
関屋 大雄

セキヤ ヒロオ  (Hiroo Sekiya)


千葉大学 大学院情報学研究院 教授
湘潭大学 Xiangtan University Honored Professor
長崎総合科学大学 客員教授



令和6年-      千葉大学大学院情報学研究院教授
平成30年-令和6年 千葉大学大学院工学研究院 教授
平成28年-平成30年 千葉大学大学院融合科学研究科 教授
平成27年-令和2年 湘潭大学(Xiangtan University) Honorary Professor
平成23年-平成28年 千葉大学大学院融合科学研究科 准教授
平成20年-平成22年 Wright State University 訪問研究員(日本学術振興会海外特別研究員)
平成19年-平成23年 千葉大学大学院融合科学研究科 助教
平成13年-平成19年 千葉大学大学院自然科学研究科 助手

平成13年 慶應義塾大学院理工学研究科電気工学専攻博士課程修了 博士(工学)




  • Wenqi Zhu, Yutaro Komiyama, Ayano Komanaka, Kien Nguyen, Hiroo Sekiya
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 71(9) 10433-10443 2024年9月1日  
    This article presents a load-independent zero-current switching (ZCS) parallel-resonant inverter with a constant output current. The proposed inverter features constant-current output inherently without the need for any control method. Moreover, ZCS is achieved despite load variations, ensuring high power efficiency even at MHz-order switching frequencies. We conduct a comprehensive circuit analysis of the proposed inverter and provide a step-by-step parameter design method for achieving load-independent conditions. Additionally, a 25 W, 1 MHz prototype of the proposed inverter was implemented. In the circuit experiment, constant current output and ZCS were achieved across the entire range of load variations, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed load-independent inverter.
  • Hisa Aki Tanaka, Yoji Yabe, Somei Suga, Akira Keida, Kai Maeda, Fumito Mori, Hiroo Sekiya
    EPL 146(5) 2024年6月  
    Synchronisability of limit cycle oscillators has been measured by the width of the synchronous frequency band, known as the Arnold tongue, concerning external forcing. We clarify a fundamental limit on maximizing this synchronisability within a specified extra low power budget, which underlies an important and ubiquitous problem in nonlinear science related to an efficient synchronisation of weakly forced nonlinear oscillators. In this letter, injection-locked Class-E oscillators are considered as a practical case study, and we systematically analyse their power consumption; our observations demonstrate the independence of power consumption in the oscillator from power consumption in the injection circuit and verify the dependency of power consumption in the oscillator solely on its oscillation frequency. These systematic observations, followed by the mathematical optimisation establish the existence of a fundamental limit on synchronisability, validated through systematic circuit simulations. The results offer insights into the energetics of synchronisation for a specific class of injection-locked oscillators.
  • Hiroo Sekiya
    Wireless Power Transfer Technologies: Theory and technologies 89-117 2024年1月1日  
  • Yue Su, Yang Xiang, Kien Nguyen, Hiroo Sekiya
    Proceedings - 2024 IEEE 48th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2024 1572-1573 2024年  
    The fusion of IoT and Blockchain (i.e., IoT-Blockchain) promisingly revolutionizes numerous domains. However, IoT-Blockchain systems may face scalability challenges due to a large number of IoT devices and blockchain performance. Sharding, which divides the blockchain into smaller groups, offers a solution to enhance blockchain scalability. However, most previous sharding research typically considers even node distribution in a shard (i.e., a fixed node number). Hence, it may not capture the characteristics of IoT- Blockchain systems well, where nodes are diversely distributed. This paper investigates a new scenario of shards having unevenly distributed nodes, aiming to see the impacts of the scenario on sharding protocols. More specifically, we evaluate the BrokerChain protocol on the sharding-based emulation platform (i.e., BlockEmulator) in scenarios with even and uneven node distributions. The results show that the protocol performance degrades with the uneven node distribution, suggesting the need for a dynamic sharding protocol.
  • Koki Koshikawa, Jong Deok Kim, Won Joo Hwang, Kien Nguyen, Hiroo Sekiya
    IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2024年  
    Blockchain holds significant potential in addressing the security, privacy, decentralization, and interoperability challenges prevalent in the Internet of Things (IoT), However, this advancement often comes at the expense of scalability. Therefore, enhancing the scalability of IoT blockchain systems while preserving other essential blockchain attributes is imperative. This paper aims to mitigate network latency in the blockchain network, a factor directly linked to blockchain scalability. Achieving this goal requires implementing an efficient peer selection method, moving beyond the reliance on default selection (i.e., the one in Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.). In existing literature, Perigee has been introduced as a method that nearly optimizes the delay in the transaction transmission process. However, Perigee has not comprehensively addressed the complete transaction life cycle, which includes a crucial process-block transmission. In response to this limitation, we propose Dual Perigee, a solution that thoroughly considers and optimizes both transaction-oriented latency (TOL) and block-oriented latency (BOL). To show the effectiveness of Dual Perigee, we implemented and evaluated it within an emulated IoT-Blockchain system, comparing its performance with Perigee and the default peering method in Ethereum. The results reveal that Dual Perigee excels in reducing BOL compared to Perigee. Moreover, Dual Perigee exhibited a latency that was 43% and 80% lower than the default peering method and Perigee, respectively.


  • 眞田 耕輔, 関屋 大雄, 阪田 史郎
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 112(350) 91-95 2012年12月13日  
    無線マルチホップネットワークは中央制御や基地局なしに柔軟なネットワークの構築が可能として様々な分野での応用が期待されている.無線マルチホップネットワークでは,個々の端末は独立して動作するため,ネットワーク全体に複雑な挙動を生み出す.本稿では,IEEE 802.11直線状無線マルチホップネットワークにおいて,ネットワークが非飽和状態におけるスループット解析を行う.本解析では,非飽和状態における隠れ端末問題に起因する衝突率及びフレーム保持確率を解析的に導出する.また,本解析はネットワークの飽和状態である条件式を与えることにより,ネットワークの最大スループットを導出する.シミュレーションとの比較により解析の妥当性を示す.
  • 満足 亮, 関屋 大雄, 馬 ジン, 眞田 耕輔, 阪田 史郎
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 112(351) 65-69 2012年12月13日  
    全ての端末が自律動作するマルチホップネットワーク環境においてマルチチャネルを利用するため,制御チャネルを用いる方法が挙げられる.制御チャネル上での割り当ては全体の通信容量に影響するため, 制御チャネル上での動作が重要である.特に制御フレームの衝突は不十分なチャネル割り当ての原因となり, 高いスループットを得るための問題である.また, 非同期, 単一送受信機を用いる場合において発生する難聴問題が存在する.本研究では非常に短い信号であるPulse/Tone信号を用いたマルチチャネルMACプロトコルを提案する.提案方式では, 制御チャネル上での制御フレームの衝突を回避し, 更に難聴状態を検知し対応することにより, スループットを向上させる.シミュレーションにより従来方式と比較し提案方式の有効性を確認する.
  • 眞田 耕輔, 関屋 大雄, 阪田 史郎
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 112(351) 143-147 2012年12月13日  
  • 茂木 翔, 関屋 大雄, 馬 ジン
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 112(351) 59-64 2012年12月13日  
  • 茂木 翔, 関屋 大雄, 馬 ジン, 眞田 耕輔, 阪田 史郎
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. RCS, 無線通信システム 112(351) 59-64 2012年12月6日  
    無線アドホックネットワークにおいて,指向性アンテナによるビームフォーミングを利用し,空間利用効率を向上させる通信方式が注目されている.しかし,指向性アンテナを用いた通信では,アンテナの特性により新たに指向性隠れ端末問題が発生し,スループットが制限される.本稿では,指向性アンテナを用いた無線アドホックネットワークにおいて,指向性隠れ端末問題による衝突を軽減するMedium Access Control (MAC) プロトコルを提案する.提案方式では,送信端末はDATA フレームを複数のDATA フラグメントに分割し,連続して送信する.また受信端末は,通信中に,短い信号(SBA 信号) を周期的に送信することで,隠れ端末に現在通信中であることを伝える.SBA 信号を検知した端末は,Directional Network Allocation Vector (DNAV) を設定する.これにより,Request ToSend (RTS),Clear To Send (CTS) を受信できなかった端末も送信を抑制することができるので,DATA フレームの衝突が軽減され,スループットが向上する.計算機シミュレーションにより,提案方式の有効性を確認する.
  • 眞田耕輔, 関屋大雄, 阪田史郎
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 112(351(RCS2012 184-237)) 143-147 2012年12月6日  
  • 満足亮, 関屋大雄, MA Jing, 眞田耕輔, 阪田史郎
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 112(351(RCS2012 184-237)) 65-69 2012年12月6日  
  • 茂木 翔, 関屋 大雄, 馬 ジン, 眞田 耕輔, 阪田 史郎
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. RCS, 無線通信システム 112(351) 59-64 2012年12月6日  
    無線アドホックネットワークにおいて,指向性アンテナによるビームフォーミングを利用し,空間利用効率を向上させる通信方式が注目されている.しかし,指向性アンテナを用いた通信では,アンテナの特性により新たに指向性隠れ端末問題が発生し,スループットが制限される.本稿では,指向性アンテナを用いた無線アドホックネットワークにおいて,指向性隠れ端末問題による衝突を軽減するMedium Access Control (MAC) プロトコルを提案する.提案方式では,送信端末はDATA フレームを複数のDATA フラグメントに分割し,連続して送信する.また受信端末は,通信中に,短い信号(SBA 信号) を周期的に送信することで,隠れ端末に現在通信中であることを伝える.SBA 信号を検知した端末は,Directional Network Allocation Vector (DNAV) を設定する.これにより,Request ToSend (RTS),Clear To Send (CTS) を受信できなかった端末も送信を抑制することができるので,DATA フレームの衝突が軽減され,スループットが向上する.計算機シミュレーションにより,提案方式の有効性を確認する.
  • 関屋大雄
    電気通信普及財団研究調査報告書(CD-ROM) (27) 354-366 2012年12月  
  • Jing Ma, Hiroo Sekiya, Atsushi Nagasaki, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Shiro Sakata
    IEICE Transactions on Communications E95-B(11) 3545-3555 2012年11月  査読有り
    We herein propose a MAC protocol for the smart antenna network, which applies pulse/tone exchange prior to the RTS/CTS handshake process. RTS frame collisions are drastically reduced with little additional overhead due to pulse/tone exchange in the proposed protocol. In addition, the number of exposed nodes is reduced by using smart antennas. Furthermore, since the occurrence of the deafness problem can be identified by pulse/tone exchange failure, retransmission is conducted using a fixed contention window value. Therefore, the wastage of wireless resources due to the deafness problem is reduced. As a result, the network throughput can be effectively improved compared with that for previous protocols. Simulation results demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed protocol. Copyright © 2012 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
  • Xiuqin Wei, Shingo Kuroiwa, Tomoharu Nagashima, Marian K. Kazimierczuk, Hiroo Sekiya
    This paper introduces a push-pull class-E-M power amplifier for achieving low harmonic contents and high output power. By applying the push-pull configuration of the class-E-M power amplifier, the proposed amplifier achieves an extremely lower total harmonic distortion (THD) and about four times higher output power than the conventional single class-E-M power amplifier. Design curves of the proposed amplifiers for satisfying the class-E-M ZVS/ZDVS/ZCS/ZDCS conditions are given. A design example is shown along with the PSpice-simulation and experimental waveforms for 1-MHz amplifier, considering the MOSFET drain-to-source nonlinear parasitic capacitances, MOSFET switch-on resistances, and equivalent series resistance of the inductors. The waveforms from the PSpice simulation and circuit experiment satisfied all the switching conditions, which has shown the accuracy of the design curves given in this paper and validated the effectiveness of the push-pull class-E-M power amplifier.
  • 馬 ジン, 関屋 大雄, 小室 信喜
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 112(122) 7-12 2012年7月13日  
  • 関屋大雄, WEI Xiuqin
    ケミカルエンジニヤリング 57(5) 381-385 2012年5月1日  
  • 関屋 大雄, 魏 秀欽
    ケミカルエンジニヤリング 57(5) 381-385 2012年5月  
  • 永島 和治, 魏 秀欽, 高坂 拓司, 関屋 大雄
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLP, 非線形問題 112(6) 115-120 2012年4月12日  
  • 高瀬 琢磨, 小室 信喜, 阪田 史郎, 関屋 大雄, 塩田 茂雄, 村瀬 勉
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IN, 情報ネットワーク 111(469) 25-30 2012年3月1日  
  • 渡部 公介, 小室 信喜, 阪田 史郎, 関屋 大雄, 塩田 茂雄, 村瀬 勉
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IN, 情報ネットワーク 111(469) 293-298 2012年3月1日  
    IEEE 802.11e EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access)では,フレームに4つの優先度を設けることで,通信品質を要求されるデータを優先的に送信する QOS (Quality of Service)制御を実現している.しかし,EDCAで構成されるネットワーク内にDCF (Distributed Coordination Function)で動作する端末が混在すると,EDCAのQoS制御機能の低下する問題がある.本稿では,DCFで動作する端末に対してAP (Access Point)の機能変更のみで導入が可能なQoS制御方式 ROC (Receiving-Opportunity Control in MAC Frame)を用いることで,EDCAのQoS制御機能低下を防止する方式を提案する.さらに,任意の混在環境において,フロー数,パケット長,データレート等のパラメータを基に解析的に適切なROC制御を行う方法を示し,EDCAだけでは満たすことのできないQoS要求にも対応できる方式を提案する.シミュレーションにより提案方式の有効性を示す.
  • Amira Abdelwahab, Hiroo Sekiya, Ikuo Matsuba, Yasuo Horiuchi, Shingo Kuroiwa
    International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 11(1) 33-53 2012年  査読有り
    Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most prevalent recommendation techniques, providing personalized recommendations to users based on their previously expressed preferences and those of other similar users. Although CF has been widely applied in various applications, its applicability is restricted due to the data sparsity, the data inadequateness of new users and new items (cold start problem), and the growth of both the number of users and items in the database (scalability problem). In this paper, we propose an efficient iterative clustered prediction technique to transform user-item sparse matrix to a dense one and overcome the scalability problem. In this technique, spectral clustering algorithm is utilized to optimize the neighborhood selection and group the data into users' and items' clusters. Then, both clustered user-based and clustered item-based approaches are aggregated to efficiently predict the unknown ratings. Our experiments on MovieLens and book-crossing data sets indicate substantial and consistent improvements in recommendations accuracy compared to the hybrid user-based and item-based approach without clustering, hybrid approach with k-means and singular value decomposition (SVD)-based CF. Furthermore, we demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed iterative technique and proved its performance through a varying number of iterations. © 2012 World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Amira Abdelwahab, Hiroo Sekiya, Ikuo Matsuba, Yasuo Horiuchi, Shingo Kuroiwa
    Journal of Computational Information Systems 8(1) 435-450 2012年  査読有り
    Collaborative filtering (CF) is currently one of the most popular and widely used recommendation techniques. It generates personalized predictions based on the assumption that users with similar tastes prefer similar items. It assumes that all features (users or items) have an equal importance in prediction formulation. However, if the importance of features is different, the later assumption will lead to inaccurate predictions. In this paper, a feature weighting method for cluster-based CF recommender systems is proposed. In this method, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is utilized to estimate the features importance and allocate their weights accordingly. A prediction model, utilizing the spectral clustering technique in both user-based and item-based CF, is used to evaluate these weights and to predict the unknown ratings. In this work, the suggested prediction model utilizes the features weights to enhance the similarity measure and cluster formulation. The results of experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively improve the quality of recommendation and eliminating main CF limitations. © 2012 Binary Information Press January 2012.
  • Ryosuke Miyahara, Ryosuke Miyahara, Xiuqin Wei, Tomoharu Nagashima, Takuji Kousaka, Hiroo Sekiya
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 59(10) 2456-2467 2012年  査読有り
    This paper presents the class-EMoscillator with the second-harmonic injection current, along with its design procedure, design curves, and design example. In the proposed oscillator, the output frequency of the proposed oscillator is locked with the input frequency of the injection circuit. Additionally, the switch-voltage and switch-current waveforms in the main circuit achieve the class-EMzero-voltage switching, zero-voltage-derivative switching, zero-current switching, and zero-current-derivative switching (ZVS/ZVDS/ZCS/ZCDS) conditions and the switch voltage waveform in the injection circuit satisfied the class-E ZVS/ZDS conditions. In the laboratory experiment, the oscillator achieved 92.0% power-conversion efficiency at 34.8 W output power and 1 MHz operating frequency. The experimental results agreed with the numerical predictions quantitatively, which denotes the validity of the design procedure. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Akiko Takahashi, Hiroo Sekiya, Kazuyuki Aihara, Takuji Kousaka
    In this paper, we propose a numerical method to calculate the grazing bifurcation points in an impact oscillator with periodic boundaries. First, we illustrate the n-dimensional autonomous impact oscillator with the moving boundaries. The boundaries consist of the scalar function involving the periodic function. When the trajectory hits one boundary, the solution jumps to the other immediately. Next, we construct the composite Poincare map and show its derivatives. Using the derivatives, we calculate the location of the periodic point, bifurcation parameter and time that elapses before the trajectory hitting the boundary. Finally, we apply the method to a Rayleigh-type oscillator with the sinusoidal boundaries to confirm its validity.
  • Tomoharu Nagashima, Xiuqin Wei, Tadashi Suetsugu, Hiroo Sekiya
    This paper presents a design method of the inductive coupled wireless power transfer (WPT) system with class-DE power amplifier. The class-DE amplifier can achieve high power-conversion efficiency at high frequencies because it satisfies the class-E zero-voltage switching and zero-derivative-voltage switching conditions. By using the class-DE amplifier as a driver to generate a voltage across the primary inductor, high power-delivery efficiency can be achieved in the designed WPT system. A step-by-step design example using Spice is presented. The simulation results show the overall efficiency of 32.5 % at 250 mW.
  • Sho Motegi, Hiroo Sekiya, Jing Ma, Kosuke Sanada, Shiro Sakata
    This paper proposes a MAC protocol for ad hoc networks with directional antennas for mitigating the directional hidden-node problem. In the proposed protocol, it is possible to tell the communication situation to the directional hidden node by using DATA-frame fragmentations and short busy advertisement signals. As a result, the frame collisions induced by the directional hidden nodes can be reduced and the network throughput is enhanced compared with the conventional protocol. Simulation results show the validity and effectiveness of the proposed protocol.
  • Ryo Manzoku, Hiroo Sekiya, Jing Ma, Kosuke Sanada, Shiro Sakata
    In multi-channel wireless ad-hoc network, the nodes need to negotiate the channel reservation. Preparing the control channel is one of the strategies for the channel reservation. When the control channel congests due to frame collisions, the control channel is bottleneck for obtaining high throughput. This paper proposes a MAC protocol for multi-channel wireless ad-hoc network for frame collision avoidance on the control channel. The proposed protocol requires only one transceiver in each node, no time-synchronization mechanism among nodes, and few overheads. In the protocol, the node negotiates the channel using the RTS/CTS handshake. The Pulse/Tone exchanges are applied prior to the RTS/CTS handshake for RTS-frame collision avoidance. Additionally, the exposed node problem due to Pulse/Tone exchange is also mitigated, because of the good compatibility between multi-channels and the Pulse/Tone exchanges. It is shown from simulation results that the proposed protocol achieves higher throughput than the previous protocols, especially for heavy offered load condition.
  • 関屋 大雄
    電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ Fundamentals Review 5(4) 340-340 2012年  
  • 関屋 大雄
    電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ Fundamentals Review 6(2) 134-137 2012年  
  • 関屋大雄
    システム/制御/情報 56(3) 112-119 2012年  
  • 高瀬琢磨, 小室信喜, 阪田史郎, 塩田茂雄, 村瀬勉, 関屋大雄
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 B J95-B(2) 188-198 2012年  
  • 眞田 耕輔, 関屋 大雄, 小室 信喜, 阪田 史郎
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 111(344) 13-18 2011年12月15日  
  • 清水佑翔, 関屋大雄, 合原一幸, 高坂拓司
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 111(339(NLP2011 117-123)) 31-34 2011年12月8日  
  • 眞田 耕輔, 関屋 大雄, 小室 信喜, 阪田 史郎
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NS, ネットワークシステム 111(344) 13-18 2011年12月8日  
  • 小室信喜, 阪田史郎, 関屋大雄
    電気通信普及財団研究調査報告書(CD-ROM) (26) 357-364 2011年12月  
  • 高橋明子, 関屋大雄, 合原一幸, 高坂拓司
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 111(276(NLP2011 91-116)) 29-32 2011年11月2日  
  • 永島 和治, 魏 秀欽, 高坂 拓司, 関屋 大雄
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLP, 非線形問題 111(276) 49-54 2011年11月2日  
  • Xiuqin Wei, Hiroo Sekiya, Shingo Kuroiwa, Tadashi Suetsugu, Marian K. Kazimierczuk
    This paper presents expressions for the waveforms and design equations to satisfy the ZVS/ZDS conditions in the class-E power amplifier, taking into account the MOSFET gate-to-drain linear parasitic capacitance and the drain-to-source nonlinear parasitic capacitance. Expressions are given for power output capability and power conversion efficiency. Design examples are presented along with the PSpice-simulation and experimental waveforms at 2.3 W output power and 4 MHz operating frequency. It is shown from the expressions that the slope of the voltage across the MOSFET gate-to-drain parasitic capacitance during the switch-off state affects the switch-voltage waveform. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the MOSFET gate-to-drain capacitance for achieving the class-E ZVS/ZDS conditions. As a result, the power output capability and the power conversion efficiency are also affected by the MOSFET gate-to-drain capacitance. The waveforms obtained from PSpice simulations and circuit experiments showed the quantitative agreements with the theoretical predictions, which verify the expressions given in this paper.
  • 清水佑翔, 関屋大雄, 合原一幸, 高坂拓司
    電気関係学会九州支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 64th ROMBUNNO.09-2A-06 2011年9月16日  
  • 中村竜太, 関屋大雄, 高坂拓司
    電気関係学会九州支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 64th ROMBUNNO.09-2A-02 2011年9月16日  
  • Hiroo Sekiya, Yoshihiro Tsuchiya, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Shiro Sakata
    Wireless Personal Communications 60(1) 29-41 2011年9月  査読有り
    It is important to obtain analytical expressions of the maximum throughput in IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function multi-hop networks. In the previous works, the analytical expressions of the maximum throughput for one-way string multi-hop networks taking into account the signal capture effect were obtained. In other researches, the analytical expressions of the maximum throughput for one-way string multi-hop networks were also obtained, which are, however, valid only for short-frame communications. There is no analytical expression for maximum throughput, which is valid for long-frame communications. This paper presents an analytical expression of the maximum throughput for long-frame communications. For the long-frame-communication analysis, we make different assumptions from those in the previous-analyses. In the short-frame-communication analyses, it is assumed that all nodes always have frames. In the long-frame-communication analysis, however, it should be assumed that every equal to or more than three nodes in a string-topology network have frames. The comprehension of this behavior is the most important progression in this paper. The assumptions and the analytical expression are validated by the simulation results. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
  • 関屋大雄, LI Yuzhen, 狭川なつみ
    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集 2011(2) S.21-S.22-21"-"S-22" 2011年8月30日  
  • 関屋 大雄, 李 玉珍, 狭川 なつみ
    電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集 2011(2) "S-21"-"S-22" 2011年8月30日  
  • Wei Xiuqin, Sekiya Hiroo, Kuroiwa Shingo
    回路とシステムワークショップ論文集 Workshop on Circuits and Systems 24 254-259 2011年8月1日  
  • 大山修毅, 関屋大雄, 末次正, 太郎丸真
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 111(145(RCS2011 75-110)) 157-162 2011年7月14日  
  • 大山 修毅, 関屋 大雄, 末次 正, 太郎丸 真
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. RCS, 無線通信システム 111(145) 157-162 2011年7月14日  
  • 永島和治, WEI Xiuqin, 関屋大雄
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 111(106(NLP2011 25-59)) 171-175 2011年6月23日  
  • WEI Xiuqin, 永島和治, 黒岩眞吾, 関屋大雄
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 111(106(NLP2011 25-59)) 165-170 2011年6月23日  
  • 中村竜太, 関屋大雄, 高坂拓司
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 111(106(NLP2011 25-59)) 161-164 2011年6月23日  
  • 眞田 耕輔, 関屋 大雄, 小室 信喜, 阪田 史郎
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLP, 非線形問題 111(106) 35-40 2011年6月23日  



