長橋 鉄雄, 小久保 拓哉, 中村 友紀子, 加藤 大介
構造工学論文集.B (55) 459-468 2009年3月27日 査読有り
The objective building is a R/C school building constructed in 1963 and it suffered during the both Chuetsu and Chuetsu Oki Earthquake. As for the damage level, the both first and second stories were slightly damaged by Chuetsu Earthquake and they were partially damaged by the Chuetsu Oki Earthquake. The data of concrete strength and the reinforcing arrangement could be investigated directly from the building. This paper reports on the damage of the building during both earthquakes firstly. Secondly to explain the property of both earthquakes more in detail, it also reports on the result of the seismic response analysis. Finally, to examine the effects of parameters that are used in the process of the evaluation of seismic performances of buildings on the evaluated results, the collapse modes of the columns are examined by varying each parameter such as material strength, reinforcing arrangement, and so on.