 1-5 2014年  査読有り
  • 中川 誠司
    Proceedings of the 7th Int'l Biennial Meeting of the Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG) of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) (Speech Prosody 2014) - 467-471 2014年  査読有り
  • 中川 誠司, 大久保 裕子, 保手浜 拓也, 籠宮 隆之
    超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演論文集 35 141-142 2014年  
  • 岡本洋輔, 中川誠司
    照明学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 47th ROMBUNNO.5-6 2014年  
  • 伊藤 一仁, 中川 誠司
    超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演論文集 35 139-140 2014年  
  • 保手浜 拓也, 中川 誠司
    超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演論文集 35 137-138 2014年  
  • Tomoki Ito, Shunsuke Ishimitsu, Seiji Nakagawa
    INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control 2014年1月1日  
    It is thought that active noise control (ANC) is able to control not only loudness but also auditory impression; however, few studies have focused on changes in the auditory impressions of noises through ANC.Some previous studies have reported significant correlations between subjective preference/annoyance of sounds and synchrony of the alpha activity, τe.In this study, auditory impressions of car engine noises varied by ANC were investigated using psychoacoustic and neurophysiological measurements. Car engine noises were modeled as harmonic complex tones. 20 stimuli were obtained by applying ANCs with several reduction-levels. First, Scheffe's paired comparison tests were performed to evaluate subjective annoyance for each stimulus. Next, magnetoencephalographic responses for the reference noise, the intermediate-, and the least-annoyed stimuli for eachparticipant were recorded, and then τe was estimated accordingly. Annoyance decreased as the cut-off frequency and the reduction-level increased. The results indicated that decrease of loudness is important for improvements in auditory impressions.However, no significant effects of ANC wereobserved in τe. It is difficult to identify the cause, the annoyancelevelsfor eachstimulus were not markedly different.
  • Issei Sato, Shu Tanaka, Kenichi Kurihara, Seiji Miyashita, Hiroshi Nakagawa
    Neurocomputing 121 523-531 2013年12月9日  
    We developed a new quantum annealing (QA) algorithm for Dirichlet process mixture (DPM) models based on the Chinese restaurant process (CRP). QA is a parallelized extension of simulated annealing (SA), i.e., it is a parallel stochastic optimization technique. Existing approaches ( Kurihara et al. 2009 [12] and Sato et al. 2009 [20]) cannot be applied to the CRP because their QA framework is formulated using a fixed number of mixture components. The proposed QA algorithm can handle an unfixed number of classes in mixture models. We applied QA to a DPM model for clustering vertices in a network where a CRP seating arrangement indicates a network partition. A multi core processer was used for running QA in experiments, the results of which show that QA is better than SA, Markov chain Monte Carlo inference, and beam search at finding a maximum a posteriori estimation of a seating arrangement in the CRP. Since our QA algorithm is as easy as to implement the SA algorithm, it is suitable for a wide range of applications. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
  • KOIZUMI Toshizo, NISHIMURA Tadashi, NAKAGAWA Seiji, HOSOI Hiroshi
    J Nara Med Assoc 64(4) 57-64 2013年11月30日  
  • ITO Kazuhito, NAKAGAWA Seiji
    超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演予稿集 34th 557-558 2013年11月20日  
    超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演予稿集 34th 555-556 2013年11月20日  
    超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演予稿集 34th 559-560 2013年11月20日  
  • 中川誠司
    超音波Techno 25(5) 99-107 2013年10月1日  
  • 岡安 唯, 西村 忠已, 中川 誠司, 山下 哲範, 浦谷 悠加, 長谷 芳樹, 細井 裕司
    Audiology Japan 56(5) 493-494 2013年9月30日  
  • 饗庭絵里子, 饗庭絵里子, 津崎実, 長田典子, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 ROMBUNNO.3-P-46 2013年9月17日  
  • 伊藤一仁, 保手浜拓也, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 ROMBUNNO.3-P-45 2013年9月17日  
  • 保手浜拓也, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 ROMBUNNO.2-Q-17 2013年9月17日  
  • 中川誠司
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 ROMBUNNO.3-P-34 2013年9月17日  
  • 岡安 唯, 西村 忠己, 中川 誠司, 山下 哲範, 浦谷 悠加, 長谷 芳樹, 細井 裕司
    Audiology Japan 56(5) 493-494 2013年9月  
  • 中川 誠司
    超音波techno 25(5) 99-107 2013年9月  
  • 宿南 篤人, 石光 俊介, 大塚 明香, 中川 誠司
    機械力学・計測制御講演論文集 2013 "314-1"-"314-6" 2013年8月25日  
    The traditional concept for production of daily artificial sounds has changed from finding a solution to unwanted noise to designing a particular sound. Uncomfortable level (UCL) is an important factor to be considered when designing sounds such as alarms and notification signals. Although UCLs have been widely investigated using psychoacoustic methods, brain activity associated with them has been not yet clear. Here, we measured magnetoencephalographic (MEG) responses when participants passively listened to a series of pure tones that varied in frequency and intensity. A psychoacoustic experiment was also performed on the same participants to obtain their subjective UCLs. Our results indicated that the amplitude and latency of the evoked auditory responses increased/decreased logarithmically as a function of increasing stimulus intensity level and the subjective UCL was appeared in the relaxation part of the change rate of auditory evoked responses. The relationship between the neurophysiological signals as indexed by the auditory-evoked and spontaneous responses and subjective UCL was captured and utilized to infer a model to estimate the UCL objectively.
  • Akihito Jinnai, Asuka Otsuka, Seiji Nakagawa, Kentaro Kotani, Takafumi Asao, Satoshi Suzuki
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 8016 LNCS 594-603 2013年8月5日  
    In this study, as a part of comprehensive approach to develop an interface for tactile information delivery, we aimed at capturing the relationship between neuronal and perceptual sensitivity characteristics of in human hand as indexed by neuromagnetic and psychometric responses. Airpuff stimuli were presented to multiple locations on the ventral side of subjects' palm, which somatosensory evoked responses were observed. As a result, it was observed that the latency and amplitude of the evoked responses in the primary somatosensory area (SI) was not related to the location on the palm. Although mechanoreceptors in the palm area distributed densely at both the center of the palm and the proximal part of the proximal phalanges, no effects on location were found by the amplitude of the evoked responses at SI area. These results suggested that amplitude of the evoked responses at SI did not depend on the distribution of the mechanoreceptors. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Seiji Nakagawa, Chika Fujiyuki, Takayuki Kagomiya
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 52(7) 07HF06.1-07HF06.6 2013年7月  
    Bone-conducted ultrasound (BCU) is perceived even by the profoundly sensorineural deaf. A novel hearing aid using the perception of amplitude-modulated BCU (BCU hearing aid: BCUHA) has been developed. However, there is room for improvement particularly in terms of sound quality. BCU speech is accompanied by a strong high-pitched tone and contain some distortion. In this study, the sound quality of BCU speech with several types of amplitude modulation [double-sideband with transmitted carrier (DSB-TC), double-sideband with suppressed carrier (DSB-SC), and transposed modulations] and air-conducted (AC) speech was quantitatively evaluated using semantic differential and factor analysis. The results showed that all the types of BCU speech had higher metallic and lower esthetic factor scores than AC speech. On the other hand, transposed speech was closer than the other types of BCU speech to AC speech generally; the transposed speech showed a higher powerfulness factor score than the other types of BCU speech and a higher esthetic factor score than DSB-SC speech. These results provide useful information for further development of the BCUHA. (c) 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Takayuki Kagomiya, Seiji Nakagawa
    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19 2013年6月19日  
    Human listeners can perceive speech signals in a voice modulated ultrasonic carrier from a bone-conduction stimulator, even if the listeners are patients with sensorineural hearing loss. Considering this fact, we have been developing a bone-conducted ultrasonic hearing aid (BCUHA). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of BCUHA to transmit Japanese distinctive features to the recipient. For this purpose, a series of mono-syllable intelligibility experiments was conducted. A series of sequential information transfer analyses (SINFA) were carried out to analyze what kind of articulatory features were well transmitted. Results of the SINFA showed that: in vowel perception, "openness' and "frontness' were well transmitted, while in consonant perception, Japanese "you-on' (palatalized sound) feature was well transmitted, however, transmission of other features like articulatory position or manner was limited. These results indicated that the BCUHA has sufficient frequency resolution to transmit vowel information, while some signals are masked by carrier sound. To improve this problem, further investigation and development is required. © 2013 Acoustical Society of America.
  • 饗庭絵里子, 津崎実, 長田典子, 中川誠司
    情報処理学会研究報告(Web) 2013(MUS-99) WEB ONLY VOL.2013-MUS-99,NO.11-5 2013年5月4日  
  • 高田宗幸, 豊田誠司, 渡辺薫, 曽我伸子, 中川雄一郎, 田中康
    デジタルプラクティス 4(2) 133-140 2013年4月15日  
    情報システム開発の超上流工程では,新しいサービスや業務プロセス(ビジネス要件)の検討と,それらを実現するためのシステム要件の開発とを並行して進める必要がある.本論文では,ユーザ企業と開発ベンダが協力の上,ステークホルダ間における合意形成を段階的に進めることによって,ビジネス要件とシステム要件の検討を並行して進めることを可能とする手法「協創プロセスによる段階的合意形成手法= Ex アプローチ」に関して,事例を通じて紹介し,これを導入する効果・利点について述べるとともに,今後の課題を明らかにする.
  • 石光 俊介, 高見 健治, 添田 喜治, 中川 誠司
    計測自動制御学会論文集 = Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 49(3) 394-401 2013年3月31日  
    The traditional production concept for car engine sound has changed from finding a solution to unwanted noise, to designing a particular sound. Although many studies have investigated the development of comfortable car-engine sounds, the psychoacoustic effects of time-varying rate for accelerating engine sounds remain unclear. Thus, we investigated the effects of increasing the frequency of interior car noise on auditory impressions, using psychological and neurophysiological methods. We carried out two investigations. First, we examined the relationship between the impression of 'sportiness' from the dynamic characteristics of the engine sound and brain magnetic fields. Complex harmonic tones simulating acceleration noise were used as stimuli, and subjective evaluations were examined using the semantic differential method. Neuronal activity in the auditory cortex was measured using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Second, we examined the relationship between subjective preference and brain magnetic fields for the simulated interior noise of an accelerating car. Subjective evaluations were examined using a paired-comparison method. The MEG alpha-wave range (8-13Hz) was measured and analyzed using the autocorrelation function. Neuronal activity was longer following stimulation by a preferred sound. Our results indicated that the particular characteristics of engine sounds have a significant effect on subjective impressions and neuronal activity in the auditory cortex.
  • 大庭 哲, 末田 尚之, 坂田 俊文, 原岡 誠司, 中川 尚志
    耳鼻と臨床 59(2) 78-83 2013年3月20日  
    4 歳、男児。顔面神経麻痺により発見した横紋筋肉腫の 1 例を経験したので報告した。画像検査にて上咽頭右側から、中耳、頭蓋底に腫瘤性病変を認めた。上咽頭より生検を施行し、横紋筋肉腫の診断を得た。小児の顔面神経麻痺に遭遇した際は、中耳炎性だけでなく、頭頸部腫瘤による可能性も考えて診察することが重要であると考えられた。
  • 中川誠司, 保手浜拓也, 伊藤一仁
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 ROMBUNNO.2-Q-12 2013年3月5日  
  • 大塚明香, 湯本真人, 栗城眞也, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 ROMBUNNO.2-Q-11 2013年3月5日  
  • 饗庭絵里子, 饗庭絵里子, 津崎実, 長田典子, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 ROMBUNNO.2-Q-3 2013年3月5日  
  • 籠宮隆之, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 ROMBUNNO.2-Q-24-656 2013年3月5日  
  • 宿南篤人, 宿南篤人, 大塚明香, 石光俊介, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 ROMBUNNO.2-Q-9 2013年3月5日  
  • 保手浜拓也, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 ROMBUNNO.2-P-36 2013年3月5日  
  • 松井淑恵, 下倉良太, 西村忠己, 細井裕司, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 ROMBUNNO.2-Q-25 2013年3月5日  
  • 伊藤一仁, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 ROMBUNNO.2-Q-2 2013年3月5日  
  • Seiji Nakagawa, Timothy J. Kneafsey, Thomas M. Daley, Barry M. Freifeld, Emily V. Rees
    GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING 61(2) 254-269 2013年3月  
    Accurate estimation of CO2 saturation in a saline aquifer is essential for the monitoring of supercritical CO2 injected for geological sequestration. Because of strong contrasts in density and elastic properties between brine and CO2 at reservoir conditions, seismic methods are among the most commonly employed techniques for this purpose. However the relationship between seismic (P-wave) velocity and CO2 saturation is not unique because the velocity depends on both wave frequency and the CO2 distribution in rock. In the laboratory, we conducted measurements of seismic properties of sandstones during supercritical CO2 injection. Seismic responses of small sandstone cores were measured at frequencies near 1 kHz, using a modified resonant bar technique (Split Hopkinson Resonant Bar method). Concurrently, saturation and distribution of supercritical CO2 in the rock cores were determined via x-ray CT scans. Changes in the determined velocities generally agreed with the Gassmann model. However, both the velocity and attenuation of the extension wave (Young's modulus or bar' wave) for the same CO2 saturation exhibited differences between the CO2 injection test and the subsequent brine re-injection test, which was consistent with the differences in the CO2 distribution within the cores. Also, a comparison to ultrasonic velocity measurements on a bedded reservoir rock sample revealed that both compressional and shear velocities (and moduli) were strongly dispersive when the rock was saturated with brine. Further, large decreases in the velocities of saturated samples indicated strong sensitivity of the rock's frame stiffness to pore fluid.
  • Takuya Hotehama, Seiji Nakagawa
    ICIC Express Letters 7 1323-1328 2013年2月15日  
    Studies on the development of bone-conducted ultrasonic hearing aids (BCUHAs) have demonstrated the need for a flexibly configurable BCUHA. In a previous report, we constructed a personal-computer-based multi-channel BCUHA system consisting of a soundboard and signal control software and verified the real-time performance of the constructed system. In this study, we extended the BCUHA system to the real-time control of binaural parameters to realize sound source localization in the proper direction. Here, we describe the technical solution for implementing the function of real-time correction of binaural parameters and discuss further problems that need to be resolved for more effective control of binaural parameters. © 2013 ICIC International.
  • 伊藤 一仁, 保手浜 拓也, 中川 誠司
    聴覚研究会資料 = Proceedings of the auditory research meeting 43(1) 1-6 2013年2月2日  
  • 保手浜 拓也, 伊藤 一仁, 中川 誠司
    聴覚研究会資料 = Proceedings of the auditory research meeting 43(1) 7-12 2013年2月2日  
  • 中川誠司
    医科学応用研究財団研究報告(CD-ROM) 30 20-23 2013年2月  
  • 保手浜拓也, 伊藤一仁, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料 43(1) 7-12 2013年1月26日  
  • 伊藤一仁, 保手浜拓也, 中川誠司
    日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料 43(1) 1-6 2013年1月26日  
  • 網野 真理, 吉岡 公一郎, 伊苅 裕二, 守田 誠司, 中川 儀英, 猪口 貞樹
    蘇生 32(3) 158b-158b 2013年  
  • Atsuto Shukunami, Atsuto Shukunami, Asuka Otsuka, Shunsuke Ishimitsu, Seiji Nakagawa
    42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2013, INTER-NOISE 2013: Noise Control for Quality of Life 7 5339-5344 2013年1月1日  
    The traditional concept for production of artificial sounds that are common in daily life has changed from finding a solution to unwanted noise to designing a particular sound. Uncomfortable level (UCL) is an important factor to be considered when designing sounds such as alarms and notification signals. Although UCLs have been widely investigated using psychoacoustic methods, brain activity associated with them is not yet clear. Here, we measured magnetoencephalographic (MEG) [1] responses when participants passively listened to a series of pure tones that varied in frequency and intensity. A psychoacoustic experiment was also performed on the same participants to obtain their subjective UCLs. Our results indicated that the amplitude and latency of the evoked auditory responses increased/decreased logarithmically as a function of increasing stimulus intensity level and the subjective UCL was appeared in the relaxation part of the change rate of auditory evoked responses. The relationship between the neurophysiological signals as indexed by the auditory-evoked and spontaneous responses and subjective UCL was captured and utilized to infer a model to estimate the UCL objectively.
  • Toshizo Koizumi, Tadashi Nishimura, Seiji Nakagawa, Hiroshi Hosoi
    Journal of Nara Medical Association 64 57-64 2013年1月1日  
    Auditory evoked magnetic field (AEF) is gradually attenuated as the number of presentation of auditory stimuli increases. The attenuation of AEF is auditory habituation, and is prevented in the condition where a noise exists in the background. In this study, we investigated whether the background sound of pure tone prevent the auditory habituation to repeating stimuli. Subjects were 17 normal hearing individuals. Auditory stimuli were 1-kHz tone bursts set at 30 dB SL with durations of 100 ms and inter-stimulus intervals of 1.9-2.1 s. The background sounds were silent, 4-kHz pure tone presented set at 5 and 20 dB SL which were presented with 1-kHz tone bursts. N1m component of AEF induced by auditory stimuli was measured using 122-channel neuromagnetometer. As a result, N1m amplitudes induced by repeating auditory stimuli were gradually attenuated in the condition of silent background due to the auditory habituation. Meanwhile, the attenuation of N1m amplitude was small in the conditions of background sounds of 4-kHz pure tones at 5 and 20 dB SL, compared to the conditions of silent background. Moreover, the time course of N1m amplitudes was not different between the condition of background sound at 5 and 20 dB SL. These results suggested that the background sound of pure tone, independent of its intensity, drove the subject to unconsciously pay attention to repeating auditory stimuli without disturbing signal-to-noise ratio of them, or the neural process of the background pure tone continuously activated the auditory pathway and resulted in the prevention of auditory habituation.





