
生水 真紀夫

シヨウズ マキオ  (Makio Shozu)


千葉大学真菌医学研究センター 進化生殖学 旧所属  千葉大学大学院医学研究院、金沢大学 医学部附属病院 特任教授 (名誉教授)





  • 岡山 潤, 尾本 暁子, 真田 道夫, 山地 沙知, 中田 恵美里, 井上 万里子, 田中 宏一, 長田 久夫, 生水 真紀夫
    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 49(2) 891-891 2013年6月  
  • 林田 弘美, 尾本 暁子, 真田 道夫, 岡山 潤, 森本 沙知, 中田 恵美里, 井上 万里子, 田中 宏一, 長田 久夫, 生水 真紀夫
    関東連合産科婦人科学会誌 50(2) 350-350 2013年5月  
  • Noriko Yamamoto, Takashi Kinoshita, Nijiro Nohata, Toshihiko Itesako, Hirofumi Yoshino, Hideki Enokida, Masayuki Nakagawa, Makio Shozu, Naohiko Seki
    International journal of oncology 42(5) 1523-32 2013年5月  
    Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. More than 275,100 women die from cervical cancer each year. Cervical squamous cell carcinoma (cervical SCC), one of the most frequent types of cervical cancers, is associated with high-risk human papilloma virus (HPV), although HPV infection alone may not be enough to induce malignant transformation. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), a class of small non-coding RNAs, regulate protein-coding gene expression by repressing translation or cleaving RNA transcripts in a sequence-specific manner. A growing body of evidence suggests that miRNAs contribute to cervical SCC progression, development and metastasis. miRNA expression signatures in SCC (hypopharyngeal SCC and esophageal SCC) revealed that miR-218 expression was significantly reduced in cancer tissues compared with adjacent non-cancerous epithelium, suggesting that miR-218 is a candidate tumor suppressor. The aim of this study was to investigate the functional significance of miR-218 in cervical SCC and to identify novel miR‑218-mediated cancer pathways in cervical SCC. Restoration of miR-218 significantly inhibited cancer cell migration and invasion in both HPV-positive and HPV-negative cervical SCC cell lines. These data indicated that miR-218 acts as a tumor suppressor in cervical SCC. Our in silico analysis showed that miR-218 appeared to be an important modulator of tumor cell processes through suppression of many targets, particularly those involved in focal adhesion signaling pathways. Gene expression data indicated that LAMB3, a laminin protein known to influence cell differentiation, migration, adhesion, proliferation and survival, was upregulated in cervical SCC clinical specimens, and silencing studies demonstrated that LAMB3 functioned as an oncogene in cervical SCC. The identification of novel tumor-suppressive miR-218-mediated molecular pathways has provided new insights into cervical SCC oncogenesis and metastasis.
  • 松下 一之, 宇津野 恵美, 小原 令子, 石川 博士, 長嶋 健, 清川 貴子, 生水 真紀夫, 野村 文夫
    家族性腫瘍 13(2) A38-A38 2013年5月  
  • 松下 一之, 宇津野 恵美, 石川 博士, 糸賀 栄, 長田 久夫, 長嶋 健, 西村 基, 澤井 摂, 別府 美奈子, 楯 真一, 清川 貴子, 高橋 葉子, 太田 聡, 中谷 行雄, 生水 真紀夫, 野村 文夫
    日本遺伝カウンセリング学会誌 34(2) 51-51 2013年5月  
  • 井上 万里子, 尾本 暁子, 加来 博志, 真田 道夫, 岡山 潤, 森本 沙知, 中田 恵美里, 鶴岡 信栄, 田中 宏一, 生水 真紀夫
    超音波医学 40(Suppl.) S670-S670 2013年4月  
  • Kazuyoshi Kato, Shinichi Tate, Kyoko Nishikimi, Makio Shozu
    Gynecologic oncology 129(1) 229-33 2013年4月  
    OBJECTIVE: Bladder dysfunction caused by autonomic nerve injury is a well-recognized complication of pelvic surgery. Modified posterior exenteration with or without nerve preservation was performed in patients with primary ovarian, tubal, peritoneal, and endometrial cancer. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the impact of this surgical technique on bladder function. METHODS: Among the 60 consecutive patients in whom modified posterior exenteration was performed, bilateral and unilateral nerve-sparing surgeries were performed in 43 (72%) and 15 (25%) patients, respectively. In the remaining 2 patients (3%), the pelvic autonomic nerves on both sides were sacrificed. Symptoms and bladder function after bilateral or unilateral nerve-sparing surgery were analyzed using standardized questionnaires before and 3 and 6 months after surgery. RESULTS: All patients with bilateral nerve-sparing surgery had sufficient micturition from the early postoperative period. Though 40% of the patients with unilateral nerve-sparing surgery had difficulty in spontaneous voiding and needed intermittent catheterization, voiding ability of them improved and no self-catheterization was required 3 months after surgery. The assessment of patient questionnaires suggested that bladder function was acceptable in both groups at 6 months. Patients with bilateral nerve-sacrificing surgery complained of neurogenic bladder requiring self-catheterization even 6 months after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary study showed that preservation of bladder function after modified posterior exenteration was feasible with a nerve sparing approach and that standardized outcome measures could be used to monitor this. However, careful follow-up is required. Future larger studies are needed to investigate pelvic autonomic nerve function.
  • 河原井 麗正, 川野 みどり, 柿沼 敏行, 石川 博士, 尾本 暁子, 生水 真紀夫
    千葉医学雑誌 89(2) 69-69 2013年4月  
  • 楯 真一, 錦見 恭子, 山本 憲子, 植原 貴史, 碓井 宏和, 三橋 暁, 生水 真紀夫, 加藤 一喜
    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌 31(2) 114-119 2013年4月  
    2000年から2011年の進行卵巣がん手術94例を標準術式中心の前期47例と拡大術式を積極的に採用した後期47例に分けて治療成績を比較した。progression free survival(PFS)は前期14.6ヵ月、後期21.2ヵ月と有意に改善した。治療内容は、前期でprimary debulking surgery(PDS)を6例、intervaldebulking surgery(IDS)を41例に行い、PFSはそれぞれ11ヵ月、15ヵ月と有意差はなかった。後期はPDSが15例、IDSが32例で、PFSはPDSでは中央値に達しておらず、IDSは21ヵ月であった。optimal rateは前期57.5%、後期89.4%で、PDSでは33.3%から93.3%に、IDSでは61%から87.5%に上昇した。術式は、前期で子宮全摘・両側付属器・大網切除(基本術式)が22例、基本術式+結腸切除が12例、基本術式+結腸・横隔膜全層分層切除(+膵尾部合併脾臓摘出)が1例、no debulking surgeryが12例、後期はそれぞれ3例、12例、28例、4例であった。
  • 真田 道夫, 尾本 暁子, 田中 宏一, 岡山 潤, 山地 沙知, 中田 恵美里, 井上 万里子, 長田 久夫, 生水 真紀夫
    関東連合産科婦人科学会誌 50(1) 221-226 2013年3月  
    1999〜2012年に当院で経験した子宮内反症9症例について,出血管理を中心に後方視的に検討した.全て産褥搬送例であり,搬送時の診断名は子宮内反症が4例,内反整復後の弛緩性出血が4例,弛緩性出血が1例であった.いずれも当院に到着後の診察で子宮内反症と診断された.胎盤娩出時に臍帯牽引が行われた症例が8例,胎盤用手剥離が行われた症例が2例あった.全例で全麻下の用手整復に成功した.この際,3例でIABO,1例で内腸骨動脈結紮,1例でUAEによる出血抑制が行われた.総出血量は,6,600g±3,500gで,全例にMAP(22±4.8単位)とFFP(21±4.2単位)輸血が実施されていた.全例にDICを認めたが,内反発症後すみやかに搬送された症例では,DICからの回復が早く総出血量が少ない傾向にあった.逆に,搬送が遅れ輸血開始までの時間が長かった2症例では,DICが遷延し予後が不良であった(出血性脳梗塞を来して神経症状を後遺した1例と母体死亡1例).当院到着直後のHb・shock index・産科DIC scoreは,搬送時に前医から伝達された推定総出血量とは全く相関を示さなかった.以上より,内反症整復後は内反の再発を念頭に管理にあたる必要がある,輸血の必要性の判断には前医より報告された推定総出血量よりshock indexなどを優先すべきであろうと考えられた.(著者抄録)
  • 中村 名律子, 碓井 宏和, 三橋 暁, 加藤 一喜, 楯 真一, 生水 真紀夫
    関東連合産科婦人科学会誌 50(1) 19-24 2013年3月  
  • 清川 貴子, 河原井 麗正, 岩本 雅美, 北井 里実, 楯 真一, 石川 博士, 碓井 宏和, 錦見 恭子, 生水 真紀夫
    関東連合産科婦人科学会誌 50(1) 239-246 2013年3月  
  • Shinsuke Akita, Nobuyuki Mitsukawa, Naoaki Rikihisa, Yoshitaka Kubota, Naoko Omori, Akira Mitsuhashi, Shinichi Tate, Makio Shozu, Kaneshige Satoh
    Plastic and reconstructive surgery 131(2) 283-290 2013年2月  
    BACKGROUND: Although early diagnosis is important for selecting an effective surgical treatment for secondary lymphedema, an efficient screening test for detecting early-stage lymphedema has not yet been established. Serial changes of lymphatic function before and after lymph node dissection and risk factors for secondary lymphedema are important indicators. METHODS: A prospective cohort observational study was conducted with 100 consecutive gynecologic cancer patients who underwent pelvic lymph node dissection. Lymphatic function was assessed by noninvasive lymphography using indocyanine green fluorescence imaging on a routine schedule. Earliest findings after lymphadenectomy and risk factors for lower leg lymphedema were investigated. RESULTS: Atypical transient dermal backflow patterns were observed in an early postoperative period in 50 cases, all of which disappeared within 3 months. Of these patterns, the splash pattern was observed in 31 patients, of which five improved to normal following a natural course. In contrast, the stardust pattern was observed in 27 patients, and none had improved with conservative therapy. Postoperative radiotherapy was a significant risk factor for the stardust pattern. CONCLUSIONS: All patients who undergo lymphadenectomy for gynecologic malignancies should be examined for secondary lower extremity lymphedema by qualitative evaluation methods on a routine schedule to determine the earliest possible diagnosis. Because the splash pattern on indocyanine green lymphography is a reversible lymphatic disorder following a natural course, surgical treatments are not recommended. The decision regarding surgical treatment can be made after observing the stardust pattern. CLINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Diagnostic, IV.
  • 石川 博士, 川野 みどり, 王 桂文, 河原井 麗正, 大見 健二, 生水 真紀夫
    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 65(2) 545-545 2013年2月  
  • Nobuhide Tsuruoka, Masafumi Arima, Nobuya Yoshida, Seiji Okada, Akemi Sakamoto, Masahiko Hatano, Hisae Satake, Eggi Arguni, Ji-Yang Wang, Jing-Hua Yang, Kazuko Nishikura, Souei Sekiya, Makio Shozu, Takeshi Tokuhisa
    The Journal of biological chemistry 288(2) 826-36 2013年1月11日  
    Somatic mutations accumulate in senescent cells. Bcl6, which functions as a transcriptional repressor, has been identified as a potent inhibitor of cell senescence, but a role of Bcl6 in the accumulation of somatic mutations has remained unclear. Ig class-switch recombination simultaneously induces somatic mutations in an IgM class-switch (Ig-Sμ) region of IgG B cells. Surprisingly, mutations were detected in the Ig-Sμ region of Bcl6-deficient IgM B cells without class-switch recombination, and these mutations were mainly generated by conversion of adenosine to guanosine, suggesting a novel DNA mutator in the B cells. The ADAR1 (adenosine deaminase acting on RNA1) gene was overexpressed in Bcl6-deficient cells, and its promoter analysis revealed that ADAR1 is a molecular target of Bcl6. Exogenous ADAR1 induced adenosine-targeted DNA mutations in IgM B cells from ADAR1-transgenic mice and in wild-type mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). These mutations accumulated in senescent MEFs accompanied with endogenous ADAR1 expression, and the frequency in senescent Bcl6-deficient MEFs was higher than senescent wild-type MEFs. Thus, Bcl6 protects senescent cells from accumulation of adenosine-targeted DNA mutations induced by ADAR1.
  • Ichiro Tatsuno, Takashi Terano, Mitsugu Nakamura, Kiminori Suzuki, Kazuko Kubota, Jyunichi Yamaguchi, Tomohiko Yoshida, Sawako Suzuki, Tomaki Tanaka, Makio Shozu
    Endocrine journal 60(5) 643-50 2013年  
    Osteoporosis causes an enormous health and economic impact in Japan. We investigated the relation between lifestyle and bone fracture in middle-aged and elderly women. This was a population-based, multicenter, cross-sectional survey for postmenopausal osteoporosis in Chiba City, Japan (Chiba bone survey). This survey included 64,809 Japanese women aged > 40 years. All participants underwent anthropometric measurements including bone mineral density (BMD) and completed a structured, nurse-assisted, self-administered questionnaire also including patient lifestyle. Bone fracture during the recent 5 years was observed in 5.3%, and the fracture group had significantly higher age, BMI, and prevalence of delivery, family histories of kyphosis and hip fracture, diabetes mellitus (DM), dyslipidemia, kidney disease, exercise, fall, and osteoporosis, and had significantly lower BMD and proportion of menstruating participants. Logistic regression analysis revealed that bone fracture was closely associated with not only low bone mass but also age, fall, family histories of kyphosis and hip fracture, DM, kidney disease, menopause, and lifestyle factors of dieting, exercise, and alcohol. Women's health care focusing on lifestyle-related fracture risks such as dieting, exercise, and alcohol appears necessary to prevent bone fracture in postmenopausal osteoporosis.
  • Naoya Kanogawa, Tatsuo Kanda, Masayuki Ohtsuka, Masato Nakamura, Tatsuo Miyamura, Shin Yasui, Makoto Arai, Hitoshi Maruyama, Keiichi Fujiwara, Makio Shozu, Shigeto Oda, Masaru Miyazaki, Osamu Yokosuka
    Case reports in transplantation 2013 309545-309545 2013年  
    Acute liver failure (ALF) during pregnancy remains difficult to treat, and despite advances in treatment, liver transplantation must be selected as treatment option in certain cases. We report a 30-year-old woman with ALF of unknown etiology, occurring during the first trimester of pregnancy. Her condition was complicated by consciousness disturbance and coagulopathy due to ALF, but she was successfully treated with living donor liver transplantation 7 days after dilatation and curettage. At 9-month followup, she was in good medical condition. Liver transplantation has been reported as one of the treatment options for ALF during pregnancy with the prognosis varying depending on the trimester, from living donor or deceased donor liver transplantation. Of importance is that clinicians always think of emergent liver transplantation as a therapeutic option in ALF even in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Osamu Miyauchi, Katsuro Iwase, Kanako Itoh, Masaki Kato, Naohiko Seki, Olivier Braissant, Claude Bachmann, Makio Shozu, Souei Sekiya, Hisao Osada, Masaki Takiguchi
    PloS one 8(11) e79236 2013年  
    Innate immune responses play a central role in neuroprotection and neurotoxicity during inflammatory processes that are triggered by pathogen-associated molecular pattern-exhibiting agents such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and that are modulated by inflammatory cytokines such as interferon γ (IFNγ). Recent findings describing the unexpected complexity of mammalian genomes and transcriptomes have stimulated further identification of novel transcripts involved in specific physiological and pathological processes, such as the neural innate immune response that alters the expression of many genes. We developed a system for efficient subtractive cloning that employs both sense and antisense cRNA drivers, and coupled it with in-house cDNA microarray analysis. This system enabled effective direct cloning of differentially expressed transcripts, from a small amount (0.5 µg) of total RNA. We applied this system to isolation of genes activated by LPS and IFNγ in primary-cultured cortical cells that were derived from newborn mice, to investigate the mechanisms involved in neuroprotection and neurotoxicity in maternal/perinatal infections that cause various brain injuries including periventricular leukomalacia. A number of genes involved in the immune and inflammatory response were identified, showing that neonatal neuronal/glial cells are highly responsive to LPS and IFNγ. Subsequent RNA blot analysis revealed that the identified genes were activated by LPS and IFNγ in a cooperative or distinctive manner, thereby supporting the notion that these bacterial and cellular inflammatory mediators can affect the brain through direct but complicated pathways. We also identified several novel clones of apparently non-coding RNAs that potentially harbor various regulatory functions. Characterization of the presently identified genes will give insights into mechanisms and interventions not only for perinatal infection-induced brain damage, but also for many other innate immunity-related brain disorders.
  • 生水 真紀夫, 深見 真紀, 確井 宏和, 原田 信宏, 横田 千津子, 花木 啓一, 野口 眞三郎
    日本内分泌学会雑誌 88(3) 975-975 2012年12月  
  • Mitsuhashi A, Uno T, Usui H, Nishikimi K, Yamamoto N, Watanabe M, Tate S, Hirashiki K, Kato K, Yamazawa K, Shozu M
    Int J Gynecol Cancer 23(8) 1453-1458 2012年12月  査読有り
  • 立花 美津子, 河西 十九三, 黒川 祐子, 大木 洋子, 早田 篤子, 藤澤 武彦, 三橋 暁, 生水 真紀夫
    調査研究ジャーナル 1(1) 12-17 2012年11月  
  • 田中 宏一, 伊藤 道博, 鳥越 美洋, 生水 真紀夫
    検査と技術 40(11) 1266-1271 2012年10月  
  • 柿沼 敏行, Dyson Matthew, Monsivais Diana, 小野 政徳, Bulun Serdar, 生水 真紀夫
    日本生殖医学会雑誌 57(4) 313-313 2012年10月  
  • 河原井 麗正, 石川 博士, 金谷 裕美, 川野 みどり, 木原 真紀, 齋藤 佳子, 田中 知明, 生水 真紀夫
    日本生殖医学会雑誌 57(4) 294-294 2012年10月  
  • 柿沼 敏行, 新井 隆成, 生水 真紀夫
    日本女性医学学会雑誌 20(Suppl.) 126-126 2012年9月  
  • 柿沼 敏行, Dyson Matthew T., Monsivais Diana, 小野 政徳, Bulun Serdar E., 生水 真紀夫
    日本内分泌学会雑誌 88(2) 743-744 2012年9月  
  • 石川 博士, 吉富 秀幸, 阿久津 泰典, 吉田 成利, 川村 幸治, 花澤 豊行, 亀田 典宏, 横山 裕一, 生水 真紀夫
    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌 28(1) 179-179 2012年8月  査読有り
  • 金子 明夏, 尾本 暁子, 真田 道夫, 岡山 潤, 中田 恵美里, 井上 万里子, 田中 宏一, 長田 久夫, 生水 真紀夫
    関東連合産科婦人科学会誌 49(3) 414-414 2012年8月  
  • 奥谷 理恵, 尾本 暁子, 岡山 潤, 真田 道夫, 山地 沙知, 中田 恵美里, 井上 万里子, 田中 宏一, 長田 久夫, 生水 真紀夫
    関東連合産科婦人科学会誌 49(3) 446-446 2012年8月  
  • 河原井 麗正, 石川 博士, 藤田 真紀, 金谷 裕美, 川野 みどり, 生水 真紀夫
    関東連合産科婦人科学会誌 49(3) 461-461 2012年8月  
  • 石川 博士, 山地 沙知, 鈴木 義也, 碓井 宏和, 三橋 暁, 生水 真紀夫
    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌 28(1) 358-362 2012年8月  
  • Kihara M, Usui H, Tanaka H, Inoue H, Matsui H, Shozu M
    J Reprod Med 57(7) 325-328 2012年7月  査読有り
  • 田中 宏一, 尾本 暁子, 井上 万里子, 中田 恵美里, 山地 沙知, 真田 道夫, 岡山 潤, 鶴岡 信栄, 木原 真紀, 長田 久夫, 生水 真紀夫
    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 48(2) 367-367 2012年6月  
  • 真田 道夫, 尾本 暁子, 田中 宏一, 山地 沙知, 中田 恵美里, 井上 万里子, 木原 真紀, 岡山 潤, 長田 久夫, 生水 真紀夫
    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 48(2) 375-375 2012年6月  
  • 佐藤 明日香, 尾本 暁子, 真田 道夫, 岡山 潤, 山地 沙知, 中田 恵美里, 井上 万里子, 田中 宏一, 長田 久夫, 生水 真紀夫, 岩倉 英雄
    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 48(2) 379-379 2012年6月  
  • 木原 真紀, 山本 憲子, 真田 道夫, 中田 恵美里, 加来 博志, 山地 沙知, 井上 万里子, 尾本 暁子, 田中 宏一, 長田 久夫, 生水 真紀夫
    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 48(2) 476-476 2012年6月  
  • 山地 沙知, 岡山 潤, 真田 道夫, 中田 恵美里, 鶴岡 信栄, 井上 万里子, 尾本 暁子, 田中 宏一, 長田 久夫, 生水 真紀夫, 後藤 俊二, 加藤 英二
    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 48(2) 549-549 2012年6月  
  • 長田 久夫, 田中 宏一, 尾本 暁子, 井上 万里子, 中田 恵美里, 山地 沙知, 生水 真紀夫
    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 48(2) 583-583 2012年6月  
  • 碓井 宏和, 生水 真紀夫
    日本臨床 70(増刊4 婦人科がん) 716-720 2012年6月  
  • 長田 久夫, 田中 宏一, 中田 恵美里, 井上 万里子, 尾本 暁子, 生水 真紀夫
    日本遺伝カウンセリング学会誌 33(2) 96-96 2012年5月  
  • Kizaki S, Matsui H, Usui H, Shozu M, Hanawa S, Yamamoto E, Kikkawa F
    J Reprod Med 57(5) 243-248 2012年5月  査読有り
  • Furuya M, Okuda M, Usui H, Takenouchi T, Kami D, Nozawa A, Shozu M, Umezawa A, Takahashi T, Aoki I
    Int J Gynecol Pathol 31(3) 227-235 2012年5月  査読有り
  • 石川 博士, 田中 宏一, 尾本 暁子, 生水 真紀夫
    産科と婦人科 79(3) 289-293 2012年3月  
  • 河原井 麗正, 大見 健二, 小野 亜希子, 西脇 哲二, 生水 真紀夫, 岩崎 秀昭
    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 64(2) 636-636 2012年2月  
  • 錦見 恭子, 楯 真一, 清川 貴子, 平敷 好一郎, 海野 洋一, 伊澤 美彦, 田中 尚武, 真田 道夫, 岩崎 秀昭, 山本 憲子, 松井 英雄, 松本 玲子, 佐久間 有加, 遠藤 信夫, 河原井 麗正, 神山 正明, 嘉藤 貴子, 河田 誠, 黒田 香織, 岡嶋 祐子, 生水 真紀夫, 房総婦人科腫瘍グループ
    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 64(2) 580-580 2012年2月  
  • 平島 聡子, 井上 万里子, 中田 恵美理, 山地 沙知, 岡山 潤, 真田 道夫, 田中 宏一, 尾本 暁子, 長田 久夫, 生水 真紀夫
    千葉産科婦人科学会雑誌 5(2) 94-94 2012年1月  
  • Takekazu Miyoshi, Yasuki Maeno, Haruhiko Sago, Noboru Inamura, Satoshi Yasukohchi, Motoyoshi Kawataki, Hitoshi Horigome, Hitoshi Yoda, Mio Taketazu, Makio Shozu, Motoki Nii, Hitoshi Kato, Satoshi Hayashi, Asako Hagiwara, Akiko Omoto, Wataru Shimizu, Isao Shiraishi, Heima Sakaguchi, Kunihiro Nishimura, Keiko Ueda, Shinji Katsuragi, Tomoaki Ikeda
    Circulation Journal 76(2) 469-476 2012年  査読有り
    Background: There are few large studies of fetal congenital bradyarrhythmia. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects and risks of transplacental treatment for this condition. Methods and Results: Using questionnaires, 128 cases of fetal bradyarrhythmia were identified at 52 Japanese institutions from 2002 to 2008. Of the 128 fetuses, 90 had structurally normal hearts. Among these 90 fetuses, 61 had complete atrioventricular block (CAVB), 16 had second-degree AVB, 8 had sinus bradycardia, and 5 had other conditions. The 61 CAVB fetuses were divided into those who did (n=38) and those who did not (n=23) receive transplacental medication. Monotherapy with β-sympathomimetics, steroid monotherapy, and combination therapy with these agents was given in 11, 5 and 22 cases, respectively. Beta-sympathomimetics improved bradycardia (P&lt 0.001), but no medication could significantly improve the survival rate. Fetal hydrops was associated with a 14-fold increased risk of perinatal death (P=0.001), and myocardial dysfunction was a significant risk factor for poor prognosis (P=0.034). Many adverse effects were observed with steroid treatment, with fetal growth restriction increasing significantly after &gt 10 weeks on steroids (P=0.043). Conclusions: Treatment with β-sympathomimetics improved bradycardia, but survival rate did not differ significantly in fetuses with and without transplacental medication. It is recommended that steroid use should be limited to &lt 10 weeks to avoid maternal and fetal adverse effects, especially fetal growth restriction and oligohydramnios.
  • Hiroshi Ishikawa, Takako Kiyokawa, Tomozumi Takatani, Wang Gui Wen, Makio Shozu
    American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(1) e14-e16 2012年1月  査読有り
    We report a case of sex cord tumor with annular tubules featuring a giant multilocular cyst, grossly similar to cystadenoma, in the ovary of an 8.5 year old girl. Estrogen-related symptoms, including precocious puberty and irregular uterine bleeding, immediately improved after tumor resection.
  • 佐藤 美香, 尾本 暁子, 山地 沙知, 田中 宏一, 井上 万里子, 長田 久夫, 生水 真紀夫
    関東連合産科婦人科学会誌 48(4) 477-481 2011年11月  
  • 錦見 恭子, 楯 真一, 清川 貴子, 平敷 好一郎, 海野 洋一, 伊澤 美彦, 田中 尚武, 真田 道夫, 山本 憲子, 松本 玲子, 佐久間 有加, 河原井 麗正, 嘉藤 貴子, 黒田 香織, 生水 真紀夫, 房総婦人科腫瘍グループ
    日本癌治療学会誌 46(2) 779-779 2011年9月  


  • 小林達也, 錦見恭子, 三橋暁, 三橋暁, 松岡歩, 大塚聡代, 楯真一, 生水真紀夫, 碓井宏和, 甲賀かをり
    日本遺伝子診療学会大会プログラム・抄録集 30th 2023年  
  • 中本博美, 石川博士, 石川博士, 秦利衣, 廣澤聡子, 佐藤美香, 長澤亜希子, 鈴木義也, 岡山潤, 中田恵美里, 中田恵美里, 尾本暁子, 尾本暁子, 高田章代, 太田昌幸, 甲賀かをり, 甲賀かをり, 生水真紀夫, 生水真紀夫, 生水真紀夫
    関東連合産科婦人科学会誌(Web) 60(4) 2023年  
  • 今田 寛, 高谷 具純, 吉川 聡子, 菱木 知郎, 市川 智彦, 生水 真紀夫, 濱田 洋通
    日本小児科学会雑誌 126(11) 1535-1536 2022年11月  
  • 小川 道, 橋本 佐, 石井 宏樹, 関 亮太, 佐藤 愛子, 橘 真澄, 木村 敦史, 遠藤 真美子, 斎藤 直樹, 田中 麻未, 渡邉 博幸, 森 恵美, 佐藤 泰憲, 岡山 潤, 生水 真紀夫, 中里 道子, 伊豫 雅臣
    日本周産期メンタルヘルス学会学術集会抄録集 17回 87-87 2021年10月  
  • 渡利 英道, 生水 真紀夫, 小松 宏彰, 井平 圭, 岩瀬 春子, 馬詰 武, 草開 妙, 甲賀 かをり, 近藤 英治, 関根 正幸, 中川 慧, 西ヶ谷 順子, 長谷川 潤一, 馬場 長, 林 昌子, 山上 亘, 伊東 優, 植田 彰彦, 上田 遥香, 大澤 有姫, 小野寺 洋平, 櫻木 俊秀, 品川 真奈花, 下地 裕子, 末光 徳匡, 杉田 洋佑, 玉田 祥子, 玉内 学志, 中野 和俊, 平山 貴士, 廣瀬 佑輔, 細川 義彦, 松尾 光徳, 的場 優介, 眞山 学徳, 日本産科婦人科学会産婦人科未来委員会
    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 72(9) np1-np38 2020年9月  

