
溝上 陽子

ミゾカミ ヨウコ  (Yoko Mizokami)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 教授

Researcher ID



  • Mizokami, Y.
    Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 30 217-222 2019年12月1日  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者
    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd We perceive the stable surface color of objects even if the reflected light changes depending on illumination color. This perceptual property is known as color constancy. To understand color constancy in real life it is essential to conduct experiments within real three-dimensional (3-D) space. Color constancy is generally better and more stable for 3-D stimuli compared with two-dimensional (2-D) stimuli. Color, shape, and material properties are not represented precisely in a 2-D environment, such as images or patterns. Thus, there is missing information that may influence our recognition of objects and scenes. The critical factors for color constancy have not be conclusively identified. However, the combination of various cues present within the object and environment, and the recognition of space, illumination and objects, should contribute to establishing good and stable color constancy.
  • Yoko Mizokami, Yuki Kiyasu, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    CIE x046:2019 (Proc. of the 29th Session of the CIE) 692-697 2019年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Tomohiro Funaki, Yoko Mizokami
    The 5th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 693-697 2019年11月  最終著者
  • Taiga Mikami, Yuanyuan He, Helene Midtfjord, Suguru Tanaka, Kumiko Kikuchi, Yoko Mizokami
    The 5th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 138-142 2019年11月  
  • Yoko Mizokami
    The 5th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 127-131 2019年11月  招待有り筆頭著者
  • Suguru Tanaka, Kumiko Kikuchi, Yoko Mizokami
    The 5th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 681-686 2019年11月  
  • Supattra Jinphol, Mitsuo Ikeda, Chanprapha Phuangsuwan, Yoko Mizokami
    The 5th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 226-231 2019年11月  
  • Taishi Masumitsu, Yoko Mizokami
    The 5th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 687-692 2019年11月  
  • Piyamon Nguensawa, Mitsuo Ikeda, Chanprapha Phuangsuwan, Yoko Mizokami
    The 5th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 232-237 2019年11月  
  • Wipada Pumila, Chanprapha Phuangsuwan, Yoko Mizokami, Mitsuo Ikeda
    The 5th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 204-209 2019年11月  
  • Nozomi Tobaru, Noriko Yata, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Yoko Mizokami
    The 5th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 272-276 2019年11月  
  • Yuanyuan He, Taiga Mikami, Suguru Tanaka, Yoko Mizokami
    i-Perception 10(3_suppl) 165-166 2019年9月  
  • Hidehumi Yoshida, Keita Hirai, Yoko Mizokami
    The 25th International Display Workshops (IDW ’18) 11145 318-333 2019年3月27日  
    © Optics Photonics International Congress 2019. We evaluated the colour performance of the latest self-emissive displays based on the CIELAB colour volume metric. The white reference point was set at (1) white with a 25% window, (2) absolute value, (3) white with a 100% window. None of the reference whites resulted perfectly satisfactorily on its own, but the combination of these results was reasonable. The CIELAB volume metric with the appropriate normalization can be a great tool for evaluating the latest self-emissive display.
  • Yamazoe, T., Funaki, T., Kiyasu, Y., Mizokami, Y.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 11418 LNCS 318-333 2019年3月  査読有り最終著者
    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. The recent development of new solid-state lamps including OLED lighting offered a wide variety of lighting conditions through controlling the spectral power distribution and the spatial distribution of light. The appearance of an object surface is largely influenced by lighting conditions and object materials. Variable control of lighting condition would be useful to offer an optimal material impression. We have investigated the possibility whether the subjective evaluation, comparing material appearance under different lighting distribution with that under natural illumination, is able to determine a lighting condition for an appropriate material appearance. We tested viewing condition consisted of three spotlight sizes and three illuminance levels. Participants chose one viewing condition in which the material appearance of fruits and vegetable food samples was closest to those impression learned from observing and holding freely in a reference natural illumination. In addition, they evaluated impressions of stimuli in each condition by the twelve questionnaires of seven-point scales. The result showed higher tendencies to select the wide spotlight size condition with higher diffuseness of illumination rather than narrower spotlight conditions, suggesting that diffuseness of illumination influences object material appearance. Results of seven-point scales showed differences between samples, but little differences among lighting distribution. It was thus suggested the possibility to provide an optimal lighting condition to offer material appearance similar to material impression learned with visual and tactile information in natural illumination.
  • Yamazoe, T., Funaki, T., Kiyasu, Y., Mizokami, Y.
    Journal of Imaging 5(2) 31 2019年2月  査読有り最終著者
  • Yoko Mizokami, Wataru Nozaki, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    CIE 2018 Topical Conference on Smart Lighting in Taipei, Proc. 50-54 2018年12月  筆頭著者
  • Miharu Kato, Yoko Mizokami, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    The 4th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 289-294 2018年12月  
  • Taishi Masumitsu, Yoko Mizokami
    The 4th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 278-282 2018年12月  
  • Mikiat, T, Chitapanya, P, Panitanang, N, Du, X, Mizokami, Y, Ikeda, M, Phuangsuwan, C
    The 4th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 311-316 2018年12月  
  • Chisako Otsuka, Yoko Mizokami, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    The 4th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 546-550 2018年12月  
  • Tatsuki Wakamatsu, Yoko Mizokami
    The 4th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 283-287 2018年12月  
  • Chisako Otsuka, Yoko Mizokami, Kumiko Kikuchi, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    13th Congress of the International AIC Colour Association (Jeju), Proc. PS03-70-54 2018年4月  
  • Hirohisa Yaguchi, Junyan Luo, Miharu Kato, Yoko Mizokami
    Most color simulators for color deficiencies are based on the tristimulus values and are intended to simulate the appearance of an image for dichromats. Statistics show that there are more anomalous trichromats than dichromats. Furthermore, the spectral sensitivities of anomalous cones are different from those of normal cones. Clinically, the types of color defects are characterized through Rayleigh color matching, where the observer matches a spectral yellow to a mixture of spectral red and green. The midpoints of the red/green ratios deviate from a normal trichromat. This means that any simulation based on the tristimulus values defined by a normal trichromat cannot predict the color appearance of anomalous Rayleigh matches. We propose a computerized simulation of the color appearance for anomalous trichromats using multispectral images. First, we assume that anomalous trichromats possess a protanomalous (green shifted) or deuteranomalous (red shifted) pigment instead of a normal (L or M) one. Second, we assume that the luminance will be given by L + M, and red/green and yellow/blue opponent color stimulus values are defined through L-M and (L + M) - S, respectively. Third, equal-energy white will look white for all observers. The spectral sensitivities of the luminance and the two opponent color channels are multiplied by the spectral radiance of each pixel of a multispectral image to give the luminance and opponent color stimulus values of the entire image. In the next stage of color reproduction for normal observers, the luminance and two opponent color channels are transformed into XYZ tristimulus values and then transformed into sRGB to reproduce a final image for anomalous trichromats. The proposed simulation can be used to predict the Rayleigh color matches for anomalous trichromats. We also conducted experiments to evaluate the appearance of simulated images by color deficient observers and verified the reliability of the simulation. (c) 2018 Optical Society of America
  • Kumiko Kikuchi, Chika Katagiri, Hironobu Yoshikawa, Yoko Mizokami, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    COLOR RESEARCH AND APPLICATION 43(1) 119-129 2018年2月  査読有り
    It has been suggested that skin color changes not only with advancing age but also with the times. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in Japanese women's facial skin color over 25 years, as well as the changes in skin pigmentation that affect skin color. First, skin color changes in terms of Munsell color values were investigated. A total of 3181 Japanese women residing in the greater Tokyo area were enrolled, and datasets were collected using spectrophotometers, designated as the 1991, 2001, 2005, and 2015 data. The mean Munsell hue, value, and chroma were calculated for each measurement year. Next, the concentrations of melanin and hemoglobin were calculated from spectral data, to investigate changes in skin pigmentations. Finally, Monte Carlo simulations were performed to verify that the suggested changes in skin pigmentations brought about skin color changes. As a result, skin color significantly changed toward high lightness, low saturation, and high yellowness from the 1991 data to the 2001 data. From the 2005 to 2015 data, the skin color distribution shifted toward lower saturation and increased redness. In addition, the concentration of hemoglobin decreased significantly from the 1991 data to the 2001 data, while the melanin concentration decreased significantly from the 2005 data to the 2015 data.
  • Hidefumi Yoshida, Keita Hirai, Yoko Mizokami
    Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 2 1038-1041 2018年  
    We investigated the applicability of the CIELAB color gamut volume metric to the latest self-emissive displays. Where to set the reference white is the key. The luminance of maximum white, full-screen white and absolute value are appropriate. The weighted average can give the criteria of the display color performance.
  • 濱田 一輝, 溝上 陽子, 菊地 久美子, 矢口 博久, 相津 佳永
    日本色彩学会誌 42(2) 50 2018年  査読有り
  • Takuma Morimoto, Yoko Mizokami, Hirohisa Yaguchi, Steven L. Buck
    I-PERCEPTION 8(6) 2041669517743522 2017年12月  査読有り
    There has been debate about how and why color constancy may be better in three-dimensional (3-D) scenes than in two-dimensional (2-D) scenes. Although some studies have shown better color constancy for 3-D conditions, the role of specific cues remains unclear. In this study, we compared color constancy for a 3-D miniature room (a real scene consisting of actual objects) and 2-D still images of that room presented on a monitor using three viewing methods: binocular viewing, monocular viewing, and head movement. We found that color constancy was better for the 3-D room; however, color constancy for the 2-D image improved when the viewing method caused the scene to be perceived more like a 3-D scene. Separate measurements of the perceptual 3-D effect of each viewing method also supported these results. An additional experiment comparing a miniature room and its image with and without texture suggested that surface texture of scene objects contributes to color constancy.
  • Kumiko Kikuchi, Chika Katagiri, Hironobu Yoshikawa, Yoko Mizokami, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    CIE x043:2016 417-426 2017年10月  
  • 濱田 一輝, 溝上 陽子, 矢口 博久
    日本色彩学会誌 41(3) PS03-74-49 2017年10月  
  • 菊地 久美子, 片桐 千華, 溝上 陽子, 矢口 博久
    日本色彩学会誌 41(3) 44-47 2017年  査読有り
  • Mihara Yuki, Hamada Kazuki, Phuangsuwan Chanprapha, Mitsuo Ikeda, Mizokami Yoko
    日本色彩学会誌 41(3) 58-59 2017年  
  • 宍倉 正視, 竹下 友美, 後藤 史子, 溝上 陽子
    日本色彩学会誌 41(3) 163-166 2017年  
  • 鷹野 雅弘, 溝上 陽子
    日本色彩学会誌 41(3) 23-25 2017年  
  • Ayako Tsukitani, Hirohisa Yaguchi, Yoko Mizokami, Wataru Nozaki, Takayoshi Fuchida, Kenjiro Hashimoto, Shinji Kobayashi, Tomoko Kotani, Tadashi Yano
    28th CIE Session, CIE 216:2015 (Proc. of CIE 2015) 639-645 2016年9月  
  • K. Kikuchi, Y. Masuda, T. Yamashita, K. Sato, C. Katagiri, T. Hirao, Y. Mizokami, H. Yaguchi
    SKIN RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 22(3) 318-324 2016年8月  査読有り
    Background: Facial skin pigmentation is one of the most prominent visible features of skin aging and often affects perception of health and beauty. To date, facial pigmentation has been evaluated using various image analysis methods developed for the cosmetic and esthetic fields. However, existing methods cannot provide precise information on pigmented spots, such as variations in size, color shade, and distribution pattern. The purpose of this study is the development of image evaluation methods to analyze individual pigmented spots and acquire detailed information on their age-related changes. Methods: To characterize the individual pigmented spots within a cheek image, we established a simple object-counting algorithm. First, we captured cheek images using an original imaging system equipped with an illumination unit and a high-resolution digital camera. The acquired images were converted into melanin concentration images using compensation formulae. Next, the melanin images were converted into binary images. The binary images were then subjected to noise reduction. Finally, we calculated parameters such as the melanin concentration, quantity, and size of individual pigmented spots using a connected-components labeling algorithm, which assigns a unique label to each separate group of connected pixels. Results: The cheek image analysis was evaluated on 643 female Japanese subjects. We confirmed that the proposed method was sufficiently sensitive to measure the melanin concentration, and the numbers and sizes of individual pigmented spots through manual evaluation of the cheek images. The image analysis results for the 643 Japanese women indicated clear relationships between age and the changes in the pigmented spots. Conclusion: We developed a new quantitative evaluation method for individual pigmented spots in facial skin. This method facilitates the analysis of the characteristics of various pigmented facial spots and is directly applicable to the fields of dermatology, pharmacology, and esthetic cosmetology.
  • Yoko Mizokami, Yuki Nabae, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    PERCEPTION 45 136-137 2016年8月  査読有り
  • 溝上 陽子
    光学 = Japanese journal of optics : publication of the Optical Society of Japan 45(6) 214-219 2016年6月  招待有り
  • 菊地 久美子, 片桐 千華, 吉川 拓伸, 溝上 陽子, 矢口 博久
    日本色彩学会誌 40(6) 195-205 2016年  査読有り
  • 桂 重仁, 溝上 陽子, 矢口 博久
    日本感性工学会論文誌 15(3) 303-311 2016年  査読有り
    Recently, the demand for printed wood grain has been growing. The elements of wood grain of natural wood and printed wood grain are different. These differences result in the differences in characteristics of their corresponding spatial frequencies, and would influence the identification of natural and printed wood grain. In our study, we analyzed the spatial frequency of wood samples. Results showed that a more noticeable the difference in the samples was seen in the high spatial frequency region. We also visually evaluated the discriminability between natural and printed wood grain for various viewing distances. The results demonstrated that it was difficult to distinguish between natural and printed wood grain at long distances, whereas, it was easy at short distances. This suggests that the differences in the high spatial frequency and the presence or absence of half tone has an effect on the distinguishability in natural and printed wood grain samples.
  • Shigehito Katsura, Yoko Mizokami, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    OPTICAL REVIEW 22(4) 565-576 2015年8月  査読有り
    The shape of image luminance histograms is related to material perception. We investigated how the luminance histogram contributed to improvements in the perceived quality of wood images by examining various natural wood and adhesive vinyl sheets with printed wood grain. In the first experiment, we visually evaluated the perceived quality of wood samples. In addition, we measured the colorimetric parameters of the wood samples and calculated statistics of image luminance. The relationship between visual evaluation scores and image statistics suggested that skewness and kurtosis affected the perceived quality of wood. In the second experiment, we evaluated the perceived quality of wood images with altered luminance skewness and kurtosis using a paired comparison method. Our result suggests that wood images are more realistic if the skewness of the luminance histogram is slightly negative.
  • Kumiko Kikuchi, Yuji Masuda, Tetsuji Hirao, Kiyoshi Sato, Yoko Mizokami, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association (AIC), Proc. 332-337 2015年6月  
  • Kumiko Kikuchi, Yuji Masuda, Toyonobu Yamashita, Tetsuji Hirao, Kiyoshi Sato, Yoko Mizokami, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    12th Biannual Conference of the Asian Societies of Cosmetic Scientists, Proc. 696-701 2015年5月  
  • Chun-Kai Chang, Hirohisa Yaguchi, Yoko Mizokami
    Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association (AIC), Proc. 696-701 2015年5月  
  • Terumi Kato, Yoko Mizokami, Masami Shishikura, Shinichiro Taniguchi, Tomomi Takeshita, Fumiko Goto, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association (AIC), Proc. 1031-1036 2015年5月  
  • Junyan Luo, Yoko Mizokami, Hirohisa Yaguchi, Yohei Takara, Fuminori Ando, Takahiro Fujimori, Naoki Noro
    Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association (AIC), Proc. 1258-1264 2015年5月  
  • Yoko Mizokami, Saeko Oishi, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    AIC (the International Colour Association) 2014 interim meeting, Proc. 2015年4月  筆頭著者
  • 溝上 陽子
    色材協会誌 88(10) 361-366 2015年  招待有り
    色を定量的に扱う際,人間の視覚特性を考慮することが大切である。CIE表色系は,色覚の感度特性に基づく色の表現と捉えることができる。しかし,等色関数は等色実験により求められており,錐体の分光感度とは一致していない。近年,錐体の分光感度を直接用いた,視覚生理に基づくより正確な色の表現も提案されている。一方,色覚メカニズムは環境に適応するように進化しており,森林と果物の色の違いや季節変化等,環境の色特性が色覚の形成に影響を与えていると考えられる。環境の色と色覚メカニズムの密接なかかわりは進化や発達の面だけではない。私たちの視覚は短期的な環境の明るさや色の変化に対しても適応し,安定した見えを保つことができる。色の恒常性や,環境の彩度低下を補正して知覚する特性は,これらの色覚の適応性,柔軟性を示す例と言える。 色の見えの評価には,表色値のみでなくこれらの適応メカニズムの影響も考慮する必要がある。
  • Chun-Kai Chang, Hirohisa Yaguchi, Yoko Mizokami
    The 2nd Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 2014年10月  
  • Yoko Mizokami, Dan Tagawa, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    CIE 2014 "Lighting Quality & Energy Efficiency", Proc. 206-212 2014年9月  筆頭著者
  • Shigehito Katsura, Yoko Mizokami, Hirohisa Yaguchi
    The 1st Asia Color Association Conference, Proc. 86-89 2014年4月  




  • 小松, 英彦, 富永, 昌二, 西田, 眞也 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:3-6 皮膚の質感)
    東京大学出版会 2025年1月10日 (ISBN: 9784130603256)
  • Stefan Mozar, Konstantin Glasman (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Colour vision)
    IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) 2024年1月30日 (ISBN: 9781785612503)
  • Renzo Shamey (担当:共編者(共編著者), 範囲:Section: Vision: Concepts-2)
    Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2023年9月1日 (ISBN: 9783030898618)
  • Shamey, R (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Color Scene Statistics, Chromatic Scene Statistics)
    Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2023年9月1日 (ISBN: 9783642278518)  Refereed
  • 吉澤 達也 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:3. 色の知覚)
    朝倉書店 2023年4月5日 (ISBN: 4254520344)  Refereed













