
鈴木 拓児

スズキ タクジ  (Takuji Suzuki)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院 呼吸器内科学



  • 平間 隆太郎, 安部 光洋, 浦野 亮, 齋藤 幹人, 太田 昌幸, 鹿野 幸平, 石井 改, 内藤 亮, 堺田 惠美子, 池田 純一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    気管支学 45(Suppl.) S243-S243 2023年6月  
  • 稲毛 輝長, 鈴木 秀海, 川崎 剛, 大谷 祐介, 清水 大貴, 山中 崇寛, 由佐 城太郎, 越智 敬大, 西井 開, 太枝 帆高, 伊藤 祐輝, 海寳 大輔, 伊藤 貴正, 田中 教久, 坂入 祐一, 和田 啓伸, 鈴木 拓児, 吉野 一郎
    日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 37(3) O17-7 2023年6月  
  • 平間 隆太郎, 安部 光洋, 浦野 亮, 齋藤 幹人, 太田 昌幸, 鹿野 幸平, 石井 改, 内藤 亮, 堺田 惠美子, 池田 純一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    気管支学 45(Suppl.) S243-S243 2023年6月  
  • 鹿野 幸平, 笠井 大, 内藤 亮, 安部 光洋, 川崎 剛, 伊狩 潤, 鈴木 拓児
    気管支学 45(3) 178-188 2023年5月  
  • 鹿野 幸平, 笠井 大, 内藤 亮, 安部 光洋, 川崎 剛, 伊狩 潤, 鈴木 拓児
    気管支学 45(3) 178-188 2023年5月  
  • 松本 寛樹, 川崎 剛, 渡邉 哲, 鈴木 秀海, 佐藤 祐太朗, 祖父江 晃向, 中山 浩介, 山中 崇寛, 由佐 城太郎, 太枝 帆高, 西井 開, 伊藤 祐輝, 海寳 大輔, 畑 敦, 田中 教久, 坂入 祐一, 芳野 充, 鈴木 拓児, 吉野 一郎
    移植 57(4) 332-332 2023年4月  
  • 畑 敦, 川崎 剛, 鈴木 秀海, 竹田 健一郎, 山中 崇寛, 由佐 城太郎, 太枝 帆高, 西井 開, 松本 寛樹, 伊藤 祐輝, 鹿野 幸平, 内藤 亮, 安部 光洋, 海寳 大輔, 田中 教久, 坂入 祐一, 芳野 充, 鈴木 拓児, 吉野 一郎
    移植 57(4) 343-343 2023年4月  
  • 岡谷 匡, 内藤 亮, 杉浦 寿彦, 関根 亜由美, 重田 文子, 伊狩 潤, 坂尾 誠一郎, 田邉 信宏, 巽 浩一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 178-178 2023年3月  
  • 永田 淳, 関根 亜由美, 田邉 信宏, 谷口 悠, 石田 敬一, 内藤 亮, 須田 理香, 杉浦 寿彦, 重田 文子, 坂尾 誠一郎, 巽 浩一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 178-178 2023年3月  
  • Kawasaki Takeshi, Yoshioka Keiichiro, Sato Hironori, Ishii Daisuke, Imamoto Takuro, Abe Mitsuhiro, Hasegawa Yoshinori, Ohara Osamu, Tatsumi Koichiro, Suzuki Takuji
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 370-370 2023年3月  
  • 高橋 由希子, 川崎 剛, 佐藤 裕範, 長谷川 嘉則, Dudek Steven M., 小原 收, 巽 浩一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 358-358 2023年3月  
  • 竹田 健一郎, 関根 亜由美, 北原 慎介, 岡谷 匡, 鹿野 幸平, 安部 光洋, 内藤 亮, 笠井 大, 杉浦 寿彦, 川崎 剛, 重田 文子, 坂尾 誠一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 151-151 2023年3月  
  • 平間 隆太郎, 竹田 健一郎, 坂尾 誠一郎, 笠井 大, 宮田 志津, 鹿野 幸平, 内藤 亮, 安部 光洋, 重田 文子, 川崎 剛, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 230-230 2023年3月  
  • 竹田 健一郎, 笠井 大, 鹿野 幸平, 内藤 亮, 安部 光洋, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 283-283 2023年3月  
  • 米岡 遼太郎, 竹田 健一郎, 笠井 大, 杉浦 寿彦, 鹿野 幸平, 安部 光洋, 坂入 祐一, 吉野 一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 387-387 2023年3月  
  • 竹田 健一郎, 笠井 大, 伊藤 彰一, 田島 寛之, 古川 豊, 今枝 太郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 308-308 2023年3月  
  • 竹田 健一郎, 笠井 大, 伊藤 彰一, 田島 寛之, 古川 豊, 今枝 太郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 308-308 2023年3月  
  • Kawasaki Takeshi, Yoshioka Keiichiro, Sato Hironori, Ishii Daisuke, Imamoto Takuro, Abe Mitsuhiro, Hasegawa Yoshinori, Ohara Osamu, Tatsumi Koichiro, Suzuki Takuji
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 370-370 2023年3月  
  • 竹田 健一郎, 関根 亜由美, 北原 慎介, 岡谷 匡, 鹿野 幸平, 安部 光洋, 内藤 亮, 笠井 大, 杉浦 寿彦, 川崎 剛, 重田 文子, 坂尾 誠一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 151-151 2023年3月  
  • 堀内 大, 安部 光洋, 丸山 香苗, 佐久間 典子, 北原 慎介, 石井 大介, 川崎 剛, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 216-216 2023年3月  
  • 北原 慎介, 安部 光洋, 堀内 大, 丸山 香苗, 石井 大介, 鹿野 幸平, 川崎 剛, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 224-224 2023年3月  
  • 平間 隆太郎, 竹田 健一郎, 坂尾 誠一郎, 笠井 大, 宮田 志津, 鹿野 幸平, 内藤 亮, 安部 光洋, 重田 文子, 川崎 剛, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 230-230 2023年3月  
  • 石井 大介, 安部 光洋, 仕子 優樹, 吉岡 慶一朗, 川崎 剛, 小澤 義人, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 289-289 2023年3月  
  • 丸山 香苗, 安部 光洋, 堀内 大, 佐久間 典子, 石井 大介, 北原 慎介, 川崎 剛, 大野 泉, 滝口 裕一, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 291-291 2023年3月  
  • 平間 隆太郎, 安部 光洋, 北原 慎介, 鹿野 幸平, 川崎 剛, 長嶋 健, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 292-292 2023年3月  
  • 鹿野 幸平, 平間 隆太郎, 安部 光洋, 北原 慎介, 堀内 大, 丸山 香苗, 佐久間 典子, 石井 大介, 川崎 剛, 中村 秀範, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 320-320 2023年3月  
  • 高橋 由希子, 川崎 剛, 佐藤 裕範, 長谷川 嘉則, Dudek Steven M., 小原 收, 巽 浩一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(増刊) 358-358 2023年3月  
  • 田島 寛之, 笠井 大, 漆原 崇司, 弥富 真理, 伊藤 彰一, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(2) 55-64 2023年3月  
  • 田島 寛之, 笠井 大, 漆原 崇司, 弥富 真理, 伊藤 彰一, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(2) 55-64 2023年3月  
  • Yu Koyanagi, Takeshi Kawasaki, Yoshitoshi Kasuya, Ryo Hatano, Shun Sato, Yukiko Takahashi, Kei Ohnuma, Chikao Morimoto, Steven M Dudek, Koichiro Tatsumi, Takuji Suzuki
    Physiological reports 11(6) e15645 2023年3月  
    The pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis involves complex interplay between cell types and signaling pathways. Recurrent alveolar epithelial injury can occur during pulmonary inflammation, causing dysregulation of epithelial repair. Dysregulated repair interacts with mesenchymal, inflammatory, and endothelial cells to trigger fibroblast-to-myofibroblast activation. CD26/dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) is a type II membrane protein mediating pleiotropic effect. However, the mechanistic role of CD26/DPP4 in pulmonary fibrosis remains unclear. In this study, we aimed to characterize Dpp4 deficiency in a mouse bleomycin (BLM)-induced pulmonary fibrosis model and in cell culture systems of human lung fibroblasts (HLFs). Dpp4 knockout (Dpp4 KO) mouse lungs exhibited lower Ashcroft scale indices, collagen content, and numbers of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts compared with those in C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) mice. Upregulation of Tgfb1 and Tgfb2 mRNA levels in the lungs after BLM treatment was lower in Dpp4 KO mice compared with those in WT mice. Although TGF-β-driven endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) has been implicated as one of the mechanisms of pulmonary fibrosis, a number of partial EndMT cells in lungs did not differ between Dpp4 KO mice and WT mice. The proliferation capacity and mRNA levels of COL1A1, a collagen deposition-related gene, in cultured HLFs were suppressed in DPP4 small interfering RNA-treated cells. This study indicates that the genetic deficiency of DPP4 has protective effects against BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis, partly through the reduction in TGF-β expression and inhibition of fibroblast activation in the lung. Our study suggests that CD26/DPP4 inhibition is a potential therapeutic strategy for pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Soh Imamura, Takeshi Inagaki, Mitsuhiro Abe, Jiro Terada, Takeshi Kawasaki, Kengo Nagashima, Koichiro Tatsumi, Takuji Suzuki
    Respiratory Care 68(3) 356-365 2023年2月24日  
  • 廣瀬 友亮, 齋藤 幹人, 笠井 大, 吉岡 隼之介, 伊藤 拓, 高木 賢人, 葉山 奈美, 太田 昌幸, 池田 純一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本結核・非結核性抗酸菌症学会関東支部学会・日本呼吸器学会関東地方会合同学会プログラム・抄録集 183回・253回 28-28 2023年2月  
  • Shunya Shiohira, Toshihiko Sugiura, Hideki Ikeda, Shunichiro Iwasawa, Yuto Akimoto, Hajime Kasai, Kohei Shikano, Aoi Hino, Atsushi Saiga, Jun Koizumi, Yasuo Sekine, Takuji Suzuki
    The American journal of case reports 24 e938311 2023年1月11日  
    BACKGROUND Reports of venous stenting for inferior vena cava (IVC) syndrome (IVCS) due to sarcoma are limited, and the treatment's efficacy and safety are not clear. CASE REPORT A 36-year-old woman with myxoid liposarcoma was admitted to the Department of Respiratory Medicine for treatment of bilateral lower-leg edema and to be evaluated for acute liver dysfunction. She was 13 years old when she was diagnosed with myxoid liposarcoma. Over the next 18 years, she had 4 tumor resections and 1 round of radiation therapy. She had been on chemotherapy for 4 years and then pazopanib at the age of 35. The edema did not improve after admission despite treatment with diuretics. Computed tomography revealed a huge liposarcoma occupying the right thoracic cavity and a compressed IVC, which caused the edema. Although doxorubicin was administered as fifth-line treatment, there was no response. Since there was no additional chemotherapy regimen, her prognosis was considered to be less than 6 months. She could not be discharged to her home since she was unable to walk due to the edema; therefore, IVC stenting was performed to improve her dysmotility. After IVC stenting, the lower-leg edema improved without any adverse events, enabling her to walk and eventually return home. CONCLUSIONS In patients with IVCS caused by rare malignancies such as myxoid liposarcoma, an IVC stent can be safely implanted and can help to alleviate symptoms. IVC stenting can improve symptoms and allow for home care, resulting in improved quality of life.
  • Kenichiro Takeda, Ayumi Sekine, Nobuhiro Tanabe, Toshihiko Sugiura, Ayako Shigeta, Shinsuke Kitahara, Shun Imai, Tadasu Okaya, Jun Nagata, Akira Naito, Seiichiro Sakao, Koichiro Tatsumi, Takuji Suzuki
    Respiratory medicine case reports 42 101829-101829 2023年  
    RNF213 p.Arg4810Lys is linked to various vascular diseases, including pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH); however, its pathogenesis remains unclear. Here, we report the unique features of two cases of severe PAH with this variant: one is the first reported case with stenosis of the thoracic and abdominal aorta, femoral arteries, and subclavian veins. Coexistence of severe and continuous eosinophilic inflammation, which has been suspected to be implicated in the pathogenesis of PAH in previous fundamental studies, was also present in both cases. Further studies are needed to clarify the pathogenetic mechanisms in vascular lesions with this variant.
  • Kenichiro Takeda, Hajime Kasai, Hiroshi Tajima, Yutaka Furukawa, Taro Imaeda, Takuji Suzuki, Shoichi Ito
    PloS one 18(7) e0287925 2023年  
    INTRODUCTION: In the current era of the severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 epidemic, the need for respiratory care, including mechanical ventilatory (MV) management, has increased. However, there are no well-developed educational strategies for training medical personnel dealing with respiratory care in MV management. METHODS: A novel mixed-methods hands-on seminar for learning MV management was conducted for the residents at Chiba University Hospital in March 2022. The seminar lasted approximately 2 hours. The learning goal for the residents was to develop skills and knowledge in performing basic respiratory care, including MV, during an outbreak of a respiratory infection. The seminar with a flipped classroom consisted of e-learning, including modules on respiratory physiology and MV management, hands-on training with a low-fidelity simulator (a lung simulator), and hands-on training with a high-fidelity simulator (a human patient simulator). The effectiveness of the seminar was evaluated using closed questions (scored on a five-point Likert scale: 1 [minimum] to 5 [maximum]) and multiple-choice questions (maximum score: 6) at the pre- and post-seminar evaluations. RESULTS: Fourteen residents at Chiba University Hospital participated in the program. The questionnaire responses revealed that the participants' motivation for learning about MV was relatively high in the pre-seminar period (seven participants [50%] selected level 5 [very strong]), and it increased in the post-seminar period (all participants selected level 5) (p = 0.016). The responses to the multiple-choice questions revealed that the participants did not have enough knowledge to operate a mechanical ventilator, while the total score significantly improved from the pre- to post-seminar period (pre-seminar: 3.3 ± 1.1, post-seminar: 4.6 ± 1.0, p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The seminar implemented in this study helped increase the residents' motivation to learn about respiratory care and improved knowledge of MV management in a short time. In particular, the flipped classroom may promote the efficiency of education on MV management.
  • Eiko Suzuki, Naoko Kawata, Ayako Shimada, Hirotaka Sato, Rie Anazawa, Masaki Suzuki, Yuki Shiko, Mayumi Yamamoto, Jun Ikari, Koichiro Tatsumi, Takuji Suzuki
    International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 18 1077-1090 2023年  
    PURPOSE: In COPD, exacerbation of the disorder causes a deterioration in the quality-of-life and worsens respiratory dysfunction, leading to a poor prognosis. In recent years, nutritional indices have been reported as significant prognostic factors in various chronic diseases. However, the relationship between nutritional indicators and prognosis in elderly subjects with COPD has not been investigated. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We enrolled 91 subjects who received COPD assessment tests (CAT), spirometry, blood tests, and multidetector computed tomography (MDCT). We divided the subjects into two groups according to age (<75 years (n=57) and ≥ 75 years (n=34)). The prognostic nutritional index (PNI) was used to assess immune-nutritional status and was calculated as 10 x serum albumin + 0.005 x total lymphocyte count. We then examined the relationship between PNI and clinical parameters, including exacerbation events. RESULTS: There was no significant correlation between the PNI and CAT, the FEV1%pred, or low attenuation volume percentage (LAV%). In the elderly group, there were significant differences between the groups with or without exacerbation in the CAT and PNI (p=0.008, p=0.004, respectively). FEV1%pred, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and LAV% did not differ between the two groups. The analytical model combining CAT and PNI improved the prediction of exacerbations in the elderly subjects (p=0.0068). CONCLUSION: In elderly subjects with COPD, CAT were associated significantly with the risk of COPD exacerbation, with PNI also a potential predictor. The combined assessment of CAT and PNI may be a useful prognostic tool in subjects with COPD.
  • Ryutaro Hirama, Kenichiro Takeda, Seiichiro Sakao, Hajime Kasai, Shizu Miyata, Kohei Shikano, Akira Naito, Mitsuhiro Abe, Takeshi Kawasaki, Ayako Shigeta, Taka-aki Nakada, Hidetoshi Igari, Takuji Suzuki
    Internal Medicine 2023年  
  • Ayaka Kuriyama, Hajime Kasai, Kiyoshi Shikino, Yuki Shiko, Chiaki Kawame, Kenichiro Takeda, Hiroshi Tajima, Nami Hayama, Takuji Suzuki, Shoichi Ito
    PloS one 18(3) e0282337 2023年  
    INTRODUCTION: The study aimed to evaluate visualization-based training's effects on lung auscultation during clinical clerkship (CC) in the Department of Respiratory Medicine on student skills and confidence. METHODS: The study period was December 2020-November 2021. Overall, 65 students attended a lecture on lung auscultation featuring a simulator (Mr. Lung™). Among them, 35 (visualization group) received additional training wherein they were asked to mentally visualize lung sounds using a graphical visualized lung sounds diagram as an example. All students answered questions on their self-efficacy regarding lung auscultation before and after four weeks of CC. They also took a lung auscultation test with the simulator at the beginning of CC (pre-test) and on the last day of the third week (post-test) (maximum score: 25). We compared the answers in the questionnaire and the test scores between the visualization group and students who only attended the lecture (control group, n = 30). The Wilcoxon signed-rank test and analysis of covariance were used to compare the answers to the questionnaire about confidence in lung auscultation and the scores of the lung auscultation tests before and after the training. RESULTS: Confidence in auscultation of lung sounds significantly increased in both groups (five-point Likert scale, visualization group: pre-questionnaire median 1 [Interquartile range 1] to post-questionnaire 3 [1], p<0.001; control group: 2 [1] to 3 [1], p<0.001) and was significantly higher in the visualization than in the control group. Test scores increased in both groups (visualization group: pre-test 11 [2] to post-test 15 [4], p<0.001; control group: 11 [5] to 14 [4], p<0.001). However, there were no differences between both groups' pre and post-tests scores (p = 0.623). CONCLUSION: Visualizing lung sounds may increase medical students' confidence in their lung auscultation skills; this may reduce their resistance to lung auscultation and encourage the repeated auscultation necessary to further improve their long-term auscultation abilities.
  • Jun Nagata, Ayumi Sekine, Nobuhiro Tanabe, Yu Taniguchi, Keiichi Ishida, Yuki Shiko, Seiichiro Sakao, Koichiro Tatsumi, Takuji Suzuki
    BMC Pulmonary Medicine 22(1) 2022年12月  査読有り
    Abstract Background The prognostic value of mixed venous oxygen tension (PvO2) at pulmonary hypertension diagnosis treated with selective pulmonary vasodilators remains unclear. This study sought to investigate the association of PvO2 with long-term prognosis in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and medically treated chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) and to identify the distinct mechanisms influencing tissue hypoxia in patients with CTEPH or PAH. Methods We retrospectively analyzed data from 138 (age: 50.2 ± 16.6 years, 81.9% women) and 268 (age: 57.4 ± 13.1 years, 72.8% women) patients with PAH and CTEPH, respectively, diagnosed at our institution from 1983 to 2018. We analyzed the survival rates of patients with/without tissue hypoxia (PvO2 &lt; 35 mmHg) and identified their prognostic factors based on the pulmonary hypertension risk stratification guidelines. Results Survival was significantly poorer in patients with tissue hypoxia than in those without it for PAH (P = 0.001) and CTEPH (P = 0.017) treated with selective pulmonary vasodilators. In patients with PAH, PvO2 more strongly correlated with prognosis than other hemodynamic prognostic factors regardless of selective pulmonary vasodilators usage. PvO2 was the only significant prognostic factor in patients with CTEPH treated with pulmonary hypertension medication. Patients with CTEPH experiencing tissue hypoxia exhibited significantly poorer survival than those in the intervention group (P &lt; 0.001). PvO2 more strongly correlated with the cardiac index (CI) than the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (A-aDO2) in PAH; whereas in CTEPH, PvO2 was more strongly correlated with A-aDO2 than with CI. Conclusions PvO2 may represent a crucial prognostic factor for pulmonary hypertension. The prognostic impact of tissue hypoxia affects different aspects of PAH and CTEPH, thereby reflecting their distinct pathogenesis.
  • Yumiko Ikubo, Takayuki Jujo Sanada, Koji Hosomi, Jonguk Park, Akira Naito, Hiroki Shoji, Tomoko Misawa, Rika Suda, Ayumi Sekine, Toshihiko Sugiura, Ayako Shigeta, Hinako Nanri, Seiichiro Sakao, Nobuhiro Tanabe, Kenji Mizuguchi, Jun Kunisawa, Takuji Suzuki, Koichiro Tatsumi
    BMC Pulmonary Medicine 22(1) 2022年12月  査読有り
    Abstract Background The pathogenesis of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is considered to be associated with chronic inflammation; however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Recently, altered gut microbiota were found in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and in experimental PAH models. The aim of this study was to characterize the gut microbiota in patients with CTEPH and assess the relationship between gut dysbiosis and inflammation in CTEPH. Methods In this observational study, fecal samples were collected from 11 patients with CTEPH and 22 healthy participants. The abundance of gut microbiota in these fecal samples was assessed using 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene sequencing. Inflammatory cytokine and endotoxin levels were also assessed in patients with CTEPH and control participants. Results The levels of serum tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α were elevated in patients with CTEPH. Plasma endotoxin levels were significantly increased in patients with CTEPH (P &lt; 0.001), and were positively correlated with TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, and MIP-1α levels. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing and the principal coordinate analysis revealed the distinction in the gut microbiota between patients with CTEPH (P &lt; 0.01) and control participants as well as the decreased bacterial alpha-diversity in patients with CTEPH. A random forest analysis for predicting the distinction in gut microbiota revealed an accuracy of 80.3%. Conclusion The composition of the gut microbiota in patients with CTEPH was distinct from that of healthy participants, which may be associated with the elevated inflammatory cytokines and endotoxins in CTEPH.
  • Shinsuke Kitahara, Hajime Kasai, Toshihiko Sugiura, Yuto Akimoto, Hironobu Wada, Hidemi Suzuki, Seiichiro Sakao, Ichiro Yoshino, Takuji Suzuki
    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 62(11) 1641-1645 2022年10月19日  査読有り
    A chronic expanding haematoma (CEH) is an encapsulated mass that gradually increases in size from repeated internal bleeding and neovascularization. We herein report a 69-year-old man who was admitted with dyspnoea on exertion after undergoing thymic carcinoma resection 17 years ago. Chest computed tomography showed a heterogeneous mass in the anterior mediastinum and compression of the right ventricle, and pulmonary artery. Right cardiac catheterisation revealed pulmonary hypertension that was relieved after resection of the diagnosed CEH mass. This report highlights the mechanism underlying anterior mediastinal CEH-induced stenotic compression of the right ventricle-pulmonary artery outflow and subsequent pulmonary hypertension.
  • Toru Kinouchi, Jiro Terada, Seiichiro Sakao, Ken Koshikawa, Tsuyoshi Sasaki, Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Shun Sato, Noriko Sakuma, Mitsuhiro Abe, Kohei Shikano, Nami Hayama, Yuki Shiko, Yoshihito Ozawa, Shinobu Ikeda, Takuji Suzuki, Koichiro Tatsumi
    Respirology (Carlton, Vic.) 28(3) 273-280 2022年10月2日  
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The possibility of combination therapy with atomoxetine (ATO) and oxybutynin (OXY) has been suggested for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). However, the effectiveness of this treatment remains uninvestigated in Japanese OSA patients. Therefore, we performed a randomized, crossover, phase II, single-centre prospective trial to examine the effects of ATO-OXY therapy in Japanese OSA patients. METHODS: In total, 17 OSA patients participated in this study. The effects of one night of 80-mg ATO plus 5-mg OXY administration were compared with those of no medication administered before sleep. The primary and secondary outcomes comprised the apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) and nadir SpO2 , SpO2 drop time and sleep architecture, respectively. The safety endpoints included drug side effects and adverse events. RESULTS: The values of AHI, nadir SpO2 , 3% oxygen desaturation index (ODI), 4% ODI, and SpO2 drop time of <90% did not significantly differ between patients receiving ATO-OXY administration and no medication. Sleep architecture exhibited a significant change: ATO-OXY increased sleep stage N1 (p < 0.0001) and decreased stage N2 (p = 0.03), rapid eye movement (p < 0.0001) and sleep efficiency (p = 0.02). However, the subanalysis demonstrated an obvious decrease in AHI in five responder patients. Total sleep time and basal sleep efficiency tended to be lower in the responders compared with nonresponders (p = 0.065). No patients experienced severe adverse events or side effects. CONCLUSION: Overall, ATO-OXY therapy does not reduce AHI in Japanese OSA patients, although AHI was decreased in a proportion of patients. Future studies for identifying treatment response group characteristics are warranted.
  • 杉浦 寿彦, 今井 俊, 窪田 吉紘, 宮崎 裕己, 古城 正偉, 笠井 大, 坂尾 誠一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    脈管学 62(Suppl.) S193-S193 2022年10月  
  • 加藤 怜, 塚本 祥吉, 日野 裕太郎, 潮平 俊哉, 大島 渚, 武藤 朋也, 竹田 勇輔, 三村 尚也, 笠井 大, 坂尾 誠一郎, 鈴木 拓児, 堺田 惠美子
    臨床血液 63(10) 1468-1468 2022年10月  
  • 井上 貴登, 竹田 健一郎, 関根 亜由美, 北原 慎介, 岡谷 匡, 鹿野 幸平, 安部 光洋, 内藤 亮, 笠井 大, 杉浦 寿彦, 川崎 剛, 重田 文子, 坂尾 誠一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本結核・非結核性抗酸菌症学会関東支部学会・日本呼吸器学会関東地方会合同学会プログラム・抄録集 182回・251回 26-26 2022年9月  
  • 藤田 剛毅, 竹田 健一郎, 葉山 奈美, 堀内 大, 齋藤 合, 笠井 大, 鹿野 幸平, 内藤 亮, 安部 光洋, 杉浦 寿彦, 坂尾 誠一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本結核・非結核性抗酸菌症学会関東支部学会・日本呼吸器学会関東地方会合同学会プログラム・抄録集 182回・251回 27-27 2022年9月  
  • 川目 千晶, 笠井 大, 杉浦 寿彦, 坂尾 誠一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本結核・非結核性抗酸菌症学会関東支部学会・日本呼吸器学会関東地方会合同学会プログラム・抄録集 182回・251回 32-32 2022年9月  
  • 井上 貴登, 竹田 健一郎, 関根 亜由美, 北原 慎介, 岡谷 匡, 鹿野 幸平, 安部 光洋, 内藤 亮, 笠井 大, 杉浦 寿彦, 川崎 剛, 重田 文子, 坂尾 誠一郎, 鈴木 拓児
    日本結核・非結核性抗酸菌症学会関東支部学会・日本呼吸器学会関東地方会合同学会プログラム・抄録集 182回・251回 26-26 2022年9月  
  • Chiaki Iwamura, Kiyoshi Hirahara, Masahiro Kiuchi, Sanae Ikehara, Kazuhiko Azuma, Tadanaga Shimada, Sachiko Kuriyama, Syota Ohki, Emiri Yamamoto, Yosuke Inaba, Yuki Shiko, Ami Aoki, Kota Kokubo, Rui Hirasawa, Takahisa Hishiya, Kaori Tsuji, Tetsutaro Nagaoka, Satoru Ishikawa, Akira Kojima, Haruki Mito, Ryota Hase, Yasunori Kasahara, Naohide Kuriyama, Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Sukeyuki Nakamura, Takashi Urushibara, Satoru Kaneda, Seiichiro Sakao, Minoru Tobiume, Yoshio Suzuki, Mitsuhiro Tsujiwaki, Terufumi Kubo, Tadashi Hasegawa, Hiroshi Nakase, Osamu Nishida, Kazuhisa Takahashi, Komei Baba, Yoko Iizumi, Toshiya Okazaki, Motoko Y. Kimura, Ichiro Yoshino, Hidetoshi Igari, Hiroshi Nakajima, Takuji Suzuki, Hideki Hanaoka, Taka-aki Nakada, Yuzuru Ikehara, Koutaro Yokote, Toshinori Nakayama
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(33) 2022年8月16日  査読有り
    The mortality of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is strongly correlated with pulmonary vascular pathology accompanied by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection–triggered immune dysregulation and aberrant activation of platelets. We combined histological analyses using field emission scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analyses of the lungs from autopsy samples and single-cell RNA sequencing of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to investigate the pathogenesis of vasculitis and immunothrombosis in COVID-19. We found that SARS-CoV-2 accumulated in the pulmonary vessels, causing exudative vasculitis accompanied by the emergence of thrombospondin-1–expressing noncanonical monocytes and the formation of myosin light chain 9 (Myl9)–containing microthrombi in the lung of COVID-19 patients with fatal disease. The amount of plasma Myl9 in COVID-19 was correlated with the clinical severity, and measuring plasma Myl9 together with other markers allowed us to predict the severity of the disease more accurately. This study provides detailed insight into the pathogenesis of vasculitis and immunothrombosis, which may lead to optimal medical treatment for COVID-19.
  • 加藤 怜, 日野 裕太郎, 塚本 祥吉, 堺田 惠美子, 岩永 光巨, 高木 賢人, 齋藤 幹人, 重田 文子, 笠井 大, 坂尾 誠一郎, 鈴木 拓児, 潮平 俊哉
    千葉医学雑誌 98(4) 104-104 2022年8月  



