
羽石 秀昭

ハネイシ ヒデアキ  (Hideaki Haneishi)


千葉大学 フロンティア医工学センター 教授
工学博士(1990年3月 東京工業大学)
工学修士(1987年3月 東京工業大学)




  • Takayuki Okamoto, Shingo Tamachi, Takehito Iwase, Tomohiro Niizawa, Yuto Kawamata, Hirotaka Yokouchi, Takayuki Baba, Hideaki Haneishi
    Optics Express 2024年12月1日  
  • Naoko Kawata, Yuma Iwao, Yukiko Matsuura, Takashi Higashide, Takayuki Okamoto, Yuki Sekiguchi, Masaru Nagayoshi, Yasuo Takiguchi, Takuji Suzuki, Hideaki Haneishi
    Japanese Journal of Radiology 2024年11月25日  
    Abstract Purpose Despite a global decrease in the number of COVID-19 patients, early prediction of the clinical course for optimal patient care remains challenging. Recently, the usefulness of image generation for medical images has been investigated. This study aimed to generate short-term follow-up chest CT images using a latent diffusion model in patients with COVID-19. Materials and methods We retrospectively enrolled 505 patients with COVID-19 for whom the clinical parameters (patient background, clinical symptoms, and blood test results) upon admission were available and chest CT imaging was performed. Subject datasets (n = 505) were allocated for training (n = 403), and the remaining (n = 102) were reserved for evaluation. The image underwent variational autoencoder (VAE) encoding, resulting in latent vectors. The information consisting of initial clinical parameters and radiomic features were formatted as a table data encoder. Initial and follow-up latent vectors and the initial table data encoders were utilized for training the diffusion model. The evaluation data were used to generate prognostic images. Then, similarity of the prognostic images (generated images) and the follow-up images (real images) was evaluated by zero-mean normalized cross-correlation (ZNCC), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and structural similarity (SSIM). Visual assessment was also performed using a numerical rating scale. Results Prognostic chest CT images were generated using the diffusion model. Image similarity showed reasonable values of 0.973 ± 0.028 for the ZNCC, 24.48 ± 3.46 for the PSNR, and 0.844 ± 0.075 for the SSIM. Visual evaluation of the images by two pulmonologists and one radiologist yielded a reasonable mean score. Conclusions The similarity and validity of generated predictive images for the course of COVID-19-associated pneumonia using a diffusion model were reasonable. The generation of prognostic images may suggest potential utility for early prediction of the clinical course in COVID-19-associated pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.
  • Yuma Iwao, Naoko Kawata, Yuki Sekiguchi, Hideaki Haneishi
    Heliyon 10(17) e37272 2024年9月15日  
    RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To analyze morphological changes in patients with COVID-19-associated pneumonia over time, a nonrigid registration technique is required that reduces differences in respiratory phase and imaging position and does not excessively deform the lesion region. A nonrigid registration method using deep learning was applied for lung field alignment, and its practicality was verified through quantitative evaluation, such as image similarity of whole lung region and image similarity of lesion region, as well as visual evaluation by a physician. MATERIALS AND METHODS: First, the lung field positions and sizes of the first and second CT images were roughly matched using a classical registration method based on iterative calculations as a preprocessing step. Then, voxel-by-voxel transformation was performed using VoxelMorph, a nonrigid deep learning registration method. As an objective evaluation, the similarity of the images was calculated. To evaluate the invariance of image features in the lesion site, primary statistics and 3D shape features were calculated and statistically analyzed. Furthermore, as a subjective evaluation, the similarity of images and whether nonrigid transformation caused unnatural changes in the shape and size of the lesion region were visually evaluated by a pulmonologist. RESULTS: The proposed method was applied to 509 patient data points with high image similarity. The variances in histogram characteristics before and after image deformation were confirmed. Visual evaluation confirmed the agreement between the shape and internal structure of the lung field and the natural deformation of the lesion region. CONCLUSION: The developed nonrigid registration method was shown to be effective for quantitative time series analysis of the lungs.
  • Xingyu Zhou, Chen Ye, Takayuki Okamoto, Yuma Iwao, Naoko Kawata, Ayako Shimada, Hideaki Haneishi
    Japanese Journal of Radiology 2024年8月3日  
  • 高宮 桃香, 恵藤 陸, 秋田 新介, 三川 信之, 岡本 尚之, 羽石 秀昭
    日本医用画像工学会大会予稿集 43回 60-60 2024年8月  






  • Shoko Kinouchi, Taiga Yamaya, Eiji Yoshida, Hideaki Tashima, Hiroyuki Kudo, Hideaki Haneishi, Mikio Suga
    In positron emission tomography (PET), 3D iterative image reconstruction methods have a huge computational burden. In this paper, we developed a list-mode image reconstruction method using graphics processing units (GPUs). Efficiency of acceleration for GPU implementation largely depends on the method chosen, where a reduced number of conditional statements and a reduced memory size are required. On the other hand, accurate system models are required to improve the quality of reconstructed images. Various accurate system models for conventional CPU implementation have been proposed, but these models basically require many conditional statements and huge memory size. Therefore, we developed a new system model which matches GPU implementation better. In this model, the detector response functions, which vary depending on each line of response (LOR), are pre-computed in CPUs and modeled by sixth-order polynomial functions in order to reduce the memory size occupied in GPUs. Each element of a system matrix is obtained on-the-fly in GPUs by calculating the distance between an LOR and a voxel. Therefore the developed system model enables efficient GPU implementation of the accurate system modeling with a reduced number of conditional statements and a reduced memory size. We applied the developed method to a small OpenPET prototype, in which 4-layered depth-of-interaction (DOI) detectors were used. For image reconstruction, we used the dynamic row-action maximum likelihood algorithm (DRAMA). Compared with a conventional model for GPU implementation, in which DRFs are given as a Gaussian function of fixed width, we saw no remarkable difference for DOI data, but for non-DOI data the proposed model outperformed the conventional at the peripheral region of the field-of-view. The proposed model had almost the same calculation time as the conventional model did. For further acceleration, we tried parallel GPU implementation, and we obtained 3.8-fold acceleration by using 4 GPUs.
  • LI Zhenguang, 金子沙織, 織田成人, 川平洋, 羽石秀昭
    日本医用画像工学会大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2012年8月 日本医用画像工学会
    臨床においてはショック症状などに対し薬物治療が行われ、血流の乱れの改善、及び物質交換機能の改善が図られる。この治療効果を確認するため微小循環のモニタリングが望まれている。我々はこれらの課題に取り組むため、まずチップ型LED(Light Emitting Diode)と小型CCDカメラを組み合わせた微小循環の撮影装置を試作した。ここでは分光特性の異なる3色のチップ型LEDを配置し、異なる照明下でのバンド画像収集を可能としている。またこの装置を用いてヒトの舌下やブタ小腸の微小循環を撮影し、赤血球の流れる様子を確認した。さらに、微小循環のバンド画像を用い、画素値の大小とヘモグロビン特性との関係を利用し、血管間の酸素濃度の違いを考察した。(著者抄録)
  • ウィンドラ・スワスティカ, 桝田 喜正, 徐 睿, 木戸 尚治, 陳 延偉, 羽石 秀昭
    MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY 2012年8月 日本医用画像工学会
  • Shoko Kinouchi, Shoko Kinouchi, Taiga Yamaya, Taiga Yamaya, Hideaki Tashima, Eiji Yoshida, Fumihiko Nishikido, Hideaki Haneishi, Mikio Suga
    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2012年3月26日
    One of the challenging applications of PET is for in-beam PET, which is an in situ monitoring method for charged particle therapy. For this purpose, we have previously proposed an open-type PET scanner, OpenPET. The original OpenPET has a physically opened field-of-view (FOV) between two detector rings which irradiation beams pass through. This dual-ring OpenPET has a wide axial FOV including the gap. Therefore this geometry is not necessarily the most efficient when it is applied to in-beam PET in which only a limited FOV around the irradiation field is required. In this paper, we proposed new single-ring OpenPET geometry as more efficient geometry dedicated to in-beam PET. The detector ring of the proposed geometry is a cylinder both ends of which are cut by parallel aslant planes. The proposed geometry can be made compact so that the beam port can be placed close to the patient. © 2011 IEEE.
  • Windra Swastika, Hideaki Haneishi
    Telkomnika 2012年3月1日
    The use of circulant matrix as the sensing matrix in compressed sensing (CS) scheme has recently been proposed to overcome the limitation of random or partial Fourier matrices. Aside from reducing computational complexity, the use of circulant matrix for magnetic resonance (MR) image offers the feasibility in hardware implementations. This paper presents the simulation of compressed sensing for thoracic MR imaging with circulant matrix as the sensing matrix. The comparisons of reconstruction of three different type MR images using circulant matrix are investigated in term of number of samples, number of iteration and signal to noise ratio (SNR). The simulation results showed that circulant matrix works efficiently for encoding the MR image of respiratory organ, especially for smooth and sparse image in spatial domain. © 2012 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.
  • 金子沙織, 李震光, 織田成人, 川平洋, 羽石秀昭
    医工学治療 2012年3月 (NPO)日本医工学治療学会
  • 山谷泰賀, 吉田英治, 稲玉直子, 錦戸文彦, 平野祥之, 田島英朗, 木内尚子, 菅幹生, 羽石秀昭, 河合秀幸, 渡辺光男, 山下貴司
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2012年2月29日
  • Hideaki Tashima, Eiji Yoshida, Shoko Kinouchi, Fumihiko Nishikido, Naoko Inadama, Hideo Murayama, Mikio Suga, Hideaki Haneishi, Taiga Yamaya
    The OpenPET and its real-time imaging capability have great potential for real-time tumor tracking in medical procedures such as biopsy and radiation therapy. For the real-time imaging system, we intend to use the one-pass list-mode dynamic row-action maximum likelihood algorithm (DRAMA) and implement it using general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) techniques. However, it is difficult to make consistent reconstructions in real-time because the amount of list-mode data acquired in PET scans may be large depending on the level of radioactivity, and the reconstruction speed depends on the amount of the list-mode data. In this study, we developed a system to control the data used in the reconstruction step while retaining quantitative performance. In the proposed system, the data transfer control system limits the event counts to be used in the reconstruction step according to the reconstruction speed, and the reconstructed images are properly intensified by using the ratio of the used counts to the total counts. We implemented the system on a small OpenPET prototype system and evaluated the performance in terms of the real-time tracking ability by displaying reconstructed images in which the intensity was compensated. The intensity of the displayed images correlated properly with the original count rate and a frame rate of 2 frames per second was achieved with average delay time of 2.1 s.
  • 木内 尚子, 山谷 泰賀, 田島 英明, 平野 祥之, 吉田 英治, 錦戸 文彦, 羽石 秀昭, 菅 幹生
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 2012年1月19日 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会
    放射線治療のひとつである粒子線がん治療は深部のがんにも線量を集中させることができる.この粒子線がん治療の特徴を最大限に活かすために,治療計画通りの位置に照射できているかどうかをPET (Positron Emission Tomography)の方法を応用して画像化することが望まれている.放射線医学総合研究所ではがん診断・治療の融合を目的とした開放型PET装置「OpenPET」の開発を進めている.本研究では新たなOpenPET装置"Single-ring OpenPET"を提案する.Single-ring OpenPETは円筒を斜めに切断したような形状をしており,治療ビームが通過する開放領域を有する.特に装置を設計する際に長方形状の検出器ブロックの配置方法の検討が必要である.本研究では2つの配置方法を提案する.1つは検出器ブロックを楕円上に配置した検出器リングを斜めに並べる方法である.もう1つは従来PET装置と同様に検出器を円形リング状に並べ,各ブロックを体軸方向へ少しずつずらして配置する方法である.それぞれの配置方法でどのような再構成画像が得られるのか計算機シミュレーションで検討した結果,いずれの配置方法も良好な再構成画像を得ることができた.
  • Tetsuya Shinaji, Hideaki Tashima, Eiji Yoshida, Hideo Murayama, Taiga Yamaya, Hideaki Haneishi
    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2012年
    The world's first open type PET, named OpenPET, is being developed at the National Institute Radiological Sciences. We are aiming to employ the OpenPET in radiotherapy and to track the respiratory motion of a tumor in the thoracoabdominal region of a patient. By using PET images, we expect that the tumor itself can be directly visualized without using radio-opaque markers, but this goal has not been achieved yet. Our demonstration results using a small prototype OpenPET system showed that the system can output reconstructed images at about 2 frames per second with about a 2 s delay this delay is mainly due to the reconstruction calculation time. In this study, we developed a time delay correction method for tumor tracking for the OpenPET. Since it is difficult to correct the time delay using only the tumor location 2 s before, we introduced another sensor to acquire the respiration phase for correction. In the proposed method, the relationship between tumor motion and the additional sensor output signal was calculated by support vector regression (SVR) and the time delay was corrected by using the regression line which represents the relationship. We simulated this time delay correction method with computer-generated PET images which had practical respiration motions obtained from clinical MRI. As a result, we could track the tumor within almost 1.5 mm mean error when we assumed the use of a belt type respiratory motion sensor. We also found from the simulation that disturbance of the relationship can be detected by gates. Thus we could avoid the tracking errors which are caused by disturbance of the correlation. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Tetsuya Shinaji, Hideaki Tashima, Eiji Yoshida, Hideo Murayama, Taiga Yamaya, Hideaki Haneishi
    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2012年
    The world's first open type PET, named OpenPET, is being developed at the National Institute Radiological Sciences. We are aiming to employ the OpenPET in radiotherapy and to track the respiratory motion of a tumor in the thoracoabdominal region of a patient. By using PET images, we expect that the tumor itself can be directly visualized without using radio-opaque markers, but this goal has not been achieved yet. Our demonstration results using a small prototype OpenPET system showed that the system can output reconstructed images at about 2 frames per second with about a 2 s delay this delay is mainly due to the reconstruction calculation time. In this study, we developed a time delay correction method for tumor tracking for the OpenPET. Since it is difficult to correct the time delay using only the tumor location 2 s before, we introduced another sensor to acquire the respiration phase for correction. In the proposed method, the relationship between tumor motion and the additional sensor output signal was calculated by support vector regression (SVR) and the time delay was corrected by using the regression line which represents the relationship. We simulated this time delay correction method with computer-generated PET images which had practical respiration motions obtained from clinical MRI. As a result, we could track the tumor within almost 1.5 mm mean error when we assumed the use of a belt type respiratory motion sensor. We also found from the simulation that disturbance of the relationship can be detected by gates. Thus we could avoid the tracking errors which are caused by disturbance of the correlation. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Ayano Kikuchi, Toshiya Nakaguchi, Masahiro Tanabe, Hideaki Haneishi
    Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2012年
    We propose a VR based injection training system using Standardized Patient (SP) with an original haptic needle which can represent a haptic expression. SP is trained to realistically portray a real patient. In the proposed system, trainee can virtually puncture the SP using the haptic needle. In addition, the haptic needle can represent a haptic expression of needle insertion of the virtual anatomical model. By using the proposed system, trainee can feel virtual puncture as well as operating for real patient. © 2012 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.
  • Masayuki Kanai, Yoshitaka Tamai, Atsushi Sakohira, Kazuyoshi Suga, Hideaki Haneishi
    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2012年
    Lung motion due to respiration causes image degradation in medical imaging, especially in nuclear medicine which requires long acquisition time. We have developed a method for image correction between the respiration-gated (RG) PET images in different respiration phases or breath-hold (BH) PET images in inconsistent respiration phase. In the method, the RG or BH PET images in different respiration phase are deformed under two criteria similarity of image density distribution and smoothness of estimated motion vector field (MVF). However, only these criteria may cause un-natural motion estimation of lung. In this paper, assuming the use of a PET-CT scanner, we add another criterion that is the similarity to the motion direction estimated from inhalation and exhalation CT images. The proposed method was applied to XCAT phantom image data and seven patients' BH-PET image data. Successful registration results were obtained by the proposed method. © 2011 IEEE.
  • 菊地 綾乃, 中口 俊哉, 田邊 政裕, 羽石 秀昭
    VR医 2012年 日本VR医学会
    We propose a VR-based injection training system using Simulated Patient (SP) with an original haptic needle which can represent a haptic expression. SP is trained to realistically portray a real patient. In order to increase a realistic sensation and effect of training, it is important to train with real human. Therefore we propose a new training system which fuse SP and virtual training system. In the proposed system, trainee can virtually puncture the SP using the haptic needle. In addition, the haptic needle can represent a haptic expression of needle insertion of the virtual anatomical model. We developed the haptic needle which can represent a reaction force of puncturing. A reaction force of needle insertion is generated by clipping needle by using computer-controlled electromagnet and permanent magnet, and then a friction force is accrued. By using the proposed system, trainee can feel virtual puncture as well as operating for real patient.
  • 金子沙織, LI Zhenguang, 加藤辰一朗, 織田成人, 川平洋, 羽石秀昭
    日本写真学会誌 2011年5月26日
  • 村井希名, 川平洋, 羽石秀昭
    日本写真学会誌 2011年5月26日
  • 三橋隆之, 稲玉直子, 錦戸文彦, 吉田英治, 村山秀雄, 河合秀幸, 菅幹生, 羽石秀昭, 森谷隆広, 山谷泰賀
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2011年3月9日
  • Taiga Yamaya, Eiji Yoshida, Taku Inaniwa, Shinji Sato, Yasunori Nakajima, Hidekatsu Wakizaka, Daisuke Kokuryo, Atsushi Tsuji, Takayuki Mitsuhashi, Hideyuki Kawai, Hideaki Tashima, Fumihiko Nishikido, Naoko Inadama, Hideo Murayama, Hideaki Haneishi, Mikio Suga, Shoko Kinouchi
    The OpenPET geometry is our new idea to visualize a physically opened space between two detector rings. In this paper, we developed the first small prototype to show a proof-of-concept of OpenPET imaging. Two detector rings of 110 mm diameter and 42 mm axial length were placed with a gap of 42 mm. The basic imaging performance was confirmed through phantom studies; the open imaging was realized at the cost of slight loss of axial resolution and 24% loss of sensitivity. For a proof-of-concept of PET image-guided radiation therapy, we carried out the in-beam tests with C-11 radioactive beam irradiation in the heavy ion medical accelerator in Chiba to visualize in situ distribution of primary particles stopped in a phantom. We showed that PET images corresponding to dose distribution were obtained. For an initial proof-of-concept of real-time multimodal imaging, we measured a tumor-inoculated mouse with F-18-FDG, and an optical image of the mouse body surface was taken during the PET measurement by inserting a digital camera in the ring gap. We confirmed that the tumor in the gap was clearly visualized. The result also showed the extension effect of an axial field-of-view (FOV); a large axial FOV of 126 mm was obtained with the detectors that originally covered only an 84 mm axial FOV. In conclusion, our initial imaging studies showed promising performance of the OpenPET.
  • Yuma Ogata, Takahiro Moriya, Naoko Inadama, Fumihiko Nishikido, Eiji Yoshida, Hideo Murayama, Taiga Yamaya, Hideaki Haneishi
    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2011年 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
    X'tal cube is a next generation DOI detector for PET with high resolution and sensitivity that we are developing. It is constructed from a cubic scintillation crystal and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) coupled on various positions of six surfaces of the cube. A laser processing technique is applied to produce 3D optical boundaries composed of micro-cracks inside a monolithic scintillator crystal. In this paper, in order to design optical characteristics properly, we developed a Monte Carlo simulator which is able to arrange laser-processed optical boundaries (LPB) arbitrarily. Optical characteristics of LPB were measured using a set of laser and photo-diode and then modeled for simulator. Effectiveness of the simulator was confirmed from a comparison with the experiment using a cubic LYSO monolithic crystal with 6 x 6 x 6 segments. Furthermore, the simulator was accelerated by parallel computing with a general purpose GPU (GPGPU). Calculation speed with GPGPU was 350 to 430 times faster than that with only CPU. © 2011 IEEE.
  • Takayuki Mitsuhashi, Naoko Inadama, Fumihiko Nishikido, Eiji Yoshida, Hideo Murayama, Hideyuki Kawai, Mikio Suga, Hideaki Haneishi, Kengo Shibuya, Mitsuo Watanabe, Taiga Yamaya
    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2010年12月1日
    The X'tal cube is our new PET detector which is composed of a segmented crystal block and multi-pixel photon counters (MPPCs). It detects scintillation photons in three dimensions by arranging MPPCs on multiple surfaces of the crystal block. It is possible to collect scintillation photons efficiently for higher energy, spatial, and timing resolution. We have previously reported that 3 mm isotropic spatial resolution was obtained using the X'tal cube. In this study, we achieved 1 mm isotropic spatial resolution. The developed X'tal cube detector was composed of 1.0 1.0 1.0 mm3 LYSO crystals, which were structured into 16 16 16 arrays. Each surface of the crystal block was covered with 44 MPPCs with 3.0 mm 3.0 mm sensitive area. We evaluated crystal identification and energy performance, and the results showed that the X'tal cube has the expected 1 mm isotropic spatial resolution. © 2010 IEEE.
  • 三橋隆之, 稲玉直子, 錦戸文彦, 吉田英治, 村山秀雄, 河合秀幸, 菅幹生, 羽石秀昭, 澁谷憲悟, 渡辺光男, 山谷泰賀
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2010年8月30日
  • Takashi Ohnishi, Masahiko Suzuki, Atsushi Nawata, Shinji Naomoto, Tetsuji Iwasaki, Hideaki Haneishi
    Radiological Physics and Technology 2010年7月
    In diagnosis and treatment of knee joint diseases, it is effective to study the three-dimensional (3D) motion of the patient's knee joint involving the femur, tibia, and patella. A 2D/3D registration method with use of fluoroscopy and CT images is promising for this purpose. However, there is no report showing whether the dynamic 3D motion of the patella can be obtained. In this study, we tried to examine dynamic 3D motion of the knee joint which included the patella. First, in order to investigate the accuracy of the position estimation, we conducted an experiment on a pig knee joint which had several fiducial markers placed on it, and we found that errors in the estimation of rotation and translation were less than 1 mm and 1 deg. We then carried out an image-acquisition experiment with healthy knee joints of three volunteers and confirmed that 3D motions of the femur, tibia, and patella were successfully obtained for all cases. © 2010 Japanese Society of Radiological Technology and Japan Society of Medical Physics.
  • Hideaki Haneishi, Hiroshi Shimura, Hideki Hayashi
    We have previously developed a method that combines a mini gamma camera with an optical camera to synthesize the two kinds of images and help surgeons to easily identify sentinel lymph nodes on the gastric surface in cancer resection surgery. Since we assumed in this method that the object surface is flat, its application was limited. In this article, we extend this method so as to estimate the three-dimensional shape of the object from stereo optical cameras. A prototype system with a mini gamma camera and two optical cameras was constructed and a preliminary experiment with a rigid machine-made phantom was performed. From comparison with results obtained by the previous method, we confirmed the effectiveness of using the three-dimensional shape.
  • 桝田 喜正, 西川 朋輝, 和田 啓伸, 吉田 成利, 吉野 一郎, 木川 隆司, 伊東 久夫, 羽石 秀昭
    MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY 2010年5月 日本医用画像工学会
  • 小畑 秀文, 増谷 佳孝, 佐藤 嘉伸, 藤田 廣志, 仁木 登, 森 健策, 清水 昭伸, 木戸 尚治, 橋爪 誠, 羽石 秀昭, 長谷川 純一, 佐藤 哲大
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MI, 医用画像 2010年1月21日 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会
  • Kensuke Sekihara, Hideaki Haneishi, Nagaaki Ohyama
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2010年
    A method is proposed in which the locations and electric current vectors of multiple biomagnetic current dipoles can be estimated without a priori information regarding the exact number of dipoles. In this method, an additional constraint is used in the cost function in conjunction with a constraint regarding degree of matching between estimated dipole parameters and a measured magnetic field. Two constraints, a constraint on the sum of current magnitude and that on the sum of each dipole's contribution on measured data, are proposed as the additional constraint in this paper. Computer simulation clearly shows that either constraint can be effectively used to suppress the ambiguity caused by the lack of information regarding the exact number of dipoles. Since the cost function becomes highly nonlinear, the simulated annealing algorithm 1, 2 is essential to search for the minimum of the cost function. © 2010 SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering.
  • Masahiro Yamaguchi, Yuri Murakami, Hiroyuki Hashizume, Hideaki Haneishi, Yoshifumi Kanno, Yasuhiro Komiya
    Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 2010年
    The video capture of surgery is becoming widely used but the colors reproduced by conventional RGB-based video systems differ from the original. In this work, 6-band multispectral video was applied to the open surgery for highfidelity color reproduction, and medical doctors visually evaluated the reproduced image quality. As a result, 1) the 6- band video system was rated significantly higher in "color reproducibility," "fidelity," and "material appearance." 2) The perceived color differences between 6-band/RGB and 6-band/3-band were significant. 3) Color videos from 6-band data were transmitted via network, and approximately enough quality was obtained with 15Mbps bit rate. These results show the potential of multispectral technology for the improvement of surgical video quality. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.
  • Hideaki Haneishi, Kyoka Kobuna, Masayuki Kanai, Yoshitaka Tamai, Atsushi Sakohira, Kazuyoshi Suga
    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2010年
    A breath-hold (BH) acquisition method is easy of operation and recently studied actively. In the method, a patient is asked to hold his/her breath for 10 to 30 s as the image acquisition is performed. This is repeated several times and the obtained images are summed. In practice, however, a patient cannot necessarily hold his/her breath at the same timing of breathing. In such a case, the summed images still has a blur. In this paper, we propose to apply our image registration method developed before for respiratory-gated images to BH images. The BH images are nonlinearly motion-corrected so as to match a reference BH image and summed. Through the experiment with ten patient BH image data, we confirmed that the proposed method is effective in obtaining a non-blurred image. © 2010 IEEE.
  • 和田 啓伸, 吉田 成利, 桝田 喜正, 西川 朋輝, 羽石 秀昭, 吉野 一郎
    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌 2009年11月 (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会
  • Masahiro Yamaguchi, Junko Kishimoto, Yasuhiro Komiya, Yoshifumi Kanno, Yuri Murakami, Hiroyuki Hashizume, Ryouji Yamada, Kosuke Miyajima, Hideaki Haneishi
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 2009年
    High-fidelity color imaging technology that incorporates spectrum-based color reproduction system, called "natural vision" (NV) is applied to the field experiment of telemedicine. The experiment comprises mainly two parts 1) High-fidelity color video of open surgery was captured by the six-band multispectral camera, and the image quality was visually evaluated by medical doctors, 2) Video-based teleconsultation experiment between a regional general hospital and a clinic in an island near the hospital, was conducted with using the natural vision system. Copyright 2009 ACM.
  • Naoya Matsumoto, Tokiya Abe, Hideaki Haneishi
    Final Program and Proceedings - IS and T/SID Color Imaging Conference 2008年12月1日
    When a color video system with highly accurate color reproduction is designed, a good measure for evaluating the image quality including the color reproduction is required. Especially, in codec of motion pictures a good measure is strongly desired to determine a proper compression rate (bit rate). In this paper, we focus on the image quality of motion pictures compressed by H.264/AVC codec which is receiving increased attention. In this study, we investigated the usefulness of S-CIELAB. At first, S-CIELAB color difference calculation was applied to the frames of motion pictures after H.264/AVC codec. The performance was better than CIELAB color difference but not satisfactory. We then limited the region of calculation of ClELAB color difference to the smooth regions where compression error tends to attract attention of observers. Experimental results showing that the modification is promising are obtained.
  • Hideaki Haneishi, Hiroshi Shimura, Hideki Hayashi
    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2008年
    We have previously developed a method that combines a mini gamma camera with an optical camera to synthesize the two kinds of images and help surgeons to easily identify sentinel lymph nodes on the gastric surface in the cancer resection surgery. Since it is assumed in this method that the object surface is flat, the application is limited. In this article, we extend this method so as to estimate the three-dimensional shape of the object from stereo optical cameras. A prototype system with a mini gamma camera and two optical cameras was constructed and a preliminary experiment was performed. © 2008 IEEE.
  • Hideaki Haneishi, Masanobu Sato, Naoko Inadama, Hideo Murayama
    Radiological physics and technology 2008年1月1日
    A four-layer depth-of-interaction (DOI) detector was proposed from and developed at the research project at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Japan, with the aim of achieving high resolution and high spatial sensitivity. Previously, we had developed a Monte Carlo simulation for a DOI detector with 2 x 2 x 4 crystal elements. In this study, in order to simulate the final version of the DOI detector of the project, which uses a larger number of crystal elements, we have developed a much faster and simpler simulator. In this paper the algorithm of the simplified simulator as well as the previously proposed Monte Carlo method is presented and the validation of the simplified simulator through comparisons with the full Monte Carlo simulation and with some experimental results is described.
  • Masahiro Yamaguchi, Hideaki Haneishi, Nagaaki Ohyama
    This article presents a comprehensive study on the spectrum-based color reproduction system, called Natural Vision (NV), which aims to break through the limitation of red-green-blue (RGB) three-primary schemes. After a basic discussion on the motivation for color imaging technology beyond RGB, the method for systematizing the multispectral and multiprimary color imaging technologies, including image capture, processing, storage, printing, and display, is presented. Then experimental multispectral systems for both still image and video are introduced, and the following features of spectrum-based scheme are revealed: a) highly accurate color reproduction is possible even under different illumination environment, b) an expanded color gamut can be reproduced by multiprimary color displays, c) the influence of observer metamerism can be reduced by the spectral color reproduction, and d) the quantitative spectral attributes of an object, useful for its analysis or recognition, can be captured and preserved. Finally, the effectiveness of the system is also demonstrated through experiments in fields of application, such as medicine, digital archives, color printing, electronic commerce, and computer graphics. (C) 2008 Society for Imaging Science and Technology.
  • 内山俊郎, 内山匡, 奥雅博, 山口雅浩, 羽石秀昭, 大山永昭
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D 2008年
  • 岸本 純子, 村上 百合, 山口 雅浩, 大山永昭, 羽石秀昭, 橋本勝
    画像電子学会誌 37(5), (196) 678縲鰀685 ,2008 2008年
  • Hideaki Haneishi, Yoshimi Onishi, Hiroshi Shimura, Hideki Hayashi
    We have developed a method that combines a small semiconductor gamma camera with an optical camera to synthesize the two respective kinds of images and help surgeons to easily identify sentinel lymph nodes in various cancer surgery. The proposed method includes some key techniques such as distortion correction of the optical camera image, distance estimation between the camera head and the object surface using a laser and the optical camera, and perspective transformation of the gamma camera image to fuse with the optical camera image. The method, along with preliminary experimental results with a prototype setup are presented here.
  • Hidenori Ue, Hideaki Haneishi, Hideyuki Iwanaga, Kazuyoshi Suga
    Objective This study evaluated the respiratory motion of lungs using a nonlinear motion correction technique for respiratory-gated single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images. Methods The motion correction technique corrects the respiratory motion of the lungs nonlinearly between two-phase images obtained by respiratory-gated SPECT. The displacement vectors resulting from respiration can be computed at every location of the lungs. Respiratory lung motion analysis is carried out by calculating the mean value of the body axis component of the displacement vector in each of the 12 small regions into which the lungs were divided. In order to enable inter-patient comparison, the 12 mean values were normalized by the length of the lung region along the direction of the body axis. Results This method was applied to 25 Technetium (Tc)-99m-macroaggregated albumin (MAA) perfusion SPECT images, and motion analysis results were compared with the diagnostic results. It was confirmed that the respiratory lung motion reflects the ventilation function. A statistically significant difference in the amount of the respiratory lung motion was observed between the obstructive pulmonary diseases and other conditions, based on an impaired Student's t test (P < 0.0001). Conclusions A difference in the motion between normal lungs and lungs with a ventilation obstruction was detected by the proposed method. This method is effective for evaluating obstructive pulmonary diseases such as pulmonary emphysema and diffuse panbronchiolitis.
  • Genri Inagaki, Gaku Tanaka, Makoto Hishida, Hideaki Haneishi, Xiao Hu
    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B 2007年4月1日
    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation was carried out for an oscillatory flow in a 3-D realistic model of the human central airways, and the effect of airway geometry on the oscillatory flow structure was revealed. The computational model of multi-branching airways was prepared from X-ray CT images. Airway diameter ranges from approx. 2 to 14 mm. The flow in the airway model was simulated using CFD software : Fluent. The resultant flow showed differences compared with that observed in a simplified planar multi-branching model. The inspiratory flow patterns were relatively similar to the patterns observed in a simplified airway model, but the expiratory flow patterns strongly depended on the realistic airway geometry and showed more complicated secondary flow structures. Secondary flow velocities were higher in the realistic airway model than in the simplified airway model in both the inspiratory and expiratory flows. Performing Lagrangian fluid particle tracking, we discussed the convective dispersion due to asymmetric inspiratory and expiratory velocity profiles.
  • Peter Morovic, Hideaki Haneishi
    Surface reflectances are metameric for a colour input device if they induce identical response under one light source and induce a set of distinct responses under a second light source. Depending on the device sensitivities, metamerism will be different in structure (which reflectances form metamer sets), cardinality (the number of reflectances in each set) and their perceptual magnitude (e.g. the colour mismatch region of a metamer set under a change of illuminant). In this paper we propose measures to quantify the differences in colour input devices from the point of view of metamerism. Specifically, three quantitative correlates are proposed: the proportion of potentially metameric reflectances (reflectances that give identical response under a canonical illuminant), the proportion of metameric reflectances (potentially metameric reflectances that result in a colour mismatch under any of the test illuminants), the magnitude of the colour mismatch (CIE Delta E's of metameric reflectances under all relevant illuminants). In addition we introduce frequency images that visualise the extent of metamerism for a particular set of spectral sensitivities and a multi-spectral image of interest. Our aim in this study is twofold. firstly, to provide a means for the study of colour input devices from the point of view of their degree of metamerism; secondly, to expose the relationship between the accuracy of reflectance estimation and the extent of metamerism of a particular device. To illustrate our approach we compare several devices of various spectral sensitivities (trichromatic and multispectral) as well as series of synthetic sensitivities designed to study two particular aspects: the number of sensors and their shape.
  • Hideaki Haneishi, Ryosuke Ohtani, Hiroshi Kouno
    Many, historically or archeologically valuable paintings such as wall paintings in ancient tombs or Buddhist paintings in Japan or the other Asian countries have been drawn with natural mineral pigments (NMP). The digital archive of those paintings, the identification of pigments used in the paintings and the retrieval of color fading are strongly desired. Multispectral image acquisition of those paintings is very useful for both archive and analysis purposes. In this paper, we focus on the segmentation by pigment from multispectral images in the visible range. Here the kernel based nonlinear subspace method (KNS) is applied to the pigment-based segmentation of multispectral images of the paintings. At first, 55 NMP patches were made and the spectral reflectances were measured. Next, multispectral image acquisition of the color patch array and a Buddha painting drawn with those pigments were performed. Using the training sets of color patches, the segmentation of those images was performed. For comparison, image segmentation from three-band image and a conventional linear subspace method called CLAFIC were tested. It was found that the KNS method with multispectral images worked best than the other methods. Quantitative evaluation with color patches was carried out and the visual evaluation for the segmentation result of the Buddha painting was also performed.
  • 羽石 秀昭, 蜂屋 弘之, 山口 匡, 小島 伸俊
    千葉大学フロンティアメディカル工学研究開発センター年報 2007年 千葉大学
  • Peter Morovič, Hideaki Haneishi, Hideaki Haneishi
    Final Program and Proceedings - IS and T/SID Color Imaging Conference 2006年12月1日
    Common, tri-chromatic, RGB colour-acquisition devices capture spectral signals by a coarse sampling through three broad colour filters. Due to metamerism, a single response from a RGB device corresponds to an infinite set of possible surface spectral reflectances. In order to acquire higher quality surface colour descriptors that reduce metamerism in the acquisition process, multi-spectral imaging devices are used. These sample the spectral signals more finely through > 3 colour filters, enabling better estimation of surface spectral reflectance and consequently mitigating the problem of metamerism. In this paper the performance of a 6-channel digital video camera is evaluated in terms of it's accuracy to capture surface spectral reflectances. A. number of known techniques to estimate reflectance from device response are examined, such as linear least squares, the Wiener estimation technique, Tikhonov regularised estimation as well as the Metamer Set Maximum Likelihood method. The performance of each algorithm is compared under different training and testing conditions. The experiments show that there estimation accuracy is significantly increased by using multi-spectral acquisition and furthermore that there is benefit in using more advanced estimation techniques still.
  • Masahiro Yamaguchi, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Ryo Iwama, Hiroshi Kanazawa, Norihito Fujikawa, Hiroyuki Fukuda, Hideaki Haneishi, Nagaaki Ohyama, Nagaaki Ohyama, Hidefumi Wada, Takeshi Kambara, Michiko Aihara, Yuko Yamakawa, Akinobu Nemoto, Masaki Furukawa, Zenro Ikezawa
    Final Program and Proceedings - IS and T/SID Color Imaging Conference 2006年12月1日
    The color reproduction accuracy of a multispectral video system was visually evaluated by expert dermatologists to investigate the feasibility of the system in telemedicine applications. The erythema produced by a skin prick test was used as a substitution of real skin lesion, and the dermatologists performed a color matching experiment, in which the color chips were compared with the reproduced images and the real skins. As a result, the mutisperctral video system, consisting of 6-band HDTV camera, 6-primary display and spectrum-based color reproduction, decreased the perceptual color difference between the reproduced image and the real object, as compared with a conventional 3-band HDTV system. It was also shown that the oversights of skin lesions could be reduced in 6-band video reproduction. Through the experiments including multispectral video transmission between the remote hospitals in addition to above skin color matching, dermatologists rated that the natural color reproduction realized by multispectral video is almost satisfactory for the diagnosis of skin disorders. Copyright 2006 Society for Imaging Science and Technology.
  • Masaru Tsuchida, Masaru Tsuchida, Hiroyuki Arai, Toshio Uchiyama, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Hideaki Haneishi, Hideaki Haneishi, Nagaaki Ohyama, Nagaaki Ohyama
    CGIV 2006 - 3rd European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, Final Program and Proceedings 2006年12月1日
    We described a method of CG rendering that uses spectral reflectance and multispectral data obtained using different types of measurement systems. This method can be used to synthesize CG and live-action pictures with different numbers of bands. We experimentally created a short movie using multispectral CG and live-action pictures and demonstrated that we can generate natural and accurate color images.
  • HANEISHI Hideaki, MIYAHARA Seiji, YOSHIDA Atsushi
    Color Research and Application 2006年8月
    Multiband cameras have been studied and developed for accurate color reproduction. On the other hand, high dynamic range image acquisition is also strongly desired in many applications. Multiband cameras can potentially meet both needs if their sensitivities are properly controlled. In this article, a method for expansion of the dynamic range that uses a six-band camera consisting of three high-sensitivity bands and three low-sensitivity bands is introduced. Experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of the method are also shown. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • T Yamaya, N Hagiwara, T Obi, T Tsuda, K Kitamura, T Hasegawa, H Haneishi, N Inadama, E Yoshida, H Murayama
    We are developing a high-performance brain PET scanner, jPET-D4, which provides 4-layer depth-of-interaction (DOI) information. The scanner is designed to achieve not only high spatial resolution but also high scanner sensitivity with the DOI information obtained from multi-layered thin crystals. The scanner has 5 rings of 24 detector blocks each, and each block consists of 1024 GSO crystals of 2.9 mm x 2.9 mm x 7.5 mm, which are arranged in 4 layers of 16 x 16 arrays. At this stage, a pair of detector blocks and a coincidence circuit have been assembled into an experimental prototype gantry. In this paper, as a preliminary experiment, we investigated the performance of the jPET-D4's spatial resolution using the prototype system. First, spatial resolution was measured from a filtered backprojection reconstructed image. To avoid systematic error and reduce computational cost in image reconstruction, we applied the DOI compression (DOIC) method followed by maximum likelihood expectation maximization that we had previously proposed. Trade-off characteristics between background noise and resolution were investigated because improved spatial resolution is possible only when enhanced noise is avoided. Experimental results showed that the jPET-D4 achieves better than 3mm spatial resolution over the field-of-view.
  • 村山 秀雄, 棚田 修二, 山谷 泰賀, 山本 誠一, 河合 秀幸, 羽石 秀昭, 高橋 浩之, 長谷川 智之, 小尾 高史, 住谷 圭二
    INNERVISION 2006年6月 (株)インナービジョン
  • UE Hidenori, HANEISHI Hideaki, IWANAGA Hideyuki, SUGA Kazuyoshi
    IEEE Transaction of Medical Imaging 2006年4月
    We propose a method for correcting the motion of the lungs between different phase images obtained by respiratory-gated single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). This method is applied to SPECT images that show a preserved activity distribution in the lungs such as 99m-Tc macro aggregated albumin (99m-Tc-MAA) perfusion images and 99m-Tc-Technegas ventilation images. In the proposed method, an objective function, which consists of both the degree of similarity between a reference image and a deformed image, and the smoothness of deformation is defined and optimized using a simulated annealing algorithm. For the degree of similarity term in the objective function, an expansion ratio, defined as the ratio of change in local volume due to deformation, is introduced to preserve the total activity during the motion correction process. This method was applied to data simulated from computer phantoms, data acquired from a physical phantom, and 17 sets of clinical data. In all cases, the motion correction between inspiration and expiration phase images was successfully achieved. © 2006 IEEE.
  • IEEE Transactions of Medical Imaging 2006年4月









