Hironobu Yoshikawa, Kumiko Kikuchi, Hirohisa Yaguchi, Yoko Mizokami, Sadaki Takata
COLOR RESEARCH AND APPLICATION 37(4) 281-291 2012年8月 査読有り
Although the color measurement of facial skin becomes more common in dermatology and cosmetics, little is known about the relationship between subjective color perception and colorimetric values in facial skin. In this study, the possible relationships among perceived whiteness and the metric lightness, chroma and hue angle of Japanese females' facial skin color were investigated. First, the perceived brightness of the facial skin of Japanese females was evaluated visually and compared with metric lightness, chroma and hue angle, and the effect of hue and chroma on the perceived brightness was discussed. Second, a psychophysical experiment on the whiteness of the facial images and synthesized skin color plate images was conducted for examining the effect of hue and chroma on the perceived whiteness more precisely and independently. The results of two experiments showed that in regard to the facial skin color of the Japanese female, metric lightness disagrees with perceived whiteness or brightness in a narrow lightness range. The reddish facial skin color appeared brighter or whiter than that of a yellowish one in high lightness regions, and the low-chroma facial skin color appeared brighter or whiter than a high-chroma one. However, in the color plate images, a change in perceived whiteness by hue could not be confirmed, and the change in perceived whiteness by chroma was weaker than that from facial images. These results indicated that a higher-level process of face recognition affected whiteness perception, and the criterion of facial skin whiteness was determined by facial skin color distribution. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2011;