
金田 篤志

カネダ アツシ  (Atsushi Kaneda)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院分子腫瘍学 教授
博士(医学)(2004年3月 東京大学)
医学士(1994年3月 東京大学)



平成6年東京大学医学部医学科卒業。平成6年東京大学第3外科学教室(現消化管外科学)医員、平成11年助手。平成12年より東京大学大学院医学系研究科博士課程進学、主に国立がんセンター研究所発がん研究部(牛島俊和研究室)において、網羅的抽出手法を改変し胃癌メチローム解析、サイレンシング遺伝子の大量同定に成功。平成16年よりジョンズ・ホプキンス大学(Andrew P. Feinberg研究室)ポスドク、正常細胞に蓄積するエピゲノム異常による癌リスク上昇を証明。平成18年より東京大学先端科学技術研究センターゲノムサイエンス分野(油谷浩幸研究室)特任准教授。エピゲノム網羅的解析による癌層別化研究を遂行し、平成21年よりJSTさきがけ(エピジェネティクス)研究員兼任。平成25年より千葉大学大学院医学研究院分子腫瘍学(旧生化学第二講座)教授。JST CREST(エピゲノム)、AMED革新がん、AMED次世代がん、などのプロジェクトを遂行し、環境が誘導するエピゲノム変化・破綻と疾患発症を研究。令和5年より千葉大学健康疾患オミクスセンター長兼任。






  • 松坂 恵介, 金田 篤志, 船田 さやか, 深山 正久
    日本病理学会会誌 102(1) 303-303 2013年4月  
  • Teruyuki Sato, Atsushi Kaneda, Shingo Tsuji, Takayuki Isagawa, Shogo Yamamoto, Takanori Fujita, Ryota Yamanaka, Yukiko Tanaka, Toshihiro Nukiwa, Victor E Marquez, Yuichi Ishikawa, Masakazu Ichinose, Hiroyuki Aburatani
    Scientific reports 3 1911-1911 2013年  査読有り責任著者
    Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a subtype of lung cancer with poor prognosis. Expression array analysis of 23 SCLC cases and 42 normal tissues revealed that EZH2 and other PRC2 members were highly expressed in SCLC. ChIP-seq for H3K27me3 suggested that genes with H3K27me3(+) in SCLC were extended not only to PRC2-target genes in ES cells but also to other target genes such as cellular adhesion-related genes. These H3K27me3(+) genes in SCLC were repressed significantly, and introduction of the most repressed gene JUB into SCLC cell line lead to growth inhibition. Shorter overall survival of clinical SCLC cases correlated to repression of JUB alone, or a set of four genes including H3K27me3(+) genes. Treatment with EZH2 inhibitors, DZNep and GSK126, resulted in growth repression of SCLC cell lines. High PRC2 expression was suggested to contribute to gene repression in SCLC, and may play a role in genesis of SCLC.
  • Yasuko Kikuchi, Eiichi Tsuji, Koichi Yagi, Keisuke Matsusaka, Shingo Tsuji, Junichi Kurebayashi, Toshihisa Ogawa, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Atsushi Kaneda
    Frontiers in genetics 4 271-271 2013年  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Cancer arises through accumulation of epigenetic and genetic alteration. Aberrant promoter methylation is a common epigenetic mechanism of gene silencing in cancer cells. We here performed genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation of promoter regions by Infinium HumanMethylation27 BeadChip, using 14 clinical papillary thyroid cancer samples and 10 normal thyroid samples. Among the 14 papillary cancer cases, 11 showed frequent aberrant methylation, but the other three cases showed no aberrant methylation at all. Distribution of the hypermethylation among cancer samples was non-random, which implied existence of a subset of preferentially methylated papillary thyroid cancer. Among 25 frequently methylated genes, methylation status of six genes (HIST1H3J, POU4F2, SHOX2, PHKG2, TLX3, HOXA7) was validated quantitatively by pyrosequencing. Epigenetic silencing of these genes in methylated papillary thyroid cancer cell lines was confirmed by gene re-expression following treatment with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine and trichostatin A, and detected by real-time RT-PCR. Methylation of these six genes was validated by analysis of additional 20 papillary thyroid cancer and 10 normal samples. Among the 34 cancer samples in total, 26 cancer samples with preferential methylation were significantly associated with mutation of BRAF/RAS oncogene (P = 0.04, Fisher's exact test). Thus, we identified new genes with frequent epigenetic hypermethylation in papillary thyroid cancer, two subsets of either preferentially methylated or hardly methylated papillary thyroid cancer, with a concomitant occurrence of oncogene mutation and gene methylation. These hypermethylated genes may constitute potential biomarkers for papillary thyroid cancer.
  • 船田 さやか, 松坂 恵介, 油谷 浩幸, 深山 正久, 金田 篤志
    日本癌学会総会記事 71回 386-387 2012年8月  
  • Atsushi Kaneda, Keisuke Matsusaka, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Masashi Fukayama
    Cancer research 72(14) 3445-50 2012年7月15日  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) establishes latent infection and is associated with tumors, such as Burkitt lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and gastric cancers. We recently reported that EBV(+) gastric cancer shows an EBV(+)/extensively high-methylation epigenotype, and in vitro EBV infection induces extensive DNA methylation with gene repression within 18 weeks. On the basis of the absence of both EBV and high-methylation accumulation in the surrounding mucosa of EBV(+) gastric cancer, it is suggested that an EBV-infected cell acquires extensive methylation to silence multiple tumor suppressor genes in a short time period and transforms into cancer cells, not forming a precancerous field with EBV infection or methylation accumulation. The methylation mechanism induced by EBV infection has not been fully clarified. Differences in EBV genome methylation that are dependent on a different latency status or other epigenomic alterations, such as 3-dimensional conformation and histone modification, may affect host genome methylation. Expressions of viral proteins and small RNAs are also different depending on latency status, and some viral proteins might trigger DNA methylation by inducing DNA methyltransferase overexpression. In this review, we discuss these roles of EBV infection in driving tumorigenesis and their possible association with aberrant DNA methylation.
  • Atsushi Kaneda
    Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine 70(5) 749-53 2012年5月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Accumulation of epigenomic aberrations plays a critical role in tumorigenesis, both in tumor initiation and progression. Development of epigenomic markers can therefore be useful in determination of tumor risk of apparently normal cases, or in classifying tumor cases in relation to etiology, prognosis or therapy response. Loss of imprinting of IGF2 is an epigenetic aberration that exists in normal tissues and modifies tumor risk, and is a possible therapy target for tumor risk management. Thanks to development of quantitative and comprehensive analysis tools for DNA methylation, it becomes possible to epigenotype tumors, i.e., classification of tumors using epigenomic information, by unsupervised hierarchical clustering. Gastric cancer is epigenotyped in relation to etiology such as EB virus infection, and colorectal cancer is epigenotyped in relation to oncogene mutation statuses, suggesting distinct molecular mechanisms in colorectal tumorigenesis.
  • Koichi Yagi, Hirokazu Takahashi, Kiwamu Akagi, Keisuke Matsusaka, Yasuyuki Seto, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Atsushi Nakajima, Atsushi Kaneda
    The American journal of pathology 180(2) 616-25 2012年2月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    A subset of colorectal cancer shows significant accumulation of aberrant promoter methylation. Previously, we developed two groups of methylation markers that classified colorectal cancer into three epigenotypes: i) high-, ii) intermediate-, and iii) low-methylation epigenotypes. High-methylation epigenotype, with methylation of both group 1 and group 2 markers, correlates to BRAF-mutation((+)). Intermediate-methylation epigenotype, with methylation of group 2 markers, but not group 1, correlates to KRAS-mutation((+)). To gain insight into epigenotype development in colorectal carcinogenesis, especially intermediate-methylation epigenotype and its correlation to KRAS-mutation((+)) in adenoma, we analyzed methylation levels of group 1 and group 2 markers quantitatively by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry, in 51 adenomas, 13 aberrant crypt foci, and 26 normal mucosa samples, and we compared them to 149 previously analyzed colorectal cancer samples. Three serrated adenomas were all BRAF-mutation((+)), showing great methylation of group 1 and group 2 markers, thus high-methylation epigenotype. Forty-eight conventional adenomas were not methylated in group 1 markers and were classified into two clusters with higher and lower methylation of group 2 markers, thus into intermediate- and low-methylation epigenotypes, respectively. Adenoma with intermediate-methylation epigenotype correlated to KRAS-mutation((+)). Methylation levels of group 2 markers in adenoma were higher than aberrant crypt foci and normal samples, but similar to cancer. These data suggested that epigenotype development occur at an earlier stage than carcinoma formation, and already be completed at the adenoma stage. Intermediate methylation epigenotype and its correlation to KRAS-mutation((+)) were developed in conventional adenoma.
  • Linghua Wang, Shuichi Tsutsumi, Tokuichi Kawaguchi, Koichi Nagasaki, Kenji Tatsuno, Shogo Yamamoto, Fei Sang, Kohtaro Sonoda, Minoru Sugawara, Akio Saiura, Seiko Hirono, Hiroki Yamaue, Yoshio Miki, Minoru Isomura, Yasushi Totoki, Genta Nagae, Takayuki Isagawa, Hiroki Ueda, Satsuki Murayama-Hosokawa, Tatsuhiro Shibata, Hiromi Sakamoto, Yae Kanai, Atsushi Kaneda, Tetsuo Noda, Hiroyuki Aburatani
    Genome research 22(2) 208-19 2012年2月  査読有り
    Whole-exome sequencing (Exome-seq) has been successfully applied in several recent studies. We here sequenced the exomes of 15 pancreatic tumor cell lines and their matched normal samples. We captured 162,073 exons of 16,954 genes and sequenced the targeted regions to a mean coverage of 56-fold. This study identified a total of 1517 somatic mutations and validated 934 mutations by transcriptome sequencing. We detected recurrent mutations in 56 genes. Among them, 41 have not been described. The mutation rates varied widely among cell lines. The diversity of the mutation rates was significantly correlated with the distinct MLH1 copy-number status. Exome-seq revealed intensive genomic instability in a cell line with MLH1 homozygous deletion, indicated by a dramatically elevated rate of somatic substitutions, small insertions/deletions (indels), as well as indels in microsatellites. Notably, we found that MLH1 expression was decreased by nearly half in cell lines with an allelic loss of MLH1. While these cell lines were negative in conventional microsatellite instability assay, they showed a 10.5-fold increase in the rate of somatic indels, e.g., truncating indels in TP53 and TGFBR2, indicating MLH1 haploinsufficiency in the correction of DNA indel errors. We further analyzed the exomes of 15 renal cell carcinomas and confirmed MLH1 haploinsufficiency. We observed a much higher rate of indel mutations in the affected cases and identified recurrent truncating indels in several cancer genes such as VHL, PBRM1, and JARID1C. Together, our data suggest that MLH1 hemizygous deletion, through increasing the rate of indel mutations, could drive the development and progression of sporadic cancers.
  • Atsushi Kaneda
    Epigenomics: From Chromatin Biology to Therapeutics 293-305 2012年1月1日  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Introduction Cancer is known to arise through the accumulation of epigenetic alterations and genetic alterations (Feinberg et al., 2006 Jones and Baylin, 2007). Gene silencing is a major epigenetic gene-inactivation mechanism by DNA methylation of its promoter region, and is involved in the initiation and progression of cancer (Feinberg and Tycko, 2004 Jones and Baylin, 2007). Genome-wide approaches to search for aberrantly methylated regions in cancer have been developed since 1993, mainly since 1997 (Hayashizaki et al., 1993 Ushijima, 2005). Identification of novel inactivated genes in cancer using aberrant methylation as markers is useful to identify novel tumor-suppressor genes and methylation markers (Yoshikawa et al., 2001 Kaneda et al., 2004 Suzuki et al., 2004 Yu et al., 2005). Most of these methods utilized methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes, however, and thus only limited regions of genome could be analyzed (Kaneda et al., 2003 Ushijima, 2005), which means that detected methylation markers may not be comprehensive enough. For classification of cancer cases using DNA methylation data, a subset of colorectal cancer was found to show accumulation of CpG island methylation, so-called “CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP)”, in 1999 by Toyota et al. (1999). CIMP-low was proposed by Ogino et al. (2006) as a subgroup with less extensive methylation of CIMP-related markers, which was associated with KRAS mutation compared with CIMP-high and CIMP(–) subgroups. Shen et al. (2007) reported through genetic and epigenetic analysis that colon cancer was classified into three subsets, CIMP-1, CIMP-2, and CIMP-negative. In Shen’s report, however, methylation levels of 27 regions were analyzed using four different methylation detection methods: 13 regions by pyrosequencing, seven by combined bisulfite restriction analysis (COBRA), six by methylated CpG island amplification, and one by methylation-specific PCR. Moreover, previously reported and frequently analyzed markers such as p16, hMLH1, and MINT (methylated-in-tumor) loci had been analyzed in most studies so far, and Ogino and Goel (2008) suggested that CIMP markers were considered to be specific for CIMP-high and not ideal for the identification of CIMP-low. New specific markers for CIMP-low and/or any other methylation phenotypes therefore needed to be identified if they really existed. To classify cancers using a more comprehensive approach, e.g., hierarchical clustering using highly quantitative methylation data by a single detection method using genome-widely selected novel regions, was required to be performed to classify cancers comprehensively.
  • 葭葉 清香, 永江 玄太, 金田 篤志, 松坂 恵介, 曽我 大輔, 伊達 きわこ, 立川 哲彦, 新谷 悟, 油谷 浩幸
    日本口腔粘膜学会雑誌 17(2) 70-70 2011年12月  
  • Keisuke Matsusaka, Atsushi Kaneda, Genta Nagae, Tetsuo Ushiku, Yasuko Kikuchi, Rumi Hino, Hiroshi Uozaki, Yasuyuki Seto, Kenzo Takada, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Masashi Fukayama
    Cancer research 71(23) 7187-97 2011年12月1日  査読有り責任著者
    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with Burkitt lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, opportunistic lymphomas in immunocompromised hosts, and a fraction of gastric cancers. Aberrant promoter methylation accompanies human gastric carcinogenesis, though the contribution of EBV to such somatic methylation changes has not been fully clarified. We analyzed promoter methylation in gastric cancer cases with Illumina's Infinium BeadArray and used hierarchical clustering analysis to classify gastric cancers into 3 subgroups: EBV(-)/low methylation, EBV(-)/high methylation, and EBV(+)/high methylation. The 3 epigenotypes were characterized by 3 groups of genes: genes methylated specifically in the EBV(+) tumors (e.g., CXXC4, TIMP2, and PLXND1), genes methylated both in EBV(+) and EBV(-)/high tumors (e.g., COL9A2, EYA1, and ZNF365), and genes methylated in all of the gastric cancers (e.g., AMPH, SORCS3, and AJAP1). Polycomb repressive complex (PRC) target genes in embryonic stem cells were significantly enriched among EBV(-)/high-methylation genes and commonly methylated gastric cancer genes (P = 2 × 10(-15) and 2 × 10(-34), respectively), but not among EBV(+) tumor-specific methylation genes (P = 0.2), suggesting a different cause for EBV(+)-associated de novo methylation. When recombinant EBV was introduced into the EBV(-)/low-methylation epigenotype gastric cancer cell, MKN7, 3 independently established subclones displayed increases in DNA methylation. The promoters targeted by methylation were mostly shared among the 3 subclones, and the new methylation changes caused gene repression. In summary, DNA methylation profiling classified gastric cancer into 3 epigenotypes, and EBV(+) gastric cancers showed distinct methylation patterns likely attributable to EBV infection.
  • Atsushi Kaneda, Takanori Fujita, Motonobu Anai, Shogo Yamamoto, Genta Nagae, Masato Morikawa, Shingo Tsuji, Masanobu Oshima, Kohei Miyazono, Hiroyuki Aburatani
    PLoS genetics 7(11) e1002359 2011年11月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Cellular senescence involves epigenetic alteration, e.g. loss of H3K27me3 in Ink4a-Arf locus. Using mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF), we here analyzed transcription and epigenetic alteration during Ras-induced senescence on genome-wide scale by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-sequencing and microarray. Bmp2 was the most activated secreted factor with H3K4me3 gain and H3K27me3 loss, whereas H3K4me3 loss and de novo formation of H3K27me3 occurred inversely in repression of nine genes, including two BMP-SMAD inhibitors Smad6 and Noggin. DNA methylation alteration unlikely occurred. Ras-activated cells senesced with nuclear accumulation of phosphorylated SMAD1/5/8. Senescence was bypassed in Ras-activated cells when Bmp2/Smad1 signal was blocked by Bmp2 knockdown, Smad6 induction, or Noggin induction. Senescence was induced when recombinant BMP2 protein was added to Bmp2-knocked-down Ras-activated cells. Downstream Bmp2-Smad1 target genes were then analyzed genome-wide by ChIP-sequencing using anti-Smad1 antibody in MEF that was exposed to BMP2. Smad1 target sites were enriched nearby transcription start sites of genes, which significantly correlated to upregulation by BMP2 stimulation. While Smad6 was one of Smad1 target genes to be upregulated by BMP2 exposure, Smad6 repression in Ras-activated cells with increased enrichment of Ezh2 and gain of H3K27me3 suggested epigenetic disruption of negative feedback by Polycomb. Among Smad1 target genes that were upregulated in Ras-activated cells without increased repressive mark, Parvb was found to contribute to growth inhibition as Parvb knockdown lead to escape from senescence. It was revealed through genome-wide analyses in this study that Bmp2-Smad1 signal and its regulation by harmonized epigenomic alteration play an important role in Ras-induced senescence.
  • 松坂 恵介, 金田 篤志, 永江 玄太, 牛久 哲男, 菊池 弥寿子, 宇於崎 宏, 瀬戸 泰之, 高田 賢蔵, 油谷 浩幸, 深山 正久
    日本癌学会総会記事 70回 49-49 2011年9月  
  • 葭葉 清香, 永江 玄太, 辻 真吾, 砂河 孝行, 金田 篤志, 松坂 恵介, 立川 哲彦, 新谷 悟, 油谷 浩幸
    日本癌学会総会記事 70回 131-131 2011年9月  
  • Yuichi Saito, Hironori Ninomiya, Kentaro Inamura, Noriko Motoi, Hirofuimi Uehara, Mingyon Mun, Yukinori Sakao, Sakae Okumura, Ken Nakagawa, Genta Nagae, Teruyuki Satoh, Atsushi Kaneda, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Yukitoshi Satoh, Yuichi Ishikawa
    JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY 6(6) S1055-S1055 2011年6月  査読有り
  • 松坂 恵介, 金田 篤志, 永江 玄太, 牛久 哲男, 石川 俊平, 宇於崎 宏, 高田 賢藏, 瀬戸 泰之, 油谷 浩幸, 深山 正久
    日本病理学会会誌 100(1) 304-304 2011年3月  
  • Atsushi Kaneda, Koichi Yagi
    Cancer science 102(1) 18-24 2011年1月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
    A subgroup of colorectal cancer (CRC) shows non-random accumulation of aberrant DNA methylation, so-called CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP), which was associated with microsatellite instability and BRAF mutation. As just one group of methylation markers was suitable to extract CIMP+/CIMP-high, and had been commonly used in the "one-panel method", it had been unclear whether another cluster of CRC with DNA methylation accumulation exists in microsatellite-stable CRC. We therefore epigenotyped CRC by a comprehensive approach, that is, the two-way unsupervised hierarchical clustering method using highly quantitative methylation data by a single detection method, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, on novel regions selected genome-widely through methylated DNA immunoprecipitation on array analysis. CRC was clearly clustered into three DNA methylation epigenotypes, high-, intermediate- and low-methylation epigenotypes (HME, IME, and LME, respectively). Methylation markers are clustered into two distinct groups: Group-1 methylated specifically in HME and including most reported CIMP-related markers; and Group-2 methylated both in HME and IME. While suitable markers to detect a subgroup of CRC with intermediate methylation and correlation to KRAS mutation have been expected to be developed, our data indicated that a "two-panel method" is necessary to properly classify CRC into three epigenotypes, the first panel to extract HME using Group-1 markers, and the second panel to divide the remaining into IME and LME using Group-2 markers. Here we review and compare our recent study and reported CRC classification methods by DNA methylation information, and propose the use of two panels of methylation markers as CRC classifiers.
  • 松坂 恵介, 金田 篤志, 永江 玄太, 砂河 孝行, 堤 修一, 石川 俊平, 宇於崎 宏, 高田 賢蔵, 瀬戸 泰之, 油谷 浩幸, 深山 正久
    日本癌学会総会記事 69回 151-152 2010年8月  
  • 葭葉 清香, 永江 玄太, 金田 篤志, 松坂 恵介, 砂河 孝之, 立川 哲彦, 新谷 悟, 油谷 浩幸
    日本癌学会総会記事 69回 342-343 2010年8月  
  • Ying-Bing Deng, Genta Nagae, Yutaka Midorikawa, Koichi Yagi, Shuichi Tsutsumi, Shogo Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Hasegawa, Norihiro Kokudo, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Atsushi Kaneda
    Cancer science 101(6) 1501-10 2010年6月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Chronic infections by hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) appear to be the most significant causes of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Aberrant promoter methylation is known to be deeply involved in cancer, including in HCC. In this study, we analyzed aberrant promoter methylation by methylated DNA immunoprecipitation-on-chip analysis on a genome-wide scale in six HCCs including three HBV-related and three HCV-related HCCs, six matched noncancerous liver tissues, and three normal liver tissues. Candidate genes with promoter methylation were detected more frequently in HCV-related HCC. Candidate genes methylated preferentially to HBV-related or HCV-related HCCs were detected and selected, and methylation levels of the selected genes were validated by quantitative methylation analysis using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry using 125 liver tissue samples, including 61 HCCs (28 HBV-related HCCs and 33 HCV-related HCCs) and 59 matched noncancerous livers, and five normal livers. Among analyzed genes, preferential methylation in HBV-related HCC was validated in one gene only. However, 15 genes were found to be methylated preferentially in HCV-related HCC, which was independent from age. Hierarchical clustering of HCC using these genes stratified HCV-related HCC as a cluster of frequently methylated samples. The 15 genes included genes inhibitory to cancer-related signaling such as RAS/RAF/ERK and Wnt/beta-catenin pathways. Methylation of dual specificity phosphatase 4 (DUSP4), cytochrome P450, family 24, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 (CYP24A1), and natriuretic peptide receptor A (NPR1) significantly correlated with recurrence-free survival. It was indicated that genes methylated preferentially in HCV-related HCC exist, and that DNA methylation might play an important role in HCV-related HCC by silencing cancer-related pathway inhibitors, and might perhaps be useful as a prognostic marker.
  • 葭葉 清香, 永江 玄太, 金田 篤志, 松坂 恵介, 曽我 大輔, 伊達 きわこ, 立川 哲彦, 新谷 悟, 油谷 浩幸
    口腔組織培養学会誌 19(1) 5-6 2010年2月  
  • Koichi Yagi, Kiwamu Akagi, Hiroshi Hayashi, Genta Nagae, Shingo Tsuji, Takayuki Isagawa, Yutaka Midorikawa, Yoji Nishimura, Hirohiko Sakamoto, Yasuyuki Seto, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Atsushi Kaneda
    Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 16(1) 21-33 2010年1月1日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    PURPOSE: Whereas the CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) in colorectal cancer associates with microsatellite instability (MSI)-high and BRAF-mutation(+), the existence of an intermediate-methylation subgroup associated with KRAS-mutation(+) is controversial, and suitable markers for the subgroup have yet to be developed. Our aim is to clarify DNA methylation epigenotypes of colorectal cancer more comprehensively. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: To select new methylation markers on a genome-wide scale, we did methylated DNA immunoprecipitation-on-chip analysis of colorectal cancer cell lines and re-expression array analysis by 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine/Trichostatin A treatment. Methylation levels were analyzed quantitatively in 149 colorectal cancer samples using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Colorectal cancer was epigenotyped by unsupervised two-way hierarchical clustering method. RESULTS: Among 1,311 candidate silencing genes, 44 new markers were selected and underwent quantitative methylation analysis in colorectal cancer samples together with 16 previously reported markers. Colorectal cancer was clustered into high-, intermediate-, and low-methylation epigenotypes. Methylation markers were clustered into two major groups: group 1 showing methylation in high-methylation epigenotype, and group 2 showing methylation in high- and intermediate-methylation epigenotypes. A two-step marker panel deciding epigenotypes was developed with 95% accuracy: the 1st panel consisting of three group-1 markers (CACNA1G, LOX, SLC30A10) to extract high-methylation epigenotype, and the 2nd panel consisting of four group-2 markers (ELMO1, FBN2, THBD, HAND1) and SLC30A10 again to divide the remains into intermediate- and low-methylation epigenotypes. The high-methylation epigenotype correlated significantly with MSI-high and BRAF-mutation(+) in concordance with reported CIMP. Intermediate-epigenotype significantly correlated with KRAS-mutation(+). KRAS-mutation(+) colorectal cancer with intermediate-methylation epigenotype showed significantly worse prognosis. CONCLUSIONS: Three methylation epigenotypes exist in colorectal cancer, and suitable classification markers have been developed. Intermediate-methylation epigenotype with KRAS-mutation(+) correlated with worse prognosis.
  • 松坂 恵介, 永江 玄太, 金田 篤志, 宇於崎 宏, 深山 正久, 油谷 浩幸
    日本癌学会総会記事 68回 177-177 2009年8月  
  • 葭葉 清香, 永江 玄太, 金田 篤志, 松坂 恵介, 八木 浩一, 立川 哲彦, 新谷 悟, 油谷 浩幸
    日本癌学会総会記事 68回 178-178 2009年8月  
  • 松坂 恵介, 永江 玄太, 堤 修一, 金田 篤志, 深山 正久, 油谷 浩幸
    日本癌学会総会記事 67回 169-169 2008年9月  
  • Atsushi Kaneda, Chiaochun J Wang, Raymond Cheong, Winston Timp, Patrick Onyango, Bo Wen, Christine A Iacobuzio-Donahue, Rolf Ohlsson, Rita Andraos, Mark A Pearson, Alexei A Sharov, Dan L Longo, Minoru S H Ko, Andre Levchenko, Andrew P Feinberg
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(52) 20926-31 2007年12月26日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Loss of imprinting (LOI) of the insulin-like growth factor-II gene (IGF2), leading to abnormal activation of the normally silent maternal allele, is a common human epigenetic population variant associated with a 5-fold increased frequency of colorectal neoplasia. Here, we show first that LOI leads specifically to increased expression of proliferation-related genes in mouse intestinal crypts. Surprisingly, LOI(+) mice also have enhanced sensitivity to IGF-II signaling, not simply increased IGF-II levels, because in vivo blockade with NVP-AEW541, a specific inhibitor of the IGF-II signaling receptor, showed reduction of proliferation-related gene expression to levels half that seen in LOI(-) mice. Signal transduction assays in microfluidic chips confirmed this enhanced sensitivity with marked augmentation of Akt/PKB signaling in LOI(+) cells at low doses of IGF-II, which was reduced in the presence of the inhibitor to levels below those found in LOI(-) cells, and was associated with increased expression of the IGF1 and insulin receptor genes. We exploited this increased IGF-II sensitivity to develop an in vivo chemopreventive strategy using the azoxymethane (AOM) mutagenesis model. LOI(+) mice treated with AOM showed a 60% increase in premalignant aberrant crypt foci (ACF) formation over LOI(-) mice. In vivo IGF-II blockade with NVP-AEW541 abrogated this effect, reducing ACF to a level 30% lower even than found in exposed LOI(-) mice. Thus, LOI increases cancer risk in a counterintuitive way, by increasing the sensitivity of the IGF-II signaling pathway itself, providing a previously undescribed epigenetic chemoprevention strategy in which cells with LOI are "IGF-II addicted" and undergo reduced tumorigenesis in the colon upon IGF-II pathway blockade.
  • Hiroshi Hayashi, Genta Nagae, Shuichi Tsutsumi, Kiyofumi Kaneshiro, Takazumi Kozaki, Atsushi Kaneda, Hajime Sugisaki, Hiroyuki Aburatani
    Human genetics 120(5) 701-11 2007年1月  査読有り
    DNA methylation is an epigenetic mark crucial in regulation of gene expression. Aberrant DNA methylation causes silencing of tumor suppressor genes and promotes chromosomal instability in human cancers. Most of previous studies for DNA methylation have focused on limited genomic regions, such as selected genes or promoter CpG islands (CGIs) containing recognition sites of methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes. Here, we describe a method for high-resolution analysis of DNA methylation using oligonucleotide tiling arrays. The input material is methylated DNA immunoprecipitated with anti-methylcytosine antibodies. We examined the ENCODE region ( approximately 1% of human genome) in three human colorectal cancer cell lines and identified over 700 candidate methylated sites (CMS), where 24 of 25 CMS selected randomly were subsequently verified by bisulfite sequencing. CMS were enriched in the 5' regulatory regions and the 3' regions of genes. We also compared DNA methylation patterns with histone H3 and H4 acetylation patterns in the HOXA cluster region. Our analysis revealed no acetylated histones in the hypermethylated region, demonstrating reciprocal relationship between DNA methylation and histone H3 and H4 acetylation. Our method recognizes DNA methylation with little bias by genomic location and, therefore, is useful for comprehensive high-resolution analysis of DNA methylation providing new findings in the epigenomics.
  • Takao Maekita, Kazuyuki Nakazawa, Mami Mihara, Takeshi Nakajima, Kimihiko Yanaoka, Mikitaka Iguchi, Kenji Arii, Atsushi Kaneda, Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Masae Tatematsu, Gen Tamura, Daizo Saito, Takashi Sugimura, Masao Ichinose, Toshikazu Ushijima
    Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 12(3 Pt 1) 989-95 2006年2月1日  査読有り
    INTRODUCTION: Risk prediction of gastric cancers is important to implement appropriate screening procedures. Although aberrant DNA methylation is deeply involved in gastric carcinogenesis, its induction by Helicobacter pylori, a strong gastric carcinogen, is unclear. Here, we analyzed the effect of H. pylori infection on the quantity of methylated DNA molecules in noncancerous gastric mucosae and examined its association with gastric cancer risk. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Gastric mucosae were collected from 154 healthy volunteers (56 H. pylori negative and 98 H. pylori positive) and 72 cases with differentiated-type gastric cancers (29 H. pylori negative and 43 H. pylori positive) by endoscopy. The numbers of DNA molecules methylated and unmethylated for eight regions of seven CpG islands (CGI) were quantified by quantitative PCR after bisulfite modification, and fractions of methylated molecules (methylation levels) were calculated. RESULTS: Among healthy volunteers, methylation levels of all the eight regions were 5.4- to 303-fold higher in H. pylori positives than in H. pylori negatives (P < 0.0001). Methylation levels of the LOX, HAND1, and THBD promoter CGIs and p41ARC exonic CGI were as high as 7.4% or more in H. pylori-positive individuals. Among H. pylori-negative individuals, methylation levels of all the eight regions were 2.2- to 32-fold higher in gastric cancer cases than in age-matched healthy volunteers (P < or = 0.01). Among H. pylori-positive individuals, methylation levels were highly variable, and that of only HAND1 was significantly increased in gastric cancer cases (1.4-fold, P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: It was indicated that H. pylori infection potently induces methylation of CGIs to various degrees. Methylation levels of specific CGIs seemed to reflect gastric cancer risk in H. pylori-negative individuals.
  • Atsushi Kaneda, Andrew P Feinberg
    Cancer research 65(24) 11236-40 2005年12月15日  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者
    Epigenetic alterations in cancer occur at least as commonly as genetic mutations, but epigenetic alterations could occur secondarily to the tumor process itself. To establish a causal role of epigenetic changes, investigators have turned to genetically engineered mouse models. Here, we review a recent study showing that a mouse model of loss of imprinting (LOI) of the insulin-like growth factor II gene (Igf2), which shows aberrant activation of the normally silent maternal allele, modifies the risk of intestinal neoplasia caused by mutations of the adenomatous polyposis coli (Apc) gene. This increased risk corresponds to the apparent increased risk of colorectal cancer in patients with LOI of IGF2. The model suggests that preexisting epigenetic alterations in normal cells increase tumor risk by expanding the target cell population and/or modulating the effect of subsequent genetic alterations on these cells, providing a novel idea for cancer risk management.
  • Xin-Zi Chi, Jeung-Ook Yang, Kwang-Youl Lee, Kosei Ito, Chohei Sakakura, Qing-Lin Li, Hye-Ryun Kim, Eun-Jeung Cha, Yong-Hee Lee, Atsushi Kaneda, Toshikazu Ushijima, Wun-Jae Kim, Yoshiaki Ito, Suk-Chul Bae
    Molecular and cellular biology 25(18) 8097-107 2005年9月  査読有り
    RUNX3 has been suggested to be a tumor suppressor of gastric cancer. The gastric mucosa of the Runx3-null mouse develops hyperplasia due to enhanced proliferation and suppressed apoptosis accompanied by a decreased sensitivity to transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1). It is known that TGF-beta1 induces cell growth arrest by activating CDKN1A (p21(WAF1)(/Cip1)), which encodes a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, and this signaling cascade is considered to be a tumor suppressor pathway. However, the lineage-specific transcription factor that cooperates with SMADs to induce p21 expression is not known. Here we show that RUNX3 is required for the TGF-beta-dependent induction of p21 expression in stomach epithelial cells. Overexpression of RUNX3 potentiates TGF-beta-dependent endogenous p21 induction. In cooperation with SMADs, RUNX3 synergistically activates the p21 promoter. In contrast, RUNX3-R122C, a mutation identified in a gastric cancer patient, abolished the ability to activate the p21 promoter or cooperate with SMADs. Furthermore, areas in mouse and human gastric epithelium where RUNX3 is expressed coincided with those where p21 is expressed. Our results suggest that at least part of the tumor suppressor activity of RUNX3 is associated with its ability to induce p21 expression.
  • Takashi Sakatani, Atsushi Kaneda, Christine A Iacobuzio-Donahue, Mark G Carter, Sten de Boom Witzel, Hideyuki Okano, Minoru S H Ko, Rolf Ohlsson, Dan L Longo, Andrew P Feinberg
    Science (New York, N.Y.) 307(5717) 1976-8 2005年3月25日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Loss of imprinting (LOI) of the insulin-like growth factor II gene (IGF2) is an epigenetic alteration that results in a modest increase in IGF2 expression, and it is present in the normal colonic mucosa of about 30% of patients with colorectal cancer. To investigate its role in intestinal tumorigenesis, we created a mouse model of Igf2 LOI by crossing female H19+/- mice with male Apc+/Min mice. Mice with LOI developed twice as many intestinal tumors as did control littermates. Notably, these mice also showed a shift toward a less differentiated normal intestinal epithelium, reflected by an increase in crypt length and increased staining with progenitor cell markers. A similar shift in differentiation was seen in the normal colonic mucosa of humans with LOI. Thus, altered maturation of nonneoplastic tissue may be one mechanism by which epigenetic changes affect cancer risk.
  • Masanobu Abe, Miki Ohira, Atsushi Kaneda, Yukiko Yagi, Seiichiro Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Kitano, Tsuyoshi Takato, Akira Nakagawara, Toshikazu Ushijima
    Cancer research 65(3) 828-34 2005年2月1日  査読有り
    Neuroblastoma, one of the most common pediatric solid tumors, is characterized by two extreme disease courses, spontaneous regression and life-threatening progression. Here, we conducted a genome-wide search for differences in DNA methylation that distinguish between neuroblastomas of the two types. Three CpG islands (CGI) and two groups of CGIs were found to be methylated specifically in neuroblastomas with a poor prognosis. By quantitative analysis of 140 independent cases, methylation of all the five CGI (groups) was shown to be closely associated with each other, conforming to the CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) concept. The presence of CIMP was sensitively detected by methylation of the PCDHB CGIs and associated with significantly poor survival (hazard ratio, 22.1; 95% confidence interval, 5.3-93.4; P < 0.0001). Almost all cases with N-myc amplification (37 of 38 cases) exhibited CIMP. Even in 102 cases without N-myc amplification, the presence of CIMP (30 cases) strongly predicted poor survival (hazard ratio, 12.4; 95% confidence interval, 2.6-58.9; P = 0.002). Methylation of PCDHB CGIs, located in their gene bodies, did not suppress gene expression or induce histone modifications. However, CIMP was significantly associated with methylation of promoter CGIs of the RASSF1A and BLU tumor suppressor genes. The results showed that neuroblastomas with CIMP have a poor prognosis and suggested induction of silencing of important genes as an underlying mechanism.
  • Junichi Furuta, Atsushi Kaneda, Yoshihiro Umebayashi, Fujio Otsuka, Takashi Sugimura, Toshikazu Ushijima
    Melanoma research 15(1) 15-20 2005年2月  査読有り
    The loss of thrombomodulin (TM) expression is associated with tumour growth, infiltration and lymph node metastasis in human tumours. In melanoma cell lines, TM is reported to mediate cell adhesion, and its introduction into TM-negative melanoma cell lines suppresses their growth. In this study, we analysed TM expression in surgical melanoma specimens and the role of its promoter methylation in the loss of its expression. In 15 (75%) of the 20 specimens (five from a primary site and 15 from metastatic sites), melanoma cells lacked TM immunoreactivity. Methylation of the TM promoter region was detected in 10 (67%) of the 15 TM-negative specimens by methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction, whereas methylation was detected in two (40%) of the five TM-positive specimens. In cell lines, complete methylation of the TM promoter CpG island was detected in six (46%) of 13 melanoma cell lines, whereas no methylation was detected in two cultured normal melanocytes. There was a good correlation between the methylated status of the CpG island and the loss of TM messenger RNA (mRNA) expression. Treatment of melanoma cell lines with a demethylating agent, 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine, induced demethylation of the promoter CpG island and the restoration of mRNA and protein expression. These findings suggest that most human melanomas lack TM expression, and that methylation of the promoter CpG island is one of the mechanisms responsible.
  • Atsushi Kaneda
    The Diversity of Gastric Carcinoma: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Therapy 97-108 2005年  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Gastric cancer is the second most common cancer in the world [1,2]. Epigenetic alteration, especially aberrant DNA methylation, is highly involved in gastric carcinogenesis [3-7]. Promoter methylation is the major inactivation mechanism of most cancer-related genes except p53 in gastric cancers. Association of promoter methylation of some specific genes with histology of gastric cancers was reported. There is a subset of gastric cancers displaying frequent promoter methylations, and association of the frequent methylation with histology was also reported. There is another subset of gastric cancers displaying frequent promoter hypomethylation. Here, DNA methylation as involved in gastric carcinoma is reviewed. © 2005 Springer-Verlag Tokyo.
  • Toshikazu Ushijima, Naoko Watanabe, Kimiko Shimizu, Kazuaki Miyamoto, Takashi Sugimura, Atsushi Kaneda
    Cancer research 65(1) 11-7 2005年1月1日  査読有り最終著者
    The unmethylated or methylated status of individual CpG sites is faithfully copied into daughter cells. Here, we analyzed the fidelity in replicating their methylation statuses in cancer cells. A single cell was clonally expanded, and methylation statuses of individual CpG sites were determined for an average of 12.5 DNA molecules obtained from the expanded population. By counting the deviation from the original methylation patterns inferred, the number of errors was measured. The analysis was done in four gastric cancer cell lines for five CpG islands (CGI), and repeated six times (total 1,495 clones sequenced). HSC39 and HSC57 showed error rates <1.0 x 10(-3) errors per site per generation (99.90-100% fidelity) for all the five CGIs. In contrast, AGS showed significantly elevated error rates, mainly due to increased de novo methylation, in three CGIs (1.6- to 3.2-fold), and KATOIII showed a significantly elevated error rate in one CGI (2.2-fold). By selective amplification of fully methylated DNA molecules by methylation-specific PCR, those were stochastically detected in KATOIII and AGS but never in HSC39 and HSC57. When methylation of entire CGIs was examined for eight additional CGIs, KATOIII and AGS had frequent methylation, whereas HSC39 and HSC57 had few. KATOIII and AGS had four and eight times, respectively, as high expression levels of DNMT3B as HSC39. These data showed that some cancer cells have decreased fidelity in replicating methylation patterns in some CGIs, and that the decrease could lead to methylation of the entire CGIs.
  • Eriko Okochi-Takada, Shizue Ichimura, Atsushi Kaneda, Takashi Sugimura, Toshikazu Ushijima
    Mutation research 568(2) 187-94 2004年12月21日  査読有り
    Disturbances of epigenetic information that result in changes in DNA methylation patterns are involved in carcinogenesis and other human disorders. Detection of agents that can cause epigenetic alterations--i.e. epimutagens--is therefore an important objective. We have developed and now describe the first detection system for demethylating agents that involves an endogenous promoter CpG island (CGI). After screening 10 promoter CGIs of genes silenced in human cancers, a CGI of the FLJ32130 gene was found to respond sensitively to a known demethylating agent, 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC), by abundantly re-expressing its mRNA. After introducing the Hyg(r)-EGFP fusion gene into exon 3 of the FLJ32130 gene by homologous recombination, we isolated one clone that had the expected recombination outcomes and designated it F117. Two subclones (F117-47 and F117-123) of this original clone that did not share its propensity for leaky expression of the Hyg(r)-EGFP mRNA were then isolated, and methylation of their 5' CGI was confirmed. The addition of 5-aza-dC at doses of 0.1 microM or higher led to their 5' CGI being demethylated, and to Hyg(r)-EGFP being expressed; the anticipated fluorescence was readily confirmed by fluorescence microscopy. We believe that this is the first assay system that detects agents that disturb the methylated status of a CGI that regulates an endogenous promoter.
  • Atsushi Kaneda, Kuniko Wakazono, Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Naoko Watanabe, Yukiko Yagi, Masae Tatematsu, Michio Kaminishi, Takashi Sugimura, Toshikazu Ushijima
    Cancer research 64(18) 6410-5 2004年9月15日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Lysyl oxidase (LOX) and HRAS-like suppressor (HRASLS) are silenced in human gastric cancers and are reported to have growth-suppressive activities in ras-transformed mouse/rat fibroblasts. Here, we analyzed whether or not LOX and HRASLS are tumor suppressor genes in human gastric cancers. Loss of heterozygosity and promoter methylation of LOX were detected in 33% (9 of 27) and 27% (26 of 96) of gastric cancers, respectively. Biallelic methylation and loss of heterozygosity with promoter methylation were also demonstrated in gastric cancers. Silencing of LOX was also observed in colon, lung, and ovarian cancer cell lines. As for mutations, only one possible somatic mutation was found by analysis of 96 gastric cancer samples and 58 gastric and other cancer cell lines. When LOX was introduced into a gastric cancer cell line, MKN28, in which LOX and HRASLS were silenced, it reduced the number of anchorage-dependent colonies to 57 to 61%, and the number of anchorage-independent colonies to 11 to 23%. Sizes of tumors formed in nude mice were reduced to 19 to 26%. Growth suppression in soft agar assay was also observed in another gastric cancer cell line, KATOIII. On the other hand, neither loss of heterozygosity nor a somatic mutation was detected in HRASLS, and its introduction into MKN28 did not suppress the growth in vitro or in vivo. These data showed that LOX is a tumor suppressor gene inactivated by methylation and loss of heterozygosity in gastric cancers, and possibly also in other cancers.
  • Atsushi Kaneda, Michio Kaminishi, Takashi Sugimura, Toshikazu Ushijima
    Cancer letters 212(2) 203-10 2004年8月30日  査読有り筆頭著者
    The Arp2/3 complex and filamins play important roles in organization of actin cytoskeleton, and thus in cellular morphology and locomotion. We recently identified decreased expression of a gene for one of seven subunits of the Arp2/3 complex, the p41-Arc gene, and silencing of a filamin gene, the FLNc gene, in human gastric cancers. In this study, gene expressions of the seven subunits of the Arp2/3 complex, including p41-Arc, and their methylation statuses were analyzed in human gastric cancers. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis of 32 primary gastric cancer samples and eight gastric cancer cell lines revealed that expressions of all the seven genes were significantly decreased. All the 32 primary cancer samples showed decreased expression of at least one subunit, and 25 samples showed decreased expressions of four or more of the seven subunits. Methylation-specific PCR analysis showed that none of the CpG islands in the 5' regions of the six genes other than p41-Arc were methylated in primary gastric cancers or cell lines. The consistent decrease of the Arp2/3 complex genes and its important role in actin organization suggested that the decrease could be involved in cancer phenotypes, such as dysplastic morphology.
  • Atsushi Kaneda, Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Takeji Takamura-Enya, Naoko Watanabe, Michio Kaminishi, Takashi Sugimura, Masae Tatematsu, Toshikazu Ushijima
    Cancer science 95(1) 58-64 2004年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Hypomethylation of the global genome, considered to be composed mainly of repetitive sequences, is consistently observed in cancers, and aberrant hypo- and hypermethylation of CpG islands (CGIs) in promoter regions are also observed. Since methylation alterations in unique promoter sequences and in other genomic regions have distinct consequences, we analyzed the relationship between the global hypomethylation and the hypomethylation of unique promoter CGIs using human gastric cancers. Seven of ten gastric cancer cell lines showed marked decreases in 5-methylcytosine content, which correlated with hypomethylation of the LINE1 repetitive sequence. Six of the seven cell lines showed hypomethylation in five or all of the six normally methylated CGIs in promoter regions of six genes, and this was associated with induction of aberrant expression. The remaining three cell lines without global hypomethylation showed promoter hypomethylation in one or none of the six CGIs. Frequent promoter hypomethylation, however, did not correlate with frequent promoter hypermethylation. In primary gastric cancers too, global hypomethylation was associated with hypomethylation of LINE1 repetitive sequence and promoter hypomethylation. Of 93 gastric cancers, 33 cancers with frequent promoter hypomethylation and 27 cancers with frequent promoter hypermethylation constituted different groups. These findings represent experimental evidence that frequent hypomethylation of normally methylated promoter CGIs is associated with global hypomethylation, and that these hypomethylations occur independently of frequent promoter CGI hypermethylation.
  • Toshikazu Ushijima, Naoko Watanabe, Eriko Okochi, Atsushi Kaneda, Takashi Sugimura, Kazuaki Miyamoto
    Genome research 13(5) 868-74 2003年5月  査読有り
    The methylated or unmethylated status of a CpG site is copied faithfully from parental DNA to daughter DNA, and functions as a cellular memory. However, no information is available for the fidelity of methylation pattern in unmethylated CpG islands (CGIs) or its variation in the genome. Here, we determined the methylation status of each CpG site on each DNA molecule obtained from clonal populations of normal human mammary epithelial cells. Methylation pattern error rates (MPERs) were calculated based upon the deviation from the methylation patterns that should be obtained if the cells had 100% fidelity in replicating the methylation pattern. Unmethylated CGIs in the promoter regions of five genes showed MPERs of 0.018-0.032 errors/site/21.6 generations, and the fidelity of methylation pattern was calculated as 99.85%-99.92%/site/generation. In contrast, unmethylated CGIs outside the promoter regions showed MPERs more than twice as high (P < 0.01). Methylated regions, including a CGI in the MAGE-A3 promoter and DMR of the H19 gene, showed much lower MPERs than unmethylated CGIs. These showed that errors in methylation pattern were mainly due to de novo methylations in unmethylated regions. The differential MPERs even among unmethylated CGIs indicated that a promoter-specific protection mechanism(s) from de novo methylation was present.
  • Atsushi Kaneda, Daiya Takai, Michio Kaminishi, Eriko Okochi, Toshikazu Ushijima
    Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 983 131-41 2003年3月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者
    Methylation-sensitive representational difference analysis (MS-RDA) was previously established to detect differences in the methylation status of two genomes. This method uses the digestion of genomic DNA with a methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme, HpaII, and PCR to prepare "HpaII-amplicons," followed by RDA. An HpaII-amplicon prepared using betaine and reverse electrophoresis was enriched 3.6-fold (compared with the HpaII-amplicon prepared by the original method) with DNA fragments originating from CpG islands (CGIs). As for the specificity of MS-RDA, it was shown that DNA fragments that are unmethylated in the tester and almost completely methylated in the driver are efficiently isolated. This indicated that genes that are in biallelic methylation or in monoallelic methylation with loss of the other allele are efficiently isolated. Further, by use of two additional methylation-sensitive six-base recognition restriction enzymes, SacII and NarI, more DNA fragments were isolated from CGIs in the 5' regions of genes. After analysis of human lung, gastric, and breast cancers, 12 genes were seen to be silenced and additional genes seen to show decreased expression in association with methylation of genomic regions outside CGIs in the 5' regions of genes. MS-RDA is effective in identifying silenced genes in various cancers.
  • Atsushi Kaneda, Michio Kaminishi, Kazuyoshi Yanagihara, Takashi Sugimura, Toshikazu Ushijima
    Cancer research 62(22) 6645-50 2002年11月15日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Aberrant methylations in human gastric cancers were searched for by a genome scanning technique, methylation-sensitive representational difference analysis. Nine CpG islands (CGIs) in the 5' regions of nine genes, LOX, HRASLS, bA305P22.2.3, FLNc (gamma-filamin/ABPL), HAND1, a homologue of RIKEN 2210016F16, FLJ32130, PGAR (HFARP/ANGPTL4/ARP4), and thrombomodulin, were found to be methylated in two gastric cancer cell lines, MKN28 and MKN74, but unmethylated in the normal sample. Their expressions were lost in the two cell lines, and the causal roles of the methylations in gene silencing were shown by treatment with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine. In 41 primary gastric cancers, methylations of these CGIs in association with reduced expressions were observed at high incidences (29-41%) for five genes, including LOX and HRASLS, which have been reported to have tumor-suppressive activities. The other four genes were methylated at low incidences (0-7%). By analysis of the numbers of aberrant methylations in individual cancers, a subset of cancers with high prevalence of aberrant methylations was identified, and all of the 11 cancers in the subset were diffuse type. To analyze the possible involvement of decreased fidelity of maintenance methylation in this subset of cancers, aberrant hypomethylations of three normally methylated CGIs were examined. Cancers with high prevalence of hypomethylations of normally methylated CGIs, however, constituted a different subset. It is expected that these nine genes may include important genes in gastric cancer development and would be useful to identify a distinct subset of gastric cancers.
  • Masanobu Abe, Eriko Okochi, Takashi Kuramoto, Atsushi Kaneda, Tsuyoshi Takato, Takashi Sugimura, Toshikazu Ushijima
    Japanese journal of cancer research : Gann 93(10) 1100-6 2002年10月  査読有り
    Hypermethylation of the 5' upstream region (5' region) of the human p16(CDKN2A) (p16) gene is known to cause silencing, which is involved in a wide range of human cancers. For the rat p16 gene, its 5' region has not been cloned, and it is uncertain whether surrogate use of exon 1 alpha is adequate for analysis of p16 silencing. In this study, we observed that methylation analysis of exon 1 alpha gave false positive results in three samples of normal rat mammary epithelia and in two of six primary mammary carcinomas. Therefore, we determined the nucleotide sequence of the 5' region of the rat p16 gene. To confirm that methylation status of the 5' region is correlated with p16 expression, the methylation status was analyzed by bisulfite sequencing and methylation-specific PCR in three samples of normal mammary glands, six samples of mammary carcinomas and four cell lines. The 5' region was demethylated in all of the three normal and six carcinoma samples that fully expressed p16. On the other hand, the 5' region was highly methylated in the 3Y1 cell line, which lacked p16 expression, but without deletion. These results showed that the methylation status of the 5' region was more closely correlated with p16 expression than that of the exon 1 alpha and analysis of the methylation status is useful in examining p16 silencing in various rat tumors.
  • Atsushi Kaneda, Michio Kaminishi, Yukihiro Nakanishi, Takashi Sugimura, Toshikazu Ushijima
    International journal of cancer 100(1) 57-62 2002年7月1日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Aberrantly methylated DNA fragments in a human gastric cancer were searched for by a genome-scanning method, methylation-sensitive-representational difference analysis (MS-RDA). Six DNA fragments flanked by CpG islands (CGIs) and hypermethylated in the cancer were isolated. Four of the 6 fragments possessed genes in their vicinities. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of the 4 genes showed reduced expression of 2 genes in cancers: Insulin-induced protein 1 (INSIG1/CL-6) and p41 Arp2/3 complex (p41-Arc). As for INSIG1, a DNA fragment was derived from the edge of a CGI in the promoter region. The edge was methylated in 11 of 22 primary gastric cancers, whereas the center was not methylated in any cancer. INSIG1 expression was markedly reduced in 19 cancers, including the 11 cancers with the methylation. By 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine treatment of 5 cell lines with the methylation of the edge, partial restoration of INSIG1 expression was detected only in 2 of them. These data indicated that, although the reduced INSIG1 expression in cancers was associated with the methylation at the edge of the CGI in the promoter region, the methylation was likely to be a secondary change. As for p41-Arc, a DNA fragment was derived from a CGI overlapping exon 8, and its methylation did not correlate with its expression. However, methylation of a CGI in the promoter region with a marked reduction of its expression was observed in 1 of the 22 primary cancers. INSIG1 and p41-Arc are known to be involved in cellular differentiation and morphology, respectively, and it was suggested that their reduced expressions might be involved in gastric cancer development or progression.
  • Qing Lin Li, Kosei Ito, Chohei Sakakura, Hiroshi Fukamachi, Ken ichi Inoue, Xin Zi Chi, Kwang Youl Lee, Shintaro Nomura, Chang Woo Lee, Sang Bae Han, Hwan Mook Kim, Wun Jae Kim, Hiromitsu Yamamoto, Namiko Yamashita, Takashi Yano, Toshio Ikeda, Shigeyoshi Itohara, Johji Inazawa, Tatsuo Abe, Akeo Hagiwara, Hisakazu Yamagishi, Asako Ooe, Atsushi Kaneda, Takashi Sugimura, Toshikazu Ushijima, Suk Chul Bae, Yoshiaki Ito
    Cell 109(1) 113-24 2002年4月5日  査読有り
    Runx3/Pebp2alphaC null mouse gastric mucosa exhibits hyperplasias due to stimulated proliferation and suppressed apoptosis in epithelial cells, and the cells are resistant to growth-inhibitory and apoptosis-inducing action of TGF-beta, indicating that Runx3 is a major growth regulator of gastric epithelial cells. Between 45% and 60% of human gastric cancer cells do not significantly express RUNX3 due to hemizygous deletion and hypermethylation of the RUNX3 promoter region. Tumorigenicity of human gastric cancer cell lines in nude mice was inversely related to their level of RUNX3 expression, and a mutation (R122C) occurring within the conserved Runt domain abolished the tumor-suppressive effect of RUNX3, suggesting that a lack of RUNX3 function is causally related to the genesis and progression of human gastric cancer.
    J. Immunol. 150(12) 5436-5444 1993年6月  査読有り





