T. Shimobaba, T. Nakajima, A. Urayama, T. Sanbei, Y. Ichihashi, Y. Abe, H. Nakayama, N. Masuda, A. Shiraki, N. Takada, T. Lto
IDW '08 - Proceedings of the 15th International Display Workshops 2 1155-1158 2008年
Electroholography can realize an ideal three-dimensional (3D) display system
however, a practical 3D display using this technique has not been developed yet because electroholography has several problems. The typical problems are the color representation ability for a reconstructed 3D image, and the calculation time for generating a CGH (Computer-Generate-Hologram). In this paper, we report our electroholography system that can calculate CGHs in real-time, and reconstruct color 3D objects from the CGHs. In this system, for the purpose of solving the color reconstruction problem, we used the space-division method and an error diffusion method. The space-division method proposed by one of the authors can reconstruct a color 3D object from one hologram. For real-time calculation for a CGH, we used a GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) cluster. A recent GPU is able to treat as a highly parallel processor. The GPU cluster consists of a PC cluster, whose nodes have a GPU.