
森川 セーラ

Sarah Morikawa


千葉大学 大学院国際学術研究院
MSc TESOL(2006年7月 Aston University)



  • Nishizumi Kanako, Morikawa Sarah
    千葉大学国際教養学研究 = Chiba University journal of liberal arts and sciences 2 151-165 2018年3月  
    [Abstract] This paper is a preliminary report on the Language Exchange (LEX) programme which started at Chiba University from April 2017. LEX is a programme designed to help students form partnerships to teach language ​​and exchange cultural information in accordance with each other's needs, according to a learning plan jointly developed by the student partners. More than 100 Chiba University students participated in both the first and second semester programmes in 2017. A total of 14 languages were involved, ​​including languages ​​that were not offered as subjects at Chiba University. In this report, we focus on the first semester of FY 2017-specifically, the reasons for starting the LEX programme; the background and features of the programme; the practical steps taken in order to conduct the programme; and students' responses to a feedback questionnaire administered at the end of the programme. The report concludes with a clarification of issues to be addressed on future LEX programmes and potential areas of research.[要旨] 本稿は、筆者ら2名が千葉大学において2017年度前期より始めたランゲージ・エクスチェンジ・プログラムLEXに関する実践報告である。LEXは、学習言語を母語・母国語とするランゲージ・パートナーとともに学習計画を立て、互いのニーズに合った内容で言葉や文化を教え合うことを目的としたプログラムで、学生の学習意欲を高め、自律学習を促す効果があると考える。2017年前期・後期それぞれ100名を超える千葉大生が参加し、千葉大学において科目として開講されていない言語を含む14言語で実施された。本報告では、2017年度前期の取り組みを中心に、筆者らがLEXを始めるに至った経緯、プログラムの周知や学生のマッチングからフォローアップ・アンケート実施までのLEX運営側としての筆者らの取り組みと、前期フォローアップ・アンケート集計結果から明らかになった、自律学習に関する学生の満足度と今後の課題について述べた。
  • Harrington Luke, Morikawa Sarah
    千葉大学国際教養学研究 = Chiba University journal of liberal arts and sciences 2 131-149 2018年3月  
    [Abstract] In 2014, the Japanese government announced the Super Global Universities policy, which aims to increase the number of foreign teachers and students in Japanese tertiary education, and to double the number of doctorates in English. From this, it can therefore be assumed that English will be playing a greater role in the education of Japanese university students, either as language study, the language for subject content, or for social interactions on campus. This qualitative descriptive study using content analysis investigates a pedagogical approach that involves promoting awareness of World Englishes and a tolerance towards them through a one-to-one conversation partner program involving Japanese university students and international students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. In doing so, it provides an insight into not only the positive attitudes Japanese university students have towards World Englishes, but also the differing perceptions they have of non-native speakers of English in a language-learning context.
  • Morikawa Sarah, Harrington Luke
    千葉大学国際教養学研究 = Chiba University journal of liberal arts and sciences 1 99-121 2017年3月  
    [ABSTRACT] With English classroom time being limited for Japanese university students, and with there being a lack of opportunities to speak English outside the classroom for these students, it is important to provide them with such opportunities. In response to this need, the English House at Chiba University has developed a conversation partner programme involving interaction with university students from a variety of cultural and linguistic backgrounds on a one-to-one basis. However, providing such a program does not necessarily mean that students will make use of it due to their language anxiety, perceived negative self-belief and lack of experience learning autonomously outside the control or direction of teachers. This study focuses on an out-of-class learning program conducted in tandem with intermediate English classes, and investigates students' perceptions of and willingness to participate in such a program. From a qualitative content analysis of participants' responses to written questionnaires and interviews on their experiences of one-to-one conversation sessions, this study highlights how a range of factors such as acclimatization to the situation, sympathetic interlocutors, a perceived increase in communicative competence and choice of topic, has an influence on the reduction of students' anxiety about using English, thereby increasing their willingness to take part in further out-of-class learning opportunities.
  • Morikawa Sarah, Harrington Luke, Shiina Kikuko
    言語文化論叢 (6) 117-133 2012年3月  
  • 高橋 秀夫, 土肥 充, Morikawa Sarah
    言語文化論叢 (6) 41-52 2012年3月  
  • Johnson Kirk, Morikawa Sarah
    言語文化論叢 (5) 107-121 2011年3月  
    言語文化論叢 第5号
  • Ohyama Nakakatsu, Morikawa Sarah, Johnson Kirk
    言語文化論叢 (3) 91-103 2009年3月  
    言語文化論叢 第3号 ポール・ボズウェル教授退職記念号





