
伊藤 彰一

イトウ ショウイチ  (Shoichi Ito)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院 医学教育学 教授
博士(医学)(2003年3月 千葉大学)







  • 荒木 信之, 鋪野 紀好, 笠井 大, 鎌田 雄, 木村 康彦, 高橋 在也, 横尾 英孝, 伊藤 彰一
    医学教育 53(Suppl.) 201-201 2022年7月  
  • 小野寺 みさき, 横尾 英孝, 木村 康彦, 朝比奈 真由美, 伊藤 彰一
    医学教育 53(Suppl.) 208-208 2022年7月  
  • 堀田 晶子, 木村 康彦, 松本 暢平, 小野寺 みさき, 横尾 英孝, 朝比奈 真由美, 泉谷 昌志, 伊藤 彰一, 江頭 正人
    医学教育 53(Suppl.) 217-217 2022年7月  
  • Hajime Kasai, Go Saito, Shoichi Ito, Ayaka Kuriyama, Chiaki Kawame, Kiyoshi Shikino, Kenichiro Takeda, Misuzu Yahaba, Toshibumi Taniguchi, Hidetoshi Igari, Seiichiro Sakao, Takuji Suzuki
    BMC medical education 22(1) 453-453 2022年6月12日  
    BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has induced an urgent need to train medical students not only in infection prevention control but also in the treatment of infectious diseases, including COVID-19. This study evaluates the impact of simulated clinical practice with peer role-plays and a lecture on clinical education for COVID-19. METHODS: The sample for the study included 82 fourth- and fifth-year medical students undergoing clinical clerkship in respiratory medicine. They answered questionnaires and participated in semi-structured focus group interviews (FGIs) regarding the advantages of simulated clinical practice with peer role-plays and lectures on clinical education for COVID-19. RESULTS: A total of 75 students participated in the COVID-19 education program between January and November 2021. The responses to the questionnaire revealed that the satisfaction level of students with COVID-19 education was high. No significant change was found among students concerning fear of COVID-19 before and after the program. The degree of burden of handling information on COVID-19 reduced significantly, while the degree with respect to the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), including appropriate wearing and removing of PPE, and care of patients with confirmed COVID-19 while taking steps to prevent infection, exhibited a decreasing trend. Nine FGIs were conducted (n = 74). The advantages of simulated clinical practice were segregated into five categories (infection prevention control, educational methods, burden on healthcare providers, self-reflection, and fear of COVID-19); and that of the lecture were segregated into four categories (information literacy, knowledge of COVID-19, educational methods, and self-reflection). CONCLUSIONS: Simulated clinical practice with peer role-plays and the lecture pertaining to COVID-19 can prove to be efficient and safe methods for learning about COVID-19 infection and prevention control for medical students. They can reduce the burden of COVID-19 patients' care. Moreover, they can also provide an opportunity for self-reflection, realize the burden of medical care, and acquire relevant information.
  • 中熊 日奈子, 鋪野 紀好, 岩崎 真奈, 高原 彩佳, 伊藤 彰一, 生坂 政臣
    日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会 13回 SP-16 2022年6月  
  • Kiyoshi Shikino, Narumi Ide, Yoko Kubota, Itsuko Ishii, Shoichi Ito, Masatomi Ikusaka, Ikuko Sakai
    BMC medical education 22(1) 408-408 2022年5月27日  
    BACKGROUND: Interprofessional collaborative practice competency (ICPC) is key to providing safe, high-quality, accessible, patient-centred care. Effective delirium management, particularly, requires a multi-component intervention, including the use of interprofessional teams at care point. This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of the flipped classroom approach for improving ICPC in simulation-based delirium case management. METHOD: An embedded mixed-methods study was designed to investigate the effects of the flipped classroom approach on health professionals' performance in delirium management. The study population comprised nine health professionals (three physicians, nurses, and pharmacists each). They used pre-class study materials about delirium management via a digital learning platform before a simulation case training session. A readiness assurance process test was conducted on key concepts, covered in the pre-class study material. Participants were randomly assigned to three teams, each of which included health professionals. Each team participated in a simulation case scenario. For the quantitative outcome measures, the Chiba Interprofessional Competency Scale (CICS29), a validated scale for measuring competencies of interprofessional practice, was used before, after, and three months after the educational intervention. The qualitative component consisted of a post-training questionnaire and semi-structured focused group interviews about the impact of the flipped classroom approach. RESULT: The CICS29 measured after the intervention and three months after was noted to be significantly higher than before the intervention. Three semi-structured focused group interviews were conducted (n=9), which, upon analysis revealed that the flipped classroom approach effected on four stages of Bloom's taxonomy level. A total of nine categories and 17 subcategories were identified corresponding to four levels of the revised Bloom's taxonomy: remember (1), understand (12), apply (23), and analyse (3). CONCLUSION: The simulation-based skill training using flipped classroom approach can be an effective method for improving ICPC for health professionals. In this approach, an elevated level of cognitive activity is practiced in the Bloom's taxonomy, and the participants worked on an application-based case simulation that promoted higher level learning and engagement in interprofessional collaborative practice. This approach also established a basic common language of delirium assessment and management, thus facilitating communication among health professionals and improving ICPC.
  • 酒井 郁子, 伊藤 彰一, 箭内 博子, 大島 拓, 新井 加代子, 竹内 純子
    看護管理 32(3) 218-226 2022年3月  
  • Kiyoshi Shikino, Mana Iwasaki, Ayaka Takahara, Naoki Kogayo, Shoichi Ito, Masatomi Ikusaka
    Journal of general and family medicine 23(2) 133-134 2022年3月  
  • 横尾 英孝, 熊谷 仁, 伊藤 彰一, 横手 幸太郎
    医学教育 53(1) 83-87 2022年2月  
  • 荒木信之, 横尾英孝, 伊藤彰一
    BRAIN and NERVE 74(2) 195-197 2022年2月  
  • Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Jiro Terada, Yu Shionoya, Shigeki Hirano, Tatsuya Yamamoto, Yoshitaka Yamanaka, Nobuyuki Araki, Ken Koshikawa, Hajime Kasai, Shinobu Ikeda, Jiaqi Wang, Kyosuke Koide, Shoichi Ito, Satoshi Kuwabara
    Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung 26(4) 1779-1789 2022年1月13日  
    PURPOSE: We aimed to evaluate sleep-related hypoventilation in multiple system atrophy (MSA) using polysomnography (PSG) with transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PtcCO2) monitoring. METHODS: This prospective study included 34 patients with MSA. Motor and autonomic function, neuropsychological tests, PSG with PtcCO2 monitoring, and pulmonary function tests were performed. Sleep-related hypoventilation disorder (SRHD) was defined according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders, third edition. RESULTS: Nine (27%) of the 34 patients met the diagnostic criteria of SRHD. Twenty-nine (85%) patients had sleep-related breathing disorders based on an Apnea-Hypopnea Index of ≥ 5/h. The patients with MSA and SRHD had a higher arousal index (p = 0.017) and obstructive apnea index (p = 0.041) than those without SRHD. There was no difference in the daytime partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood or respiratory function between MSA patients with and without SRHD. CONCLUSION: Sleep-related hypoventilation may occur in patients with MSA even with a normal daytime partial pressure of carbon dioxide. This can be noninvasively detected by PSG with PtcCO2 monitoring. SRBD and sleep-related hypoventilation are common among patients with MSA, and clinicians should take this into consideration while evaluating and treating this population.
  • 笠井 大, 田島 寛之, 齋藤 合, 鈴木 優毅, 鹿野 幸平, 日野 葵, 安部 光洋, 坂尾 誠一郎, 巽 浩一郎, 伊藤 彰一, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 11(1) 7-10 2022年1月  
  • 大西好宣, 中村絵里, 松本暢平, 伊藤彰一
    大学教育学会2022課題研究集会要旨集 2022年  
  • Jiaqi Wang, Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Hajime Yokota, Shigeki Hirano, Graham Cooper, Hiroki Mukai, Kenji Ohira, Kyosuke Koide, Shoichi Ito, Carsten Finke, Alexander U Brandt, Friedemann Paul, Satoshi Kuwabara
    PloS one 17(4) e0267024 2022年  
    BACKGROUND: The standardized T1-weighted/T2-weighted (sT1w/T2w) ratio for the middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP) has been reported to be sensitive for detecting degenerative changes in the cerebellar subtype of multiple system atrophy (MSA-C), even in the early stages. We aimed to investigate the diagnostic value of the MCP sT1w/T2w ratio for differentiating between MSA-C and spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA). METHODS: We included 32 MSA-C, 8 SCA type 3 (SCA3), 16 SCA type 6 (SCA6) patients, and 17 controls, and the MCP sT1w/T2w ratio was analyzed using a region-of-interest approach. The diagnostic performance of the MCP sT1w/T2w ratio in discriminating among MSA-C, SCA3, and SCA6 was assessed and compared with diagnosis based on visual interpretation of MCP hyperintensities and the "hot cross bun" (HCB) sign. RESULTS: MCP sT1w/T2w ratio values were markedly lower in patients with MSA-C than in those with SCA3, those with SCA6, and controls (p < 0.001). The MCP sT1w/T2w ratio showed high diagnostic accuracy for distinguishing MSA-C from SCA3 (area under curve = 0.934), SCA6 (area under curve = 0.965), and controls (area under curve = 0.980). The diagnostic accuracy of the MCP sT1w/T2w ratio for differentiating MSA-C from SCA3 or SCA6 (90.0% for MSA-C vs. SCA3, and 91.7% for MSA-C vs. SCA6) was comparable to or superior than that of visual interpretation of MCP hyperintensities (80.0-87.5% in MSA-C vs. SCA3 and 87.6-97.9% in MSA-C vs. SCA6) or the HCB sign (72.5-80.0% in MSA-C vs. SCA3 and 77.1-93.8% in MSA-C vs. SCA6). CONCLUSIONS: The MCP sT1w/T2w ratio might be a sensitive imaging-based marker for detecting MSA-C-related changes and differentiating MSA-C from SCA3 or SCA6.
  • 笠井 大, 田島 寛之, 齋藤 合, 鈴木 優毅, 鹿野 幸平, 日野 葵, 安部 光洋, 坂尾 誠一郎, 巽 浩一郎, 伊藤 彰一, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 11(1) 7-10 2022年1月  
  • Kyosuke Koide, Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Hajime Yokota, Hiroki Mukai, Jiaqi Wang, Keigo Nakamura, Sonoko Misawa, Shoichi Ito, Satoshi Kuwabara
    European neurology 85(2) 1-9 2021年9月28日  
    INTRODUCTION: This study assessed the morphological changes and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)-derived parameters of the brachial plexus using magnetic resonance neurography (MRN) in patients with anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (anti-MAG) neuropathy. METHODS: Eight patients with anti-MAG neuropathy underwent MRN of the brachial plexus with 3-dimensional (3D) short tau inversion recovery (STIR) and DTI sequences. Two neuroradiologists and a neurologist qualitatively assessed nerve hypertrophy on 3D STIR MRN. The cross-sectional area (CSA) of the nerve roots was measured. Quantitative analyses of fractional anisotropy (FA) and axial, radial, and mean diffusivity (AD, RD, and MD) were obtained after postprocessing on DTI and manual segmentation. RESULTS: There was nerve hypertrophy in 37.5% of the patients with anti-MAG neuropathy. All patients with anti-MAG neuropathy with nerve hypertrophy were refractory to rituximab therapy. The CSA of the nerve roots was inversely correlated with FA and positively correlated with MD and RD. FA decreased in the nerve roots and inversely correlated with disease duration. CONCLUSIONS: Nerve hypertrophy appears in the proximal portion of peripheral nerves, such as the brachial plexus, in patients with anti-MAG neuropathy. Altered diffusion in the nerve roots might be associated with the loss of myelin integrity due to the demyelination process in anti-MAG neuropathy.
  • 関口 陽太, 中口 俊哉, 河野 由貴子, 三浦 慶一郎, 笠井 大, 川田 奈緒子, 吉村 裕一郎, 伊藤 彰一, 朝比奈 真由美, 田邊 政裕
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 26(3) 160-168 2021年9月  査読有り
  • 笠井 大, 齋藤 合, 伊藤 彰一, 栗山 彩花, 大木 身知子, 加瀬 千鶴, 坂尾 誠一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    医学教育 52(Suppl.) 113-113 2021年7月  
  • 遠藤 悟史, 伊藤 彰一, 鋪野 紀好, 笠井 大, 横尾 英孝, 朝比奈 真由美, 松原 久裕
    医学教育 52(Suppl.) 173-173 2021年7月  
  • 松山 泰, 田川 まさみ, 高村 昭輝, 西屋 克己, 淺田 義和, 村岡 千種, 伊藤 彰一, 守屋 利佳, 清水 郁夫, 鈴木 康之, 藤崎 和彦, 日本医学教育学会医学教育専門家委員会
    医学教育 52(Suppl.) 104-104 2021年7月  
  • 小野寺 みさき, 高橋 在也, 横尾 英孝, 伊藤 彰一
    医学教育 52(Suppl.) 109-109 2021年7月  
  • 杉山 淳比古, 寺田 二郎, 平野 成樹, 山中 義崇, 横田 元, 向井 宏樹, 山本 達也, 伊藤 彰一, 桑原 聡
    パーキンソン病・運動障害疾患コングレスプログラム・抄録集 15回 76-76 2021年7月  
  • Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Hajime Yokota, Sonoko Misawa, Hiroki Mukai, Yukari Sekiguchi, Kyosuke Koide, Tomoki Suichi, Jun Matsushima, Takashi Kishimoto, Zen-Ichi Tanei, Yuko Saito, Shoichi Ito, Satoshi Kuwabara
    BMC neurology 21(1) 239-239 2021年6月24日  
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate the frequency and risk factors for cerebral artery stenosis and occlusion in patients with polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M-protein, and skin changes (POEMS) syndrome. METHODS: We reviewed results of magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) or computed tomography angiography (CTA) in 61 patients with POEMS syndrome seen between 2010 and 2017. Stenosis or occlusion was assessed in the initial MRA/CTA. Multivariate analysis was used to identify risk factors for artery stenosis/occlusion. In an autopsy case, pathologic examination was conducted of the occluded middle cerebral arteries. RESULTS: Stenosis (> 50 %) or occlusion of the major cerebral arteries was found in 29 (47.5 %) patients on the initial MRA/CTA. The internal carotid artery was involved most frequently (32.8 %), followed by the anterior (21.3 %) and middle (16.4 %) cerebral arteries. The basilar (1.3 %) and vertebral (3.6 %) arteries were rarely affected. Cerebral infarction developed in eight (13.1 %) patients. The serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) level was an independent predictor for stenosis/occlusion (odds ratio, 1.228; 95 % confidence interval, 1.042-1.447; P = 0.014). An autopsy study showed occluded middle cerebral arteries by fibrous and myxomatous thickening of intima with splitting of the internal elastic lamina. Follow-up MRA in 23 patients showed improved, worsened, and unchanged stenosis in 20.7 %, 8.7 %, and 69.6 %, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Cerebral large-vessel stenosis or occlusion is frequently seen in approximately half of patients with POEMS syndrome. Vasculopathy was related to serum VEGF levels and thereby disease activity. Assessment of cerebral vessels is recommended in these patients to improve management.
  • Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Hajime Yokota, Shigeki Hirano, Graham Cooper, Hiroki Mukai, Kyosuke Koide, Jiaqi Wang, Shoichi Ito, Carsten Finke, Alexander U Brandt, Friedemann Paul, Satoshi Kuwabara
    European radiology 31(6) 4277-4284 2021年6月  
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the use of a myelin-sensitive MRI contrast, the standardized T1-weighted/T2-weighted (sT1w/T2w) ratio, for detecting early changes in the middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP) in cerebellar subtype multiple system atrophy (MSA-C) patients. METHODS: We included 28 MSA-C patients, including a subset of 17 MSA-C patients within 2 years of disease onset (early MSA-C), and 28 matched healthy controls. T1w and T2w scans were acquired using a 3-T MR system. The sT1w/T2w ratio in MCP was analyzed using SPM12 by utilizing a region-of-interest approach in normalized space. The diagnostic performance of the MCP sT1w/T2w ratio in discriminating MSA-C and the subgroup of early MSA-C from the matched controls was assessed. Correlation analyses were performed to evaluate the relationship between the MCP sT1w/T2w ratio and other clinical parameters including the International Cooperative Ataxia Scale (ICARS) score for quantifying cerebellar ataxia. RESULTS: Compared to controls, the sT1w/T2w ratio in the MCP was markedly lower in all (p < 0.001) MSA-C patients and 17 early (p < 0.001) MSA-C patients. The MCP sT1w/T2w ratio had high sensitivity (96%) and specificity (100%) to distinguish MSA-C from controls (area under the curve = 0.99), even for the early MSA-C group (area under the curve = 0.99; sensitivity = 94%, specificity = 100%). The MCP sT1w/T2w ratio correlated with the ICARS score in early MSA-C. CONCLUSIONS: The sT1w/T2w ratio can detect MSA-C-related changes in the MCP, even in the early stages of the disorder, and could be a sensitive biomarker for MSA-C. KEY POINTS: • The sT1w/T2w ratio can detect MSA-C-related changes in the middle cerebellar peduncle, even in the early stages of the disorder. • The middle cerebellar peduncle sT1w/T2w ratio correlated with a cerebellar ataxia score in early MSA-C patients.
  • Hajime Kasai, Kiyoshi Shikino, Go Saito, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Yukiko Takahashi, Ayaka Kuriyama, Kazuhisa Tanaka, Misaki Onodera, Hidetaka Yokoh, Koichiro Tatusmi, Ichiro Yoshino, Masatomi Ikusaka, Seiichiro Sakao, Shoichi Ito
    BMC medical education 21(1) 149-149 2021年3月8日  
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a need for educational materials and methods that can replace clinical clerkships (CCs) for online simulated clinical practice (online-sCP). This study evaluates the impact of using simulated electronic health records (sEHR) for inpatients, and electronic problem-based learning (e-PBL) and online virtual medical interviews (online-VMI) for outpatients, for an online-sCP using a learning management system (LMS) and online meeting system facilitated by a supervising physician. METHODS: The sEHR was reviewed by medical students and subsequently discussed with a supervising physician using an online meeting system. In the e-PBL, medical students reviewed the simulated patients and discussed on the LMS. For the online-VMI, a faculty member acted as an outpatient and a student acted as the doctor. Small groups of students discussed the clinical reasoning process using the online meeting system. A mixed-method design was implemented. Medical students self-assessed their clinical competence before and after the online-sCP. They answered questionnaires and participated in semi-structured focus group interviews (FGIs) regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the practice. RESULTS: Forty-three students completed the online-sCP during May and June 2020. All students indicated significant improvement in all aspects of self-evaluation of clinical performance after the online-sCP. Students using sEHR reported significant improvement in writing daily medical records and medical summaries. Students using e-PBL and online-VMI reported significant improvement in medical interviews and counseling. Students also indicated CCs as more useful for learning associated with medical interviews, physical examinations, and humanistic qualities like professionalism than the online-sCP. Eight FGIs were conducted (n = 42). The advantages of online-sCP were segregated into five categories (learning environment, efficiency, accessibility, self-paced learning, and interactivity); meanwhile, the disadvantages of online-sCP were classified into seven categories (clinical practice experience, learning environment, interactivity, motivation, memory retention, accessibility, and extraneous cognitive load). CONCLUSIONS: Online-sCP with sEHR, e-PBL, and online-VMI could be useful in learning some of the clinical skills acquired through CC. These methods can be implemented with limited preparation and resources.
  • 杉山 淳比古, 平野 成樹, 横田 元, Cooper Graham, 小出 恭輔, Wang Jiaqi, 向井 宏樹, 伊藤 彰一, Finke Carsten, Brandt Alexander, Friedmann Paul, 桑原 聡
    パーキンソン病・運動障害疾患コングレスプログラム・抄録集 14回 116-116 2021年2月  
  • 笠井 大, 齋藤 合, 伊藤 彰一, 松本 暢平, 田島 寛之, 栗山 彩花, 高橋 由希子, 巽 浩一郎
    医学教育 51(4) 389-399 2020年8月  
  • 齋藤 合, 笠井 大, 伊藤 彰一, 田島 寛之, 巽 浩一郎
    医学教育 51(Suppl.) 103-103 2020年7月  
  • 横尾 英孝, 鋪野 紀好, 杉山 淳比古, 笠井 大, 若林 華恵, 塚本 知子, 神田 真人, 大西 俊一郎, 松本 暢平, 朝比奈 真弓, 伊藤 彰一
    医学教育 51(Suppl.) 88-88 2020年7月  
  • 関口 陽太, 中口 俊哉, 三浦 慶一郎, 笠井 大, 川田 奈緒子, 吉村 裕一郎, 伊藤 彰一, 朝比奈 真由美, 田邊 政裕
    医学教育 51(Suppl.) 189-189 2020年7月  
  • 熊谷 仁, 横尾 英孝, 朝比奈 真由美, 横手 幸太郎, 伊藤 彰一
    医学教育 51(Suppl.) 199-199 2020年7月  
  • 齋藤 佑一, 神田 正人, 伊藤 彰一, 朝比奈 真由美, 小林 欣夫
    医学教育 51(Suppl.) 201-201 2020年7月  
  • 松本 暢平, 朝比奈 真由美, 小野寺 みさき, 伊藤 彰一
    医学教育 51(Suppl.) 147-147 2020年7月  
  • 小野寺 みさき, 松本 暢平, 稲川 知子, 朝比奈 真由美, 伊藤 彰一
    医学教育 51(Suppl.) 219-219 2020年7月  
  • 齋藤 合, 笠井 大, 伊藤 彰一, 田島 寛之, 巽 浩一郎
    医学教育 51(Suppl.) 103-103 2020年7月  
  • 横尾 英孝, 鋪野 紀好, 杉山 淳比古, 笠井 大, 若林 華恵, 塚本 知子, 神田 真人, 大西 俊一郎, 松本 暢平, 朝比奈 真弓, 伊藤 彰一
    医学教育 51(Suppl.) 88-88 2020年7月  
  • 横尾英孝, 小野寺みさき, 高橋在也, 木村康彦, 稲川知子, 朝比奈真由美, 伊藤彰一
    医学教育 51(3) 336-337 2020年6月  査読有り最終著者
  • Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Hajime Yokota, Yoshitaka Yamanaka, Hiroki Mukai, Tatsuya Yamamoto, Shigeki Hirano, Kyosuke Koide, Shoichi Ito, Satoshi Kuwabara
    BMC neurology 20(1) 157-157 2020年4月27日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: The "hot cross bun" (HCB) sign, a cruciform hyperintensity in the pons on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has gradually been identified as a typical finding in multiple system atrophy, cerebellar-type (MSA-C). Few reports have evaluated the sensitivity of an HCB, including a cruciform hyperintensity and vertical line in the pons, which precedes a cruciform hyperintensity, in the early stages of MSA-C. Moreover, the difference in frequency and timing of appearance of an HCB between MSA-C and spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) has not been fully investigated. METHODS: This study investigated the time at which an HCB and orthostatic hypotension (OH) appeared in 41 patients with MSA-C, based on brain MRI and head-up tilt test. The MRI findings were compared with those of 26 patients with SCA3. The pontine signal findings on T2-weighted MRI were graded as 0 (no change), 1 (a vertical T2 high-intensity line), or 2 (a cruciform T2 high-intensity line), with grades 1 or 2 considered as an HCB. OH 30/15 was defined as a decrease in systolic blood pressure of > 30 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of > 15 mmHg. RESULTS: Among the 24 patients with MSA-C within 2 years from the onset of motor symptoms, an HCB was detected in 91.7%, whereas OH 30/15 was present in 60.0%. Among the 36 patients with MSA-C within 3 years from the onset of motor symptoms, a grade 2 HCB was detected in 66.7% of those with MSA-C but in none of those with SCA-3. CONCLUSIONS: HCB is a highly sensitive finding for MSA-C, even in the early stages of the disease. A grade 2 HCB in the early stage is an extremely specific finding for differentiating MSA-C from SCA-3.
  • 鋪野 紀好, 伊藤 彰一, 生坂 政臣
    医学教育 51(2) 133-137 2020年4月  
    身体診察は、医師の診療実践に不可欠な重要なスキルであるが、臨床実習では症例経験が場当たり的になる傾向にあり、系統立ててトレーニングする機会は十分ではない現状がある。そこで、疾患仮説に基づく身体診察の実践を目的に、臨床実習に参加している医学部4・5・6年生を主体とするサークル「General Medicine Interest Group(GMIG)」の取り組みを行なった。活動では近接性が高い反転授業と学習者相互学習による教育理論を取り入れ、発達の最近接発達領域、スキャフォールディングによる学習者の自律性を促し、効果的な身体診察スキル向上に有用な取り組みとなるため報告をする。(著者抄録)
  • Hidetaka Yokoh, Shoichi Ito
    The clinical teacher 17(1) 113-114 2020年2月  査読有り
  • 笠井 大, 齋藤 合, 伊藤 彰一, 松本 暢平, 田島 寛之, 栗山 彩花, 高橋 由希子, 巽 浩一郎
    医学教育 51(4) 389-399 2020年  
    <p>目的 : クリニカルクラークシップ (CC) における文献検索の現状と講義の効果を検証した. 方法 : 対象は2019年5〜12月に呼吸器内科CCに参加した医学生67名. CC中に文献検索に関するアンケートと講義を実施した. 結果 : 医学生はPubMedの使用頻度が多いが, 利用する文献は日本語教科書, ガイドラインが多く, 文献の吟味, 英語読解に困難を感じていた. また, 講義の前後で文献検索リテラシーの自己評価は有意に向上し, 課題への引用文献数が前年度から増加した. 結論 : 医学生は英語も含め文献検索は行うが文献の吟味や英語読解に困難を感じていた. また, 講義でも文献検索リテラシーの向上が得られる可能性が示唆された.</p>
  • 関口 陽太, 中口 俊哉, 村竹 虎和, 三浦 慶一郎, 川田 奈緒子, 吉村 裕一郎, 伊藤 彰一, 朝比奈 真由美, 田邊 政裕
    VR医学 16(1) 15-26 2020年1月  
  • 伊藤 彰一
    JACME Newsletter 5 5-6 2020年  
  • Hajime Kasai, Shoichi Ito, Hiroshi Tajima, Yukiko Takahashi, Yoriko Sakurai, Naoko Kawata, Harutoshi Sugiyama, Mayumi Asahina, Ikuko Sakai, Koichiro Tatsumi
    Medical teacher 42(1) 73-78 2020年1月  査読有り
    Background: Role-play (RP) and peer review (PR) are occasionally used in training and evaluating communication skills in clinical clerkship (CC). Thus, we evaluated the effect of combining RP and PR during student-oriented CC rounds.Methods: Clerkship students conducted medical interviews with and performed physical examinations on their patients, which were reviewed by five peer students who observed their performance while role-playing as senior physicians or patients' families. The peer reviewers then provided feedback to the students. The performance of the students was evaluated based on a mini-clinical evaluation exercise (Mini-CEX) and a professionalism mini-evaluation exercise (P-MEX) before and after the rounds by two attending physicians. After the CC, the students responded to questionnaires about the rounds.Results: Seventy-five students completed the rounds, and the duration of each round was 41.7 ± 7.1 min. Their communication skills and professionalism abilities on Mini-CEX and P-MEX showed significant improvement after the rounds. Improvements in medical interviewing and physical examinations were also noted. Additionally, the students recognized the importance of multiple viewpoints in patient care through experiences of the rounds.Conclusions: Combining RP and PR with CC rounds improves the students' clinical performance and professionalism and promotes their awareness of the importance of multiple viewpoints in patient care.
  • 横尾 英孝, 伊藤 彰一, 横手 幸太郎
    日本医師会雑誌 148(9) 1760-1761 2019年12月  査読有り
  • Hashizume Atsushi, Katsuno Masahisa, Suzuki Keisuke, Banno Haruhiko, Takeuchi Yu, Kawashima Motoshi, Suga Noriaki, Mano Tomoo, Araki Amane, Hijikata Yasuhiro, Hirakawa Akihiro, Sobue Gen, Sasaki H, Aoki M, Nakano I, Ito S, Mizusawa H, Yamamoto To, Hasegawa K, Miyajima H, Kanda N, Nakajima K, Tsujino A, Uchino M, Morita M, Kanai K
    JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 266(5) 1211-1221-1221 2019年5月  
  • 朝比奈 真由美, 井出 成美, 臼井 いづみ, 黒河内 仙奈, 酒井 郁子, 伊藤 彰一
    保健医療福祉連携 12(1) 32-33 2019年3月  査読有り
  • 関口 陽太, 中口 俊哉, 村竹 虎和, 三浦 慶一郎, 川田 奈緒子, 吉村 裕一郎, 伊藤 彰一, 朝比奈 真由美, 田邊 政裕
    生体医工学 57 S197_2-S197_2 2019年  査読有り
  • 中口 俊哉, 岩崎 翔子, 関口 陽太, 村竹 虎和, 三浦 慶一郎, 川田 奈緒子, 伊藤 彰一, 吉村 裕一郎, 朝比奈 真由美, 田邊 政裕
    臨床栄養 134(1) 46-51 2019年1月  査読有り
  • Kiyoshi Shikino, Shoichi Ito, Yoshiyuki Ohira, Kazutaka Noda, Mayumi Asahina, Masatomi Ikusaka
    Advances in medical education and practice 10 483-491 2019年  査読有り
    Objective: To evaluate a short-time simulation training seminar on how to handle difficult patients using professional simulated patients (SPs) such as actors. Participants: Sixty-three second-year residents at Chiba University Hospital between 2015 and 2017 who only attended the seminar once. Intervention: The participants were divided into small groups, each of which was assigned a supervisory doctor as facilitator. Those who were playing the doctor's role enacted a medical interview with an SP. After the interview, the facilitator, the SP, and the observing residents participated in a debriefing while watching a recorded video of the interview. Outcome measures: Pre- and post-seminar questionnaires using a 7-point Likert scale (from 1: strongly disagree to 7: strongly agree) were used to examine the differences in "confidence in ability to handle difficult patients" and "learning motivation to handle difficult patients". The two items examined by both pre- and post-seminar questionnaires, were analyzed by a paired t-test. The residents were also surveyed on their satisfaction with the seminar, acquisition of new knowledge, and impressions and comments (free-text answers). Results: The findings of the questionnaire showed a significant post-seminar increase in confidence (3.1±1.6 to 4.0±1.5 [p<0.01]) and learning motivation (5.3±1.8 to 5.8±1.5 [p<0.01]) as well as high levels of satisfaction (5.8±1.1) with the seminar and acquisition of knowledge (5.7±1.3). Some residents further reported that the seminar led to self-review and was valuable for their future clinical practice. Conclusion: Our seminar on how to handle difficult patients was perceived as effective, as evaluated by the questionnaire, despite the short duration of the session. Factors potentially contributing to this effectiveness include the use of actors as SPs and the post-interview debriefing with feedback from the SP, colleagues, and facilitator.













