
田尻 怜子

Reiko Tajiri


千葉大学 大学院理学研究院
博士(理学)(2007年3月 東京大学)




  • Reiko Tajiri, Ayaka Hirano, Yu-ya Kaibara, Daiki Tezuka, Zhengyang Chen, Tetsuya Kojima
    iScience 26(8) 107279-107279 2023年8月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Reiko Tajiri, Haruhiko Fujiwara, Tetsuya Kojima
    Communications biology 4(1) 88-88 2021年1月19日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Body elongation is a general feature of development. Postembryonically, the body needs to be framed and protected by extracellular materials, such as the skeleton, the skin and the shell, which have greater strength than cells. Thus, body elongation after embryogenesis must be reconciled with those rigid extracellular materials. Here we show that the exoskeleton (cuticle) coating the Drosophila larval body has a mechanical property to expand less efficiently along the body circumference than along the anteroposterior axis. This "corset" property of the cuticle directs a change in body shape during body growth from a relatively round shape to an elongated one. Furthermore, the corset property depends on the functions of Cuticular protein 11 A and Tubby, protein components of a sub-surface layer of the larval cuticle. Thus, constructing a stretchable cuticle and supplying it with components that confer circumferential stiffness is the fly's strategy for executing postembryonic body elongation.
  • Reiko Tajiri
    CURRENT OPINION IN INSECT SCIENCE 19 30-35 2017年2月  査読有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
    The wide variety of external morphologies has Underlain the evolutionary success of insects. The insect exoskeleton, or cuticle, which covers the entire body and constitutes the external morphology, is extracellular matrix produced by the epidermis. How is cuticle shaped during development? Past studies have mainly focused on patterning, differentiation and morphogenesis of the epidermis. Recently, however, it is becoming clear that cuticle itself plays important and active roles in regulation of cuticle shape. Studies in the past several years show that pre-existing cuticle can influence shaping of new cuticle, and cuticle can sculpt its own shape through its material property. In this review, I summarize recent advances and discuss future prospects.
  • Reiko Tajiri, Nobuhiro Ogawa, Haruhiko Fujiwara, Tetsuya Kojima
    PLoS Genetics 13(1) e1006548 2017年1月1日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Body shapes are much more variable than body plans. One way to alter body shapes independently of body plans would be to mechanically deform bodies. To what extent body shapes are regulated physically, or molecules involved in physical control of morphogenesis, remain elusive. During fly metamorphosis, the cuticle (exoskeleton) covering the larval body contracts longitudinally and expands laterally to become the ellipsoidal pupal case (puparium). Here we show that Drosophila melanogaster Obstructor-E (Obst-E) is a protein constituent of the larval cuticle that confers the oriented contractility/expandability. In the absence of obst-E function, the larval cuticle fails to undergo metamorphic shape change and finally becomes a twiggy puparium. We present results indicating that Obst-E regulates the arrangement of chitin, a long-chain polysaccharide and a central component of the insect cuticle, and directs the formation of supracellular ridges on the larval cuticle. We further show that Obst-E is locally required for the oriented shape change of the cuticle during metamorphosis, which is associated with changes in the morphology of those ridges. Thus, Obst-E dramatically affects the body shape in a direct, physical manner by controlling the mechanical property of the exoskeleton.





