中山 節子, 石川 五月, 飯塚 和子, 大竹 美登利
日本家庭科教育学誌 44(2) 137-145 2001年7月 査読有り筆頭著者
There would be some effect on students in building making their sense of gender from the textbooks. six kinds of Home Economics textbooks for senior high school student were analyzed in the area of Clothing, Nutrition and Housing, following the first report. The same method for this survey that we adopted in the first report was taken for this survey. The results were as follows : 1. Most of the words didn't indicate a particular sex. There was a tendency to consider gender biases. 2. The descriptions that consider gender were seen in most of the writing. However, some of the descriptions relating to historical evidence seemed to contain the biases. 3. Regarding illustrations, pictures and figures, there were many gender biases in the Clothing area and few gender biases in the Nutrition area.