
野村 和之

ノムラ カズユキ  (Kazuyuki NOMURA)


千葉大学 大学院国際学術研究院総合国際学講座 助教
博士/EdD(教育学)(2016年12月 香港中文大学)
修士/MA(社会情報学)(2004年3月 東京大学)
学士/BA(国語学)(2001年3月 東京大学)






- 人はどのように関わり合いながらお互いの言語と文化を学び合うのか。
- 異なる文化を持つ人々が手を携えて生きるためには何が必要なのか。
- 教育はこの世界をよくするためにどのような役割を果たせるのか。




  • Kazuyuki NOMURA
    International Journal of the Sociology of Language 291 2025年1月  査読有り
    Research has shown that Japanese language learners in Hong Kong are affectively rather than instrumentally motivated. Put simply, they tend to learn Japanese because they like people or things associated with Japan(ese). To better understand their affection for Japan(ese), I explore how Japanese language learners’ imagined target language communities shape their symbolic investments in Japanese and Japanese-speaking cultural identities in contemporary Hong Kong. To this end, I conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with 18 ethnic Chinese Hong Kong learners of Japanese. After data analysis, three main themes emerged: “symbolic investment”, “perceived marginalisation”, and “voluntary peripheralisation”. My findings suggest that these Japanese language learners make diverse and personalised symbolic investments in exchange for valuable intangibles, particularly security and well-being. While they perceive themselves as marginalised from imagined Japanese-speaking communities, they also tend to remain voluntarily on the periphery of such imagined Japanese-speaking communities to construct positive Japanese-speaking (but non-Japanese) cultural identities and to secure their imagined “Japan” as a safe haven from the difficult realities of Hong Kong. These learners of Japanese thus see their “Japan” as imagined “foreign” communities to which they do not want or need to fully belong. I conclude this paper with useful implications for researchers and educators.
  • Kazuyuki NOMURA
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 55(13) 1501-1512 2023年3月31日  査読有り
    In the most recent Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS2018) conducted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the percentage of Japanese teachers who taught critical thinking (CT) and professed self-efficacy in CT teaching was by far the lowest among participating economies (OECD, 2019). This research explores the emic or indigenous understanding of CT in Japanese education through in-depth qualitative interviews with 12 schoolteachers of diverse backgrounds. Japanese schoolteachers find the nuance of CT undesirable. Yet, a particular facet of CT, namely multidimensional-multiperspective thinking (MMT), is well-received since the national curriculum guidelines, which most participants find to be their teaching foundation, lay strong emphasis on MMT. Almost all participants agree that low socioeconomic-status (SES) schools have difficulty teaching CT/MMT. Furthermore, a hidden curriculum in Japanese schools, namely valuing empathy, also affects CT teaching. Being empathetic constitutes a core value in Japanese schooling, so participants find it impossible to practice CT without teaching empathy. The findings suggest that the curricular power, whether official or implicit, is forceful in Japan. Still, schoolteachers practise indigenous versions of CT teaching and manage to keep away from the power of the etic/global model of CT teaching. This paper concludes with practical implications for educators to reconcile the etic and emic understandings of CT teaching.
  • 野村和之
    日本語教育 182 49-65 2022年8月25日  査読有り
  • 野村和之, 吉野文, 西住奏子, 佐藤尚子
    千葉大学国際教養学研究 6 171-183 2022年3月3日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Kazuyuki NOMURA, Shin KATAOKA, Takako MOCHIZUKI
    Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40(7) 618-632 2019年2月6日  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Fluent speakers of a target language choosing to enrol in beginner-level courses at tertiary institutes could be considered unfair. In this paper, however, based on data obtained from in-depth qualitative interviews with 12 students at a Hong Kong university, we show that fluent speakers of Japanese – a widely-spoken foreign language in Hong Kong – were motivated to engage in learning activities during beginner Japanese lessons, as those lessons constituted ‘safe houses’ in which the participants shaped subversive identities against the perceived institutional dominance (GPA-oriented system) of the university and negotiated security. Our key findings related to the participants’ L2 motivations are three-fold. First, perceived ease pertained to the participants’ motivations to enrol in the course. Second, the participants were motivated to ‘outsmart’ the university’s dominant GPA-oriented system and ‘cash in’ their accumulated effort to achieve fluency in Japanese, ‘converting’ it into good grades. Third, the participants showed motivation because they believed beginning Japanese lessons to be sites in which they could feel secure, due to being able to speak Japanese and extend their Japanese-related social networks. This paper concludes with implications for L2 motivation research and suggestions for language teachers who are faced with such fluent speakers in beginner-level language classrooms.




  • 袁穎珊, 野村和之 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:香港の日本語教育—現状と展望)
    明石書店 2016年3月 (ISBN: 9784750342535)
  • 望月貴子, 野村和之, 蔡穎心, 大野和敏 (担当:共著, 範囲:文法)
    萬里書店 2012年1月
  • 望月貴子, 野村和之, 蔡穎心, 大野和敏 (担当:共著, 範囲:文法)
    萬里書店 2011年8月









