
高屋 明子

タカヤ アキコ  (Akiko Takaya)


千葉大学  大学院薬学研究院分子医薬科学 薬学部 准教授
博士(薬学)(2005年8月 千葉大学)



  • Junpei Yamaguchi, Teruhisa Manome, Yasumasa Hara, Yuriko Yamazaki, Yuumi Nakamura, Masami Ishibashi, Akiko Takaya
    Frontiers in Pharmacology 15 2024年4月10日  査読有り
    The virulence of Staphylococcus aureus, including methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), depends on the expression of toxins and virulence factors controlled by the quorum-sensing (QS) system, encoded on the virulence accessory gene regulator (agr) locus. The aim of this study was to identify a phytochemical that inhibits Agr-QS function and to elucidate its mechanism. We screened 577 compounds and identified physalin H, physalin B, and isophysalin B—–phytochemicals belonging to physalins found in plants of the Solanaceae family—–as novel Agr-QS modulators. Biological analyses and in vitro protein–DNA binding assays suggested that these physalins suppress gene expression related to the Agr-QS system by inhibiting binding of the key response regulator AgrA to the agr promoters, reducing the function of hemolytic toxins downstream of these genes in MRSA. Furthermore, although physalin F suppressed gene expression in the Agr-QS system, its anti-hemolytic activity was lower than that of physalins H, B, and isophysalin B. Conversely, five physalins isolated from the same plant with the ability to suppress Agr-QS did not reduce bacterial Agr-QS activity but inhibited AgrA binding to DNA in vitro. A docking simulation revealed that physalin interacts with the DNA-binding site of AgrA in three docking states. The carbonyl oxygens at C-1 and C-18 of physalins, which can suppress Agr-QS, were directed to residues N201 and R198 of AgrA, respectively, whereas these carbonyl oxygens of physalins, without Agr-QS suppression activity, were oriented in different directions. Next, 100-ns molecular dynamics simulations revealed that the hydrogen bond formed between the carbonyl oxygen at C-15 of physalins and L186 of AgrA functions as an anchor, sustaining the interaction between the carbonyl oxygen at C-1 of physalins and N201 of AgrA. Thus, these results suggest that physalin H, physalin B, and isophysalin B inhibit the interaction of AgrA with the agr promoters by binding to the DNA-binding site of AgrA, suppressing the Agr-QS function of S. aureus. Physalins that suppress the Agr-QS function are proposed as potential lead compounds in the anti-virulence strategy for MRSA infections.
  • Kazuki Fujii, Itsuki Iwata, Akiko Takaya, Masami Ishibashi, Yasumasa Hara
    Journal of Natural Medicines 78(3) 732-740 2024年4月9日  
  • Reika Aoyama, Seitaro Nakagawa, Yoko Ichikawa, Naohiro Inohara, Yuriko Yamazaki, Tomoka Ito, Takashi Sugihira, Michihiro Kono, Masashi Akiyama, Hiroki Takahashi, Akiko Takaya, Fumitaka Ichikawa, Taiji Nakano, Seiko Tanaka, Yutaka Koyano, Manabu Fujimoto, Gabriel Núñez, Naoki Shimojo, Yuumi Nakamura
    Allergy 2024年3月9日  査読有り
  • Keita Yamazaki, Yuma Okuda, Akiko Takaya, Tetsuhiro Nemoto
    Organic letters 26(3) 670-675 2024年1月26日  査読有り
    The total synthesis of dragmacidins G and H was achieved for the first time by employing nucleophilic aromatic substitution and site-selective cross-coupling reactions using appropriately functionalized pyrazines as substrates. The evaluation of antibacterial activities of dragmacidin G, dragmacidin H, and synthetic analogues against Staphylococcus aureus and the efflux pump-deficient Salmonella Typhimurium revealed that the presence of a Br group on the indole ring adjacent to the sulfide unit was important for increasing antibacterial activities.
  • Daiki Tanaka, Junichi Ishihara, Hiroki Takahashi, Masashi Kobayashi, Aya Miyazaki, Satsuki Kajiya, Risa Fujita, Naoki Maekawa, Yuriko Yamazaki, Akiko Takaya, Yuumi Nakamura, Masahiro Furuya, Tetsushi Sekiguchi, Shuichi Shoji
    Micromachines 14(5) 1027-1027 2023年5月  査読有り
    In this study, we developed a comb-shaped microfluidic device that can efficiently trap and culture a single cell (bacterium). Conventional culture devices have difficulty in trapping a single bacterium and often use a centrifuge to push the bacterium into the channel. The device developed in this study can store bacteria in almost all growth channels using the flowing fluid. In addition, chemical replacement can be performed in a few seconds, making this device suitable for culture experiments with resistant bacteria. The storage efficiency of microbeads that mimic bacteria was significantly improved from 0.2% to 84%. We used simulations to investigate the pressure loss in the growth channel. The pressure in the growth channel of the conventional device was more than 1400 PaG, whereas that of the new device was less than 400 PaG. Our microfluidic device was easily fabricated by a soft microelectromechanical systems method. The device was highly versatile and can be applied to various bacteria, such as Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus.



