
新津 富央

Tomihisa Niitsu


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院精神医学 准教授
博士(医学)(2011年3月 千葉大学)





  • Kosuke Suzuki, Tomihisa Niitsu, Hiroshi Kimura, Yuta Yanagisawa, Marina Ono, Hideki Komatsu, Kensuke Yoshimura, Hiroyuki Watanabe, Masaomi Iyo
    Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports 3(2) 2024年6月  
    Aim: The mental healthcare system in Japan is transitioning from institution-based to community-based treatment. To prevent prolonged hospitalization and community integration of psychiatric patients, mental health social workers (MHSWs) are pivotal in coordinating post-discharge arrangements for psychiatric inpatients. This study aimed to propose a care model to improve clinical outcomes in psychiatric emergency wards in Japan. Methods: We conducted a mail-in questionnaire survey targeting medical facilities with psychiatric emergency wards. We collected data of the psychiatric care system, including facility profiles, staffing conditions and caseloads, and the provided psychiatric services and treatment options. Using multiple regression analyses, we explored associations between these data and clinical outcomes, focusing on the average number of days for hospitalization and the integration of patients into a community. Results: Data were collected from 82 facilities (response rate, 45.8%). The average number of days for hospitalization and community integration were 64.7 and 327.9 days, respectively. The caseloads for MHSWs were significantly associated with longer hospitalization (β = 0.31, p = 0.009) and shorter duration of community living (β = −0.28, p = 0.027). Conclusion: The clinical performance in psychiatric emergency wards surpassed the Japanese government's targets regarding these outcomes. We found that heavy caseloads on MHSWs were associated with worse clinical outcomes for patients in psychiatric emergency wards. These findings suggest that reducing MHSW caseloads (≤20 cases) may be a potential interventional strategy to prevent prolonged hospitalization and promote successful community integration of patients.
  • A. Shiina, T. Niitsu, A. Tomoto, Y. Igarashi, E. Shimizu, M. Iyo
    Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 32 100966-100966 2024年  
  • Fumiaki Yano, Yusuke Nakata, Tomihisa Niitsu, Masaomi Iyo
    Sports Psychiatry 2023年11月15日  
  • Tomihisa Niitsu, Norio Yasui-Furukori, Ken Inada, Tetsufumi Kanazawa, Masaomi Iyo, Takefumi Ueno, Ryota Hashimoto
    Schizophrenia research 2023年10月27日  
    Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic used for treatment-resistant schizophrenia. In Japan, its use requires management by a blood monitoring system called the Clozaril Patient Monitoring Service (CPMS) for the early detection of serious side effects such as agranulocytosis, which is extremely rare. Monitoring services vary among the clozapine suppliers in different countries. Additionally, Japanese patients can be started on clozapine treatment exclusively through an 18-week inpatient admission at a psychiatric hospital capable of coordinating with a hematologist. One reported reason for the lack of widespread clozapine use in Japan is the difficulty in establishing collaboration with hematologists when agranulocytosis/leukopenia occurs. Hence, we conducted a nationwide web-based survey of CPMS-registered psychiatric facilities in Japan to determine the status of collaboration with hematology departments. Valid responses were received from the psychiatrists responsible for prescribing clozapine at 203 of the 547 facilities (response rate: 37.1 %). The largest number of psychiatric facilities (61 %) collaborated with hematologists at another facility with a psychiatry department, while psychiatrists in 32 % of the facilities worked with hematologists at their own facilities. Most patients with clozapine-induced agranulocytosis/leukopenia could be treated with clozapine discontinuation and follow-up in psychiatric inpatient units with the assistance of a hematologist. The actual workload of hematologists was limited, and the patients might experience the burden of repeated blood sampling. This study suggests that disseminating information regarding the status of collaborations with hematologists may promote the widespread use of clozapine in Japan. SHORT COMMENT FOR TWITTER: This study suggests that most patients with clozapine-induced agranulocytosis/leukopenia could be treated with clozapine discontinuation and follow-up in psychiatric inpatient units with the assistance of a hematologist.
  • Keita Idemoto, Tomihisa Niitsu, Akihiro Shiina, Osamu Kobori, Misaki Onodera, Kiyomitsu Ota, Atsuhiro Miyazawa, Masumi Tachibana, Makoto Kimura, Ryota Seki, Tasuku Hashimoto, Kensuke Yoshimura, Shoichi Ito, Michiko Nakazato, Yoshito Igarashi, Eiji Shimizu, Masaomi Iyo
    Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports 2(3) 2023年9月18日  
    Abstract Aim The spread of the novel coronavirus infection (coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID‐19]) has caused behavioral changes and mental illness in patients and their attendants during its early phase. The present study aimed to examine the association between precautionary behaviors against COVID‐19 and psychosocial factors in outpatients with pre‐existing disease and their attendants. Methods We conducted a cross‐sectional paper‐based questionnaire survey in Chiba University Hospital on 1019 patients and 513 attendants, and a web‐based questionnaire survey in Japan on 3981 individuals from the general population. We evaluated the participants' anxiety about COVID‐19, depression, health anxiety, and precautionary behaviors. Results Regarding knowledge and anxiety about COVID‐19, the protective factors for the high precautionary behaviors group were knowledge of COVID‐19 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.178, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.099–1.263), anxiety about the spread of COVID‐19 (OR = 1.348, 95% CI: 1.243–1.461), and anxiety about infecting someone with COVID‐19 (OR = 1.135, 95% CI: 1.039–0.239). Regarding psychosocial factors, the protective factors for the high precautionary behaviors group were patients (OR = 1.759, 95% CI: 1.056–2.929), their attendants (OR = 3.892, 95% CI: 1.416–10.700), health anxiety (OR = 2.005, 95% CI: 1.451–2.772), and nondepression states (OR = 1.368, 95% CI: 1.004–1.864). Conclusion Our findings suggest that patients and their attendants may perform high precautionary behaviors. Health anxiety and nondepression states may be associated with high precautionary behaviors.
  • 鈴木 耕輔, 新津 富央, 木村 大, 柳澤 雄太, 小野 まり奈, 小松 英樹, 吉村 健佑, 渡邉 博幸, 伊豫 雅臣
    精神神経学雑誌 (2023特別号) S581-S581 2023年6月  
  • 井手本 啓太, 新津 富央, 椎名 明大, 小堀 修, 小野寺 みさき, 太田 貴代光, 宮澤 惇宏, 橘 真澄, 木村 允, 関 亮太, 橋本 佐, 吉村 健佑, 伊藤 彰一, 中里 道子, 五十嵐 禎人, 清水 栄司, 伊豫 雅臣
    精神神経学雑誌 (2023特別号) S585-S585 2023年6月  
  • 山崎 史暁, 仲田 祐介, 金原 信久, 宮澤 惇宏, 廣瀬 祐紀, 小田 靖典, 新津 富央, 伊豫 雅臣
    精神神経学雑誌 (2023特別号) S409-S409 2023年6月  
  • Kiyomitsu Ota, Tomihisa Niitsu, Kengo Oishi, Keita Idemoto, Maria Kato, Jing Liu, Masumi Tachibana, Yusuke Nakata, Masayuki Takase, Yasunori Oda, Masatomo Ishikawa, Tasuku Hashimoto, Nobuhisa Kanahara, Yoshimi Iwayama, Tomoko Toyota, Takeo Yoshikawa, Masaomi Iyo
    Psychiatry Research Communications 3(2) 100124-100124 2023年6月  
    This study explored the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (BD) and schizophrenia (SZ) by examining the associations between the two disorders and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) involved in the dopamine signaling system. This was a case-controlled, exploratory, and multicenter study. A total of 1048 patients with BD (495 male; mean age, 49.6 ​± ​15.0 years), 2106 patients with SZ (1159 male, 49.6 ​± ​15.0 years), and 2240 healthy controls (HCs) (917 male, 42.3 ​± ​14.2 years) were included, and all the volunteers were Japanese. SNPs at tyrosine hydroxylase rs10770141 ​C-824T, catechol-O-methyltransferase rs4680 ​G/A(Val158Met), dopamine receptor D2 gene (DRD2) rs1799732 -141C Ins/Del, and DRD2/ANKK1 (Taq1A) rs1800497 ​C/T were examined. Binomial logistic regression analyses were performed to analyze the four SNPs, age, and sex. C allele and heterozygous CT in Taq1A were associated with an increased risk of BD. A comparison of the BD and HC groups revealed a significant association between heterozygous CT in Taq1A and BD in female participants. Heterozygous CT in Taq1A showed a significant association with BD as compared to SZ. DRD2 Taq1A polymorphism (CT heterozygotes) is associated with a high risk of BD in the Japanese population, particularly in females. DRD2 genetic predisposition in the dopamine signaling system and sex-specific factors may be associated with the pathophysiology of BD.
  • Masanobu Kogure, Nobuhisa Kanahara, Atsuhiro Miyazawa, Yuki Shiko, Ikuo Otsuka, Koichi Matsuyama, Masayuki Takase, Makoto Kimura, Hiroshi Kimura, Kiyomitsu Ota, Keita Idemoto, Masaki Tamura, Yasunori Oda, Taisuke Yoshida, Satoshi Okazaki, Fumiaki Yamasaki, Yusuke Nakata, Yoshinori Watanabe, Tomihisa Niitsu, Akitoyo Hishimoto, Masaomi Iyo
    Frontiers in psychiatry 14 1334335-1334335 2023年  
    BACKGROUND: Most genetic analyses that have attempted to identify a locus or loci that can distinguish patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) from those who respond to treatment (non-TRS) have failed. However, evidence from multiple studies suggests that patients with schizophrenia who respond well to antipsychotic medication have a higher dopamine (DA) state in brain synaptic clefts whereas patients with TRS do not show enhanced DA synthesis/release pathways. PATIENTS AND METHODS: To examine the contribution (if any) of genetics to TRS, we conducted a genetic association analysis of DA-related genes in schizophrenia patients (TRS, n = 435; non-TRS, n = 539) and healthy controls (HC: n = 489). RESULTS: The distributions of the genotypes of rs3756450 and the 40-bp variable number tandem repeat on SLC6A3 differed between the TRS and non-TRS groups. Regarding rs3756450, the TRS group showed a significantly higher ratio of the A allele, whereas the non-TRS group predominantly had the G allele. The analysis of the combination of COMT and SLC6A3 yielded a significantly higher ratio of the putative low-DA type (i.e., high COMT activity + high SLC6A3 activity) in the TRS group compared to the two other groups. Patients with the low-DA type accounted for the minority of the non-TRS group and exhibited milder psychopathology. CONCLUSION: The overall results suggest that (i) SLC6A3 could be involved in responsiveness to antipsychotic medication and (ii) genetic variants modulating brain DA levels may be related to the classification of TRS and non-TRS.
  • 木村 大, 渡邉 博幸, 新津 富央, 吉村 健佑, 柳澤 雄太, 伊豫 雅臣
    日本精神科救急学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集 30回 191-191 2022年9月  
  • 柳澤 雄太, 渡邉 博幸, 新津 富央, 木村 大, 吉村 健佑, 小野 まり奈, 小松 英樹, 伊豫 雅臣
    日本精神科救急学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集 30回 192-192 2022年9月  
  • 太田 貴代光, 新津 富央, 加藤 麻里亜, 劉 靖, 小田 靖典, 伊豫 雅臣, 井手本 啓太, 大石 賢吾
    千葉医学雑誌 98(4) 109-109 2022年8月  
  • 青柳 有希, 齋藤 夏樹, 岡東 歩美, 仲田 祐介, 鎌田 雄, 小松 英樹, 新津 富央, 伊豫 雅臣
    千葉医学雑誌 98(4) 107-107 2022年8月  
  • 齋藤 夏樹, 青柳 有希, 岡東 歩美, 仲田 祐介, 鎌田 雄, 小松 英樹, 佐々木 剛, 新津 富央, 伊豫 雅臣
    千葉医学雑誌 98(4) 107-107 2022年8月  
  • Tsuyoshi Sasaki, Kenji Hashimoto, Tomihisa Niitsu, Yutaka Hosoda, Yasunori Oda, Yuki Shiko, Yoshihito Ozawa, Yohei Kawasaki, Nobuhisa Kanahara, Akihiro Shiina, Tasuku Hashimoto, Takaaki Suzuki, Takeshi Sugawara, Hideki Hanaoka, Masaomi Iyo
    Psychiatry research 311 114486-114486 2022年5月  
    BACKGROUND: Several lines of evidence suggest that glutamatergic neurotransmission via the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor plays a role in certain behavioral manifestations common to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Ifenprodil tartrate is a neuroprotective agent that binds to the GluN2B subunit of the NMDA receptor. The aim of this study is to confirm whether ifenprodil tartrate is effective in the adolescent PTSD patients. METHODS: This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Ten adolescent (13 to 18 years old) PTSD patients were randomized into two arms: placebo (n = 4), 40 mg/day ifenprodil tartrate (n = 6) for 4 weeks. All of the patients were assessed by IES-R-J (Primary outcome measure), TSCC-J, CDRS-R, DSRS-C-J and CGI-I. RESULTS: A comparison of baseline IES-R-J total scores and 4-week end-point scores showed a mild trend of improvement (p = 0.0895) and the difference score was -9.314. A comparison of baseline scores and 2-week intermediate-point scores showed that IES-R-J hyperarousal subscores and TSCC-J subscores (dissociation subscores, sexual concerns subscores) improved significantly. A comparison of baseline TSCC-J sexual concerns subscores and 4-week end-point scores improved significantly. CONCLUSIONS: Our study may prove to be an short-term effective alternative safe treatment for adolescent patients with PTSD.
  • Sayo Hamatani, Kazuki Matsumoto, Jumpei Takahashi, Yuki Shiko, Yoshihito Ozawa, Tomihisa Niitsu, Yoshiyuki Hirano, Eiji Shimizu
    Internet interventions 27 100504-100504 2022年3月  
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to investigate the feasibility of guided internet cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) for anorexia nervosa. METHODS: We conducted a prospective single-arm study between January 2020 and March 2021. The intervention was built using videos, web programs, and chat tools. The intervention program was largely based on metacognitive training. Participants performed the self-help program once a week for 12 consecutive weeks. The primary outcome was the global Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) score. Secondary outcomes included clinical symptoms of eating disorders, metacognitive function, body mass index, depression, and generalized anxiety. The main statistical analysis examined whether the EDE-Q score and other outcomes at the end of the intervention differed from the baseline. RESULTS: Fourteen participants underwent the trial treatment, and 13 completed the intervention. There was a significant reduction in the global EDE-Q score from 3.48 (SD = 1.4) to 2.54 (SD = 1.5, p = 0.02, Cohen's d = 0.75) from baseline to post-intervention. Some EDE-Q subscales and body checking questionnaire scale demonstrated statistically significant improvements, with moderate to large effect sizes. Although there was no significant improvement in body mass index, metacognitive function, or depressive symptoms, there was a significant improvement in the severity of generalized anxiety (M = -4.0, p = 0.01, Cohen's d = 0.95). No adverse events were observed. DISCUSSION: Our findings suggest that guided ICBT for anorexia nervosa is well accepted by female patients and practical as a telemedicine approach that improves symptoms. In the future, tightly controlled randomized controlled trials should be conducted for efficacy verification.
  • Makoto Kimura, Yasunori Oda, Yuki Hirose, Hiroshi Kimura, Kouhei Yoshino, Tomihisa Niitsu, Nobuhisa Kanahara, Yukihiko Shirayama, Kenji Hashimoto, Masaomi Iyo
    Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 211 173288-173288 2021年12月  
    BACKGROUND: The excessive blockade of dopamine D2 receptors (DRD2s) with long-term antipsychotic treatment is known to induce a dopamine supersensitivity state (DSS). The mechanism of DSS is speculated to be a compensatory up-regulation of DRD2s, but an excess blockade of DRD2s can also cause glutamatergic neuronal damage. Herein, we investigated whether antipsychotic-induced neuronal damage plays a role in the development of DSS. METHODS: Haloperidol (HAL; 0.75 mg/kg/day for 14 days) or vehicle was administered to rats via an osmotic mini-pump. Haloperidol-treated rats were divided into groups of DSS rats and non-DSS rats based on their voluntary locomotion data. We then determined the tissue levels of glutamate transporter-1 (GLT-1)/glutamine synthetase (GS) and heat shock protein-70 (HSP-70) in the rats' brain regions. RESULTS: The levels of HSP-70 in the striatum and CA-3 region of the DSS rats were significantly higher than those of the control and non-DSS rats, whereas the dentate gyrus HSP-70 levels in both the DSS and non-DSS rats were increased versus the controls. The levels of GLT-1/GS in the CA-3 and nucleus accumbens were increased in the DSS rats. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the DSS rats experienced striatal neuronal damage and indicate that a HAL-induced upregulation of HSP-70 and the GLT-1/GS system in the CA3 may be involved in the development of DSS. It remains unknown why the non-DSS rats did not suffer neuronal damage. In view of the need for therapeutic strategies for treatment-resistant schizophrenia, dopamine supersensitivity psychosis, and tardive dyskinesia, further investigations of our findings are warranted.
  • Akihiro Shiina, Tomihisa Niitsu, Aika Tomoto, Masaomi Iyo, Eiji Shimizu, Chiyo Fujii
    Abstract BackgroundsThe treatment of mentally disordered offenders is an issue in forensic mental health. In most countries, police officers working in the community are the first to deal with patients at risk of harming themselves or others. However, their perceptions and opinions regarding forensic mental health have not been adequately investigated in Japan.MethodsWe conducted a national survey to gather police officers' views regarding legislation on mentally disordered people and inter-organizational collaboration.ResultsA total of 241 police officers participated in this study. Many participants were aware of the mental health care scheme in their daily work. Contrastingly, many participants complained about the public health center and psychiatrists. They seem to have emerged partially from the differences in each organization's structure, lack of resources, and communication gaps. Many participants felt a lack of opportunity to learn about psychiatry.ConclusionBetter collaborative care for mentally disordered people requires mutual relationships among the police, public health centers, and psychiatrists with a deeper understanding of community mental health.
  • 加藤 正樹, 新津 富央, 松本 祥彦, 嶽北 佳輝
    精神科 = Psychiatry / 精神科編集委員会 編 39(3) 319-326 2021年9月  
  • 橘 真澄, 新津 富央, 佐藤 泰憲, 赤田 弘一, 野々村 司, 青木 勉, 小石川 比良来, 伊豫 雅臣
    精神神経学雑誌 (2021特別号) S606-S606 2021年9月  
  • 古郡 規雄, 新津 富央
    精神神経学雑誌 (2021特別号) S277-S277 2021年9月  
  • 中西 哲朗, 河原 沙伎, 齋藤 有紀, 大町 まどか, 小林 玲美子, 仲田 祐介, 鎌田 雄, 小松 英樹, 新津 富央, 伊豫 雅臣
    精神神経学雑誌 123(8) 530-530 2021年8月  
  • 新津 富央, 築地 茉莉子, 佐々木 剛, 仲田 祐介, 太田 貴代光, 小暮 正信, 関 亮太, 井手本 啓太, 橋本 佐, 鈴木 貴明, 金原 信久, 石井 伊都子, 伊豫 雅臣
    精神神経学雑誌 62(2021特別号) 102745-102745 2021年8月  
  • 松山 光一, 赤沼 暁彦, 齊藤 武, 大木 望, 石井 宏樹, 佐藤 愛子, 小田 靖典, 新津 富央, 伊豫 雅臣
    精神神経学雑誌 123(8) 530-530 2021年8月  
  • Mariko Tsukiji, Tsuyoshi Sasaki, Yusuke Nakata, Kiyomitsu Ota, Tsutomu Aoki, Koichiro Hara, Takashi Mamada, Jun Nakane, Masanobu Kogure, Ryota Seki, Keita Idemoto, Tasuku Hashimoto, Hiraki Koishikawa, Toshihiro Moriyama, Takaaki Suzuki, Nobuhisa Kanahara, Itsuko Ishii, Masaomi Iyo, Tomihisa Niitsu
    Asian journal of psychiatry 62 102745-102745 2021年8月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    OBJECTIVES: Safe and efficient methods for introducing clozapine to patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) are needed. We investigated risk factors for clozapine discontinuation in the early phase of its introduction. METHODS: We conducted a nested case-control study at 14 psychiatric hospitals in Chiba, Japan. Data from pre-registered TRS patients were collected at 7 time points within 12 weeks before and after the start of clozapine introduction. We examined the demographic data, prior and concomitant psychotropic drugs, strategies for switching from prior antipsychotics, and blood test and Global Assessment of Function results. The Clinical Global Impression-Severity Scale was retrospectively scored at 12 weeks before and after clozapine introduction. RESULTS: Of 228 patients, clozapine treatment was continued in 213 (93.4 %) and discontinued in 15 (6.6 %) patients within 12 weeks. Clinical symptoms were improved to mild symptoms with a response rate of 14.9 %. Prior antipsychotics and concomitant psychotropic drugs except for mood stabilizers were significantly decreased. Histories of smoking (OR = 3.32, 95 %CI: 1.11-9.93) and antipsychotic treatment at chlorpromazine-equivalent doses <1200 mg within the past 5 years (OR = 3.93, 95 %CI: 1.24-12.50), but not antipsychotic switching strategy, were associated with clozapine discontinuation. Eosinophilia was the most frequent reason for discontinuation (n = 3, 20 %) and was associated with concomitant valproate at 4 weeks after the introduction. CONCLUSION: Clozapine is an effective option for TRS patients (especially those treated with higher doses of prior antipsychotics) in Japan. Clinicians should be cautious about concomitant valproate in the early phase of clozapine introduction due to a high risk of eosinophilia.
  • Keita Idemoto, Tomihisa Niitsu, Tatsuki Hata, Tamaki Ishima, Sumiko Yoshida, Kotaro Hattori, Tadasu Horai, Ikuo Otsuka, Hidenaga Yamamori, Shigenobu Toda, Yosuke Kameno, Kiyomitsu Ota, Yasunori Oda, Atsushi Kimura, Tasuku Hashimoto, Norio Mori, Mitsuru Kikuchi, Yoshio Minabe, Ryota Hashimoto, Akitoyo Hishimoto, Kazuyuki Nakagome, Kenji Hashimoto, Masaomi Iyo
    Psychiatry research 301 113967-113967 2021年7月  査読有り責任著者
    Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) plays an important role in the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders. We examined serum GDNF levels in bipolar disorder (BD) patients and major depressive disorder (MDD) patients and their association with response to lithium therapy. We used a multicenter (six sites), exploratory, cross-sectional case-control design and recruited 448 subjects: 143 BD patients, 116 MDD patients, and 158 healthy controls (HCs). We evaluated the patients' clinical severity using the Clinical Global Impression (CGI), and responses to lithium therapy using the Alda scale. The serum GDNF levels were significantly decreased in the BD and MDD groups compared to the HCs, with no significant difference between the BD and MDD groups. After adjustment, the serum GDNF levels in the BD and MDD patients in remission or depressive states were decreased compared to the HC values. Lower serum GDNF levels in BD patients were associated with higher CGI and Alda scores (i.e., severe illness and good response to lithium therapy, respectively). Our findings suggest that the serum GDNF level may be a biomarker for both BD and MDD in remission or depressive states. The serum GDNF level may be associated with the lithium response of BD patients.
  • 野田 和敬, 生坂 政臣, 傳 康晴, 鈴木 隆弘, 大平 善之, 上原 孝紀, 島井 健一郎, 中田 孝明, 新津 富央
    医療情報学 41(2) 78-79 2021年6月23日  
    1. 研究目的 本研究では,アンケート調査により音声認識システムに対するニーズの高い診療領域・診療場面を明らかにし,それらの領域・場面での辞書構築を図ることを目的とした.
  • 椎名 明大, 佐藤 愛子, 新津 富央, 五十嵐 禎人, 伊豫 雅臣
    精神医学 63(6) 977-993 2021年6月15日  
  • 齋藤 有紀, 河原 沙伎, 中西 哲朗, 大町 まどか, 小林 玲美子, 仲田 祐介, 鎌田 雄, 小松 英樹, 新津 富央, 伊豫 雅臣
    千葉医学雑誌 97(3) 73-73 2021年6月  
  • 中西 哲朗, 河原 沙伎, 齋藤 有紀, 大町 まどか, 小林 玲美子, 仲田 祐介, 鎌田 雄, 小松 英樹, 新津 富央, 伊豫 雅臣
    千葉医学雑誌 97(3) 73-73 2021年6月  
  • 河原 沙伎, 齋藤 有紀, 中西 哲朗, 大町 まどか, 小林 玲美子, 仲田 祐介, 鎌田 雄, 小松 英樹, 新津 富央, 伊豫 雅臣
    千葉医学雑誌 97(3) 73-73 2021年6月  
  • 井手本 啓太, 新津 富央, 畑 達記, 太田 貴代光, 小田 靖典, 木村 敦史, 橋本 佐, 伊豫 雅臣, 橋本 謙二, 石間 環
    千葉医学雑誌 97(3) 75-75 2021年6月  
  • 井手本 啓太, 新津 富央, 畑 達記, 太田 貴代光, 小田 靖典, 木村 敦史, 橋本 佐, 伊豫 雅臣, 橋本 謙二, 石間 環
    千葉医学雑誌 97(3) 75-75 2021年6月  
  • 中西 哲朗, 河原 沙伎, 齋藤 有紀, 大町 まどか, 小林 玲美子, 仲田 祐介, 鎌田 雄, 小松 英樹, 新津 富央, 伊豫 雅臣
    千葉医学雑誌 97(3) 73-73 2021年6月  
  • 河原 沙伎, 齋藤 有紀, 中西 哲朗, 大町 まどか, 小林 玲美子, 仲田 祐介, 鎌田 雄, 小松 英樹, 新津 富央, 伊豫 雅臣
    千葉医学雑誌 97(3) 73-73 2021年6月  
  • Yusuke Nakata, Nobuhisa Kanahara, Atsushi Kimura, Tomihisa Niitsu, Hideki Komatsu, Yasunori Oda, Miwako Nakamura, Masatomo Ishikawa, Tadashi Hasegawa, Yu Kamata, Atsushi Yamauchi, Kazuhiko Inazumi, Hiroshi Kimura, Yuki Shiko, Yohei Kawasaki, Masaomi Iyo
    Journal of psychiatric research 138 219-227 2021年6月  査読有り
    Treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) has a quite complex pathophysiology that includes not only severe positive symptoms but also other symptom domains. Much attention has been devoted to the overlapping psychological and biological profiles of schizophrenia and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). We compared TRS patients (n = 30) with schizophrenia patients in remission (RemSZ, n = 28) and ASD patients (n = 28), focusing on general cognitive and social cognitive impairment and oxytocin system dysfunction. Our analyses revealed that there was no difference in oxytocin concentration among the three groups. The TRS patients' oxytocin blood concentrations were positively correlated with their processing speed and theory-of-mind scores, whereas the RemSZ and ASD groups had no significant relation with any measures. Rs53576, a single nucleotide polymorphism on the oxytocin receptor gene, affected social cognition abilities in the schizophrenia group. Although the overall findings are preliminary, they indicate that oxytocin system dysfunction could be involved in the serious cognitive deficits in TRS patients. Further, these results suggest that patients with TRS might have early neurodevelopmental abnormalities based on their shared biological features with ASD patients.
  • Kengo Oishi, Tomihisa Niitsu, Nobuhisa Kanahara, Yasunori Sato, Yoshimi Iwayama, Tomoko Toyota, Tasuku Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Sasaki, Masayuki Takase, Akihiro Shiina, Takeo Yoshikawa, Masaomi Iyo
    European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience 271(4) 775-781 2021年6月  査読有り
    It has been suggested that dopaminergic neurotransmission plays important roles for the psychotic symptoms and probably etiology of schizophrenia. In our recent preliminary study, we demonstrated that the specific allele combinations of dopamine-related functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs10770141, rs4680, and rs1800497 could indicate risks for schizophrenia. The present validation study involved a total of 2542 individuals who were age- and sex-matched in a propensity score matching analysis, and the results supported the statistical significances of the proposed genetic risks described in our previous reports. The estimated odds ratios were 1.24 (95% CI 1.06-1.45, p < 0.001) for rs4680, 1.73 (95% CI 1.47-2.02, p < 0.0001) for rs1800497, and 1.79 (95% CI 1.35-2.36, p < 0.0001) for rs10770141. A significant relationship was also revealed among these three polymorphisms and schizophrenia, with corresponding coefficients (p < 0.0001). In this study, we also present a new scoring model for the identification of individuals with the disease risks. Using the cut-off value of 2, our model exhibited sensitivity for almost two-thirds of all of the schizophrenia patients: odds ratio 1.87, 95% CI 1.59-2.19, p < 0.0001. In conclusion, we identified significant associations of dopamine-related genetic combinations with schizophrenia. These findings suggest that some types of dopaminergic neurotransmission play important roles for development of schizophrenia, and this type of approach may also be applicable for other multifactorial diseases, providing a potent new risk predictor.
  • Makoto Kimura, Yasunori Oda, Hiroshi Kimura, Masahito Nangaku, Yuki Hirose, Tomihisa Niitsu, Nobuhisa Kanahara, Yukihiko Shirayama, Kenji Hashimoto, Masaomi Iyo
    Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 202 173114-173114 2021年3月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Some individuals with schizophrenia present with a dopamine supersensitivity state (DSS) induced by a long-term administration of excessive antipsychotics; this is recognized as dopamine supersensitivity psychosis (DSP). The mechanisms underlying DSP are not established. Here, we investigated dopamine signaling in DSS rats. METHODS: Haloperidol (HAL; 0.75 mg/kg/day for 14 days) or vehicle was administered to rats via an osmotic mini-pump. We then screened DSS rats from HAL-treated rats by a voluntary locomotion test. The striatal levels of dopamine (DA) and its metabolites 3,4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) were determined, as were the levels of protein kinase v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog (AKT), glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3), and phosphorylated GSK-3 in the striatal regions. RESULTS: In the DSS rats, the DA, DOPAC, and HVA levels were significantly decreased. In a western blot analysis, the DSS rats exhibited a significant decrease in GSK-3α/β and an increase in the pGSK-3β/GSK-3β ratio, whereas AKT was not changed. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicated that the DSS rats had hypofunction of the basal dopamine release and AKT/GSK-3 signaling even at 7 days after the antipsychotic was discontinued. Protracted reductions in pre- and post-dopamine D2 receptor signaling might cause prolonged DSS.
  • Akihiro Shiina, Tomihisa Niitsu, Osamu Kobori, Keita Idemoto, Tasuku Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Sasaki, Yoshito Igarashi, Eiji Shimizu, Michiko Nakazato, Kenji Hashimoto, Masaomi Iyo
    Annals of general psychiatry 20(1) 13-13 2021年2月18日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: To control the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 infection's disease (COVID-19), appropriate precautionary behaviors by the public should be promoted. There are international differences in public cognitive and behavioral pattern, attitudes toward information sources, and anxiety about COVID-19. Information about these differences could increase understanding of the patterns of epidemic-related anxiety and behavior, and would help optimize future policies for preventing the next wave of the epidemic. METHODS: To examine between-country differences in perception, attitude, and precautionary behaviors toward COVID-19, we conducted a cross-sectional study using an online questionnaire survey. Participants were adults who had been registered in Cross Marketing Group Inc. and living in the UK, Spain, or Japan. A total of 8,000 people stratified by age were recruited on a first-come, first-serve basis. Knowledge of and anxiety about COVID-19, the frequency of access and perceived credibility of several information sources, and the frequency of each precautionary behavior were examined on March 27-28, 2020, in Japan and April 17-21, 2020, in the UK and Spain. RESULTS: Knowledge, anxiety, and the frequency of precautionary behaviors were higher in the UK and Spain than in Japan. Participants with infected acquaintances were more concerned about COVID-19. However, participants in the UK rarely wore a medical mask. Participants in the UK and Spain were more eager to obtain information about COVID-19 than those in Japan. Participants in Spain tended not to trust official information and to believe specialists' comments instead. CONCLUSION: The rapidity of the spread of COVID-19, cultural background, and recent political situations seemed to contribute to the international differences here.
  • Keita Idemoto, Tamaki Ishima, Tomihisa Niitsu, Tatsuki Hata, Sumiko Yoshida, Kotaro Hattori, Tadasu Horai, Ikuo Otsuka, Hidenaga Yamamori, Shigenobu Toda, Yosuke Kameno, Kiyomitsu Ota, Yasunori Oda, Atsushi Kimura, Tasuku Hashimoto, Norio Mori, Mitsuru Kikuchi, Yoshio Minabe, Ryota Hashimoto, Akitoyo Hishimoto, Kazuyuki Nakagome, Masaomi Iyo, Kenji Hashimoto
    Journal of psychiatric research 134 48-56 2021年2月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Bipolar disorder (BD) is frequently misdiagnosed as major depressive disorder (MDD) due to overlapping depressive symptoms. This study investigated whether serum platelet-derived growth factor BB (PDGF-BB) is a differential diagnostic biomarker for BD and MDD. An initial SOMAscan proteomics assay of 1311 proteins in small samples from patients with BD and MDD and healthy controls (HCs) suggested that serum levels of PDGF-BB differed between BD and MDD. We then conducted a two-step, exploratory, cross-sectional, case-control study at our institute and five sites that included a total of 549 participants (157 with BD, 144 with MDD, and 248 HCs). Clinical symptoms were assessed using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and the Young Mania Rating Scale. In the initial analysis at our institute, serum PDGF-BB levels in the MDD group (n = 36) were significantly lower than those in the BD (n = 39) and HC groups (n = 36). In the multicenter study, serum PDGF-BB levels in the MDD group were again significantly lower than those in the BD and HC groups, with no significant difference between the BD and HC groups. Treatment with sodium valproate was associated with significantly lower serum PDGF-BB levels in patients with BD. After controlling for confounding factors (sex, age, body mass index, clinical severity, and valproate medication), serum PDGF-BB levels were lower in the MDD group than in the BD group regardless of mood state. Our findings suggest that serum PDGF-BB may be a potential biomarker to differentiate BD and MDD.
  • Tomihisa Niitsu, Yasunori Oda, Keita Idemoto, Kiyomitsu Ota, Jing Liu, Tsuyoshi Sasaki, Michiko Nakazato, Kenji Hashimoto, Masaomi Iyo
    Psychiatry research 296 113674-113674 2021年2月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) may play an important role in attention. We investigated the association between serum GDNF levels and clinical status in unmedicated adults with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (n = 16) and healthy controls (n = 33); the levels were comparable between the ADHD and control groups (107.2 ± 31.7 vs. 110.5 ± 40.0 pg/mL, respectively; p = 0.77). In the ADHD group, higher GDNF serum levels were associated with severe subjective inattention (r = 0.528, p = 0.035). These preliminary results suggest that the serum GDNF level may not be a suitable biomarker for adult ADHD, although it may be associated with the pathophysiology of persistent inattention in adult ADHD.
  • Makoto Kimura, Yasunori Oda, Kengo Oishi, Kouhei Yoshino, Hiroshi Kimura, Tomihisa Niitsu, Nobuhisa Kanahara, Yukihiko Shirayama, Kenji Hashimoto, Masaomi Iyo
    Schizophrenia research 228 1-6 2021年2月  査読有り
    While the long-term administration of antipsychotics is known to cause dopamine supersensitivity psychosis (DSP), recent studies revealed that DSP helps form the foundation of treatment resistance. Electroconvulsive shock (ES) is one of the more effective treatments for treatment-resistant schizophrenia. The objective of this study was to examine whether repeated ES can release rats from dopamine supersensitivity states such as striatal dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) up-regulation and voluntary hyperlocomotion following chronic administration of haloperidol (HAL). HAL (0.75 mg/kg/day) was administered for 14 days via mini-pumps implanted in rats, and DRD2 density and voluntary locomotion were measured one day after drug cessation to confirm the development of dopamine supersensitivity. The rats with or without dopamine supersensitivity received repeated ES or sham treatments, and then DRD2 density was assessed and a voluntary locomotion test was performed. Chronic treatment with HAL led to the up-regulation of striatal DRD2 and hyperlocomotion in the rats one day after drug cessation. We thus confirmed that these rats experienced a dopamine supersensitivity state. Moreover, after repeated ES, locomotor activity and DRD2 density in the DSP model rats fell to the control level, while an ES sham operation had no effect on the dopamine supersensitivity state. The present study suggests that repeated ES could release DSP model rats from dopamine supersensitivity states. ES may be helpful for patients with DSP.
  • Akihiro Shiina, Tomihisa Niitsu, Masaomi Iyo
    PloS one 16(1) e0245866 2021年  査読有り
    Self-medication using over-the-counter (OTC) drugs is an option for the autonomous treatment of several health problems. However, the use of OTC drugs to treat psychiatric conditions remains controversial. To clarify opinions regarding the use of OTC drugs to treat psychiatric problems, we conducted an anonymous online survey of 3000 people in Japan. Participants were stratified into three groups according to their history of mental health problems. Few participants had engaged in self-medication using OTC drugs for psychiatric symptoms, with the exception of insomnia. Participants who had used OTC drugs reported feeling less satisfied with their experience compared with those who had consulted a specialist. Participants who had used sleeping pills were likely to hold relatively positive opinions regarding the use of OTC psychiatric drugs. In conclusion, the need for self-medication of psychiatric symptoms appears to be limited. Education and further research may be necessary to promote self-medication for proper treatment of psychiatric conditions in Japan.
  • Yusuke Nakata, Nobuhisa Kanahara, Atsushi Kimura, Tomihisa Niitsu, Hideki Komatsu, Yasunori Oda, Masatomo Ishikawa, Tadashi Hasegawa, Yu Kamata, Atsushi Yamauchi, Kazuhiko Inazumi, Hiroshi Kimura, Masaomi Iyo
    Schizophrenia research. Cognition 22 100186-100186 2020年12月  査読有り
    The complex pathophysiology of treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) includes severe positive symptoms but also other symptom domains. The overlapping psychological profiles of schizophrenia and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) are not established. We compared TRS patients (n = 30) with schizophrenia patients in remission (RemSZ, n = 28) and ASD patients (n = 28), focusing on both neurodevelopmental aspects and general and social cognitive impairments. The TRS group performed the worst on general neurocognition (measured by the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery) and social cognition (measured by the theory of mind and emotional expression). The RemSZ group performed the best among the three groups. Regarding autistic traits, all measurements by the Autism-Spectrum Quotient/Autism Screening Questionnaire/Pervasive Developmental Disorder Assessment Rating Scale showed that (1) the ASD patients had the highest autistic traits (2) the TRS patients' scores were less severe than the ASD group's, but (3) the overall trends placed the TRS group between the ASD and the RemSZ group. These findings indicate that TRS patients and remitted patients could have distinctive neurodevelopmental and cognitive profiles. Further, the degrees of social cognitive dysfunction and autistic traits in TRS patients could be close to those of ASD patients, suggesting similarities between TRS and ASD.
  • 佐々木 剛, 橋本 謙二, 細田 豊, 小田 靖典, 新津 富央, 藤田 有子, 川崎 洋平, 伊豫 雅臣
    日本脳科学会プログラム・抄録集 47回 24-24 2020年11月  
  • 佐藤 愛子, 橋本 佐, 吉村 健佑, 新津 富央, 田中 麻未, 伊豫 雅臣, 中里 道子
    総合病院精神医学 32(Suppl.) S-156 2020年11月  
  • 椎名 明大, 新津 富央, 小堀 修, 井手本 啓太, 橋本 佐, 佐々木 剛, 五十嵐 禎人, 清水 栄司, 中里 道子, 橋本 謙二, 伊豫 雅臣
    総合病院精神医学 32(Suppl.) S-198 2020年11月  
  • 椎名 明大, 新津 富央, 小堀 修, 井手本 啓太, 橋本 佐, 佐々木 剛, 五十嵐 禎人, 清水 栄司, 中里 道子, 橋本 謙二, 伊豫 雅臣
    総合病院精神医学 32(Suppl.) S-198 2020年11月  



