
森部 久仁一

モリベ クニカズ  (Kunikazu Moribe)


千葉大学 大学院薬学研究院創成薬学研究部門創薬科学講座製剤工学研究室 教授






  • Keisuke Ueda, Yui Sakagawa, Tomoki Saito, Fumie Sakuma, Hiroki Tanaka, Hidetaka Akita, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society 373 738-748 2024年8月2日  
    This study aimed to assess the applicability of solution-state 1H NMR for molecular-level characterization of siRNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles (LNP). Dilinoleylmethyl-4-dimethylaminobutyrate (DLin-MC3-DMA, MC3) was used as an ionizable lipid, and siRNA-loaded LNPs were prepared by pre-mixing and post-mixing methods. The pre-mixing method involved mixing an acidic solution containing siRNA with an ethanolic lipid solution using a microfluidic mixer. The pre-mixed LNP was prepared by dialyzing the mixed solution into the phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4). The post-mixed LNP was prepared by mixing the siRNA solution with empty LNP in an acidic condition with and without ethanol, resulting in post-mixed LNP (A) and (B), respectively. Both pre-mixed and post-mixed LNPs formed LNP particles with an average diameter of approximately 50 nm. Moreover, the ratio of encapsulated siRNA to lipid content in each LNP particle remained constant regardless of the preparation method. However, small-angle X-ray scattering measurements indicated structural variations in the siRNA-MC3 stacked bilayer structure formed in the LNPs, depending on the preparation method. Solution-state 1H NMR analysis suggested that the siRNA was incorporated uniformly into the LNP core for pre-mixed LNP compared to post-mixed LNPs. In contrast, the post-mixed LNPs contained siRNA-empty regions with local enrichment of siRNA in the LNP core. This heterogeneity was more pronounced in post-mixed LNP (B) than in post-mixed LNP (A), suggesting that ethanol facilitated the homogeneous mixing of siRNA with LNP lipids. The silencing effect of each siRNA-loaded LNP was reduced in the order of pre-mixed LNP, post-mixed LNP (A), and post-mixed LNP (B). This suggested that the heterogeneity of the siRNA-loaded LNP could cause a reduction in the silencing effect of the incorporated siRNA inside LNPs. The present study highlighted that NMR-based characterization of siRNA-loaded LNP can reveal the molecular-level heterogeneity of siRNA-loaded LNP, which helps to optimize the preparation conditions of siRNA-loaded LNP formulations.
  • Fumie Sakuma, Kenjirou Higashi, Keisuke Ueda, Takeshi Morita, Daisuke Iohara, Fumitoshi Hirayama, Kunikazu Moribe
    Langmuir 2024年7月16日  
  • 齊藤 智輝, 植田 圭祐, 東 顕二郎, 奥脇 弘次, 古石 誉之, 福澤 薫, 米持 悦生, 森部 久仁一
    日本薬剤学会年会講演要旨集 39年会 137-137 2024年5月  
  • Etsushi Yoshikawa, Keisuke Ueda, Rei Hakata, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular pharmaceutics 21(4) 1745-1755 2024年4月1日  
    Drug-rich droplets formed through liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) have the potential to enhance the oral absorption of drugs. This can be attributed to the diffusion of these droplets into the unstirred water layer (UWL) of the gastrointestinal tract and their reservoir effects on maintaining drug supersaturation. However, a quantitative understanding of the effect of drug-rich droplets on intestinal drug absorption is still lacking. In this study, the enhancement of intestinal drug absorption through the formation of drug-rich droplets was quantitatively evaluated on a mechanistic basis. To obtain fenofibrate (FFB)-rich droplets, an amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) of FFB/hypromellose (HPMC) was dispersed in an aqueous medium. Physicochemical characterization confirmed the presence of nanosized FFB-rich droplets in the supercooled liquid state within the FFB/HPMC ASD dispersion. An in situ single-pass intestinal perfusion (SPIP) assay in rats demonstrated that increased quantities of FFB-rich nanodroplets enhanced the intestinal absorption of FFB. The effective diffusion of FFB-rich nanodroplets through UWL would partially contribute to the improved FFB absorption. Additionally, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) of cross sections of the rat intestine after the administration of fluorescently labeled FFB-rich nanodroplets showed that these nanodroplets were directly taken up by small intestinal epithelial cells. Therefore, the direct uptake of drug-rich nanodroplets by the small intestine is a potential mechanism for improving FFB absorption in the intestine. To quantitatively evaluate the impact of FFB-rich droplets on the FFB absorption enhancement, we determined the apparent permeabilities of the FFB-rich nanodroplets and dissolved FFB based on the SPIP results. The apparent permeability of the FFB-rich nanodroplets was 110-130 times lower than that of dissolved FFB. However, when the FFB-rich nanodroplet concentration was several hundred times higher than that of dissolved FFB, the FFB-rich nanodroplets contributed significantly to FFB absorption improvement. The present study highlights that drug-rich nanodroplets play a direct role in enhancing drug absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, indicating their potential for further improvement of oral absorption from ASD formulations.
  • Yushi Sunazuka, Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Koichi Wada, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular pharmaceutics 21(3) 1424-1435 2024年3月4日  
    In this study, we investigated the mechanism of curcumin (CUR) release from poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) nanoparticles (NPs) by evaluating the temperature-dependent CUR release. NPs were prepared by the nanoprecipitation method using various PLGA/PLA polymers with different lactic:glycolic ratios (L:G ratios) and molecular weights. Increasing the polymer molecular weight resulted in a decrease in the particle size of NPs. The wet glass transition temperature (Tg) of PLGA/PLA NPs was lower than the intrinsic polymer Tg, which can be derived from the water absorption and nanosizing of the polymer. The reduction in Tg was more significant for the PLGA/PLA NPs with lower polymer L:G ratios and lower polymer molecular weight. The greater decrease of Tg in the lower polymer L:G ratios was possibly caused by the higher water absorption due to the more hydrophilic nature of the glycolic acid segment than that of the lactic acid segment. The efficient water absorption in PLGA/PLA NPs with lower molecular weight could cause a significant reduction of Tg as it has lower hydrophobicity. CUR release tests from the PLGA/PLA NPs exhibited enhanced CUR release with increasing temperatures, irrespective of polymer species. By fitting the CUR release profiles into mathematical models, the CUR release process was well described by an initial burst release followed by a diffusion-controlled release. The wet Tg and particle size of the PLGA/PLA NPs affected the amount and temperature dependence of the initial burst release of CUR. Above the wet Tg of NPs, the initial burst release of CUR increased sharply. Smaller particle sizes of PLGA/PLA NPs led to a higher fraction of initial CUR burst release, which was more pronounced above the wet Tg of NPs. The wet Tg and particle sizes of the PLGA/PLA NPs also influenced the diffusion-controlled CUR release. The diffusion rate of CUR in the NPs increased as the wet Tg values of the NPs decreased. The diffusion path length of CUR was affected by the particle size, with larger particle size resulting in a prolonged diffusion-controlled release of CUR. This study highlighted that for the formulation development of PLGA/PLA NPs, suitable PLGA/PLA polymers should be selected considering the physicochemical properties of PLGA/PLA NPs and their correlation with the release behavior of encapsulated drugs at the application temperature.
  • Sudeshna Kundu, Kenjirou Higashi, Makoto Takamizawa, Keisuke Ueda, Waree Limwikrant, Keiji Yamamoto, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular pharmaceutics 21(3) 1501-1514 2024年3月4日  
    Encapsulation of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in confined spaces has been extensively explored as it dramatically alters the molecular dynamics and physical properties of the API. Herein, we explored the effect of encapsulation on the molecular dynamics and physical stability of a guest drug, salicylic acid (SA), confined in the intermolecular spaces of γ-cyclodextrin (γ-CD) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based polypseudorotaxane (PPRX) structure. The sublimation tendency of SA encapsulated in three polymorphic forms of the γ-CD/PEG-based PPRX complex, monoclinic columnar (MC), hexagonal columnar (HC), and tetragonal columnar (TC), was investigated. The SA sublimation rate was decreased by 3.0-6.6-fold and varied in the order of MC form > HC form > TC form complex. The 13C and 1H magic-angle spinning (MAS) solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra and 13C spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) indicated that the encapsulated SA molecules existed as the monomeric form, and its molecular mobility increased in the order of MC form > HC form > TC form complex. In the complexes, a rapid chemical exchange between two dynamic states of SA (free and bound) was suggested, with varying adsorption/desorption rates accounting for its distinct molecular mobility. This adsorption/desorption process was influenced by proton exchange at the interaction site and interaction strength of SA in the complexes, as evidenced by 1H MAS spectra and temperature dependency of the 13C carbonyl chemical shift. A positive correlation between the molecular mobility of SA and its sublimation rate was established. Moreover, the molecular mobility of γ-CD and PEG in the complexes coincided with that of SA, which can be explained by fast guest-driven dynamics. This is the first report on the stability improvement of an API through complexation in polymorphic supramolecular host structures. The relationship between the molecular dynamics and physical properties of encapsulated API will aid in the rational design of drug delivery systems.
  • Jessica Anindita, Hiroki Tanaka, Takuma Yamakawa, Yuka Sato, Chika Matsumoto, Kota Ishizaki, Taiji Oyama, Satoko Suzuki, Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe, Kasumi Sasaki, Yumika Ogura, Etsuo Yonemochi, Yu Sakurai, Hiroto Hatakeyama, Hidetaka Akita
    Pharmaceutics 16(2) 2024年1月26日  
    RNA vaccines are applicable to the treatment of various infectious diseases via the inducement of robust immune responses against target antigens by expressing antigen proteins in the human body. The delivery of messenger RNA by lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) has become a versatile drug delivery system used in the administration of RNA vaccines. LNPs are widely considered to possess adjuvant activity that induces a strong immune response. However, the properties of LNPs that contribute to their adjuvant activity continue to require clarification. To characterize the relationships between the lipid composition, particle morphology, and adjuvant activity of LNPs, the nanostructures of LNPs and their antibody production were evaluated. To simply compare the adjuvant activity of LNPs, empty LNPs were subcutaneously injected with recombinant proteins. Consistent with previous research, the presence of ionizable lipids was one of the determinant factors. Adjuvant activity was induced when a tiny cholesterol assembly (cholesterol-induced phase, ChiP) was formed according to the amount of cholesterol present. Moreover, adjuvant activity was diminished when the content of cholesterol was excessive. Thus, it is plausible that an intermediate structure of cholesterol (not in a crystalline-like state) in an intra-particle space could be closely related to the immunogenicity of LNPs.
  • Kazunori Kadota, Tero Kämäräinen, Fumie Sakuma, Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe, Hiromasa Uchiyama, Katsuhiko Minoura, Yuichi Tozuka
    Food & function 2023年11月8日  
    Flavonoids often exhibit broad bioactivity but low solubility and bioavailability, limiting their practical applications. The transglycosylated materials α-glucosyl rutin (Rutin-G) and α-glucosyl hesperidin (Hsp-G) are known to enhance the dissolution of hydrophobic compounds, such as flavonoids and other polyphenols. In this study, the effects of these materials on flavone solubilization were investigated by probing their interactions with flavone in aqueous solutions. Rutin-G and Hsp-G prepared via solvent evaporation and spray-drying methods were evaluated for their ability to dissolve flavones. Rutin-G had a stronger flavone-solubilizing effect than Hsp-G in both types of composite particles. The origin of this difference in behavior was elucidated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and nuclear magnetic resonance analyses. The different self-association structures of Rutin-G and Hsp-G were supported by SAXS analysis, which proved that Rutin-G formed polydisperse aggregates, whereas Hsp-G formed core-shell micelles. The observation of nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) between flavone and α-glucosyl materials suggested the existence of intermolecular hydrophobic interactions. However, flavone interacted with different regions of Rutin-G and Hsp-G. In particular, NOE correlations were observed between the protons of flavone and the α-glucosyl protons of Rutin-G. The different molecular association states of Rutin-G or Hsp-G could be responsible for their different effects on the solubility of flavone. A better understanding of the mechanism of flavone solubility enhancement via association with α-glucosyl materials would permit the application of α-glucosyl materials to the solubilization of other hydrophobic compounds including polyphenols such as flavonoids.
  • Keisuke Ueda, Yui Sakagawa, Tomoki Saito, Taiki Fujimoto, Misaki Nakamura, Fumie Sakuma, Shun Kaneko, Taisei Tokumoto, Koki Nishimura, Junpei Takeda, Yuta Arai, Katsuhiko Yamamoto, Yukihiro Ikeda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular pharmaceutics 20(9) 4729-4742 2023年9月4日  
    1H NMR relaxometry was applied for molecular-level structural analysis of siRNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to clarify the impact of the neutral lipids, 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC) and cholesterol, on the physicochemical properties of LNP. Incorporating DSPC and cholesterol in ionizable lipid-based LNP decreased the molecular mobility of ionizable lipids. DSPC reduced the overall molecular mobility of ionizable lipids, while cholesterol specifically decreased the mobility of the hydrophobic tails of ionizable lipids, suggesting that cholesterol filled the gap between the hydrophobic tails of ionizable lipids. The decrease in molecular mobility and change in orientation of lipid mixtures contributed to the maintenance of the stacked bilayer structure of siRNA and ionizable lipids, thereby increasing the siRNA encapsulation efficiency. Furthermore, NMR relaxometry revealed that incorporating those neutral lipids enhanced PEG chain flexibility at the LNP interface. Notably, a small amount of DSPC effectively increased PEG chain flexibility, possibly contributing to the improved dispersion stability and narrower size distribution of LNPs. However, cryogenic transmission electron microscopy represented that adding excess amounts of DSPC and cholesterol into LNP resulted in the formation of deformed particles and demixing cholesterol within the LNP, respectively. The optimal lipid composition of ionizable lipid-based LNPs in terms of siRNA encapsulation efficiency and PEG chain flexibility was rationalized based on the molecular-level characterization of LNPs. Moreover, the NMR relaxation rate of tertiary amine protons of ionizable lipids, which are the interaction site with siRNA, can be a valuable indicator of the encapsulated amount of siRNA within LNPs. Thus, NMR-based analysis can be a powerful tool for efficiently designing LNP formulations and their quality control based on the molecular-level elucidation of the physicochemical properties of LNPs.
  • Yuta Hatanaka, Hiromasa Uchiyama, Shun Kaneko, Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe, Shingo Furukawa, Mai Takase, Shinya Yamanaka, Kazunori Kadota, Yuichi Tozuka
    Molecular pharmaceutics 20(8) 4071-4085 2023年8月7日  
    Coamorphous formulation is a useful approach for enhancing the solubility of poorly water-soluble drugs via intermolecular interactions. In this study, a hydrogen-bonding-based coamorphous system was developed to improve drug solubility, but it barely changed the apparent permeability (Papp) of the drug. This study aimed to design a novel coamorphous salt using ionic interactions to improve drug permeability and absorption. Telmisartan (TMS), with an acidic group, was used to form a coamorphous salt with basic amlodipine (AML). Evaluation of the physicochemical properties confirmed the formation of a coamorphous salt via ionic interactions between the amine group of AML and the carboxyl group of TMS at a molar ratio of 1:1. The coamorphous salt of TMS/AML enhanced the partitioning of both drugs into octanol, indicating increased lipophilicity owing to the interaction between TMS and AML. The coamorphous salt dramatically enhanced TMS solubility (99.8 times that of untreated TMS) and decreased AML solubility owing to the interaction between TMS and AML. Although the coamorphous salt showed a decreased Papp in the permeation study in the presence of a thicker unstirred water layer (UWL) without stirring, Papp increased in the presence of a thinner UWL with stirring. The oral absorption of TMS from the coamorphous salt increased by up to 4.1 times compared to that of untreated TMS, whereas that of AML remained unchanged. Although the coamorphous salt with increased lipophilicity has a disadvantage in terms of diffusion through the UWL, the UWL is thin in human/animal bodies owing to the peristaltic action of the digestive tract. Dissociation of the coamorphous salt on the membrane surface could contribute to the partitioning of the neutral form of drugs to the membrane cells compared with untreated drugs. As a result, coamorphous salt formation has the advantage of improving the membrane permeation and oral absorption of TMS, owing to the enhanced solubility and supply of membrane-permeable free TMS on the surface of the membrane.
  • Sudeshna Kundu, Kenjirou Higashi, Makoto Takamizawa, Keisuke Ueda, Kunikazu Moribe
    Crystal Growth & Design 2023年8月2日  
  • Naho Hanada, Kenjirou Higashi, Zhijing Zhao, Keisuke Ueda, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 640 122959-122959 2023年6月10日  
    In our previous reports, ternary amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) of probucol (PBC)/polymer/surfactant were prepared by spray-drying and cryo-grinding, and colloidal dispersions of amorphous PBC nanoparticles were obtained by dispersing the ternary ASD into water. In this study, hot-melt extrusion, which is a practical method for preparing ASD formulations, was utilized to obtain ternary ASDs and colloidal dispersions of amorphous PBC nanoparticles. Polyvinylpyrrolidone K12 (PVP) with a relatively low Tg (below 100 °C) was used as a polymer, while poloxamer P407 (P407), which is chemically stable during the hot-melt extrusion process, was utilized as a surfactant. Ternary ASDs were successfully produced with high weight ratios of PVP and P407. A hydrogen bond between the PBC hydroxyl proton and PVP carbonyl oxygen in the ternary ASD was detected using solid-state NMR spectroscopy, suggesting that amorphous PBC was stabilized mainly by PVP. Stable colloidal dispersions of amorphous PBC nanoparticles were obtained from the PBC/PVP/P407 ASD at a weight ratio of 1:4:2. The mean particle size was below 200 nm and the amorphous state of PBC remained stable upon storage at 25 °C for 14 d. Solution-state 1H NMR and zeta-potential measurements suggested that P407 mainly stabilized the colloidal dispersion of amorphous PBC nanoparticles by steric hindrance at the solid/liquid interface. The findings of this study demonstrate that hot-melt extrusion can form practical ternary ASDs that provide colloidal dispersion of amorphous drug nanoparticles. Thus, this study advocates for the use of hot-melt extrusion in the design of an amorphous formulation for a variety of poorly water-soluble drugs.
  • Mengyao Liu, Kenjirou Higashi, Keisuke Ueda, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 637 122876-122876 2023年4月25日  
    Cyclodextrin (CD) is used to solubilize poorly water-soluble drugs by inclusion complex formation. In this study, we investigated the effect of CD derivatives on stabilizing the supersaturation by inhibiting the crystallization of two poorly water-soluble drugs, carvedilol (CVD) and chlorthalidone (CLT). The phase solubility test showed that β-CD and γ-CD derivatives enhanced the solubility of CVD to a greater extent, whereas the solubility of CLT was enhanced more by β-CD derivatives. The solubilization efficacy of CD derivatives was dependent on the size fitness between the drug molecule and the CD cavity. In the drug crystallization induction time measurement, the same initial drug supersaturation ratio (S) was employed in all the CD solutions, and the methylated CD derivatives greatly outperformed unmethylated CD derivatives in stabilizing the supersaturation of both CVD and CLT. The crystallization inhibition strength of CD derivatives was strongly affected by the CD derivative substituent. Moreover, the calculated logarithm of octanol/water partition coefficients (log P) of CD derivatives showed a good correlation with drug crystallization inhibition ability. Thus, the high hydrophobicity of methylated CD plays an essential role in inhibiting crystallization. These findings can provide a valuable guide for selecting appropriate stabilizing agents for drug-supersaturation formulations.
  • Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular pharmaceutics 20(4) 1872-1883 2023年4月3日  
    This study utilized temperature-variable nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to investigate the effects of a solubilizing agent on the ketoprofen (KTP) supersaturation region. Quantitative NMR analysis showed that the solubilizing agent cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) increased both the crystalline and amorphous solubilities of KTP, shifting the KTP supersaturation region to a higher KTP concentration range. The amorphous solubility of KTP was found to be independent of the enantiomeric composition of KTP, even in the presence of CTAB. However, the supersaturation region of the S-enantiomer of KTP (s-KTP) in CTAB solutions was smaller than that of the racemic form of KTP (rac-KTP), likely because of the higher crystalline solubility of s-KTP. When KTP formed a KTP-rich phase via liquid-liquid phase separation from KTP-supersaturated solutions, CTAB was observed to be distributed into the KTP-rich phase, decreasing the chemical potential of KTP and the maximum thermodynamic activity of KTP in the aqueous phase. Additionally, the incorporation of CTAB into the KTP-rich phase diminished the solubilization effect of CTAB micelles in the aqueous phase, narrowing the KTP supersaturation region to a greater extent at higher KTP dose concentrations. Furthermore, the upper-temperature limit of the supersaturated dissolvable region of KTP was lowered in the presence of CTAB, which was rationalized by the melting point depression of the KTP crystal upon mixing with CTAB. The findings of this study highlight the importance of considering the molecular-level impact of solubilizing agents on the drug supersaturation region to fully exploit the potential benefits of supersaturated formulations.
  • Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular pharmaceutics 20(4) 1861-1871 2023年4月3日  
    We examined the effects of the polymer-additive and drug chiralities on the ketoprofen (KTP) supersaturation region using temperature-variable nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Quantitative NMR analysis revealed that the racemic KTP and corresponding S-enantiomer (rac- and s-KTP) exhibited similar amorphous solubilities in a buffer, while the crystalline solubility of s-KTP was higher than that of rac-KTP. Therefore, rac-KTP exhibited a larger supersaturation region than s-KTP. In contrast, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) reduced the amorphous solubility of both rac- and s-KTP, whereas the crystalline solubility of KTP remained unchanged. Partitioning PVP into the KTP-rich phase reduced the chemical potential of KTP in the KTP-rich phase and the amorphous solubility of KTP. At higher temperatures, the distribution of PVP into the KTP-rich phase became more significant, which considerably reduced the amorphous solubility. Because the upper limit of the KTP supersaturation decreased, PVP narrowed the KTP supersaturation region. The maximum KTP supersaturation ratio decreased with increasing temperature, and the supersaturated dissolvable area of KTP finally disappeared. The maximum temperature at which KTP can form the supersaturation was lowered by replacing rac- with s-KTP and the addition of PVP. The maximum supersaturation temperature was dominated by the melting behavior of crystalline KTP in an aqueous solution. The present study highlighted that a quantitative understanding of the supersaturation region is essential to determine whether supersaturated formulations are beneficial for improving the oral absorption of poorly water-soluble drugs.
  • Miyuki Hohokabe, Kenjirou Higashi, Yurina Yamada, Taiki Fujimoto, Taisei Tokumoto, Hiroshi Imamura, Takeshi Morita, Keisuke Ueda, Waree Limwikrant, Kunikazu Moribe
    Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 661 130891-130891 2023年3月  
  • Hiroki Tanaka, Shinya Hagiwara, Daiki Shirane, Takuma Yamakawa, Yuka Sato, Chika Matsumoto, Kota Ishizaki, Miho Hishinuma, Katsuyuki Chida, Kasumi Sasaki, Etsuo Yonemochi, Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe, Takashi Tadokoro, Katsumi Maenaka, Sakura Taneichi, Yuta Nakai, Kota Tange, Yu Sakurai, Hidetaka Akita
    ACS nano 17(3) 2588-2601 2023年2月14日  
    Based on the clinical success of an in vitro transcribed mRNA (IVT-mRNA) that is encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles (mRNA-LNPs), there is a growing demand by researchers to test whether their own biological findings might be applicable for use in mRNA-based therapeutics. However, the equipment and/or know-how required for manufacturing such nanoparticles is often inaccessible. To encourage more innovation in mRNA therapeutics, a simple method for preparing mRNA-LNPs is prerequisite. In this study, we report on a method for encapsulating IVT-mRNA into LNPs by rehydrating a Ready-to-Use empty freeze-dried LNP (LNPs(RtoU)) formulation with IVT-mRNA solution followed by heating. The resulting mRNA-LNPs(RtoU) had a similar intraparticle structure compared to the mRNA-LNPs prepared by conventional microfluidic mixing. In vivo genome editing, a promising application of these types of mRNA-LNPs, was accomplished using the LNPs(RtoU) containing co-encapsulated Cas9-mRNA and a small guide RNA.
  • Ziqiao Chen, Kenjirou Higashi, Yuki Shigehisa, Keisuke Ueda, Keiji Yamamoto, Kunikazu Moribe
    Nanoscale 15(6) 2602-2613 2023年2月9日  
    We previously established a nanoparticle-based drug delivery system (DDS) for high-dose ascorbic acid therapy by self-assembly of a lipid-modified ascorbic acid derivative, L-ascorbyl 2,6-dipalmitate (ASC-DP). The particles' morphology should be modified for effective DDSs. Here, we modulated the morphology of self-assembled ASC-DP nanoparticles using two different PEGylated lipids, distearoylphosphatidylethanolamine-polyethylene glycol (DSPE-PEG) and cholesterol-polyethylene glycol (Chol-PEG), with various PEG molecular weights. At the preparation molar ratio of 10 : 1 (ASC-DP/PEGylated lipid), rod-like nanoparticles emerged in the ASC-DP/DSPE-PEG system, whereas the ASC-DP/Chol-PEG system yielded tube-like nanoparticles. The internal structures of both rod-like ASC-DP/DSPE-PEG and tube-like ASC-DP/Chol-PEG nanoparticles were similar to that of repeated ASC-DP bilayers. The particles' surfaces featured PEGylated lipids, which stabilized the structure and dispersion of the nanoparticles. For both systems, the particle size increased slightly with increasing the PEGylated lipid's PEG molecular weight. Increasing the PEG molecular weight decreased the inner tunnel size of tube-like ASC-DP/Chol-PEG nanoparticles. A mechanism has been proposed for the rod-to-tube transformation. Surface-layer free-energy changes owing to the mixing of multiple lipids and PEG chain repulsion are thought to underlie the inner tunnels' formation. The rod-to-tube morphology of self-assembled ASC-DP nanoparticles can be modulated by controlling the PEGylated lipids' structure, including the lipid species and the PEG chain length.
  • Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular pharmaceutics 19(9) 3336-3349 2022年9月5日  
    Herein, we investigated the effect of the solubilizers, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and amino methacrylate copolymer (Eudragit E PO, EUD-E), on the apparent amorphous solubility of ketoprofen (KTP) and free KTP concentrations in an aqueous phase when a KTP-rich phase was generated by liquid-liquid phase separation. Quantitative analysis by solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) revealed that the apparent amorphous solubility of KTP increased with increasing EUD-E concentrations by the solubilization of KTP into the EUD-E micelles; this was reminiscent of the improvement in the apparent crystalline solubility of KTP observed when EUD-E was added. In contrast, the apparent amorphous solubility of KTP decreased with increasing CTAB concentrations, although the solubilizing ability of CTAB was stronger than that of EUD-E when the KTP-rich phase was absent. NMR analysis revealed that CTAB was distributed into the KTP-rich phase to a relatively large extent. This resulted in a significant reduction of the chemical potential of KTP in the KTP-rich phase in the CTAB solution. Thus, the maximum free KTP concentration in the aqueous phase was reduced more significantly in the CTAB solution than in the EUD-E solution. Moreover, the solubilization effect of KTP by the CTAB micelles in the aqueous phase was drastically diminished due to the distribution of CTAB into the KTP-rich phase. As a result, the apparent amorphous solubility of KTP reached a minimum at a CTAB concentration of 200 μg/mL. A further increase in the CTAB concentration resulted in an improvement in the apparent amorphous solubility of KTP due to the solubilization effect of CTAB remaining in the aqueous phase. The present study highlights the impact of solubilizer selection on the apparent amorphous solubility and attainable supersaturation of the drug, which should be considered during the development of supersaturating formulations to obtain preferable oral absorption.
  • Arisa Ishimoto, Hiroshi Sasako, Masaki Omori, Kenjirou Higashi, Keisuke Ueda, Kazuo Koyama, Kunikazu Moribe
    Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 38(34) 10454-10464 2022年8月30日  
    In this study, we prepared drug-loaded nanocarriers made of cholesteryl oleate (ChO) and γ-cyclodextrin (γ-CD). A nanosuspension (nanosuspension-I, NS-I) containing nanoparticles with a mean size of approximately 170 nm was obtained through the solvent-diffusion method using ethanol. A second nanosuspension (nanosuspension-II, NS-II), which was prepared by freeze-drying and redispersion of NS-I, exhibited an increased particle size of approximately 210 nm. Cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) force-distance curves indicated that the nanoparticles in NS-I were oblong and soft. However, those in NS-II were angular and stiff, and, interestingly, multiple nanosheets covered the solid-liquid interface. Synchrotron wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) analysis of NS-II indicated that the nanoparticles in it had a core-shell structure, where the ChO crystal in the inner core was covered by multiple nanosheets of ChO/γ-CD inclusion complex crystals. The X-ray peak analysis suggested that the γ-CD columns of the nanosheets were vertically stacked onto the ChO crystal interface. It was found that the nanosheets on the nanoparticle interface were formed during the freezing process. A model drug carbamazepine (CBZ) was loaded into the ChO/γ-CD nanoparticles by pre-dissolving CBZ in ethanol during the solvent-diffusion process. Cryo-TEM, 1H NMR, ζ-potentials, and synchrotron WAXD indicated that CBZ was unexpectedly loaded into the shell as a CBZ/γ-CD inclusion complex crystalline nanosheet. The specific nanosheet structure, where ChO and CBZ coexisted in the same crystal of γ-CD, could achieve CBZ loading in the nanoparticles. ChO/γ-CD nanoparticles with the unique core-shell structure are expected to perform as practical carriers for drug delivery.
  • Ziqiao Chen, Kenjirou Higashi, Keisuke Ueda, Kunikazu Moribe
    Nano letters 22(16) 6841-6846 2022年8月24日  
    Crystallization of organic molecules is important in a wide range of scientific disciplines. However, in contrast to maturely studied crystallization of inorganic materials, the crystallization mechanisms of organic molecules involving nucleation and crystal growth are still poorly understood. Here, we used time-resolved cryogenic transmission electron microscopy to directly map the morphological evolution of amorphous cyclosporin A (CyA) nanoparticles during CyA crystallization. We successfully observed its initial nucleation and found that the amorphous CyA nanoparticles crystallized via a pathway cognate with oriented attachment, which is the nonclassical crystallization mechanism usually reported for inorganic compounds. Crystalline mesostructured intermediates (mesocrystals) were formed during crystallization. This study revealed clear and direct evidence of mesocrystal formation and oriented attachment in organic pharmaceuticals, providing new insights into the crystallization of organic molecules and theories of nonclassical crystallization.
  • Kun Sodalee, Waree Limwikrant, Thaned Pongjanyakul, Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe, Satit Puttipipatkhachorn
    Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 2022年7月  
  • Toru Taharabaru, Takuya Kihara, Risako Onodera, Tetsuya Kogo, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe, Teruya Nakamura, Keiichi Motoyama, Taishi Higashi
    Applied Materials Today 27 2022年6月  
    Cas9 ribonucleoprotein (Cas9 RNP) is a promising genome editing tool, however its biological utility reuires the development of safe, efficient, and easy-to-use non-viral carriers. Cas9 RNP has a complicated conformation and charge distribution, resulting in low complexation with carriers. In addition, intracellular uptake, endosome escape, release, and nuclear translocation of Cas9 RNP are required. Here, we report the development of polyrotaxane-based supramolecular carriers, aminated polyrotaxanes (amino-PRXs), that efficiently form complexes with Cas9 RNP via their autonomous transforming properties (1st generation; 1 G). Further, the amino groups of amino-PRXs are optimized to provide endosome-escape ability (2 G) via transforming to highly cationic particles in the endosome. Moreover, intracellular degradation properties are provided for Cas9 RNP release (3G–5 G) resulting in released Cas9 RNP becoming localized in the nucleus. Finally, we demonstrate that this optimized amino-PRX (5 G) facilitates highly efficient genome editing both in vitro and in vivo with significant usability, suggesting that amino-PRX (5 G) is a promising platform for the development of non-viral Cas9 RNP carriers.
  • Keisuke Ueda, Neo Yamamoto, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    Crystal Growth and Design 22(5) 3235-3244 2022年5月4日  
    In this study, the molecular states of supersaturated drugs and crystallization inhibitors in aqueous solutions were characterized using NMR to elucidate the inhibition mechanism of drug crystal nucleation in drug-supersaturated solutions. Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) K12, PVP K25, and 1-ethyl-2-pyrrolidone (NEP) were used as additives to evaluate their ability to inhibit chlorthalidone (CLT) crystal nucleation. Although an inhibitory effect of NEP on the crystal nucleation of CLT was not observed, PVP effectively inhibited CLT crystallization and maintained CLT in a supersaturated state in the long term. In the 1D 1H NMR spectra, the aromatic proton peaks of CLT showed an upfield shift with increasing CLT concentration, reflected by the self-association of CLT in aqueous solution; the number of self-associates increased with increasing supersaturation level. The presence of the additives in the aqueous solution induced downfield shifts of the CLT peaks, which were the largest in the PVP K25 solution and the smallest in the NEP solution. Nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) measurements revealed that the PVP formed a hydrophobic interaction with CLT via the carbon chain of PVP. Furthermore, the spin-spin relaxation rate of the supersaturated CLT was significantly increased by the addition of PVP K25, indicating the mobility suppression of supersaturated CLT by PVP K25, which can be caused by the intermolecular interactions between CLT and PVP K25. Furthermore, CLT mobility suppression by PVP K25 became more significant with increasing CLT supersaturation levels. This implies that PVP K25 interacted particularly with CLT self-associates formed in the supersaturated solution and suppressed their molecular mobility, thereby inhibiting the reorientation from the CLT self-associates to the crystal nucleus. The present study highlights the importance of the molecular weight of crystallization inhibitors on the ability of mobility suppression of a self-associated drug due to the nucleation inhibition effect.
  • Xiaohan Ma, Kenjirou Higashi, Kaori Fukuzawa, Keisuke Ueda, Kazunori Kadota, Yuichi Tozuka, Etsuo Yonemochi, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 615 121477-121477 2022年3月5日  
    α-Glycosyl rutin (Rutin-G) consists of a flavonol skeleton and sugar groups and is a promising additive for amorphous formulations. In our previous study, experimental approaches suggested an interaction between the model drug carbamazepine (CBZ) and flavonol skeleton of Rutin-G that stabilizes amorphous formulations. In the present study, the formation and stabilization mechanisms of CBZ/Rutin-G amorphous formulation were investigated using a computational approach. The CBZ/Rutin-G amorphous formulation was obtained via molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, which mimicked the melt-quenching method. Root mean square deviation analysis revealed that the translational motion of CBZ during the cooling process was suppressed by adding Rutin-G. Monitoring the atomic distance during the cooling process revealed that hydrogen bonds via carboxamide oxygen of CBZ with hydroxyl hydrogen of Rutin-G were preferentially formed with flavonol skeletons than sugar groups. The simulated amorphous formulation was then calculated using fragment molecular orbital (FMO) method. The quantitative evaluation of multiple interactions revealed that the hydrogen bond energy was higher in CBZ-sugar groups than in CBZ-flavonol skeleton, while the π-type of interaction energy was higher in CBZ-flavonol skeleton than in CBZ-sugar groups. The computational approach combining MD simulation and FMO calculation provides information on various interactions that are difficult to detect using experimental approaches, which helps understand the formation and stabilization mechanism of amorphous formulations.
  • Takayuki Fujito, Tsumugi Oshima, Kenjirou Higashi, Keisuke Ueda, Masataka Ito, Hyuma Masu, Shuji Noguchi, Kunikazu Moribe
    Crystal Growth and Design 22(2) 1094-1103 2022年2月2日  
    Compared to free base forms, salt forms are more frequently obtained as hydrates during solid form screening, although physically unstable hydrates are difficult to select for drug development. In this study, loxoprofen sodium dihydrate (LOXNa-2H2O), a widely used anti-inflammatory drug, was selected as a model drug to investigate the potential use of sugar as a coformer for cocrystallization with Na salts and the effect of salt cocrystallization with sugars on hydrate formation. In a screening study by liquid-assisted grinding with ethanol, two sugars, ribose (RIB) and fructose (FRU), formed new salt cocrystals with LOXNa. Differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetry, temperature-programmed powder X-ray diffraction, and water vapor sorption/desorption isotherm measurements revealed that the LOXNa·RIB and LOXNa·FRU salt cocrystals were a monohydrate and anhydrate, respectively. Single-crystal X-ray structural analysis of both salt cocrystals showed that direct ionic interaction did not occur between the Na cation and the carboxylate anion of LOX. Instead, sugars were coordinated around a Na cation, and a consecutive alternating structure of Na cations and sugars with a one-dimensional chain was formed along the b-axis. These characteristic chain structures prevented water molecules from approaching the Na cation and reduced the propensity for hydrate formation. FRU possesses one more hydroxyl group than the RIB molecule. The resulting strong hydrogen bonding network stabilized the LOXNa-FRU as an anhydrate without water molecules. Since sugars are safe and inexpensive excipients with various species, they can be useful coformers for salt cocrystals with various drug Na salts.
  • Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe, Lynne S Taylor
    Molecular pharmaceutics 19(1) 100-114 2022年1月3日  
    We previously reported that the polymers used in amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) formulations, such as polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), polyvinylpyrrolidone/vinyl acetate (PVP-VA), and hypromellose (HPMC), distribute into the drug-rich phase of ibuprofen (IBP) formed by liquid-liquid phase separation, resulting in a reduction in the maximum drug supersaturation in the aqueous phase. Herein, the mechanism underlying the partitioning of the polymer into the drug-rich phase was investigated from a thermodynamic perspective. The dissolved IBP concentration in the aqueous phase and the amount of polymer distributed into the IBP-rich phase were quantitatively analyzed in IBP-supersaturated solutions containing different polymers using variable-temperature solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The polymer weight ratio in the IBP-rich phase increased at higher temperatures, leading to a more notable reduction of IBP amorphous solubility. Among the polymers, the amorphous solubility reduction was the greatest for the PVP-VA solution at lower temperatures, while HPMC reduced the amorphous solubility to the greatest extent at higher temperatures. The change in the order of polymer impact on the amorphous solubility resulted from the differences in the temperature dependency of polymer partitioning. The van't Hoff plot of the polymer partition coefficient revealed that both enthalpy and entropy changes for polymer transfer into the IBP-rich phase from the aqueous phase (ΔHaqueous→IBP-rich and ΔSaqueous→IBP-rich) gave positive values for most of the measured temperature range, indicating that polymer partitioning into the IBP-rich phase was an endothermic but entropically favorable process. The polymer transfer into the IBP-rich phase was more endothermic for HPMC than for PVP and PVP-VA. The solid-state NMR analysis of the IBP/polymer ASD implied that the newly formed IBP/polymer interactions in the IBP-rich phase upon polymer incorporation were weaker for HPMC, providing a rationale for the larger positive transfer enthalpy for HPMC. The change in Gibbs free energy for polymer transfer (ΔGaqueous→IBP-rich) showed negative values across the experimental temperature range, decreasing with an increase in temperature, indicating that the distribution of the polymer into the IBP-rich phase is favored at higher temperatures. Moreover, ΔGaqueous→IBP-rich for HPMC showed the greatest decrease with the temperature, likely reflecting the temperature-induced dehydration of HPMC in the aqueous phase. This study contributes fundamental insights into the phenomenon of polymer partitioning into drug-rich phases, furthering the understanding of achievable supersaturation levels and ultimately providing information on polymer selection for ASD formulations.
  • Ziqiao Chen, Kenjirou Higashi, Keisuke Ueda, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular pharmaceutics 19(1) 188-199 2022年1月3日  
    Amorphous drug nanoparticles usually exhibit low storage stability. A comprehensive understanding of the molecular states and physicochemical properties of the product is indispensable for designing stable formulations. In the present study, an amorphous cyclosporin A (CyA) nanosuspension with a mean particle size of approximately 370 nm was prepared by wet bead milling with poloxamer 407 (P407). Interestingly, the prepared amorphous CyA nanoparticles were transformed into uniform CyA nanocrystals with a reduced mean particle size of approximately 200 nm during storage at 25 °C. The CyA nanocrystals were stably maintained for at least 1 month. The particle morphologies and molecular structures of the CyA nanosuspensions before and after storage were thoroughly characterized by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy and magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, respectively. They revealed that the freshly prepared amorphous CyA nanoparticles (∼370 nm) were secondary particles composed of aggregated primary particles with an estimated size of 50 nm. A portion of P407 was found to be entrapped at the gaps between the primary particles due to aggregation, while most of P407 was dissolved in the solution either adsorbing at the solid/liquid interface or forming polymeric micelles. The entrapped P407 is considered to play an important role in the destabilization of the amorphous CyA nanoparticles. The resultant CyA nanocrystals (∼200 nm) were uniform single crystals of Form 2 hydrate and showed corner-truncated bipyramidal features. Owing to the narrow particle size distribution of the CyA nanocrystals, the rate of Ostwald ripening was slow, giving long-term stability to the CyA nanocrystals. This study provides new insights into the destabilization mechanism of amorphous drug nanoparticles.
  • Hiroshi Sasako, Kazuo Koyama, Kenjirou Higashi, Keisuke Ueda, Arisa Ishimoto, Kunikazu Moribe
    European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences 168 106038-106038 2022年1月1日  
    Phytosterol (PSE)/γ-cyclodextrin (γ-CD) microparticles have a capsule-like structure, wherein the hydrophobic PSE core is surrounded by outer layers of the hydrophilic PSE/γ-CD inclusion complex crystal. The microparticles could mask the undesirable taste of capsaicin (CAP) by encapsulation of CAP into the microparticles. In the present study, the dissolution of CAP from PSE/γ-CD microparticles into artificial intestinal fluids was examined using the paddle method. The dissolution of CAP from the microparticles was suppressed at pH 1.2 and 5.0. On the other hand, the dissolution was significantly enhanced in fasted and fed state simulated intestinal fluid (FaSSIF and FeSSIF) . Taurocholate (TCA), contained in these artificial fluids, induced rapid dissolution of CAP from microparticles. The mechanism of CAP dissolution from the microparticles in the presence of TCA was investigated using in situ1H NMR spectroscopy. During the incubation of the mixed suspension of the microparticles and TCA, γ-CD peaks started to appear, and the TCA peak showed a gradual upfield shift. Quantitative analysis of NMR results showed that the TCA/γ-CD inclusion complex could form during incubation, according to the dissolution of γ-CD from the microparticles via the guest exchange reaction of PSE by TCA. The collapse of the PSE/γ-CD inclusion complex crystal at the outer shell of microparticles could trigger the release of CAP into the intestinal fluid. Thus, PSE/γ-CD microparticles can be used as an enteric controlled-release system that releases encapsulated drugs not via the conventional pH changes but via guest exchange reaction with TCA.
  • Chikako Morikawa, Keisuke Ueda, Masaki Omori, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 610 121210-121210 2021年12月15日  
    The present study focuses on the effect of the preparation temperature on the physicochemical properties of amorphous drug nanoparticles to clarify their formation mechanism. Amorphous glibenclamide (GLB) nanoparticles were prepared at 4-40 °C using two antisolvent precipitation methods. In method A, N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) solution of GLB was added to an aqueous solution containing hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) to obtain nano-A suspensions. In method B, nano-B suspensions were obtained by adding DMF solution containing both GLB and HPMC into water. When the preparation temperature was above 25 °C, nano-A and nano-B showed similar HPMC compositions. However, nano-B contained a large amount of HPMC compared to nano-A at temperatures below 20 °C. The glassy nature of the nanoparticle cores restricts the diffusion of HPMC from amorphous GLB nanoparticles to the aqueous phase, indicating that the glass transition temperature (Tg) of neat amorphous GLB (73 °C) would be considerably decreased owing to the nanosizing and water sorption of amorphous GLB. The physical stability of amorphous GLB nanoparticles was improved with increased HPMC in the nanoparticles. Thus, setting the preparation temperature by considering the Tg of the antisolvent-saturated amorphous drug nanoparticles is essential to develop stable amorphous drug nanoparticles.
  • Yuta Okamoto, Kenjirou Higashi, Takeshi Morita, Keisuke Ueda, Sayaka Mukaide, Junpei Takeda, Masatoshi Karashima, Yukihiro Ikeda, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular pharmaceutics 18(11) 4111-4121 2021年11月1日  
    The effects of pH changes and saccharin (SAC) addition on the nanostructure and mobility of the cationic aminoalkyl methacrylate copolymer Eudragit E PO (EUD-E) and its drug solubilization ability were investigated. Small-angle X-ray scattering performed using synchrotron radiation and atomic force microscopy showed that the EUD-E nanostructure, which has a size of approximately several nanometers, changed from a random coil structure at low pH (pH 4.0-5.0) to a partially folded structure at high pH (pH 5.5-6.5). The EUD-E also formed a partially folded structure in a wide pH range of 4.5-6.5 when SAC was present, and the coil-to-globule transition was moderate with pH increase, compared with that when SAC was absent. The equilibrium solubility of the neutral drug naringenin (NAR) was enhanced in the EUD-E solution and further increased as the pH increased. The enlargement of the hydrophobic region of EUD-E in association with the coil-to-globule transition led to efficient solubilization of NAR. The interaction with SAC enhanced the mobility of the EUD-E chains in the hydrophobic region of EUD-E, resulting in changes in the drug-solubilizing ability. 1H high-resolution magic-angle spinning NMR measurements revealed that the solubilized NAR in the partially folded structure of EUD-E showed higher molecular mobility in the presence of SAC than in the absence of SAC. This study highlighted that solution pH and the presence of SAC significantly changed the drug solubilization ability of EUD-E, followed by changes in the EUD-E nanostructure, including its hydrophobic region.
  • Zhijing Zhao, Kenjirou Higashi, Keisuke Ueda, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 607 120984-120984 2021年9月25日  
    Probucol (PBC)/hypromellose (HPMC)/sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) ternary solid dispersions (SDs) of various weight ratios were prepared and evaluated to unveil the effect of HPMC and SDS on the formation of amorphous PBC nanoparticles. The morphological variation of the PBC nanoparticles prepared using SDs of different compositions was determined using dynamic light scattering and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM). Statistical analysis of particle size versus roundness of PBC nanoparticles was carried out based on cryo-TEM images. A clear correlation was observed between the morphologies of the PBC nanoparticles and the amounts of HPMC and SDS, either admixed in SDs or pre-dissolved in an aqueous solution. The admixed HPMC in SDs was demonstrated to play the major role in determining the primary particle sizes of discrete amorphous PBC nanoparticles. Based on 13C solid-state NMR spectroscopy, this phenomenon should be due to the enlarged size of the PBC-rich domains in SDs, which depended on the decreasing amounts of admixed HPMC. Although the pre-dissolved part of HPMC had less impact on the primary particle sizes, it was found to inhibit the particle agglomeration and recrystallization of amorphous PBC nanoparticles. On the other hand, sufficient SDS admixed in SDs could suppress the size enhancement of the PBC-rich domains during water immersion and nanoparticle evolution (agglomeration and crystallization) after aqueous dispersion. The pre-dissolved SDS could restrain the agglomeration of amorphous PBC nanoparticles, ultimately forming hundreds of irregular nanometer-order structures. Since the increase in size during water immersion, their sizes were still slightly larger than those obtained with a high portion of admixed SDS. The findings of this study clarified the usefulness and necessity of adding polymers and surfactants to SDs to fabricate drug nanoparticle formulations.
  • Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular Pharmaceutics 18(7) 2764-2776 2021年7月5日  
  • Ziqiao Chen, Kenjirou Higashi, Ryuhei Shidara, Keisuke Ueda, Takeshi Morita, Waree Limwikrant, Keiji Yamamoto, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 602 120599-120599 2021年6月1日  
    Previously, we reported the formation of 100-200 nm disk- and tube-like nanoparticles by hydration of L-ascorbyl 2,6-dipalmitate (ASC-DP) and distearoylphosphatidylethanolamine polyethylene glycol 2000 (DSPE-PEG) films prepared at an initial molar ratio of 2:1. This study investigated the feasibility of nanoparticle formation with higher ASC-DP loading. Although particle size distribution determined by dynamic light scattering showed a multimodal pattern including micro-sized particles at a molar ratio of 3:1, the mean particle size gradually decreased with a further increased molar ratio. Homogeneous ca. 240 nm nanoparticles with a unimodal size distribution were obtained at a molar ratio of 10:1. FE-TEM showed that the nanoparticles at a molar ratio of 10:1 were rod-shaped with a diameter of ca. 100 nm and a length of ca. 300 nm. After centrifugation, X-ray analysis of the nanoparticle precipitates showed that these rod-like nanoparticles were composed of a series of lamellar structures with 3.7 nm repeated units. The molar ratio of ASC-DP/DSPE-PEG in the nanoparticle precipitates determined by 1H NMR measurements was 68.8:1. The rod-like nanoparticles should be composed of a core-shell structure, where a small amount of DSPE-PEG covers the lamellar structure of ASC-DP. Further increase in the ASC-DP/DSPE-PEG molar ratio over 33:1 no longer provided nanoparticles. Hence, to prepare a stable ASC-DP nanoparticle suspension, it is necessary to prepare ASC-DP/DSPE-PEG films containing at least 3 mol% DSPE-PEG.
  • Arif Budiman, Kenjirou Higashi, Keisuke Ueda, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 600 120492-120492 2021年5月1日  
    In this study, the molecular state of ritonavir (RTN)-saccharin (SAC) coamorphous incorporated into mesoporous silica by solvent evaporation and the effect of SAC on the RTN dissolution from mesopores were investigated. The amorphization of RTN-SAC was confirmed as a halo pattern in powder X-ray diffraction measurements and a single glass transition event in the modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) curve. 13C solid-state NMR spectroscopy revealed a hydrogen bond between the thiazole nitrogen of RTN and the amine proton of SAC. The glass transition of the RTN-SAC coamorphous in mesoporous silica was not found in the MDSC curve, indicating that RTN and SAC were monomolecularly incorporated into the mesopores. Solid-state NMR measurements suggested that the co-incorporation of SAC into the mesopores decreased the local mobility of the thiazole group of RTN via hydrogen bond formation. The RTN-SAC 1:1 coamorphous in mesoporous silica retained the X-ray halo-patterns after 30 d of storage, even under high temperature and humidity conditions. In the dissolution test, the RTN-SAC 1:1 coamorphous in mesoporous silica maintained RTN supersaturation for a longer time than the RTN amorphous in mesoporous silica. This study demonstrated that the drug-coformer interaction within mesoporous silica can significantly improve drug dissolution.
  • Chisa Aoki, Xiaohan Ma, Kenjirou Higashi, Yuya Ishizuka, Keisuke Ueda, Kazunori Kadota, Kaori Fukuzawa, Yuichi Tozuka, Kohsaku Kawakami, Etsuo Yonemochi, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 600 120491-120491 2021年5月1日  
    α-Glycosyl rutin (Rutin-G), composed of a flavonol skeleton and sugar groups, is a promising non-polymeric additive for stabilizing amorphous drug formulations. In this study, the mechanism of the stabilization of the amorphous state of carbamazepine (CBZ) by Rutin-G was investigated. In comparison with hypromellose (HPMC), which is commonly used as a crystallization inhibitor for amorphous drugs, Rutin-G significantly stabilized amorphous CBZ. Moreover, the dissolution rate and the resultant supersaturation level of CBZ were significantly improved in the CBZ/Rutin-G spray-dried samples (SPDs) owing to the rapid dissolution property of Rutin-G. Differential scanning calorimetry measurement demonstrated a high glass transition temperature (Tg) of 186.4°C corresponding to Rutin-G. The CBZ/Rutin-G SPDs with CBZ weight ratios up to 80% showed single glass transitions, indicating the homogeneity of CBZ and Rutin-G. A solid-state NMR experiment using 13C- and 15N-labeled CBZ demonstrated the interaction between the flavonol skeleton of Rutin-G and the amide group of CBZ. A 1H-13C two-dimensional heteronuclear correlation NMR experiment and quantum mechanical calculations confirmed the presence of a possible hydrogen bond between the amino proton in CBZ and the carbonyl oxygen in the flavonol skeleton of Rutin-G. This specific hydrogen bond could contribute to the strong interaction between CBZ and Rutin-G, resulting in the high stability of amorphous CBZ in the CBZ/Rutin-G SPD. Hence, Rutin-G, a non-polymeric amorphous additive with high Tg, high miscibility with drugs, and rapid and pH-independent dissolution properties could be useful in the preparation of amorphous formulations.
  • Takeshi Morita, Sayaka Mukaide, Ziqiao Chen, Kenjirou Higashi, Hiroshi Imamura, Kunikazu Moribe, Tomonari Sumi
    Nano letters 21(3) 1303-1310 2021年2月10日  
    Polymeric micelles are invaluable media as drug nanocarriers. Although knowledge of an interaction between the micelles is a key to understanding the mechanisms and developing the superior functions, the interaction potential surface between drug-incorporated polymeric micelles has not yet been quantitatively evaluated due to the extremely complex structure. Here, the interaction potential surface between drug-entrapped polymeric micelles was unveiled by combining a small-angle scattering experiment and a model-potential-free liquid-state theory. Triblock copolymer composed of poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(propylene oxide) was investigated over a wide concentration range (0.5-10.0 wt %). Effects of the entrapment of a water-insoluble hydrophobic drug, cyclosporin A, on the interaction were explored by comparing the interactions with and without the drug. The results directly clarified the high drug carrier efficiency in terms of the interaction between the micelles. In addition, an investigation based on density functional theory provided a deeper insight into the monomer contribution to the extremely stable dispersion of the nanocarrier.
  • Katsuhiko Omagari, Keisuke Ueda, Zhao Zhijing, Kenjirou Higashi, Motoki Inoue, Toshiro Fukami, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 591 120003-120003 2020年12月15日  
    We studied optimized conditions for preparing ternary hot extrudates (HEs) of glibenclamide (GLB)/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)/sodium dodecyl sulfate to generate stable nanocrystal suspensions following aqueous dispersion. Raman and solid-state NMR measurements of ternary HEs prepared by altering HE conditions revealed that GLB crystallinity in HEs reduced with increased extrusion temperature and count and decreased screw speed. Aqueous dispersions of all HEs temporarily formed GLB nanoparticles with a diameter of 75-420 nm. The suspension from the HEs with the low GLB crystallinity (<22%) precipitated after 4-h storage, while the HEs with the high GLB crystallinity (>22%) formed stable nanocrystal suspension. Interestingly, the number of GLB nanoparticles <150  nm was different despite aqueous dispersion of HEs with similar GLB crystallinity, reflecting the different GLB crystalline size in those HEs. Although both the crushing by shear force and GLB dissolution into PVP reduced GLB crystalline size, the crushing GLB crystal by the shear force has a relatively high ability to decrease GLB crystalline size without excess amorphization of GLB. Performing the hot extrusion at a low temperature, a high screw speed, and maximizing extrusion count with GLB crystallinity >22% led to formation of small and stable nanocrystal suspensions.
  • Mami Kosaka, Kenjirou Higashi, Misaki Nishimura, Keisuke Ueda, Kunikazu Moribe
    Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 109(12) 3617-3624 2020年12月  
    Here, an indomethacin (IMC)/saccharin (SAC)/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) ternary solid dispersion (SD) prepared by spray-drying was characterized to clarify its dissolution mechanism. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy revealed that IMC and SAC in the ternary SD interacted via hydrogen bonding in a similar manner as that in the IMC/SAC co-crystal. Initial IMC dissolution from the ternary SD was slower than that from the binary SD, although IMC supersaturation was maintained for a relatively longer time in the ternary SD. Solid- and solution-state NMR measurements for dispersed particles in the dissolution test revealed that the particle for IMC/PVP binary SD was composed of amorphous IMC dispersed in PVP matrix and α-form IMC. In contrast, the particles for the ternary SPD was composed of amorphous IMC dispersed in PVP matrix and IMC/SAC co-crystals. Scanning electron microscopy indicated that in the binary SD, amorphous IMC microfiber-gel was generated on the surface of particles after the dissolution test, preventing amorphous IMC from contacting with water. In contrast, in the ternary SD, IMC/SAC co-crystals were generated on the surface of particles, and intermediate spaces were formed on the surface, which allowed water intrusion into the particles and continuous dissolution of IMC.
  • Hiroki Tanaka, Tatsunari Takahashi, Manami Konishi, Nae Takata, Masaki Gomi, Daiki Shirane, Ryo Miyama, Shinya Hagiwara, Yuki Yamasaki, Yu Sakurai, Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe, Eiji Shinsho, Ruka Nishida, Kaori Fukuzawa, Etsuo Yonemochi, Koji Okuwaki, Yuji Mochizuki, Yuta Nakai, Kota Tange, Hiroki Yoshioka, Shinya Tamagawa, Hidetaka Akita
    ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 30(34) 2020年6月  査読有り
    RNA-based therapeutics is a promising approach for curing intractable diseases by manipulating various cellular functions. For eliciting RNA (i.e., mRNA and siRNA) functions successfully, the RNA in the extracellular space must be protected and it must be delivered to the cytoplasm. In this study, the development of a self-degradable lipid-like material that functions to accelerate the collapse of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and the release of RNA into cytoplasm is reported. The self-degradability is based on a unique reaction "Hydrolysis accelerated by intra-Particle Enrichment of Reactant (HyPER)." In this reaction, a disulfide bond and a phenyl ester are essential structural components: concentrated hydrophobic thiols that are produced by the cleavage of the disulfide bonds in the LNPs drive an intraparticle nucleophilic attack to the phenyl ester linker, which results in further degradation. An oleic acid-scaffold lipid-like material that mounts all of these units (ssPalmO-Phe) shows superior transfection efficiency to nondegradable or conventional materials. The insertion of the aromatic ring is unexpectedly revealed to contribute to the enhancement of endosomal escape. Since the intracellular trafficking is a sequential process that includes cellular uptake, endosomal escape, the release of mRNA, and translation, the improvement in each process synergistically enhances the gene expression.
  • Keisuke Ueda, Hitomi Okada, Zhijing Zhao, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 581 119300-119300 2020年5月15日  
    The potential for inhibiting recrystallization with Eudragit® L (EUD-L), hypromellose acetate succinate (HPMC-AS), and polyvinylpyrrolidone-co-vinylacetate (PVP-VA) on amorphous felodipine (FLD) at low polymer loading was investigated in this study. The physical stabilities of the FLD/polymer amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) were investigated through storage at 40 °C. The HPMC-AS and PVP-VA strongly inhibited FLD recrystallization, although EUD-L did not effectively inhibit the FLD recrystallization. The rotating frame 1H spin-lattice relaxation time (1H-T1ρ) measurement clarified that EUD-L was not well mixed with FLD in the ASD, which resulted in weak inhibition of recrystallization by EUD-L. In contrast, the HPMC-AS and PVP-VA were well mixed with the FLD in the ASDs. Solid-state 13C spin-lattice relaxation time (13C-T1) measurements at 40 °C showed that the molecular mobility of the FLD was strongly suppressed when mixed with polymer. The reduction in the molecular mobility of FLD was in the following order, starting with the least impact: FLD/EUD-L ASD, FLD/HPMC-AS ASD, and FLD/PVP-VA ASD. FLD mobility at the storage temperature, evaluated by 13C-T1, showed a good correlation with the physical stability of the amorphous FLD. The direct investigation of the molecular mobility of amorphous drugs at the storage temperature by solid-state NMR relaxation time measurement can be a useful tool in selecting the most effective crystallization inhibitor at low polymer loading.
  • Hitomi Okada, Keisuke Ueda, Yuki Yasuda, Kenjirou Higashi, Motoki Inoue, Masataka Ito, Shuji Noguchi, Kohsaku Kawakami, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 577(15) 119086-119086 2020年3月15日  査読有り
    We aimed to elucidate the dissolution mechanism of solid dispersions (SDs) according to the carrier polymers used. Nifedipine (NIF) and polymers dissolved simultaneously from NIF/Eudragit® S (EUD-S), NIF/Eudragit® L (EUD-L), and NIF/hypromellose (HPMC)/EUD-S spray-dried samples (SPDs). In contrast, NIF dissolved separately from polymers from NIF/HPMC and NIF/HPMC/EUD-L SPDs due to the formation of an amorphous NIF-rich interface. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy indicated that NIF-EUD interactions were stronger than NIF-HPMC interactions. NIF/HPMC SPD exhibited weak interactions; thus, it failed to inhibit phase separation during the dissolution process and control NIF dissolution. The hygroscopicity of SPDs was higher with HPMC mixing and increased substitution ratio of methacrylic acid in EUD. Moreover, solid-state NMR spectroscopy revealed that the NIF-EUD interactions were hindered to a large extent by the absorbed water. During the dissolution process of NIF/HPMC/EUD-L SPD, the introduction of water to the NIF-EUD-L interaction site could induce the phase separation and poor controllability of NIF dissolution. Water-induced phase separation should be considered based on molecular-level characterization to obtain SDs with enhanced drug dissolution. An investigation of the molecular state change caused by the absorbed water using solid-state NMR spectroscopy will be helpful in understanding the dissolution mechanism of SDs.
  • Wiwat Supasena, Chawanphat Muangnoi, Wuttinont Thaweesest, Chalermkiat Songkram, Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe, Somboon Tanasupawat, Pornchai Rojsitthisak
    Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 109(2) 1153-1160 2020年2月  
    Mycophenolic acid (MPA), an immunosuppressant drug, possesses antimicrobial, anticancer, and antipsoriatic activities. However, the use of MPA in therapeutic applications is limited to its poor oral bioavailability, low aqueous solubility, and undesired gastrointestinal side effects. Polymeric micelles are a drug delivery system that has been used to enhance the water solubility of pharmaceuticals. In this work, poloxamer 407 (P407) and MPA were conjugated via an ester linkage resulting in a P407-MPA conjugate. The P407-MPA conjugate was investigated for micellization, particle size, size distribution, MPA release in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and human plasma, and antipsoriatic activity. 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance suggested that polymeric micelles formed from the P407-MPA conjugate exposed its polyethylene oxide chain to the aqueous environment while restricting the conjugated MPA within the inner core. The P407-MPA conjugate has an improved micellization property with the over 12-fold lower critical micelle concentration compared to P407. The conjugate exhibited an enzyme-dependent sustained-release property in human plasma. Finally, the conjugate exhibited an improved antiproliferation activity in tumor necrosis factor-α-induced HaCaT cells, which is an in vitro psoriasis model. Therefore, the prepared P407-MPA conjugate, with an improved aqueous solubility and biological activity of MPA, has the potential to be further developed for psoriasis treatment.
  • Hiroki Tanaka, Tatsunari Takahashi, Manami Konishi, Nae Takata, Masaki Gomi, Daiki Shirane, Ryo Miyama, Shinya Hagiwara, Yuki Yamasaki, Yu Sakurai, Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe, Eiji Shinsho, Ruka Nishida, Kaori Fukuzawa, Etsuo Yonemochi, Koji Okuwaki, Yuji Mochizuki, Yuta Nakai, Kota Tange, Hiroki Yoshioka, Shinya Tamagawa, Hidetaka Akita
    Advanced Functional Materials 30(34) 2020年  査読有り
    © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaA, Weinheim RNA-based therapeutics is a promising approach for curing intractable diseases by manipulating various cellular functions. For eliciting RNA (i.e., mRNA and siRNA) functions successfully, the RNA in the extracellular space must be protected and it must be delivered to the cytoplasm. In this study, the development of a self-degradable lipid-like material that functions to accelerate the collapse of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and the release of RNA into cytoplasm is reported. The self-degradability is based on a unique reaction “Hydrolysis accelerated by intra-Particle Enrichment of Reactant (HyPER).” In this reaction, a disulfide bond and a phenyl ester are essential structural components: concentrated hydrophobic thiols that are produced by the cleavage of the disulfide bonds in the LNPs drive an intraparticle nucleophilic attack to the phenyl ester linker, which results in further degradation. An oleic acid-scaffold lipid-like material that mounts all of these units (ssPalmO-Phe) shows superior transfection efficiency to nondegradable or conventional materials. The insertion of the aromatic ring is unexpectedly revealed to contribute to the enhancement of endosomal escape. Since the intracellular trafficking is a sequential process that includes cellular uptake, endosomal escape, the release of mRNA, and translation, the improvement in each process synergistically enhances the gene expression.
  • Keisuke Ueda, Neo Yamamoto, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular pharmaceutics 16(12) 4968-4977 2019年12月2日  
    In the present study, the molecular state of drug-rich amorphous nanodroplets was evaluated using NMR techniques to reveal the mechanism underlying the crystallization inhibition of drug-rich amorphous nanodroplets by a polymer. Ibuprofen (IBP) with a low glass transition temperature was used for direct characterization of drug-rich amorphous nanodroplets. Highly supersaturated IBP formed IBP-rich amorphous nanodroplets through phase separation from aqueous solution. Increasing the concentration of hypromellose (HPMC) in the aqueous solution contributed to the inhibition of IBP crystallization and maintenance of supersaturation at IBP amorphous solubility. Solution 1H NMR measurements of IBP supersaturated solution containing IBP-rich amorphous nanodroplets clearly showed two kinds of 1H peaks derived from the dissolved IBP in bulk water phase and phase-separated IBP in IBP-rich amorphous nanodroplets. NMR spectral analysis indicated that HPMC did not affect the chemical environment and mobility of the dissolved IBP. However, 1H spin-spin relaxation time measurements clarified that the dissolved IBP in the bulk water phase was exchanged with the IBP-rich amorphous nanodroplets with an exchange lifetime of more than 10 ms. Moreover, the 1H peaks of HPMC partially disappeared due to the formation of IBP-rich amorphous nanodroplets, suggesting that a part of HPMC distributed into the IBP-rich amorphous nanodroplets from the bulk water phase. The incorporation of HPMC significantly changed the chemical environment of the phase-separated IBP in the IBP-rich amorphous nanodroplets and strongly suppressed molecular mobility. The resulting molecular mobility suppression effectively inhibited IBP crystallization from the IBP-rich amorphous nanodroplets. Thus, direct investigation of drug-rich amorphous nanodroplets using NMR can be a promising approach for selecting appropriate pharmaceutical excipients to suppress drug crystallization in supersaturated drug solutions.
  • Taeko Shinozaki, Makoto Ono, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 108(7) 2383-2390 2019年7月  
    Levofloxacin (LVFX), a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent from the fluoroquinolone family, is universally prescribed with antipyretics, including paracetamol (APAP) analogs. In this study, a new drug-drug cocrystal of LVFX and an APAP analog was developed using a grinding and heating approach. Among 9 APAP analogs, only metacetamol (AMAP) was able to form a cocrystal with LVFX, with a stoichiometric ratio of 1:1. This cocrystal was obtained from a eutectic melt of anhydrous LVFX and AMAP after complete desorption of water from LVFX hemihydrate. The crystal structure of the cocrystal was determined by single-crystal X-ray structural analysis. Unlike LVFX hydrates, the LVFX-AMAP cocrystal did not form a channel structure where water molecules reside in LVFX hydrates. Thus, the LVFX-AMAP cocrystal did not undergo hydration under high relative humidity conditions during vapor sorption-desorption analysis and physical stability tests. LVFX photostability was improved by cocrystallization when compared with that of the hemihydrate because of hydrogen bond formation between the hydroxyl group of AMAP and the N-methylpiperazine group of LVFX, which is possibly involved in LVFX photodegradation. The LVFX-AMAP cocrystal, which is superior to LVFX hydrates in both pharmacological and physicochemical properties, is expected to be a useful solid form.
  • Keisuke Ueda, Takaaki Iwai, Yushi Sunazuka, Ziqiao Chen, Nao Kato, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 564 39-47 2019年6月10日  
    We investigated the effect of variation in the molecular weight of hypromellose (HPMC) on the oral absorption of fenofibrate (FFB) nanocrystal. Four types of HPMC with different molecular weights and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) were used as dispersion stabilizers for FFB nanocrystal suspension. Wet-milling of FFB crystal with HPMC and SDS formed diamond-shaped FFB nanocrystals with approximately 150 nm diameter. HPMC was strongly adsorbed onto the FFB nanocrystal interface, and the amount of HPMC adsorbed was not dependent on the molecular weight of HPMC. However, the decrease in the molecular weight of adsorbed HPMC led to an improvement in the permeability of FFB nanocrystal through the mucin layer. The decrease in molecular weight of HPMC enhanced the flexibility of FFB nanocrystal interface and effectively inhibited its interaction with mucin. This led to faster diffusion of FFB nanocrystal through mucin. In vivo oral absorption studies showed rapid FFB absorption from FFB nanocrystal formulations using HPMC of low molecular weights. The present study revealed that the molecular weight of the dispersion stabilizer for drug nanocrystal formulation should be taken into consideration to achieve improved absorption of poorly water-soluble drugs after oral administration.
  • Yuya Ishizuka, Keisuke Ueda, Hitomi Okada, Junpei Takeda, Masatoshi Karashima, Koji Yazawa, Kenjirou Higashi, Kohsaku Kawakami, Yukihiro Ikeda, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular pharmaceutics 16(6) 2785-2794 2019年6月3日  
    The present study evaluated the specific intermolecular interactions between carbamazepine (CBZ) and substituents of hypromellose acetate succinate (HPMC-AS), as well as the mechanism of inhibition of recrystallization of solid dispersions (SDs) using Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. CBZ and HPMC derivatives, including HPMC, hypromellose acetate (HPMC-A), and hypromellose succinate (HPMC-S), were spray-dried to prepare CBZ/polymer spray-dried samples (SPDs). CBZ/HPMC SPD and CBZ/HPMC-A SPD recrystallized within 10 days at 60 °C and 0% relative humidity, whereas CBZ/HPMC-S SPD maintained its amorphous state for a longer period. FTIR and solid-state NMR measurements using 13C cross polarization (CP), 1H single-pulse, and 1H-15N CP-based heteronuclear single quantum correlation filter experiment with very fast magic angle spinning (MAS) at 70 kHz identified molecular interactions in CBZ/polymer SPDs. Although the HPMC backbone and substituents did not interact notably with CBZ and disrupt CBZ-CBZ intermolecular interactions (formed in the amorphous CBZ), acetate and succinate substituents on HPMC-A and HPMC-S disrupted CBZ-CBZ intermolecular interactions through formation of CBZ/polymer interactions. The acetate substituent formed a hydrogen bond with the NH2 group of CBZ, whereas the succinate substituent formed molecular interactions with both the C═O and NH2 groups of CBZ. Formation of relatively strong molecular interactions between CBZ and the succinate substituent followed by disruption of CBZ-CBZ intermolecular interactions effectively stabilized the amorphous state of CBZ in CBZ/HPMC-S SPD. The correlation between CBZ-polymer interactions and ability of polymers to effectively inhibit CBZ recrystallization is reflected in various commercial HPMC-AS. For example, HPMC-AS LF grade, containing higher amounts of the succinate group, was found to effectively inhibit the recrystallization of CBZ through strong molecular interactions as compared with the HPMC-AS HF grade. The present study demonstrated that a detailed investigation of molecular interactions between the drug and the polymer using FTIR and solid-state NMR spectroscopy could contribute to a suitable selection of the SD carrier.
  • Zhijing Zhao, Hiroaki Katai, Kenjirou Higashi, Keisuke Ueda, Kohsaku Kawakami, Kunikazu Moribe
    Molecular pharmaceutics 16(5) 2184-2198 2019年5月6日  
    In this study, the time-dependent evolution of amorphous probucol nanoparticles was characterized by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The nanoparticles were formed by dispersing ternary solid dispersions of probucol in water. Spray drying and cogrinding were used to prepare a spray-dried sample (SPD) and two ground-mixture samples (GM(I) and GM(II)) of probucol (PBC) form I and form II/hypromellose/sodium dodecyl sulfate ternary solid dispersions. The amorphization of PBC in the SPDs and GMs was confirmed using powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Additionally, differential scanning calorimetry showed that relatively small amounts of PBC nuclei or PBC-rich domains remained in both GMs. Then, the physical stability of drug nanoparticles formed after aqueous dispersion in the SPD and GM suspensions during storage at 40 °C was characterized. Cryogenic transmission electron microscopy was used to monitor the evolution of the amorphous PBC nanoparticles in the SPD and GM suspensions during storage. Spherical nanoparticles smaller than 30 nm were observed in all of the suspensions just after dispersion. The size of the particles in the SPD suspension gradually increased but remained on the order of nanometers and retained their spherical shape during storage. In contrast, both GM suspensions evolved through three morphologies, spherical nanoparticles that gradually increased in size, needle-like nanocrystals, and micrometer-sized crystals with various shapes. The evolution of the nanoparticles suggested that their stability in the GM suspension was lower than in the SPD suspension. PXRD analysis of the freeze-dried suspensions of the particles showed that the PBC in the nanoparticles of the SPD suspension was in the amorphous state just after dispersion, while a small fraction of the PBC in the nanoparticles of the GM suspension exhibited a crystal phase and selectively crystallized to its initial crystal form during storage. AFM force-distance curves also demonstrated the existence of crystal phase PBC in the spherical nanoparticles in the GM suspension just after dispersion. The molecular state of PBC in the ternary solid dispersion was dependent on the preparation method (either completely amorphized or incompletely amorphized with residual nuclei or drug-rich domains) and determined the potential mechanisms of PBC nanoparticle evolution after aqueous dispersion. These findings confirm the importance of the molecular state on the particle evolution and the physical stability of the drug nanoparticles in the suspension. Cryo-TEM and AFM measurements provide more direct insight for designing solid dispersion formulations to produce stable amorphous drug nanosuspensions that efficiently improve the solubility and bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs.
  • Keisuke Ueda, Kenjirou Higashi, Kunikazu Moribe
    International journal of pharmaceutics 561 82-92 2019年4月20日  
    Drug-rich amorphous nanodroplets have great potential to improve intestinal absorption of poorly water-soluble drugs. Spray-dried samples (SPDs) of glibenclamide (GLB) with hypromellose (HPMC) or hypromellose acetate succinate (HPMC-AS, grade AS-LF and AS-HF) were prepared to investigate how GLB-rich amorphous nanodroplets form during the dissolution of solid dispersions. The co-spray drying of AS-LF significantly enhanced GLB dissolution from the SPD, leading to the temporary formation of GLB-rich amorphous nanodroplets. However, the droplets gradually coarsened as AS-LF fails to inhibit coarsening. In contrast, the addition of HPMC to the SPD failed to aid GLB-rich amorphous nanodroplet formation during dissolution. The failure of formation of GLB-rich amorphous nanodroplet was caused by slow GLB dissolution, due to the poor controllability of the GLB dissolution by HPMC. The addition of AS-HF to the SPD produced amorphous GLB particles that contained a large amount of AS-HF during dissolution. Gel-like particles formed instead of GLB-rich amorphous nanodroplets. When the SPD containing AS-LF was dissolved in AS-HF solution, stably-dispersed GLB-rich amorphous nanodroplets were successfully formed owing to rapid GLB dissolution from the SPD containing AS-LF and strong coarsening inhibition by AS-HF. Formulation optimization considering both aqueous dissolution of the solid dispersion and the inhibition of nanodroplet coarsening achieved stably-dispersed drug-rich amorphous nanodroplets.





