
角江 崇

カクエ タカシ  (Takashi Kakue)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 准教授
博士(工学)(2012年3月 京都工芸繊維大学)



  • Takashi Nishitsuji, David Blinder, Tomoyoshi Shimobaba, Takashi Kakue, Peter Schelkens, Tomoyoshi Ito
    Optics and Lasers in Engineering 181 108359-108359 2024年10月  
  • Takayuki Hara, Takashi Kakue, Tomoyoshi Shimobaba, Tomoyoshi Ito
    IEEE Access 12 21464-21471 2024年  査読有り
  • Takashi Nishitsuji, David Blinder, Tomoyoshi Shimobaba, Takashi Kakue, Peter Schelkens, Tomoyoshi Ito
    Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications XIII 2023年11月27日  
  • Yoshiyuki Ishii, Fan Wang, Harutaka Shiomi, Takashi Kakue, Tomoyoshi Ito, Tomoyoshi Shimobaba
    Optics and Lasers in Engineering 170 2023年11月  査読有り
    Recently, proposals have been made to use deep learning for hologram calculations to directly infer holograms from three-dimensional (3D) data. However, this approach is expensive because it requires capturing depth information using an RGB-D camera for inference. In this study, we propose a novel approach that can infer 3D holograms directly from a color two-dimensional (2D) image without requiring depth information, using deep learning. The proposed scheme comprises three deep neural networks (DNNs). The first DNN predicts the depth information from the 2D images, the second DNN generates holograms using the 2D image and the inferred depth information, and the third DNN optimizes the quality of the holograms generated by the second CNN. The inference speed was superior to a state-of-the-art graphics processing unit. We prepared a training dataset comprising pairs of holograms and 2D images. The holograms are generated from the RGB-D image using a layer-based hologram calculation. One significant benefit of our proposed approach is that the reproduced image of the final hologram contains a natural depth cue, i.e., it can represent a natural 3D reproduced image in the depth direction. In addition, conventional image sensors can be used to create input information for inference.
  • Tatsuya Maruyama, Yasuyuki Ichihashi, Ikuo Hoshi, Takashi Kakue, Tomoyoshi Shimobaba, Tomoyoshi Ito
    Optical Engineering 62(08) 2023年8月9日  査読有り




  • 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2018年1月1日
    copyright © 2016 Society of Information Display. All rights reserved. We propose high-speed computer-generated hologram reproduction using digital mirror device for high-definition spatiotemporal division multiplexing electro-holography. Finally, we succeeded to play high-definition 3-D movie of 3-D object comprised about 900,000 points at 60 fps when each frame was divided into twelve.
  • 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2018年1月1日
  • Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2018年1月1日
    © 2018 SPIE. To further accelerate the calculations associated with point-cloud-based holograms, wavelet shrinkage-based superpositIon (WASABI) has been proposed. Wavelet shrinkage eliminates the small wavelet coecient values of the light distribution emitted from a point cloud, resulting in an approximated light distribution calculated from a few representative wavelet coecients. Although WASABI can accelerate the hologram calculations, the approximated light distribution tends to lose the high-frequency components. To address this issue, random sampling was applied to the light distribution.
  • 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2018年1月1日
    copyright © 2016 Society of Information Display. All rights reserved. The combination of the random phase-free method and Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) algorithm succeeded in improving the image quality of holograms. However, the GS algorithm takes a long computation time. In this research, we propose faster methods for the image quality improvement of the random phase-free hologram.
  • 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2018年1月1日
    copyright © 2016 Society of Information Display. All rights reserved. We accelerated hologram generation based on raysampling plane by a graphics processing unit (GP U). The computational time by a central processing unit (CPU) was 56.02 seconds, while that by a GPU was 0.3764 seconds. We achieved to generate a 3072×3072-pixels hologram by the GPU approximately 150 times faster than the CPU.
  • 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2018年1月1日
    copyright © 2016 Society of Information Display. All rights reserved. We proposed a volumetric display composed of photochromic materials. It can be controlled in a non-contact from the outside. In this study, the photochromic material was mixed into transparent silicone to be solid. We made a volumetric display that can display different multiple pictures depending on the surface to observe. The gradation expression is realized by overlapping the colored voxels in a row to the observed directions.
  • Takashi Kakue, Atsuki Uemura, Takashi Nishitsuji, Tomoyoshi Shimobaba, Tomoyoshi Ito
    23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2018年1月1日
    copyright © 2016 Society of Information Display. All rights reserved. We report an aerial projection system based on color electro-holography with two parabolic mirrors. Our system can realize real-time reconstruction of floating three-dimensional color images. We successfully demonstrated the proposed system with a single spatial-light modulator and a color LED by the time division method.
  • ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Posters, SIGGRAPH 2017 2017年7月30日
    © 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). In this study, we present a 3D structure projecting multiple dynamic full-color images in different directions. The 3D structure is represented as a crowd of controllable color particles rendered in a cylindrical 3D crystal with a CG software. We confirmed that five images could be successfully observed from different viewpoints. Such 3D structures can be applied to information service systems including digital signage and security system.
  • Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2017年1月1日
    © 2017 Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. We propose high-speed 3-D holographic movie playback including the reproduction of computergenerated holograms from the compression data stored in solid state drive. Consequently, we succeeded to playback high-definition movie of the 3-D object comprising about 900,000 points at 30 fps by using spatiotemporal division electroholography.
  • Minoru Oikawa, Naoki Takada, Hiromi Sannomiya, Tomoya Sakaguchi, Hirotaka Nakayama, Takashi Kakue, Tomoyoshi Shimobaba, Tomoyoshi Ito
    Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2017年1月1日
    © 2017 Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. We demonstrated real-time electro-holographic movie reconstruction using spatiotemporal division multiplexing technique on a GPU cluster including 13 GPUs connected through InfiniBand network. We succeeded to display reconstructed 3-D movie consisting of 477,511 object points at 31 fps.
  • Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2017年1月1日
    © 2017 Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. Japanese students have a problem of low motivatbn for science courses. In order to solve this problem, we developed a simulator about the planets that works on the 2D display in previous study. In this study, help the stereoscopic recognition of students by operating the simulator in VR.
  • Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2017年1月1日
    © OSA 2017. We introduce our two fast hologram calculation methods: "Wavefront Recoding Plane (WRP)" method and "WAvelet ShrinkAge-Based superpositIon (WASABI)" method. In addition, we propose WASABI-based diffraction calculation that is faster calculation algorithm than fast Fourier transform-based diffraction calculations in a short distance.
  • Tomoyoshi Shimobaba, Tomoyoshi Ito
    Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2017年1月1日
    © 2017 Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. We propose real-time electroholography to reconstruct 3D-gradation movie by using a multiple bit planes based on binary-weighted computer-generated holograms and a multiple-graphics-processing-unit cluster system. Consequently, we succeeded to reconstruct real-time 3D-gradation movie comprising 7850 points at 77 fps.
  • Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2017年1月1日
    © 2017 Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. A method to design "a 3D object containing multiple 2D infonnation patterns", which can exhibit different motion pictures to different directions, has been developed. However, it is difficult for humans to decide the placement of threads. In this study, we aim for realization of a simulator for a practical projection system to a directional volumetric display. The simulation results by our simulator was similar to the actual projection results. As a result, we confirmed that the simulator we developed is correct.
  • Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2017年1月1日
    © 2017 Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. For the practical use of real-time electroholography, we propose the multi-GPU cluster system with 13 GPUs (NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X) and gigabit ether net network. Finally, we succeed to display reconstructed 3-D movie consisting of 95,949 object points at about 30 fps.
  • Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2017年1月1日
    © 2017 Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. We propose a method for the phase recovery of a three-dimensional object from axial diffraction patterns using ptychographical iterative engine. The phase recovery using conventional phase retrieval methods under spherical illumination is difficult. The proposed method can retrieve the phase of an object under both planar and spherical wave illuminations.
  • SA 2016 - SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Posters 2016年11月28日
    © 2016 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). We propose a refraction-compensating algorithm for a 3-D crystal with a curved surface projecting multiple 2-D images. This algorithm can improve the image quality of the projected patterns and remove the conventional constraint on the projection directions. We demonstrate a cylindrical 3-D crystal projecting eight images.
  • Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2016年7月18日
    © OSA 2016. A parallel phase-shifting digital holography system using dual polarization-imaging cameras is constructed for 3D imaging of a transparent object. 3D imaging of axially asymmetric and transparent dynamic gas flow is experimentally demonstrated by the system.
  • Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2016年7月18日
    © OSA 2016. A parallel phase-shifting digital holography system using dual polarization-imaging cameras is constructed for 3D imaging of a transparent object. 3D imaging of axially asymmetric and transparent dynamic gas flow is experimentally demonstrated by the system.
  • Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2016年7月18日
    © OSA 2016. A parallel phase-shifting digital holography system using dual polarization-imaging cameras is constructed for 3D imaging of a transparent object. 3D imaging of axially asymmetric and transparent dynamic gas flow is experimentally demonstrated by the system.
  • Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2016年7月18日
    A parallel phase-shifting digital holography system using dual polarization-imaging cameras is constructed for 3D imaging of a transparent object. 3D imaging of axially asymmetric and transparent dynamic gas flow is experimentally demonstrated by the system. © OSA 2016.
  • Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2016年7月18日
    © OSA 2016. Compressive Fresnel holography is an application of compressive sensing to Fresnel digital holography that can reconstruct a complex field from a sub-sampled Fresnel diffraction pattern. This reconstruction requires relatively long computation time. In this study, we accelerated the reconstruction in compressive Fresnel holography using a graphics processing unit (GPU). Our GPU-accelerated reconstruction was up to 30 times faster than CPU-based reconstruction.
  • Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2016年7月18日
    © OSA 2016. A parallel phase-shifting digital holography system using dual polarization-imaging cameras is constructed for 3D imaging of a transparent object. 3D imaging of axially asymmetric and transparent dynamic gas flow is experimentally demonstrated by the system.
  • Yasuhiro Awatsuji, Yexin Wang, Peng Xia, Takashi Kakue, Kenzo Nishio, Osamu Matoba
    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2016年7月18日
    © OSA 2016. A parallel phase-shifting digital holography system using dual polarization-imaging cameras is constructed for 3D imaging of a transparent object. 3D imaging of axially asymmetric and transparent dynamic gas flow is experimentally demonstrated by the system.
  • Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2016年7月18日
    © OSA 2016. A parallel phase-shifting digital holography system using dual polarization-imaging cameras is constructed for 3D imaging of a transparent object. 3D imaging of axially asymmetric and transparent dynamic gas flow is experimentally demonstrated by the system. © OSA 2016.
  • Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2016年7月18日
    © OSA 2016. A parallel phase-shifting digital holography system using dual polarization-imaging cameras is constructed for 3D imaging of a transparent object. 3D imaging of axially asymmetric and transparent dynamic gas flow is experimentally demonstrated by the system.
  • Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan 2016年1月1日
    We succeeded in improving the image quality of a color reproduction image by using random phase-free method. This method enabled the zoom of the reproduction image without lens. Conventional color computer-generated hologram was applied random phase to enlarge reproduction image regardless of hologram size. However, the random phase generated speckle noise and degraded the reproduction image. Computer-generated hologram was encoded with Frank code and Schroeder code to reduce a speckle noise at the time of reproduction. The both method need lens to expand reproduction image in optical system. In this paper, we used random phase-free method to improve the reproduction image. As the result of simulation and experiment with optical system, we succeeded in improving the image quality and enlarging the color reproduction image.
  • 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2016年1月1日
    © 2016 Society for Information Display. All rights reserved. We propose high-speed computer-generated hologram reproduction using digital mirror device for high-definition spatiotemporal division multiplexing electro-holography. Finally, we succeeded to play high-definition 3-D movie of 3-D object comprised about 900, 000 points at 60 fps when each frame was divided into twelve.
  • 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2016年1月1日
    © 2016 Chinese Laser Press. We propose high-speed computer-generated hologram reproduction using digital mirror device for high-definition spatiotemporal division multiplexing electro-holography. Finally, we succeeded to play high-definition 3-D movie of 3-D object comprised about 900,000 points at 60 fps when each frame was divided into twelve.
  • 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2016年1月1日
    © 2016 Chinese Laser Press. The combination of the random phase-free method and Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) algorithm succeeded in improving the image quality of holograms. However, the GS algorithm takes a long computation time. In this research, we propose faster methods for the image quality improvement of the random phase-free hologram.
  • 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2016年1月1日
  • 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2016年1月1日
    © 2016 Chinese Laser Press. We proposed a volumetric display composed of photochromic materials. It can be controlled in a non-contact from the outside. In this study, the photochromic material was mixed into transparent silicone to be solid. We made a volumetric display that can display different multiple pictures depending on the surface to observe. The gradation expression is realized by overlapping the colored voxels in a row to the observed directions.
  • 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2016年1月1日
    © 2016 Chinese Laser Press. We report an aerial projection system based on color electro-holography with two parabolic mirrors. Our system can realize real-time reconstruction of floating three- dimensional color images. We successfully demonstrated the proposed system with a single spatial-light modulator and a color LED by the time division method.
  • 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display, IDW/AD 2016 2016年1月1日
    © 2016 Chinese Laser Press. We accelerated hologram generation based on ray- sampling plane by a graphics processing unit (GPU). The computational time by a central processing unit (CPU) was 56.02 seconds, while that by a GPU was 0.3764 seconds. We achieved to generate a 3072 3072-pixels hologram by the GPU approximately 150 times faster than the CPU.
  • SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Posters, SA 2015 2015年11月2日
    Unlike conventional 2-D displays, volumetric displays have depth information and enable the 3-D images to be observed from any surrounding viewpoint. In a previous study, we developed an algorithm for utilizing the 3-D architecture of volumetric dis- plays [Nakayama et al. 2013]. The 3-D objects designed by the algorithm can exhibit multiple 2-D images towards different direc- tions simultaneously. Figure 2a shows a prototype of a 3-D crystal which has been designed using the proposed algorithm. As shown in Figure 2b, we can recognize three images when we look at it from the respective directions. In other words, the 3-D crystal is independently providing three images with directivity.
  • SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Posters, SA 2015 2015年11月2日
    Aerial projection is a remarkable and promising technique for a lot of fields such as digital signage, amusement, entertainment, business scene, and so on. This is because floating images by aerial projection system can attract viewers. In particular, floating 3D motion pictures make impressions on viewers. Although there are many techniques to project floating 3D motion pictures, they require multiple projectors or mechanical rotating and scanning processing to project floating 3D images. Then we proposed and demonstrated an aerial projection system based on electroholography which can reconstruct 3D images without multiple projectors and mechanical processing [Kakue et al. 2015]. Although we achieved real-time reconstruction of 3D images in previous study, we only focused on acceleration of calculation. In this work, we aim to realize interactive reconstruction of floating 3D motion pictures by the electro-holographic display.
  • IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Proceedings, APCCAS 2015年1月1日
    © 2014 IEEE. In high-speed 3D imaging by using parallel phase-shifting digital holography, there is a problem that the computational cost is very huge. Therefore, we have studied and developed special purpose computers for accelerating the calculation of parallel phase-shifting digital holography to solve the problem. However, the computational circuit for parallel phase-shifting interferometry and the special-purpose computer for light propagation have been independently designed. In this paper, we aim to connect them in order to realize high-precision and high-speed 3D imaging system by parallel phase-shifting digital holography.
  • Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, DH 2015 2015年1月1日
    We report the aerial projection system based on electro-holography with two parabolic mirrors. We succeeded in reconstructing a three-dimensional motion picture at the rate of 29 frames per second by a graphics processing unit.
  • IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Proceedings, APCCAS 2015年1月1日
    © 2014 IEEE. We developed a 24-bit color volumetric display based on light emitting diode (LED). This volumetric display consists of 8 × 8 × 8 LEDs array and can represent 24-bit color three-dimensional images. The light intensity of the LEDs is gradated by the pulse width modulation method. We designed a control circuit of the volumetric display with the field programmable gate array. We succeeded in displaying 24-bit color three-dimensional moving image.
  • Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2015年1月1日
    © Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. We propose spatiotemporal division electro-holography for high-definition reconstruction of 3-D object composed of huge number object points. Fainaly, we succeed to display a reconstructed high-difinition image and movie of 3-D object consisting of about 900,000 points.
  • Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2015年1月1日
    © Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. Electroholography requires grayscale representation of reconstructed 3-D image to realize 3-D television. We propose gradation representation of reconstructed 3-D image from the binary hologram drawn in black and gray on bit-plane. Finally, we succeed to display color gradation 3-D image reconstructed by the proposed method.
  • Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2015年1月1日
    © 2015 Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. Random phase is frequently used to a hologram calculation in order to widely spread an object light. However, the reconstructed image is contaminated by speckle noise. In this paper, we apply spherical wave instead of random phase to the hologram calculation, and demonstrate image projection with random phase-free amplitude hologram.
  • Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2015年1月1日
    © 2015 Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. We have developed an algorithm to record multiple two-dimensional information patterns in single volumetric display. In this technique, different two-dimensional information pattern is expressed by the observation position of the observer. We showed some application of this technique.
  • Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2015年1月1日
    © Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. In this paper, we describe our latest results for holographic projection, including lensless zoomable holographic projection, the speckle reduction technique which is referred to as random phase-free method, and color zoomable holographic projection with the random phase-free method and color space conversion method in order to increase the image quality and accelerate the calculation time of holograms.
  • Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, DH 2015 2015年1月1日
    We propose an algorithm for calculating computer-generated holograms without the trigonometric functions using linear interpolation and a recurrence relation. As a result, we improved the calculation time about 5 times faster than the conventional method.
  • Naotaka Hasegawa, Tomoyoshi Shimobaba, Takashi Kakue, Tomoyoshi Ito
    Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2015年1月1日
    © Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. In a three-dimensional display by computer-generated holograms (CGHs), fast CGH calculation is required. The wavefront recording plane (WRP) method is able to reduce the calculation amount by placing WRPs in the vicinity of an object. In this paper, we optimized arrangement of WRPs to accelerate CGH generation.
  • IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Proceedings, APCCAS 2015年1月1日
    © 2014 IEEE. We designed and developed a special-purpose computer named FFT-HORN for high-speed imaging by digital holography. We demonstrated the developed FFT-HORN accelerated the computational time of reconstruction processing in digital holography.
  • IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Proceedings, APCCAS 2015年1月1日
    © 2014 IEEE. We developed ' Loop architecture ' which can perform different length FFT without changing fundamental circuit composition. In order to perform FFT effectively, we adopted Mixed-radix FFT algorithm with radix-2 and radix-4 butterfly calculation. Furthermore, we developed ' Pipelined butterfly calculation system' and '5-bank memory architecture' in order to perform Mixed-radix FFT effectively. As a result, we succeeded to develop the versatile FFT processing system with small circuit area and low latency. In addition, we implemented our circuit to Spartan-6 FPGA board and developed sound analysis system via USB.
  • Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, DH 2015 2015年1月1日
    In this study, we developed the portable and low-cost digital holographic microscope (DHM) using RGB light emitting diode (LED) illumination. The RGB illumination is used to measure profiles of each color channel. This DHM system adopts the setup for Gabor holography, an LED, and a CMOS sensor on a commercial web camera, which makes the DHM system simple and low-cost.
  • Tomoyoshi Ito
    Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2015年1月1日
    © Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. All rights reserved. The practical use of electroholography is limited by the complexity of the computer-generated hologram. We propose real-time electroholography using the multi-GPU cluster system with 13 GPUs (NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X). Finally, we succeed to display reconstructed 3-D movie consisting of 95,949 object points at about 30 fps.



