
高橋 在也

Zaiya Takahashi


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院医学教育学(地域医療教育学) 特任助教



  • Ikuo Shimizu, Hajime Kasai, Kiyoshi Shikino, Nobuyuki Araki, Zaiya Takahashi, Misaki Onodera, Yasuhiko Kimura, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Mayumi Asahina, Shoichi Ito, Eiryo Kawakami
    JMIR medical education 9 e53466 2023年11月30日  
    BACKGROUND: Generative artificial intelligence (GAI), represented by large language models, have the potential to transform health care and medical education. In particular, GAI's impact on higher education has the potential to change students' learning experience as well as faculty's teaching. However, concerns have been raised about ethical consideration and decreased reliability of the existing examinations. Furthermore, in medical education, curriculum reform is required to adapt to the revolutionary changes brought about by the integration of GAI into medical practice and research. OBJECTIVE: This study analyzes the impact of GAI on medical education curricula and explores strategies for adaptation. METHODS: The study was conducted in the context of faculty development at a medical school in Japan. A workshop involving faculty and students was organized, and participants were divided into groups to address two research questions: (1) How does GAI affect undergraduate medical education curricula? and (2) How should medical school curricula be reformed to address the impact of GAI? The strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) framework was used, and cross-SWOT matrix analysis was used to devise strategies. Further, 4 researchers conducted content analysis on the data generated during the workshop discussions. RESULTS: The data were collected from 8 groups comprising 55 participants. Further, 5 themes about the impact of GAI on medical education curricula emerged: improvement of teaching and learning, improved access to information, inhibition of existing learning processes, problems in GAI, and changes in physicians' professionality. Positive impacts included enhanced teaching and learning efficiency and improved access to information, whereas negative impacts included concerns about reduced independent thinking and the adaptability of existing assessment methods. Further, GAI was perceived to change the nature of physicians' expertise. Three themes emerged from the cross-SWOT analysis for curriculum reform: (1) learning about GAI, (2) learning with GAI, and (3) learning aside from GAI. Participants recommended incorporating GAI literacy, ethical considerations, and compliance into the curriculum. Learning with GAI involved improving learning efficiency, supporting information gathering and dissemination, and facilitating patient involvement. Learning aside from GAI emphasized maintaining GAI-free learning processes, fostering higher cognitive domains of learning, and introducing more communication exercises. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the profound impact of GAI on medical education curricula and provides insights into curriculum reform strategies. Participants recognized the need for GAI literacy, ethical education, and adaptive learning. Further, GAI was recognized as a tool that can enhance efficiency and involve patients in education. The study also suggests that medical education should focus on competencies that GAI hardly replaces, such as clinical experience and communication. Notably, involving both faculty and students in curriculum reform discussions fosters a sense of ownership and ensures broader perspectives are encompassed.
  • 荒木 信之, 鋪野 紀好, 笠井 大, 鎌田 雄, 木村 康彦, 高橋 在也, 横尾 英孝, 伊藤 彰一
    医学教育 53(Suppl.) 201-201 2022年7月  
  • 小野寺 みさき, 高橋 在也, 横尾 英孝, 伊藤 彰一
    医学教育 52(Suppl.) 109-109 2021年7月  
  • Zaiya Takahashi, Miyae Yamakawa, Miharu Nakanishi, Hiroki Fukahori, Naoko Igarashi, Maho Aoyama, Kazuki Sato, Shima Sakai, Hiroko Nagae, Mitsunori Miyashita
    Japan journal of nursing science : JJNS 18(2) e12402 2021年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
    AIM: End-of-life care for people with dementia is becoming increasingly important as the global population ages. However, there is no agreed definition of a good death for people with dementia. The current review examined previous literature to establish the current state of knowledge on this issue. METHODS: We conducted a scoping review using a standard methodological framework. Relevant studies were identified from four databases. Studies were included if they were in English, discussed palliative or end-of-life care for dementia, and defined or explained a good death. The definitions or explanations of a good death were categorized into subthemes, and grouped into broader themes. RESULTS: We identified 11 articles discussing or explaining a good death in dementia, which were published between 2009 and 2017. Most of these studies drew on the views of healthcare professionals and/or family members of people with dementia, and only one considered the views of people with dementia themselves. Ten themes were identified, including pain-free status, peaceful/comfort, dignity, family presence, surrounded by familiar things and people, person-centered communication, spirituality, life completion, treatment preferences, and other. CONCLUSIONS: The characteristics of a good death in dementia showed similarities with those identified more generally. However, there were some themes that were specific to end-of-life care in dementia, notably "surrounded by familiar things and people" and "person-centered communication". To obtain a fuller picture of the nature of a good death in dementia, researchers need to examine the views of people living with dementia.
  • 野中瑞穂, 青山真帆, 中西三春, 山川みやえ, 深堀浩樹, 佐藤一樹, 高橋在也, 長江弘子, 森田達也, 坂井志麻, 坂井志麻, 宮下光令
    日本サイコオンコロジー学会総会プログラム・抄録集 33rd (Web)(Suppl.) S208-S208 2020年  
  • 横尾英孝, 横尾英孝, 小野寺みさき, 高橋在也, 木村康彦, 稲川知子, 朝比奈真由美, 伊藤彰一, 伊藤彰一
    医学教育 51(3) 336-337 2020年  査読有り
  • 渡会紘子, 高橋在也, 山川みやえ, 青山真帆, 五十嵐尚子, 坂井志麻, 深堀浩樹, 中西三春, 佐藤一樹, 長江弘子, 宮下光令
    Palliative Care Research (Web) 14(Supplement) S433-S433 2019年  
  • Takahashi Zaiya, Masujima Mariko, Sato Naho, Ishibashi Miyuki
    PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY 27 28-29 2018年10月  査読有り
  • 高橋 在也
    賢治学 4 212-220 2017年7月  招待有り
  • 高橋在也
    総合人間学研究 (11) 131-140 2017年5月  査読有り
  • 長江 弘子, 高橋 在也
    心と社会 47(4) 65-70 2016年12月  招待有り
  • 高橋在也, 岩城典子, 長江弘子, 石丸美奈, 清水直美, 吉本照子
    生命倫理 26(1) 159-168 2016年  査読有り筆頭著者
    個人の尊厳と意思を尊重した終末期医療・ケアが求められる中で、自らの最期についての「意思決定」を行うための支援プロセスには、多くの困難が存在している。本稿では、病や死の問題を知り、考え、話し合うための「学びのコミュニティ」の必要性を提唱し、その実践としてエンドオブライフを考える市民参加プログラムを実施し、エンドオブライフケアにとって「学びのコミュニティ」がどのような意味をもつかを検討した。 結果として、「学びのコミュニティ」の実践は、主体的な生き方を涵養し他者から支えられる実感を得るうえで重要な効果があることが示唆された。同時に、エンドオブライフについて参加者の多くが家族と話すことに困難を感じていて、それゆえに、家族以外の人たちとエンドオブライフについて考え、話し合う場が重要であると示唆された。そのような場は、他ならぬ「自分」がどう生きたいかを問い返すための場として構想されるべきと考える。
  • 高橋在也
    総合人間学 (8) 251-260 2014年9月  査読有り
  • 高橋在也
    総合人間学 (5) 113-123 2011年5月  査読有り
  • 高橋 在也
    唯物論研究年誌 (14) 277-302 2009年10月  査読有り









