
中村 友紀子

ナカムラ ユキコ  (Yukiko Nakamura)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院
工学修士(1996年3月 横浜国立大学)
工学博士(1999年3月 東京大学)







  • 酒井 周, 高橋 徹, 中村 友紀子
    日本地震工学会論文集 18(1) 1_134-1_149 2018年  査読有り
  • 高橋 徹, 渡辺 慎也, 中村 友紀子, 斉藤 大樹
    日本地震工学会論文集 16(3) 3_126-3_136 2016年  査読有り
  • 加藤 大介, 吉沢 克司, 長橋 鉄雄, 中村 友紀子
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 78(683) 139-139 2013年1月  査読有り
    The school building suffered from a great deal of damage during the 2007 Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake. The previous study revealed that the anticipated design failure modes of most of the columns of the building were flexure although most of them actually failed in shear. In order to study the reason a parametric study was also conducted and it was concluded that the diagonal crack generated from cut off point caused shear failure in these columns. In this study static loading tests were conducted varying the length of cut off bars and the presence of spandrel walls. Main conclusions were as follows; (1)The deformation capacity of a column with cut off bars degraded tremendously on condition that the yielding hinge location was cut off point and the inclination angle of diagonal cracks generated from the cut off point was approximately 50 degree. (2)The effect of presence of spandrel walls on deformation capacities was small.
  • 吉沢克司, 広瀬雄三郎, 加藤大介, 中村友紀子
    コンクリート工学年次論文集 34 1159-1164 2012年  査読有り
  • 中村友紀子
    コンクリート工学年次論文集 34 787-791 2012年  査読有り
  • 加藤大介, 中村友紀子
    Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 10(2) 399-405 2011年7月  査読有り
  • 中村友紀子, 飯塚豪彦, 清水秀則, 山田雅行
    コンクリート工学年次論文報告集 33 865-870 2011年  査読有り
  • 中村 友紀子, 佐藤 健一
    構造工学論文集.B 56(56) 377-381 2010年3月27日  査読有り
    The Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake in 2004 and The Niigata-ken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake caused damage to R/C School Buildings. Relation of destructive power indices of observed strong motions to seismic performance index of reinforced concrete school buildings which was evaluated according to Standard for Evaluation of Seismic Capacity of Existing reinforced Concrete Buildings and a residual seismic capacity ratio index R which corresponds to building damage were examined. PGA, Japanese Metheorological Agency seismic intensity scale, PGV, Spectrum Intensity and Average elastic velocity response in a period range of 1 to 2 seconds with a damping factor of 0.05 were used as the destructive power indices of strong motions.
  • 長橋鉄雄, 佐藤裕次, 加藤大介, 中村友紀子
    コンクリート工学年次論文報告集 32 1105-1110 2010年  査読有り
  • 長橋 鉄雄, 小久保 拓哉, 中村 友紀子, 加藤 大介
    構造工学論文集.B (55) 459-468 2009年3月27日  査読有り
    The objective building is a R/C school building constructed in 1963 and it suffered during the both Chuetsu and Chuetsu Oki Earthquake. As for the damage level, the both first and second stories were slightly damaged by Chuetsu Earthquake and they were partially damaged by the Chuetsu Oki Earthquake. The data of concrete strength and the reinforcing arrangement could be investigated directly from the building. This paper reports on the damage of the building during both earthquakes firstly. Secondly to explain the property of both earthquakes more in detail, it also reports on the result of the seismic response analysis. Finally, to examine the effects of parameters that are used in the process of the evaluation of seismic performances of buildings on the evaluated results, the collapse modes of the columns are examined by varying each parameter such as material strength, reinforcing arrangement, and so on.
  • 加藤大介, 宮島雄大, 中村友紀子
    8(2) 501-508 2009年  査読有り
  • 真田 靖士, 山内 成人, 高橋 絵里, 中埜 良昭, 中村 友紀子
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 (626) 633-640 2008年4月30日  査読有り
    This paper proposes new masonry walls using ductile interlocking blocks for retrofitting existing buildings. The presented walls are capable of resisting out-of-plane loads by the interlocking mechanism between blocks. Three 3/10 scale reinforced concrete frames were prepared, and two of them were retrofitted by the walls. Quasi-static loading tests of the specimens were carried out in the in-plane and out-of-plane directions, to compare their seismic performance. Installing the block walls, the strength of retrofitted specimens increased but ductility decreased. Moreover, one of them not only supported axial loads but also exhibited a frictional lateral resistance after failure of the columns.
  • 佐藤 健一, 中村 友紀子
    コンクリート工学年次論文集 30(3) 973-978 2008年  査読有り
  • 中村 友紀子, 横山 徹, 佐藤 健一
    コンクリート工学年次論文集 30(3) 1309-1314 2008年  査読有り
  • 加藤 大介, 李 柱振, 中村 友紀子, 本多 良政
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 72(616) 173-178 2007年  査読有り
    Objectives of this study were to propose evaluating method of axial load carrying capacities of R/C columns after shear failure using experimental data reported in the previous paper. For this purpose two criteria were examined, i.e. Mohr-Coulomb criterion and slip criterion between shear crack surfaces considering friction. Effects of confinement given by various hoop reinforcing details were specially paid attention. Two assumptions were used, i.e. i)the cohesive stress was degraded due to damage of core concrete and ii)confining stress by hoop reinforcement was degraded due to damage of reinforcement depending on the details. Finally evaluating equations of maximum deflection angles of shear failing columns experienced before losing their axial load carrying capacities were propose according to two assumptions mentioned above.
  • 加藤 大介, 李 柱振, 中村 友紀子, 本多 良政
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 72(619) 127-132 2007年  査読有り
    Standard for evaluating method of seismic performances of existing R/C buildings revised in 2001 showed evaluating methods of residual axial load capacity and axial load capacity, which had dramatic effects on seismic performance indexes. In this study the feasibility of this method was discussed using experimental data. For this purpose static loading tests of R/C columns were conducted. Main variable was loading methods; i.e. monotonic eccentric axial loading, eccentric axial loading under constant lateral drift and normal reversed lateral loading under constant axial load. An evaluating method of residual axial load capacity was proposed and compared with the standard.
  • 中村 友紀子, 浦井 基行, 工藤 裕, 柳澤 裕太
    コンクリート工学年次論文集 29(3) 943-948 2007年  査読有り
  • 高橋 絵里, 山内 成人, 真田 靖士, 中村 友紀子
    コンクリート工学年次論文集 29(3) 1201-1206 2007年  査読有り
  • 小杉 慎司, 境 有紀, 中村 友紀子, 大月 俊典
    日本地震工学会論文集 7(6) 48-81 2007年  査読有り
    2004 年10 月23 日に発生した新潟県中越地震では、数多くの観測点で震度6 弱以上、特に川口町川口では計測震度導入以来初めて震度7 を記録し、地震動の性質と建物被害の関係を検討するための貴重な強震記録が得られた。そこで、波形が回収された観測点の周辺を対象として建物被害を中心とした被害調査を行った。調査の結果、川口町震度計、JMA 小千谷、K-NET 小千谷周辺で大破・全壊建物が確認されたが、その他の観測点周辺では大きな被害は見られなかった。そこで、回収された波形を用いて強震動の性質と建物被害との対応性について検討した。その結果、今回の地震で発生した地震動の多くは、0.5 秒以下の極短周期が卓越し、計測震度や地動最大加速度は大きな値となるが、建物の大きな被害を引き起こす性質のものではないことがわかった。一方、川口町震度計で観測された地震動は大きな1-2 秒応答を記録しており、それが大きな被害に繋がったと考えられる。
  • 李 柱振, 本多 良政, 加藤 大介, 中村 友紀子
    構造工学論文集.B 52(52) 321-326 2006年3月20日  査読有り
    This study reports on the summary of damage of a four-story reinforced concrete building during the 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake and the results of evaluated seismic performance calculated according to currently used standard in Japan. This building is located at the center of Tokamachi city (seisimic intensity 6+) and was built in 1972. Some columns located in a half of the building failed in shear severely and the remaining seismic performance was found to be 62% of the original structure. This is supposed to be caused by rotational vibration generated by eccentrically located reinforced concrete and block walls.
  • 真田 靖士, 中村 友紀子, 山内 成人, 崔 琥, 中埜 良昭
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 71(605) 159-166 2006年  査読有り
    This paper mainly discusses seismic performances of specially designed unreinforced masonry (URM) structures. Firstly, lateral force resisting mechanisms of masonry in filled frames were introduced through test results of concrete block in filled reinforced concrete frames with and without a door opening. Based on major findings from the tests, a method to enhance seismic performances of URM structures using interlocking masonry units was proposed. Two new URM walls consisting of brittle and ductile interlocking masonry units were tested and their performances were compared with that of a conventional one. Seismic performances of URM walls could be effectively improved by interlocking masonry units.
  • 境 有紀, 中村 友紀子, 大月 俊典, 小杉 慎司
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 71(601) 69-73 2006年  査読有り
    We investigated the 2004 Niigata-Chuetsu earthquake, where we have both strong ground motion records and building damage data, examining correlation between various indices of seismic destructive power and building damage. We confirmed that the average elastic velocity response in the period range of 1 to 2s with a damping factor of 0.05 which one of the authors proposed as an optimum destructive power index of strong ground motion for predicting building damage has close correlation with actual damage to buildings also in the case of the 2004 Niigata-Chuetsu earthquake. The period range is based on the equivalent periods that are calculated for buildings with typical elastic periods considering inelastic elongation. A vulnerability function of wooden houses for same seismic intensity in the case of the 2004 Niigata-Chuetsu earthquake was smaller compared to that in the case of previous earthquake, such as the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake.
  • 加藤 大介, 李 柱振, 中村 友紀子, 本多 良政
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 71(610) 153-159 2006年  査読有り
    Objectives of this study were to examine axial load carrying capacities of R/C columns after shear failure. For this purpose static loading tests of R/C columns were conducted. Confinement of hoop reinforcement to core concrete was one of the most important effects to be discussed so different hoop reinforcement details were studied, i.e. welded hoop for good confinement type, hoop with 135 deg hook for normal confinement type and hoop with 90 deg hook for poor confinement. Using these specimens centrical axial loading test to examine the basic confining effects and lateral loading test under constant axial load to examine the axial load carrying capacity were conducted.
  • 山内 成人, 真田 靖士, 中埜 良昭, 中村 友紀子
    コンクリート工学年次論文集 28(2) 1093-1098 2006年  査読有り
  • 境 有紀, 小杉 慎司, 大月 俊典, 中村 友紀子
    コンクリート工学 = Concrete journal 43(7) 3-9 2005年7月1日  査読有り
    強震観測点周りの建物被害を調査し, 観測された強震記録と被災度の関係について検討した。震度の大きさの割りに被害を引き起こさない, 0.5秒以下の短周期が卓越した地震動が多かったが, 川口町の記録は1-2秒が卓越した非常に破壊力のある地震動で大きな被害を引き起こした。また木造に比べ, 鉄筋コンクリート造建物の被害は全体に小さかった。
  • 中村 友紀子, 小山田 允紀, 加藤 大介
    コンクリート工学年次論文集 27(2) 1015-1020 2005年  査読有り
  • 李 柱振, 加藤 大介, 菅 勝博, 中村 友紀子
    コンクリート工学年次論文集 27(2) 217-222 2005年  査読有り
  • 境 有紀, 中村 友紀子
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 69(584) 59-63 2004年  査読有り
    We investigated the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake, where we have both strong ground motion records and building damage date, examining correlation between various indices of seismic destructive power and building damage. We used correlation analyses, maximum likelihood method and correlation analyses considering the number of buildings ground strong ground motion observation points, We confirmed that the average elastic velocity response in the period range of 1 to 2 s with a damping factor of 0.05 which one of the authors proposed as an ontimum destructive power index of strong ground motion for predicting building damage can be used in the case of buildings in California, USA The period range is based on the equivalent periods that are calculated for buildings with typical elastic periods considering inelastic elongation.
  • 加藤 大介, 李 柱振, 菅 勝博, 中村 友紀子
    コンクリート工学年次論文集 26(2) 199-204 2004年  査読有り
  • 加藤 大介, 保坂 敦史, 中村 友紀子, 土井 希祐
    コンクリート工学年次論文報告集 22(3) 415-420 2000年6月1日  査読有り
  • 中村 友紀子, 加藤 大介, 篠田 悟
    コンクリート工学年次論文報告集 22(3) 1681-1686 2000年6月1日  査読有り
  • 中村 友紀子, 壁谷澤 寿海
    構造工学論文集.B (46) 423-427 2000年3月20日  査読有り
    A method is presented to formulate expected values of elastic time-history responses by assuming the phase differences spectrum in the Fourier transform of earthquake waves as a normal probability curve. A fair correlation was observed between the standard deviation of the phase differences spectrum of the motion and the expected value of time-history response based on the formula. The effects of viscous damping and fundamental period of the system on the deviation of expected value of time-history responses are investigated. The expected value of time-history response can be approximated from the characteristics of the earthquake waves, which may be used for the estimation of maximum displacement responses.
  • 小倉 宏一, 加藤 大介, 中村 友紀子, 土井 希祐
    構造工学論文集.B (46) 539-546 2000年3月20日  査読有り
    The objectives of this study were to examine deformation capacities of cantilever shear walls with openings experimentally and to evaluate the design equation (truss-arch analogous model), which had been developed to estimate the shear strength of shear walls with openings, for the estimation of the deformation capacities of cantilever shear walls with openings. Six reinforced concrete cantilever shear wall specimens with openings, which were designed to fail in flexure, had been tested already under static reversal load. In this paper test results of another two wall specimens with eccentric door openings were reported. Variables were the level of axial load and the hoop reinforcement of first floor columns, which were called isolated column in this study.
  • 中村 友紀子, 壁谷澤 寿海
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 65(532) 51-56 2000年  査読有り
    Expected value of time-history response can be formulated by assuming the phase differences spectrum in Fourier transform of earthquake waves as a normal probability curve. The effect of damping on the response spectrum can be obtained based on the formula. The ratio of maximum displacement to previous peak displacement during nonlinear response can also be calculated theoretically, which may be used for estimation. Both theoretical values were compared with those calculated from the responses to earthquake motions, from which a fair correlation was observed, especially in relation to the duration of earthquake motions.
  • 中村 友紀子, 壁谷澤 寿海
    構造工学論文集.B (44) 313-318 1998年3月20日  査読有り
    A method of estimating inelastic displacement responses of single-degree-of-freedom system with a hysteresis rule of reinforced concrete structures was presented based on energy input characteristics of earthquake motions. Effective instantaneous energy was defined as input energy during one-fourth of the equivalent fundamental period of the system. The calculated inelastic responses could fairly be estimated from the effective instantaneous energy input spectra and the energy dissipation capacity of the system. The maximum displacements estimated from accerograms are correlated to the damage ratio to reinforced concrete buildings during the 1995 Hyogoken-nanbu earthquake.
  • 中村 友紀子, 壁谷澤 寿海
    構造工学論文集.B (43) 485-492 1997年3月20日  査読有り
    A method of estimating inelastic displacement responses of single-degree-of-freedom system with a hysteresis rule of reinforced concrete structures was presented based on energy input characteristics of earthquake motions. Effective instantaneous energy was defined as input energy during the equivalent fundamental period of the system. The calculated inelastic responses could fairly be estimated from the effective energy input rate spectra and the energy dissipation capacity of the system. The instantaneous energy spectra could roughly be related to the spectra of time-averaged input energy defined as total energy divided by the effective duration of motions. Effects of damping characteristics on the instantaneous energy spectra and velocity response spectra were investigated, which were also found to be dependable on the duration of earthquake motions.
  • 中村 友紀子, 壁谷澤 寿海
    コンクリート工学年次論文報告集 18(2) 251-256 1996年  査読有り



