
斎藤 哲一郎

サイトウ テツイチロウ  (Tetsuichiro Saito)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院




  • Satoshi Fujimoto, Marcus N Leiwe, Shuhei Aihara, Richi Sakaguchi, Yuko Muroyama, Reiko Kobayakawa, Ko Kobayakawa, Tetsuichiro Saito, Takeshi Imai
    Developmental Cell 58(14) 1221-1236 2023年6月24日  査読有り
    In developing brains, activity-dependent remodeling facilitates the formation of precise neuronal connectivity. Synaptic competition is known to facilitate synapse elimination; however, it has remained unknown how different synapses compete with one another within a post-synaptic cell. Here, we investigate how a mitral cell in the mouse olfactory bulb prunes all but one primary dendrite during the developmental remodeling process. We find that spontaneous activity generated within the olfactory bulb is essential. We show that strong glutamatergic inputs to one dendrite trigger branch-specific changes in RhoA activity to facilitate the pruning of the remaining dendrites: NMDAR-dependent local signals suppress RhoA to protect it from pruning; however, the subsequent neuronal depolarization induces neuron-wide activation of RhoA to prune non-protected dendrites. NMDAR-RhoA signals are also essential for the synaptic competition in the mouse barrel cortex. Our results demonstrate a general principle whereby activity-dependent lateral inhibition across synapses establishes a discrete receptive field of a neuron.
  • Masae Naruse, Tetsuichiro Saito
    Scientific Reports 12(1) 17145 2022年10月13日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Abstract mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 have been widely used and saving millions of people in the world. How efficiently proteins are produced from exogenous mRNAs in the embryonic brain, however, is less known. Here we show that protein expression occurs highly efficiently in neural stem cells, in a very narrow time window after mRNA electroporation in the embryonic mouse brain, where plasmids have been successfully transfected. Protein expression is detected 1 h and 12 h after the electroporation of mRNAs and plasmids, respectively. The delivery of exogenous mRNAs may be useful for not only vaccines but also functional analysis in the brain.
  • Chuan-Chie Chang, Hsiao-Ying Kuo, Shih-Yun Chen, Wan-Ting Lin, Kuan-Ming Lu, Tetsuichiro Saito, Fu-Chin Liu
    Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 15 669631 2021年5月13日  査読有り
    Schizophrenia is a devastating neuropsychiatric disease with a globally 1% life-long prevalence. Clinical studies have linked <italic>Zswim6</italic> mutations to developmental and neurological diseases, including schizophrenia. <italic>Zswim6</italic>’s function remains largely unknown. Given the involvement of <italic>Zswim6</italic> in schizophrenia and schizophrenia as a neurodevelopmental disease, it is important to understand the spatiotemporal expression pattern of <italic>Zswim6</italic> in the developing brain. Here, we performed a comprehensive analysis of the spatiotemporal expression pattern of <italic>Zswim6</italic> in the mouse forebrain by <italic>in situ</italic> hybridization with radioactive and non-radioactive-labeled riboprobes. <italic>Zswim6</italic> mRNA was detected as early as E11.5 in the ventral forebrain. At E11.5–E13.5, <italic>Zswim6</italic> was highly expressed in the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE). The LGE consisted of two progenitor populations. Dlx+;Er81+ cells in dorsal LGE comprised progenitors of olfactory bulb interneurons, whereas Dlx+;Isl1+ progenitors in ventral LGE gave rise to striatal projection neurons. <italic>Zswim6</italic> was not colocalized with Er81 in the dorsal LGE. In the ventral LGE, <italic>Zswim6</italic> was colocalized with striatal progenitor marker <italic>Nolz-1</italic>. <italic>Zswim6</italic> was highly expressed in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of LGE in which progenitors undergo the transition from proliferation to differentiation. Double labeling showed that <italic>Zswim6</italic> was not colocalized with proliferation marker Ki67 but was colocalized with differentiation marker Tuj1 in the SVZ, suggesting <italic>Zswim6</italic> expression in early differentiating neurons. <italic>Zswim6</italic> was also expressed in the adjacent structures of medial and caudal ganglionic eminences (MGE, CGE) that contained progenitors of cortical interneurons. At E15.5 and E17.5, <italic>Zswim6</italic> was expressed in several key brain regions that were involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, including the striatum, cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and medial habenular nucleus. <italic>Zswim6</italic> was persistently expressed in the postnatal brain. Cell type analysis indicated that <italic>Zswim6</italic> mRNA was colocalized with <italic>D1R</italic>-expressing striatonigral and <italic>D2R</italic>-expressing striatopallidal neurons of the adult striatum with a higher colocalization in striatopallidal neurons. These findings are of particular interest as striatal dopamine D2 receptors are known to be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. In summary, the comprehensive analysis provides an anatomical framework for the study of <italic>Zswim6 function and Zswim6-associated neurological disorders</italic>.
  • Chuan‐Chie Chang, Hsiao‐Ying Kuo, Shih‐Yun Chen, Wan‐Ting Lin, Kuan‐Ming Lu, Tetsuichiro Saito, Fu‐Chin Liu
    Journal of Comparative Neurology 528(14) 2404-2419 2020年10月  査読有り
  • Tetsuichiro Saito
    Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 93-101 2020年2月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Satoshi Fujimoto, Marcus N. Leiwe, Richi Sakaguchi, Yuko Muroyama, Reiko Kobayakawa, Ko Kobayakawa, Tetsuichiro Saito, Takeshi Imai
    bioRxiv 2019年5月6日  
    <title>ABSTRACT</title>In the mouse olfactory bulb, sensory information detected by ∼1,000 types of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) is represented by the glomerular map. The second-order neurons, mitral and tufted cells, connect a single primary dendrite to one glomerulus. This forms discrete connectivity between the ∼1,000 types of input and output neurons. It has remained unknown how this discrete dendrite wiring is established during development. We found that genetically silencing neuronal activity in mitral cells, but not from OSNs, perturbs the dendrite pruning of mitral cells. <italic>In vivo</italic> calcium imaging of awake neonatal animals revealed two types of spontaneous neuronal activity in mitral/tufted cells, but not in OSNs. Pharmacological and knockout experiments revealed a role for glutamate and NMDARs. The genetic blockade of neurotransmission among mitral/tufted cells reduced spontaneous activity and perturbed dendrite wiring. Thus, spontaneous network activity generated within the olfactory bulb self-organizes the parallel discrete connections in the mouse olfactory system.
  • Ishida K, Saito T, Mitsui T
    Development Growth & Differentiation 61(2) 141-149 2019年2月  査読有り
  • Kentaro Ishida, Tetsuichiro Saito, Toshiyuki Mitsui
    Development Growth and Differentiation 60(5) 291-299 2018年6月1日  査読有り
    A Merkel cell-neurite complex is a touch receptor composed of specialized epithelial cells named Merkel cells and peripheral sensory nerves in the skin. Merkel cells are found in touch-sensitive skin components including whisker follicles. The nerve fibers that innervate Merkel cells of a whisker follicle extend from the maxillary branch of the trigeminal ganglion. Whiskers as a sensory organ attribute to the complicated architecture of the Merkel cell-neurite complex, and therefore it is intriguing how the structure is formed. However, observing the dynamic process of the formation of a Merkel cell-neurite complex in whiskers during embryonic development is still difficult. In this study, we tried to develop an organotypic co-culture method of a whisker pad and a trigeminal ganglion explant to form the Merkel cell-neurite complex in vitro. We initially developed two distinct culture methods of a single whisker row and a trigeminal ganglion explant, and then combined them. By dissecting and cultivating a single row from a whisker pad, the morphogenesis of whisker follicles could be observed under a microscope. After the co-cultivation of the whisker row with a trigeminal ganglion explant, a Merkel cell-neurite complex composed of Merkel cells, which were positive for both cytokeratin 8 and SOX2, Neurofilament-H-positive trigeminal nerve fibers and Schwann cells expressing Nestin, SOX2 and SOX10 was observed via immunohistochemical analyses. These results suggest that the process for the formation of a Merkel cell-neurite complex can be observed under a microscope using our organotypic co-culture method.
  • Tatsuya Sato, Takako Kikkawa, Tetsuichiro Saito, Keiichi Itoi, Noriko Osumi
    Development Growth & Differentiation 59(9) 701-712 2017年12月  査読有り
    The anterior part of the embryonic telencephalon gives rise to several brain regions that are important for animal behavior, including the frontal cortex (FC) and the olfactory bulb. The FC plays an important role in decision-making behaviors, such as social and cognitive behavior, and the olfactory bulb is involved in olfaction. Here, we show the organizing activity of fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) in the regionalization of the anterior telencephalon, specifically the FC and the olfactory bulb. Misexpression of Fgf8 in the most anterior part of the mouse telencephalon at embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5) by ex utero electroporation resulted in a lateral shift of dorsal FC subdivision markers and a lateral expansion of the dorsomedial part of the FC, the future anterior cingulate and prelimbic cortex. Fgf8-transfected brains had lacked ventral FC, including the future orbital cortex, which was replaced by the expanded olfactory bulb. The olfactory region occupied a larger area of the FC when transfection efficiency of Fgf8 was higher. These results suggest that Fgf8 regulates the proportions of the FC and olfactory bulb in the anterior telencephalon and has a medializing effect on the formation of FC subdivisions.
  • Yuko Muroyama, Atsushi Baba, Motoo Kitagawa, Tetsuichiro Saito
    PLoS Genetics 12(12) 2016年12月1日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Mitral cells (MCs) of the mammalian olfactory bulb have a single primary dendrite extending into a single glomerulus, where they receive odor information from olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). Molecular mechanisms for controlling dendritic arbors of MCs, which dynamically change during development, are largely unknown. Here we found that MCs displayed more complex dendritic morphologies in mouse mutants of Maml1, a crucial gene in Notch signaling. Similar phenotypes were observed by conditionally misexpressing a dominant negative form of MAML1 (dnMAML1) in MCs after their migration. Conversely, conditional misexpression of a constitutively active form of Notch reduced their dendritic complexity. Furthermore, the intracellular domain of Notch1 (NICD1) was localized to nuclei of MCs. These findings suggest that Notch signaling at embryonic stages is involved in the dendritic complexity of MCs. After the embryonic misexpression of dnMAML1, many MCs aberrantly extended dendrites to more than one glomerulus at postnatal stages, suggesting that Notch signaling is essential for proper formation of olfactory circuits. Moreover, dendrites in cultured MCs were shortened by Jag1-expressing cells. Finally, blocking the activity of Notch ligands in OSNs led to an increase in dendritic complexity as well as a decrease in NICD1 signals in MCs. These results demonstrate that the dendritic complexity of MCs is controlled by their presynaptic partners, OSNs.
  • Aya Murai, Ryo Iwata, Satoshi Fujimoto, Shuhei Aihara, Akio Tsuboi, Yuko Muroyama, Tetsuichiro Saito, Kazunori Nishizaki, Takeshi Imai
    eNeuro 3(5) 2016年9月1日  査読有り
    The glomerular map in the olfactory bulb (OB) is the basis for odor recognition. Once established during development, the glomerular map is stably maintained throughout the life of an animal despite the continuous turnover of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). However, traumatic damage to OSN axons in the adult often leads to dysosmia, a qualitative and quantitative change in olfaction in humans. A mouse model of dysosmia has previously indicated that there is an altered glomerular map in the OB after the OSN axon injury however, the underlying mechanisms that cause the map distortion remain unknown. In this study, we examined how the glomerular map is disturbed and how the odor information processing in the OB is affected in the dysosmia model mice. We found that the anterior-posterior coarse targeting of OSN axons is disrupted after OSN axon injury, while the local axon sorting mechanisms remained. We also found that the connectivity of mitral/tufted cell dendrites is reduced after injury, leading to attenuated odor responses in mitral/tufted cells. These results suggest that existing OSN axons are an essential scaffold for maintaining the integrity of the olfactory circuit, both OSN axons and mitral/tufted cell dendrites, in the adult.
  • Masakazu Hashimoto, Tatsuya Sato, Yuko Muroyama, Lisa Fujimura, Masahiko Hatano, Tetsuichiro Saito
    Development Growth & Differentiation 57(7) 529-538 2015年9月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    We generated knockout (KO) mice of Nepro, which has been shown to be necessary to maintain neural progenitor cells downstream of Notch in the mouse developing neocortex by using knockdown experiments, to explore its function in embryogenesis. Nepro KO embryos were morphologically indistinguishable from wild type (WT) embryos until the morula stage but failed in blastocyst formation, and many cells of the KO embryos resulted in apoptosis. We found that Nepro was localized in the nucleolus at the blastocyst stage. The number of nucleolus precursor bodies (NPBs) and nucleoli per nucleus was significantly higher in Nepro KO embryos compared with WT embryos later than the 2-cell stage. Furthermore, at the morula stage, whereas 18S rRNA and ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6), which are components of the ribosome, were distributed to the cytoplasm in WT embryos, they were mainly localized in the nucleoli in Nepro KO embryos. In addition, in Nepro KO embryos, the amount of the mitochondria-associated p53 protein increased, and Cytochrome c was distributed in the cytoplasm. These findings indicate that Nepro is a nucleolus-associated protein, and its loss leads to the apoptosis before blastocyst formation in mice.
  • Atsushi Baba, Tetsuichiro Saito
    Neuromethods 102 169-178 2015年  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Consistent and efficient gene transfer into postmitotic neurons is desirable for the study of neurons. Recent refinement of cell culturing techniques has enabled us to prepare various types of neurons in dissociated cultures. Among them, hippocampal neurons rapidly polarize, form complex morphology after plating, and are of great use in many studies. Although progenitors of hippocampal neurons can be efficiently transfected by in utero electroporation, postmitotic neurons are less susceptible to transfection than progenitors. We have developed an in vitro electroporation method, which allows for quick and easy transfection into dissociated hippocampal neurons.
  • Tetsuichiro Saito
    Neuromethods 102 1-20 2015年  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    In utero electroporation, which was developed by combining electroporation with in utero surgery, has greatly facilitated functional analyses of genes through gain-of-function and loss-of-function approaches. DNA and RNA are efficiently transfected into the mouse embryo developing in the uterus in a spatiotemporally restricted manner. Many electroporated embryos survive and express transfected genes for a long time. Moreover, the embryos are born and reared to the adult, thereby enabling analyses of both the shortand long-term effects of genes.
  • Tetsuichiro Saito
    Neuromethods 102 21-31 2015年  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Quick and efficient transfection of nucleic acids by in utero electroporation has revolutionized gene analyses in the mammalian brain. Microinjection of nucleic acids into a targeted site, however, is not easy, because young embryos are not clearly visible through the thick uterine wall. To circumvent this difficulty, we developed the exo utero electroporation method. Incision of the uterine wall of a pregnant mouse exposes the yolk sac containing an embryo, and the embryo can be clearly visualized and easily manipulated for electroporation. The electroporated embryos grow normally in their mother's body. Exo utero electroporation is particularly useful for transfection into the developing spinal cord and cerebellum and for focal transfection into a targeted site.
  • Tatsuya Sato, Yuko Muroyama, Tetsuichiro Saito
    Neuromethods 102 187-195 2015年  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    In vivo electroporation is a powerful technique to transfect foreign genes into neural stem/progenitor cells in the developing nervous system. Gene function has been analyzed in transfected neural stem/progenitor cells and their descendants, differentiated neurons. An inducible gene expression system working in neurons is desirable to examine gene function specifically in neurons. We have recently shown that gene induction is strictly controlled in postmitotic neurons in mice at both embryonic and postnatal stages using in vivo electroporation and the newest version of the tetracycline (Tet)-On system. Here we describe the method of mouse in vivo electroporation combined with the Tet-On system for precise spatiotemporal control of gene expression.
  • Tatsuya Sato, Yuko Muroyama, Tetsuichiro Saito
    Journal of Neuroscience Methods 214(2) 170-176 2013年4月5日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    In vivo electroporation has been widely used to transfect foreign genes into neural progenitors and analyze the function of genes of interest in the developing nervous system. However, it has not been thoroughly examined in the conditional regulation of exogenous genes in postmitotic neurons. Here we show that the combination of in vivo electroporation and the newest version of the tetracycline (Tet)-controlled gene regulatory (Tet-On) system efficiently induced gene expression in various types of neurons in mouse embryonic and postnatal tissues. In pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex, tetracycline-responsive element (TRE)-driven gene expression was induced in the presence of doxycycline (Dox). The induction occurred in a dose-dependent manner. The Dox-dependent induction was also observed in cerebellar Purkinje cells and spinal cord neurons. Moreover, the TRE-driven inducible expression of mammalian Barh1 (Mbh1) mimicked the phenotype of the ubiquitous expression of Mbh1 in the spinal cord. These results indicate that the combination of the Tet-On system and in vivo electroporation is useful for analyzing gene function specifically in postmitotic neurons. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
  • Daisuke Kawauchi, Yuko Muroyama, Tatsuya Sato, Tetsuichiro Saito
    DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 344(2) 1026-1034 2010年8月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    During development, commissural neurons in the spinal cord project their axons across the ventral midline, floor plate, via multiple interactions among temporally controlled molecular guidance cues and receptors. The transcriptional regulation of commissural axon-associated receptors, however, is not well characterized. Spinal dorsal cells are transfated into commissural neurons by misexpression of Mbh1, a Bar-class homeobox gene. We examined the function of another Bar-class homeobox gene, Mbh2, and how Mbh1 and Mbh2 modulate expression of the receptors, leading to midline crossing of axons. Misexpression of Mbh1 and Mbh2 showed the same effects in the spinal cord. The competence of spinal dorsal cells to become commissural neurons was dependent on the embryonic stage, during which misexpression of the Mbh genes was able to activate guidance receptor genes such as Rig? and Nrp2. Misexpression of Lhx2, which has been recently shown to be involved in Rig1 expression, activated Rig1 but not Nrp2, and was less effective in generating commissural neurons. Moreover, expression of Lhx2 was activated by and required the Mbh genes. These findings have revealed a transcriptional cascade, in which Lhx2-dependent and -independent pathways leading to expression of guidance receptors branch downstream of the Mbh genes. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Yuko Muroyama, Tetsuichiro Saito
    DEVELOPMENT 136(23) 3889-3893 2009年12月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    In the developing neocortex, neural progenitor cells (NPCs) produce projection neurons of the six cortical layers in a temporal order. Over the course of cortical neurogenesis, maintenance of NPCs is essential for the generation of distinct types of neurons at the required time. Notch signaling plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of NPCs by inhibiting neuronal differentiation. Although Hairy and Enhancer-of-split (Hes)-type proteins are central to Notch signaling, it remains unclear whether other essential effectors take part in the pathway. In this study, we identify Nepro, a gene expressed in the developing mouse neocortex at early stages that encodes a 63 kDa protein that has no known structural motif except a nuclear localization signal. Misexpression of Nepro inhibits neuronal differentiation only in the early neocortex. Furthermore, knockdown of Nepro by siRNA causes precocious differentiation of neurons. Expression of Nepro is activated by the constitutively active form of Notch but not by Hes genes. Nepro represses expression of proneural genes without affecting the expression of Hes genes. Finally, we show that the combination of Nepro and Hes maintains NPCs even when Notch signaling is blocked. These results indicate that Nepro is involved in the maintenance of NPCs in the early neocortex downstream of Notch.
  • Daisuke Kawauchi, Tetsuichiro Saito
    DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 322(2) 345-354 2008年10月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Cerebellar granule cells (CGCs) are the most abundant neuronal type in the mammalian brain, and their differentiation is regulated by the basic helix-loop-helix gene, math1. However, little is known about downstream genes of Math1 and their functions in the cerebellum. To investigate them, we have here established an electroporation-based in vivo gene transfer method in the developing mouse cerebellum. Misexpression of Math1 ectopically induced expression of Bar-class homeobox genes, Mbh1 and Mbh2, which are expressed by CGCs. Conversely, their expression was repressed in CGCs by knockdown of math1. These findings, taken together with chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, suggest that math1 directly regulates the Mbh genes in CGCs. Furthermore, a dominant-negative form of the Mbh proteins disrupted proper formation of the external granule layer and differentiation of CGCs, whereas misexpression of the Mbh genes ectopically induced expression of a CGC marker in nonneuronal cells, indicating that the Mbh proteins are required for the differentiation of CGCs. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Satoru Miyagi, Shinji Masui, Hitoshi Niwa, Tetsuichiro Saito, Takuya Shimazaki, Hideyuki Okano, Masazumi Nishimoto, Masami Muramatsu, Atsushi Iwama, Akihiko Okuda
    FEBS LETTERS 582(18) 2811-2815 2008年8月  査読有り
    The transcription factor Sox2 is expressed at high levels in neural stem and progenitor cells. Here, we inactivated Sox2 specifically in the developing brain by using Cre-loxP system. Although mutant animals did not survive after birth, analysis of late gestation embryos revealed that loss of Sox2 causes enlargement of the lateral ventricles and a decrease in the number of neurosphere-forming cells. However, although their neurogenic potential is attenuated, Sox2-deficient neural stem cells retain their multipotency and self-renewal capacity. We found that expression level of Sox3 is elevated in Sox2 null developing brain, probably mitigating the effects of loss of Sox2. (c) 2008 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
  • S Miyagi, M Nishimoto, T Saito, M Ninomiya, K Sawamoto, H Okano, M Muramatsu, H Oguro, A Iwama, A Okuda
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 281(19) 13374-13381 2006年5月  査読有り
    Sox2 is expressed at high levels in neuroepithelial stem cells and persists in neural stem/ progenitor cells throughout adulthood. We showed previously that the Sox2 regulatory region 2 ( SRR2) drives strong expression in these cells. Here we generated transgenic mouse strains with the beta- geo reporter gene under the control of the SRR2 in order to examine the spatiotemporal function of this regulatory region. We show that the SRR2 functions specifically in neural stem/ progenitor cells. However, unlike Nestin 2nd intronic enhancer, the SRR2 shows strong regional specificity functioning only in restricted areas of the telencephalon but not in any other portions of the central nervous system such as the spinal cord. We also show by in vitro clonogenic assay that at least some of these SRR2- functioning cells possess the hallmark properties of neural stem cells. In adult brains, we could detect strong beta- geo expression in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle and along the rostral migrating stream where actively dividing cells reside. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays reveal interactions of POU and Sox factors with SRR2 in neural stem/ progenitor cells. Our data also suggest that the specific recruitment of these proteins to the SRR2 in the telencephalon defines the spatiotemporal activity of the enhancer in the developing nervous system.
  • D Kawauchi, H Taniguchi, H Watanabe, T Saito, F Murakami
    DEVELOPMENT 133(6) 1113-1123 2006年3月  査読有り
    Nuclei are aggregates of neurons distributed in the central nervous system and are fundamental functional units that share anatomical and physiological features. Despite their importance, the cellular basis that leads to nucleogenesis is only poorly understood. Using exo utero electroporation with an enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) gene, we show that the precerebellar neurons derived from the lower rhombic lip (IRL) undergo multiple migration steps to form nuclei. After the unilateral transfer of EYFP to the IRL of embryonic day 12.5 mice, EYFP-labelled neurons migrate tangentially from the IRL in two distinct streams, one towards the ventral metencephalon and the other towards the ventral myelencephalon. These neurons cross the ventral midline and then become radially directed. Labelled neurons in the tangential migratory streams form contralateral clusters in the external cuneate nucleus (ECN) and lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) in the myelencephalon, and bilateral clusters in the pontine grey nucleus (PGN) and reticulotegmental nucleus (RTN) in the metencephalon. Before forming the clusters, EYFP-labelled neurons begin to migrate radially towards the ventricle in close apposition to nestin-positive radial fibres, and then they aggregate as they detach from the fibres. Inhibition of cadherin function in ECN and LRN progenitors caused ipsilateral formation of the ECN and LRN, implying that the transition of their migration from tangential to radial involves a cell-intrinsic mechanism. These observations suggest that nucleogenesis of precerebellar neurons is a result of multi-phasic migration, and that ventricle-directed radial glia-guided migration is a key step for nucleogenesis.
  • Tetsuichiro Saito
    NATURE PROTOCOLS 1(3) 1552-1558 2006年  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    This protocol describes a basic method for in vivo electroporation in the nervous system of embryonic mice. Delivery of electric pulses following microinjection of DNA into the brain ventricle or the spinal cord central canal enables efficient transfection of genes into the nervous system. Transfection is facilitated by forceps-type electrodes, which hold the uterus and/or the yolk sac containing the embryo. More than ten embryos in a single pregnant mouse can be operated on within 30 min. More than 90% of operated embryos survive and more than 90% of these survivors express the transfected genes appropriately. Gene expression in neurons persists for a long time, even at postnatal stages, after electroporation. Thus, this method could be used to analyze roles of genes not only in embryonic development but also in higher order function of the nervous system, such as learning.
  • R Saba, JE Johnson, T Saito
    DEVELOPMENT 132(9) 2147-2155 2005年5月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Proneural basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proteins are key regulators of neurogenesis. However, downstream target genes of the bHLH proteins remain poorly defined. Mbh1 confers commissural neuron identity in the spinal cord. Enhancer analysis using transgenic mice revealed that Mbh1 expression required an E-box 3' of the Mbh1 gene. Mbh1 expression was lost in Math1 knockout mice, whereas misexpression of Math1 induced ectopic expression of Mbh1. Moreover, Math1 bound the Mbh1 enhancer containing the E-box in vivo and activated gene expression. Generation of commissural neurons by Math1 was inhibited by a dominant negative form of Mbh1. These findings indicate that Mbh1 is necessary and sufficient for the specification of commissural neurons, as a direct downstream target of Math1.
  • Ken-ichi Mizutani, Tetsuichiro Saito
    Development (Cambridge, England) 132(6) 1295-304 2005年3月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    The mammalian cerebral cortex comprises six layers of neurons. Cortical progenitors in the ventricular zone generate neurons specific to each layer through successive cell divisions. Neurons of layer VI are generated at an early stage, whereas later-born neurons occupy progressively upper layers. The underlying molecular mechanisms of neurogenesis, however, are relatively unknown. In this study, we devised a system where the Notch pathway was activated spatiotemporally in the cortex by in vivo electroporation and Cre-mediated DNA recombination. Electroporation at E13.5 transferred DNA to early progenitors that gave rise to neurons of both low and upper layers. Forced expression of a constitutively active form of Notch (caNotch) at E13.5 inhibited progenitors from generating neurons and kept progenitors as proliferating radial glial cells. After subsequent transfection at E15.5 of a Cre expression vector to remove caNotch, double-transfected cells, in which caNotch was excised, migrated into the cortical plate and differentiated into neurons specific to upper layers. Bromodeoxyuridine-labeling experiments showed that the neurons were born after Cre transfection. These results indicate that cortical progenitors that had been temporarily subjected to Notch activation at an early stage generated neurons at later stages, but that the generation of low-layer neurons was skipped. Moreover, the double-transfected cells gave rise to upper-layer neurons, even after their transplantation into the E13.5 brain, indicating that the developmental state of progenitors is not halted by caNotch activity.
  • CW Chang, CW Tsai, HF Wang, HC Tsai, HY Chen, TF Tsai, H Takahashi, HY Li, MJ Fann, CW Yang, Y Hayashizaki, T Saito, FC Liu
    Neural information processed through the striatum of the basal ganglia is crucial for sensorimotor and psychomotor functions. Genes that are highly expressed in the striatum during development may be involved in neural development and plasticity in the striatum. We report in the present study the identification of a previously uncharacterized mammalian member of the nocA/eIB/tlp-1 family, Nolz-1, that is preferentially expressed at high levels in the developing striatum. Nolz-1 mRNA was expressed as soon as striatal anlage began to form at embryonic day 13 in the rat. Nolz-1 mRNA was predominantly expressed in the lateral ganglionic eminence (striatal primordium) and was nearly absent in the adjacent structures of the medial ganglionic eminence and the cerebral cortex. Moreover, Nolz-1 was highly expressed in the subventricular zone of the lateral ganglionic eminence and was colocalized with the early neuronal differentiation markers of TuJ1 and IsI1 and the projection neuron marker of DARPP-32, suggesting that Nolz-1 was expressed in differentiating progenitors of striatal projection neurons. A time course study showed that Nolz-1 mRNA was developmentally regulated, as its expression was down-regulated postnatally with low levels remaining in the ventral striatum at adulthood. As the tagged Nolz-1 protein was localized in the nucleus, Nolz-1 may function as transcriptional regulator. In a model system for neural differentiation, Nolz-1 mRNA was dramatically induced on neural induction of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells by retinoic acid, suggesting that Nolz-1 activation may be involved in neural differentiation. Our study suggests that Nolz-1 is preferentially expressed in differentiating striatal progenitors and may be engaged in the genetic program for controlling striatal development.
  • Miyagi S, Saito T, Mizutani K, Masuyama N, Gotoh Y, Iwama A, Nakauchi H, Masui S, Niwa H, Nishimoto M, Muramatsu M, Okuda A
    Molecular and Cellular Biology 2004;24:4207-4220. 24(10) 4207-4220 2004年  査読有り
  • R Saba, N Nakatsuji, T Saito
    JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 23(6) 1987-1991 2003年3月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Commissural neurons in the spinal cord project their axons through the floor plate using a number of molecular interactions, such as netrins and their receptor DCC ( deleted in colorectal cancer). However, the molecular cascades that control differentiation of commissural neurons are less characterized. A homeobox gene, MBH1 ( mammalian BarH1) was expressed specifically in a subset of dorsal cells in the developing spinal cord. Transgenic mice that carried lacZ and MBH1-flanking genome sequences demonstrated that MBH1 was expressed by commissural neurons. To analyze the function of MBH1, we established an in vivo electroporation method for the transfer of DNA into the mouse spinal cord. Ectopic expression of MBH1 drove dorsal cells into the fate of commissural neurons with concomitant expression of TAG-1 (transiently expressed axonal surface glycoprotein 1) and DCC. Cells ectopically expressing MBH1 migrated to the deep dorsal horn, in which endogenous MBH1-positive cells accumulated. These results suggest that MBH1 functions upstream of TAG-1 and DCC and is involved in the fate determination of commissural neurons in the spinal cord.
  • A Mikami, SH Tynan, T Hama, K Luby-Phelps, T Saito, JE Crandall, JC Besharse, RB Vallee
    JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 115(24) 4801-4808 2002年12月  査読有り
    Cytoplasmic dynein is involved in a wide variety of cellular functions. In addition to the initially characterized form (MAP 1C/dynein 1), a second form of cytoplasmic dynein (dynein 2) has been identified and implicated in intraflagellar transport (IFT) in lower eukaryotes and in Golgi organization in vertebrates. In the current study, the primary structure of the full-length dynein 2 heavy chain (HC) was determined from cDNA sequence. The dynein 1 and dynein 2 sequences were similar within the motor region, and around the light intermediate chain (LIC)-binding site within the N-terminal stem region. The dynein 2 HC co-immunoprecipitated with LIC3, a homologue of dynein 1 LICs. Dynein 2 mRNA was abundant in the ependymal layer of the neural tube and in the olfactory epithelium. Antibodies to dynein 2 HC, LIC3 and a component of IFT particles strongly stained the ependymal layer lining the lateral ventricles. Both dynein 2 HC and LIC3 staining was also observed associated with connecting cilia in the retina and within primary cilia of non-neuronal cultured cells. These data support a specific role for dynein 2 in the generation and maintenance of cilia.
  • T Saito, N Nakatsuji
    DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 240(1) 237-246 2001年12月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Mouse genetic manipulation has provided an excellent system to characterize gene function in numerous contexts. A number of mutants have been produced by using transgenic, gene knockout, and mutagenesis techniques. Nevertheless, one limitation is that it is difficult to express a gene in vivo in a restricted manner (i.e., spatially and temporally), because the number of available enhancers and promoters which can confine gene expression is limited. We have developed a novel method to introduce DNA into in/exo utero embryonic mouse brains at various stages by using electroporation. More than 90% of operated embryos survived, and more than 65% of these expressed the introduced genes in restricted regions of the brain. Expression was maintained even after birth, 6 weeks after electroporation. The use of fluorescent protein genes clearly visualized neuronal morphologies in the brain. Moreover, it was possible to transfect three different DNA vectors into the same cells. Thus, this method will be a powerful tool to characterize gene function in various settings due to its high efficiency and localized gene expression. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
  • M Tamura, Y Kanno, S Chuma, T Saito, N Nakatsuji
    MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT 102(1-2) 135-144 2001年4月  査読有り
    Mammalian sex-determination and differentiation are controlled by several genes, such as Sry, Sox-9, Dax-1 and Mullarian inhibiting substance (MIS), but their upstream and downstream genes are largely unknown. Ad4BP/SF-1, encoding a zinc finger transcription factor, plays important roles in gonadogenesis. Disruption of this gene caused disappearance of the urogenital system including the gonad. Ad4BP/ SF-1, however, is also involved in the sex differentiation of the gonad at later stages, such as the regulation of steroid hormones and MIS. Pod-1/Capsulin, a member of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors, is expressed in a pattern closely related but mostly complimentary to that of the Ad4BP/SF-1 expression in the developing gonad. In the co-transfection experiment using cultured cells, overexpression of Pod-1/Capsulin repressed expression of a reporter gene that carried the upstream regulatory region of the Ar4BP/SF-1 gene. Furthermore, forced expression of Pod-1/Capsulin repressed expression of Ad4BP/SF-1 in the Leydig cell derived I-10 cells. These results suggest that Pod-1/Capsulin may play important roles in the development and sex differentiation of the mammalian gonad via transcriptional regulation of Ad4BP/SF-1. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • ZY Huang, M Tamura, T Sakurai, S Chuma, T Saito, N Nakatsuji
    FEBS LETTERS 487(2) 248-251 2000年12月  査読有り
    We aimed to introduce foreign DNA into spermatogenic cells in the testis by injection of the DNA encoding jellyfish fluorescent proteins, green fluorescent protein (GFP) and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) into the seminiferous tubules and in vivo electroporation. We obtained fluorescent spermatozoa only when using the gene of the YFP protein fused to a mitochondrial localization signal peptide. Intracytoplasmic injection into oocytes of these spermatozoa gave fluorescent fetuses and pups, Almost all of the individuals produced from fluorescent spermatozoa were transgenic. We confirmed integration of the gene into chromosomes and its transmission into offspring. This is the first report of gene transfer into germ cells and subsequent production of transgenic offspring. (C) 2000 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • JH Lin, T Saito, DJ Anderson, C Lance-Jones, TM Jessell, S Arber
    CELL 95(3) 393-407 1998年10月  査読有り
    Motor function depends on the formation of selective connections between sensory and motor neurons and their muscle targets. The molecular basis of the specificity inherent in this sensory-motor circuit remains unclear. We show that motor neuron pools and subsets of muscle sensory afferents can be defined by the expression of ETS genes, notably PEA3 and ER81. There is a matching in PEA3 and ER81 expression by functionally interconnected sensory and motor neurons. ETS gene expression by motor and sensory neurons fails to occur after limb ablation, suggesting that their expression is coordinated by signals from the periphery. ETS genes may therefore participate in the development of selective sensory-motor circuits in the spinal cord.
  • T Saito, K Sawamoto, H Okano, DJ Anderson, K Mikoshiba
    DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 199(2) 216-225 1998年7月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Vertebrate neurogenesis involves sequential actions of transcription factors. neurogenins, encoding Atonal-related bHLH transcription factors, function as neuronal determination genes in Xenopus. neurogenins and another bHLH factor gene, Mash1, are expressed in distinct subsets or areas of cells giving rise to neurons, suggesting that these genes play important roles to generate distinct populations of neurons. A mammalian homologue of BarH (MBH1) is expressed in a complementary pattern to Mash1 expression in the developing nervous system like neurogenins, Forced expression of MBH1 down-regulates expression of Mash1 and up-regulates neurogenin2/Math4A, a member of neurogenins, in P19 cells during neuronal differentiation. This suggests that MBH1 is a potential regulator of mammalian neural bHLH genes, thereby establishing distinct pathways of neuronal differentiation. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
  • T Saito, LC Lo, DJ Anderson, K Mikoshiba
    DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 180(1) 143-155 1996年11月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    A novel paired homeodomain protein, PHD1, that is most closely related to C. elegans unc-4 has been identified by a differential RT-PCR method. PHD1 is expressed in a narrow layer adjacent to the ventricular zone of the dorsal spinal cord, immediately following expression of MASH1 but preceding overt neuronal differentiation. Some cells coexpressing MASH1 and PHD1 can be seen, suggesting that these two genes are sequentially activated within the same lineage. In the olfactory sensory epithelium, PHD1 expression not only follows but is dependent upon MASH1 function, suggesting that PHD1 acts downstream of MASH1. A sequential action of bHLH and paired homeodomain proteins is apparent in other neurogenic lineages and may be a general feature of both vertebrate and invertebate neurogenesis. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
  • Tetsuichiro Saito, Amy Greenwood, Qi Sun, David J. Anderson
    Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 6(3) 280-292 1995年  査読有り筆頭著者
    Sensory neurons are a major derivative of the neural crest for which there have been no definitive molecular markers in mammals. We have developed a method that combines differential hybridization with degenerate RT-PCR to rapidly screen gene families for members exhibiting differential expression among tissues or cell types. We used this approach to search for transcription factor-encoding genes specifically expressed in mammalian sensory neurons. A novel paired homeodomain protein, called DRG11, was identified. DRG11 is expressed in most sensory neurons, including trkA-expressing neurons, but not in glia or sympathetic neurons. Unexpectedly, it is also expressed in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, a region to which NGF-dependent sensory neurons project. These data suggest that DRG11 is not only a useful marker for sensory neurons, but may also function in the establishment or maintenance of connectivity between some of these neurons and their central nervous system targets. © 1995 by Academic Press, Inc.
    The MASH genes are vertebrate homologues of achaete-scute, genes required for neuronal determination in Drosophila. The sequence of MASH1 and MASH2 contains a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) motif that is present in other transcriptional regulators such as MyoD and E12. In the absence of an authentic target for the MASH proteins, we examined their DNA binding and transcriptional regulatory activity by using a binding site (the E box) from the muscle creatine kinase (MCK) gene, a target of MyoD. Like myogenic bHLH proteins, the MASH proteins form heterooligomers with E12 that bind the MCK E box with high affinity in vitro. Unexpectedly, however, MASH1 and MASH2 also activate transcription of both exogenous and endogenous MCK in transfected C3H/10T1/2 fibroblasts. However, they do not induce myogenesis. Myogenic activity is not exclusively a property of the MyoD basic region, as substitution of this domain fails to confer myogenic activity on MASH 1. These data suggest that different bHLH proteins may activate overlapping but distinct sets of target genes in the same cell type.
    DEVELOPMENT 114(1) 75-& 1992年1月  査読有り
    MASH1 and MASH2, mammalian homologues of the Drosophila neural determination genes achaete-scute, are members of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family of transcription factors. We show here that murine P19 embryonal carcinoma cells can be used as a model system to study the regulation and function of these genes. MASH1 and MASH2 display complementary patterns of expression during the retinoic-acid-induced neuronal differentiation of P19 cells. MASH1 mRNA is undetectable in undifferentiated P19 cells but is induced to high levels by retinoic acid coincident with neuronal differentiation. In contrast, MASH2 mRNA is expressed in undifferentiated P19 cells and is repressed by retinoic acid treatment. These complementary expression patterns suggest distinct functions for MASH1 and MASH2 in development, despite their sequence homology. In retinoic-acid-treated P19 cells, MASH1 protein expression precedes and then overlaps expression of neuronal markers. However, MASH1 is expressed by a smaller proportion of cells than expresses such markers. MASH1 immunoreactivity is not detected in differentiated cells displaying a neuronal morphology, suggesting that its expression is transient. These features of MASH1 expression are similar to those observed in vivo, and suggest that P19 cells represent a good model system in which to study the regulation of this gene. Forced expression of MASH1 was achieved in undifferentiated P19 cells by transfection of a cDNA expression construct. The transfected cells expressing exogenous MASH1 protein contained E-box-binding activity that could be supershifted by an anti-MASH1 antibody, but exhibited no detectable phenotypic changes. Thus, unlike myogenic bHLH genes, such as MyoD, which are sufficient to induce muscle differentiation, expression of MASH1 appears insufficient to promote neurogenesis.
    GENES & DEVELOPMENT 5(9) 1524-1537 1991年9月  査読有り
    Using monoclonal antibodies, we have examined the expression pattern of MASH1, a basic helix-loop-helix protein that is a mammalian homolog of the Drosophila achaete-scute proteins. In Drosophila, achaete-scute genes are required for the determination of a subset of neurons. In the rat embryo, MASH1 expression is confined to subpopulations of neural precursor cells. The induction of MASH1 precedes, but is extinguished upon, overt neuronal differentiation. MASH1 is expressed in the forebrain by spatially restricted domains of neuroepithelium and in the peripheral nervous system exclusively by precursors of sympathetic and enteric neurons. The features of early and transient expression, in spatially restricted subpopulations of neural precursors, are similar to those observed for achaete-scute. Thus, the amino acid sequence conservation between MASH1 and achaete-scute is reflected in a parallel conservation of cell type specificity of expression, similar to the case of mammalian MyoD and Drosophila nautilus. These data support the idea that helix-loop-helix proteins may represent an evolutionarily conserved family of cell-type determination genes, of which MASH1 is the first neural-specific member identified in vertebrates.
    The homotetrameric complex of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) receptors displays a Ca2+ release activity in response to InsP3 molecules. Structure-function relationships of the mouse cerebellar InsP3 receptor have been studied by analyses of a series of internal deletion or C-terminal truncation mutant proteins expressed in NG108-15 cells. Within the large cytoplasmic portion of the InsP3 receptor, almost-equal-to 650 N-terminal amino acids are highly conserved between mouse and Drosophila, and this region has the critical sequences for InsP3 binding that probably form the three-dimensionally restricted binding site. The N-terminal region of each InsP3 receptor subunit also binds one InsP3 molecule. Cross-linking experiments have revealed that InsP3 receptors are intermolecularly associated at the transmembrane domains and/or the successive C termini. The interaction between the receptor subunit and InsP3 may cause a conformational change in the tetrameric complex, resulting in the opening of Ca2+ channels.
  • Tetsuichiro Saito, Kimiko Yamanaka, Yoshimi Okada
    Virology 176(2) 329-336 1990年  査読有り筆頭著者
    Spreading of tobacco mosaic virus in infected plants is of two modes: cell-to-cell movement (to adjacent cells) and long-distance movement (to distant parts of the plant). Viral coat protein has been suggested to be involved in long-distance movement. To analyze the function of coat protein in the movement, we used mutants with modifications in the coat protein gene or in the assembly origin on the genomic RNA. A mutant which has the coding region for the C-terminal 5 amino acids of the protein deleted and mutants with 1 amino acid inserted after residue 101 or 152 of the protein retained both the abilities of long-distance movement and assembly into virus particles. Other mutants in the coat protein gene eliminated the two abilities. A mutant with modifications in the assembly origin displayed greatly reduced abilities of both the movement and assembly. These results suggest that both the coat protein with its ability to assemble into virus particles and the assembly origin are involved in long-distance movement, and that virus particles may play a pivotal role in the movement. © 1990.
  • Tetsuichiro Saito, Kimiko Yamanaka, Yuichiro Watanabe, Nobuhiko Takamatsu, Tetsuo Meshi, Yoshimi Okada
    Virology 173(1) 11-20 1989年  査読有り筆頭著者
    Tomato strain L of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV-L) induces a hypersensitive response (necrotic local lesions) on tobacco plants with the N′ gene. A factor responsible for induction of the hypersensitive response has been mapped to the coat protein gene. We have constructed several mutants which have insertions or deletions in the coat protein gene. Frame-shift mutants which cause premature termination of translation of the coat protein caused no necrotic local lesions on N′ plants. Mutants which result in the expression of coat protein derivatives with one amino acid inserted after residue 56, 101, or 152 caused necrotic local lesions on N′ plants. Deletion mutants lacking the coding region for fewer than the C-terminal 13 amino acid residues caused necrotic local lesions, whereas mutants lacking the coding region for the C-terminal 38 residues caused no necrotic local lesions. These results show that modifications of the coat protein gene affect its ability to induce the hypersensitive response in N′ plants. © 1989.
  • Tetsuichiro Saito, Yoshiyuki Imai, Tetsuo Meshi, Yoshimi Okada
    Virology 167(2) 653-656 1988年  査読有り筆頭著者
    The 30K protein of tobacco mosaic virus was recently confirmed to be involved in cell-to-cell movement of the virus. To characterize common structural features of the 30K protein, the nucleotide sequence of the 30K protein gene cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV, a member of the tobamoviruses) RNA has been determined. The CGMMV 30K protein is composed of 264 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 28,800. Comparisons among the 30K proteins of tobamoviruses show that the 30K proteins are composed of a rather conserved N-terminal two-thirds and a less-conserved C-terminal one-third. The N-terminal two-thirds contain two particularly well-conserved sequences, one of which contains amino acid substitutions that result in temperature-sensitive cell-to-cell movement. The C-terminal region is further divided into three subregions by distribution of charged amino acid residues. © 1988, Academic Press, Inc.. All rights reserved.
    EMBO JOURNAL 6(9) 2557-2563 1987年9月  査読有り
    Meshi T, Watanabe Y, Saito T, Sugimoto A, Maeda T, Okada Y, The EMBO journal, 1987, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 2557-2563
  • T. Saito, T. Meshi, N. Takamatsu, Y. Okada
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 84 6074-6077 1987年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
    The common strain and tomato strain of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) are known to be closely related to each other. However, plants with the N&#039; gene, such as Nicotiana sylvestris and Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright Yellow, respond differently to infections by these viruses. In the N&#039; plants, TMV-OM (common strain) spreads systemically with mosaic symptoms, whereas TMV-L (tomato strain) induces the necrotic response of plants, causing local lesions. To reveal the viral factor of TMV-L inducing the necrotic response, we have constructed several recombinant viruses between the two strains, in which TMV-L RNA was partly replaced by TMV-OM RNA. The recombinant viruses having the coat protein gene sequence of TMV-OM in place of TMV-L produced no necrotic local lesions but spread systemically with mosaic symptoms in the N&#039; plants. On the other hand, the recombinant viruses having TMV-OM-derived sequences other than the coat protein gene sequence, and in which the coat protein gene sequence of TMV-L still remained, produced necrotic local lesions. These observations indicate that the viral factor of TMV-L responsible for the necrotic response of the N&#039; plants is coded in the coat protein gene sequence.
  • Tetsuichiro Saito, Daijiro Hosokawa, Tetsuo Meshi, Yoshimi Okada
    Virology 160(2) 477-481 1987年  査読有り筆頭著者
    We have revealed the cellular localization of the putative replicase components of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), 130K and 180K proteins, in TMV-infected tobacco leaves by the immunogold technique with antisera which specifically react with these two proteins. When sections of TMV-infected tobacco leaves were treated with anti-130K protein antiserum and then with protein A-gold complex, most of the gold label was strongly localized on granular inclusion bodies which were found specifically in the cytoplasm of TMV-infected cells. Very small amounts of label present in other regions, including the nuclei, chloroplasts, and mitochondria, seemed to be nonspecific. Gold-labeled 180K protein was also dispersed over the granular inclusion bodies. The granular inclusion bodies appeared to be oval-shaped structures with various diameters ranging from 0.2 to 2.8μm. TMV particles were usually observed near the granular inclusion bodies as aggregates but not inside them. Considering the involvement of the 130K and 180K proteins in replication, the granular inclusion bodies may be the site for replication of TMV RNA. © 1987.
  • Tetsuichiro Saito, Yuichiro Watanabe, Tetsuo Meshi, Yoshimi Okada
    MGG Molecular &amp; General Genetics 205(1) 82-89 1986年10月  査読有り筆頭著者
    We have established Escherichia coli strains that overproduce two regions of the large non-structural proteins of tobacco mosaic virus, the 126K and 183K proteins, as fusion proteins with β-galactosidase. The two fusion proteins included respectively 514 amino acids common to both the 126K and 183K proteins, and 432 amino acids specific to the 183K protein. The synthesis of the fusion proteins in E. coli was controlled by the lipoprotein promoter and lac promoter-operator systems. After induction, the fusion proteins that were synthesized aggregated and formed inclusion bodies. Antisera raised against the purified fusion proteins reacted specifically with both the 126K and 183K proteins or with only the 183K protein in TMV-infected tobacco protoplasts. The 54K protein corresponding to the C-terminus of the 183K protein, which has been suggested to be synthesized from a third subgenomic mRNA, could not be detected by this method. © 1986 Springer-Verlag.
    MOLECULAR & GENERAL GENETICS 205(1) 82-89 1986年  査読有り筆頭著者
    We have established Escherichia coli strains that overproduce two regions of the large non-structural proteins of tobacco mosaic virus, the 126K and 183K proteins, as fusion proteins with β-galactosidase. The two fusion proteins included respectively 514 amino acids common to both the 126K and 183K proteins, and 432 amino acids specific to the 183K protein. The synthesis of the fusion proteins in E. coli was controlled by the lipoprotein promoter and lac promoter-operator systems. After induction, the fusion proteins that were synthesized aggregated and formed inclusion bodies. Antisera raised against the purified fusion proteins reacted specifically with both the 126K and 183K proteins or with only the 183K protein in TMV-infected tobacco protoplasts. The 54K protein corresponding to the C-terminus of the 183K protein, which has been suggested to be synthesized from a third subgenomic mRNA, could not be detected by this method. © 1986 Springer-Verlag.


  • Tetsuichiro Saito
    Springer Protocols 2015年5月  査読有り
  • 佐藤 達也, 斎藤 哲一郎
    脳科学辞典 2015年1月  査読有り招待有り最終著者責任著者
  • 室山 優子, 斎藤, 哲一郎
    脳科学辞典 2014年1月  査読有り招待有り最終著者責任著者
  • 斎藤 哲一郎
    脳科学辞典 2013年3月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 斎藤 哲一郎
    脳科学辞典 2012年7月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者

