
永瀬 彩子

ナガセ アヤコ  (Ayako Nagase)


千葉大学 大学院国際学術研究院 教授
PhD(2008年12月 University of Sheffield)



  • Xi Shu, Long Xie, D. Johan Kotze, Miia Jauni, Iiris Lettojärvi, Taina H. Suonio, Ayako Nagase, Susanna Lehvävirta
    Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 94 2024年4月  査読有り
    Urban densification has led to the adoption of vegetated façades as a nature-based strategy to increase urban green spaces and enhance urban living conditions. However, limited knowledge regarding suitable plants for vegetated façades can impede the process. In this field experiment conducted in Southern Finland, we investigated the performance of 12 potential plant taxa for a vegetated façade by assessing their visual appearance and sizes in relation to façade orientation, floor height, substrate pH, and mycorrhizal inoculation. The 12 plant taxa were categorized into 4 growth forms according to their morphologies: spreading conifers, dwarf conifers, creeping conifers, and climbers. We aimed to evaluate plant performance during the initial two growing seasons, which is critical for the successful establishment of these plants in vegetated façades. Eight of the twelve plant taxa exhibited relatively high performance in terms of visual appearance and size. Notably, creeping conifers outperformed other growth forms in visual appearance, which was most likely due to their close-to-ground morphology. Façade orientation and substrate pH were the most influential predictor variables. Façade orientation affected both plant visual appearance and size, while substrate pH primarily affected plant visual appearance. The east-facing façade (less exposure to sun and wind) and mildly acid substrate (pH 6–6.5) were more conducive to most of the plant taxa. Certain species and cultivars, such as Juniperus communis ‘Lalli’, maintained constant plant visual appearance and size regardless of façade orientation and substrate pH, suggesting their adaptability and stability across various conditions. Floor height and mycorrhizal inoculation only displayed marginal and taxon-specific impacts. Given that some plants in our vegetated façade exhibited optimal performance different from those in their reported natural habitats, we encourage conducting long-term, on-site experiments to identify suitable plants for vegetated façades to ensure successful vegetated façade implementation.
  • Ayako Nagase, Tomoyuki Katagiri, Jeremy Lundholm
    Ecological Engineering 189(106899) 2023年2月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Gregoire Noel, Arnaud Mestrez, Philippe Lejeune, Frederic Francis, Junko Kawai, Masayuki Miwa, Koichi Uehara, Ayako Nagase
    URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING 79 2023年1月  査読有り
    The availability of pollen in urban-rural landscapes is an essential factor that influences the population dynamics of insect pollinators. The amount and diversity of pollen play a pivotal role in the foraging ecology of pollinators for their growth and health, but investigations on the spatio-temporal patterns of foraged plants remain rare, especially in cities as neo - ecosystems. Here, we explored the temporal foraging habits of a highly pollinator (Apis mellifera L.) in Tokyo, including different landscape classes from rural to urban areas. Mixed-pollen samples in each month and each location (N = 17) were analysed using DNA meta-barcoding to identify plants visited by honeybees. The results showed that the landscape class (rural, suburban and urban areas) explains spatial variations in pollen source-plant composition foraged by honeybees, but not in taxa richness. Furthermore, pollen diversity and pollen source-plant composition showed a strong seasonal dependence. A higher plant richness and foraged woody taxa was found to occur in spring, which was mainly dominated by the genera Prunus and Acer. In summer and autumn, the genera Trifolium and Plantago of the herbaceous stratum were the most visited plants. The Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Brassicaceae, Plantaginaceae, and Onagraceae plant families were the most frequently observed in all combined samples. The present study contributes to a deeper understanding of the foraging ecology of A. mellifera colonies across urban-rural gradient surrounding mega-cities such as Tokyo.
  • Kakeya, T, Taki, H, Ayako Nagase
    International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture VIII(1345) 129-136 2022年9月  査読有り
  • Tanaka, S, Yamaguchi, S, Ayako Nagase
    International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture VIII(1345) 33-38 2022年9月  査読有り
  • Ayako Nagase, Pouilloux, L, Francis, F, Noël, G
    International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture VIII(1345) 299-308 2022年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Ayako Nagase, Toshihiko Momose, Jeremy Lundholm
    Ecological Engineering 182 2022年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Vegetation plays a key role in many of the ecosystem services provided by green roofs. Green roofs reduce the amount of heat flux through the building envelope but most existing research has focused on hot season cooling functions and not on cold season benefits which can also result in building energy savings. This study examined the effect of different types of native vegetation on heat flux during winter conditions in two locations with different climates in Japan. We established replicated trays (modular green roof system; n = 5 per treatment) with five monoculture treatments and one plant species mixture treatment and an unplanted control treatment on rooftops in Ishikawa and Tokyo. Each tray was fitted with a heat flux sensor at its base and heat flux values were logged every 30 min from December 2015 to March 2016. There were no significant differences in heat flux between the sites for the unplanted controls, indicating that the tray and soil behaved similarly at both sites, however, the relative impact of the different vegetation types was not consistent across the sites. The Tokyo location had more sun and less snow and plants that had relatively low heat flux in Ishikawa showed the opposite pattern in Tokyo. This is consistent with other studies that suggest that in winter conditions with frequent sunny conditions, plants can result in lower energy savings than unplanted controls. Thus, this result addressed the importance of selecting plants in consideration of climate to optimize energy saving with green roofs.
  • 林 茄慧, 永瀬 彩子, 張 暁帆, 小山 慎一
    感性工学会 1-15 2022年2月  
  • Ayako Nagase, Jeremy Lundholm
    Journal of Living Architecture 8(2) 1-19 2021年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Ayako Nagase, Shinichi Koyama
    Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 51 2020年5月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Yue Pan, Shinichi Koyama, Ayako Nagase, Kenta Ono, Makoto Watanabe
    International Journal of Affective Engineering 19(1) 1-10 2020年  査読有り
    To investigate how smell would affect the product experience, the present study chose the aromas of sweet orange and peppermint as the starting point of the product experience of the orange-shaped lego-like toy blocks. It was found that the aroma of sweet orange would lead to the highest degree of liking for the aroma, evoke images or expectations closer to the reality of the toy blocks, and relieve the fatigue of the participants after they directly smelled it. And the aroma of peppermint was found to moderate the tension caused by the blocks-building task and contribute to maintaining participants' vigor. Notwithstanding, the aromas did not have noticeable effects on people's degrees of liking for the toy blocks and their evaluations of the product due to the sensory dominance in the multisensory product experience. The potential roles of aromas in product experience remain to be investigated.
  • Amy Heim, Ayako Nagase, Jeremy Lundholm, and Carly Wrathall
    Native Plants Journal 19(3) 201-215 2018年10月  査読有り
  • Ayako Nagase, Mayuko Kurashina, Masashi Nomura, J. Scott MacIvor
    Pan-Pacific Entomologist 94(4) 195-215 2018年10月  査読有り筆頭著者
    University campuses often contain contiguous areas of urban green space (UGS) which are otherwise scarce in large cities and, thus, may provide critical habitat for numerous species. In this study, we evaluate butterfly and plant diversity at Chiba University in Japan from five UGS types, including intensive green roofs, meadows, roadsides, open spaces. and community gardens. Surveying non-destructively every two weeks from June to November 2010, we identified 707 individual butterflies to 25 species from five families, including red-listed species (e.g. Parantica sita Kollar, 1844). However, one species, Pseudozizeeria maha Kollar, 1848, represented over 50% of all individuals surveyed. Butterflies in the family Papilionidae showed strong preference for roadside habitat, indicating the importance of 'butterfly flyways' and contiguous habitat corridors on University campuses. Butterfly richness and abundance was significantly different between UGS types and highest in the community garden and roadsides. We recorded 70 garden plant species and 117 spontaneous plant species (which grew opportunistically, without design input), of which 58% were native. Total plant richness was positively correlated with butterfly species richness, and non-native spontaneous plant species richness was positively correlated with butterfly richness, abundance, diversity, and evenness. Additionally, 76% of the spontaneous species identified were determined to be used by butterflies as larval hosts or for adult feeding. Identification of spontaneous plant species and use of selective weeding should be included in landscape management planning on campuses to promote butterflies, which can act as ambassadors for biodiversity conservation and help connect people to nature.
  • 永瀬彩子
    ランドスケープ研究 82(1) 42-45 2018年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Ayako Nagase, Yoriyuki Yamada, Tadataka Aoki, Masashi Nomura
    Urban Naturalist 1 16-38 2018年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 木下 剛, 芮 京禄, 永瀬 彩子
    ランドスケープ研究 81(5) 655-658 2018年  査読有り最終著者
    <p>This study investigated the Green Infrastructure (GI) planning in the UK's Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park was implemented, by the assumption that GI can create habitats under the environment strongly influenced by human impact. For example, the river, wetland/marshes within the floodplain, Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) were combined with GI planning to contribute to climate change adaptation. In the Park, rivers and wetland/marshes were also considered as GI. Habitats were created not only in the area of reedbed and wet woodland, but also in small-scale GI installation like soft swale. Here, it is significant that the habitat creation can be considered as not only the purpose of the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) but also the means to make GI function. On the other hand, GI implementation can be understood as a measure to create particular habitats. This study showed the relationship between GI planning and habitat creation. In the future it should be analyzed in detail how walkway, cycleway and greenway were designed as GI.</p>
  • Ayako Nagase, Yurika Tashiro-Ishii
    Journal of Environmental Management 206 255-265 2018年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
    The present study examined whether it is possible to simulate a local herbaceous coastal plant community on a roof, by studying the natural habitats of rocky sea coast plants and their propagation and performance on a green roof. After studying the natural habitat of coastal areas in Izu peninsula, a germination and cutting transplant study was carried out using herbaceous plants from the Jogasaki sea coast. Many plant species did not germinate at all and the use of cuttings was a better method than direct seeding. The green roof was installed in the spring of 2012 in Chiba city. Thirteen plant species from the Jogasaki sea coast, which were successfully propagated, were planted in three kinds of substrate (15 cm depth): pumice, roof tile and commercial green roof substrate. The water drainage was restricted and a reservoir with 5 cm depth of water underlaid the substrate to simulate a similar growing environment to the sea coast. Volcanic rocks were placed as mulch to create a landscape similar to that on the Jogasaki sea coast. Plant coverage on the green roof was measured every month from June 2012 to October 2014. All plants were harvested and their dry shoot weight was measured in December 2014. The type of substrate did not cause significant differences in plant survival and dry shoot weight. Sea coast plant species were divided into four categories: vigorous growth; seasonal change; disappearing after a few years; limited growth. Understanding the ecology of natural habitats was important to simulating a local landscape using native plant communities on the green roof. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Ayako Nagase, Nigel Dunnett, Min-Sung Choi
    Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 23 61-73 2017年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Understanding of plant growth and flower performance is crucial for appropriate planting design. This study was aimed to understand characteristics of growth pattern and flower performance in green roof plants and how plant species diversity effect these characteristics. A semi-extensive green roof was installed in 2005 and 54 species plant species were planted in 10 cm and 20 cm of the substrate in Rotherham, UK. Thirty-two quadrats (50 cm x 50 cm) were set up through the combinations of plant species diversity (high and low), planting density (high and low). Percentage of coverage and height of each species were recorded at every month from February to November 2006 in these 32 quadrates. Flowering time of each species was studied every two weeks from February to November 2006. Flowering time was various from plants; some showed a very long flowering time, over five months whereas some finished flowering within two weeks. The growth characteristics of individual plant species over time were categorized into six patterns of coverage and vertical growth pattern. Spread of individual plants was larger in high diversity of plants than those in low diversity of plants. Number of flowering was higher and overall flowering term was longer in the quadrats of higher plant species diversity than those of lower plant diversity. However, these tendencies were affected strongly by the combination of species used. Therefore, it is important to be aware of individual plant growth characteristics such as plant size, growth pattern and flower performance for planting design. (C) 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
  • Ayako Nagase, Masashi Nomura
    Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13(4) 714-724 2014年8月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Biotope roofs in Japan are usually intensive green roofs that primarily include native plants and food plants for invertebrates and a pond and stones to create a wide range of habitats. The study aimed to evaluate the survivability of planted species, and colonisation by plants and invertebrates on a biotope roof and to suggest an appropriate planting design and maintenance scheme to optimize biodiversity benefits. An intensive green roof (150 m(2), substrate depth of 50 cm) was installed in 2002 on the ninth storey of a building at Chiba University, Japan. Twelve species of trees, 18 species of shrubs and 8 species of forbs (mainly native species) were planted and volcanic stones were used as mulch and to create habitats for invertebrates. No maintenance and no irrigation were applied for almost 8 years. A limited number of tree species, such as Myrica rubra and Cinnamomum camphora could grew well without maintenance and irrigation at a substrate depth of 50 cm. Overall, shrubs grew successfully and a high density planting seemed effective in increasing wind resistance. Most forbs disappeared, probably because of drought and competition with these colonising plants. Eleven plant species spontaneously colonised resulting in domination by Solidago altissima and Miscanthus sinensis. These two species were too aggressive, and selective weeding is required for species richness. In an invertebrate study, 46 species in 11 orders were observed and the highest number of invertebrate species was observed in the pond and shady areas. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
  • Zhenpeng LI, Algirdas Paskevicius, Ayako Nagase, Kenta Ono, Makoto Watanabe
    Japanese Society for The Science Design 61(3) 45-50 2014年4月  査読有り
  • Zhenpeng LI, Algirdas Paskevicius, Ayako Nagase, Kenta Ono, Makoto Watanabe
    デザイン学研究 61(3) 51-56 2014年4月  査読有り
    This paper discusses Chinas home plant factory market segmentation with two main objectives. First, this study defines the target users whose customer value might be compatible with home plant factories characteristics. Second, it classifies those target users in order to help designers understand their attributes and provide specific design directions for them. A questionnaire survey using a Likert scale was conducted on a sample of Chinese customers, whose values were identified by analyzing their attitudes to the home plant factory through factor analysis. The following five factors were extracted: "Quality of vegetables," "Quality of life," "Value added," "Technology," and "Extra consumption." The respondents were categorized into four groups according to the factor scores: "Convenient life, "Economical life," "Conservative life," and "Healthy life." The Convenient and Healthy life groups were thus determined to be home plant factories target users. Their attributes were then discussed and appropriate design directions suggested.
  • Ayako Nagase, Nigel Dunnett
    Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 12(4) 509-521 2013年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Dwarf geophytes have great potential for use on extensive green roofs because they often come from arid areas and can survive dry and hot summer in a dormant state. However, there has been little research regarding geophytes on green roofs. This experiment was conducted to study the performance of 26 species of geophytes on a green roof during 2005-2006 in Sheffield, UK. The geophytes were grown at two substrate depths (5 cm and 10 cm) of substrate on a green roof without irrigation. To investigate the susceptibility of geophytes to competition from a covering of permanent plants, the geophytes were grown with or without a surface vegetation layer of Sedum album. Overall, the growth, survival rate, regeneration and flowering of geophytes were more successful at a substrate depth of 10 cm than of 5 cm, probably because of improved moisture retention, fewer temperature fluctuations and the protection from digging by animals. The flowering period was limited to spring, therefore, it is recommended to combine with other plant species such as covering plants. Geophyte species did not compete much with S. album and Sedum cover had no significant effects on the growth, survival rate, regeneration and flowering of geophytes in most species. Iris bucharica, Muscari azureum, Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha, Tulipa humilis, Tulipa tarda and Tulipa turkestanica had good performance at the substrate depth of 5 cm. In addition, Narcissus cyclamineus 'February gold' and Tulipa urumiensis exhibited a successful performance at the substrate depth of 10 cm. (C) 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
  • Ayako Nagase, Nigel Dunnett, Min-Sung Choi
    Ecological Engineering 58 156-164 2013年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Although weeding is one of the most time consuming tasks in green roof maintenance, there have been few studies of weed phenology and it is not clear how planting design affects weed colonisation on green roofs. This study investigated weeds including self-sowing planted species during the establishment period in a semi-extensive green roof in Rotherham, UK. This green roof was installed in the summer of 2005, and 54 plant species were planted in 10 cm (areas with gravel mulch) and 20 cm (areas without mulch) of the substrate. The planting density was 18-22 plants/m(2). Thirty-two quadrats (50 x 50 cm) were set up through the combinations of plant species diversity (high and low), planting density (high and low), four aspect and covering 2.5 cm of gravel mulch (with and without). Drip irrigation was installed for supplementary watering in dry seasons. All weeds and self-sowing in each quadrat were not removed. The remainder of the roof was weeded six times in this period. Nine weed species were found on the green roof. They were all native species and could have value of biodiversity. High planting density reduced weeds effectively whereas plant diversity did not affect weed colonisation significantly. Moreover, the use of gravel mulch significantly reduced the number of weeds. Knowing phenology of expected weeds allows targeting maintenance to remove them before they set seeds. 29 species planted on this green roof were self-sowing, Allium schoenoprasum, Campanula rotundifolia, Festuca spp. and Petrorhagia saxifraga showed a very high number of seedlings. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Ayako Nagase, M.Kurashina, Masashi Nomura
    Acta Horticulturae 999 229-234 2013年8月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Ayako Nagase, Nigel Dunnett
    Landscape and Urban Planning 112 50-62 2013年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
    This study investigated the establishment of annual meadow including native and non-native species in an extensive green roof in Sheffield, UK. The study aimed to determine the feasibility of establishing annual plant species from a seed mixture and to determine the appropriate sowing rate as well as the necessity of watering during the first growing season from June to November 2006. A 22-species seed mixture was sown on an experimental green roof with a substrate depth of 7 cm using two sowing rates (2 g/m(2) and 4 g/m(2)) and two watering regimes (with and without watering). The watering regime consisted of application of water four times over the course of the experiment. Each combination of sowing and watering regime yielded a successful aesthetic annual meadow green roof. Results showed that a low sowing rate resulted in better conditions for individual' plant growth when enough water was available. On the other hand, a high sowing rate was necessary to ensure a sufficient number of plants when water resources were not abundant. The watering regime improved growth in most species; however, it was determined that an annual seed mixture could perform well without watering at the study site. The annual meadow possessed an abundance of flowering plants for an extended period of time; plants started flowering one month after sowing and continued until the end of October. Successful species during the first growing season included Alyssum maritimum, Echium plantagineum 'Blue Bedder', Gypsophila muralis, Iberis amara, lberis umbellata 'Fairy', Linaria elegans and Linaria maroccana. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 山田順之,曽根佑太,青木忠尚,野村昌史,永瀬彩子
    ランドスケープ研究 76(5) 671-674 2013年  査読有り最終著者
  • Ayako Nagase, Yurika Tashiro
    Proceeding of World Green Roof Congress 2012年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 田代 友利華, 永瀬 彩子, 高橋 輝昌
    日本緑化工学会誌 = Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 38(1) 45-50 2012年8月31日  査読有り
    屋上植栽基盤における剪定枝由来堆肥の利用可能性を検討するため,剪定枝由来堆肥のみの土壌基盤 (以下,剪定枝),園芸培養土のみの土壌基盤 (以下,培養土),剪定枝と培養土を重量比 1:1 で混合した土壌基盤 (以下,混合土) の 3 種類の土壌基盤の調査を行った。千葉大学園芸学部松戸キャンパス内 5 階屋上で,それぞれの土壌基盤を充填したプランターにおいて,葉菜類 (コマツナ,チンゲンサイ,リーフレタス) と草本類 (ストック,ビオラ,ハボタン) の生育調査を行った。調査結果から,剪定枝でも培養土と同程度の生長が認められたため,剪定枝由来堆肥は,軽量で環境に配慮した屋上植栽基盤として利用することが可能であることが示された。
  • Ayako Nagase, Nigel Dunnett
    Landscape and Urban Planning 104(3-4) 356-363 2012年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Increased stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces is a major concern in urban areas and green roofs are increasingly used as an innovative means of stormwater management. However, there are very few studies on how different vegetation types affect the amount of water runoff. This paper describes an experiment that investigates the influence of plant species and plant diversity on the amount of water runoff from a simulated green roof. Twelve species were selected from the three major taxonomic and functional plant groups that are commonly used for extensive green roofs (forbs, sedum and grasses). Four species were chosen from each group and planted in combinations of increasing diversity and complexity: monocultures, four-species mixtures and twelve-species mixtures. The results showed that there was a significant difference in amount of water runoff between vegetation types: grasses were the most effective for reducing water runoff, followed by forbs and sedum. It was also shown that the size and structure of plants significantly influenced the amount of water runoff. Plant species with taller height, larger diameter, and larger shoot and root biomass were more effective in reducing water runoff from simulated green roofs than plant species with shorter height, smaller diameter, and smaller shoot and root biomass. The amount of water runoff from Sedum spp. was higher than that from bare ground. Species richness did not affect the amount of water runoff in this study. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Ayako Nagase, Nigel Dunnett
    Landscape and Urban Planning 103(2) 230-236 2011年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Choosing an appropriate substrate is one of the most important factors for green roofs because of their harsh growing environment. However, there have been few studies on the amount of organic matter necessary for sustainable plant growth in extensive green roofs. This study examined the relationship between percentage of organic matter in substrate and plant growth in extensive green roofs, particularly at establishment stage. Different percentages of organic matter (green waste compost: 0%, 10%, 25%, 50% by volume) were added and mixed well with a commercial green roof substrate (crushed brick base, containing less than 4% organic matter). Four species of plants (Allium schoenoprasum. Limonium latifolium, Melica ciliata and Nepeta x faassenii) were grown in a greenhouse in trays containing substrates with these different percentages of organic matter. Two watering regimes were imposed: wet and dry (watering every 5 days or every 15 days). It was concluded that addition of 10% organic matter was optimal for these four species and the substrate used in this study because the plants showed stable growth regardless of the watering regime. In the wet regime, increased organic matter resulted in lush growth with may result in damage during drought. In the dry regime, increased organic matter did not result in increased growth. The response to higher organic matter content was different for different species, and species from a nitrogen-rich habitat tended to be encouraged by a high content. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Ayako Nagase
    HortResearch 65(65) 1-5 2011年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Japanese fl oriculture fl ourished in central Tokyo in the Edo period. At that time, every class of people was fascinatedwith fl oriculture. This was partly due to nurserymen, some of the leading ones of whom had special skills incultivating plants and had huge collections of cultivars, even publishing books about them. Flower events such asfl ower shows and fl ower markets became important recreational events for the commoners. Toward the end of theEdo period, people became interested in unusual plants having a strange appearance or interesting shapes of leavesand fl owers, which were called 'cult plants'. They had high value and were traded at extremely high prices. Currently,some institutions such as universities and museums play an important role in conveying the knowledge ofunique Japanese fl oriculture to people.
  • Ayako Nagase, Nigel Dunnett, Min-Sung Choi
    Acta Horticulturae 881 653-660 2010年11月25日  査読有り筆頭著者
    The phenological study of green roofs has been limited although it is crucial to the creation of aesthetically pleasing and seasonally interesting green roofs. This study aimed to investigate the dynamic change (constant change) of semi-extensive green roofs and the following two points were studied on the green roof in Rotherham, Northern England from February to November 2006: (1) Flower performance and plant growth pattern (2) Effect of planting design (plant species diversity and planting density) on flower performance and plant growth. This green roof was installed in the summer 2005 and 54 species of perennials, ornamental grasses and bulbs were planted in 10 cm (areas with gravel mulch) and 20 cm (areas without mulch) of substrate. 32 quadrats (50 cm x 50 cm) were set up through the combinations of plant species diversity (High and Low), planting density (High and Low), aspect (South East, South West, North East, North West) and covering gravel mulch (with and without). Results showed that throughout 10 months, at least 3 species flowered in each month and the highest number of flowering species was observed in June. The growth characteristics of individual plant species over time were categorized into 6 patterns of coverage and vertical growth pattern. It was shown that plant species diversity might affect overall flowering succession and dynamic change and planting density might affect interaction between plants. In areas of high plant species diversity, there were more opportunities for a longer flowering term, more seasonal interest and dynamic change than areas of low plant species diversity. In areas of low planting density, individual plants generally produced better growth than those in high planting density. However, these tendencies were affected strongly by the combination of species used. Therefore, it is important to be aware of individual plant growth characteristics such as plant size (coverage and vertical), phenological growth pattern and flowering season to create aesthetic and seasonal interesting green roofs.
  • 永瀬 彩子
    日本庭園学会誌 (23) 75-76 2010年10月31日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Ayako Nagase, Masashi Nomura, Yoritaka Tashiro
    Proceeding of World Green Roof Congress 2010年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Ayako Nagase, Nigel Dunnett
    Landscape and Urban Planning 97(4) 318-327 2010年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
    The harsh and stressful growing environment of extensive green roofs means that only a limited range of plant species is routinely used. However, ecological theory suggests that highly diverse or species-rich vegetation might be more resistant and resilient to severe environmental stress. This paper describes an experiment investigating the influence of vegetation diversity on green roof plant survival following an imposed drought. Twelve species were selected from the three major taxonomic and functional plant groups that are commonly used for extensive green roofs (forbs, sedums and grasses). Four species were chosen from each group and planted in combinations of increasing diversity and complexity: monocultures, four-species mixtures and twelve-species mixtures. Three watering regimes were imposed: wet, moderate and dry (watering every 1 week, 2 weeks and 3 weeks, respectively). It was concluded that a diverse plant mix was more advantageous than a monoculture in terms of greater survivability and higher visual rating under dry conditions. It was shown that combinations of species differing in functional diversity and complexity achieved this more effectively compared to plants of the same taxonomic group that compete for resources when grown together. Drought tolerance in sedums was superior to that in forbs and grasses. Little difference in drought tolerance was observed between forbs and grasses, which must be watered before reaching a permanent wilting point. Plants that exhibited over 50% leaf desiccation were unable to survive to the end of the study. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Ayako Nagase
    2008年12月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Nigel Dunnett, Ayako Nagase, Rosemary Booth, Philip Grime
    Urban ecosystems 11(4) 385-398 2008年12月  査読有り
  • Ayako Nagase, Nigel Dunnett
    Proceeding of World Green Roof Congress 2008年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Ayako Nagase, Nigel Dunnett
    Proceeding of Sixth North American Green Roofs Conference, Baltimore, May 2008, CD-ROM, Toronto: The Cardinal Group 2008年5月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Nigel Dunnett, Ayako Nagase, Adrian Hallam
    Urban ecosystems 11(4) 385-398 2007年12月  査読有り
  • Nigel Dunnett, Ayako Nagase
    Proceeding of Fifth North American Green Roofs Conference, Minneapolis, May 2007. CD-ROM, Toronto: The Cardinal Group -12 2007年5月  査読有り
  • Ayako Nagase, Christine Thuring
    Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities, Proceeding of Fourth North American Green Roofs Conference, Boston, May 2006, CD-ROM, Toronto: The Cardinal Group -16 2006年5月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Berghage, R.D, Beattie,D. J, Jarrett, A.R, Razaei, F, Ayako Nagase
    World Green Roof Congress 200-203 2005年9月  査読有り最終著者
  • Nigel Dunnett, Ayako Nagase
    Proceeding of Third North American Green Roofs Conference, Washington D.C., May 2005, CD-ROM, Toronto: -10 2005年5月  査読有り
  • Ayako Nagase
    Msc Thesis, Department of Horticlture and Landscape, University of Reading -99 2003年9月  査読有り筆頭著者


  • 村田 基, 三輪 正幸, 永瀬 彩子, 渡邉 誠
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 67 460 2020年  
  • 永瀬 彩子
    ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 82(1) 42-45 2018年4月  
  • 久保田 百合, 永瀬 彩子, 三輪 正幸, 小野 健太, 渡邉 誠
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 65 438-439 2018年  
  • 東江 麻祐, 永瀬 彩子, 小野 健太, 渡邉 誠
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 62 225-225 2015年  
    近年, 人間活動による環境破壊が顕在化するにつれ, 持続可能な社会に参画する人間を育てる取り組みとして児童への環境教育に関心が高まっている.環境教育の取り組みの一つとして, 欧州においてはインセクトホテルを用いて昆虫とふれ合うことで自然を体験する方法がある. インセクトホテルとは木枠の中に木の枝や藁など様々なものをつめた人工的な昆虫の住処である.欧州においてインセクトホテルは サイエンスミュージアムや公園に設置されており,環境教育の取り組みとして広く認知されていると言える.日本の学校においても様々な環境教育の取り組みがなされており,「昆虫や植物の観察を通して自然を体験する」といったような内容の,インセクトホテルを用いて学習できるような取り組みもたくさん見受けられる.しかし,日本では知名度が低く普及していないために,インセクトホテルを用いた環境教育が実践されている例は見当たらない.&nbsp;本研究では,日本においてインセクトホテルを用いた環境教育が実践されるために,日本用に改良したインセクトホテルの開発を行うことと,より教育の現場で実践しやすい指針の提案を目的と定めた.
  • 篠原 由樹, アルギルダス パシュキャビチュウス, 永瀬 彩子, 蘆澤 雄亮, 小野 健太, 渡邉 誠
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 62 153-153 2015年  
    現在,車椅子の移乗時における転倒・転落事故が問題になっている.改善策として,移乗指導の充実や福祉用品,環境設備の改善が求められており,特に車椅子の改善が重要視されている. 一方で,高齢化が進むにつれ,介護者不足問題が深刻化し,車椅子使用者が自ら操作できる福祉用具が求められている.また,車椅子の使用者は他人へ迷惑をかけたくないという思いが強いという報告がある.移乗補助製品として,トランスファーボードや移乗を補助する車椅子などが販売されているが,それら製品の大半は移乗時に介護者の負担を軽減する為のものである.また,移乗先へ高低差がある場合には使用に適さないという問題もあり,車椅子使用者が自ら操作するための移乗補助製品として十分ではないのが現状である.車椅子の中には使用者自身の移乗を助ける機能にはリクライニングやリフトなどがある.それらは大きな動力を必要とするため,電動車椅子で使われており,これも介護者の負担を軽減するのが目的である.本研究は、車椅子使用者の移乗時における負担を軽減 する電動機構付き車椅子の製作を目的とする.


  • 永瀬彩子, 藤井英二郎, 松崎喬 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:特殊緑化)
    朝倉書店 2018年
  • 永瀬彩子 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:ガーデニング)
    丸善出版株式会社 2016年

