
丸山 喜久

マルヤマ ヨシヒサ  (Yoshihisa Maruyama)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 教授








  • Abdelghani Meslem, Fumio Yamazaki, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Djillali Benouar, Abderrahmane Kibboua, Youcef Mehani
    EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA 28(1) 185-216 2012年2月  査読有り
    This study highlights the major contributing factors to the observed damage distribution in the city of Boumerdegraves after the 2003 Algeria earthquake. The results of field investigations and statistical analyses show that a majority of the damaged buildings, mostly mid-rise reinforced concrete (RC) moment-frame systems, were located on steep slopes and small hilltops, along river valleys. The horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) ratios from free-field microtremor measurements at these sites did not show clear results. In contrast, buildings with the same structural characteristics located on flat ground did not suffer much damage, and clear peaks were observed from the H/V ratio curves. The amplification effects of topography have not been incorporated into the revised Algerian seismic code, but the results from this study show the importance of considering this factor when designing new buildings for earthquake resistance. [DOI:10.1193/1.3675581]
  • 秦 吉弥, 酒井 久和, 一井 康二, 野津 厚, 丸山 喜久
    土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) 68(2) 265-270 2012年  
  • 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄
    土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) 68(4) I_950-I_958 2012年  
  • 村上 陽平, 一井 康二, 丸山 喜久, 秦 吉弥, 福島 康宏
    土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) 68(4) I_1074-I_1080 2012年  
  • 北村 健, 丸山 喜久
    日本地震工学会論文集 12(6) 6_86-6_103 2012年  
  • 秦 吉弥, 野津 厚, 中村 晋, 一井 康二, 酒井 久和, 丸山 喜久
    日本地震工学会論文集 12(3) 3_49-3_52 2012年  
  • 丸山 喜久, 伏岡 里志, 山崎 文雄
    地域安全学会論文集 16 21-29 2012年  
    <p>In the survey of district-based vulnerability to earthquake disaster performed by the bureau of urban development, Tokyo Metropolitan Government in 2008, the site amplifications were defined for 10 soil classes. The bureau of urban development revised the soil classes in 2011 and the number of soil classes is 12 at this moment. Therefore, the site amplifications with respect to the soil classes are also reevaluated in Tokyo Metropolis. In this study, the site amplification characteristics in Tokyo Metropolis are evaluated using the recent seismic records observed in SUPREME network and the spatial geomorphologic dataset developed by Wakamatsu et al. and that by Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.</p>
  • Masaki Sakemoto, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Fumio Yamazaki
    33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2012, ACRS 2012 3 2003-2010 2012年  査読有り
    In this study, the characteristics of site amplification at seismic observation stations in Japan were estimated using the attenuation relationship of each station's response spectrum after the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake. At KiK-net stations, the station correction factor at each station was compared to the transfer functions between the base rock and the surface. For each station, the plot of the station correction factor versus period was similar in shape to the graphs of the transfer function (amplitude ratio versus period). Therefore, the station correction factors at KiK-net stations are effective for evaluating site amplifications considering the period of ground shaking. In addition, the station correction factors were evaluated with respect to geomorphologic classifications using a geographic information system (GIS) dataset, allowing further analysis of site amplification characteristics.
  • Ken Kitamura, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Fumio Yamazaki
    33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2012, ACRS 2012 3 1993-2002 2012年  査読有り
    The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake triggered an extremely large tsunami. The authors conducted a field survey in Asahi City, Chiba Prefecture, after the occurrence of the earthquake. Tsunami-inundated areas in Asahi City were identified from the map developed by disaster relief volunteers and the satellite images captured after the event. Polygons to demonstrate the tsunami-inundated areas were developed in the geographic information system. The authors compared the identified affected areas with the existing tsunami hazard map of Asahi City. The relationship between the tsunami-inundated areas and the locations of seawalls and tide prevention forests was evaluated. In addition, a numerical simulation of tsunami propagation was performed and the ratio of damaged buildings to the total number of buildings, i.e., damage ratio, in terms of the estimated inundation depths was evaluated.
  • Yoshihisa Maruyama, Kota Kimishima, Fumio Yamazaki
    JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI 5(1) 57-70 2011年3月  査読有り
    This study investigated the damage distribution of buried pipes due to the 2007 Niigata Chuetsu-Oki earthquake in Japan. Various damage datasets - e.g. water pipes, low-pressure gas pipes, mid-pressure gas pipes, sewage lines, collapsed houses, and liquefaction occurrences - were integrated into a geographic information system. Using the datasets, the spatial distribution of damage was investigated with respect to geomorphological land classification and altitude. The minimum distances between the damaged locations were measured, and the spatial correlations of damage incidents to lifeline systems were evaluated. In addition, the damage ratios of water distribution pipes were compared with different fragility curves constructed from the damage datasets for the 1995 Kobe earthquake and other recent earthquakes in Japan.
  • Abdelghani Meslem, Fumio Yamazaki, Yoshihisa Maruyama
    JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI 5(1) 1-18 2011年3月  査読有り
    Using QuickBird satellite images of Boumerdes city obtained following the 21 May 2003 Algeria earthquake, our study examined the applicability of high-resolution optical imagery for the visual detection of building damage grade based on the ground-truth data on the urban nature, typology of a total of 2,794 buildings, and the real damage observed. The results are presented as geographical information system (GIS) damage mapping of buildings obtained from field surveys and QuickBird images. In general, totally collapsed buildings, partially collapsed buildings, and buildings surrounded by debris can be identified by using only post-event pan-sharpened images. However, due to the nature of the damage observed, some buildings may be judged incorrectly even if preevent images are employed as a reference to evaluate the damage status. Hence, in this study, we clarify the limitations regarding the applicability of high-resolution optical satellite imagery in building damage-level mapping.
  • 秦 吉弥, 一井 康二, 丸山 喜久, 福島 康宏, 酒井 久和, 中村 晋
    構造工学論文集 A 57 340-353 2011年  
    The evaluation of strong motion with high accuracy is very important to clarify the mechanism of earthquake damage. The strong motion estimation methods which correct the difference of site effects between the reference site and its neighboring sites based on seismic observations are easy to be applied in Japan. In this article, the estimation methods were applied to the Horinouchi interchange of the Kan-etsu expressway and that circumferential strong motion station in the 2004 Mid Niigata Earthquake. We confirmed that not only the consideration of the site amplification factors but also the consideration of the site phase effects are very important.
  • Kota Kimishima, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Fumio Yamazaki
    This study investigates the relationship between damage ratios of water pipes and seismic motion intensity after the 2007 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-oki, Japan, earthquake. The damage ratios of water distribution pipelines within a 2 km radius from the seismic observation stations are calculated in Kashiwazaki City, Niigata Prefecture. The damage ratios are compared with the fragility curves that were empirically obtained after the 1995 Kobe earthquake. On the other hand, the damage ratios for the greater area are obtained with respect to the estimated seismic motion intensities. Based on the results, regression analyses are performed to reveal the characteristics of damage incidents to water pipes during the event.
  • Sachie Hoshi, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Fumio Yamazaki
    The distribution of earthquake damage plays an important role in the rescue operation and the restoration work in the aftermath of a seismic event. Immediately after an earthquake, the building damage ratios are estimated using ground motion indices and fragility curves constructed from the prior earthquake damage information. However, it should be noted that the fragility curves may sometimes provide less accurate estimations for recent earthquakes. On the other hand, some researchers are focusing efforts on collecting the actual damage information efficiently soon after an earthquake has occurred. The increased attention to collecting the actual damage information is expected to improve the efficiency in the near future and become increasingly helpful for a rapid disaster assessment. In this study, a method for data synthesis to restructure fragility curves is proposed, with respect to the actual gathered damage information. Either the mean or the standard deviation of the prior fragility curve is updated based on collected building damage datasets after recent earthquakes. As a result, the restructured fragility curves with the updated mean values show better estimations than the original ones. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of [name organizer]
  • Yoshihisa Maruyama, Akira Tashiro, Fumio Yamazaki
    The collapsed buildings during the 2007 Niigata Chuetsu-oki earthquake are detected based on aerial photogrammetry using digital aerial images. The digital surface models in the area where severe damage incidents were observed after the earthquake are constructed using digital aerial camera images. The pre- and post-event aerial images are employed to obtain the digital surface models in this study. The differences of building heights between pre- and post-event models are considered to detect collapsed buildings and the accuracy of the method is discussed in this paper. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Fumio Yamazaki, Yoshihisa Maruyama
    Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series Part 5 1140-1143 2011年  査読有り
    The objectives and methodologies to perform seismic microzonation are described and some examples are presented. The three major methods introduced to achieve seismic microzonation are the uses of geomorphological classification maps, dense borehole datasets, and microtremor measurements. The results of seismic microzonation are compiled for a GIS to draft microzonation maps and they can be used to predict ground motions during disastrous earthquakes and thus can assist in the mitigation of earthquake-induced damage.
  • 田代 啓, 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄
    地域安全学会論文集 = Journal of social safety science 13(13) 379-386 2010年11月1日  
    The collapsed buildings in Kashiwazaki city due to the 2007 Niigata Chuetsu-oki earthquake are detected based on aerial photogrammetry using digital aerial images. The digital surface models in the area where severe damage incidents were observed after the earthquake are constructed using the digital aerial images. The pre- and post-event aerial images are employed to develop digital surface models in this study. The differences of building heights between the pre- and post-event 3D models are considered to detect collapsed buildings and the accuracy of the method is discussed.
  • Yoshihisa Maruyama, Fumio Yamazaki, Kiku Mizuno, Yoshiyuki Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki Yogai
    SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 30(11) 1158-1167 2010年11月  査読有り
    The seismometer network of the Japanese expressway system was enhanced following the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Based on earthquake information from the instruments of the seismometer network, a traffic control is performed directly after the event because of the potential for damage to expressway structures. Expressways serve as vital trunk lines of transportation and are important for the restoration of damage-stricken areas Therefore, earthquake-induced damage to expressway structures should be estimated as soon as possible Expressway embankments were seriously damaged during recent earthquakes, such as the 2004 Niigata Chuetsu earthquake The present study constructs the fragility curves of expressway embankments in Japan in order to estimate the damage distribution immediately after an earthquake Damage datasets for expressways are compiled for the 2003 Northern-Miyagi earthquake, the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake, the 2004 Niigata Chuetsu earthquake, and the 2007 Niigata Chuetsu-oki earthquake The spatial distributions of the peak ground velocity (PGV) are estimated for these four earthquakes in order to evaluate the relationship between the damage ratio of expressway embankments and the PGV. Statistical analysis is then conducted in order to draw the fragility curves for expressway embankments. Based on the fragility curves, major damage that disrupts ordinary expressway traffic may occur when the peak ground velocity exceeds approximately 35.0 cm/s The fragility curves constructed in the present study are helpful for predicting the damage distribution on expressways soon after an earthquake, which enables efficient traffic control and rapid disaster response. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
  • Abdelghani Meslem, Fumio Yamazaki, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Djillali Benouar, Nasser Laouami, Nassima Benkaci
    EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA 26(3) 803-823 2010年8月  査読有り
    Site response characteristics at seismic stations were investigated using horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) spectral ratios calculated from a seismic-motion dataset of the 2003 Boumerdes earthquake, and transfer functions were evaluated from soil profile data. Although high peak ground acceleration (PGA) values were recorded at some sites, the nonlinear effect at these stations was not clear. The H/V spectral ratios calculated from weak and strong motion events did not show a clear difference in the predominant period and amplitudes, and the shapes of the H/V ratios were flat for some stations. These observations are characteristic of the presence of firm to hard layers under the stations; however, one station was located on Quaternary deposits showed a remarkable amplification at the predominant period and a high PGA value. [DOI: 10.1193/1.3459158]
  • 丸山 喜久, 松崎 志津子, 山崎 文雄, 三浦 弘之, ESTRADA Miguel
    土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) 66(1) 377-385 2010年  
  • 鈴木 大輔, 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄
    日本地震工学会論文集 10(3) 33-45 2010年  
  • Mohsen Ahadnejad Reveshty, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Alireza Rabet
    Lagoons as one of the water resources play a basic role in microclimates and ecosystems of their regions. Depending on climatic and geographic conditions of regions, the water level of lagoons has permanent fluctuations and perhaps in most dry seasons completely drains and sometimes causes to irreparable environmental and economic effects. "Hamun-e-Saberi" Lagoon is no exception. It, as the seventh lagoon in the world and one of the largest lagoons in the eastern part of Iran (Sistan Province) located between Iran and Afghanistan and has main level changes during different years and sometimes dried and again found resurgence. This caused to the serious damages to ecosystem and loss of vegetation around as well as destruction of aquaculture in this lagoon. Dependency of "Hamun-e-Sabri" lagoon to "Hirmand" river, 120-day "Sistan" monsoon wind and recent years droughts can be mentioned as the most important reasons of fluctuations of the lagoon's water level. This paper examines the lagoon in the period of 1976-2008 using LANDSAT and MODIS satellite images and analyzes them with utilizing the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) during the August months, to assess and evaluate its spatial variations. The result of this research shows that the water level in August 1976 was highest water level and during the next years, this lagoon had many fluctuations and its level decreased gradually and eventually was completely dried in August 2008.
  • Ahadnejadreveshty M, Maruyama Y, Rabet A
    31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2010, ACRS 2010 2 1252-1258 2010年  査読有り
  • K. Kimishima, Y. Maruyama, F. Yamazaki
    9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2010, Including Papers from the 4th International Tsunami Symposium 1 791-798 2010年  査読有り
    This study investigates damage distribution characteristics after the 2007 Niigataken Chuetsu-oki, Japan, earthquake. First, various damage datasets, e.g. water pipes, low-pressure gas pipes, mid-pressure gas pipes, sewage lines, collapsed houses, liquefaction occurrences, are integrated on Geographic Information System (GIS). Using the datasets, spatial distribution of damages is investigated with respect to geomorphological land classification and altitude. Then, the damage ratios of lifeline systems are compared under various conditions. Finally, the minimum distances among the damaged locations are measured and the spatial correlations of damages to the lifeline systems are evaluated. The results of this study suggest that the damage incidents to low-pressure gas pipes are often found near those to water distribution pipes. Hence, the interactions among functional losses of lifeline systems are expected to be taken into consideration in the restoration process after urban earthquakes.
  • Y. Maruyama, F. Yamazaki
    9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2010, Including Papers from the 4th International Tsunami Symposium 1 781-790 2010年  査読有り
    In this study, fragility curves for water distribution pipes are constructed and used to simulate the distribution of water pipe damage from the 2007 Niigata Chuetsuoki earthquake and from the Tokyo Metropolitan scenario earthquake in Chiba Prefecture. The damage ratio of water distribution pipes is assumed to follow the log-normal distribution, which is evaluated using the weighted least squares method. The results of this study suggest that the relationship, obtained only from the dataset after the Kobe earthquake, between the peak ground velocity and the damage ratio of water distribution pipes can overestimate the damage ratio.
  • S. Hoshi, Y. Maruyama, F. Yamazaki
    9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2010, Including Papers from the 4th International Tsunami Symposium 7 5391-5398 2010年  査読有り
    Earthquake motion indices play an important role in estimating damages due to ground shaking, and they are expected to be highly correlated with actual earthquake damages. However, there are some cases when building damages cannot be explained only by earthquake motion indices as in recent earthquakes. Therefore, this study evaluates the correlations between earthquake motion indices and building damage ratios performing seismic response analyses using numerical models of typical Japanese wooden houses. To obtain higher correlations, the spectrum intensity (SI) is recalculated by changing the damping ratio and the range of periods for an integration process. As a result, the period range to calculate a SI value should be selected properly to obtain higher correlation with wooden houses damage in Japan.
  • Mohsen Ahadnejad, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Fumio Yamazaki
    JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF REMOTE SENSING 37(4) 659-669 2009年12月  査読有り
    Land use and land cover changes due to human activities in a time sequence. Detection of such changes may help decision makers and planners to understand the factors in land use and land cover change in order to take effective and useful measures. Remote sensing and GIS techniques may be used as efficient tools to detect and assess land use change. In recent years, a considerable land use change has occurred in the greater Zanjan area. In order to understand the type and rate of changes in this area, Landsat TM, ETM+ images captured in 1989 and 2008 have been selected for comparison. The results of the present study disclose that about 35 percents of the total area changed their land use. In order to evaluate land use changes in this area, the Environmental Impact Index are established into four different categories as: Very high, High, Medium and Low impacts. The proposed index shows that the highest impact has been generated due to changing agricultural and bare lands into urban use.
  • Yoshihisa Maruyama, Masato Sakaya, Fumio Yamazaki
    JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI 3(4) 261-272 2009年12月  査読有り
    To reduce casualties and troubles due to earthquakes, Japan Meteorological Agency introduced earthquake early warning (EEW) to general public on 1 October 2007. However, the possibility that EEW induces traffic accidents exists because EEW through car radio may not be transmitted to all the expressway drivers. Hence, the effects of EEW were investigated based on driving simulator experiments. Two kinds of experiments were performed in this study. First, single driving simulator was employed to reveal the effects of EEW on expressways. The reactions of drivers with/without warning are compared in avoiding an obstacle induced by seismic motion. Second, three synchronized driving simulators, simulating three cars running together on an expressway, were employed. When EEW was transmitted to only one car, some drivers reduced speed suddenly, and accidents occurred in two cases out of 14 tests. These experiments show the necessity of public education how to react an EEW on expressways. Turning on the hazard lights after receiving an EEW and then reducing speed gradually is suggested to avoid traffic accidents.
  • Yoshihisa Maruyama, Fumio Yamazaki, Masato Sakaya
    EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA 25(2) 347-360 2009年5月  査読有り
    To reduce the casualties and impacts resulting from earthquakes, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) introduced its earthquake early warning (EEW) system to the general public on 1 October 2007. Interestingly, a side effect of the system is an anticipated increase in traffic accidents that may occur because the EEW transmission will not be received by all drivers. Consequently, the effects of an EEW are investigated using three synchronized driving simulators to replicate the conditions of three cars traveling in close proximity on an expressway. When the EEW was received by all cars, the drivers behaved properly, and no problems occurred. When an EEW was received by just one car, however, some drivers reduced speed immediately, and accidents resulted in two out of 14 test cases. These experiments show the necessity of educating the public on how to respond if an EEW is received while driving on an expressway. In such situations, activating hazard lights and reducing speed gradually is suggested to avoid traffic accidents.
  • 川井 修, 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄
    土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) 65(1) 768-775 2009年  
  • 君島 康太, 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄
    土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) 65(1) 614-621 2009年  
  • 星 幸江, 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄
    土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) 65(1) 606-613 2009年  
  • 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄
    土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) 65(1) 565-574 2009年  
  • 松本 和貴, 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄
    地域安全学会論文集 = Journal of social safety science 10(10) 321-330 2008年11月1日  
    <p>It is anticipated that traffic accidents may occur because of the Earthquake Early Warning (EEW). The present authors introduced two driving simulators synchronized by server to perform virtual driving tests when the EEW is transmitted. To consider more realistic driving conditions, the agent-based model simulation was employed in this study. The behaviors of agents (drivers) were modeled based on the results of the driving simulator experiments. According to the numerical simulation of three moving vehicles under the EEW, a lower accident rate was observed on condition that more drivers turned on hazard lights after receiving the EEW. Hence, it is important to instruct drivers to turn on the hazard light before reducing moving speed if an EEW is transmitted on an expressway.</p>
  • 丸山 喜久, 本多 克明, 山崎 文雄
    地域安全学会論文集 = Journal of social safety science 10(10) 347-353 2008年11月1日  
    <p>The number of traffic accidents associated with drunken-driving is reducing because the punishment for drunken-driving becomes heavier than before. However, the mortality rate due to drunken-driving is higher than any other cause of traffic accident. In this study, a series of driving simulator experiments were conducted to reveal the driving characteristics under the influence of alcohol. The reaction delay to signals, mistake rate of the reactions, driving performance under various circumstances and so forth were compared with respect to the alcoholic density in breath and the elapsed time after drinking.</p>
  • 矢野 嘉久, 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄, 山内 亜希子, 菜花 健一
    土木学会論文集A 64(2) 248-257 2008年  査読有り
  • 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄, 用害 比呂之, 土屋 良之
    土木学会論文集A 64(2) 208-216 2008年  査読有り
  • Yoshihisa Maruyama, Fumio Yamazaki, Tetsuhiro Nitto, Naoyuki Hosokawa
    EASEC-11 - Eleventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction 2008年  査読有り
    To prevent secondary disasters due to strong earthquakes, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. has introduced an earthquake monitoring and rapid damage assessment system called SUPREME, which has a subsystem to estimate the number of gas meters' shutoff. In a previous research, a shutoff rate estimation model of gas meters for wooden houses was constructed. The effect of seismic response of multistory buildings were not considered in the study. Hence, the estimation method of shutoff rate of gas meters in multistory buildings is considered in this research based on the actual earthquake data of the 2005 North-western Chiba Earthquake. First, the response acceleration at each floor of a multistory building is estimated using ground motion records and a simplified response model. Second, the height of building is obtained from a 3D GIS data. Then, the relationship between the estimated response accelerations and the actual shutoff rate is compared to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method. The result shows the possibility of grasping the shutoff rate of gas meters in various buildings from the earthquake ground motion recorded at a nearby district regulator.
  • Osamu Kawai, Fumio Yamazaki, Yoshihisa Maruyama
    EASEC-11 - Eleventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction 2008年  査読有り
    When a large earthquake occurs, buried pipes and harbor structures often suffer from serious damages. These damages are mainly caused by large ground deformation due to soil liquefaction. Hence, it is important to detect liquefied sites at an early stage. Many seismometers have been deployed in Japan and acceleration records at liquefied sites were obtained in recent earthquakes. In this study, a method to detect soil liquefaction using acceleration records is proposed based on a dataset including records at liquefied and non-liquefied sites. As for the records at liquefied sites, the predominant period of the horizontal components tends to be longer. On the other hand, the predominant period of the vertical component is not lengthened even at a liquefied site. To reveal these characteristics, the change of the predominant frequency over the time was calculated from the Fourier spectra and the zero-crossing period. The occurrence of liquefaction is judged by setting threshold values for the JMA instrumental seismic intensity and the predominant frequencies for the horizontal and vertical components.
  • Kiku Mizuno, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Fumio Yamazaki, Yoshiyuki Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki Yogai
    EASEC-11 - Eleventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction 2008年  査読有り
    Many major and minor damages were caused to various structures in the recent earthquakes in Japan. Among them, the embankments of expressways were severely damaged. Using both the actual damage data and estimated spatial distribution of seismic intensity, this study conducts the statistical analysis on the relationship between the damage ratio of expressway embankment and seismic intensity. Based on the results, the fragility curves of expressway embankment are constructed. The actual damage datasets used in this study were compiled for the 2003 Northern-Miyagi earthquake and the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake. Based on the obtained results, major damages affecting the traffic are found to occur in the area where the JMA instrumental seismic intensity is larger than 5.3. Slight damages are also found to occur when JMA seismic intensity exceeds 4.8. The fragility curves constructed in this study may be helpful to predict the damage distribution in the expressway at an early stage of an earthquake occurrence so as to make an efficient traffic control and a rapid disaster response.
  • 山崎 文雄, 丸山 喜久, 坂谷 将人
    地域安全学会論文集 = Journal of social safety science 9(9) 289-294 2007年11月1日  
    <p>In order to investigate driver's reactions to early warning of seismic motion, the present authors have conducted a series of virtual tests using driving simulators. Two driving simulators were employed in this study to consider the interaction between the drivers during an earthquake. When the early warning was given to the only one driver, traffic accidents sometimes occurred because of the disagreement of responses between the two drivers. Therefore, the instructions for drivers are necessary before the early warning is broadcasted to general public. Turning on the hazard lights after receiving the early warning, for example, may be effective to avoid accidents.</p>
  • 福島 康宏, 末冨 岩雄, 石田 栄介, 磯山 龍二, 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄
    地震工学論文集 29 1467-1472 2007年  
    2005年福岡県西方沖の地震における被災地域の地形情報, 地盤ボーリング情報を収集した. 地形分類およびボーリングデータのそれぞれから表層地盤の地震動増幅特性を評価できるが, ボーリングデータが密なところではボーリングデータに基づく評価に, 疎なところでは地形分類に基づく評価となるように両者の統合を行い, 地震動増幅特性の面的分布を求めた. この面的な増幅特性分布を考慮して福岡県西方沖の地震の観測地点地震動を空間補間することにより, 面的な地表面地震動分布を作成した.
  • 丸山 喜久, 福島 康宏, 石田 栄介, 末冨 岩雄, 磯山 龍二, 山崎 文雄
    地震工学論文集 29 1460-1466 2007年  
    2005年福岡県西方沖の地震の強震域にあたる福岡市中央区舞鶴の建物地下1階の観測点と地表の観測点において, 福岡県西方沖の地震本震の地震動を, その地点の余震記録と近傍観測点での本震・余震記録を用いて複数の方法で推定し, 本震観測記録との比較を行った.
  • Wen Liu, Fumio Yamazaki, T. Thuy Vu, Yoshihisa Maruyama
    28th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2007, ACRS 2007 3 1577-1582 2007年  査読有り
    A new object-based method is developed to extract moving vehicles and subsequently detect their speeds from two consecutive images automatically. Several global and local parameters of gray values and sizes are examined to classify the objects in the image. Vehicles and their associated shadows can be discriminated by removing big objects such as roads. To detect speed, firstly vehicles and shadows are extracted from two consecutive images. The corresponding vehicles from the two images are then linked based on the similarity in shape and size and on the distance within a threshold. Finally, using the distance between the corresponding vehicles and time lag between two images, we can detect the moving speed and azimuth angle. Our test shows promising results for detecting vehicles speeds. Further development will employ the proposed method to a pair of QuickBird panchromatic and multi-spectral images, which are at a coarser spatial resolution.
  • Y Maruyama, F Yamazaki
    In expanding expressway networks in Japan, various types of structures have been constructed, e.g., long span bridges and bridges with high piers. The expressway structures are well designed for the external dynamic forces, e.g., earthquakes and strong winds. However, for further safety promotion of the expressway networks, it is important to evaluate the drivers' responses under strong dynamic disturbances. The present authors have investigated the moving stability of a vehicle under seismic motion based on both numerical simulation and virtual experiments using a driving simulator. Strong crosswind is considered as another factor that makes it difficult for drivers to control their vehicles. This study investigates the moving stability of a vehicle under strong crosswind based on numerical analyses and driving simulator experiments. To predict the future position of a moving vehicle including the reaction of a driver, the second-order predictable correction model is used in the numerical analyses. The results obtained from the numerical and experimental studies are compared and the validity of the driver model is discussed. It is expected that this research is helpful for the decision-making of expressway closure under strong wind and the design of wind barriers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄
    土木学会論文集A 62(2) 384-392 2006年  
  • 村岡 七重, 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 71(603) 179-186 2006年  
    Various organizations have deployed seismometer networks to gather the earthquake information. However, some ground motion records are sometimes missed because of electric power failure etc. This study proposes the estimation method of JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) instrumental seismic intensity using neighboring ground motion records. First, the response spectra with 5% damping were estimated using the Fourier spectrum ratios between two neighboring seismic observation stations. Then, the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and the peak ground velocity (PGV) were calculated through the spectrum intensity. Finally, using the estimated PGA and PGV, the JMA instrumental seismic intensity was obtained.
  • 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄
    土木学会論文集 62(2) 384-392 2006年  査読有り
  • 丸山 喜久, 山崎 文雄, 用害 比呂之, 土屋 良之
    土木学会論文集 62(3) 582-594 2006年  査読有り
  • Yoshihisa Maruyama, Fumio Yamazaki
    Structural Engineering/Earthquake Engineering 23(1) 2006年  査読有り
    The relationship between the seismic intensity and the reactions of expressways drivers was investigated based on the questionnaire survey conducted by Japan Highway Public Corporation after the 2003 Miyagi-ken Oki earthquake. Only 40 % of drivers were aware of the earthquake in the areas where the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) seismic intensity was smaller than 4.0. On the contrary, more than 80 % of drivers recognized the earthquake in the areas where the JMA seismic intensity was larger than 4.0. The abnormal vibration of the vehicle was indicated as the reason why the drivers recognized the earthquake. Hence, the seismic motion is considered to affect the safe and stable driving.


  • 宮崎祐輔, 磯部公一, 丸山喜久, 崎田晃基, 北岡貴文
    地盤工学会誌(Web) 72(4) 2024年  
  • 丸山 喜久
    自然災害科学総合シンポジウム講演論文集 (57) 1-8 2020年9月1日  
    2020年9月1日(火), 於 : Zoomによるオンライン開催科学研究費助成事業・特別研究促進費の助成を受け, 令和元年台風15号(令和元年房総半島台風)によって引き起こされた様々な被害に関して, (1)停電の長期化の原因とその影響波及の解明(ライフライン分野), (2)台風15号による被害発生の気象学的要因の解明(気象分野), (3)建築物・エ作物の被害メカニズムの解明および強風リスク評価(風工学分野), (4)海岸・港湾施設の被害メカニズムの解明(海岸・港湾分野), (5)内水被害の実態調査(水工学分野), (6)航空交通システムヘの影響の解明(航空交通分野)について, 調査研究を実施し, 報告書をとりまとめた。本報は, その成果をまとめたものである。
  • 猪股 渉, 丸山 喜久
    インフラ・ライフライン減災対策シンポジウム講演集 Proceedings of the Simposium on Disaster Mitigation and Resilience of the Infrastructures and Lifeline Systems 8 170-175 2018年1月19日  
  • 市川 恭平, 丸山 喜久
    インフラ・ライフライン減災対策シンポジウム講演集 Proceedings of the Simposium on Disaster Mitigation and Resilience of the Infrastructures and Lifeline Systems 8 66-70 2018年1月19日  

