砂原 一夫, 宮谷 克明, 堀江 満, 別府 義久, 横田 亘俊, 上川 直文, 小島 隆, 掛川 一幸
J. Soc. Inorg. Mater. Jpn. 2007年1月1日
A thin film of Bi4Ti3O12 was prepared from a layered assembly by alternative spin-coating of a sol-gel solution and a Bi4Ti3O12 seed suspension on a glass substrate. The layered assembly was heated at various temperatures and the crystallization behavior was studied. For comparison the thin film of Bi4Ti3O12 was also prepared from a spin-coated sol-gel solution without the seed crystal. In case of the layered assembly with seed crystal Bi4Ti3O12 was crystallized at 450°C, while without the seed crystal Bi4Ti3O12 was not crystallized at the same temperature. Without the seed crystal, higher temperature was required for the crystallization and pyrochlore phase was also observed. Higher temperature led a reaction between the spin-coated layer and the glass substrate, causing a deterioration of the substrates. Formation of thin film of Bi4Ti3O12 crystal at temperatures below 450°C is required for the LSI fabrication, and the process developed in this study meets such requirements.