
劉 ウェン

リュウ ウェン  (Wen Liu)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 准教授




  • Kazuki Karimai, Wen Liu, Yoshihisa Maruyama
    Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 14(7) 2024年4月  
    Liquefaction is a significant challenge in the fields of earthquake risk assessment and soil dynamics, as it has the potential to cause extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure through ground failure. During the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, Urayasu City in the Chiba Prefecture experienced severe soil liquefaction, leading to evacuation losses due to the effect of the liquefaction on roads. Therefore, developing quantitative predictions of ground subsidence caused by liquefaction and understanding its contributing factors are imperative in preparing for potential future mega-earthquakes. This research is novel because previous research primarily focused on developing predictive models for determining the presence or absence of liquefaction, and there are few examples available of quantitative liquefaction magnitude after liquefaction has occurred. This research study extracts features from existing datasets and builds a predictive model, supplemented by factor analysis. Using the Cabinet Office of Japan’s Nankai Trough Megathrust Earthquake model, liquefaction-induced ground subsidence was designated as the dependent variable. A gradient-boosted decision-tree (GDBT) prediction model was then developed. Additionally, the Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) method was employed to analyze the contribution of each feature to the prediction results. The study found that the XGBoost model outperformed the LightGBM model in terms of predictive accuracy, with the predicted values closely aligned with the actual measurements, thereby proving its effectiveness in predicting ground subsidence due to liquefaction. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that liquefaction assessments, which were previously challenging, can now be interpreted using SHAP factors. This enables accountable wide-area prediction of liquefaction-induced ground subsidence.
  • 籠嶋 彩音, 劉 ウェン, 丸山 喜久, 堀江 啓
    土木学会論文集 79(13) n/a 2023年  
  • 安江 崇志, 劉 ウェン, 丸山 喜久
    AI・データサイエンス論文集 4(3) 245-253 2023年  
  • Junjie Wu, Wen Liu, Yoshihisa Maruyama
    Remote Sensing 14(18) 2022年9月  査読有り
    Road markings, including road lanes and symbolic road markings, can convey abundant guidance information to autonomous driving cars. However, recent works have paid less attention to the recognition of symbolic road markings compared with road lanes. In this study, a road-marking-segmentation dataset named the RMD (Road Marking Dataset) is introduced to compensate for the lack of datasets and the limitations of the existing datasets. Furthermore, we propose a novel multiscale attention-based dilated convolutional neural network (MSA-DCNN) to tackle the proposed RMD. The proposed method employs multiscale attention to merge the weighting outputs of adjacent multiscale inputs, and dilated convolution to capture spatial-context information. The performance analysis shows that the proposed MSA-DCNN yields the best results by combining multiscale attention and dilated convolution. Additionally, the proposed method gains the mIoU of 74.88%, which is a significant improvement over the existing techniques.


  • Fumio Yamazaki, Wen Liu, Takashi Furuya, Yoshihisa Maruyama
    IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2022-July 497-500 2022年7月17日  
    One span of an aqueduct bridge suddenly collapsed in Wakayama City in western Japan on October 3, 2021. This study investigates the use of remote sensing data for the assessment of bridge situations in the normal time and in accidents/disasters. A field survey was conducted by the authors with the aid of a small UA V. Google Street View photos taken before the accident were also used. Based on these data, it is estimated that more than 5 hangers out of 18 might have failed for the collapsed span when the bridge collapse occurred. The failure of 4 hangers was also confirmed in the adjacent surviving span from the UAV images. The pre-and post-event high-resolution TerraSAR-X intensity images were also introduced to extract the collapsed span from the SAR data.
  • Yihao Zhan, Wen Liu, Yoshihisa Maruyama
    ACRS 2020 - 41st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2020年  
    S: Remote sensing is an effective method to evaluate the damage situation after a large-scale nature disaster. Recently, deep learning algorithms have been used for the damage assessment from remote sensing images. A series of earthquakes hit the Kyushu region, Japan in April 2016, and caused severe damage in Kumamoto and Oita Prefectures. Numerous buildings were collapsed by the continuous strong shaking. In this study, the authors modified the Mask R-CNN model to extract residential buildings and estimate their damage levels. The Mask R-CNN model employs a two-stage instance segmentation algorithm which maintains a Convolutional Neural Network backbone and a Region Proposal Network with a ROI Align head. The aerial images captured on April 29, 2016 (two weeks after the main shock) in Mashiki Town, Kumamoto Prefecture, were used as the training and test sets. Comparing with the damage report of the field survey, the accuracy for the building extraction was 92%. As for the damage estimation, the precision and recall of the collapsed buildings achieved approximately 72% and 95%.
  • Wen Liu, Fumio Yamazaki
    2019 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, APSAR 2019 2019年11月  
    A large eruption occurred in Kilauea volcano's East Rift Zone (ERZ) on the island of Hawaii, U.S.A., from May 3 to September 4, 2018. Twenty-four fissures erupted lava near Leilani Estates and destroyed more than 700 houses. In this study, four pre-event and six co-event ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 images acquired from two neighboring ascending paths were applied to monitor the surface deformation and the expansion of lava flows on the ERZ. The deformation was estimated by the differential interferometric analysis. During the eruption, both Halema'uma'u Crater and Pu'u 'O'o Crater went away from the PALSAR-2 sensor, whereas the Leilani Estates moved close to the sensor direction. The obtained movements were verified by comparing with GPS records. The lava flows from the Leilani Estates to the Pacific Ocean were detected by low backscattering in the intensity images. Finally, multi-temporal maps of the lava flows were created and compared with the maps published by U. S. Geological Survey.
  • Wen Liu, Fumio Yamazaki
    International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 4833-4836 2019年7月  
    Due to the huge tsunamis occurred in the 2011 Tohoku-Oki, Japan, earthquake, more than 100 bridges located in the Pacific coast of the Tohoku region were severely damaged. In this study, the extraction of the damaged bridges in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, was conducted by two methods using two post-event TerraSAR-X (TSX) intensity images, respectively. First, the statistical features within the outlines of the target bridges were calculated. The thresholding method of the backscatter intensity was applied to extract the damaged bridges. Then the TSX image was transformed into a binary image including water and non-water regions. The percentages of no-water regions within the bridge outlines were used to classify the washed-away and survived bridges. By comparing with the optical images and the report of field surveys, the accuracies of the proposed two methods and the influence of the shooting date were investigated.
  • Wen Liu, Fumio Yamazaki, Yoshihisa Maruyama
    2019 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, JURSE 2019 2019年5月  
    Successive heavy rainfall affected the western Japan from the late June to the early July 2018. Increased river water overflowed and destroyed river banks, which caused flooding in vast areas. In this study, two pre-event and one co-event ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 images were used to extract inundation areas in Kurashiki and Okayama Cities, Okayama Prefecture, Japan. First, the difference between the pre-event and co-event coherence values was calculated. The decreased coherence areas were extracted as possible inundation. Then the water regions were extracted by the threshold values from the threeoral intensity images. The increased water regions in July 2018 were obtained as inundation. Finally, the extracted results from the coherence and intensity images were merged to create an inundation map. The results were verified by comparing with a web-based questionnaire survey report and visual interpretation of aerial photos.







