
サミムッ ザマン

サミムッ ザマン  (Zaman Samimuz)


千葉大学 大学院国際学術研究院 特任研究員
(兼任)人文公共学府 非情教員
博士課程(2024年3月 千葉大学)







  • 公共研究 = Journal on public affairs 18(1) 135-160 2022年3月31日  査読有り
    type:text [SUMMARY] According to traditional structural theories, specially neorealism, small states are not influential actors in the international or regional political system. On the contrary, neoliberalist theories based on international institutions, democratic value, or interdependence also do not appropriately adjust in many regions, particularly in South Asia. South Asian countries are still struggling to attain ideal democratic institutions or effective regional organizations. As neither of the large schools of thought satisfactorily explains the behaviors of the South Asian small states, while both China and India are playing hegemonic roles there. Taking that into account, this research argues how South Asian small states should be observed in order to discover a more appropriate way to explain their behavior. To achieve the aim, this research attempts to identify how the small states in South Asia justify the most suitable standard and, secondly, analyzes conventional thoughts of countriesʼ external behavior that leads to discovering the behaviors of South Asian small countries. Finally, this study finds that both China and India cherish the high ambition to become regional hegemonic power that poses the perennial threat of conflict and shapes the region into a bipolar kind of structure which results in more chances for the small countries of South Asia to behave in a more diversified way rather than just to become either bandwagon or the part of the balance of power.
  • Abdullah-Al Mamun, Shiblee Noman, Samimuzzaman, Shamsunnahar
    Journal of Governance, Security, and Development (JGS&D) Policy 2(1) 2021年7月1日  査読有り
    <jats:p>The Abe administration has redefined Japan’s relationship with the South Asian countries for economic and geo-strategic interests and introduced country-specific strategies for success. However, Chinese influence in the region is increasing. On the other hand, Japan’s South Asia policy is India focused, and mainly to counter China, regionally and globally. Reintegration of Quad is another step towards the objective. Most of the existing literature evaluates the current South Asian geo-economic and geopolitical dynamics from a narrow angle of China or Japan while looking into the combined perspectives of Japan and China in South Asia remains outside their purview. This qualitative study examines the prospect of the renewed Japan-South Asia relations in emerging Chinese influence. By analyzing very recent data, this research finds Japan’s engagement in the South Asian region higher than in the past. The Chinese investment in the region has increased significantly and its influence is intensifying. This research reveals that the positive image of Japan as a trusted friend and the character of its services and quality of its products are helping Japan strengthen its renewed relationship with the South Asian countries. The research concludes that South Asian countries are seemingly dividing into two blocs, not yet clearly visible, but clears signs of a Japan-India alignment vis-a-vis China are there.</jats:p>



