
田中 繁

タナカ シゲル  (Tanaka Shigeru)


千葉大学 医学部附属病院
医学博士(2014年3月 千葉大学)






  • Takahiro Kageyama, Takashi Ito, Shigeru Tanaka, Hiroshi Nakajima
    Seminars in Immunopathology 2024年3月7日  査読有り招待有り
    Abstract The lungs serve as the primary organ for respiration, facilitating the vital exchange of gases with the bloodstream. Given their perpetual exposure to external particulates and pathogens, they possess intricate protective barriers. Cellular adhesion in the lungs is robustly maintained through tight junctions, adherens junctions, and desmosomes. Furthermore, the pulmonary system features a mucociliary clearance mechanism that synthesizes mucus and transports it to the outside. This mucus is enriched with chemical barriers like antimicrobial proteins and immunoglobulin A (IgA). Additionally, a complex immunological network comprising epithelial cells, neural cells, and immune cells plays a pivotal role in pulmonary defense. A comprehensive understanding of these protective systems offers valuable insights into potential pathologies and their therapeutic interventions.
  • Shigeru Tanaka, Takuya Yamamoto, Arifumi Iwata, Masahiro Kiuchi, Kota Kokubo, Tomohisa Iinuma, Takahiro Sugiyama, Toyoyuki Hanazawa, Kiyoshi Hirahara, Kei Ikeda, Hiroshi Nakajima
    Arthritis research & therapy 26(1) 55-55 2024年2月20日  
    OBJECTIVES: IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a systemic autoimmune disease with an unknown etiology, affecting single/multiple organ(s). Pathological findings include the infiltration of IgG4-producing plasma cells, obliterative phlebitis, and storiform fibrosis. Although immunological studies have shed light on the dysregulation of lymphocytes in IgG4-RD pathogenesis, the role of non-immune cells remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the demographics and characteristics of non-immune cells in IgG4-RD and explore potential biomarkers derived from non-immune cells in the sera. METHODS: We conducted single-cell RNA sequence (scRNA-seq) on non-immune cells isolated from submandibular glands of IgG4-RD patients. We focused on fibroblasts expressing collagen type XV and confirmed the presence of those fibroblasts using immunohistochemistry. Additionally, we measured the levels of collagen type XV in the sera of IgG4-RD patients. RESULTS: The scRNA-seq analysis revealed several distinct clusters consisting of fibroblasts, endothelial cells, ductal cells, and muscle cells. Differential gene expression analysis showed upregulation of COL15A1 in IgG4-RD fibroblasts compared to control subjects. Notably, COL15A1-positive fibroblasts exhibited a distinct transcriptome compared to COL15A1-negative counterparts. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed a significant presence of collagen type XV-positive fibroblasts in IgG4-RD patients. Furthermore, immune-suppressive therapy in active IgG4-RD patients resulted in decreased serum levels of collagen type XV. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that collagen type XV-producing fibroblasts may represent a disease-characterizing non-immune cell population in IgG4-RD and hold potential as a disease-monitoring marker.
  • Shunjiro Kurihara, Kotaro Suzuki, Masaya Yokota, Takashi Ito, Yuki Hayashi, Ryo Kikuchi, Takahiro Kageyama, Kazuyuki Meguro, Shigeru Tanaka, Arifumi Iwata, Yoshiyuki Goto, Akira Suto, Hiroshi Nakajima
    Biomolecules 14(1) 89-89 2024年1月10日  査読有り
  • Junichi Ishikawa, Akira Suto, Kazuya Abe, Yuki Hayashi, Kensuke Suga, Shigeru Tanaka, Takahiro Kageyama, Arifumi Iwata, Kazumasa Suzuki, Kotaro Suzuki, Hiroshi Nakajima
    Frontiers in Immunology 14 2023年8月18日  
    Murine IL-17-producing γδT (γδT17) cells are divided into two subsets: natural γδT17 (nγδT17) cells, whose development is restricted to the fetal thymus, and inducible γδT17 cells, which require antigen exposure for their IL-17 production and are presumed to develop from Rorc+Il17a-CCR9+ immature γδT17 cells in the adult thymus and whose T cell receptor (TCR) is biased toward Vγ4. Although IL-23 is known to be involved in developing γδT17 cells, the roles of other cytokines, such as IL-21, which is involved in developing Th17 cells like IL-23, in the development, maintenance, and pathophysiology of γδT17 cells remain unknown. Here, we show that IL-21 is dispensable for the fetal thymic development of nγδT17 cells but is required for the peripheral maintenance of Vγ4+nγδT17 cells. Upon stimulation with γδTCR, IL-1 plus IL-21 induces the proliferation of Vγ4+nγδT17 cells via STAT3 as effectively as IL-1 plus IL-23. Using bone marrow chimeric mice, we demonstrated that immature γδT17 cells are produced de novo in the adult mice from donor adult bone marrow cells and that IL-21 is dispensable for their development. Instead, IL-21 is required to expand newly induced Vγ4+γδT17 cells in the periphery upon immunization. Finally, using adoptive transfer experiments of γδT17 cells, we found that IL-21 receptors on γδT17 cells are involved in maintaining Vγ4+γδT17 cells, subsequent infiltration of Th17 cells into the spinal cord, and exacerbation of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Collectively, IL-21 plays a vital role in the maintenance and pathogenesis of Vγ4+γδT17 cells.
  • Shigeru Tanaka, Keishi Etori, Koto Hattori, Jun Tamura, Kei Ikeda, Takahiro Kageyama, Kazuyuki Meguro, Taro Iwamoto, Arifumi Iwata, Shunsuke Furuta, Akira Suto, Kotaro Suzuki, Hiroshi Nakajima
    Modern rheumatology 2023年7月31日  
    OBJECTIVE: Predicting the efficacy of biological disease-modifying anti-rhematic drugs (bDMARDs) is challenging. In this study, we aimed to explore markers that predict the efficacy of abatacept in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. METHODS: Thirty RA patients receiving abatacept were recruited, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from the participants were subjected to DNA microarray analysis. The expression of CCR4, which was selected by the result of DNA microarray, was determined by flow cytometry in 16 newly diagnosed treatment-naïve RA patients. CCR4 expression on each helper T cell subset was also measured. RESULTS: CCR4 was upregulated in the abatacept responder. The expression levels of CCR4 were significantly correlated with the improvement of clinical disease activity index (CDAI). CCR4 expression was predominantly observed in CD4+ T cells in PBMCs. The percentage of CCR4-expressing CD4+ T cells was significantly higher in RA patients than in healthy individuals. Interestingly, Th17 and Treg cells expressed high levels of CCR4 compared to non-Th17-related helper T cells. CONCLUSION: CCR4 is a Th17- and Treg-related gene, and the high CCR4 expression in peripheral blood samples may predict the efficacy of abatacept in RA.



